FREE Your Passport to the Caribbean American Community
In Conversation, Chris Rock talks Race, Politics, Ferguson and Comedy By Frank Rich We’ve just come through an election that was a triumph for Fox News and a fiasco for Obama. What do you make of it?
Caribbean American Passport now covers the Entire State of Florida! Join our growing list of distribution locations and get listed on our distribution list for FREE! Copies will be delivered to your location monthly! See page 3 for more details.
Obama Immigration Order: Immigrant Parents & Children — “We’re not going to deport you” uring President Obama’s address to the nation on November 20, 2014, he stated we have a tradition of welcoming immigrants. His speech and executive action was prompted by 500+ days of inaction by the Republican House of Representative on an immigration bill already passed by the Senate. In referring to the executive order he will sign, he stated “This is about who we are as a country…working hard…and keeping families together.”
Jon Stewart has said the reason Fox News works better than CNN is because the people at Fox News figured out how to make themselves into victims. So will it now be harder for Republicans to play victims? They have no problem playing victims. Even in victory? Even in victory. America — not black America, but America as a whole — started in England and was ruled by kings and queens and had a class system. I’m almost of the mind that that’s what America wants at the end of the day. Maybe America wants monopolies. They always seem to want a Bush or a Clinton. Maybe they just want a Bush. Maybe they want no regulations. It’s hard for me to figure out
— Continued on page 19 —
On December 4, 2014, the U.S. House of Representative voted 219-197 in opposition of President Obama Immigration Order that eased deportation rules for millions of undocumented immigrants. However, the vote has no legal affect on President Obama Immigration Order and only serves the purpose of allowing Republicans to vent their frustration against President Obama executive order. The Senate already refused to consider the bill and Obama threaten veto. So,
Continued on page 7
Jamaican swimmer Alia Atkinson becomes first black woman to win world title tkinson, who swims for Jamaica, tied the world record with a time of 1 minute, 2.36 seconds, which, according to the standards of the international swimming governing body FINA, counts as its own record. Even Atkinson was surprised at her win. Alia Atkinson became the first black woman Alia Atkinson of Jamaica reacts after winning the 100m Breast to win a world swimstroke Final at the FINA World Swimming Championships ming title when she triumphed in the 100m breaststroke at the Doha on Saturday as more records world short-course championships in tumbled.
Continued on page 24
Guenet Gittens-Roberts, Publisher/Editor
fore when you mix our DNA, our multiracial background just imagine what comes out; 2 kids that could pass for Spanish/ Portuguese, African American/Black, Middle Eastern and even white (during winter months). I’ve seen many people including police officers look at us with utter confusion . . . What are they??I don’t truly know what the solution is or if there is a Sam Roberts, Publisher solution to the racial divide in America, but I do know that our generation and our children’s generation have a different view aribbean Americans simply view race differently, we’re of race and that makes me feel hopeful that things will get nationalistic and we’re more culturally identifiable than better. Additionally, I do think there are things that Law Enracially separate. Growing up and living in the Carib- forcement agencies can do: bean, we were never required to specify race or ethnic origin. We grew up with more social divides than racial • Diversify your police force to be a more true reflection of the community, divides and in many ways that makes Caribbean American * Hire more Blacks, more Hispanics, more Asians, more Indipeople different. We never faced the outright hatred that Afrians, more Caribbean officers can American or Blacks in America faced and in so many ways * Create a workplace environment that truly embraces the rathat just simply makes us view ourselves in a different way. cial diversity of the community in which you (police) patrol. Although many of us can trace our heritage back to Africa, or * Engage with your community youth groups, your local churches, your local schools; India or other countries that were sources of slaves or indentured servants; we basically held on to that heritage more for * Host after school events that allow both the youth in the community and the Officers that work that community, to the cultural aspects of that ancestry than for the racial heritage. interact in an open non-pressured environment. * Pair your officers to work with officers of different racial or However, living for more than half of my life in America, I ethnic backgrounds have experienced both blatant racism and prejudice. I remem* Build a more community-based relationship with the local ber going running while in college and stopping at a traffic residents light waiting for the car in the turning lane to make the right * Educate your Officers and the Community; education breaks turn; the white couple in their car looked over at me, with a down barriers and creates solutions fear and desperation in their eyes and on their faces, and locked their doors. I’ve watched police officers in Alabama, in New We, as people of ONE WORLD, being of all different shades of York, in Atlanta and now in Florida and tried to evaluate their color have more things in common than we have differences; thoughts as they look at me and my family. I’m racially mixed let us embrace our similarities, understand our differences and with African, Portuguese/Spanish and Indian; my wife is mixed show respect for one another. In times of war, in times of diffiwith African, (Madras) Indian and White (European) there- culty and in times of need we accept the strength, support, help and brotherhood from our fellow human without question or race, religion or color……….we all bleed the same color.
Being Black, Ethnic or Non-White in America!!!!!
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GGR Marketing & Public Relations 1969 Alafaya Trail • Orlando, FL 32828 Office: 407-427-1800 Fax: 407-386-7925 Toll Free: 877-220-8315 407-427-1800 • For Media Information email: Publisher: Sales: Info: Should you desire to review past copies of the publication go to and search for Caribbean American Passport News Magazine. Publisher ........................................................... Guenet Gittens-Roberts Editor & Publisher ............................................................... Sam Roberts Graphic Design & Layout ..................................... Jan Longwell-Smiley Contributing Writers: ................................................... Rosemarie Roth ..................................................................................... Natasha Gittens ........................................................................................ .Karlyn Hylton ............................................................................................ Gail Seeram ........................................................................................ Kamal Abdool . .................................. ................................................... Roger Caldwell ................................................................................ Nouchelle Hastings Contributing Photographers ............ ....................................Ted Hollins ........................................... ............................................Willie David III ................................................ ............................................Sam Roberts ..................................................................................... Ronald Williams Distribution & Sales.................................................... ...Delroy Edwards Distribution ............................................................................. Roy Benn South Florida Distribution .............................................Delroy Edwards Copyright (C) 2014 GGR Marketing & Public Relations. All rights reserved.
The Courage of President Obama in the Face of Republican Opposition wisdom of me acting where Congress has failed. I have one answer. Pass a bill,” says President Obama during his speech.
By Roger Caldwell
The president is acting because Congress hasn’t, and everyone will question the timing. The Democrats will say that the president should have acted sooner, and the Republicans will say that the president should have waited. But, the president is a man of his word, and he promised the American people he was going to take action at the end of the year. “Because for all the back and forth of Washington, we have to remember that this debate is about something bigger. It’s about who we are as a country, and who we want to be for future generations. Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parent’s arms? Or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together,” explains President Obama.
resident Obama outlined a series of executive actions, which has created divisions in the Republican Party. Some are calling this a stroke of political genius and others are calling the president’s action constitutional lawlessness. Nevertheless, everyone is talking and everyone is lining up on the There is no right or wrong answer on the immigration issue. side of the line they support. The debate will be hot and heavy, but the polls indicated that The president is cool as a cucumber, because he knows he has immigrants wanted the president to take action on this issue. started a fight and everyone is swinging. There are 11 million This executive order will impact 5 to 6 million immigrants, immigrants in America and the president is forcing the Republicans to do their job and govern. The Republicans can no longer just obstruct policy; because they are the majority party in both Houses, and they must do some work. They can no longer say any- and the president is expecting a major backlash from the Rething, because now they must make sense, and make good publicans and conservatives. decisions for the entire country. It takes courage and conviction to fix a system that has been At this point, the Republicans are fighting the president, but broken for many years. It is the right thing to do. The Republiwhen the new congressional session begins in January, they cans will threaten impeachment and jailing the president, but must have a plan. In all probability the Republicans will be that is why there is a Supreme Court. The president has fundaforced to move to the center, and hide their disagreements with mentally transformed the immigration system and he is forcing the Republican to draft a bill that is a game changer for each other behind closed doors. the immigration system. The president’s announcement was not unprecedented, because every president since Eisenhower has used executive action on Once Congress passes a comprehensive immigration bill and immigration. “The actions I’m taking are not only lawful; they’re it is signed by the president, his executive orders are deleted the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican President and they go away. Instead of complaining about the president’s and every single Democratic President for the past half century. actions, it is time for the Republicans to get to work. President And to those Members of Congress who question my authority Obama is setting the bar high, and it is time for the talking to to make our immigration system work better, or question the end, and bill making to begin.
The president is cool as a cucumber, because he knows he has started a fight and everyone is swinging.
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Obama Immigration Order: Immigrant Parents & Children — “We’re not going to deport you” Continued from pg 1 of serious misdemeanors; and (3) those who after 1/1/2014, failed to leave under a removal order or returned after a removal order.
By Attorney Gail S. Seeram, 1-877-GAIL-LAW
@GailSeeram FREE In-Office Consultation FREE Live Chat – visit this vote of opposition will go nowhere. Deportation Protection for Parents & Children: Obama immigration order offers two deferred action (or protection from deportation) initiatives that will benefit 4.4 million undocumented immigrants. First, undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents will be granted three years of deportation relief. To qualify, they must have lived in the United States since 1/1/2010, pass background checks and pay taxes. Application for Deferred Action for Parents (DAP) will be released and accepted in 180 days. In 2012, Obama immigration order to help immigrant children was implemented and many immigrant children continue to benefit from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Obama will revise DACA to eliminate the age restriction, residency requirement will start as of 1/1/2010 (instead of previous 6/15/2007) and deportation relief will be granted for three years. Application for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) will be released and accepted in 90 days.
Expansion of Waivers: The I-601A provisional waiver allowing immigrants to file their unlawful presence waiver in the United States (rather than departing the U.S. and filing the waiver abroad) will be expanded to include spouses and children of lawful permanent residents (currently only benefits spouses and children of U.S. citizens). Also, parole in place which allows adjustment of status for immigrant spouse, parent and children of active or retired military will be expanded to include families of individuals trying to enlist in the armed forces. Initiatives for Entrepreneurs and Skilled Worker: Obama immigration order will allow certain investors to be paroled into the U.S. for job creation and investment. Also, entrepreneurs, researchers, inventors, and founders will be eligible for national interest waivers where permanent resident status is granted due to shortage of skilled workers in those designated job fields. For foreign students, the optional practical training (OPT) period for students who studied in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) will be extended longer than one year. Also, individuals with employment-based immigrant petitions that have a backlog for visa availability will be able to pre-register for adjustment of status to obtain benefits of a pending adjustment (such as work authorization).
Obama Immigration Order covered under the U.S. Constitution: Authority for President Obama’s executive action on certain immigration policies lies in Article II of the U.S. Constitution that vests executive powers in the President, makes him the commander in chief, and requires that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” An executive order from the President has the same power as Elimination of Detention Detainers: federal law. In this situation, President Obama’s executive The practice of immigration officials lodging a detainer on im- order is insuring our immigration laws are “faithfully exmigrants booked into a jail and making them ineligible for ecuted” in a manner where immigrant families are united bond/release will be discontinued. Additionally, under Obama and immigrant criminals are deported. By this executive immigration order, Secure Communities, a program where state order on immigration, our immigration laws still stand but and local law enforcements shared probation and conviction discretionary relief or humanitarian relief will be granted to records with immigration officials will be discontinued and certain immigrants. replaced with a Priority Enforcement Program. For more information on executive order action by Obama, email Deportation Priorities: or call 1-877-GAIL-LAW or 407-292-7730. Under Obama immigration order, new memos will be released naming enforcement priorities for the following cases: (1) sus- FREE in-office consultation – FREE Live Chat pected terrorists, convicted felons, convicted gang members, Copyright © 2014, Law Offices of Gail S. Seeram. and people apprehended on the border; (2) people convicted All Rights Reserved.
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The Putin protocol and other presidential gaffes
By Tony Deyal
t is said that diplomacy is the art of saying “Nice doggy” while reaching for a rock. However, for those like Boris Yeltsin, former Russian President, it is hard to reach for anything when you’re already stoned. Even before he became president in 1991, Yeltsin had already shown signs of being a problem. In 1989, he had ended up at a police post outside Moscow dripping wet and wearing only his underwear. He claimed he had been attacked, his head covered in a sack and dumped off a bridge into a river. Top communists said he had been drunk while on his way to a tryst with a lover. In 1992, Yeltsin was invited to Kyrgyzstan for a meeting with President Askar Akayev. He became very drunk and then indulged himself in the ancient Russian pastime of “playing the spoons” or using brightly decorated wooden spoons to make music. However, he chose to do it on President Akayev’s head.
his shawl across China’s First Lady Peng Liyuan, but she declined his help and removed it. They were sitting next to one another at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) summit near Beijing. Mr Putin was trying to prevent the wife of Chinese Premier Xi Jinping from getting cold during a fireworks display at the Bird’s Nest stadium. The gesture seemed initially well-received but Peng Liyuan swiftly thought better of accepting the shawl and took it off before having it taken away.” The BBC said it was a “solicitous” act. However, it seems that Putin came off looking better than president Xi Jingping. Then the jokes started about the real intentions of the Russian President. The incident became quickly known as “Coatgate” and people remembered that Putin had made the same gallant gesture with German chancellor, Angela Merkel. Chinese state media took it off the Internet immediately. Merkel seems to be a gaffe magnet. President George Bush fared no better when in 2006 he tried to give Chancellor Merkel a shoulder rub and ended up rubbing her and the entire German nation the wrong way. The New York Times described the incident as “The neck rub heard around the world.” George W. was just following in his father’s footsteps. The old man had grabbed global atten-
In 1994, Yeltsin attended a ceremony marking the departure of the last Russian troops from Germany. At an official champagne lunch, when the band struck up a Russian song, Yeltsin seized the baton from the bandleader and insisted on doing the conducting himself. He later grabbed the micro- tion by vomiting on the Japanese prime minister at a state dinner. President Bush blamed the eels that were the main course, phone and started singing. maybe because they proved to be slipperier than he was. In 1995 he was found wandering in his underwear in Washington DC supposedly trying to get a cab to take him to a Also heard around the world was the translation in Polish of statements made by Jimmy Carter on a state visit to Poland. pizza joint. According to media reports, Carter gave a speech to express In Sweden at a conference on nuclear weapons in 1997, Yeltsin his aim to learn the Poles’ “desires for the future.” His interstarted by saying how Swedish meatballs reminded him of tennis preter, Steven Seymour, however, translated that phrase to a star Bjorn Borg’s face. He followed this by revealing that Germany baffled Polish audience as “I desire the Poles carnally.” Seymour and Japan had nuclear weapons, that he was now in Finland, also mistranslated Carter’s words about his departure from the US into a phrase that meant that the president had abandoned and that Russia was to cut its nuclear stockpile by one-third. his country for good. Seymour even turned Carter’s praise for The BBC recalled, “Some of his most extraordinary breaches in the Polish constitution into words calling it an object of ridiprotocol came during a meeting with Pope John Paul II in Feb- cule. Carter changed his interpreter but not his luck. He only ruary 1998. Despite trying to bring the audience to an end, the lasted one term. Pope was forced to retake his seat after Mr Yeltsin announced loudly: ‘Holy Father, we haven’t finished yet’. At the subse- Fortunately for President John F Kennedy, the people of West quent banquet, the president used an expansive toast to de- Germany were much more tolerant or his publicity coup of addressing the people of Berlin in German with the famous, clare his ‘boundless love for Italian women’.” “Ich bin ein Berliner!” would have flopped. The translation is Now, Putin’s most recent successor, Vladimir Putin, who does not “I am a Berliner!” It means, “I am a jam doughnut!” not drink but is known for his rugged good looks and macho image, has created what has become a major diplomatic inci- *Tony Deyal was last seen saying that Nixon out did Kennedy. dent involving the Chinese First Lady, former folk-singer, Peng At the funeral of French President General de Gaulle, Nixon Liyuan. The Sydney Morning Herald announced that Putin said, ““This is a great day for France!” “cracks on to” the first lady. Slate magazine reports that he “flirts with” Peng, while Foreign Policy went with “hits on.” What hap- Originally printed at pened? According to one report, “The Russian president draped The-Putin-protocol-and-other-presidential-gaffes-282773501.html
In 1995 [Boris Yeltsin] was found wandering in his underwear in Washington DC supposedly trying to get a cab to take him to a pizza joint.
A family’s tragedy that will encourage others e all face difficult moments in life, but some people get hit the hardest: by accidents, unexpected illnesses, crimes or disasters. We can be living a normal life one minute and then find ourselves in a tragedy a few hours later. Yet the amazing thing is that God is never taken by surprise.
Sia was entering into her 3rd year of college in pursuit of fulfilling her dream of becoming a pediatric physician. In effort to keep Sia’s dream alive in December of 2011 Sia Brain Awareness Scholarship Foundation, a 501c3 tax exempt organization was founded. One of the goals of the foundation is to award scholarships to deserving Central Florida graduating high school seniors who will be full-time On June 18, 2011, Sia Christine Yorker (19 years students in an accredited Florida college or of age) my only biological child and my husband university pursuing Medical/Science course of Al of almost 27 years only daughter was found studies. During 2012-2014, the foundation semiconscious with a towel under her head on presented scholarships to 12 students during her bathroom floor complaining that her head the March Sia Yorker Medical Science Scholarwas hurting. My husband called the ambulance, ship Banquet ranging from $500.00-$1,000.00. Sia Christine Yorker and Sia was taken to the community hospital A Brain Awareness Walk A thon is conducted where she had a seizure. A CAT SCAN was performed and re- yearly in October to raise funds for the scholarship program. vealed bleeding on the right side of her brain. Sia was immediately air lifted to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach, Florida. Upon Out of this unexpected suddenly Paula was inspired to write her arrival she was immediately taken into surgery due to a sud- a book “What Do You Do In The Midst Of A Suddenly?” This den acute brain hemorrhage, which is a type of stroke caused by book offers the reader hope and encouragement as they jouran artery in the brain bursting and causing localized bleeding in ney through their own suddenly, understanding that his or the surrounding tissues. This bleeding kills the brain cells. Sia never her suddenly is not the end, it’s just the beginning of a new regained consciousness, and 3 days later, Sia transitioned from earth chapter in their lives. There’s a proverb in Igbo language to heaven; everything happened so suddenly! that says “a brave and strong man can be overpowered when attacked suddenly, on the other hand, a real brave and strong Since Sia’s transition life has definitely been quite different, how- man is known by how he handles sudden attacks”. ever through the love and grace of our heavenly Father, my husband and I have determined to continue to move forward If you are interested in having someone from the foundation by helping others, even in the midst of our suddenly. Our mis- speak to your school or organization on adverse brain condision is to educate the community by bringing awareness of signs tions or would like more information about the foundation, and symptoms of Acute Brain Hemorrhages, Brain Tumors, please visit or contact Aneurisms, Strokes, Concussions, Seizures, and Alzheimer’s, De- Mrs. Paula Yorker, 386-789-3324, Executive Director/Proud mentia, the choking game and other adverse brain conditions. Mother‘Sia Brain Awareness Foundation
Letters to My Lawyer™ CHILD SUPPORT, VISITATION RIGHTS AND CUSTODY There are still child support responsibilities even if there is equal timesharing. The payment amount could lessen if the parent making the payments is given more time in the schedule. So essentially child support and time-sharing relate solely when it By Karlyn Hylton, Esq. comes to calculating child support payments. As a result of your divorce, a parenting plan is drafted either by the parents or the court and included in the settlement agreement or final judgment. This document helps avoid conflict, as it serves as a guideline of parental responsibilities following a divorce. This document includes childcare arrangements, the time-sharing schedDear Lawyer: ule, out-of-state travel plans, and plans as to where the children I am currently going through a divorce. I am a father of 3 and will go during holidays etc. It is important to note that if child am concerned with the process of child support, visitation rights support payments are not made a parent cannot refuse the nonand custody. How will all of this be calculated by the Court? paying parent time-sharing or visitation with a child. Please help. The attorneys at Hylton Adamson Watson have extensive experience dealing with an array of family law matters includSincerely, ing, divorce, child support, visitation etc. Please feel free to conConcerned Father tact us today with any questions you may have. We have offices located in Central and South Florida. Have a wonderful day! Happy New Year! Dear Concerned Father: Florida courts view timesharing/visitation/custody as separate from Regards, child support. It’s important to note that in the state of Florida the Karlyn Hylton, Esq. legal term “custody” doesn’t really exist because a parent is not HAWM, PLLC designated in this state as being a primary or secondary parent designee under Florida Statutes. This means both parents will share Please submit your letters to Each month a reader’s selection will be chosen for response. time/visitation rights with regards to their children. The court considers many factors when determining a timesharing schedule, of course with parental input and planning. Ultimately, the court does what is in the best interest of the children involved. There can be a schedule that equates to an equal amount of time for both parents or one parent may have the child or children a majority of the time. Parents can also agree to a timesharing schedule prior to court determination through a mediated agreement.
This column is primarily for educational purposes as well as to give the reader general information and a general understanding of the law, not to provide any legal advice whatsoever. By reading this column you understand that there is no attorney-cliet relationship between you and writer/publisher. This column should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney. This column is not published for advertising or solicitation purposes. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Letters to My Lawyer™ is a publication of Karlyn Hylton & Sasha Watson of Hylton, Adamson Watson, PLLC 120 E. Colonial Drive |Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: 407-802-3223 | F: 407-377-1971 Email:
(407) 924-4688
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Montego Bay to host first Nexus Caribbean Youth Summit in philanthropy Montego Bay Summit to Connect Young Social Entrepreneurs and Next Generation Wealth Holders amaica is set to host the first Nexus Caribbean Youth Summit in Montego Bay from February 5-??8, 2015 at the Half Moon Hotel. Nexus Caribbean is a part of the Nexus Global Network, an organization committed to advancing innovative philanthropy, impact investing and social entrepreneurship. Nexus has over 2,000 members in 70 countries representing the next generation of wealth holders, having a combined net worth of billions of dollars.
in the Caribbean and the rest of the world. The following speakers are confirmed to speak at the Nexus Caribbean Youth Summit:
• Abigail Noble, Head of Impact Investing Initiatives at the World Economic Forum, an international institution committed to improving the state of the world through publicprivate cooperation. • Doug Balfour, CEO of Geneva Global, a leading philanThe Nexus Caribbean Youth Summit is being organized as a thropic consulting firm specializing in international develway of building bridges between philanthropist and social opment, global health, and poverty solutions throughout entrepreneurs in the Caribbean islands, the Caribbean diaspora the world. and the rest of the world. This forum will highlight the region • Minister Lisa Hanna, Minister of Youth and Culture – as a hub for global networking, cultural diversity and Jamaica social innovation. “We hope that Nexus Caribbean will be the • Minister Damion Crawford, Minister of Tourism and Entervehicle to help shape and influence the dialogue around phitainment – Jamaica lanthropy, impact investing and social entrepreneurship”, said • Julie Colombino, Founder CEO, Rebuild Globally – Haiti Zachary Harding, President of the Phoenix Group and co-chair • Adam Stewart, CEO Sandals Resorts International of Nexus Caribbean. • Jack Hidary - Technology and financial entrepreneur current Chairman of Samba Energy, former independent can“Through our organizations, The Phoenix Group and The didate for mayor - NYC RMP Foundation, Richard Powell and myself have teamed up with Nexus Global to bring this event to the Caribbean The Nexus Global Youth Summit is a global movement of for the first time. The Sandals Foundation and Jamaica Tour- over 2,000 aspiring, young minds from over 70 countries ist Board are our main partners, and we are working closely who are changing the world through philanthropy and sowith them and others to make this a truly memorable and cial entrepreneurship. The Nexus Caribbean Youth Summit impactful summit.” is hosted by the RMP Foundation in partnership with the Jamaica Tourist Board, the Sandals Foundation and the Harding, a former deputy director of tourism in Jamaica MapeX Foundation. For more information on the Nexus and special advisor to the Minister said, “We believe that Caribbean Youth Summit, visit www.nexusyouthsummit. the Caribbean is a philosophical and cultural mecca, which org/summits/caribbean/ not only churns out the best athletes, musicians and trends but should also be the “go-to” region for intellectual talent and thought leadership.” These Jamaicans are hoping that the forum will showcase other young leaders in the Caribbean while fostering an environment for discussing and debating issues that impact the youth
hat an unbelievable line-up of some of the best the Caribbean has to offer in the entertainment music industry . . . the Queen of Reggae, Marcia Griffith; her voice is absolutely amazing, she gave the attendees everything they could have asked for, even the Electric Slide. Looking and her and listening to her perform who would believe that she’s been doing this for 50 years. Sean Paul was in his element, while he might not be the greatest on-stage performer, he
delivered a performance that kept you wanting more. Maxi Priest, one of the few remaining pure reggae artist; his music, his songs take you back to the good ole days. Richie Stephens was just full of energy and entertained the crowd with his lyrics and his new dance moves (check out our website at www.caribbean ameri for the video). The highlight of the weekend was none other than Bunji and Fay-Ann . . . WOW, they delivered, delivered and delivered a little more. They shared their stage time with the talented
and rising stars of the Caribbean, Tall Pree from Grenada and heavy weight ‘Skinny Fabulous’ and the crowd went wild with the crazy performances of Tall Pree and the energy of Skinny Fabulous.
the reigning couple of soca, Bunji and Faye-Ann, was the perfect combination for beautiful weekend of Caribbean musical diversity. This first annual One Caribbean Music Festival was packaged and presented to the attendees with the class and professionalism that is exThe combination of these rising stars, the Queen of pected from Art Of Music Productions, with over 20 years reggae, Marcia Griffith, the dancehall classics of Sean of experience producing and promoting music festivals Paul, the rhythmic talent of Richie Stephens, the sensa- throughout the Caribbean, producers of Jamaica Jazz tional performances by Tabou Band, the creativity of T- and Blues. As a Caribbean cultural enthusiast, I can’t Vice, the pure and classic reggae of Maxi Priest along wait for their next presentation in Florida.
Orlando Softball Cricket League Championships rlando Softball Cricket League (OSCL) division championships were postponed by the sudden and tragic death of Errol Ramnarain’s wife. Errol is a long time member of the Ocala Cricket Club team and serves as the vice-captain. Many friends and family made the sad journey to Ocala to pay their last respects.
Spartans won the toss and inadvisability chose to field on a cool Sunday. Shavey and Veren Jamawant thereafter heated the batting. At 60 runs in five overs, the result was a forgone conclusion. My argument; poor bowling prescribed this predilection. At ten overs the score was 119 for one. At the end of twenty overs, Positive were 214. Superlatives can hardly describe Shavies OSCL SEMIFINALS. Churaman’s 120 runs; at one time batting with his son, Mark. Caribbean Cricket Club batted first against Positive Cricket Club Positives were sparse fore the Spartans, facing a herculean 214. and managed an under par 110. Late hitting form Colin Under this immense pressure, Spartans wilted, wickets fell; 67 George,24 and Zaman Mowla, 18 saved them a truly low score. Constant pressure and aggressive fielding by Positive CC helped their cause. The chase was rendered easy by Shavie Churaman, 64 and Virendra Jamwant, 32. In the second Division II match, Grizzlies CC scored 113 for 8. Taz Dean made a stunning one-handed grab. Kumar Sarjoo was undefeated on 64.Rick Seepersaud grabbed four wickets. Spartans CC got to 114 in 18.5 overs. Rick Bissoon scored 58. Division II saw Dreamteam CC versus Strikers CC. Dreamteam enjoyed a second wicket partnership between Ajay Maniram and Raffi Alli. They ended at a respectable 146 for 9. Strikers reply fell just short at 142. Dreamteam returns to a familiar scenario-the finals
runs all out.Division I Championship. Dreamteam vs Tridents. Umpires Abdul Shadik and Rafeek Khan. Dreamteam won the toss and in a twist, invited Tridents to bat. At ten overs, 75 for three, even game, Beharry made a quick 34 runs. After the break, Dreamteam were happy to trap Bhim George at his strength and weakness, caught at square leg on 10 runs. In the second half, Dreamteam claimed quick wickets but tailenders, Rakesh Mahase, Patrick McCoon, Lil John Jaggernaut, pushed the score to 164 runs, a good game. Dreamteam ended ten overs at 75 runs for no loss with sensible batting from captain Ajay Maneiram and Azhar Khan. After the break wickets fell, Vishal Deo’s cameo was a quick 24 runs. With the final over and only 10 Tridents CC took on Masters CC next where Rokesh Mahase run needed; with the last ball and 2 runs to win. Bowled!!!!???. joined Bhim George and it was pandemonium. Bhim hit his Umpires unsure. Much gnashing of teeth, some cussing. 56 with three massive sixes over midwicket.Rockesh showed no respect to the bowlers with his 55 runs, he has now added A SUPER OVER by Rokesh....gviving up three wides, eighteen batting to his phenomenal resume. Masters, chasing 178, per- runs with Ajay doing the damage. All credit to both teams for ished at the sword, one hundred runs short. OSCL Division II a hair raising end. Dreamteam wins the championship for what many would consider, from an underdog hole. championship. Umpires Arjune and Joe
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Kamal’s Korner By Kamal Abdool
y Paternal Grandfather is Nabi Abdool and my Father Tony Abdool. Both men were Leaders in their Community and Villagers came to them for Advice. There were times monetary help was requested. Above all, in times of sorrow they were there for the Villagers.
verse and it’s OK. As I’ve clearly iterated, if you agree with everything I say or write, you’re not allocating enough time for original thought.
I thought of both men today as I concluded a phone conversation with with Erica Williams, daughter of our first Prime Min-
I’m grateful Dr Williams approved Mausica Teachers College which opened in 1963. Ten years later I’m fortunate to enter as a student and a new era of enrichment emerged. A Principal, the epitome of excellence and Lecturers committed to developing an inquisitive mind. Icing on the cake - wonderful fellow students that led to friendships for life.
I’m grateful to Dr Williams for expanding educational opportunities for my generation. A decade earlier many of my felI benefitted from their stature and if the truth be told, low Nationals missed out on attending Secondary School. I capitalized on it. Most times I was treated special once I in- passed Common Entrance in 1965, a year that a record 3000 voked that I was Nabi’s Grandson or Tony’s son. entered free Secondary Education.
“...if you agree with everything I say or write, you’re not allocating enough time for original thought.” ister Dr Eric Williams.
Over the past weeks I’ve been working on a challenge confronting her. At the end of the conversation she told me “ I Thank you Dr Eric Eustace Williams for the vision of an eduOwe You. “ cated Trinidad and Tobago. We owe you. I responded “ No, you don’t, I owe your Dad everything.”
I’d like to think if a Fellow National in need approached you for guidance and you’ll respond, Oh! You’re Kamal’s Child/ Now some of you may disagree with what I’m about to con- Grandchild. Off course I’ll help you.
Chris Rock talks Race, Politics, Ferguson and Comedy Continued from pg 1
people voting against their own self-interests. At some point you go, Okay: Is that what they want? Is it possible that they’re just angry, whether it’s anger at Obama or Washington in general, and they just want to lash out? If you’re angry, you don’t rationally consider what’s in your self-interest. Maybe. But we had Bush for eight years. They saw what that was. Apparently a lot of people want to go back to that. A lot of people think rich people are smart. For all the current conversation about income inequality, class is still sort of the elephant in the room. Oh, people don’t even know. If poor people knew how rich rich people are, there would be riots in the streets. If the average person could see the Virgin Airlines first-class lounge1, they’d go, “What? What? This is food, and it’s free, and they … what? Massage? Are you kidding me?”
not Eddie Murphy. But in a world of politicians … When he first came on the scene, we learned he listened to Jay Z. He watched The Wire. Do you think he has had any effect on pop culture? I’m not sure. I mean, time will tell, and what I mean by “time will tell” is: We’ll see who gets into politics. That’s the real test. In a weird way, him saying he listens to Jay?Z — it’s kind of revolutionary, because he’s of the age that he’s supposed to listen to that stuff. And so he’s a little more himself than most politicians. We’ll see if more politicians end up being just themselves. What do you think of how he’s done? Here we are in the last two years of his presidency, and there’s a sense among his supporters of disappointment, that he’s disengaged.
I’m trying to figure out the right analogy. Everybody wanted Michael Jordan, right? We got Shaq. That’s not a disappointment. You know what I mean? We got Charles Barkley. It’s still a Hall of Fame career. The president should be graded on jobs and peace, and the Let’s talk about Obama a bit. You have been a other stuff is debatable. Do more people have Photo by Martin Schoeller fan. Have you ever met him? jobs, and is there more peace? I guess there’s a little more peace. Not as much peace as we’d Yeah, a couple times. like, but I mean, that’s kind of the gig. I don’t recall anybody leaving on an up. It’s just that kind of job. I mean, the liberals And what did you make of him? that are against him feel let down because he’s not Bush. And the thing about George Bush is that the kid revolutionized the presiKind of cool. I always say, cooler than most politicians, not as dency. How? He was the first president who only served the people cool as actual cool people. He’s not cool like Jay Z’s cool. He’s who voted for him. He literally operated like a cable network. You know what I mean? He pandered to his target audience. He’s the first cable-television president, and the thing liberals don’t like about Obama is that he’s a network guy. He’s kind of Les Moonves. He’s trying to get everybody. And I think he’s figured out, and maybe a little late, that there’s some people he’s never going to get. When you mentioned Bush, I thought you were going to say something else, which is that he had this “good versus evil” manner of speaking — the Western sheriff who’s come to lay down the law. Obama’s been faulted for not showing anger in public, and for not speaking in simple, declarative Bushisms. Of course, the moment he does do that, he’s acRead read entire interview, go to
See story on page 12
Fit Like A Ras By Jeremy Roberts - NASM
Building Muscle Hammer Strength Incline Press (4 sets, 8-12 reps), Flat Bench Flye (4 sets, 8-12 reps), Machine Bench Press (3 sets, 8-12 reps) and incline cable flye (7 sets, 10-12 reps).
o, if we followin’ de plan, we losin’ fat like Democrats losin’ elections. But dat gon leff yuh lookin’ like a skin covered (And if yuh ain’t familiar with Mr. Heath, here’s a side by side skeleton, or a supermodel (same ting, really). We need comparison with young Arnold): to fill de space wid something else, namely muscle. Dis So the workout is is wha’ people mean when dey seh fairly similar, aldey wan’ get “toned” (did I menthough there are a tion I hate the word??). few minor variations that he probThe question always comes up: what’s the ably worked in best way to build muscle? As with any such based on his own question, the answer is always “it deexperience and pends” …… or, if you prefer to sound like preferences. a Buddhist Monk, the answer is “whichever way you build muscle, grasshopper”. The basic premise Basically, we all different. You go try will always be the Arnold’s method, and you probably won’t same: make your look like him, even if you use the “perforbody think it has mance enhancers” he admitted to using. to add more and When I fus started lifting weights, and had better functioning the big dude who owned the gym write muscle because me out a program, it went like this: Monyou are now enday – Chest & triceps, Tuesday - Back & gaged in some acbiceps, Wednesday – Shoulders & calves, tivity that reThursday – Rest day, Friday – Legs, Saturday – Chest & triceps, Sunday – Rest Day and just keep cycling quires this. Yuh obviously got to work the muscle more than you used to, and yuh got to be at it pon a regular. through like that. For each workout, I had 4 main exercises, so for example, Chest/ triceps day was bench press, Incline press, dumbbell flyes and cable crossovers for chest, then tricep pushdowns and tricep overheads. All exercises were 3 sets of 8 reps. Abs at the end (which I rarely did!). I saw a huge difference after just a few months, so to me, this was how you supposed to build muscle. No questions asked. As I now know, those were what are typically referred to as “newbie gains”: any 90 lb weakling (like me) was going to get bigger/stronger doing just about any kind of consistent program. I eventually stopped gaining, which will happen with any type of program. Still, because of the initial success, I always blamed something other than the program itself.
For someone beginning, the 3 sets, 8-12 rep range for all muscle groups is a good place to start. However, as you go through and keep at it, you might find a different combo that works for you. You might even find that some muscles respond to any and all set/rep range combos, while other muscles need a specific way of being worked to achieve any gains. So, the main tek away should be dis: if yuh ain’t liftin’ weights now, jus’ get in de gym an’ do it. As long as yuh consistent, and keep pushing the body, yuh should see gains. It would be better to get wid a Personal Trainer, but it ain’t necessary. And keep track of yuhself as always to mek sure yuh mekkin’ real gains. Wuk hard.
Considering how long ago that was, it was certainly a good pro- GT Dread is an NASM-CPT, who competes in Masters Track, gram. The current Mr. Olympia, Phil Heath, has been quoted in Field Hockey and Weightlifting. He can be contacted at Muscle & Fitness as saying that his chest routine is as follows:
Home is where the heart is! By Rosemarie G. Roth This article is about my encounter with the reality that homelessness can touch anyone and it does not matter what our socioeconomic status is. Our experience and success can help someone else to make better choices and be successful. At the first of the year Derrick Wallace allowed us to meet at his home to discuss homelessness and how we can have an impact in our community as “Community Builders”. He spoke of how his company, a Rosemarie Roth general construction company can help those who want to seek permanent housing and that he has made a difference. Steve Smith from New Beginnings of Central Florida shared how meeting a homeless man drew him to a plan to create affordable housing in Clermont. With this plan he provides counseling, work experience and education to help an individual attain their housing needs. During one of the sessions I shared how God had brought me through four foreclosure attempts to bring me to a place where three hundred and seventy four thousand dollars were forgiven off my mortgage and I was able to modify my loan with a two percent interest rate. I was in tears as I reflected during the times I was served the notices. My heart usually skipped a beat because the possibility of homelessness was always looming over my head. What causes Homelessness? Underemployment, divorce, mental or physical illness, laziness, under education, economy recession, pride and sometimes misinformation to name a few. I received an invitation recently that was hosted at the Rosen Convention Center for the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida, a non-profit dedicated to helping the homeless population. The Coalition shared that they are grateful that the residents and businesses in the community Photo by have joined with them by donating money, volunteer time, goods and services to maintain their facility. I spoke with Ms. Muffet Robinson, the Director of Communication and she was able to provide me with factual information about the mission of the Coalition. She spoke with much passion about her involvement and how she gets the message out to the public through the media, social networks and as a speaker to interested groups. During our chat Mr. Donald Whitehead, the Director - Men’s Services joined us. His vision is to seek mentors for the 200 men that are housed in the service center. He is seeking people just like YOU who are reading this article and would like to make a difference through literacy. As simple as helping an individual with filling out an employment application, read the bible or passing on your knowledge of goals and sticking with them. I personally invite you to begin now to pass on some good Karma. According to the Homeless Services Network, there are an estimated 10,000 homeless adults in the area. The count jumps to 20,000 if the number of children in temporary shelters in motels is factored in. Proverbs 28:27 “Those who give to the poor will lack nothing...” Mortgage Modification call Urban League or to volunteer call Rosemarie @ 352-321-0932
LEADING LADIES BEHIND THE SCENES AND ON THE FRONT LINE Welcome to my column on Leading Ladies behind the Scenes. Our column will introduce you to leading ladies who have branded their own recognition and blazed their own trails. These ladies work behind the scenes but manage the front line with high impact results. You might have heard their names or admired their work, but never met them up close and personal. Our column will give you the chance to meet these ladies so you can place a face with the name and their trendsetting work in our community, various organizations and in business. Thank you for celebrating their value with us.
Nouchelle Hastings: “Girl What Do You Bring to the Table?”
Diana Taylor (Lady D), Luminary Award Winner and 30 Years of Broadcasting with Excellence. he trending term for going back in time is Throw Back (this and that) so lets’ travel back to Miami, FL, August 3, 2013. Consul General 2013 Jamaica Independence Anniversary Gala and Dia spora Honours was held at the Signature Grand in Davie. The theme for this 51st Anniversary of Independence was “United…the Journey Continues”.
cause Luminary Taylor is a change-maker moving the people of Jamaica forward throughout the State of Florida.
Consul General Honourable Sandra Grant Griffiths states “As we reflect on the past 50 years at the dawning of this Jamaica’s 51st year of Independence, it is more than arguable that we can identify just cause to celebrate the continuation of a mission of promoting our own destiny”. The Jamaican society has bequeathed the creativity, vision and leadership of diverse iconic CAC Lady D and MT figures and unsung heroes, leading to the creation of resounding socio-cultural impact far beyond its shores, reflected time and again in the seemingly natural gifts with which the nationals manage to elevate their pride and character. Diana O. Taylor, a resident of Orlando, FL. has captured the attention of her peers, as well as her Jamaican national leaders both in the U.S and in her home country, ‘Jamaica’. As an owner of several businesses within the State of Florida she was the recipient of the Luminary Award. The Luminary Award was given to Diana Taylor based on her exemplary integrity in business and as a community leader and activist. Her commitment to excellence placed her at the highest margins during the panels review; Diana will now join the outstanding change-makers and vanguards of Jamaica nationals. Florida Governor Rick Scott called it an honor to celebrate those who make Jamaica one of Florida’s top trading partners in the Caribbean region. Jamaica is a vital economic partner and its strength is represented in the display of the business community said Scott. Diana Taylor is saluted for her continued significant service and for carving the path for a positive image for the people of Jamaica. “United . . . the Journey Continues” be-
So fast forward to December, 2014. Diana is the proud wife of MT the Music Maker and it’s their time to shine – shine as bright as a Silver Bell. Silver Bells just the thought means something fun, festive and forever. When you think of Diana and the work that she has done, the seeds that she has planted and the faith that she holds . . . it’s forever. If Diana was a watch, she’d be a masterpiece, if she was gem, she’d be a diamond and if she was an angel she’d be eternal but since she’s here with us, she is unforgettably, Lady D. Congratulations to you and MT on 30 Years of Excellence in Broadcast Journalism and advocacy for our children . . . Shine forever and ever. Caribbean Affair Connection we salute your illuminating spirit. (www.cacradio
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Jamaican swimmer Alia Atkinson becomes first black woman to win world title Continued from page 1 Jamaican Atkinson, 25, claimed the title and equalled Ruta Meilutyte’s world record of 1 min 02.36 sec in the process - although under governing body FINA rules this still equates to a new record. Meilutyte appeared on course for a successful defense of her title only for her rival to move on to the Lithuanian’s shoulder at the final turn. Atkinson then clawed her way down the final length before out-touching the 17-year-old by 0.10sec. She was completely unaware of what she had done, staring up at the scoreboard with an air of resignation before it gradually dawned. “Me?,” she mouthed, pointing at herself before the enormity of her achievement was absorbed and so started the celebrations. “I couldn’t believe it. It came down to the same thing as the 50, and on the 50 I got out-touched, so in my mind I went straight back to that,” Atkinson told Agence France-Presse after the race. “I just thought, ‘Oh, OK’ and looked up at the board, and it didn’t really click yet and then it really started to click. It took a while.” The win was also Jamaica’s first gold in world swimming championships. Atkinson’s role at the International Swimming Hall of Fame in Florida is to encourage greater involvement of different communities in swimming and to promote water safety. “Hopefully my face will come out, there will be more popularity especially in Jamaica and the Caribbean and we’ll see more of a rise and hopefully in the future we will see a push,” Atkinson mused.
Top 5 Video Picks 1 Artist: Bugle Title: “No Obligation”
Video Link: (Top 5 Video Picks) JVTV Review: Bugle is one of the most underrated artists in the dancehall “industry” who transitioned his sound on a more conscious level. No Obligation is the single off of the Anointed Album which was directed by Jerome Hyde of Unplugged Media, one of Jamaica’s top production unit. You can follow Bugle on Twitter @buglemusic. Stay tuned Markus Records have a lot more in store for spring 2015.
2 Artist: Ricardo Drue Title: “Vagabond”
Video Link: (Top 5 Video Picks) JVTV Review: iiiits Drue! We have had the pleasure of interviewing our lil brethren with the massive chune, Vagabond on many occasions but now he is too busy tearing down fetes and nightclubs everywhere. Vagabond was filmed and directed by Avant media and shot in Antigua and TNT. Drue’s humbleness is what truly separates him from the rest of dem. He is really a simple guy, but a creative soul. Expect full energy when you see the Vagabond perform. Straight vibes. You can follow him on twitter @itsdrue.
3 Artist: Sekon Sta Title: “The Best”
Video Link: (Top 5 Video Picks) JVTV Review: Hailing all the way from Trinidad & Tobago on the Kan Kan Riddim comes the Soca Superhero. Some of you may know his breakthrough soca song last year “wine on deh truck”. After this song you may a bit more familiar with this artist and and make sure you check the other artists as well that are on the hot new Kan Kan Riddim. You can follow Sekon on twitter @sekonsta
4 Artist: 5 Star Akil Title: “Noise”
Video Link: (Top 5 Video Picks) JVTV Review: 5 Star Akil chopped it up with Jungle Vibes TV during his performance in Orlando earlier this year. With soca’s new vibe and music direction, it is safe to say 5 Star has the formula. His latest effort on Noise is a mixture of old and new scenes. We must admit the chorus on the track is contagious. You will randomly splurt it out and won’t know where it came from. Major respect to 5 Star Akil. We cannot wait to hear more 2015 music from him. You can keep up with 5 Star through his twitter @5starakil.
5 Artist: I Octane featuring Kymani Marley Title: “Ah Ya Wi Deh”
Video Link: (Top 5 Video Picks) JVTV Review: Top Shotta, Kymani Marley alongside reggae sensation, I-Octane collaborated on this single for Ah Ya Wi Deh. Directed by Jamaica’s upcoming production team, bling blang productions; Ah ya Wi deh talks about politics and suffering in the home town of Jamaica. I-Octane stays on heavy rotation on JVTV. Keep an ear out for the full album with additional guest features. You can follow Octane @realioctane on twitter.
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CHRISTMAS CARROT NOG ood and festivity will always be a big part of the Christmas holid a y s e a s o n . H o w e v e r, y o u should try to stay away from foods with high sugar content. Try not to over-indulge in too much sweet or rich food. Remember to eat in moderation, and make a conscious effort to eat healthy foods that will nourish your body, mind and spirit.
Eggnog is a popular holiday beverage in America. It is made with milk, sugar, eggs, cream and spices. Some of the traditional eggnog recipes can be as high as 400 calories a drink. This Christmas try my Jamaican Carrot Nog, which is a healthier alternative to the traditional Eggnog. By practicing healthy eating over the holidays, you will have more energy and fewer cravings for foods with high sugar content.
Ingredients: 1 cup almond milk 1 medium organic carrot 2 tablespoons raisins Dash of cinnamon Dash of Nutmeg 1 teaspoon fresh ginger 1 ice-cube
Wash and scrape the carrot, then cut into pieces. Pour almond milk into Vitamix or blender; add carrot and blend. Add ice, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and raisins. Blend until smooth.
Have a healthy, happy Christmas! Jamaican-born Sandi Morais has a BA degree from Florida International University. She is the author of Recipe for Life vegetarian/vegan cookbook, and she is also a Fitness Lifestyle Coach. Sandi has been featured in Natural Awakenings magazine, and she has been a guest on NBC 6 Today in South Florida. Recipe for Life vegetarian/vegan cookbook with quick and easy recipes is a great way to get you started on the road to a healthy lifestyle. Only $19.95. visit
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