The Ultimate Guide To Kratom Powder (Kratom Effects, Kratom Dosage, Kratom Strains) By: Calvin McDuffie Founder Of Guide Your Health, Published Writer On Medium, Health And Wellness Coach Originally Published at
After many questions and inquiries regarding Kratom powders and the effect of Kratom, following the article Why Buy Kratom? We decided to provide an in-depth look at the effects of Kratom powder.
The #1 Guide to Kratom Powder (Kratom Effects, Kratom Dosage, Kratom Strains & More)
Now and then, an article from Guide Your Health takes off and develops a life of its own. This happened with Guide Your Health reader’s curiosity of Kratom powder effects. After publishing A Solution To the Opioid Epidemic, Kratom powder quickly became our most popular inquiry. Rather than respond to 100 different questions on how to take Kratom powder, the effects of Kratom, and Kratom dosage, I decided to write the Ultimate guide.
Why are people taking Kratom powder for pain? Because it works!
You can click here and order from the best kratom vendor NOW or read on and find out everything you need to know about the effects of Kratom powder.
I've attempted to cover all the FAQ's on Kratom powder including Kratom effects, Kratom dosage, the Best Kratom vendor, Kratom powder differences and more.
Through my own personal kratom powder experience and 18 different sources, we are proud to present to you....
The Ultimate Guide To Kratom Feel free to read the entire guide to Kratom powder and Kratom effects, or scroll to the section that interests you.
Topics in our Kratom Powder and Kratom Effects Guide include: ● My personal experience and effects from Kratom. ● What is Mitragyna Speciosa a/k/a Kratom? ● Is Kratom powder legal in the United States? ● Is Kratom safe or is Kratom powder bad for you? ● Kratom powder effects. ● What effect does the vein color of Kratom have? ● How do I find the right strain of Kratom powder? ● Methods of taking Kratom powder. ● What dose of Kratom gives what effects? ● The best Kratom vendor to order Kratom.
You can click here to order Kratom now and still continue reading the article.
My Introduction To The Benefits And Effects Of Kratom Powder First, I had rotator cuff surgery.
Less than a year later, my wife Lacey and I were in a severe car accident that ended up totaling her Impalla. I began experiencing chronic pain in my lower back and legs. I was prescribed Vicodin by my family physician.
As time passed, my tolerance to the medication built up and I began exploring natural alternatives to provide pain relief. I love natural anti-inflammatories including black seed oil, but I wanted a product that could provide immediate pain relief as well.
I searched for natural pain relief from chronic pain.
Upon discovering Kratom powder, I was impressed with the HIGH number of Kratom benefits and relatively LOW number of Kratom side effects. I decided to give it a try.
My Experience With Kratom
I found red vein Kratom to be extremely beneficial in pain relief and was pleasantly surprised with other effects of Kratom, I experienced unintentionally. Kratom has a "non-jittery" energy effect, as well as works as an overall mood enhancer.
I found the color of each "Kratom strain" as well as the color of each "Kratom vein" has a different effect, with pain relief being the main consistency.
I haven't experienced any Kratom powder adverse effects like I did with opiates such as Vicodin or Ultram. I started with a relatively low dosage of Kratom, between 2-3 grams twice daily. Some days I don't take any Kratom and I have never experienced withdrawal.
If you are new to Kratom, Coastline Kratom, offers a beginner pack featuring 3 different strains and veins of Kratom powder. It gives you a chance to experience different strain and vein combinations for a reasonable price. Coastline
Kratom won our award of excellence for best pain relieving supplement in men or women.
What is Kratom? Kratom, Mitragyna Speciosa, is a tropical tree found in different parts of Southeast Asia. The name of the individual Kratom strain is often associated with the location the plant was grown. Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea are all countries where Kratom is indigenous.(1)
The leaves of the tree are often dried and ingested for the medicinal properties found in the compounds of the leaf. Kratom has pleasurable effects due to 2 main compounds. Mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxymitragynine, which interact with the opioid receptors in the brain, producing pleasure, sedation, and decreasing pain.(2)
Kratom Effects Discovered Early On While Kratom Powders have recently grown popular in America, its medicinal properties have been documented for hundreds of years. highlights the main mentions of Kratom Powder throughout history. (3)
Kratom benefits have been known for some time. Due to the fact that Kratom powder is natural and not synthetic, it is not as profitable as synthetic opiates such as Vicodin or Oxycodone.
When Kratom powder was being used as a substitute for Opium users in Thailand, the Thai government could not find a way to tax Kratom users. In 1943, the Kratom Act 2486 was passed, and it made the possession and sale of Kratom illegal in Thailand.​ (​ 4)
Is Kratom Powder Legal In The United States? Yes. Kratom is legal in 46 states. Only Indiana, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Vermont bar people from using and selling Kratom powder.(5)
The DEA proposed banning Kratom in 2016 but was met with massive amounts of public pressure and soon let up. The attention the DEA brought to Kratom powder led many to put forth their own due diligence (myself, included) into the medicinal, holistic healing, benefits of Kratom powder.(6)
Is Kratom Powder Safe or are there side effects? First off, I would NEVER recommend or endorse a product I have not fully researched or tried myself. I personally vouch for Kratom's effects, and have not had any ill Kratom side effects.
The FDA Misleading In Side Effects Of Kratom Powder
The FDA uses scare tactics and misleading statistics with regard to Kratom powder and it's side effects. This makes it even more difficult to tell long term side effects of high does of Kratom powder.
An article I read on the Huffington Post, recently discussed this matter.
● A man fell out of a window and refused medical treatment. ● He later passed away. ● 9 different drugs were in his system, as well as Kratom. ● The FDA attributed this as a Kratom-related death. I also found an interesting quote in the article.
“The only times we’ve found Kratom to be involved in adverse events are times when even in the absence of Kratom, you’d still have really deleterious effects” Leo Beletsky, an associate professor of law and health science at Northeastern University, states in a Huffington Post article on Kratom safety.(7)
TheRecoveryVillage(8) lists possible Kratom Side Effects as:
● Nausea ● Sun Sensitivity ● Itching ● Dry Mouth ● Constipation ● Sweating
My wife, nor I have experienced any Kratom side effects. Everyone's body is different, you may want to pay attention to these symptoms is you are looking into Kratom powder benefits.
What are Kratom Powder Effects?
Kratom Powder Is As Effective As Rx Medicine "3,900 new people start using prescription opioids for non-medical purposes daily"(9) People take opiates for pain, for energy, and as overall mood enhancers.
You Can Take Kratom powder for the same effects as opiates or to ease withdrawal systems of opiates. Kratom powder is a natural alternative to many prescription medicines.
● Kratom Effects For Natural Pain Relief- The #1 reason we take Kratom is for pain relief. Do You Know why Kratom powder is such an effective pain reliever? When you take Kratom powders, the compounds mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxymitragynine bind to your opioid receptors. This helps alleviate pain. When ingested, the amount of serotonin and dopamine released into the body increases. This further helps with pain relief.(10)
● Kratom Effects For A Natural Energy Boost- Much like the super-food Maca, Kratom can give you an increase in energy as well as libido. Kratom optimizes certain metabolic processes and increases circulation. This also helps make Kratom work as an aphrodisiac forenhancement in sexual duration as well as fertility. (11) Kratom Powder benefits people with fatigue, low libido, or just desiring an overall mood boost.
Kratom Effects For Anxiety Relief- Kratom strains that are high in 7-α-hydroxymitragynine and low in mitragynine are particularly beneficial in anxiety relief. Borneo and Bali Kratom, are the most profound in anxiety relief properties. It acts more as a sedative than a stimulant and can be extremely relaxing. (12)
Kratom Powder benefits people who suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
● Kratom Effects For Opiate Withdrawal- In our original article on Kratom, we solely focused on using Kratom as a tool for opiate withdrawal. According to, Kratom works as good as tramadol or suboxone for opiate withdrawals. Many opiate users fear feeling "sick" if they quit and Kratom can alleviate many of the symptoms. (13)
Kratom Powder benefits those attempting to quit opiates or in opiate withdrawal. As a natural alternative, users receive additional Kratom benefits as opposed to traditional, synthetic opiate side effects.
What Effect Does Vein Color Have On The Benefits Of Kratom Powder? When ordering Kratom powder, there will generally be a color in front of the strain. You may see Red Maeng Da or Green Malay as possible products you may want to order from a reputable vendor such as ​Coastline Kratom​.
The vein of the Kratom, literally refers to the color of the vein of the Kratom leaf. It will have a large effect on how your body responds.
When selecting a Kratom Powder, each vein color amplifies different Kratom benefits. Many find that a mix of strains and vein colors works best.
Effects Of Red Vein Kratom- Red Vein Kratom generally has the strongest pain relief properties. Any Kratom strain (with the exception of Maeng Da, in my opinion) that begins with Red will provide strong pain relief. All Kratom veins have pain relieving properties but Red is the strongest. For chronic pain, it does not require high doses of Kratom because the compounds are so effective.
Effects of Green Vein Kratom- I find that mixing strains and veins in Kratom powders, allows me to not only feel the Kratom effects more profound, it allows me to take less. Green Malay happens to be my favorite strain to mix. Green Vein Kratom is the most mood boosting and has a reputation for being euphoric.
Effects of White Vein Kratom- You ever hear of kraom pwder energy? Well, White Vein Kratom is a stimulant. It is similar to Bulletproof Coffee, in that it's "non-jittery" energy and also unlike caffeine, it is slow to kick in and slow to wear off. The best part of White Vein Kratom is that there is no crash.
As a general rule of thumb, I find that most Kratom sticks to this color formula. The beginners pack at my favorite Kratom vendor, Coastline Kratom ,has each vein color and allows you to mix and match accordingly. Everyone likes their Kratom powder a bit different because each has a slightly different effect.
What Effect Does The Strain Have On The Kratom Benefits? Finding the right Kratom strain and vein color, is the second most important factor in whether Kratom will produce the desired effects. Next to where you buy your Kratom powder, your Vein and Strain are King.
My Wife Lacey and I both enjoy Kratom powder but we want different effects so we have different favorite combinations. Your Kratom powder blends will produce different effects as the compounds found in each strain are a bit different. Feel free to leave your favorite combination in the comments or ​contact me at Guide Your Health
Favorite Kratom Powder Combinations
Personally, my favorite is Green Vein Malay Kratom powder mixed with Red Vein Bali Kratom powder. I find that Red Vein Bali helps with chronic pain and the Green Vein Malay puts me in a good mood.
Lacey prefers White Vein Maeng Da Kratom mixed with Red Vein Horned Kratom. She gets lost lasting energy as well as a pain free back for long periods of time. It's not they type of energy that she can't take it before bed but more of a concentrated focus.
● Bali Kratom Benefits- Generally, when you hear the term "Kratom Powder" being used as a generic term, people are often referring to Bali. Bali is generally what I recommend for opiate withdrawal or for beginner's because it's pretty good at every Kratom effect. sums up their description of Bali Kratom perfect: "It is often held up as the standard to which all other Kratoms."(14) It is available here in Red or White Vein Kratom Powder.
● Borneo Kratom Benefits- Borneo, the third largest island in the world, is actually shared by 3 countries:Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It is known as a euphoric painkiller and states, "It is believed to positively interact with dopamine, the feel good chemical in our brain which produces euphoria." It is available here in Red or Green Vein Kratom Powder, and also in an Ultra Enhanced.
● Horned Kratom Benefits- explains that Horned Kratom mainly grows in small areas of Central to Eastern Kalimantan. It is nicknamed horned because the leaves have a natural mutation making the edge of the Kratom leaf look like horns.(16) It is a stronger Kratom known for energy boosting and pain killing effects. It is available here in Red or White Vein Kratom Powder, and also in an Ultra Enhanced.
● Maeng Da Kratom Benefits- Maeng Da Literally translates to "Pimp Daddy" Kratom. It is believed to be one of the strongest Kratom strains. Some people love it! In fact, states, Red Maeng Da is the highest in the alkaloids hyrdoxymitragynine and mitragynine. These alkaloids give pain killing and energy boosting effects. It is available here in Red or White Vein Kratom Powder, and also in an Ultra Enhanced.
● Malay Kratom Benefits- Malaysian Kratom is known for it's mood-boosting and euphoric like effects. As I stated earlier in the article, I mix Green Malay with just about every strain. I find it to kill pain and put you in an all around good mood. I recommend it for everyone. It is available in Green Vein Kratom Powder or Ultra Enhanced.
How To Take Kratom Powder This may be a good spot to take a look what NOT to do with Kratom powder. I see the question of whether or not you can smoke Kratom.
Can you smoke Kratom?
● Yes. Technically, it's a dried leaf and you COULD SMOKE it, but alkaloids are beneficial when ingested. The effects of smoking Kratom would be useless.
What is the best way to take Kratom powder?
● The best way to take kratom is by ingesting it. Swallowing Kratom powder with a drink, putting the powder into empty capsules, and brewing Kratom tea are the most popular methods.
Taking Kratom Powder Method #1 The "Toss And Wash" Method
Admittedly, I sometimes use this method, however it is my lesser of the 2 favorite options. The Toss And Wash method is done easily and effectively by measuring out the dose of each strain you want to consume and tossing it in your mouth. The wash portion involves washing it down with your choice beverage.
This is done easily and effective. I have done this regularly and washed the Kratom powder down with water.
Taking Kratom Powder Method #2 Making Kratom Powder Tea
Found in "Kratom" bars and used by many. Kratom tea is a popular method to take Kratom powder. Kratom Tea is surprisingly simple. I followed the advice of and found it to be a more pleasant method.
How do you make Kratom tea?
● Measure one teaspoon of Kratom powder. ● Boil 2-4 cups of water. (Determines the strength of the taste of the Kratom, the Kratom effects are the same.)
● Put the Kratom powder into a large container or sealed cup. ● Pour boiling water and stir thoroughly. The author recommends adding 2 packets of sugar, artificial sweetener, or using honey to combat the bitterness of the Kratom powder.
I prefer this method to the "toss and wash" method, however method #3 is my predominant method to taking Kratom powder. Taking Kratom Powder Method #3 Make Kratom Powder Capsules This is an extremely easy method and actually what I do 9 out of 10 times. Maybe even 95 out of 100 times. I would have started doing this from the beginning had I known how little time and money it took. You can order size 0 veggie caps on AMAZON here. Now, would be a great time to take advantage of our offer for 30 days FREE of Amazon Prime. The advantages to capping your own Kratom Powder, can save you a significant amount of time and money.
● It makes it much easier to tell how much Kratom you are dosing. 1 size 0 veggie cap full is roughly .5 grams.
● You do not have to "taste" the Kratom powder. ● Many Kratom capsules you can buy pre-capped are marked up 20-30%, it's a rip off.
● Many Kratom capsules you can buy pre-capped are Gelatin caps, which are made from animal byproducts. Usually not non-GMO or organic.
Kratom powder is put into capsules very easily, and are smaller than an aspirin. It is my preferred method to taking Kratom. I have read other methods to taking Kratom powder, however, I find these 3 to be the most effective.
What Dosage Of Kratom Powder Gives What Effect?
My wife Lacey and I, as well as a few others generally take about the same amount of Kratom. If you are new to Kratom, this is where the dose can get tricky. The following Kratom dosage recommendations are only an estimate. You may need a little more or a little less, depending on the pain.
What is a normal dose of Kratom?
● 2-3 grams of Kratom powder is generally considered a good starting point.(17)The Kratom effects should be felt within the hour. If you're initial dose of Kratom powder isn't effective, try 2 more grams.
● Kratom effects have a "ceiling". Taking more Kratom powder does not mean it will have a stronger effect.
● At higher doses (above 15 grams), Kratom acts more as a sedative than a stimulant. You may just get tired if you take too much Kratom powder.
● It is recommended to rotate Kratom strains daily. This helps fight against a tolerance to Kratom's effects. I generally buy several strains of each vein color and have avoided tolerance issues.
● Ultra-Enhanced or Kratom powder extracts are intended for more experienced Kratom users.
Who Is The Best Vendor To Buy Kratom Powder? In my experience as a Kratom user and looking over various reviews, the single most important factor in whether or not Kratom powder works for you is......
Where are you buying your Kratom? Even if you ordered the wrong strain, the compounds are similar enough that you should still benefit from Kratom effects. As an experienced Kratom user, I recommend using...
...Coastline Kratom. You can click here to check them out.
I have used roughly 17 vendors throughout my years of purchasing Kratom powder and picked up a few tips along the way.
● I DO NOT purchase Kratom powder from "head shops" or "smoke shops" because I do not know where the Kratom powder is sourced and the mark up is ridiculous.
● Coastline Kratom CONSISTENTLY has a high quality product. ● I DO NOT purchase Kratom capsules, only Kratom powder. Kratom capsules are almost always marked up too high and do not state the source of the capsules.
● Coastline Kratom offers a money-back guarantee if the Kratom powder quality is compromised.
● Coastline Kratom has a variety of strains, a beginner's pack to those new to Kratom powder, and Ultra Enhanced for experienced Kratom users.
● Based on personal experience and YOUR reviews, we recommend Coastline Kratom as the best Kratom vendor.
Kratom powder has the power to become one of the top natural alternatives to prescription medicine. Recently, Netflix added a documentary, "A Leaf Of Faith" and it provides even more insight on how Kratom powder is positively affecting the lives of many dealing with chronic pain.
If you have an experience with Kratom Powder and it's effects, please leave your story in the comment section or e-mail it to me at If you enjoyed our Ultimate Kratom Guide be sure to subscribe to Guide Your Health for our monthly newsletter, discounts on supplements, free giveaways, and updates to our newest articles.
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Cited Sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8b 8. 9. n/ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. -know-34bbf9cf37e0