ads 3, studio, air, final journal

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Design Studio: Air

Qian Chen 387183

CONT Part I. Expression of Interest I.1. Case for Innovation I.1.1. Architecture as a Discourse I.1.2. Computing in Architecture I.1.3. Parametric Modelling I.1.4. Case for Innovation Conclusion I.2. Research Project I.2.1. Scope of Possibilities I.2.1.1. Input/Association/Output Matrix I.2.1.2. Reverse-Engineered Case-Study I.2.1.3. Material Effects I.2.1.4. Assembly Methods I.2.2. Research Project Conclusion I.3. Expression of Interest Conclusion: Competitive Advantage I.4. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: Interim

TENT Part II. Project Proposal II.1. Project Interpretation II.2. Project Delivery II.3. Project Presentation II.4. Project Proposal Conclusion

Part III. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: Final III.1. Personal Background and Learning Objectives III.2. Learning Progress III.3. Learning Outcomes III.4. Future Work

“Paris” “Romantic”



I.1.1.Case for Innovation - Architecture as a Discourse “As it become clear, architecturc is as much a philosophical, social or professional realm as it is a material one, and it is through the consideration of architecture as discourse that one can engage with it as visual culture. I suggest how by exemplifying three related, but distinct, approaches to architecture: architecture as a form of art; architecturc as a symbolic realm; and architecture as spatial experience.” --Richard Williams, ‘Architecture and Visual Culture’ Architecture is always considered a visual art as its scale, cost and requirement of public patronage. According to William, architecture embraces both aesthic appreciation and functionality, and influenced by social and cultural movement, it is not only a form of art but a symbolic realm and spatial experience. The gateway project need to be an identification and a symbol of Wyndham. It is also important to encourage a sense of pride within the local community.

I.1.1.Case for Innovation - Architecture as a Discourse

Nordpark Station Zaha Hadid

The brief for this station is similar to the gateway project. The design comprises of four new stations and a cable-stayed suspension bridge over the river Inn.For each station it adapts to the specific site conditions at various altitudes, whilst maintaining the coherent overall architectural language of fluidity by the using the soft shape and contours.

“The railway reflects the city’s continued commitment to the highest st pushes the boundaries of design and construction technology. These s mark for the use of double-curvature glass in construction.”--Zaha Had

The railway station offers different experiences of interior and exterior as people walk through and walk past the station. It is similar to the ideal of gateway project. The gateway project offers people an arriving experience by installing an eye catching dynamic geometry can be viewed from far, and start to experience the movement as drive past.

tandards of architecture and stations are the global benchdid

I.1.2.Case for Innovation - Computing in Architecture

Sydeney Opera House Jørn Utzon

Digital technologies have changed our life decades ago and computer design has changed architectural practices in ways. Computer design changing architectural practices digitally not only by design process, dynamic form, open-ended and unpredictable 3D structures but also rise the possibilities of new architectonics. One of the first buildings where digital technilogies were used for its construction was the Sydney Opera House. The complex seashell-like forms of the building could not be calculated and constructed by traditional means. Sydney Opera House is not only a landmark, it is also one of the most remarkable building. It achives eye chatching by organic forms and innovative techniques. In the same way the Wyndham Project can achieve its goal by creating a new innovative architecture with computer design.

“The information age, just like the industry age before, is challenging not only how we design buildings, but also how we manufacture and construct them.� --Yehuda E. Kalay

I.1.2.Case for Innovation - Computing in Architecture

Pulse: Tendril Formations Florencia Pita

Tendril Formations presents a very complex structure, formulated through mathematical computation, where the proliferation of layers of single curvature give form to a three-dimensional pattern. Color and material are manipulated to produce spatial effects, and the SCI-Arc gallery is transformed into an entirely pink landscape with winding walls made of 300 CNC laser-cut sheets of thin plastic. Visitors are totally immersed in color, atmosphere and material as they move through the meandering walkways lighted by lighting consultant Heather Libonati. This is a good example of using computer aided design to solve and minimise problems in the design and fabrication process. The idea of using complexity to engage with visitors and fabrication method can be used in the Wyndham gateway project .

Architecture is always dependent on of presentation and fabrication create and constructors. The development o nologies not only improve the accura drawings, but also allows the constru of a high degree of complexity at rela cost.

“Architects draw what they can build they can draw.� -- William Mitchell

the techniques ed by architects of digital techacy on design uction of forms ativetly small

and build what

I.1.3.Case for Innovation - Parametric Modelling

Fibrous Tower Kokkugia

This series of studies into fibrous tower skelettons explores the generationn of ornamental, structural and spatial order through an agent based algorithmic design methodology. The fibrous concrete shell of the tower synthetically incorporates and negotiates between a set of structural, spatial, environmental and ornamental imperatives. This project compresses the structural and tectonic hierarchies of contemporary tower design into a single shell whose articulation self-organizes in response to an often conflicting set of criteria. This fiber tower is a good example for the gateway project. It achieves eye chatching by the complexity of the design.

“When something supposedly looks ‘parame taste. The mastering of hi-tech engineering s

Scripting is a low-level computer programm to become the new toolmaker. Scripting (pa and elegant forms. The motivation of scriptin

etric’ today, it’s aesthetic (re) production—the repletion of quality and software is ultimately used to produce ornate architectural decoration.” -- Burry ming. It is a more effectively computing program which allows designers arametric design) unlocking the design potential, allow more accurate ng is productivity and control.

The less of the requires somet local communi grams.

Parametric mo eye catching. It forms.

According to th the complexity plex forms with

I.1.4.Case for Innovation Conclusion

formal restriction allow more possibilities of the project. As the brief thing which can presence and encourage a sense of pride within the ity, it is important to create something innovative with computer pro-

odelling is a good way to achieve the goal of innovative, exciting and t enables a high range of possibilities and also allows more complex

he case for innovation, one of the best way to achieve eye catching is y of the design. Thus the gateway project will aim to create some comh parametric skills.

I.2.1. Scope of Possibilities

The aim for this section is to expirenmen maximize the possibilities for the gatewa

The input, association and output is chan

Through this experinment, some interest is helpful for our development of concep

nt and explore the patterns of overlaping layers to ay project.

nge to see the outcome of different geometries.

ting patterns of combination have come up and this pt and form finding.

The outcome on the left is quite dynamic. The waved surface looks like there is some kind of energy underneath and the energy will breakout soon.

This outcome on the right shows the rapid movement and change in direction of the dots. One set of dots start to travel at one direction and the other set travels at a similar direction. Once they meet at a point, they continue moving but the direction changes a little bit until they meet the next one. So the patterns of the track seems split into different directions and one is like the refraction of the other.

1st row: Boolean Pattern Math Function 2nd row: Curve Attractor 3rd row: Arbitrary Points

I.2.1.2.Reverse-Egineered Case Study

Hills Place

Amanda Levette Architects Lack of daylight in the narrow streets around this major retail artery was a key issue. The proposal acknowledges this by providing an architectural intervention that subtly draws attention to the building through the intrigue of a sculptural faรงade. It was inspired by the art work of Lucio Fontana, AL_A slashed the aluminium skin with large glazed areas orientated towards the sky are slashed into the faรงade, maximising the natural light available into the office in this narrow street. In the same way, our gateway project is looking for a dynamic geometry which can be viewed by motorists travelling at high speed and provide the first indication of arrival into metropolitan Melbourne. This curved aluminium facade creates complex reflections of sky and street, making the building highly visible. The reflection also provide an entry statement and arrival experience, and become a new identifier for the municipality. Therefore it is a good precident for our gateway project.

I.2.1.2.Reverse-Egineered Case Study

Hills Place

Amanda Levette Architects The building structure and reverseegineer process is shown on the right. As shown on the picture the facade of the building is supported by the wooden frame underneath. The surface of this building facede is first formed by lofting a straight line and a curve together. And the waffel -grid definition is used to create the frame in grasshopper. As the selected material for the physical model is 2.7mm plywood, a 2.8mm gap is required for each slot to provide enough space for glue.

I.2.1.3.Material Effect/I.2.1.4.Assembly Methods

Hills Place-Fabrication

the frame is made in 2.7mm laser cutted plywood waffle 2.7mm plywood as it frames is the most appropriate material. The material for cladding will be something have tension and expandable. It can be either a large piece or sliced stripes depending on the property of the material. The biggest issue is the top and bottom pieces have proteitial to be band. To solve this notching detail form the side problem a long rule is used as a perpendicular guide.

adjusting and setting up

the frames are attached f side

p the frames

from both-

attach the individual pieces using the ecah individual pieces are numbered tactical super glue before take out

finished view of the frame

side view of the frame

I.2.1.3.Material Effect/I.2.1.4.Assembly Methods

Hills Place-Fabrication The cladding is a very important aspect for this model. On the first attempt to the cladding, the most appropriate material we get from fablab is 1mm polypropylene. The black burns at the edge is noticed and quite distractive, but it fits well with the frame as it was produced in grasshopper. We soon have issue with the polypropylene as it can not be glued onto the the frame. We come up with the solution of double-side tap.

After the first attempt the cladding, we try to find a better material such as metal. As we fail to find matel material with the required thickness, the matelished plastic is the metarial that have the most likely behave of matel. The metalished plastic is sliced into strips and it has the same issue as the polypropylene. So we use the double-side tap to attach. In general, the metalished plastic have the better outcome.

I.2.2.Research Project Conclusion After a series of research and study for the matrix combinations and Hills Place, we believe dynamic form and reflective surface is something we want to achieve for the gatway project. To take this concept for further deveopment, we start to experinment with different geometries.

After discuss and experinment on dynamism, we come up with a concept model has the fludity curvelinear form with semirelective surfaces. The model is basically made up of curved ribs and the distance between each ribs are equal. This somehow brings us the smooth, fludity transaction in volume. As the ribs becomes smaller and smaller towards the end, a sense of infinity is created. And I think the idea of “infinity” is quite dynamic. The rib structure create a nice shadow pattern and the material we have choosen also delivers a semi-reflective result. But due to the less of complexity, the model doesn’t reach the effect of dynamic still.

I.3.EOI Conclusion: Competetive Advantages

Key Words: -Exciting -Eye Catching -Extend Identification -Encourge Local Pride Design Philosophy: -Dynamism -Computer Aided Design -Engage with Parametric Design -Interpurate with the Case of Innovation In conclusion, the idea of dynamism is what we will focus on for the design. By achieving the goal fludity, curvelinear, form and ruled surface are most likely the key words for the following project.

I.4. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: Interim

This subject placed us in an active engagement with computational design in both theories and practical. Throuhg the first half of semester, this course introduce us the advantages of computer aided design and start to understand “parametric modelling”. For instance, the basic “parametric modelling” skills are understood and more complex geometry and patterns can be created. This enables more possiblities in the future dseign and the practical grasshopper skills are gained through the case study.

Part II. Project Proposal

Concept: Dynamism

Group Member: Guang Xu, Jonathan Wirjoprawiro

Change, Motion, Energy, Fludity

II.1. Project Interpretation

Gateway Brief Client: Wyndham City Concuil Brief: -exciting & eye catching -primarily be viewed by motorists travelling at high speed -the installation should provide an entry statement and arrival experience -become a new identifier for the municipality -the installation should create a focal point of iconic scale -presence and encourage a sense of pride within the local community. -propose new, inspiring and brave ideas, to generate a new discourse.

Audience: Public Motorists Considerations & Issues: -Prominent location of the site at the entry to metropolitan Melbourne -Back dropped by a large scale service centre -Consideration of how the installation integrates with and/ or sits in the immediate and surrounding landscape -Iconic feature -Appropriately scaled -Dialogue between sculpture and landscape to compose the Gateway -Original and engaging in form -Object�centred individual sculpture or a more experiential approach -Literal or abstract -Adherence to the regulations imposed by VicRoads in relation to siting, view lines, setbacks, materials, colours etc; -Daytime and night time viewing -Safety, ease of maintenance, materials and longevity

II.1. Project Interpretation

Concept and Site Concept: dynamic ambiguity+ruled surface as we further develop our concept engaging with the brief, the idea of ambiguity becomes a part of the concept. And we believe the idea of ambiguity is a good representation of innovative. By embedding a geometric characteristic such as dynamism rather than a literal representation, the design allows for the architecture to remain an “agent of ambiguity� and opens it up to various interpretations. Ruled surface is another element our deisgn will present. The reason for using ruled surface is because it is nice and easy to create in 3D parametrically. And also easy to construct on site, just simply supported by skeletal frames.

The location of the design gives the traffic on service road the opportunity to appreciate it from afar.

site A has the prime location in between the two main freeways, maximising its exposure. The bridge on the eastern approach plays a vital role in how the installation is viewed from the freeway, as the form is slowly revealed when vehicles pass through underneath.

The reason to chose site A is because there are freeway on both sides. This provides the maximum exposure of the design. One key view is from the service road, the other is from the bridge, and also underneath.

II.2. Project Delivery

Form Development

The diagram above show the process of the form development. The idea of this design is the curve cuting into the ground. The sense of change from curve to flat created by his idea is quiet dynamic and interesting. The waffel frame model shown on the right is our first attempt to this form. Due to the less of frame in perpendicular direction, the structure is not as stable and rigid as we expect. And the misconsideration of the “beam� scale is another problem in this first fibrication.

II.2. Project Delivery

Final Design ROAD









1:2000 1:4000 OAD






It all starts with the idea of encapsulating dynamism - change, movement, energy - into a solid form, with hopes that it will accentuate and enhance the experience of drivers along the freeway. The form of our design is simply produced by loft two curves. This way dynamism is achieved due to the characteristic of the geometry. In order to present anything in particular, it is more open to interpretations. Aside from being unique to Wyndham, this gives it the adaptive capacity to excite and inspire, as well as contribute to the architectural discourse over a long period of time, in anticipation for the rapidly changing future of Wyndham. The innovation comes from its parametrically designed form, using the concept of a ruled surface for its structural frame to create a three-dimensional curvilinear surface that would otherwise be very difficult to achieve. This frame is then coupled with a layered cladding design that adds intrigue and complexity to the overall installation. And the way how the cladding overlay to the one direction offers different effect from different aspects. The cladding looks in one piece from a side but you can actually see every individual pieces from the other. This again amphasis the concept of “dynamic�. In Addition of the desgin features, the paint on the ground is the continuation of the volume of the building itself and also the exaggeration of the movement

II.3. Project Presentation

Final Design





II.3. Project Presentation

Construction Process and Detail Diagrams

1. site is closed for preparetion, get the ground ready for the installation.

2. transport the prefabriated component to the site and start installation from both side simutaneously.

3.the skeletal frame finishes at the top and this requires a high degree of accurcy when installing the frame.

4. attaching the cladding to the frame using the method shown on the right.

This joint detail on the left allows the use of one universal connector for all the cross joints throughout the installation. In this way, the frame component can be manufactured off-site quite easily and assembled on-site in a simple and timely manner.

This reflected plan detail diagram on the right and the detail section diagram below of the cladding show the connections will be resolved by bolting each piece to the frame using steel brackets. This method sufficiently rigid to counter-act any uplift that the cladding may experience.

II.3. Project Presentation

View From Service Station

II.3. Project Presentation

View From Bridge

II.3. Project Presentation

Landscape Feature

II.3. Project Presentation

Underise Detail

II.3. Project Presentation

Cladding Detail

II.3. Project Presentation

Night Time Effect

II.4. Project Proposal Conclusion

- Although it’s a simple form, this design is unique to wyndham in the way that it utilises key aspects of the site such as views, landscaping opportunities, etc. As mentioned before, our design follows the shape of the landscape. You will have different experiences of the design as the distance getting closer.This again emphasises our concept of dynamism. - It is also fairly easy to construct as all the pieces are prefabricated and installed onsite. and we believe it is quite cost-effective. And the council can easily achieve their goal by installing our design within their budget. - The brief says the installation need to be viewed by motorists travelling at high speed , provide first indication and arrival experience, create a focal point of iconic scale and presence and encourage a sense of pride within the local community. We believe we have achieved that with our new, inspiring and unique design.

Part III. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: Final III.1. Personal Background and Learning Objectives I am a third year architecture but have no previous experience withe either Rhino nor Grasshopper also indesign. And now getting farmiliar with those softwares.

III.2.&III.3. Learning Progress & Outcomes Theory ADS AIR is a very useful course and introduce us into contemporary architerture design. It proviedes us a very different experience in both theoretical and practical. After the Case for Innovation, I start to understand how to find precedent and making argument. It is very essential not only for the ability of find the right precedent and making persuasive argument but also apply the precedent behind the design process. Parametric Skills As already mention before, I have no experience of parametric design, this subject offers a great opportunity for me to engage with parametric modelling. At the end of this course, I start to understood and farmiliar with Rhino and Grasshopper. The experienment of matrix combination and reverse egineer provide a great experience of parametric modelling and fabrication.

ADS: WATER Boat House The boat house explores many facets of architecture spatial attentions to Alva Aalto. The concept of this boathouse is forest house not only as it present the materiality but also because it is located in a park. The experience of ADS WATER is quite different to AIR but still useful as a learning experience.

III.2.&III.3. Learning Progress & Outcomes Fabrication The Rverse Egineer exercise is my first attempt of laser cutting. And it is a good experience and I am very appreciate to make physical model rather than photoshop, paper drawings or render. I think it is a useful skill and will be helpful for further study of parametric modelling. Group Work Experience I found it is quite interesting to work in groups. It is a kind of social experience as we all need work with others in the future career. So it is good to practise and get farmiliar with group works.

III.4. Future Work After study this course, the parametric modelling skill is the most useful benefit I have learnt and it can be used engage with the future studios.

References: Richard Williams, ‘Architecture and Visual Culture’, in Exploring Visual Culture : Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, ed. by Matthew Rampley (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005). Yehuda E. Kalay, Architecture’s New Media : Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004). Burry, Mark (2011). Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming (Chichester: Wiley). Moussavi, Farshid and Michael Kubo, eds (2006). The Function of Ornament. Hill, Jonathan (2006). ‘Drawing Forth Immaterial Architecture’, Architectural Research Quarterly. Jacobo Krauel, ‘Contemporary Digital Architecture Desin & Techniques (Links Press,2010)

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