Guan Ru Lung 2022 Portfolio

Page 1

About. ¥w µw ∂ Guan Ru, Lung

' ~ N @ A . ( Æ

Contact. Phone. 0972.757883 Email.


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Experience. Cizoo&co. $%stuvwwxy/0 / Cz

2016 to 2022

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IAEA Tapei. ∞±ghÄÇij≤≥Åww|}

2019 to present

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Awards Record.

2015. ÊøÁëËÈÍÎÏÌxy&'ÓÔfl‡ / €w

ÒÚÛÖ‹›Ùı&'Öˆ˜¯˘¡¬√ / The Tower / ˙ ÒÚÛÖ‹›Ùı&'Öˆ˜¯˘¡¬√ / The Tower / ˙


4C ‹›≈fifl‡ / The Tower / ·0‚„‰⁄Â

2011. ∑∏”‘º‘Œ’÷◊ø√ / ÿŸ / ⁄€


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Teaching Proposal.

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Prepare. ,cde X,YZXR[XR\]^R_`<Rab


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Prepare. ,cde ª˜mnK5^m.à66ÔiGE6Rw 0_R“oRà62pcwYqràsêRw tuRvwxRyÑê^Ry`Rz{|


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Experience. CL’s Museum. é≠ÆTØv

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Handmade Cards. *}øÌGE

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Art work.

Memories from my Hometown …


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the generation of needle pen. 2017

Art work.

The Wondering Life ß

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the generation of needle pen. Paper Installation. 2020

Art work.

Cabinets in my Heart màl‰.ÂAî

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the generation of needle pen. 2020

Art work.

Too Loud a Solitude H#"#.$V

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the generation of needle pen. Paper Collage. 2016

Art work.

Formica’s Workshop

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the generation of needle pen. 2019

Art work.

Flea Market

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the generation of needle pen. 2015

Art work.

Keeping Out of Trouble Î|¶=

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the generation of needle pen. 2015

Art work.

Hide Out Üáà°

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the generation of needle pen. Paper collage. 2016

Art work.

Alice, The Truck !

the generation of needle pen. 2013

Art work.

On The Way To Work $ÊûÕ

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the generation of needle pen. 2022

Work at Cizoo.

Joy & Smile EDM

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Work at Cizoo.

Work at Cizoo.

H & A Landscape …


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Work at Cizoo.

Work at Cizoo.

Work at Cizoo.

Idun’s Gift Illustration

Work at Cizoo.

Work at Cizoo.

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