Ingles IV Prepa Abierta

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InglĂŠs IV Prepa Abierta

Tag Questions o Son pequeĂąas frases o preguntas o Se colocan al final de una oraciĂłn afirmativa o negativa o Generalmente tienen como objetivo confirmar o negar el contenido de la frase misma. o El tiempo de la tag question es dependiendo del tiempo en que estĂŠ la primera parte de la pregunta

Tag Question 1. The boy is whatching T.V. isn´t he? El chico no está viendo tv, ¿no es así? No, he isn´t

2. Hiscar is never dirty, is it? 3. James rides a bicycle every day. Doesn´t he? Yes, he does. 4. Mrs. Flake wasn´t at home, was she? Answer &Translate

Las tag questions se pueden hacer con diferentes verbos como do, does, did, there + be (is,are) 1. Brenda and Lucy don´t dance rock music, didn´t they? No, they don´t Brenda y Lucy no bailan musica de rock ¿Verdad? 3. Paul Cleaned the room an hour a go, didn´t he? 4. There are two tall building in front of my house, aren´t there? 5. There has been a nice country group at the plaza, hasn´t there? Answer &Translate

Modales can, could, will, would, may para crear preguntas con respuestas cortas 1. You must drink a lot of water with a weather of 40°C, mustn´t you? Yes, I/you must Deberias beber mucha agua con un clima de 40° C ¿no? 2. Rene could swim for an hour, couldn´t he? 3. Men shouldn´t drink, should they?

Answer &Translate

Still - aún o todavía anymore ya no Al ready ya yet todavía 1. The baby cries in the morning, and he still cries y the night. El bebé llora en la mañana y aún llora en la noche. 2. I saw jack at the doctor´s office, so he hastn´t arrived yet 3. Mr.Brown is retired, he doesn´t work anymore Did you see the message? Yes i saw it alredy Answer &Translate

Sufijos: son las terminaciones que se agregan a palabras y cambian de significado. 1. A person who grows tomatoes in a field is a farmer. Una persona que cultiva tomates en el campo es un agricultor. 2. A person who works as a soldier should be powerful 3. The principal of our school is very respectful Translate

Usando la voz activa en el presente progresivo se forma el «is» o el «are» + being + pasado participio

1. The «buffet» is being prepared by the chefs in the kitchen El buffet está siendo preparado por los chegs en la cocina 2. The eggs are being added to the mixure, when making a cake.


La voz pasiva en futuro con el auxiliar will. The old building will be destroyed. The new uniforms will be worn by students in school. Los nuevos uniformes serån usados por los estudiantes The classrooms´s doors will be painted in the summer Swaters and jackets will be used in winter time Translate

La voz pasiva con verbos modales can & should 1. A star can be seen by a telescope. Una estrella puede ser vista con un telescopio 2. A big rock can be moved by a tracktor 3. A Laptop can be used anyplace and anywhere


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