Arch 20 learning Portfolio Week 1~12

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ARCH 20 Learning Portfolio By Guanrong Zhou Arch 20 Student Instructor Jerry W. Lum

ARCH 20 In-progress Learning Portfolio (Week 1 ~ Week 12) 1. Dog Hous1 .................................................................................P04 2. Dog House 2 .................................................................................P05 3. Cubes and Rapid Visualization ................................................................................P07 4. Wall study 1


5. Interior spatial studies ................................................................................P10 6. Intersect and Follow me studies ...............…...............................................................P11 7. A Plaza inspired by Piazza del Campidoglio


8. Malevich Construction Study ..….......…...................................................................P15 9. Wall study 2 .................................................................................P18 10. Circular Stair Exercise .................................................................................P21 11. Paper Airplane Flotilla .................................................................................P24 12. Folded Canopy Study


13. Folded Latice Musing


ARCH 20 In-progress Learning Portfolio (Week 1 ~ Week 12) 14. Sandbox Stamp and Drape Exercise ......................................................................................P34 15. Storyboard .....................................................................................P37


Week 1 Dog House 1 Strengths: Getting better how to use simple tools to make all the dog houses more accurate and balanced. Weaknesses: It is difficult to build a chimney on the top of the roof and rise the roof. Opportunities: Practice using simple tool more often to be fluent Threats: Have not found yet. Before taking Arch 20, I have never knonwn how to use a computer software to build construction and 3D graphic patterns. At the beginning, I was a little bit lost in the class because of my poor skills with SketchUp. When I got back home, I have practiced more to be better understand the methods of drawing the dog house.

Dog House 2

Dog House 2 Threats: It will slow down the computer while I was turned on the shadow and download the tree. Front View

Left View

Back view

Base on the technics that I have learned in the first class, I created the second Dog house. I have added the stairs, window, small trees, and the ground

Plan View

Cubes and Rapid Visualization

Opportunities: For the cubes arrays exercise, I use copy method to repeat every single square into overlap with equal space. I also choose my favorite color and turn to X-ray modal in compare.

Wall study 1

Many types of walls were draw during the class without the tools. Some of them were followed by the teacher and the rest were draw by myself such as the alphabet walls, the numbers, etc.

Wall study 1

Opportunities: Just getting an idea of basic wall types in the beginning and make them into the component to be able to copy the edges.

Interior spatial studies

Opportunities: For the interior spatial studies exercise, I tried to use different types of shapes to realized the impacts in the same room. The chess and circle is my fond patterns, but I did not have much color with it and I will update a lot more in the future.

Intersect and Follow me studies

Strengths: Creating this building with follow me tool is simple and easy. Weaknesses: It was hard for me to used the intersect methods to make a door on the wall. Opportunities: The intersect methods is an adventure for me to learn and use in the rest of the class. Threats: I need more practice on the handrail of the stair and using the intersect method on the wall.

A plaza inspired by Piazza del Campidoglio

A plaza inspired by Piazza del Campidoglio

Strengths: The instruction that provided by the instructor can really help me to created this plaza. I can use the locate tool and the offset tool fluently. Weaknesses: I was confused on the last step on the instruction of the stairs, and I didn’t use the method that the instructor has provided. I used my own way which are push pull tool and the offset tools to created the stairs. Opportunities: This exercise is the most difficult project to me in this class so far. This exercise show me that every project should need an instruction before to create the design we want to be succeed. Threats: I need to pay more attention on every step and practice a lot.

Malevich Inspired Construction

Bird Eye View

Right View

Malevich Inspired Construction

Rear View

Left View

Malevich Inspired Construction Strengths: Making the pattern into component and added to the layers can be really helpful to create the building. Weaknesses: I found it difficult when creating the shield on the roof . Also, it is hard to locate the right direction of the import background balance to the building. Opportunities: The idea of using a 2D graphic to creating the building is a new technic to me. Threats: I need to spend more time to practice with all the tools.

Wall study 2 (Own work)

Top View

Right Rear View

These types of wall were draw by following the steps of the instructor. I added crayon blue form light to dark to show the differences and effects. Also I have created some strange geometries that inspired by the teacher.

Front Left View

Bottom View

Wall studies 2 Inspired by instructor works

Wall studies 2

Opportunities: Inspired by the instructor example, I added windows on the surface of the rectangle change to a surprised face and I also build a old fashion Chinese decorated archway above those faces. Threats: I need to think more deeply before combining the walls with the old fashion architecture.

Circular Stairs study Steps for creating the handrail of the stair with follow me tools.

Stair 1

Stair 2

Stair 3

Stair 4

Full View of circular stairs

Circular Stars Study Strengths: I use my own method to create the stair and turn it to a component. And used the follow me tool to created the handrail on the stair. Weaknesses: After I used my method to build the circular stairs, I have found out that these stairs are not symmetrical to each other. But I insisted on used my way to finish my work. Opportunities: Learning how to deleted all the edges and profiles to make the faces more smooth; also getting know more about the follow me tool. Threats: I have spent more time than I thought on this exercise and I realized that I need to organize my time reasonably.

Paper Airplane Flotilla

Step By Step Creating paper Airplane

Full view

Paper Airplane Flotilla

Strengths: Folding the paper airplane with rotate tool is quite easy and more interesting than using an actual paper to fold a plane.

Weaknesses: The beginning of using sandbox tool is a little difficult than I thought.

Paper Airplane Flotilla Opportunities: The concept of using SketchUp to fold a

paper airplane and to create a scenes with mountains by using sandbox tool is interesting. Also, I have never thought that I could use a software to fold things. Threats: I can’t

find the perfect color of the mountains to match with the airplane flotilla, but this is an amazing project.

Folded Canopy Study

Folded Canopy Study Close-up View

Front view

Lift view

Bird Eye View

Folded Canopy Study

Folded Latice Musing


Folded Lattice Musing

Strengths: This project is

pretty easy by using rotating and folding to create this little lattice. Weaknesses: I don’t have any idea with this

lattice to create others structure.

Folded Lattice Musing

Opportunities: I realized Maybe I can create a zoo with this project. It gives me a feeling that this will be a good concept to build a zoo. Threats: I losing my appetite with this design; therefore, I need to find my way to motivate myself.

Lattice Musing Zoo

Sandbox Stamp and Drape Exercise

Sandbox Stamp and Drape Exercise

Bird Eye view

Sandbox Stamp and Drape Exercise

Analysis: In this project, learning how to drape a house and stamp a path on the mountain. Sandbox tool is a really good tool in SketchUp, it could create a house or even a castle on the peak. I turned on the shadow and changed the style of the sky to created a view of the sunset.

Storyboard is coming soon make sure you don’t miss out!

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