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想留学生之所想 南澳政府(公立)学校留学生假期系列活动再次开启

2020对所有人都是一个艰难的符号。2020对于 远离故土、留学海外的学子们更是一个独特而艰 难的存在。因为疫情和应对疫情所实施的旅行禁 令,海外学子们是有家归不得,小留学生们更觉 飘零、孤独无助。想留学生及其家长之所想,南 澳州教育部国际教育处疫情以来为留学生们组织 了一系列活动来丰富留学生的假期生活,希望小 留学生们能感受到,即使是在异乡、即使是在假期、 即使在疫情形式仍有反弹的威胁下, 你们有人关 怀、从不孤独。

在本月14日(星期一),20名来自南澳公立学 校的国际学生来到约克半岛(Yorke Peninsula) 的Innes National Park(音娜思国家公园), 一同参加由南澳州教育部国际教育处组织的为期 3天2夜的夏令营活动。


On Monday 14th December, 20 international students from South Australian government schools travelled to the Yorke Peninsula to participate in a 3 day/2 night camp. The group stayed in Innes National Park.

活动开始的第一天,国际学生们品尝了当地著名 澳式肉派。然后,他们在美丽的Berry Bay(贝 瑞湾)参加由持证教练执教的两小时冲浪课程, 学习水上安全知识及基本的冲浪技巧。接下来是 徒步活动,他们在原生态林区中发现了袋鼠、鸸鹋、

On Day 1 the students experienced having the chance to taste the famous Australian meat pie, locally produced by the Minlaton Bakery. They then had the opportunity to undertake their first 2 hour surfing lesson conducted by qualified instructors at beautiful Berry Bay where they learnt about water safety and basic surfing techniques. This was followed by a hike where they spotted kangaroos, emus and sleepy lizards in their natural bushland.

第二天早餐过后,留学生们首先在Blue Bay(蓝 湾)再次加强学习了2个小时的冲浪课。进阶学 习课程帮助各位留学生能够平衡划桨和平稳站立 在冲浪板上。随后,他们前往Marion Bay jetty (马里恩湾码头),在导游的指导下,成功地捕 获鱿鱼。午餐后,学生欣赏了目酣神醉的海滨美景, 其中包括沉船遗址,这可以让学生了解历史事件、 本地航海业、海洋生物、动植物种群等。

On Day 2 after breakfast it was off to Blue Bay for another 2 hour surfing lesson. Further tuition resulted in many finding balance paddling and standing up. The group then embarked on a visit to Marion Bay jetty, where with a few tips from their guide, successfully caught some squid. Following lunch, the chance arose to view some amazing coastal scenery, including shipwreck sites, where students were informed about historical events, local marine navigation, marine life, fauna and flora.

在夏令营期间,学生们有机会分组合作,为小组 准备食物,如鸡肉汉堡、烧烤、土豆沙拉、田园 沙拉和巧克力香蕉等。

During the camp, the students had the opportunity to work in teams, preparing meals for the group such as a chicken burger, barbeque, potato salad, garden salad and chocolate banana. 更重要的是,学生们在享受假期体验南澳风光的 同时,使同学认识自身潜能,增强自信心,以开 放的心态应对变化,积极进取,磨练战胜困难的 毅力,也获得了彼此交流、结识新朋友的机会, 以及互相关心,共同应对疫情对留学生活带来的 影响。

Most importantly, the students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to interact with each other and make new friends whilst experiencing regional South Australia during their school holidays.

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