ALCA Mid-Atlantic 2016

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Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Resource Directory • Complete Listings of Aging Life Care Managers • Helpful Resources • Articles, Checklists and Much More!

Mid-Atlantic Chapter


President Susy Murphy Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the first-ever Aging Life Care™ Association (ALCA) Resource Directory! Guide to Retirement Living SourceBook has long been a champion of our profession, and the Board of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of ALCA has worked in close partnership with SourceBook to produce this guide. Nationally, our Chapter is part of a network of more than 2,000 members, and membership is growing every day. Regionally, about 250 members, including social workers, nurses, therapists, gerontologists and certified care managers work to help guide and support clients who face challenges associated with aging and/or disability, as well as their families or guardians. Put simply, our goal is to ensure that these vulnerable clients enjoy the best quality of life possible. I am also delighted to partner with members of the National Association of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) as an integral part of this guide. Members of NAELA were among the first professionals to encourage social workers and nurses to assist with their clients’ care needs. They provided support during the early days of our association, and our members continue to work closely with elder law attorneys today. This guide would not have been possible without the support of our many corporate partners in the communities we serve, including home care companies, assisted living communities, skilled nursing facilities, and hospitals—to name just a few. On behalf of our Board and our members, we thank you!

Past President Denise Valerio Valerio Care Management Vice President Janice Duffin Care Direct Secretary Wendy Liebling Liebling Elder Care Treasurer Buckley Fricker Buckley’s for Seniors, LLC

Since 1985, members of ALCA (formerly known as the National Association for Professional Geriatric Care Managers) have distinguished themselves in the field of aging through a rigorous credentialing process, a strict Code of Ethics and unparalleled expertise in eight core areas. These areas are the keys to improving our clients’ lives and include: Legal, Crisis Intervention, Health & Disability, Financial, Housing, Family, Local Resources and Advocacy. Whatever your questions and needs may be, in these pages you will find a trove of professionals ready to guide you. Aging Life Care Managers truly are “the experts in aging well!” Susy Elder Murphy, BA, CMC President, Mid-Atlantic Chapter Committee of ALCA

Board Members At-Large Kate Caldwell ElderTree Care Management Services Mary Faith Ferretto Ferretto Eldercare Consulting Judy Grumbly Care Options Ellen Platt The Option Group, LLC

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Resource Directory • Complete Listings of Aging Life Care Managers • Helpful Resources • Articles, Checklists and Much More!

All photos in this publication are of Aging Life Care Managers and/or their clients. Cover Photo Credits: Debra Levy Eldercare Associates and Valerio Care Management, LLC


Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Inside This Guide

Research. Search. Identify. The ALCA Resource Guide was designed to help individuals find the resources they need to plan for senior living or navigate through challenges associated with aging. The guide features both expert articles and detailed listings. The unbiased articles are written by professionals to educate consumers about all the options available to help seniors and their families. The comprehensive listings provide all the information consumers need to find a professional or organization to meet their unique needs.

Research aging services and complete your search for the right provider all in one place. Turn the page to get started. Aging Life Care Resources

Understand Aging Life Care™ ............................................................................................ 2 Aging Life Care Association Code of Ethics.................................................................... 3 Six Hidden Costs to Caring for an Aging Parent........................................................... 4 Living Well While Caring for Aging Parents ................................................................... 6 ALCA Knowledge Areas.........................................................................................................24 How to Find an Aging Life Care Professional™ Near You........................................... 8 Complete listings of Aging Life Care Professionals in the Mid-Atlantic............... 10 – 23

Elder Law Resources

How Care Managers and Elder Law Attorneys Work Together............................... 27 Elder Law Listings ................................................................................................................... 28-29

Senior Housing Resources

Selecting a Senior Housing Option.................................................................................. 31 10 tips for Choosing an Assisted Living.......................................................................... 34 How to Evaluate Nursing Care ........................................................................................... 35 How to Compare Nursing Centers ................................................................................... 36 How to Choose Memory Care ............................................................................................ 37 How to Know the Symptoms of Alzheimer’s................................................................. 38 Senior Housing Listings ....................................................................................................... 39-47

Home Care Resources

How to Remain at Home...................................................................................................... 48 Planning for the Care You Need at Home....................................................................... 49 Home Care Listings................................................................................................................. 51-56

Senior Living Resources

Understanding Senior Resources...................................................................................... 57 Resource Listings..................................................................................................................... 58-64 Aging Life CareTM is a trademark of the Aging Life Care Association. Only ALCA Members are authorized to use this term to identify their services. AGING LIFE CARE PROFESSIONALTM is a trademark of the Aging Life Care Association. It is an indication of membership in ALCA, and only ALCA Members are authorized to use this term. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Understand Aging Life Care™ Aging Life Care / geriatric care management is a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health challenges. What is an Aging Life Care Professional? An Aging Life Care Professional™, also known as a geriatric care manager, is a health and human services specialist who acts as a guide and advocate for families who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults. The Aging Life Care Professional is educated and experienced in any of several fields related to aging life care / care management, including, but not limited to gerontology, nursing, social work, psychology or occupational therapy. The Aging Life Care Professional assists clients in attaining their maximum functional potential. The individual’s independence is encouraged, while safety and security concerns are also addressed. Aging Life Care Professionals have extensive knowledge about the costs, quality and availability of resources in their communities. Aging Life Care Professionals are members of the Aging Life Care Association™ (ALCA) and differ from Patient Advocates, Senior Advisors, Senior Navigators and Elder Advocates. ALCA members must meet the stringent education, experience and certification requirements of the organization, and all members are required to adhere to a strict code of ethics and standards of practice. What Services do Aging Life Care Professionals Provide? Aging Life Care Professionals provide guidance to help families ensure quality care and an optimal life for those they love through:


• Assessment and monitoring • Planning and problem-solving • Education and advocacy • Family caregiver coaching • Long-distance caregiving Aging Life Care Professionals are engaged to assist in a variety of areas, such as: • Housing – helping families evaluate and select the appropriate level of housing or residential options. • Home care services – determining the types of services that are right for a client and assisting the family to engage and monitor those services. • Medical management – attending doctor appointments, facilitating communication between doctor, client and family, and if appropriate, monitoring client’s adherence to medical orders and instructions. • Communication – keeping family members and professionals informed as to the well-being and changing needs of the client. • Social activities – providing opportunities for the client to engage in social, recreational or cultural activities that enrich quality of life. • Legal – referring to or consulting with an elder law attorney; providing expert opinions for courts in determining level of care. • Financial – may include reviewing or overseeing bill paying or consulting with accountant or client’s Power of Attorney. • Entitlements – providing information on Federal and state entitlements; connecting families to local programs. • Safety and security – monitoring the client at home; recommending technologies to add to security or safety; observing changes and potential risks of exploitation or abuse. • Long-distance care – coordinating

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

the care of a loved one for families that live at a distance, including crisis management. Local, cost-effective resources are identified and engaged as needed. A care plan tailored for each individual’s circumstances is prepared after a comprehensive assessment. How do you know that you need an Aging Life Care Professional? You may need an Aging Life Care Professional if: • The person you are caring for has limited or no family support. • Your family has just become involved with helping the individual and needs direction about available services. • The person you are caring for has multiple medical or psychological issues. • The person you are caring for is unable to live safely in his/her current environment. • Your family is either “burned out” or confused about care solutions. • Your family has limited time and/ or expertise in dealing with your loved ones’ chronic care needs. • Your family is at odds regarding care decisions. • The person you are caring for is not pleased with current care providers and requires advocacy. • The person you are caring for is confused about his/her own financial and/or legal situation. • Your family needs education and/or direction in dealing with behaviors associated with dementia. • You live at a distance from your loved one. Thank you to the Aging Life Care Association™ for permission to share this information. You may learn more about Aging Life Care™ at

Mid-Atlantic Chapter The Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) developed the standards of practice and code of ethics to guide Aging Life Care Professionals in their daily professional and business practices. Additional information, as well as the full code, is available on ALCA’s website:

THE CODE OF ETHICS PROVIDES: Accountability to our Clients ALCA members recognize diversity in our society and embrace a multi-cultural approach to support the worth, dignity, potential and uniqueness of each client. The Code of Ethics acknowledges the vulnerable population we serve and makes explicit the highest standards of practice. Accountability to the Public The Code of Ethics sets a national standard for the professional practice of Aging Life Care™. It defines for the public the ethical responsibilities expected of ALCA’s members and the organization’s role in maintaining the highest standards of practice and promotion of ethical behavior. Education of Aging Life Care Professionals ALCA recognizes the diversity of the experience and education of its members and the needs of members for guidance in both their professional and business roles, and thus the Code of Ethics was developed to guide members in each of these roles. It states the core values and principles to current and future members, to the public, and to allied professionals. All members of ALCA are expected to understand and behave in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of the Code of Ethics. A Framework for Analyzing & Resolving Ethical Dilemmas The Code of Ethics offers a framework for ethical decisionmaking when conflicts arise in either the practice or the business of Aging Life Care. It assists Aging Life Care Professionals in examining the ethical issues present in all aspects of their work by identifying what principles need to be considered and how to prioritize them when it is necessary to make a choice. It asks Aging Life Care Professionals to be aware of their own biases as they seek to resolve ethical dilemmas. Assistance in Reviewing Complaints In ALCA’s Peer Review Process the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice serve as the basis for assessing and resolving ethical or business practice complaints against members in their practice of Aging Life Care.

THE CODE: ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS OF PRACTICE SUPPORTING THESE PRINCIPLES Integrity An Aging Life Care Professional is honest, diligent, and accountable in the provision of service. An Aging Life Care Professional always acts in a manner that is consistent with the professional values stated in this Code. Loyalty and Responsibility An Aging Life Care Professional is trustworthy and dependable in all aspects of both professional and business relationships. An Aging Life Care Professional maintains confidentiality, avoids conflicts of interest, and always pursues the best interest of clients. Promoting Benefit and Avoiding Harm An Aging Life Care Professional promotes clients’ interests, values, and welfare in order to maximize benefits and avoid harm. An Aging Life Care Professional is aware of potential conflicts that may arise when balancing the benefits and risks of interventions being considered. An Aging Life Care Professional strives to assure that vulnerable clients’ individual choices are maximized to the greatest extent possible. Respect for Clients’ Rights and Dignity An Aging Life Care Professional treats clients with respect, as complete individuals with their own history, narrative, and unique cultural identity. An Aging Life Care Professional respects the rights of each client, including the right to privacy, and, for the vulnerable client, strives to balance client autonomy with the need for protection and safety. Justice An Aging Life Care Professional behaves in a just and fair way in all professional and business relationships. An Aging Life Care Professional does not promote or sanction any form of discrimination such as discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or socioeconomic status. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Six Hidden Costs to Caring for an Aging Parent Caregiving For An Aging Loved One Isn’t All Doom And Gloom. The Rewards Of Caregiving Are Real, But So Are The Hidden Costs. n

by Jullie Gray, MSW, LICSW, CMC – Aging Life Care Association™ Member and Fellow of the Leadership Academy

Six Hidden Costs to Caring for an Aging Parent Adult children across the country belong to the sandwich generation. Like salami and the cheese, they feel squished between the responsibilities of their careers, elder care and raising their kids. Often, family caregivers sacrifice their own well-being and financial security to help their parents grow old gracefully. The situation isn’t easing anytime soon. The Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about trends, estimates that ten thousand people are now turning 65 every day. This so-called “silver tsunami” will continue for the next three decades. At the same time, the Center on an Aging Society at Georgetown University reports that boomers age 65 and older are expected to increase at a 2.3% rate while the number of family members available to care for them will increase at less than 1%. The pressure on families now and in the future, particularly women, is immense. Caregiving for an aging loved one isn’t all doom and gloom. The rewards of caregiving are real but so are the hidden costs. On the plus side, adult children see their role as “giving back” to someone special. The payoff is not monetary, but it is an opportunity to care for a person who has been an important figure in their life – a mom who raised them alone or a dad who never let them down. Finding purpose and meaning through this labor of love makes all the work worth the time and effort. But being a family caregiver is hard 4

blue seriously impacts opportunities for advancement. It’s hard to shine at work when you are constantly leaving early, texting a homecare aide about daily routines or negotiating with your siblings about who is responsible for what.

Photo Credit: Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

work. It demands a lot of time, patience, and persistence. Those who start with realistic expectations reach out for help and plan ahead. They fare much better through the ups and downs than those who don’t. The hidden costs of caring for a family member should be considered and planned for carefully. What are the Six Hidden Costs? 1. Dead-end career The demands of taking care of a parent can impact productivity and increase absenteeism for the caregiver. Losing focus at work and taking time off to run Mom to medical appointments, manage home care schedules and address the inevitable crises that appear out of the

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

2. Financial safety net vanishes A 2011 study by Met Life estimated that men who reduced work hours to provide care for parents lost almost $127,000 in wages and earned $38,000 less in Social Security lifetime benefits. If they stopped working altogether, men gave up about $284,000 in wages, pension, and Social Security benefits over their lifetime. Women, on the other hand, fare even worse financially and are more at risk for poverty as a result of their efforts. Women typically need to cut back at work or stop working altogether. The Met Life study estimated that women who reduce their hours lose more than $121, 000 in lifetime wages and earn $64,000 less in Social Security benefits over their lifetime. Leaving the workforce to care for a parent hits a woman’s pocketbook even harder than a man’s. A whopping shortfall of $324,000 includes wages, pension and social security benefits over her lifetime. 3. The world gets smaller As adult children become laserfocused on the needs of frail parents, it stands to reason that their social support network shrinks. Ironically, this is when friendships matter most. It may be all a daughter can do to get home in time to throw together a quick microwaved

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Help Is Just a Phone Call Away Marshaling help is possible and necessary. Ideally, families should meet with an expert to plan ahead before starting down the caregiving path. An assessment of needs, available resources and creating an action plan to address challenges can help family members assume control of the situation. But if this step is missed, it’s never too late. When exhaustion takes a foothold, a consultation with an expert should be the first order of business.

Photo Credit: Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

meal, pay the bills so the lights stay on and help her kids get their homework done. For now, she reasons, friendships must take a back seat. Forget about the family summer cabin frequented each year, the annual girls’ weekend away or a short ski trip. A common caregiver refrain is, “there just isn’t enough time to take a break.” 4. Stress overload It’s a domino effect. The more time family caregivers spend putting the needs of others first, the more their resilience slips away. It doesn’t help that most stumble into their role with little preparation, knowledge or support about how to manage all of the complex issues. This can set up well-meaning family members to feel like failures. Many quickly experience frustration, feel drained, guilty, helpless or completely burned out. Ayala Pines, a researcher on the subject of burnout, defines it at “a state where highly committed individuals lose their spirit.” We’re not talking about just a little stress here—burnout occurs when caregiving no longer feels meaningful because of the emotional overload and numbing exhaustion!

5. Illness strikes Failing to take time off to recharge and refocus triggers a deep stress reaction. Physical health begins to suffer. Many caregivers neglect their annual screening exams and simply ignore their own medical problems allowing them to fester for far too long. The Family Caregiver Alliance warns that chronic conditions including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis occur at nearly twice the rate compared to non-caregivers. Studies show that caregivers are also at higher risk for premature death – as much as 63% higher if they are experiencing “caregiver strain.” 6. Emotional well-being suffers Melancholy can set in and overwhelm even those who, under normal circumstances, project a sunny attitude. Sadness, loneliness, and anger are common feelings everyone experiences now and then. But it’s a problem when these negative feelings persist relentlessly day after day. Tending to someone with heavy care needs or a parent suffering from dementia tests even the most patient person. Those who perceive they are all alone on their caregiving journey are at highest risk for experiencing full-blown depression and anxiety.

What are the options for help? Aging Life Care™ managers offer a holistic perspective and can forge a positive path forward. For some families, meeting one or two times with an Aging Life Care™ manager is enough to get things moving back on track. If desired, they can also coordinate day to day tasks, allowing adult daughters and sons to focus on their careers and the responsibilities of parenting their own children. Skillful problem solvers, these professionals take charge of those inevitable crises just as easily as routine needs. To find one, go to and search for an expert in your area. Other options include reaching out to a social worker at the Alzheimer’s Association, a Senior Center or your local Area Agency on Aging. Jullie Gray has over 30 years of experience in healthcare and aging. She is a Principal at Aging Wisdom in Seattle, WA. Jullie is the President of the National Academy of Certified Care Managers and the Past President of the Aging Life Care Association. Follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter @JullieGray, or email her at Aging Wisdom has a presence on Facebook – we invite you to like our page. Thank you to the Aging Life Care Association™ for permission to share this information. You may learn more about Aging Life Care™ at • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Living Well While Caring for Aging Parents Easy Steps for Maintaining Balance as a Caregiver n

by Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA, MFT, CMC, Aging Life Care Association™ Member and Fellow of the Leadership Academy

As adult children caring for our parents, we may not be able to reverse the inevitable end-of-life issues our parents are facing, but we can prepare ourselves with information ahead of time so there are fewer surprises. Tackle the challenges that come with caregiving and create a more balanced life by following these easy steps. 1. Establish Connection Through Honest Conversation The goal here is to gather information about your parents regarding the present and the future. The first conversation about these important issues may be uncomfortable; it may take a few conversations before your parents are willing to give up a little control and plan with you for their future. Your goal is to get your parents’ answers to all the “what if ” questions now, so you can all reduce any confusion and indecision during an actual crisis. • Planning the Conversation - Make a list of your concerns. Base them on your own observations and those of others who are close to your parents’ situation. Prioritize the list with what you see as the most important issues at the top. • Starting the Conversation - The approach you take with your parents is key to having a successful conversation. Think through your points very carefully and write them down to help you keep on track and grounded. The goal is to engage your parents in a meaningful conversation about what supports they might accept now and what they might consider in the future. • Goals by Necessity - As mentioned above, it might take a few conversations before your parents are ready to be co6

Photo Credit: Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

planners with you. The following are the most important issues to cover in that first, or a subsequent, conversation: • Insurance information, • Medical information, • Legal information, • Financial information, • Day-to-day issues, • Emergency call information, • Social information, and • Cognitive information. 2. Assemble Your Team A family member who tries to fly on their own as a family caregiver can bring on some unintended dangers to their own health and the health of their parents by not knowing the right approaches to take or resources to use. You need a “home team” approach to reduce the likelihood that you will suffer from “burn out,” lose wages, sacrifice your ca-

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

reer or your marriage, or miss out on activities that you hold dear and that keep your own engine revved. A team can help you maintain balance in your life and can include: • Family and sometimes friends, • Skilled caregivers, • An Elder Law Attorney, and • An Aging Life CareTM professional. If your parents have a low income, you can look for services through nonprofit and government agencies including: • Catholic Social Services; • Jewish Family Services; • Lutheran Family Services; • Your Local Area Agency on Aging – will lead you to an office near your parents; and • Community organizations and services for low-income residents.

Mid-Atlantic Chapter 3. Protect Your Health Without a sound body, successful family caregiving can be seriously derailed. The stress from caring for older parents can challenge every aspect of your life – work, parenting, exercising, partner relationships and more. Here are some simple guidelines for caring for you: • Have annual physical examinations; • Stick to, or adopt, a healthy diet; • Sleep well; and • Get moving. 4. Maintain Positive Mental Health Everyone on the team who is helping and caring for your parents needs to have a good sense of self and be open to working well with each other. You all possess different gifts and skills, so sorting out who can/will do certain things helps everyone. But even cooperation doesn’t shield us from many of the feelings that arise when caring for others. Even if we see ourselves as mentally healthy, and our lives as well balanced, we need a way to express our emotions to maintain a positive existence. It’s normal to experience times when we feel a little sad, confused, angry, depressed, or disappointed in ourselves or in others. Here are some helpful skills to cultivate: • All of your emotions are valid. Acknowledging how you feel is the first step toward overcoming negative feelings or accepting occasional negative feelings as part of the caregiving process. • Learn to accept those negative or difficult feelings as normal and temporary. • If the burden of sadness is overwhelming for you, it might be time to see an Aging Life Professional or a Licensed Mental Health professional. • It can be easy to get swallowed up in the pain of loss and become isolated. Life is both joy and loss, not just one or the other. Reach out to friends and skilled professionals to help you “right your ship” and sustain you through the journey.

• Those caregivers who ask for help are better able to balance caregiving, family, career and self-care than those who do not. • Support groups provide an extra layer of support as a place to listen to others in a similar situation. 5. Use Mindfulness to Create and Sustain Balance Mindfulness activities are those exercises that help you get your mind to a place of relaxation, temporarily disconnected from the thoughts of everyday living. The exercises are purposeful and done with the intention of renewing your mind and body. Some of the exercises take just a few moments, while others might last an hour or more. Some different ways to practice “Mindfulness” include: • Meditation; • Prayer; • Yoga; • Nature walks; • Guided meditation (you can purchase or download CDs and DVDs online); • Relaxation Exercises; • Some forms of massage can be accompanied by “mindfulness” exercises; • Using a simple “mantra” – something you say internally as you take a sip of any fluid, such as, “peace is filling my mind and body;” and • Breathing exercises. 6. Maintain Your Gains Hopefully you have reached some significant milestones: 1) You have had meaningful conversations with your parents and created an equitable plan with them, 2) you have assembled your care team and set your plan in writing, and 3) you have learned the tools you’ll need to keep yourself healthy and your life in balance. Your newest task is to maintain all your gains. Like any new habit or program we start in our lives, it’s easy to slip up and fall back into old habits if we don’t make a conscious effort to stay on course.

Photo Credit: Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

A crisis can happen with your parents at any time. It might be a medical incident; an environmental issue, such as a blizzard, hurricane or earthquake; or a financial stumbling block. Avoid the escalation of problems and stress by maintaining control and being ready to act in any emergency. Periodic check-in visits with an Aging Life Care Professional are very helpful to keep things stable. If your parent suffers with extreme memory loss or disorientation, remember that dementia is a bit of a moving target; you need professional oversight to make sure that you are addressing small issues as they come up, instead of waiting for a crisis. An Aging Life Care Professional will look for signs that might topple your progress, and address them before they become a more serious threat. Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA, MFT, CMC, is the Founder and President of Eldercare Services in Walnut Creek, CA. She is also a partner of the VillagePlan. Linda is a Fellow of the Leadership Academy and past-president of the Aging Life Care Association. Linda has over 30 years experience working as a Care Manager. You can reach her at, or connect with her via social media: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Thank you to the Aging Life Care Association™ for permission to share this information. You may learn more about Aging Life Care™ at • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


How to Find an Aging Life Care Manager™ Near You All Aging Life Care Managers™ have similar skill sets, but the care managers best equipped to help you are the ones in your area. Aging Life Care Managers are experts on the resources available in their various geographic regions. We have done our best to group the Mid-Atlantic Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) members into geographic regions based on the states served (Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and DC), but many of our members serve large areas that include several jurisdictions. For instance, some care managers in Pennsylvania also serve border areas over the state line in Delaware, and vice versa.

Regions served by the Mid-Atlantic chapter

To make sure that an ALCA member serves your exact area, you can: 1. Check their website to verify service area. 2. Go to and click on the FIND AN AGING LIFE CARE EXPERT button. For best results, particularly in more rural areas, enter your zip code and use as wide a search radius as possible, 25 miles or more. 3. Call the Aging Life Care Professional nearest your area. If they aren’t able to help you, they will direct you to another ALCA member who can!

WHY CHOOSE AN AGING LIFE CARE MANAGER? ALCA promotes the highest standards of practice. Membership in ALCA is open only to qualified individuals with specialized degrees and experience in human services, including social work, psychology, gerontology or nursing. Those who are at the Advanced Professional level of membership hold one of four ALCA-approved certifications. Only members of ALCA can call themselves Aging Life Care Managers. Aging Life Care Managers have diverse experiences, credentials and backgrounds. Many are licensed in their state in specific fields (such as nursing or social work). Aging Life Care Managers may call themselves professionals, consultants, advisors or by other titles. All care managers do not specialize in all areas of aging life care. When looking for a care manager, find 8

out his/her areas of expertise. You will want to hire someone who regularly handles clients with needs similar to yours. Aging Life Care Managers who primarily work with older adults bring more to their practice than an expertise in geriatrics. They bring a deep knowledge of aging issues that allows them and their staff to overcome the myths related to aging and focus on the problems at hand. At the same time, they have tremendous experience working with resources in your community. They are fully aware of real life problems, health and otherwise, that emerge as individuals age and the tools that are available to address those issues. They are also connected with a community of social workers, nurses, psychologists, elder law attorneys, advocates, and other elder care professionals who may be of assistance to you.

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN LOOKING FOR AN AGING LIFE CARE MANAGER It is important for consumers to ask questions. Some of these include: • What are the primary services provided by your agency/business? • How many Aging Life Care Managers are in your agency/ business? • Is there a fee for the initial consultation and, if so, how much? • What are your professional credentials? • Are you licensed in your profession? • How long have you been providing aging life care or care management services? • Are you available for emergencies? • Does your company also provide home care services? • How do you communicate information? • What are your fees? (These should be provided to the consumer/ responsible party in writing prior to services starting.) • Can you provide me with references? The answers to your questions will assist you in determining whether a particular Aging Life Care Manager or agency/business has the qualifications important to you for a successful relationship. If you have a specific issue that requires immediate attention, be sure to inform the Aging Life Care Manager of this during the initial conversation.

Mid-Atlantic Chapter The Mid-Atlantic Aging Life Care Association members serve Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia and West Virginia. Our comprehensive member listings on the following pages are grouped by state. Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia are then grouped by region to make finding a professional in your area easier.

Maryland • Eastern Shore - Includes Salisbury and Ocean City • Metro Baltimore – Surrounding counties including Anne Arundel • Metro DC /MD – Includes Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties • Southern – Includes Charles County, Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties • Western - Includes Frederick, Hagerstown and surrounding region.

Pennsylvania • Central – Includes State College and Harrisburg • Northeastern – Includes Wilkes-Barre • Southeastern – Includes Philadelphia and surrounding counties • Western – Includes Pittsburgh

Virginia • Blue Ridge – Includes Lynchburg • Northern VA – DC Metro region • Piedmont – Includes Richmond and surrounding region • Southwest – Includes Blacksburg and surrounding region • Tidewater – Includes Norfolk, Virginia Beach and surrounding region • Valley – Includes Charlottesville and surrounding region • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





District of Columbia

Christine Bitzer Seabury Resources for Aging 202-364-0020 AVP Christine has extensive experience working with and improving the lives of older adults in health care, home care, and community based settings. A non-profit, Seabury Care Management assists clients and families to navigate complex situations and live with independence and dignity. Our work includes assessments & care planning, consultations, advocacy, crisis intervention, education, information/ referral, placements and collaboration with guardians/conservators. Irene Jackson-Brown The Art of Eldercare, Jackson-Brown Associates, LLC 202-722-4205 AVP Carol Kaplun IONA Senior Services 202-895-9477 PRO Debra Micheli Buckley’s for Seniors, LLC 703-390-0535 AVP Delaware

Karen Commeret Jewish Family Services of Delaware 302-478-9411 ASC Sharon Dickol AgeWise Solutions 302-858-6449 PRO Susan Hammond Decisions 4 Life, LLC 302-528-3789 AVP Maryland

Eastern Shore -Includes Salisbury and Ocean City and surrounding region, see map on page 9 Lynn Carr Alliance in Aging 410-507-0915 AVP Wendy Miller Annapolis Senior Care Solutions 410-834-1452 PRO Metro Baltimore - Surrounding counties including Anne Arundel and surrounding region, see map on page 9 Lynn Carr Alliance in Aging 410-507-0915 AVP Alliance in Aging offers a comprehensive assessment by an RN of the needs and wishes of elderly individuals and their family including health, memory, safety, home care, LTC finances, housing alternatives, caregivers, end-of-life. AIA will identify, coordinate and monitor the best possible plan and mix of care and services in Anne Arundel and parts of Prince George’s, Queen Anne and Calvert counties. Mary Faith Ferretto Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. 410-661-6720 AVP • Seasoned, multi-disciplinary team providing Aging Life Care (TM) Management Services. • Goals - Balancing independence/autonomy with health/safety; • Offering personalized, professional assessments, close monitoring/advocacy, caregiver fortification, objective plans of care, consensus-building and eldercare coaching • Services supporting out-of-town family; • Compassionate understanding of complex issues. Serving Central MD and limited services on the MD Eastern Shore Penny Graf Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. 410-440-2938 AVP Vanessa Hughes Howard County Office on Aging 443-591-4634 AVP Mary Rose Martinelli Ivory House Health Services 410-823-3153 PRO

Advanced Professional = AVP 10

Professional = PRO

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Associate = ASC

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Maryland (Continued)

Wendy Miller Annapolis Senior Care Solutions 410-834-1452 PRO • Wendy has over fifteen years of experience as a clinical social worker in various medical and residential settings, including hospitals, retirement communities and skilled nursing facilities. • Wendy can assist families with planning, complete comprehensive in-home assessments, coordinate and arrange supportive services, facilitate family meetings, and provide advocacy within the healthcare system. Sandra Millner Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc 443-617-6854 AVP Marilyn Murphy Straticare, LLC 410-868-7031 ASC Are you overwhelmed by elder care issues? The Straticare team is here to help. We facilitate difficult family conversations to guide you and your loved ones through the journey of aging. We are committed to preserving family relationships, providing emotional support and direction, and ensuring that your loved ones are being appropriately and compassionately cared for. With Straticare, you can find peace, knowing your loved one is getting the care they deserve. Susan Newhouse Senior Solutions, LLC 410-889-3058 AVP Person-Centered Aging Life Care Services Supporting Independence and Quality of Life • Specialization in helping people remain in their own homes • Advocacy in relation to facility-based care • Detail-oriented coordination in complex situations • Close collaboration and communication with family members Ellen Platt The Option Group/Senior Management Options 410-667-0266 AVP Care Managers serve families, guardians and seniors to ensure the highest level of safety, independence and comfort as possible through: • Crisis Intervention • Individual/Family Assessments • Care Plan Development and Implementation • Resource Identification and Care Coordination • Eldercare Counseling and Support • Assistance With Managing Care at Home or Facility Placement • Education and Advocacy • Ongoing Monitoring Zandra Quartner

ZQ Care Management



Jill Rosner, RN Rosner Healthcare Navigation 410-591-6378 AVP At Rosner Healthcare Navigation, there’s always a nurse in the house. Whether you or a loved one needs crisis care management or a comprehensive assessment which includes health,psychosocial and safety, Rosner Healthcare will help you navigate the challenging decision making ahead.

Advanced Professional = AVP

Professional = PRO

Associate = ASC • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Maryland (Continued)

Jessica Rowe Jessica Rowe ElderCare Consulting, LLC 443-980-2914 AVP Arlene Saks-Martin ARMEL, Inc. 410-655-6025 AVP Beth Alper Slepian Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. 410-591-7072 AVP Allyson Stanton Stanton Psychotherapy, Inc. 443-812-1028 PRO Lorie Thompson Aging With Grace, LLC 410-688-6635 AVP Metro DC-MD Suburbs - Includes Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties, see map on page 9 Rosemary Allender Family Eldercare Management, LLC 301-262-5082 AVP Roger Barnes 240-687-8657 ASC Susan Blum Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 AVP Independently owned and operated since our founding in 1988, Susan joined our company in 2004 and helps lead our team as our Director of Care Management. She is a highly experienced licensed clinical social worker and a certified care manager. She does office consults as well as providing support to many of our clients with psychiatric and mental health needs. Teresa Boring Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 PRO Teresa is a social worker with a specialization in Gerontology and experience running support groups for people with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers. She is also very experienced in working with our younger clients who have physical, mental health or developmental disabilities. She coordinates our Debbie’s Angels program which helps clients with social engagement and life enrichment activities. Bree Bruemmer Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 ASC Mary Ann Buckley Care Management Associates 301-320-9617 AVP Care Management Associates, founded in 1999 assists older adults and their family members navigate age related issues. Our team of dedicated professionals are focused on helping you live and age well. Individualized services are as unique as you are: Nurses and Social Workers offer expert recommendations, Psychotherapists help you deal with loss and changes, Dietitian improve your nutritional status, Recreation Therapist keep you active. Life can be full of ups and downs, let team CMA help with options and strategies to manage your life. Ann Craynon

Family Eldercare Management


Not sure if a care manager serves your area? Call a member in your region. If they can’t help you, they will help you find a member who can!

Advanced Professional = AVP 12

Professional = PRO

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Associate = ASC


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Maryland (Continued)

Renee Delacroix Geriatric Care Counseling 301-320-5380 AVP Independent Care Management since 1994 ~ Certified Care Manager ~ Licensed Clinical Social Worker ~ Provide family consultations, home visits, assessments, coordination of home care services and community resources, advance planning, evaluation of housing options and assistance with transitions. Support and guidance for older adults and caregivers, local and long-distance relatives coping with the challenges of aging. Felice Grunberger Felice Grunberger, LCSW-C, C-ASWCM 301-593-4738 AVP Ginny Hamel Buckley’s for Seniors, LLC 703-390-0535 AVP April Hardinge Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 PRO Margi Helsel-Arnold Geriatric Care Counseling 301-320-5380 AVP Independent Care Management since 1994 ~ Certified Care Manager ~ Licensed Clinical Social Worker ~ Provide family consultations, home visits, assessments, coordination of home care services and community resources, advance planning, evaluation of housing options and assistance with transitions. Support and guidance for older adults and caregivers, local and long-distance relatives coping with the challenges of aging. Vicky Hulcher Compassionate Care for Seniors, LLC 301-996-3130 AVP Our team, social worker and nurse, use their expertise, skill and knowledge to assess and support the needs of clients to attain the highest quality of life. We assume responsibility for identifying needs, planning and arranging service delivery and monitoring service provisions and outcomes. Care management includes: • Advocacy • Assessment • Care Management • Consultation • Crisis Intervention • Education • Home Care • Information/Referral • Insurance • Placement. Nafisatu Jalloh LivHOME 301-438-0630 PRO Barbara Kane Aging Network Services 301-657-4329 AVP Aging Network Services, established in 1982, offers a unique combination of psychotherapy for both generations as well as care management. Their care managers are Master level social workers partnering with older adults who are often resistant to change. Barbara Kane LCSW-C and Linda Hill LCSW-C are both authors and educators who have added to the field of geriatric social work. Ellen Lauer Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 PRO Ellen is a nurse and social worker who brings more than 35 years of progressive senior care experience to our independently owned and operated company. She has worked in nursing & rehabilitation centers, and directed a program aimed at supporting and maintaining seniors in their homes. She also has experience working as a certified head injury case manager.

Advanced Professional = AVP

Professional = PRO

Associate = ASC • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Maryland (Continued)

Jane Laughlin Jewish Social Service Agency 301-816-2632 AVP Jane is a certified care manager with extensive experience working with older adults and their families. As a member of the Senior Services department at the Jewish Social Service Agency, she is able to provide comprehensive home visit assessments and appropriate care plans including service coordination, monitoring, and referrals. Cathy Lonas Advocate 360, LLC 301-275-5175 ASC • RN owned, Cathy Lonas, RN, BSN, excels at dealing with challenging situations. • Are your older loved ones eating well or taking their medications correctly? • Can they stay at home or is it time to consider a move? • Call to regain your peace-of-mind and identify solutions to their needs. • 30 minute consult complimentary. Grace Mbony

Genesis Healthcare



Susan Murphy Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 AVP Independently owned and operated since our founding in 1988, Susy proudly leads our team of social work, nurse and gerontologist care managers. She is a certified care manager and provides office consults, as well as public speaking on topics related to aging. Susy coined the phrase, “We are like wedding planners for growing older,” emphasizing our individualized, comprehensive client support. Maria Perry Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 PRO Maria has been a care manager with our independently owned and operated company since 2008, with over 27 years experience as a social worker in hospitals, group homes and assisted living settings. She coordinates our unique WellSenior™ program helping aging adults plan for potential future needs and be prepared for when a medical crisis happens or housing/care needs change. Susan Rodgers, RN Capital City Nurses 301-986-9129 PRO One of the Mid Atlantic’s most respected home care companies. We have earned a reputation for providing or referring exceptional caregivers to our clients and their families. We understand the relationship between Care Managers and their clients and strive to make their lives easier. “When the need is there, so are we” Anita Rothwell Rothwell Care Management 202-368-8042 PRO Amy Silver Elder Care Options, LLC 202-503-7769 PRO

Advanced Professional = AVP 14

Professional = PRO

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Associate = ASC

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Maryland (Continued)

Amy Ullman Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 ASC Independently owned and operated since our founding in 1988, our dedicated team of nurses, social workers and gerontologists provides expert recommendations and individualized support to families and their loved ones who face challenges of aging or disability. A social worker for twenty years, Amy has extensive experience working in rehabilitation and long-term care facilities providing discharge planning and social services.

Loretta Vitale Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 ASC Carolyn Wanner Buckley’s for Seniors 301-467-1247 AVP Carolyn is an Advanced Professional Care Manager with over 25 years experience serving seniors. Her experience includes Care Management, Housing Options, Adult Day Care, Alzheimer’s training to staff and caregivers, Mental Health, Hospice and Conflict Resolution. She has a Master’s Degree in Geronotology and has been with Buckley’s since 2013. Buckley’s services include: Care Management- Client Assessment, Coordination and Care Monitoring, as well as Companion Services- Outings and Transportation. Southern MD - Includes Charles County, Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties, see map on page 9

Kathleen Allen Senior Care Management Svcs., LLC 703-329-0900 AVP Linda Dennis Partners In Care 410-544-4800 AVP Liza Petrick Aging Gracefully, LLC 703-402-0800 AVP Western MD - Includes Frederick, Hagerstown and surrounding region, see map on page 9 Jane Barnes Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 AVP Independently owned and operated since our founding in 1988, our dedicated team of nurses, social workers and gerontologists provides expert recommendations and individualized support to families and their relatives who face challenges of aging or disability. Jane has over thirty years of nursing experience, mostly in the field of geriatric psychiatry, and is a certified care manager. Catherine Drummond 301-791-1490 PRO Dawn Johns Journey Life Care Program @ PCMS 301-791-3087 PRO Kimberly Picca

Debra Levy Eldercare Associates



Independently owned and operated since our founding in 1988, Kim joined our company in 2003 and helps lead our team as Director of Nursing. She supervises our nurse care managers and also sees clients in Frederick and northern Montgomery County. Our clients benefit from her positive outlook, careful attention to detail and many years of nursing experience. Jennifer Sherwood

Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

Advanced Professional = AVP


Professional = PRO


Associate = ASC • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name






Central - Includes State College and Harrisburg and surrounding region, see page 9 for map Mary Beck Beck Care Managers LLC 717-599-4447 AVP We help seniors navigate the transitions of aging by finding creative solutions to challenging problems. We’re committed to promoting quality of life and peace of mind by assisting in navigating the transitions in life. We encourage independence and autonomy in the least restrictive, safe environment. Overwhelmed by questions without answers? Contact Beck Care Managers LLC. Melinda Bixler Elder Healthcare Solutions, LLC 717-825-8828 PRO Julia Bucher Senior Caregiving Solutions 717-872-6127 PRO JoAnn Ellenberger Senior Adult Counseling Services LLC 717-877-9831 AVP Licensed clinical social worker, licensed nursing home administrator, certified Aging Life Care Information Specialist, and member of NASW and ALCA. JoAnn has worked for 30+ years with senior adults and 13+ years with the developmentally challenged. JoAnn has expertise in counseling to individuals/families, assessment and care planning, advocacy, resource identification and monitoring persons at home or in community living arrangements. Laura Enslen Senior Management Services 717-235-3008 PRO Joan Krechmer Wise Options 717-843-5011 AVP Deborah Soltis Soltis Senior Care Connections 814-355-9434 AVP Kathleen Steamer BrightStone ElderCare Solutions, LLC 888-549-1865 AVP Connie Ulrich Senior Life Advocate 717-376-6896 ASC Northeast - Includes Wilkes-Barre and surrounding region, see page 9 for map Jennifer Andreoli Keystone Elder Care Solutions LLC 570-504-4652 AVP Kelly Carney Phoebe Ministries 610-794-5141 AVP Lori DeHaas Senior Solutions 610-435-6677 AVP David Hage David Hage Counseling & Consulting Services 570-285-8001 AVP Patricia Kender Senior Solutions 610-435-6677 AVP Louise Kostick Senior Solutions 610-435-6677 AVP Marysa Krause 973-896-4273 ASC Sandra Marsch Marschs Eldercare Connection 570-956-0605 PRO Alice McGrory Senior Care Management of Northeast PA, LLC 717-460-6310 AVP Suzanne Patel Senior Solutions 610-435-6677 ASC Kelsey Pazanski Wargo Marshall, Parker and Weber, LLC 570-822-6919 ASC James Siberski Professor, Misericordia University 570-735-7079 AVP Linda Smith Care Navigators & Management Services, LLC 610-613-6126 ASC

Advanced Professional = AVP 16

Professional = PRO

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Associate = ASC

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Pennsylvania (Continued)

Jamie Smith Senior Solutions 610-435-6677 ASC For over 25 years, Senior Solutions Certified Care Managers have maintained the training and education to qualify them as an elite group of senior advocates. They guide seniors and their families through the complex healthcare, legal, and housing options available. Our services help reduce hospital re-admissions and provide peace of mind to families. Michele Tyson Allegiance Nursing, Inc. 610-770-1002 PRO Southeast - Includes Philadelphia and surrounding region, see page 9 for map Ruth Auguste Senior Care Partners Karen Bauer Solutions at Home Lorie Benovic Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church William Blacker Senior Care Planning Services Bonney Dahlgren DosSantos

215-943-9211 914-393-8076 610-520-8833 215-901-6244 856-786-0279


Janice Duffin CareDirect 610-649-2078 AVP • Client-focused independent nursing practice • Counseling and support for client and family • Senior Living Placement Assistance • Medication Management Services • In-home nursing assessment, referrals and monitoring of in-home services • Support for long-distance caregivers Elizabeth Dunleavy Kith Elder Care, LLC 215-880-3541 AVP At Kith Elder Care, LLC our name signifies the commitment to providing the same quality of care and attention that we would want for our own family members. Warmth, caring, and the belief in human dignity are the driving forces behind Kith Elder Care’s care management services. Services include: Assessments • Advocacy • Ongoing care management • Coordination of services • Escorts to medical appointments Helene Feldman Helene Feldman Inc./Elder Care Mgmt. Joyce Gray GrayCare Trindy Grundy Senior Community Services Janis Hamilton Senior Helpers Beverly Bernstein Joie Complete Care Strategies Myron Judy Sandra Katz Mary Kate Kennedy 1 Link 4 Senior Care, Inc. Erin Kershaw Brandywine Elder Care Management

Advanced Professional = AVP

215-483-1231 610-667-2838 610-237-6222 610-789-4700 610-265-4300 215-492-9424 610-664-0565 856-210-2204 888-721-1975

Professional = PRO


Associate = ASC • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Pennsylvania (Continued)

Deborah Klock

DLK Managed Care Solutions, Inc.



Mary Kay Krokowski Aging Advisors, Inc. 609-815-5959 AVP We are Elder Care Consultants who provide medical/social/functional/housing assessments, individualized Care Planning, medication management, medical and cognitive monitoring, advocacy, professional reports, referrals to other specialists, placement assistance. More than 10 years in business serving the Bucks County and central Jersey areas. We are Professional Nurses and Social Workers who provide on-going Care Management to older adults and developmentally disabled individuals. Wendy Liebling Joy Lombardi Emily Lowe Barbara Lyon Dolores Tracey Magid Carole Mancini Anne Myers Heather Reilly C. Denise Rissell

Liebling Elder Care Senior Care Partners GrayCare Management BAL Eldercare Management, LLC Complete Care Strategies Newman Elder Law Senior Care of PA GrayCare Patient Care Advocates

610-733-1473 215-796-0005 610-667-2838 520-591-0004 610-265-4300 215-534-3612 610-827-7395 610-667-2838 610-856-1050


Mary Sheldon Better Solutions for Seniors, LLC 610-203-1999 AVP Since 2006 Better Solutions for Seniors provides comprehensive care management to adult children of aging parents, spouses, and caregivers, assisting them with the overwhelming challenges of caregiving. After a comprehensive assessment, we provide: solutions, community resources, advocacy, guide, educate to empower you, plan, navigate healthcare maze, coordinate, for challenges and circumstances you encounter & need assistance. Certified Care Manager & Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Jayma Sitton Whole Senior Care, LLC 610-566-4397 AVP Joanne Stiteler Joanne Stiteler Senior Care, LLC 484-477-5425 AVP JSSC is an independent care management company able to provide cost effective interventions based on extensive knowledge of senior resources. Services provided include - Initial Assessments • Home safety evaluations • Relief for family caregivers with periodic check-ins, crisis intervention, development of a care plan and communication with physicians • Arranging for in-home care and other services as needed • Assistance with care transitions as well as liaison to care facilities • Mental health services - Medicare Part B approved provider

Visit for articles, resources and much more! Advanced Professional = AVP 18

Professional = PRO

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Associate = ASC

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Pennsylvania (Continued)

Denise Valerio Valerio Care Management, LLC 215-896-6756 AVP Valerio Care Management provides a unique approach by combining the experiences of a licensed social worker and nurse, addressing the medical, psychosocial, and legal needs of aging in place. Our care management company provides support and interventions compassionately, enabling the client to maintain their independence and dignity. We offer timely, comprehensive, and compassionate services in a prevention-based care management approach. Wendy Walsh Surrey Services for Seniors 484-321-6105 PRO Susan Weiss-Cedillos AgeWise Family Services 215-659-2111 AVP • A geWise has been solving problems for Delaware Valley elders and their families for nearly thirty years. • Whether your problem involves care at home or within another living arrangement, we can help. • In a crisis, or in creating a long term plan, we work closely with our clients and will do as little or as much as you choose. Melissa Wombwell-Twersky Geriatric Care Consulting 215-816-3966 AVP Marian Worthington Worthington Home Care Agency 610-207-6211 AVP Masters degree in health care, over 25 years of experience. Offering customize, client centered assessments & development of care plans to address needs. Certified Dementia Specialist, with a passion for working with individuals and families to manage challenges associated with Dementia. Expertise in advocacy, coordination & oversight of superior care and services whether living at home, retirement community or facility.

Western - Includes Pittsburgh and surrounding Western region, see page 9 for map Sandra Budd Jewish Family & Children’s Service 412-422-7200 AVP Susan Cottington Options for Elder Care- Holisting Aging 412-486-6677 PRO Sandra Dufield 412-337-4186 PRO Sarah Friedman Optimal Aging Advisors 412-515-0510 PRO Michael Gallagher Geriatric Care Manager 814-835-5060 AVP Patricia Hanson IKOR of Western Pennsylvania 412-580-5434 PRO Barbara Kolonay Options for Elder Care - Holistic Aging 412-486-6677 AVP Janis Lipinski Creative Care Solutions, LLC 412-328-4768 AVP Jami Pazuchanics Optimal Aging Advisors, LLC 724-470-7517 AVP Elissa Powell Optimal Aging Advisors 412-515-0510 ASC Elizabeth Reiser Options for Elder Care - Holistic Aging 412-486-6677 ASC Mindy Shaw 724-787-0698 AVP Deborah Stevens Carefree Support Services. Inc. 412-821-1284 PRO Arlene Wanatosky 724-388-1782 PRO

Advanced Professional = AVP

Professional = PRO

Associate = ASC • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name






Blue Ridge - Includes Lynchburg and surrounding region, see page 9 for map Barbie DeVellis Senior Care Consulting, LLC 540-206-7758 AVP Linda Recinos Infinity Care Management 855-488-8111 PRO Northern VA- Includes DC Metro Region, see page 9 for map Debbie Aggen Caring Considerations 703-307-7484 AVP Caring Considerations provides adult children, older adults and professionals with personalized, affordable Aging Life Care Planning™ including RN Care Management and, our specialty, the Senior Housing search. • Comprehensive senior housing database • Assessments • Cognitive testing • Home Visits ·Advocacy ·Holistic care planning • Seminars • Education • Resources • Serving Washington DC Metro area. Our consultants bring a clarity when informed decisions need to be made. Kathleen Allen Senior Care Management Svcs., LLC 703-329-0900 AVP

Sarah Benson Elder Tree Care Management Services 703-424-7575 AVP Founded in 2004, Elder Tree is a proven leader in the field of care management. We are passionate about providing a team approach in serving our clients. Our Aging Life Care Managers come with a wealth of experience and education, enabling us to offer expert guidance in solving your eldercare challenges. Sarah is an Advanced Professional for ALCA. lderly & Disabled

We provide qualified home health mpanions on an hourly or live-in basis Catherine personal needs in anyBryan situation.

reet, #306 22046

CareOptions 703-237-9048 AVP Care Management, Care Options Professional Member, ALCA; Clinical Nurse Specialist, Adult Psychiatric Nursing- PMHCNS- Board Certified, ANCC; BSN and MSN, University of Pennsylvania F OU N D ED I N 1988

Kate Caldwell Elder Tree Care Management Services 703-424-7575 AVP Founded in 2004, Elder Tree is a proven leader in the field of care management. We are passionate about providing a team approach in serving our clients. Our Aging Life Care Managers come with a wealth of experience and education, enabling us to offer expert guidance in solving your eldercare challenges. Kate is a Gerontologist , Certified Care Manager, and a Fellow of the ALCA Leadership Academy. Sarah Collins Megan Descutner Nancy Dezan Teresa Dunbar

ElderTree Care Management Golden Pond ElderCare Strategies ElderTree Care Management LivHOME

Advanced Professional = AVP 20

703-424-7575 703-216-7408 703-424-7575 703-448-1711

Professional = PRO

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Associate = ASC


Mid-Atlantic Chapter






Virginia (Continued)

Nancy Fagan Buckley Fricker

ElderTree Care Management Buckley’s for Seniors, LLC

703-424-7575 703-390-0535


Heidi Garvis Caring Considerations 571-437-9396 AVP Caring Considerations provides adult children, older adults and professionals with personalized, affordable Aging Life Care Planning™ including RN Care Management and, our specialty, the Senior Housing search. • Comprehensive senior housing database • Assessments • Cognitive testing • Advocacy • Holistic care planning • Seminars • Education • Resources • Serving Washington DC Metro area. Our consultants bring a clarity when informed decisions need to be made. Dana Greenfield Sensible Care Solutions, LLC 703-966-4485 PRO Judith Grumbly CareOptions 703-237-9048 AVP • Areas of Practice: Advocacy, Comprehensive Assessments, Care Management, Consultations, Medication Management, Medical Navigation, Information/Referral • Experience: Currently Executive Director of Care Options and care manager. Past experience includes over 20 years in home health care, both rural and urban settings. Education: Masters Degree in Nursing as an Adult Nurse Practitioner with specialty in geriatrics. Ginny Hamel Buckley’s for Seniors, LLC 703-390-0535 AVP Suzanne Hanas Premier RN Geriatric Care 703-416-0043 PRO Marjorie Harper CaringOptions,LLC 703-405-7007 AVP Helen Hipps SeniorCare Associates 703-502-0240 AVP Elizabeth Kirk LivHOME, Inc. 703-448-1711 PRO Mabel Lei LivHOME, Inc. 703-448-1711 PRO Joanne McCarty Independent You 703-999-3006 ASC Neda McGuire Aging Matters 540-845-9291 PRO Nancy Moore SeniorCare Associates 703-502-0240 AVP Irina Nikitina Attenda Home Care 703-608-8838 PRO Ann O’Neil Ann E. O’Neil, Inc. 703-237-9048 PRO Susan Perry CareOptions 703-635-6527 AVP • 25 years of experience providing social work, care management, clinical supervision and psychotherapy in hospice, acute, long term, rehabilitation and home care settings. • Susan is the Director of Care Management at Care Options. She is a certified care manager and Licensed clinical social worker with a Master’s degree in Social Work with a concentration in Gerontology. Susan Peterson LivHome 703-448-1711 AVP • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Membership Directory Name





Virginia (Continued)

Liza Petrick Deborah Price

Aging Gracefully, LLC ElderTree Care Management, LLC

703-402-0800 703-424-7575


Vanessa Rosengart-Bishop Elder Care Consultants, Inc. 703-904-0191 AVP Vanessa Rosengart Bishop is a certified Advanced Social Work Case Manager and Certified Care Manager. Areas of practice include care and case management, crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling, consultation, education and mental and functional capacity. She is a member of the Aging Life Care Association. She is a licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia. Elizabeth Shifflett Premier RN Geriatric Care 703-416-0043 AVP Joan Thomas Birmingham Green 703-257-6226 AVP Stephanie Thomopoulos GeriatriCare Management, Inc. 703-313-6114 AVP GeriatriCare® Management, Inc. offers a wide range of individualized services for those facing issues such as cognitive impairment, complex medical issues, need for Guardianship, placement options/community resources, or aging in place. Services offered: comprehensive Care Management, Licensed Home Care, Medication Management, the Friendly Visitor Program,“Plan Now, Care Later”, Pet Therapy, Personal Fitness trainer and Dietary Specialist. We use a team approach to customize the individualized Care Plan. Margaret Vaccaro CareOptions 703-237-9048 AVP I am an Aging Life Care Manager with a Master of Social Work and a Master in Gerontology from Virginia Commonwealth University. I have prior experience in geriatric mental health, home health, hospital social work, discharge planning, rehabilitation counseling, and adult day programming. Gwen Whitmarsh SeniorCare Associates 703-250-4401 PRO Marie Woodard Creative Care Connections, LLC 703-424-2040 AVP Our Certified Care Manager is a BSN, Certified Gerontological Nurse with a Masters in Health Care Administration. With over 25 years of nursing experience in the home care and community setting, she helps navigate and coordinate the myriad of decisions needing to be made as loved ones age by offering options, solutions, education, advocacy, and guidance towards well informed decisions.

Visit for articles, resources and much more! Advanced Professional = AVP 22

Professional = PRO

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Associate = ASC

Mid-Atlantic Chapter






Virginia (Continued)

Susanne Young Elder Tree Care Management Services 703-424-7575 AVP Founded in 2004, Elder Tree is a proven leader in the field of care management. We are passionate about providing a team approach in serving our clients. Our Aging Life Care Managers come with a wealth of experience and education, enabling us to offer expert guidance in solving your eldercare challenges. Susanne is an Advanced Professional for ALCA. Piedmont Lisa Colegrove Jewish Family Services 804-282-5644 AVP Gale Davis VCU Health System, Geriatric Services 804-828-0281 PRO Andrea Fricke Geriatric Support Services 804-436-7889 AVP Rebecca Grim HCA of Virginia, Inc. 804-741-0009 AVP Valerie Hopson-Bell ElderCare Connections, LLC 540-419-4387 AVP Louise Mohardt Geriatric Support Services 804-462-7730 PRO Tidewater Susan Coughlin AVP Marilyn Fall Elder Care at Home, VB 757-464-4800 AVP Michael Mann Geriatrics Life Care 757-282-1359 AVP Angela Whitlock Family Care Senior Solutions 757-399-9700 AVP Valley Deborah Borgstrom Cleansing Water, Inc. 540-341-0212 PRO Marsha Grant Cleansing Water, Inc. 540-341-0212 PRO Kim Grosner Aging with Choice LLC 434-466-7774 AVP Wendy Smith Care is There Geriatric Care Management 434-326-5323 AVP Brenda Wilson Faculty & Employee Assistance Program UVAHS 434-924-5483 AVP In Recognition of our Retired Members:

Linda Aufderhaar Maureen Cavaiola Regina Curran

Senior Care Associates At Home Chesapeake Regina M. Curran, MA

703-502-0240 410-647-1997 410-661-1988

Many thanks to our corporate partners, who support the work of Aging Life Care Members in the Mid-Atlantic Region: Accessible Home Care Association of Jewish Family & Children Agencies CaptionCall CareFamily, LLC

CSSi Home Care Assistance Hometeam HomeWork Solutions, Inc. IKOR International

Right at Home, Inc. Senior Transition Services Visiting Angels We Care PDS, Inc. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


The expertise of Aging Life Care Managers can be summarized into 8 knowledge areas. They include:

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Health and Disability - Aging Life Care Managers attend doctor appointments and facilitate communication. These professionals help determine types of services – including home health and hospice – that are right for a client and assist in engaging and monitoring those services. Financial - Services may include reviewing or overseeing bill paying or consulting with a client’s accountant or Power of Attorney. Housing - Aging Life Care Managers help families and clients evaluate and select the appropriate level of housing or residential options. Families - Aging Life Care Managers help families adjust, cope and problem-solve issues surrounding long-distance and in-home caregiving. Local Resources - Aging Life Care Managers know the local resources in their communities like the back of their hands and know how services are accessed. Advocacy - Aging Life Care Managers are strong and effective advocates for clients and their families, promoting the client’s wishes with health care and other providers, ensuring that client’s needs are being adequately addressed. Legal - Aging Life Care Managers refer to legal experts, like elder law attorneys, estate planners, and Powers of Attorney. Crisis Intervention - Aging Life Care Managers offer crisis intervention when it is needed. For families that live at a distance, this can be a muchneeded 24/7 emergency contact. Thank you to the Aging Life Care Association™ for permission to share this information. You may learn more about Aging Life Care™ at

Care Management



Friendly Visitors

& Disabled

rovide qualified home health ons on an hourly or live-in basis nal needs in any situation.

It’s All About Trust


• Care Management • Caregiving • Creative Transitions • Friendly Visitors


CALL TODAY • F O U 703-237-9048 N DE D IN 19 8 8 24

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DebraLevyALCA.indd 1 • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care3/4/16 Association 2:01 PM



• Assessment of Care Needs •OVERWHELMED? Stabilize Existing Crisis OVERWHELMED? • Get Relief for the Caregiver • Admission to the Right Facility In InaaCrisis? Crisis?Caring Caringfor foraaLoved LovedOne? One? • Protect and Preserve Assets • Clarify All Financial Options • MediateTO Family Issues • AdvocateDON’T for QualityKNOW Care WHAT DON’T KNOW WHAT TODO? DO?


Call Call Today Todayfor foraaComplimentary ComplimentaryConsultation! Consultation! William S. Fralin, Esq., President


Our OurElder ElderLaw LawAttorneys, Attorneys,Social SocialWorkers Workersand and Nurse Nursecan canprovide provideyou youwith withinstant instantrelief: relief: • •Assessment AssessmentofofCare CareNeeds Needs • •Stabilize StabilizeExisting ExistingCrisis Crisis DCAdmission MD & VA totothe theRight RightFacility Facility • •Get GetRelief Relieffor forthe theCaregiver Caregiver Licensed• in•Admission • •Clarify ClarifyAll AllFinancial FinancialOptions Options • •Protect Protectand andPreserve PreserveAssets Assets • •Mediate MediateFamily FamilyIssues Issues • •Advocate Advocatefor forQuality QualityCare Care

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William William S. Fralin, S. Fralin, Esq., Esq., President President

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• Assessment(301) of Care214-2229 Needs (301) 214-2229 WAS SHHI N I NGGTTOONN, ,DDCC (202) 223-0270 • Admission(202) to the 223-0270 Right Facility • Get Relief forWA the Caregiver • Protectwww.chroniccareadvocacy. and Preserve Assets • Clarify All Financial www.chroniccareadvocacy. com comOptions

•Offices Stabilize Offices inin Existing MMAARCrisis RYYLLAANNDD

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

How Care Managers and Elder Law Attorneys Work Together Partnering our way through happily ever afters and the occasional horror story


by Buckley Fricker, J.D., CMC

Elder Law attorneys focus much of their time on drafting documents to ensure for quality of life through Advance Directives. They also make sure the financial picture is handled according to the client’s needs. From revocable or irrevocable trusts to Power of Attorney documents (POAs) to naming joint or successor agents, Elder Law attorneys can handle all the legal needs of seniors and their families. Some Elder Law attorneys also act as a variety of agent-types, just like family members of clients. They can serve as Guardians Conservators, POAs, and Trustees (hereafter simply known as “agents”). Sometimes the client’s family members are available to serve as agents, and do a great job. There are plenty of happily ever afters out there. Other times, though, there are no suitable family members available, either because there actually are none, or because they aren’t “suitable.” “Un-suitable” can result in a wide variety of scenarios, some of which are sadly comparable to either dark comedies or horror stories. Enter the Aging Life Care Manager also known as Care Managers or Geriatric Care Managers (GCMs). Aging Life Care Managers are professional guides and advocates for families who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults. On the national level, these professionals are represented by the Aging Life Care Association. Elder Law Attorneys Hiring Care Managers One common joint effort between Care Managers and Elder Law attorneys

occurs when the Elder Law attorney is the agent for an individual client. The attorney agent hires and directs the Care Manager to assess the client and come up with a care plan. Once the attorney approves the care plan, he or she hands the Care Manager the power of implementation. The Care Manager sets off on their gallant horse to ensure the best possible care for the client over sometimes quite treacherous terrain. Care Managers are often called upon to mediate family feuds, locate the best placement or secure home care for a client. They also make sure that care plans continue to be the best fit over time, as well as change course when needed. They make and attend appointments and procedures. Finally, they are the advocates in all sorts of circumstances: medical, entitlement benefits, social and emotional wellbeing and more. Planning Ahead for Care Management Needs A growing trend is for people who are having Estate Planning and Advance Directives drafted by an attorney to include language in anticipation of needing a Care Manager in the event of incapacity. For instance, a Care Manager may be needed if there is an illness or disability that leaves an individual unable to manage his or her own care. Many people realize that their “agent-family-memberin-charge:” a) likely has a job and a family of their own, and b) doesn’t happen to be an expert on elder care. Planning for the inclusion of a Care Manager’s assistance, if needed in the future, can be accomplished through elder law documents. Some documents can

Photo Credit: Buckley’s for Seniors

“direct” the agent to hire a Care Manager (meaning the agent pretty much has to hire one), and some documents state the agent “may” hire one. This distinction can have to do, for example, with whether the document is a POA, with “may/ suggest” type language, or a Trust, with “may, direct, or shall type language.” The estate planning client who may be interested in including Care Management planning should discuss reasons for differences in wording with their attorney. Scenarios where such a discussion may be necessary could include: the Client’s level of confidence in the agent (will they really do what I want them to?), or the client’s confidence in the future care budget (will my funds support making my agent hire a Care Manager, or should I just suggest it)? The Client-Centric Approach Whether through planning documents to arm the client with tools like Care Management Experts, or by hiring one themselves in their capacity as an agent, Elder Law attorneys can literally save the day. The Aging Life Care Association has a cavalry of Care Managers ready to make that happen. Thank you to the Aging Life Care Association™ for permission to share this information. You may learn more about Aging Life Care™ at • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Elder Law Directory Name


Region Served Phone


PA DE MD DC VA WV Elena Boisvert An Elder Law Practice 410-570-6459 n Derek S. Cervoni Cervoni Disability Law, PLLC 703-241-2625 n n n Lynne Clark Lynne N. Clark, P.C. 703-256-7900 n n Rosemary Ferrino Montco Elder Law 215-283-4444 n A private law firm that focuses exclusively on elder law and estate planning in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. • Elder Law services include Asset Protection, Long-Term Care Planning, Medicare/ Medicaid Planning and Guardianship. • Estate planning services include Wills/Trusts, Powers of Attorney/Living Wills; Estate & Inheritance Tax minimization, Probate and Estate Administration, Fiduciary Litigation and Family Negotiation Agreement Counseling. William Fralin The Estate Planning & Elder Law Firm, P.C. 703-243-3200 n n n Our Elder Law Attorneys, Social Workers and Nurse help families plan for, pay for and secure quality care while preserving your assets. Offices located in Arlington, VA, Bethesda, MD & Washington, DC. Call Today for a Complimentary Consultation! Valerie Geiger The Geiger Firm, LLC 703-481-6464 n n Jeffrey Hammond Hammond and Associates, LLC 301-861-4555 n Maryland Law Firm • Estate Planning • Estate Administration Probate • Elder Law • Estate planning documents • Avoid impoverishment from nursing home costs • Long Term Care Planning • Medicaid Applications • Preserve assets and obtain Long Term Care • Plan to avoid guardianship • Wills • Trusts • Power of Attorney • Medical Advance Directive • Living Will • Many locations throughout Maryland with conference rooms for meeting. John Laster

Law Offices of John L. Laster 703-538-3600 John Laster is licensed in Virginia, Maryland and DC. He focuses on estate planning and administration, as well as special needs concerns. He is a founding member of NAELA. John serves on the board of CLA, an organization serving the needs of persons with intellectual disabilities; and he has taught Aging and Law at Georgetown Law School.


Visit for articles, resources and much more!


Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •



Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Elder Law Directory Name Susan K. Pollack

Catherine Stavely

Region Served



Catherine E. Stavely



PA DE MD DC VA WV Needham Mitnick & Pollack PLC 703-536-7778 n n n Needham Mitnick & Pollack, PLC is a women-owned, small law firm which gives personalized attention to each case. Our lawyers have handled numerous complicated cases in the fields of elder law, estate, disability, special needs planning and Medicaid. Our services are designed to fulfill the planning needs of each person irrespective of age or physical or mental needs.


Chapter President, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Past Chair, Elder Law Section of the Maryland State Bar Association; State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life. Scope of Work: Medicaid Planning · Elder Care Issues · Wills & Trusts · Guardianship · Powers of Attorney · Advance Directives · Probate

Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (VAELA) is Leading the Way in Special Needs and Elder Law in Virginia! The need is growing for specialized legal advice concerning aging-related issues. The number of older individuals in the population is projected to increase to 71.5 million in 2030, representing nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population. Members of the Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (VAELA), a chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, are the premier providers of legal representation, guidance and services to enhance the lives of seniors, people with special needs, and their families. Founded in 2002, VAELA now has more than 160 members throughout Virginia. Elder law attorneys work closely with other professionals dedicated to serving elders and people with disabilities. Learn more at

Searching for an Elder Law Attorney?

Visit for resources, articles and much more! Maryland/DC Chapter - Contact Catherine E. Stavely 410-268-9246 • Pennsylvania Chapter - Visit • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Assisted living - memory support Mid-Atlantic Chapter



During the last 65 years, Brooke Grove Retirement Village has built a reputation of excellence in Montgomery County. Partnering with national leaders in the field, we’ve set a new benchmark in memory support. Our staff have specialized training in anxiety-reducing techniques that decrease the need for medication. Creatively designed programs stimulate memory and build independence and self-esteem.

because what surrounds you really matters.

18100 Slade School Road Sandy Spring, MD 20860 301-260-2320 or 301-924-2811

Independent living assisted living rehabilitation long-term care memory support 30

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Selecting a Senior Housing Option Retirement Communities Offer Something for Everyone Offering everything from lowmaintenance homes to luxury apartments, retirement communities in the Mid-Atlantic Region are as distinctive as their residents. Local retirees have a seemingly endless array of options to choose from when selecting their new home. However, before they can select the appropriate community, retirees and their loved ones should be sure to fully understand all the options. Learning the basic terminology used in the retirement living industry will help consumers begin to consider and compare options. The chart after this article features a list of communities that offer a variety of retirement living options.

Continuing Care Retirement Communities The wide range of retirement living options starts with Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs), which generally feature care options ranging from independent living to long-term nursing care on one campus. Residents can transfer to higher levels of care as needed and enjoy a wide array of amenities and activities. CCRCs offer long-term contracts that guarantee lifelong shelter and access to specified health care services. Most CCRCs establish requirements for incoming residents based on age, financial assets, income level and physical health.

Residents are typically expected to move in while they are still independent to get to know the community. In return for guaranteed lifelong shelter, amenities and health care, residents usually pay a lumpsum entrance fee and regular monthly payments. Independent Living Communities For seniors who want to leave the burdens of home maintenance behind, Independent Living Communities may be the ideal option. In addition to property upkeep, these communities also generally offer 24-hour security and activities to keep residents engaged. Continued on page 33


Affordable Senior Care That Won’t Break the Bank. Wesley Enhanced Living offers high-quality Personal Care Services at some of the lowest rates in the area! • Personal Care Apartments with Affordable, 24/7 Support • Varying Levels of Care to include medication management and assistance with activities of daily living • Three delicious, chef-prepared meals daily • Short- and Long-term stays available • Enriching programs, activities and entertainment Doylestown • Hatboro • Media • Philadelphia

1-877-U-AGE-WEL • Also Available: • Spacious, Maintenance-Free Independent Living Apartments • Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing and Memory Care

The Wesley Enhanced Living continuing care retirement communities are non-profit, with a mission to deliver a purpose-filled life to residents. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter


Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Housing Option ... Continued from page 31

Independent Living Communities are similar to any apartment, condominium or single-family development, except that they provide special services including security and activities. These communities typically offer a full range of activities such as shopping trips, outings to cultural events and organized gatherings that promote socialization. Many communities also feature tennis courts, swimming pools, activity rooms and other amenities to keep residents active and engaged. Assisted Living Communities Individuals who need assistance with the activities of daily living—including eating, dressing, walking, transferring and toileting—may want to consider an Assisted Living Community. In addi-




tion to daily assistance, these communities also offer activity programs to fit the interests of almost any resident. As opposed to Independent Living Communities, health care services are available at Assisted Living Communities. Residents of assisted living generally need some assistance with at least one of the activities of daily living. They may also need transportation assistance and help with housekeeping and laundry, all of which are typical offerings. Additional amenities can include private units, state-of-the-art facilities, beautifully decorated common areas, barber shops and beauty parlors, pharmacies, physical therapy services, recreation rooms, libraries, gardening areas, fitness centers, and many others. Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers Finally, whether for a short-term rehabilitation or a long-term medical stay,


Live more for less than you imagined.


Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers are a vital senior living option. These centers are equipped to help residents heal and/ or maintain their best quality of life and often feature a full schedule of activities. At a Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, care is administered by professionals under the direction of a physician. Many facilities also offer sub-acute, respite, rehabilitation and other short-term care. Rehabilitation services can be especially helpful for individuals who are recovering from surgery or an illness. Choosing a Community After selecting the type of community that best fits their wants, needs and budget, retirees should start calling individual communities to request additional information. Communities will also likely have detailed websites, as well as staff members Continued on page 47


The Five Star Difference • Lushly landscaped park-like setting • Swim year-round in the indoor pool • Enjoy nature year-round in the glassed-in Winter Garden room • Executive, sous and pastry chefs • Washers and dryers in your home • Secure parking underground


e’re confident that the affordability of Five Star Premier Residences of Chevy Chase will be music to your ears, especially considering the medley of social activities and amenities. Among the keys are extraordinary dining, highly attentive service and our latest opus—Lifestyle 360, a wellness program that enriches residents’ lives. If it sounds like our luxury rental apartments are in tune with your desires, then call today for a private tour.

Formerly known as Classic Residence by Hyatt

8100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (301) 915-9217 • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

10 Tips for Choosing an Assisted Living/Personal Care Facility 1. Make an accurate and honest assessment of your physical, financial, mental and lifestyle needs. 2. Visit as many facilities as you can to get a sense of the choices in your area. 3. Narrow down your selection to the top two or three choices and return to those facilities and ask lots of questions. 4. Ask to review a copy of the Resident Agreement (facility contract). 5. Ask to review the licensing or certification inspection report. 6. Call the Long Term Care Ombudsman program and ask if there are complaints about the facilities you are interested in. Contact the ElderCare Locator at 1-800-677-1116 or to find your local ombudsman who serves as an advocate for assisted living/personal care and nursing home residents. 7. Make an unannounced visit to the facilities you are interested in. Talk with the residents and their family members about the facility. 8. Ask what conditions or circumstances may result in the need to relocate or move to another facility. 9. Ask what the baseline fee is and what services are included in that fee. Ask what additional charges apply for services/products. 10. Choose the facility that comes closest to your needs. From The Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living (CCAL), a national consumer education and advocacy organization. Visit for more information.

Welcome to Refined Residential Living. A Residential Assisted Living Property

Exceptional care, freshly prepared cuisine, and community above all else define The Cottage at Curry Manor. • 8 individual suites with private bathrooms • Robust activity schedule • Experienced Management • All Inclusive flat monthly fees

Call us today to schedule your private tour.

Part of the

family of care

301-365-2582 The Cottage at Curry Manor has been approved by the State and County as an Assisted Living Facility. 34

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

How to Evaluate Nursing Care Specialized Care for Individuals Who Need Daily Assistance While some individuals are able to continue running their households with little assistance, there are those who may have debilitating physical or emotional conditions that require care beyond what family or professional home care aides can provide. What is Nursing Care? At a nursing home, care is administered by professionals under the direction of a physician. Many facilities also offer sub-acute, respite, rehabilitation and other short-term care. Rehabilitation services can be especially helpful for individuals who are recovering from surgery, an illness or any other life-

changing event. These homes serve as permanent residences for individuals who are too sick or frail to live at home or as temporary facilities during a recovery period after a surgery or illness. Who Pays for Nursing Care? Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and personal assets are all used under various circumstances to pay for services in a nursing care facility. If a facility is not certified by Medicare and Medicaid, the care will have to be paid for entirely with personal funds. In general, Medicare pays for skilled nursing care following hospitalization

Capitol Capitol Hill Campus Hill Campus 202-546-5700 202-546-5700 700 Constitution 700 Constitution Avenue Avenue NE NE Washington, Washington, DC 20002-6058 DC 20002-6058

for the same illness or condition at 100 percent of the cost for days 1 – 20. Some long-term care insurance pays for nursing home care; insurance payments are usually a fixed amount for a specified number of qualified days. The basic daily rate is the standard charge the nursing home bills to all residents, which covers the fundamental services every resident receives, including rent for the room, housekeeping, meals and general nursing care. It is important to understand all the services and amenities that are not included in the basic daily rate. Continued on page 47

Hadley Hadley Campus Campus 202-574-5700 202-574-5700 4601 MLK 4601Jr. MLK Avenue Jr. Avenue SW SW Washington, Washington, DC 20032-1199 DC 20032-1199

BridgePoint Healthcare offers multiple levels ofofpost-acute care effectively manage BridgePoint BridgePoint Healthcare Healthcare offers offers multiple multiple levels levels of post-acute post-acute care tocare effectively totoeffectively manage manage a apatient’s recovery. Ourteam team of dedicated healthcare professionals offers expert patient’s a patient’s recovery. recovery. Our Our of team dedicated of dedicated healthcare healthcare professionals professionals offers offers expert expert interdisciplinary careand andservices services tailored totoeach to optimize optimize recovery potential. interdisciplinary interdisciplinary care care and services tailored tailored to each patient eachpatient patient to optimize to recovery recovery potential. potential. Long-Term Long-Term AcuteAcute Care–Hospitalization Care–Hospitalization that specializes that specializes in theinin treatment the treatment treatment and and Long-Term Acute Care–Hospitalization that specializes the and rehabilitation rehabilitation of medically of medically complex complex andillcritically and critically ill patients ill patients requiring requiring extended extended care care ofrehabilitation medically complex and critically patients requiring extended care in a hospital setting. in a hospital in a hospital setting. setting.

Subacute and Rehabilitation–Provides a variety of services specializing in the treatment Subacute and Rehabilitation–Provides and Rehabilitation–Provides variety aas variety of services of services specializing specializing in the in the ofSubacute long-term ventilator management, asawell aggressive short-term rehabilitation and treatment treatment of long-term of long-term ventilator ventilator management, management, as well as as well aggressive as aggressive short-term short-term medical care. rehabilitation rehabilitation and medical and medical care. care.

BridgePoint.indd 1 • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care 3/4/16 Association 2:13 PM


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

How to Compare Nursing Centers Use This Checklist to Find the Right Facility • Is the facility Medicare-certified and/or Medicaid-certified? • Are the home and its current administrator licensed? • What type of education and training do staff members have? • How many Registered Nurses (RNs) and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are on staff? • Are background checks conducted on all staff members? • Is there a care plan developed for every resident? • Are care plans reviewed and updated by providers and family members? • Is the interaction between residents and staff members warm and respectful?

• Are public areas and resident rooms clean and comfortable? • Are there a variety of activities available for residents? • What is the staff to patient ratio at night and on weekends? • Do staff members respond to residents’ requests for assistance promptly? • Are there enough staff members available to assist residents during meals? Does the food in the dining room look and smell appealing? • Are there handrails in hallways and grab bars in bathrooms? • Are exits clearly marked? • Is the facility outfitted with smoke detectors and sprinklers?

Photo Credit: Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

Adapted from Medicare’s Nursing Home checklist. For more information, see www.

Carriage Hill Bethesda Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

A Commitment to Caring for Over 30 Years

For over thirty years we have focused on establishing an atmosphere rich in respect and dignity, working tirelessly to ensure every resident achieves their best. Our newly renovated rehabilitation wing along with spacious accommodations provides the perfect environment for each person to reach their long- and short-term goals. We invite you to visit Carriage Hill to experience the exceptional services offered by an independent facility. Come find out how quality care can help you find complete peace of mind.

a Highest rating of 5 stars by CMS 2015 and 2016 a Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy up to 7 days a week for those recovering from illness, surgery or stroke a Long-term care, respite and palliative care services provided by consistent, caring and well established licensed health care professionals a Carriage Hill is a private facility accepting Medicare and most secondary insurances including Long Term Care insurance a In network with Blue Cross Blue Shield a Maryland Health Care Commission Family Survey: nearly 100 percent of our residents families would recommend us to someone seeking nursing home care We have a tradition of providing quality health care for our residents... we’ve built our reputation on it! Call our Admission Director today to schedule an appointment. 5215 West Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814 301-897-5500 •


Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • CarriageHall_ALCA.indd 1

3/4/16 2:14 PM

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

How to Choose Memory Care A Special Care Residence May Be the Right Option Special care units are a relatively new concept, so certification standards for nursing homes and adult care residences do not specifically address these programs. You will need to rely on your own judgment when considering a special care unit. Visit more than one special care unit and compare them. Use all your senses when you visit — sight, smell and hearing are all important. Be sensitive to the overall atmosphere and how the staff interacts with the residents. Ask about the number of staff on duty at all times and find out about any special training they have had. Generally, the more staff available, the higher

the quality of care. Some reports find a daytime ratio of six residents to one staff person to be adequate in a special care unit; others feel that a ratio of eight to one can also result in quality care. At night, when residents are in bed, a higher patient to staff ratio may be fine. Get a written description of the services and programs offered by any special care unit along with the charges or fees associated. This description should clearly explain to you how the special care unit differs from the rest of the nursing home or assisted living facility. It should emphasize special training the staff receives and describe the environment.

Before choosing a special care unit, you should be confident that the higher price charged for care in the unit will actually result in better care for your relative. You may find that your relative can be adequately cared for in a regular unit. Finally, talk with someone about special care units. Your state ombudsman, your local chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association or your local Area Agency on Aging are all good resources. They may be able to provide you with a more detailed consumer checklist to help you compare special care units. All dementia special care units Continued on page 47


Connecting in a way that works for the individual Caring for residents with conditions that affect thinking and memory is a special privilege. Genesis HealthCare is committed to providing a safe, caring, therapeutic and supportive environment which enhances emotional and spiritual wellness and overall life satisfaction to persons living with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias.

Specialized care delivered with warmth and understanding. The Oaks

240 Barker Road Wyncote, PA 19095 Phone: 215-517-8200

Highgate at Paoli Pointe 600 Paoli Pointe Drive Paoli, PA 19301 Phone: 610-296-7100

Sanatoga Court

227 Evergreen Road Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-718-0900

Berkshire Commons

5485 Perkiomen Avenue Reading, PA 19606 Phone: 610-779-3993

Also Offing Quality Senior Living Care Services

Genesis CareLine at 866-745-CARE | • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

How to Know Symptoms of Alzheimer’s The Alzheimer’s Association Provides Some Common Signs Every individual may experience one or more of these signs in different degrees. If you notice any of them, it is recommended you see a doctor. 1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life One of the most common signs of Alzheimer’s is memory loss, especially forgetting recently learned information. What’s typical? Sometimes forgetting names or appointments, but remembering them later. 2. Challenges in planning or solving problems Some people may experience changes

in their ability to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers. They may have trouble following a familiar recipe or keeping track of monthly bills. What’s typical? Making occasional errors when balancing a checkbook. 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure People with Alzheimer’s often find it hard to complete daily tasks. Sometimes, people may have trouble driving to a familiar location, managing a budget at work or remembering the rules of a favorite game. What’s typical? Occasionally needing help to use the settings on a micro-

wave or to record a television show. 4. Confusion with time or place People with Alzheimer’s can lose track of dates, seasons and the passage of time. They may have trouble understanding something if it is not happening immediately. Sometimes they may forget where they are or how they got there. What’s typical? Getting confused about the day of the week but figuring it out later. Information from the Alzheimer’s Association website. Visit or call 1.800.272.3900 for information, referrals and support.


The many faces of dementia.

For over 20 years, Arden Courts has cared for individuals living with many different types of dementia.*

Dementia has many variations, each requiring unique care. Arden Courts has experience in caring for residents with each type of memory impairment at every stage.

Percent of residents experiencing Alzheimer’s:

For those searching for information about dementia, Arden Courts provides a free dementia resource libray at a community near you.

Other dementias including Lewy Body, AFTD, Parkinson and Vascular

Stop in and see what we have to offer.



We enrich the lives of


residents every day. *Data is from Arden Courts 2016 results. ©2016 HCR ManorCare


Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Annandale • Fair Oaks • Kensington Potomac • Silver Spring 888.478.2410

Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

District of Columbia

BridgePoint Healthcare 202-731-8391 Washington n • Long Term Acute Care Hospital LTACH)-Providing an acute level of care to patients requiring a longer hospitalization who cannot be cared for at a lower level of care. • Sub-Acute & Rehabilitation SAR)-Providing long term ventilator management as well as aggressive short term care and rehabilitation. •

202-546-5700 & 202-574-5700 Seabury at Friendship Terrace 202-244-7400 Tenleytown n n n n n Seabury at Friendship Terrace is active, affordable senior living close to stores, restaurants and entertainment in Northwest Washington, DC, just two blocks from the Tenleytown Metro Station. Friendship Terrace offers an exciting program of daily activities, a rooftop deck, greenhouse, library, and a dining room with outdoor dining options. Call 202-244-7400 for your personal tour or go online at Maryland

Arden Courts Arden Courts® provides specialized memory care in a safe and nurturing environment. We recognize every individual’s physical, mental and social needs and provide a secure environment that fosters independence for as long as possible. Every Arden Courts features an open floor plan designed to encourage interaction and independence. Our staff receives extensive, ongoing training and education. Arden Courts 301-493-7881 Kensington n n Arden Courts 301-983-3620 Potomac n n Arden Courts 301-847-3051 Silver Spring n n Arden Courts 410-415-5600 Pikesville n n Arden Courts 410-847-9400 Towson n n Asheir Manor, Assisted Living 301-250-6660 Germantown n Managed by Nurse Practitioner, a 5 star facility conveniently located in Germantown, minutes from hospitals, restaurants, and I-270. Easily accessible from Olney, Potomac, Bethesda, DC and Frederick. Providing assistance with • all ADLs • Meals • Medication Management • Incontinence Care • Laundry • House Keeping • Activities. Collaborating in home with • Physicians • PT/OT/ ST • Level 3, licensed for 8 beds Brightview Fallsgrove Assisted Living 240-314-7194 Rockville n n Brightview Fallsgrove provides upscale traditional Assisted Living and a specialized neighborhood for innovative Dementia Care called Wellspring Village. Brightview communities are known for offering a holistic approach to care and life enrichment. Residents benefit from Brightview’s signature relationship-based care and personal attention in an environment that fosters well-being and social engagement. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Maryland (Continued)

Brooke Grove Retirement Village 301-260-2320 Sandy Spring n n n n n Situated amid the natural beauty of a 220-acre campus, Brooke Grove Retirement Village has been an innovator in continuing care for older adults since 1950. The campus hums with camaraderie and a zest for living shared by neighbors and staff—in independent and assisted living, long-term care, memory support and rehabilitative care. Simply Different … because what surrounds you really matters. Carriage Hill Bethesda 301-897-5500 Bethesda n Carriage Hill is an independently owned skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that has earned 5 out of 5 stars from CMS in 2015 and 2016. Our mission is to provide an individualized, customer service driven, goal oriented plan of care that enables every resident to achieve their maximum level of independence through the use of appropriate clinical and therapeutic services. Carroll Lutheran Village 410-848-0090 Westminster n n n n n Carroll Lutheran Village is an accredited, not-for-profit continuing care retirement community in Westminster, Maryland with 398 homes and apartments, 50 assisted living suites and 103 skilled nursing beds. Amenities include spacious living options in all levels of residency, four dining venues, wellness center with pool and gym, lifelong learning opportunities, and on-site medical services. Charles E. Smith Life Communities 301-816-5052 Rockville n n n n Charles E. Smith Life Communities offers independent living, assisted living, memory care, rehabilitation, post-acute services, long-term care, and out-patient medical care on a campus in the heart of Rockville. A staff of full-time, on-site physicians contributes to our expertise. Mission-driven and inspired by Jewish values, the we have served older adults in the Washington, DC, community for 106 years. Cohen-Rosen House Hebrew Home Landow House Revitz House Ring House Post-Acute Care Center @ Hebrew Home

301-816-5050 301-770-8476 301-816-5050 301-770-8450 301-816-5012 301-770-8476

Rockville Rockville Rockville Rockville Rockville Rockville n n n n n n n

Get Help Finding Senior Housing, Assisted Living and Nursing Care! Contact an Aging Life Care Manager Near You! See pages 10 - 23 40

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Maryland (Continued)

Eden Homes Group 301-299-2637 Bethesda n n Assisted Living in a Personalized and Elegant Home Setting. Locations in Potomac, Bethesda, Maryland and McLean, Virginia. High staffing ratios. Professionally trained staff. Vibrant, engaging, enriching Activity Program. Home cooked meals with produce from our garden. Eden Homes Group - Bells Mill 301-299-2637 Bethesda n n Eden Homes Group - Greyswood 301-299-2637 Bethesda n n Eden Homes Group - Ipswich 301-299-2637 Bethesda n n Eden Homes Group - Liberty 301-299-2637 Bethesda n n Eden Homes Group - Stoneham 301-299-2637 Bethesda n n Eden Kosher Home 301-299-2637 Bethesda n Five Star Premier Residences of Chevy Chase 301-915-9217 Chevy Chase n n Five Star Premier Residences of Chevy Chase is an independent rental retirement community located just inside the Beltway in a park like setting .Residents enjoy a vibrant lifestyle with over 300 monthly activities, including water aerobics in the indoor pool ; and exercise classes taught by personal trainers. With an assisted living floor and on site physical therapy ; residents can age in place in a beautiful but affordable community. Integrace Copper Ridge 410-795-8808 Sykesville n n n Copper Ridge is a nationally recognized leader in dementia support and programming. Excellence in Memory Care . Residential Living . Short-Term Rehabilitation . Dementia-Focused Therapy . Memory Clinic . Caregiver Education . Support for the Greater Community. COMING IN 2016: Bistro Dining and The Peabody Club, an Integrace Adult Day & Night Program Kensington Park Senior Living 301-946-7700 Kensington n n n • Kensington Park is a senior living residence offering three lifestyle options—Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care. • Our full spectrum of care and service is designed to change as our residents do, in an environment of comfortable elegance on a single campus. • Our promise: to love and care for your family as we do our own Lorien Mt. Airy 301-829-6050 Mt. Airy n n Premier Assisted Living, Skilled and Sub-Acute community nestled in the charming town of Mt. Airy provides superior care for individuals seeking a supportive and caring environment, where they are encouraged to exercise the maximum degree of independence and self-determination. Our exceptional staff demonstrates professionalism and compassion in serving our residents and patients.

Mt. Airy • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Maryland (Continued)

Peregrine’s Landing at Tudor Heights 410-318-8000 Baltimore n n Peregrine’s Landing at Tudor Heights provides a warm and caring environment that is familiar and yet new and exciting. A faith driven community, we are nestled in the heart of Pikesville, among shops, synagogues and schools that your children attended! Our fresh seasonal and certified kosher cuisine and our exciting activities is a combination that can’t be beat! Riderwood 301-572-8420 Silver Spring n n n n n For quality care in one location, choose Riderwood in Silver Spring. We offer assisted living, memory care, nursing care, and 5-star rehabilitation services all under one roof. Your clients enjoy customized care plans based on their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and preferences. And you will have peace of mind with Riderwood’s consistent track record of superior health care outcomes. Seabury at Springvale Terrace 301-587-0190 Silver Spring n n Seabury at Springvale Terrace is located on a tree-lined neighborhood street near vibrant downtown Silver Spring, close to shopping, doctor offices, the Red Line Metro Station, and more. We offer residential living, enhanced living, and assisted living care with affordable monthly rates and great programs and amenities. Schedule your visit today! Call 301-587-0190. Springwell Senior Living Community 410-664-4006 Baltimore n n n There is something very different about Springwell Senior Living. Not only do you see it, you also feel it as soon as you walk in the door. There is an immediate sense of community. Locally owned and operated, Springwell is a safe, warm & vibrant place with consistently outstanding care & hospitality services. The Angels Garden Assisted Living - Rockville 301-806-0151 Rockville/Silver Spring n The Angels Garden Assisted Living - Silver Spring 301-806-0151 Silver Spring n The Angels Garden Assisted Living - Bustleton Ln. 301-806-0151 Silver Spring n The Cottage at Curry Manor 301-365-2582 Bethesda n The Cottage at Curry Manor is a one of a kind Refined Residential Living residence located in Bethesda, Maryland. Conceived by Susan Rodgers, RN, founder of Capital City Nurses, The Cottage offers 8 individual suites with private bathrooms, the industry’s highest care ratios, delicious home cooked cuisine and an engaging community set in a beautiful, secure and gated residential setting. 42

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter


Arden Courts Arden Courts® provides specialized memory care in a safe and nurturing environment. We recognize every individual’s physical, mental and social needs and provide a secure environment that fosters independence for as long as possible. Every Arden Courts features an open floor plan designed to encourage interaction and independence. Our staff receives extensive, ongoing training and education. Arden Courts 610-366-9010 Allentown n n Arden Courts 610-337-1214 King of Prussia n n Arden Courts 215-957-5182 Warminster n n Arden Courts 215-321-6166 Yardley n n Artman 215-643-6333 Ambler n n Artman has long been a leader in Personal Care, Short-term Rehabilitation and Long-term care, all on our Ambler campus. We are proud of our exceptional staff and our long history of quality care in our newly renovated “household-model” setting. Now providing secure Memory Support! Berkshire Commons - Genesis HealthCare 610-779-3993 Reading n n The “Commons” offers choices of private studios & suites; which include refrigerators, freezers, & microwaves. Light-up your taste buds with chef prepared meals during “Dine at Your Time”. “Homestead”, Secured Memory Care, offers private studios & Dedicated Staff that offer personalized care to those with memory loss. Our Campus setting, has rehabilitation & nursing home care to allow the opportunity to stay without “Buy-Ins”. Harrison Senior Living 610-384-6310 East Fallowfield n n n n n Harrison Senior Living provides premium independent living, personal care, assisted living, short-term rehabilitation, skilled nursing and memory care for seniors. Communities include Harrison House of Chester County ARRISO East Fallowfield, PA), Harrison House of Christiana Christiana, PA), Harrison SENIOR LIVING House of Georgetown Georgetown, DE), John B. Parsons Salisbury, MDand Harrison House of Snow Hill Snow Hill, MD).



Highgate at Paoli Pointe 610-296-7100 Paoli n n Highgate at Paoli Pointe is a Senior Living Community located right in the heart of Chester County. We have 80 apartments that offer all of the warmth of home and the comfort of 24-hour assistance as needed. Our Homestead memory care unit helps those with various forms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Pennsylvania (Continued)

Homewood at Martinsburg 814-793-3728 Martinsburg n n n n n Kendal~Crosslands 610-388-1441 Kennett Square n n n n n Kendal~Crosslands Communities is a non-profit continuing care retirement community nestled on an over 500 Arboretum certified campus adjacent to Longwood Gardens. For over 40 years, Kendal~Crosslands Communities has been servicing older adults rooted in Quaker traditions of respect and dignity for individuals we serve and their families. Paul’s Run Retirement Community 215-934-3009 Philadelphia n n n n Surround yourself with comfort and care at Paul’s Run, one of the most affordable retirement communities in Northeast Philadelphia. Our Continuing Care Retirement Community offers a range of options, from independent living and personal care to skilled nursing and rehabilitation. And with no entrance fees, our rental community is a great value! Sanatoga Court - Genesis Healthcare 610-718-0900 Pottstown n n Sanatoga Court is located in the heart of Montgomery County offering the warmth of home with the comfort of 24 hour assistance available. Along with 24 hour caregivers, we offer an open dining program, weekly housekeeping service and activities 7 days a week. We also offer specialized Dementia Care in our secured dementia unit at an all inclusive rate. The Hearth at Drexel 610-771-1200 Bala Cynwyd n n The Hearth at Drexel is a distinctly different type of Assisted Living and Memory Care community, defined by sophisticated luxury and highly personalized care. We are progressive in our approach as an aging in place community, offering three levels of assistance – Concierge, Enhanced and Memory Support – within a unique “household” style of living. The Oaks Senior Living Community - Genesis 215-517-8200 Wyncote n n The Oaks Senior Living Community specializes in the care of persons with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. We are dedicated to providing individualized, compassionate care and ongoing support for our residents and their loved ones. The Oaks offers private rooms and has a licensed nurse on site 24/7. The Oaks would like to thank you for your consideration.

Visit for articles, resources and much more! 44

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Pennsylvania (Continued)

The Village at Penn State 814-235-8993 State College n n The Village at Penn State is a university-based retirement community located in lively State College, PA. This Life Care community offers a number of plans to meet a variety of needs, including refundable entrance fees. With incredible access to Penn State, nobody gets you closer and nobody gives you more! Wesley Enhanced Living 1-877-U-AGE-WELL Residents at our Doylestown, Pennypack Park and Main Line communities enjoy a maintenance-free lifestyle of comfort, convenience and security. Exacting standards have been built into every feature of these communities and residents have access to all of the living options they will ever need, from independent, to personal care, as well as rehab and skilled care should the need arise. Wesley Enhanced Living Doylestown 267-895-1100 Doylestown n n n n Wesley Enhanced Living Pennypack Park 267-348-3345 Philadelphia n n n n Wesley Enhanced Living Main Line 610-355-1336 Media n n n n Wesley Enhanced Living at Stapeley 215-991-7110 Philadelphia n n n n n Stapeley offers the best of urban living with easy access to Center City, the Main Line, and Chestnut Hill. There is a full range of senior living options, including residential living, personal care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing care, and alzheimer’s and dementia care in a special unit called Bridges. Wesley Enhanced Living Burholme 267-348-3345 Philadelphia n Providing assistance with the activities of daily living, we have everything needed for a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle: daily support care and services; maintenance free living; three freshly-prepared meals daily; and attractive studio or one-bedroom apartments. These services and amenities are offered in our handsomely renovated community with attractive landscaped gardens and stimulating daily activities. Wesley Enhanced Living Upper Moreland 267-895-1152 Hatboro n n n Our Upper Moreland community offers all of the features of an upscale retirement community with a friendly, small-town feel. Residents have the choice to live in a single family home in one of the beautifully designed cottages that surround our main building or a spacious apartment with dining, amenities, and plenty of activities right outside your door. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Pennsylvania (Continued)

White Horse Village Lifecare Community 610-558-5000 Newtown Square n n n n n Superior healthcare services in a Medicare certified community. We offer long term nursing care and rehabilitation services in Canterbury Skilled Nursing in all private suites. Personal care provided in Bridlewood or the Four Seasons memory support in studio suites. Enter directly from the hospital or home with no entry fees. The finest geriatric specialists care for you! Virginia

Arden Courts Arden Courts®888-478-2410 provides specialized memory care in a safe and nurturing Arden Courts n n environment. We recognize every individual’s physical, mental and social needs and provide a secure environment that fosters independence for as long as possible. Every Arden Courts features an open floor plan designed to encourage interaction and independence. Our staff receives extensive, ongoing training and education. Arden Courts 703-256-0882 Annandale n n Arden Courts 703-383-0060 Fairfax n n Chesterbrook Residences 703-531-0781 Falls Church/McLean n An award winning, mixed income, non profit assisted living in Falls Church/McLean. A homelike setting offering excellent care, delicious food, and stimulating activities. Chesterbrook Residences has been serving seniors with respect and dignity since 2007. From the fully independent 703.531.0781 resident to an individual seeking more assistance and support, our care 2030 Westmoreland Street • Falls Church, VA 22043 • and lifestyle choices are designed with everyone in mind.

�e�e�ratin� 8 �ears of wonderful stories and amazing residents. Eden Homes Group 301-299-2637 Mclean n n Assisted Living in a Personalized and Elegant Home Setting. Locations in Potomac, Bethesda, Maryland and McLean, Virginia. High staffing ratios. Professionally trained staff. Vibrant, engaging, enriching Activity Program. Home cooked meals with produce from our garden. Eden Homes Group - 8333 Lewinsville 301-299-2637 Mclean n n Eden Homes Group - 8337 Lewinsville 301-299-2637 Mclean n n Greenspring 703-923-4650 Springfield n n n n n For quality care in one location, choose Greenspring in Springfield, Va. We offer assisted living, memory care, nursing care, and 5-star rehabilitation services all under one roof. Your clients enjoy customized care plans based on their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and preferences. And you will have peace of mind with Greenspring’s consistent track record of superior health care outcomes.

Coordinated Services Management, Inc. - Professional Management of Retirement Communities since 1981

Heritage Hall Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center 46



Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •


Memory Care


Nursing Centers


Assisted Living/Personal Care


Independent Living

Senior Housing Options

Retirement Communities

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Virginia (Continued)

Mt. Vernon Nursing & Rehab Center 703-360-4000 Alexandria n Mt. Vernon Nursing & Rehab Center MVNRC-is a 5 Star, multi-care skilled nursing and rehabilitation center dedicated to addressing the healthcare needs of seniors. The primary focus of MVNRC is to help patients restore their life’s balance and become well again by providing exceptional and compassionate care. Potomac Place Assisted Living



Sommerset Retirement Community



Housing Option ... Continued from page 33

who will be happy to answer questions about the property. When researching potential communities, retirees should be sure to ask about

Nursing Care ... Continued from page 35

What to Look for in Nursing Care Before choosing a home, contact the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

Memory Care ... Continued from page 37

should focus on the individual needs of the resident. Care plans should be de-

n n n

admission and discharge criteria. Prospective residents should fully understand the entrance and monthly fees, as well as any additional fees that may be incurred. Finally, potential residents should ask about amenities, activities and resident involvement.

Once they have narrowed their search down to a few communities, potential residents should plan on-site visits with friends or relatives. Only by visiting a community in person can individuals get a true feel for the lifestyle residents enjoy.

of your Area Agency on Aging. Ombudsman programs promote the highest quality of life and care for residents of nursing facilities and can help families and staff with inquiries and complaints. Tell the ombudsman which options you

are considering and request any information they may have. Visit your prospective communities at different times of day. Talk with residents. Be persistent about getting your questions answered.

veloped, implemented and reviewed often. All patients should be treated with respect and dignity in a physical environment that encourages independence

while promoting safety. Researching special care residences can ensure your loved one will receive the proper support he/she needs.

Find more details about Assisted Living Services in the Mid-Atlantic at • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Remain at Home

Receive Assistance While Enjoying the Comforts of Home

Home care can include a wide variety of healthcare and supportive services—from professional nursing and home health aide services to physical, occupational, respiratory and speech therapies. Options in Home Care An incredibly diverse field, home care includes companion care, home healthcare or skilled nursing. COMPANION CARE is provided by caregivers or companions, who serve as surrogate family members, performing many of the tasks that family members would typically complete. Assistance from companion caregivers can include meal preparation, medication reminders, laundry, light housekeeping, shopping, trans-

portation and assistance with exercising. The overall goals of companion care providers are to ensure that the home environment remains safe and that the individual has a companion to spend time with when family is not available. HOME HEALTHCARE is for those who are no longer able to perform all of the functions of daily living by themselves but who do not require skilled medical services. A home health aide can help with activities of daily living (ADLs), which include bathing, dressing, transferring, eating and toileting. Additional services generally include meal preparation, mobility exercises, housekeeping, laundry, medication reminders and transportation. SKILLED NURSING CARE is pre-

scribed by a physician and is administered by a registered nurse. The services provided by skilled nurses include: administering injections, administering medications, wound care, IV monitoring, blood tests, catheter care, respiratory therapy, physical therapy, feeding tube administration and more. Finding a Provider After determining the type and amount of services needed along with payment options, consumers should begin interviewing potential providers. This is a highly important decision, since finding a qualified, reliable and compassionate individual is essential to the health and happiness of patients and their families.

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3/4/16 2:16 PM

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Planning for the Care You Need at Home n

by Phyllis Mensh Brostoff, CISW, CMC, Aging Life Care AssociationTM Member, Fellow of the Leadership Academy

If you took a poll of older adults and asked each person if they wanted to remain in their own home until the end of their life, most people would say, “of course.” That is a wonderful goal, which often takes a lot of sound planning to be successful. Anything can get in the way—accidents, illness, lack of energy, declining physical abilities—of achieving your desired independence. It is hard to give up even a little autonomy, but asking for assistance can help keep you where you want to be—in your own home.

What if You Become Homebound? If you are recovering from an acute illness, you may be eligible for home health services that are paid for by the Medicare program. An Aging Life Care Manager™ can help you access licensed home health services by facilitating a conversation with your physician about your need for skilled nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and/or speech therapy in your home. This is an important conversation to have with your doctor and discharge planner if you are in the hospital or a

nursing facility and need to decide on and plan for services in your home once you are discharged. However, Medicare will only pay for these services if you are “homebound.” Homebound is defined as only leaving your home for “medical treatment or short, infrequent absences for nonmedical reasons, like attending religious services.” You may also receive help from a home health aide under the supervision of a professional nurse or therapist. A Continued on page 50 • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

care you need ... Continued from page 49

physical or occupational therapist can evaluate your home and recommend equipment (such as guard bars in the bathroom) that will improve your safety. Accessing services These services must be obtained from a state licensed home health agency certified to provide Medicare-reimbursed services. They may be freestanding agencies, or they may be part of a large, hospital-based organization. Licensed home health services are usually timelimited, ending when you have met the goals of treatment and the need for the skilled care has ended. If you have enrolled in a Medicare Advantage program, you may also have access to additional services such as


home visits after a hospitalization. Other Home Care Services Many other care services are provided in the home but are not licensed or paid for by Medicare. An Aging Life Care Manager can help you understand what they can offer, access reputable services, and monitor them on an on-going basis. Non-Medical Aides, Companions and Homemakers There are many types of paid care giving services available—often called non-medical aides, companions and homemakers—who many people hire privately. If you do, you or your family should check at least two work-related references, develop a specific set of tasks and expectations for the caregiver, arrange to pay all appropriate taxes, and

Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter •

have the required insurance coverage. Caregiver services can also be arranged through an agency. While this may cost more per hour than hiring an aide yourself, hiring an agency assures you of coverage when the aide is sick, on vacation or quits. The agency also carries liability insurance and is responsible for all employment taxes and employee bonding. An Aging Life Care Manager can help you find a reputable agency and get important questions answered, such as: do they check police and driver license records; do they provide supervision; how do they handle cancellations; and how long have they been in business? Your family can come together and construct a plan for supporting you in your wishes to remain in your home. If it becomes clear that you all need help Continued on page 56

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A Homemade Plan 443-837-7768 n A Homemade Plan is a locally owned and operated in-home senior care company. We offer all our families a opportunity to meet with the owner and interview caregivers. Our assistance with transportation and medication administration set us apart. We work with ALL LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCES. Flexible scheduling with short shifts, split shift, respite and live-in. A Network of Care 866-253-7662 n We are the area’s most reliable and respected In-Home Care provider. We offer short or long term assistance with personal care, respite care, companion and homemaking services to help those in need to remain in the comfort of their own home. We offer affordable quality care from two hours up to 24-hours a day based on our clients individual needs. A WAY TO STAY Home Care 215-321-5100 n Our focus is quality care. We thrive working as a team. We love working with hospice and geriatric care managers. Our specialization is Live-In care. Our hourly clients are high-need and nearing end of life. Our aides are experienced. We work at home and one-on-one in facilities. Service in PA within 30 minutes of Yardley. Accessible Home Health Care 610-668-1802 n We have the same high standards you do! We only hire certified caregivers with a min of 5 years exp. working with seniors; we perform a 28-point background screening • Agency management reports to Care Managers at desired frequencies to manage quality. • Alzheimer and Dementia specialization - all caregivers are trained and certified in the disease. ACCfamily also known as Adult Companion Care 1-877-549-7894 n n n Family owned and operated since 1994, we specialize in meeting the unique needs of each client. We offer comprehensive Care Management and Caregiver Services with the highest professional credentials. Registered Nurses conduct personalized assessments to determine a customized Plan Of Care. Licensed caregivers work in a variety of settings to provide exceptional service.

Get Help Aging in Place! Contact an Aging Life Care Manager Near You! See pages 10 – 23 • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


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Advanced Nursing & Home Support 240-283-4984 n n Partnering with professionals for the past 23 years, Advanced Nursing & Home Support, locally owned and operated, has provided exceptional Skilled Nursing, Home Health Aide and Companionship services to elderly individuals, disabled family members and recuperating patients in the Washington DC Maryland metro area. Please allow us to satisfy your clients as well! Angel Companions 610-644-8780 n n State licensed non-medical homecare agency servicing seniors throughout the Southeastern PA area. Services include personal care,Home homemaking related support services. Specialized care Care forand Seniors  Personal care available for clients Laundry with Dementia, Parkinson’s and other conditions.  Hospice assistance  Light housekeeping Hourly Live-inservice  Mealand preparation Companionship available with same day assessment and Affordable and compassionate Medication reminders  Transportation care by a locally owned and next day service. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call for a free assessment: managed company. We are licensed and our employees 610-644-8780 are bonded & insured. Angel Companions of Central Bucks County 215-340-2273 n Assisting Hands of Potomac 866-924-2442 n At Home Care, Inc. 301-421-0200 n We love what we do, clients love what we do and what we do is refer private duty CNAs, LPNs, and RNs for PT, FT, HRLY, and Live-In caregiving for Short Term, Long Term and Respite Needs. Thoroughly screened, experienced, insured, bonded, licensed caregivers at cost effective rates. Licensed agency since 1977 – At Home Care, Inc. 301-421-0200 Capital City Nurses 301-652-4344 n n n n Exceptional private duty nursing and companion care since 1976. Aging Life Care Consultants and Geriatric Care Managers have trusted their clients’ care to Capital City Nurses for decades. Our reputation for responsiveness, attention to detail, and experience with complex cases has made us Maryland, DC, Virginia and Delaware’s most trusted home care company. Debra Levy Eldercare Associates 301-593-5285 n n Debbie’s Angels Concierge Companion Service - A unique service for social engagement and life enrichment activities, errands and social events with a college-educated companion.


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Family & Nursing Care 301-588-8200 n n Since 1968, Family & Nursing Care, family-owned and operated, has been the premier provider of in-home services for older adults home care and therapeutic massage), dedicated to and recognized for our passion and commitment to serve, help, and enhance the quality of life and well-being of others. GeriatriCare® Management, Inc. 703-313-6114 n GeriatriCare Management, Inc., which is owned/operated by a Professional Care Manager, is a full service, licensed Home Health Agency that provides a broad range of non-medical, supportive services to our clients. Our collaborative, multi-disciplinary team can provide improved outcomes for clients, families and physicians. Medication Management and Care Management available. Home Health Options Group 703-622-3343 n Locally Owned and Operated Licensed Personal Care Agency serving Northern Virginia for over 15years. Competitive rates and we do not charge overtime for aides to work with your loved one longer than 40hrs/wk. Continuity of care from aides, while our nurses provide personalized care plans. Many of our aides have worked for us for over 10 years.

Home Helpers 703-766-0154 n Home Helpers of N.Va serving Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun counties for 10 years. More than an in-home health care agency: we’re clients’ extended family when family can’t be there. Locally owned, managed and trusted provider of quality, compassionate in-home care. We customize our home care solutions to your client’s unique situation keeping them where they’re happiest: at home. 800-974-3458 n n n n n provides families with Companion, Personal Care, Advanced Personal Care and Care Planning Services. Our Caregivers average 8 years of experience. Each family is assigned a Care Advisor to work with you one-on-one to determine the level of care you need. Caregivers require background checks, licenses and references to join Call today to learn more.

Get Help Aging in Place! Contact an Aging Life Care Manager Near You! See pages 10 – 23 • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


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Liberty at Home 844-651-5111 n Liberty at Home is a Medicare-certified home health and home care agency. Our skilled medical services provide nursing, physical, occupational, speech and other health services prescribed by your physician. Our personal care services offer assistance with daily tasks such as bathing, dressing and meal preparation, as well as other types of support. Lifematters 301-652-7212 n n n Lifematters is the first choice for home care in Maryland, Washington, DC and Northern Virginia. We work with our clients to create fully customized care plans staffed by our team of highly trained and skilled caregivers. Our caregivers deliver a full range of in-home services and all cases are managed by a RN and receive follow-up assessments. Nursing Care Experts Inc. 410-667-1254 n Exceptional private duty nursing care in the Baltimore Metro Area. Seasoned professionals well-versed at working with GCM’s. We help YOU help your client with rapid turn-around and unmatched responsiveness!Personal care, chores, transportation, and medication reminders. Experts at Transitional Care for patients transitioning home from rehab facilities or hospitals. 24/7 Cases are no problem! Old Dominion Home Care 703-273-0422 n Old Dominion Home Care is a family owned home care licensed by the Department of Health in the state of Virginia to provide companion and personal care as well as transportation. Providing the best care for our clients and providing peace of mind to their families is our top priority. Premier Homecare 301-984-1742 n n Our comprehensive in-home services provide care and support to those who are aging in place. Premier’s caregivers are certified and supervised by a registered nurse. The care your parent needs today may change tomorrow, our programs are flexible and allow for daily, weekly or around-the-clock care. A registered nurse will monitor their clinical status and adjust the caregiving plan of care accordingly. www.





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Stay Well Home Health Care 703-955-3118 n Stay Well Home Health Care is a service focused home health agency that offers excellent and affordable services. We employ competent, caring, and well-trained individuals who are responsive to the needs of our clients and their families. In turn, we provide our staff with an inviting work environment and knowledgeable, trustworthy leadership. Synergy HomeCare Synergy HomeCare provides premier in-home care: personal care, homemaker services, companion and memory care, and transportation. Our compassionate caregivers are trained to enhance quality of life for our clients and to provide peace of mind to family members near and far. Call today for a no cost, no obligation in-home consultation. We will find a solution to meet your needs.



Synergy HomeCare-Montgomery County 301-200-9292 n Synergy HomeCare-Northern Virginia 703-558-3435 n THE MEDICAL TEAM 703-390-2300 n Care that matters, where it counts. At home. THE MEDICAL TEAM provides a broad range of services to maximize quality of life, reduce hospitalizations and help individuals live independently. Nurses, Therapists, Social Workers, Home Health Aides; 24/7. Special programs for Cardiac and Respiratory Care, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Woundcare, Behavioral Health. Medicare Certified. Thrive at Home 703-383-9300 n We have experienced, professional and compassionate Certified Nursing Assistants to assist clients in their home or in a facility with everyday tasks like bathing, personal hygiene, dressing, meals, laundry, light housekeeping , transportation and companionship. Each client has a free assessment by our RN and a customized care plan to meet their individual needs.

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Visiting Angels - Bucks & Montgomery County 215-345-9600 n Visiting Angels provides non-medical homecare to seniors, it is your family alternative to assisted living facilities and nursing homes. We will select the caregiver who has the experience necessary to best fulfill the care recipient’s needs. Services provided: personal hygiene, bathing, medication reminders, meal preparation, laundry, shopping, transportation, and companionship. Visiting Angels - Maryland 800-365-4189 n We know it isn’t easy to invite someone into your client’s home to provide homecare. Your clients will interview the caregivers we introduce to them. Visiting Angels is the Healthcare Professional’s choice in Maryland. Each agency does background checks and all of our caregivers are employees of Visiting Angels. All cases are RN supervised. State Licensed

State Licensed

care you need ...

family on an ongoing basis.

in doing that, hiring an Aging Life Care Manager is a wise investment. The Care Manager can facilitate a family understanding of the situation and help everyone recognize what your needs are, help bring on board important services, and provide caring support to you and your

Phyllis Mensh Brostoff, CISW, CMC, is a social worker and co-founder of Stowell Associates – a care management and home care company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has written numerous articles and presented seminars across the country. More information is available at

Continued from page 50

Find more details about Home Care Services in the Mid-Atlantic at 1-800-394-9990


Aging Life Care Association • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Follow Phyllis on Twitter, Facebook, or email her at phyllisb@caremanagedhomecare. com. Thank you to the Aging Life Care Association™ for permission to share this information. You may learn more about Aging Life Care™ at

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Resources to Meet Every Need

Professional Assistance May Be the Solution—No Matter What the Problem Is

When it comes to life’s biggest decisions, most challenging transitions, and largest opportunities, we generally turn to professionals for help. From planning a move to planning for the financial future, there are professionals who can help with every step of life’s journey. With an increasing number of credentialed professionals specifically trained to meet a diverse array of needs, there is generally a professional for that—no matter what that is. Many of these professionals work directly with Aging Life Care Managers to help clients achieve their best quality of life and to deliver the best possible results for families. In fact, in many instances, care managers will recommend professionals who become a vital part of a client’s care team. No matter what stage of life you find yourself in or what your age, there is never any reason to face life’s changes and challenges alone. Enlist the help of a professional and get the help you need. Some of the more prominent categories of professionals are detailed below. The tables on the following pages list dozens of options that are available in these and other categories. For specific information on available services, please contact the individual providers. Aging in Place Solutions Need to update your home to meet your changing needs? Want some help running errands? Have medical needs that require special equipment? There are individuals and businesses available to meet all your needs and allow you to remain safely in your home. Successfully aging in place frequently requires additional assistance from professionals to ensure that all daily needs are met and the home environment remains safe. Assistive Technology In today’s connected world, we are

Photo Credit: Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

all accustomed to turning to technology for solutions. Help managing the challenges that come with aging or disability is no different. There are many technologies that can help you with all types of needs—from staying in contact with family to hearing better. Technology professionals can help clients find specific technologies that can improve their living environments and their lifestyles. Downsizing/Moving Solutions Moving is one of life’s most monumental tasks. Add in the fact that many seniors have been in their homes for two, three, or more decades, and moving becomes even more daunting. Whether you need to declutter and downsize in preparation for a move to a retirement community, or just have your home deep cleaned to provide a safer living environment, there are professionals available to help. When it comes time to sell the family home, there are also professionals available to prepare the home and ensure that you get top market value. Medical Solutions Sometimes medical needs require the help of a specialist or a business that

caters to specific conditions or illnesses. Professionals can help you with a wide range of needs—from vision services to hospice care to mental health care and everything in between. Planning Solutions Planning ahead for financial and legal needs is important at every stage of life, but never more so than during retirement. Financial and legal needs frequently become more complex with age. You may need help with tasks ranging from paying bills and managing paperwork to estate planning and managing Medicaid. Professionals are available who specialize in each of these areas and can make meeting your financial and legal needs easy. Solutions for Professionals From Aging Life Care Managers to Elder Law Attorneys to assisted living and homecare providers, all professionals who work with senior clients and their families need specialized training to ensure that they have the most up-todate information and education. Professionals who train their peers help to ensure that all seniors get the best possible assistance with all their needs. • Mid-Atlantic Chapter • Aging Life Care Association


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Aging-in-Place/ Disability Modifications

Granting You Access 703-433-0380 n n At Granting You Access we provide medically based home assessments, educate, create solutions together, install DME modifications and designs. Our goal is the best possible solutions, with current and future needs being addressed, to keep the home accessible and safe to Age-in-Place/ thrive with disabilities. Owners are a Contractor & Occupational Therapist, both CAPS. HandyPro of Washington DC Metro 202-505-2547 n n n HandyPro specializes in assessing a home for senior citizens who want to age in place and making needed modifications to make the home safe and easier to live in. We help with individual modifications such as wheel chair ramps, bathtub conversions, wheelchair lifts and addition of grab bars, to a complete home modification as needed. Auctioneers

Four Sales 703-256-8300 n n n n n Four Sales, Ltd., founded in 1972, is the leading and most innovative estate sales company in the Washington metropolitan area. During the past 40 years, Four Sales has conducted and presented over 3,000 estate sales in the area. We pride ourselves on serving our clients with compassion and professionalism while offering our customers a pleasant estate sale shopping experience.


Senior Transition Assistance/Express Auctioneers 410-458-8214 n n n n n n Estates & Real Estate Auctioneers “Alternative for Disposing of your Stuff by yourself” Adviser for downsizing of assets accelerated marketing of real estate–negotiator–valuation • Why deal with learning how to get the best price yourself. • Have you done yard sales, listed on Craigslist ? • Are you experienced at pricing and negotiations? • Let us be your advocate! Assistive Listening Device

CaptionCall 801-293-6570 n n n n n n CaptionCall is a FREE amplified phone and service that captions what the caller is saying. In addition to hearing what callers say, you also see it. CaptionCall provides FREE delivery and installation for your clients with hearing loss. It’s easy to provide CaptionCall. Visit to learn how. Your clients will thank you for it!

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Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation

Next Steps: Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation, LLC 571-274-6212 n n n Live longer…remember longer. Using worldwide resources, I can come to your home and assess your memory and work with you weekly to teach you how to remember better. Age in place safely! I am a certified “Memory Nurse” with a masters in Testing, a certification in Case Management as well as a Certification in Mental health and the BCAT Approach. Consulting for Advance Care Planning

M Jane Markley Consulting, LLC 301-744-7656 n n n n n Promotes advance care planningACP-through education, counseling, and support. Works 1:1 with individuals and their families assisting them to have the conversation and give the gift of ACP. Provides educational programs for the general public on the process and benefits of ACP. Educates professional organizations regarding their important role in promoting ACP.


Consulting, Education, Training, for Assisted/Homecare Providers

Ascend Healthcare Institute 410-782-1126 n n n n n We provide professional training, consulting, business plans, policies and procedures for Assisted Living Facilities, Residential Service Agencies, and other healthcare provider organizations. We have developed On-line, On-demand training which is self-paced, and meets your training objectives for your state regulations . Daily Money Management

My Confidant, Inc. - Organizing Solutions 410-375-7903 n My Confidant, Inc. Organizing Solutions is a comprehensive Paper Organizing & Daily Money Management company helping seniors and very busy professionals by coming to their homes to help clear the paper clutter, create a clear filing system, assist with bill paying, balancing the checkbook, setting up Quicken or QuickBooks, and filing insurance claims. Estate & Senior Support Services 410-302-1320 continuing education in the field of aging

The Center for the Study of Aging at McDaniel College 410-857-2500 n n n n n Are you and your employees prepared to meet the needs of today’s older adults? McDaniel College’s Center for the Study of Aging is your partner in promoting a person-centered environment. We offer workshops and academic programs that increase understanding of aging processes, strengthen leadership skills, and improve quality of life for residents, staff, and families.

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Errands and Companionship

A Second Me Errand Service, LLC. 703-830-3996 n A Second Me specializes in supporting our seniors. A Second Me helps with errands, driving to doctor appointments, companionship, preparing meals, housekeeping, downsizing and organization projects, mail sorting, check in or reminder services, coordinating with family members, and much more. We carefully select and train our team members. We are licensed, bonded and insured. Estate Documentation and Trust Funding Services

MemoryBanc 703-436-2827 n n n AARP Foundation award winner MemoryBanc, ensures that details are organized so loved ones have the practical information needed to act or fulfill wishes, be it for a day, year, or after death. Our services secure personal data profiles and re-title assets to the trust to guide a spouse, trustee, or representative and to preserve privacy and simplify estate plan management. Eyewear/Vision Services

Mobile Eyewear Services, LLC 410-929-8900 n The Optical Store Delivered To Your Door. Provides eyeglasses services and comprehensive eye exams in a home or retirement facility. Funding Solutions for Elder Care

Mortgage Solutions 703-865-7311 n n Mortgage Solutions is your local expert on Reverse Mortgage Finance. We have helped dozens of homeowners in the DC Metro area with funding solutions for health care. Let our experienced staff design a program that will make the health care you need more affordable. Call or email us today for a no obligation benefit analysis. Hoarding/ Bio Hazard Cleaning

Compassion Clean 443-398-1122 n n n n Compassion Clean a division of Flood Department. Providing Compassionate Cleaning for Difficult Life Events such as • Hoarders • Crime Scenes • Senior Accidents, Suicides. All these situations not only require cleaning techniques but also need the workers to be compassionate with the individuals that a working through stressful situations. Thus the name Compassion Clean.

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JSSA Hospice

301-816-2676 JSSA is the hospice to turn to for exceptional end of life care. JSSA Hospice supports dignity and comfort for individuals, provides peace of mind to families, and honors all cultural traditions and customs. For over 30 years, JSSA Hospice has offered comprehensive services, including symptom/pain management, and emotional and spiritual support for patients and their families.


Liberty Hospice 844-651-5111 n Liberty Hospice offers compassionate care to patients and families facing a life-limiting illness in the Philadelphia area. Liberty Hospice can provide these services in your home or a number of settings including assisted livings and skilled nursing centers. Our multi-disciplinary team is available 24/7 to manage and oversee your care and experience. Intensive Home Cleaning -Home Environmental Medicine

Hunter Cleaning Services 240-704-7770 n n n We provide Intensive Home Cleaning & Home Environmental Medicine for In-home Outpatient Environments where: • Hoarding Behaviors • Third Hand Smoke Contamination • Dangerous Airborne And Surface Microorganisms • Blood Or Bodily Waste • Gross Accumulations Of Grease Or Particulate Matter: made the home unsafe for habitation or patient recovery and is a hazardous work environment for caregivers.

Long-term residence for adults with mental illness

Greystone Program at Friends Hospital 215-831-6369 n n n n n The Greystone Program, situated on a beautiful 100-acre campus, is a private-pay, licensed community residence for adults with mental illness. Fully accredited by The Joint Commission, Greystone offers residential stays which include structured programming to address mental health issues. Adults are accepted at any age and the program has a specialty for older adults.


Medicaid Planning

Angels of Elder Care Planning, LLC 410-853-7306 n Angels of Elder Care Planning is a small compassionate team of legal professionals working together as Medicaid advocates for seniors and as a resource for their families. Let our highly qualified professionals assist you during the Long Term Care Medicaid Eligibility process.

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Medical Equipment and Home Modifications

Freedom Mobility 1-888-414-6553 n Specializing in Helping People Age in Place Safely. We offer the finest Mobility and Homecare Equipment for purchase or rental in our State of the Art Showroom. Our Knowledgeable and Certified staff will help with your Custom Wheelchair, Homecare Equipment, and Home Accessibility needs. Organizing, Decluttering, Downsizing, Move Preparation

Absolute Organizing Solutions 202-291-7025 n n n Just That Simple 202-304-4586 n n n Just That Simple provides organizing, decluttering, downsizing AND move preparation services. We tame papers, closets, kitchens, pantries and all other rooms. We restore calm to your home and eliminate trip & fall hazards. We ease the stress of moving. As needed, we coordinate with family, care managers and others. All services are personalized, soothing, nonjudgmental & confidential. Pharmacy

Catonsville Pharmacy 410-744-5959 n Catonsville Pharmacy offers Free Prescription Delivery, Blister Card Packaging for optimal medication compliance, and a Medication Synchronization Program where all medications are ready simultaneously. We’re a Medicare Provider, accept most insurance, and are affiliated with Paradise Professional Pharmacy, providing customized pharmacy care to Assisted Living Homes. Pooled Special Needs Trust Services

Shared Horizons, Inc. 202-448-1460 n n n • Social Security & State Medicaid approved Pooled Special Needs Trust Services • Managing affordable SELF-FUNDED and 3RD PARTY Trusts • Our purpose is to PROTECT public benefits; PROVIDE goods & services; PRESERVE assets/funds • Offering local, person-centered trust management - customized for each beneficiary • Easy request process Real Estate Services & Sales

Century 21 Redwood Realty 703-939-0668 n n n Providing enhanced real estate services specializing in serving the unique needs of older adults with by deploying resources focused on taking the stress out of the move. Contact Gary Hughes at 1934 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22209. O) 703-528-8195. Licensed in VA, DC & MD.​


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Website PA DE MD DC VA WV Phone Long and Foster Realty, Inc. 703-405-9050 n n n With decades of experience in selling the cherished homes of seniors and their families, we have a different approach to real estate. We are sensitive to unique needs. We recommend and coordinate vetted service providers at no additional cost-to do whatever is necessary to sell your home, from a simple cleaning to full-scale renovation. Let us handle the stress! Probate Real Estate Services & Sales, LLC 301-292-3636 n n n We are Realtors that specialize in estate properties only. Our professionals have been in business for thirty years. We have anticipated your estate needs and have built our services around fulfilling them. As experienced Realtors, we have been trained in every nuance of the estate administration process. We will save you time, money, and frustration. Make us your first call! The Silver Group of The Bob Lucido Team of Keller Williams Integrity 410-465-6900 n The Bob Lucido Team of KWIN’s Silver Group meets the challenges of a Senior Move. • SAVE up to $2,000 when moving to Senior Communities • HELP Home Enhancement Listing Program Pay no money for home repairs until after settlement • GSP Guaranteed Sale Program-We’ll sell your home in 120 days or less or buy for cash • FREE Staging, Analysis, Moving Trucks Senior Move Management

Abilities Network 410-828-7700 n Senior Transitions, Inc. 410-515-1199 n Before you call a mover, call us. We provide the expertise needed to coordinate moves including downsizing expertise, sorting, organizing, floor plan design, packing, unpacking, more. We also coordinate disposal of unneeded / unwanted items by sale/ donation, resident clean outs and declutter for those staying in their homes. 1 hour free consultation. Accredited member NASMM. Telecommunication Support

Maryland Relay




DC Metro Area





WINTER 2015/16



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Thousands of Aging in Place Solutions! Visit or call 1-800-394-9990 INSIDE 38



Standing Ou t

Vinson Hall

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Senior Services & Support

Jewish Social Service Agency

301-816-2633 JSSA promotes independence for seniors through in-home support, care management, counseling, meal delivery, transportation & more. A non-sectarian agency, JSSA services allow older adults to live independently, and with dignity, in the comfort of their homes. JSSA also provides resources for families, caregivers and loved ones.

n n

speech-swallowing-memory-parkinson’s therapy-in home visits

SUSAN I WRANIK ASSOCIATES, LLC 301-520-2332 n n n Comprehensive assessment and treatment of speech, expressive language, memory, cognitive issues and swallowing and eating related to stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s, dementia, and other neurogenic diseases. Family consults. Caregiver training. Home visits. Licensed in DC-MD-VA. Susan on Speech/ Susan on Swallowing SOS: I can help! Transportation Services

A Second Me Errand Service, LLC.



Driving Moms & Dads 240-223-2418 n n n Driving Moms & Dads offers NEMT non-emergency medical transportation-for seniors and boomers wanting to maintain their independent lifestyles. We offer safe, reliable ambulatory and non ambulatory vans that transport clients throughout the DMV District, Maryland Virginia-area. We also provide our services weekends, nights, and holidays. Let us personalize a trip for you, call today.


Media Masters 703-503-5924 n n n Abby Sternberg, became “Abby Sternberg, video producer” by combining my social work values and skills, with my interest in prevention and the opportunity to help people strengthen their coping and problem-solving skills. I produce special event videos, training, performances, promotional videos, and much more. I look forward to working with you as a consultant or video producer. Wealth Management Services

Focus Wealth Management, Ltd. 703-760-3673 Focus Wealth Management is an established, fee-only wealth management firm serving clients throughout the Metro-DC area. Our team of experts offer objective investment management and effective financial planning solutions. Focus coordinates closely with your attorney, accountant and other advisors. Give the leading advisors in the profession a call!


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Thanks to Our Sponsors!

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Three Regional Editions in Print R




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• Helpful Res

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c Chapter



• Advanced Nursing & Home Support – • Arden Courts – • BridgePoint Healthcare – • Brooke Grove Retirement Village – • CareOptions – • Carriage Hill Bethesda – • Cottage at Curry Manor – • Debra Levy Eldercare Associates – • Family & Nursing Care – • Five Star Premier Residences of Chevy Chase – • Genesis HealthCare – • – • Kendal~Crosslands Communities – • Seabury Resources for Aging – • The Estate Planning & Elder Law Firm, P.C. – • Visiting Angels – • Wesley Enhanced Living –





Cover Stor y page 16

















RECOVE RY page 20

• Delaware Valley Edition

• Complete listings of EVERY senior housing, assisted living, nursing and retirement living option in the Mid-Atlantic!

Philadelphia and surrounding counties including the States of Delaware and New Jersey • State of Maryland Edition All of Maryland except Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties (DC Metro Edition)

• T housands of aging in place solutions-from remodeling to home care!

District of Columbia and surrounding regions in Maryland (Montgomery and Prince George’s) and Northern Virginia

• DC Metro Edition

• A ward-winning articles, checklists, real-life stories and much more!

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