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ShenghaoGuan.AllRights Reserved.
from Art Portfolio
走进拥挤的城中村,人们如同蚯蚓般在狭小的街巷间穿梭。这是一个独 立于外部城市的小社会,旧生活的文化、习惯、关系网在此交织。城中 村的人们有着不同的社会背景、兴趣爱好、文化品味。在小巷漫步时,
我遇到过背着书包上学的学生、骑着摩托上班的成年人、蹲在路边阅读 的老人,在他们眼中,我都看到了对外面世界的渴望。我想起一句歌词。
“那首歌说/向外面世界奔驰/渴望那一天将至/祈求风和雨/吹我到理 想的远处/故土没法跟随我的意愿/但为什么终于/穿过故乡来到老远/ 却很想返回我的屋邨”我忽然想到,对于想逃离这里的人来说,文化和 知识是唯一的途径。 Walking into the crowded village in the city, people shuttled between the narrow streets like earthworms. This is a small society independent of external cities, where the culture, habits, and relationships of the old life are intertwined. People in urban villages have different social backgrounds, hobbies, and cultural tastes. While walking in the alleys, I have met students carrying school bags to school, adults riding motorcycles to work, and elderly people squatting on the side of the road to read. In their eyes, I have seen the yearning for the outside world. I think of a lyrics.
"That song says/Run to the outside world/Wish for that day to come/Pray for wind and rain/Blow me to the ideal distance/My homeland can’t follow my wishes/ But why finally/I passed through my hometown and came far away/ But I really want to return to my estate"It suddenly occurred to me that for those who want to escape here, culture and knowledge are the only way.

这里的人们喜欢看书,对于他们来说,书中的文字连接着更广阔的天空。一本本旧 书细数着这里生活过的人的故事,诉说着他们的理想与热爱。城中村就是这么一个 特别的地方,容得下肉身,装得下灵魂。和丰富的书海一样,这里的一个个生命都 有血有肉,活得真实。从表面上看,他们的身体被禁锢在这狭小的空间中,但实际 上,他们的灵魂是一片丰富自由的广袤天地。
People here like to read books. For them, the text in the book connects the wider sky. An old book counts the stories of the people who have lived here, telling their ideals and passions. The village in the city is such a special place, which can accommodate the body and the soul. Like the rich sea of books, every life here is full of flesh and blood, living a real life. On the surface, their bodies are imprisoned in this small space, but in fact, their souls are a vast and free world.
文化拾遗 Cultural Supplements
当有人搬离城中村或打扫新屋的时候,他们便会把不要的旧书出售到附近的废品 站。在距离城中村最近的废品站,我找到了这些被遗弃的记忆、被折叠的历史。 我将这些被扔掉的旧书买回来,并按照出版时间对它们进行排序。这些旧书横跨 大半个世纪,从1959年到2016年,在时间线的约束下,它们出人意料地被分成 了不同的主题和种类。形成一个个特色鲜明的文化符号。这些符号生动地折射出 几代城中村居民文化品味的变迁,也成为深圳这半个世纪以来社会发展的缩影。

When someone moves out of the village in the city or cleans a new house, they will sell unwanted old books to a nearby junkyard. At the waste station closest to the village in the city, I found these abandoned memories and folded histories. I bought these discarded old books and sorted them by publication time. These old books span more than half a century. From 1959 to 2016, under the constraints of the timeline, they were unexpectedly divided into different themes and categories. Form a distinctive cultural symbol. These symbols vividly reflect the changes in the cultural tastes of generations of urban village residents, and have also become the epitome of social development in Shenzhen over the past half century.


Old men reading by the roadside ,©shenzhenlook

In 1961, during the three years of economic difficulties, the second wave of fleeing to Hong Kong broke out in Shenzhen. Fifty years have passed, and we can’t describe the catastrophe now, nor can we guess the mood and tears of countless farmers and fishermen who clung to the relocation of the land, dragging their children and staggering across the border when they staggered across the border. This "Anthology of Ancient Poems" was published in this year. This is the first time I truly understand-life is more than just the elusiveness in front of me, but also poetry and distant fields.
These architectural books were published between 1977 and 1981, just before and after the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It can be inferred that the owners of these books are probably architects with keen awareness. They have sensed the opportunities and potential of Shenzhen. They must have been full of passion and ideals back then, preparing to devote their youth to the construction of Shenzhen.

The development of Shenzhen is inseparable from the "Hong Kong experience". Hong Kong has brought capital, talents, and experience to Shenzhen and has become the object and model for Shenzhen to learn. Hong Kong people invest and set up enterprises in the Mainland, not only bringing in a large amount of capital, but also bringing advanced experience and ideas to Shenzhen. Could this "Hong Kong Small House" hidden in the village in the city be the notes left by the first generation of urban builders in Shenzhen at that time?
As a test field for reform and opening up, Shenzhen is a window for China to connect with the world. In 1979, there was already a phenomenon of residents learning English in urban villages. This 79-edition English-Chinese dictionary is the best imprint of that era.

1983,深圳市委决定筹办深圳大学。深大由 北大、清华、人大援建,当年建校,当年招生, 被邓小平同志称为“深圳速度”,也被称

In 1983, the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee decided to organize Shenzhen University. The Shenzhen University was built with the aid of Peking University, Tsinghua University, and the National People's Congress. It was founded that year and recruited students that year. It was called "Shenzhen Speed" by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, and it was also called the Special Economic Zone University, Window University, and Experimental University. I collected this "Shenzhen University Curriculum Program" in the village in the city, and I immediately felt very cordial. Perhaps its owner grew up with Shenzhen University, the earliest alumni of Shenzhen University.
This is a photography tutorial published during the Cultural Revolution. In that era, it was hard to be able to own a camera and a book. There are also notes marked with a pen in the book. It can be guessed that the identity of the owner of the book should be unusual.

《实用摄影知识丛书》 出版时间:1974年

90年代,奥数开始在全国逐渐流行,深圳也不例外。 各种校外机构开设大量奥数课,好学校纷纷以奥

数为选拔标准。最多时大城市约有三分之一的小 学生学奥数。奥数轻易把学生的学习能力划出了 等级,而且非常准确。教育资源的稀缺性与人们

In the 1990s, Mathematical Olympiad began to become popular throughout the country, and Shenzhen is no exception. Various off-campus institutions offer a large number of Mathematical Olympiad classes, and good schools have adopted Mathematical Olympiad as their selection criteria. At most, about one-third of elementary school students in big cities learn Mathematical Olympiad. Mathematical Olympiad easily ranks students' learning ability, and it is very accurate. The scarcity of educational resources and people's pursuit of prestigious schools have begun to appear. The owner of the book now lives in this village in the city. Perhaps more than 20 years ago, he/she was also an ambitious young man.
深圳地处广东,受到香港文化的影响,风水 命理在城中村中受众不少。上世纪八九十 年代,我国出现较为严重的迷信回潮现象。