7 Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs

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7 Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs

Websites: www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca

Phone No. (905) 319-1488

Depression affects over 280 million people in the world, according to the World Health Organization. It’s a severe mental condition that should be treated with urgency. Depression often has different “faces”, and while some people may look and seem happy while they are depressed, others are sad all the time. Since there are various types of depression, not everyone will experience the same symptoms. We’re going to discuss some of these symptoms and what to observe. What causes depression? Depression is not a choice or a flaw of character. Instead, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain. The brain produces hormones like serotonin, but when someone has depression, there isn’t enough of this hormone. Depression is a mental condition that is often treated with both medication and therapy. There are different types of depression, and therapy may be tailored to treat the patient accordingly.

Websites: www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca

Phone No. (905) 319-1488

• Severe Depression – Gives rise to a constant feeling of sadness and hopelessness. • Severe Depression With Psychotic Symptoms – The person will often feel the same symptoms as in severe depression plus psychotic symptoms that include delusions such as hearing or seeing things that are not true. • Mild and Moderate Depression – Like severe depression, the mild and moderate version isn’t as intense. • Bipolar Depression – Bipolar depression can lead to manic episodes and extreme mood swings. Some people may also experience manic depression that lasts for weeks and even months. • Dysthymia – Also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD), is considered a chronic condition since this form of depression can carry on for years. Symptoms of depression 1. Feeling sad for most of the day, nearly every day For a person with depression, their mood by “default” is sadness. This sense of sadness can last throughout the day and can continue for weeks on end. 2. No longer interested in past hobbies and activities Depression also deprives people of the things they used to love. You’ll notice people lose interest in their past passions and hobbies. 3. Pessimism and a feeling of hopelessness Feeling hopeless is another common symptom of depression. Depressed people tend to compare themselves with others and perhaps feel as though they are failures in comparison. People with depression also put things off all the time.

Websites: www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca

Phone No. (905) 319-1488

4. Feel tired all the time Feeling exhausted every day is not normal and often linked to depression. Depressed people usually don’t have any drive or energy, even for simple things like starting their day or getting out of bed. 5. Depression can lead to reckless behavior This point of reckless behavior is similar in people with Bipolar. Depression can lead to reckless behavior such as gambling, substance abuse or driving recklessly. 6. A lack of focus and missing gaps in their memory Another common part of being depressed is a huge lack of focus, which can be bad for students or work. A lack of focus can lead to making rash decisions. Being unable to remember things is also common in folks with depression. 7. Anger and feeling irritable This point may not apply to everyone, but in most cases men are more likely to behave aggressively and have outbursts of anger when they are depressed. Women may cry and feel emotional more often than is normal. Men and women can experience crying, sadness, and anger outbursts when they are depressed. Getting help for depression is important, and the sooner help is found, the better. Depression can be debilitating, and it can cause misunderstandings amongst people. Still spotting the symptoms and getting counselling will encourage a normal lifestyle or one more manageable.

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Source: https://www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca/7-depression-symptoms-andwarning-signs/

Websites: www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca

Phone No. (905) 319-1488

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