The True Cost Of Lost Work Keys

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The True Cost of Lost Work Keys Now imagine losing a set of work keys. How much disruption could this cause your company, would there be a risk you could lose your job over something as trivial as this? Lost work keys are no trivial matter. Depending on your industry sector, your company could be at risk if you lose a set of keys, this is a security breach, and the business could be placed in a vulnerable position due to an act of absentmindedness. If You lose a set of keys and this could have wider repercussions for the company, just consider how this action could impact the daily running of the site :1). Lost keys are a security risk 2). Lose keys and your building is vulnerable 3). Changing locks is expensive

Lost Keys Are Security Risk The biggest concern about losing sets of keys is you never quite know who has picked them up. You could drop the keys outside your business, anybody could pick them up and they’d be able to gain entry to your company. This is certainly possible if multiple sets of keys are handed out to employees, the more keys that are cut, the greater the risk of one set going missing at some point.

Lose Keys And Your Building is Vulnerable When keys go missing they instantly turn buildings into security risks. Search around for the keys and should they fail to materialise you have a major problem on your hands. The keys might fit locks for exterior gates or be used to unlock interior doors that lead to sensitive areas of the business. Either way, once they become lost you have a decision to make, and this normally involves getting locks replaced.

Changing Lock Is Expensive Lose a set of work keys and honesty is the best policy. Own up as soon as possible and at least this way your employer has a chance of replacing the locks at the business before there’s a security breach. This could be expensive though, especially if you have lost a number of keys that fit a variety of locks around the building, it causes an inconvenience and it’s expensive too.

Solution To Prevent Lost Keys Of course, Guard Patrol Products there are always measures you can take to prevent keys from going missing at work. One very effective solution is to use RFID Intelligent Key Management Systems – special types of cabinets that totally automate key management processes. They leave a full audit trail of user activity, make buildings safer, and ensure you know where keys are, who’s using them, or who has access to them from now on. To find out more about intelligent key cabinets, don’t hesitate to speak to us here at Guard Patrol Products, we specialise in security equipment for industry professionals.

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