Identification Guide of Grapvines Grown in a Cold Climate – Wine grapes

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Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate Wine grapes GaĂŤlle DubĂŠ Isabelle Turcotte agronomists

Mucro salient red slightly bent

12 mm

18 cm

concave and convex teeth

137 g

truncated conical with wing, loose compactness

lateral sinus sometimes overlapped

Richard Grenier Publisher

U-shaped petiolar sinus

The French version of this project was made possible with the financial assistance of: Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) through the Programme de soutien à l’innovation horticole (PSIH).

The French version was sponsored by: Centre de recherche agroalimentaire de Mirabel (CRAM).

Photographs © 1 Pierre Cadoret

2 Gaëlle Dubé

6 Stefano Campagnaro

3 Richard Grenier

7 Ginette Laplante

4 Isabelle Turcotte

8 Geneviève Legault

5 Stéphan Paquet

9 Jean-François Péloquin

Translation : 2014-07 All rights reserved to the authors and the publisher © 2011 Legal Deposit: Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, 2014. Library and Archives Canada 2014. ISBN : 978-2-9814698-1-6

It is illegal to reproduce this book in whole or in part, by any method, without the permission of the authors and the publisher.

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

Preface V


his document consists of an initial collection of information on cultivar identification and the specific viticultural characteristics of grape varieties grown in cold climates; more specifically, those that are found in the province of Québec. We propose here an ampelographic description based on our field observations in recent years. To this end, we have selected a set of morphological descriptors that are presented in the form of description sheets. These descriptors are based on those developed by the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) and those of Pierre Galet, an agronomist recognized as a specialist in the field of ampelography. We also developed our own descriptors to gather as much information as possible about growing these grape varieties in Québec. To understand the concept of the descriptors and cultural characteristics, each of them are defined at the beginning of this document. These definitions, in addition to some diagrams and measurement scales, guide the readers in their own observations, and describe at the same time the methods we used to obtain our information. The description sheets are supplemented by three other sections in the book. The first part presents some characteristics of the Vitis species used in the crosses that have produced the varieties found in Québec (Vitis vinifera, Vitis labrusca, Vitis riparia, etc.). Knowing the parents of a grape variety can provide guidance about its expected performance, including its susceptibility to diseases, the vine culture, and flavor characteristics of the variety produced from the parental cross. The second section presents short biographical notes of some breeders whose grapes are grown in our climate with the goal of better understanding the origin of Québec’s grape varieties. The final part presents comparative tables and summaries, as well as two climatic maps of Québec: one illustrating winter hardiness zones and the other showing summer heat summation using the growing degree-day index with a 10 °C base.

In this first inventory of the main grape varieties grown in Québec, we focused on the Vitis vinifera varieties that are present in some vineyards, as well as the semi-hardy varieties requiring winter protection and the fully cold hardy varieties. The list of grape varieties has been divided according to either the quality potential or the extent of the cultivated area of the variety in Québec (main varieties and secondary varieties). This list also includes varieties that are currently being tested on small plantings and which were judged likely to have a larger role in Québec vineyards over the next few years. This guide also aims to be a planning tool for the establishment of a vineyard by presenting a number of the cultural and organoleptic characteristics of the varieties. These characteristics are based on our observations, combined with other grape growing professionals in Québec. The information presented is empirical and reflects the performance of the vine under average growing conditions. The reader should be aware that many cultural characteristics are greatly influenced by specific geographic and climatic conditions. Thus, the choice of a vineyard location is of paramount importance. It is important to keep in mind that the observations, as well as the cultural and organoleptic characteristics of the varieties presented in this document, will be refined over time with additional observations and experience in future years of cultivation and winemaking.

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

Table of contents VII | About the team IV | Preface V | Descriptors defenitions 9 17 | Schemas: Leaf – Flower – Cluster

Description of the White Grape Varieties 20 | Adalmiina (E.S. 6-16-30) 24 | Cayuga White (NY 33403) 28 | Chardonnay 30 | Delisle (E.S. 7-5-41) 32 | Eona 34 | E.S. 4-23-60 36 | E.S. 10-18-14 38 | E.S. 10-18-30 40 | Frontenac blanc 44 | Frontenac gris (MN 1187) 48 | Geisenheim (GM 318-57) 52 | Hibernal (GM 322-58) 56 | Kay Gray (E.S. 1-63) 58 | La Crescent (MN 1166) 62 | Louise Swenson (E.S. 4-8-33) 66 | Osceola Muscat (E.S. 8-2-43) 70 | Prairie Star (E.S. 3-24-7) 72 | Riesling 74 | Saint-Cliche 76 | St. Pepin (E.S. 282) 80 | Seyval (S.V. 5-276) 84 | Swenson White (E.S. 6-1-43) 88 | Traminette (NY 65.533.13) 90 | Vandal-Cliche (Vandal 84-14) 94 | Vidal (Vidal 256) Description of the Red Grape Varieties 98 | Baco noir (24-23 Baco) 100 | Baltica 104 | Beta 106 | Chambourcin (J.S. 26.205) 108 | Chancellor (Seibel 7.053) 112 | De Chaunac (Seibel 9.549) 116 | DM 8521-1 120 | Frontenac (MN 1047) 124 | Gamay 126 | Léon Millot (Kuhlmann 194-2) 128 | Lucie Kuhlmann (Kuhlmann 149-1) 132 | Maréchal Foch (Kuhlmann 188-2) 136 | Marquette (MN 1211) 140 | New York Muscat (NY 12997) 142 | Petite Perle (TP 2-1-24) 144 | Pionnier (E.S. 4-7-25) 146 | Radisson (E.S. 5-17) 150 | Sabrevois (E.S. 2-1-9) 154 | St. Croix (E.S. 2-3-21) 158 | Seyval noir (S.V. 5-247) 162 | Skandia (TP 2-1-37)

164 | S.V. 18-307 166 | TP 1-1-12 169 | Other Grape Varieties grown in Québec Comparative tables 172 | Green shoots 174 | Lower side of the leaf 176 | Clusters Summary tables and maps 178 | Susceptibility to diseases 180 | Period of bud burst 181 | Plant Hardiness Zones Map 182 | Growing Degree-Days base 10 °C 183 | Growing Degree-Days Map base 10 °C Vines species description 187 | Introduction 188 | Vitis aestivalis 188 | Vitis berlandieri 189 | Vitis cinerea 189 | Vitis labrusca 190 | Vitis riparia 190 | Vitis rupestris 191 | Vitis vinifera 192 | Genetics summary Improvement of varieties and breeders 197 | Improvement of varieties 198 | The Breeders 198 | Albert Seibel (S) 198 | Cornell University (NY) 199 | David MacGregor (DM) 199 | Elmer Swenson (E.S.) 200 | Eugène Kuhlmann 200 | François Baco 200 | Geisenheim Grape Breeding Institute (GM) 200 | Jean-Louis Vidal 200 | Joannès Seyve (J.S.) 200 | Joseph O. Vandal 201 | Mario Cliche 201 | Mark Hart (MAVO) 201 | Seyve Villard (S.V.) 202 | Tom Plocher (TP) 202 | University of Minnesota (MN) Glossary 207 | Glossary of Terms Bibliography 213 | Works consulted 213 | Webibliography 213 | Works of interest and online sources 215 | Acknowledgements

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

120 Frontenac

Main red varieties

MN 1047

Green shoots Elongated appearance. Large lightly coppery areas. Red stripe. Cobwebby hairs.

Young leaves First leaves remain folded in U. Large lightly coppery areas. Cobwebby hairs.



Shoot tip Shoot tip closed. The first leaves remain folded in U. Glabrous to cobwebby hairs on veins and shoots. Few pearl glands.

Inflorescence Extremity of the inflorescence with few red flower caps. Cobwebby hairs on the rachis.



Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

Frontenac 121 MN 1047

Main red varieties Cross Landot (L.4511) X Vitis riparia 89 Genetics V. vinifera 25,4 % V. cinerea 0 %

V. rupestris V. berlandieri

10,2 % 7,8 %

V. riparia 50,4 % V. aestivalis 2,3 %

V. labrusca Open poll.

2,3 % 0%

Cross remarks Bred in 1978 by Jim Luby at the University of Minnesota. Selected in 1983 by Peter Hemstad. Patented in 1995.

Culture in Québec Private network trials since 1998. Established in Québec in 2001. Zone – Degree-days 3b – 1250 GDDs (10 °C)

Yield 8 T/ha (σ = 3)

Time of bud burst semi-early

Vigour very high

Cold damage 8

Berry sugar level 24 Brix

Establishment speed rapid

Fertility high

Establishment zone remarks Does well on good sites in zone 5. Ripens a bit late for zone 4. Grows in most types of soils.

Shoot tip closed

Shoot remarks Red upper side and green lower side with red streaks.

Wood internodes medium

Woody cane remarks Brown canes with some deep reddish-brown streaks.

Growth habit semi-erect

Growth habit remarks Easy trellising.

Susceptibility to diseases Anthracnose: ++ Downy mildew: tolerant Rot brenner: ++

Powdery mildew: + Grey rot: +

Excoriose: n.a. Black rot: +++

Diseases and insects remarks Powdery mildew mainly on leaf. During rainy autumn, pay attention to the development of gray rot. Susceptible to foliar phylloxera. Copper can be slightly phytotoxic to berries. Sensitive to magnesium deficiency.

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

122 Frontenac

Main red varieties

MN 1047

Flowering Hermaphrodite. Beige anthers. Filaments rather long. Long style. Cobwebby hairs on the rachis.

Upper side of leaf Pentagonal, sometimes kidney-shaped, 3 lobes. Thin and shiny leaf blade. Straight teeth. Petiolar point red. U-shaped petiolar sinus, very open to open and sometimes bare.




Lower side of leaf Glabrous leaf blade. Veins and petiole with erect hairs. Red petiole.

Cluster Truncated conical, sometimes with wing, loose to medium compactness. Large length. Red rachis. Purplish-blue berries, spherical, medium small size. White and pointy stylar scar.



Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

Frontenac 123 MN 1047

Main red varieties Upper side of leaf – shape pentagonal – 3 lobes

Upper side of leaf profil V-shaped

Dentation length – shape medium to long – straight

Upper side of leaf remarks Sometimes kidney-shaped. Thin and shiny leaf blade. Petiolar point red. Petiolar sinus shape U-shaped

Petiolar sinus opening very open to open

Sinus remarks Petiolar sinus sometimes bare. Lower side of leaf hairs Glabrous leaf blade. Veins and petiole with a few erect hairs. Lower side of leaf remarks Red petiole. Cluster weight 138 g (σ = 55)

Cluster length – shape large – truncated conical

Cluster compactness loose to medium

Cluster remarks Sometimes with wing. Red rachis. Berry size – shape med. small – spherical

Berry remarks Purplish-blue berries. White and pointy stylar scar. Thin skin. Tends to desiccate during maturation. Weight ~ 1,3 g.

Types of wines Red — Rosé — Fortified — Late harvest Organoleptic characteristics Versatile variety. When harvested at full maturity, it gives a complex and full-bodied wine with black cherry, blackberry, plum, chocolate and coffee aromas, but lacks tannin. Strawberry predominant flavor in rosés. High acidity and sugar levels. Harvest date should be based on the acidity of the berries even if the alcoholic potential is high. The acidity may decrease with the age of the plants. Tolerates the use of barrels or wood chips. Low juice yield.

General remarks Currently the best producer in quantity, in Québec. Good yield from the 3rd year. The high buds fertility gives this vine the capacity to produce a good harvest even after a spring frost. Buds of the old wood are fertile. Balance the vegetative and reproductive phase in order to avoid the development of branch with a too large diameter. A bit sensitive to early fall frosts. The propagation of Frontenac is managed by the Minnesota Nursery Research Corporation (Source: Licensing/index.htm)

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

176 Clusters

Comparative table

Classification The distribution of clusters is made according to the color (green-yellow to dark purplish-blue). Prairie Star

E.S. 10-18-14

E.S. 10-18-30

p. 70

p. 36

p. 38



Swenson White

Kay Gray

St. Pepin

Cayuga White


E.S. 4-23-60






Osceola Muscat


Louise Swenson



Frontenac blanc

La Crescent

p. 20

p. 24

p. 72

p. 62

p. 94

p. 74

p. 90

p. 88

p. 84

p. 34

p. 80

p. 48

p. 56

p. 52

p. 66

p. 40

p. 76

p. 28

p. 30

p. 58

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

Clusters 177

Comparative table



Léon Millot

Frontenac gris

Lucie Kuhlmann


De Chaunac

DM 8521-1

New York Muscat





S.V. 18-307

Maréchal Foch


Baco noir

Chancellor p. 108

p. 104


St. Croix


Petite Perle

Seyval noir

TP 1-1-12


p. 32

p. 106

p. 100

p. 120

p. 150

p. 146

p. 112

p. 124

p. 98

p. 142

p. 126

p. 116

p. 162

p. 158

p. 44

p. 140

p. 164

p. 166

p. 128

p. 136

p. 132

p. 154

p. 144

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

Acknowledgements 215 The vineyards, listed below, contributed greatly to the collection of the data, photographs, measurements, and validation for the content of this guide. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAC) – Research Station Frelighsburg Bernard Gagné Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire de Mirabel (CRAM) Château Fontaine Coin de France Coteau St-Paul – Vignoble et cidrerie Domaine Bel-Chas Domaine Bergeville Domaine De Lavoie Domaine des Côtes d’Ardoise Domaine des Météores Domaine du Clos de l’Isle Domaine Mont Vézeau Domaine Royarnois La Charloise Mario Cliche Martin Dandenault Verger et Vignoble Casa Breton

Vignoble Carone Vignoble Côte de Plaisance Vignoble Couchepagane Vignoble de la Côte St-Charles Vignoble des Négondos Vignoble Domaine de la Côte Mont-Rigaud Vignoble Gagliano Vignoble La Bauge Vignoble La Petite paysanne Vignoble Le chat botté Vignoble Le Nordet Vignoble Le Royer St-Pierre Vignoble Les Artisans du terroir Vignoble Les Pervenches Vignoble Les Petits Cailloux Vignoble Les Trois Clochers Vignoble Rivière du Chêne Vignoble Sainte-Pétronille Viticulture A & M

Revision Team Lilly Boulianne, proofreading for English translation Alain Breault, nurseryman and winegrower Annie Lefebvre, plant pathology technician (HRDC) Gilles Benoit, winegrower and winemaker Ginette Laplante, agri-food technologist

Jean-François Péloquin, agronomist Larbi Zerouala, agronomist, MAPAQ Simon Naud, winegrower Stefano Campagnaro, ecology tech., CRAM

A special thanks for the following collaborators K. Helen Fisher, Ph.D. English ampelographic terminologies Mark Hart, English ampelographic terminologies Alain Breault, nurseryman and winegrower

Gilles Benoit, winegrower and winemaker David Cotineau, winemaker Jérémie d’Hauteville, œnologist, agronomist Richard Bastien, œnologist

They have supported our project in the program PSIH (MAPAQ) Association des Vignerons du Québec inc.

Vignerons Indépendants du Québec

The heart of this production Gaëlle Dubé, agronomist: Project management, writing, content management, ampelographic descriptions, photos selection, research, measurements, and photographs. Isabelle Turcotte, agronomist: Project management, writing, ampelographic descriptions, research, measurements, and photographs. Pierre Cadoret: Photographs, photo editing.

Richard Grenier, publisher: Photographs, measurements, proofreading, writing, graphics, computer graphics, illustrations ©, photo editing, publishing, and printing management. Stéphan Paquet: Development of an XML database linked to a page layout. Photographs, Internet advisor.

Identification Guide of Grapevines Grown in a Cold Climate — Wine grapes – 2011

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