No. 1 - July 2016
Activities Schedule National Headquarters - USA Sunday, July 3, at 11 a.m - Monthly Service - Newark, NJ
Toronto Group Tuesday, July 5, 12, 19, 26, from 6-8 p.m - Johrei home gathering Sunday, July 17, at 11a.m - Appreciation service More details with Ana de Sousa (416) 908-6623 -
Monthly Service in Toronto - April 17, 2016
Montreal Group Friday, July 8 & 22, from 6-8pm - Johrei Gathering Biblioteque du BoisĂŠ, Saint-Laurent
Focal point ceremony in Montreal -May 15, 2016.
Ottawa Group To receive Johrei or know more about us, please contact: Priscila de Grande (819) 209-4245
1 0 0 0Johrei
1000 Johrei Central Park Activity - New York City - USA
Central Park - Normans's Landscape - East 86th Street, New York, NY July 31, 2016 - From 10 am - 1 pm Our goal is to gather Johrei members and friends for the 1000 Johrei event giving Johrei to many people in NYC and region.
Free Registration - Johrei is a manifestation of the Divine Energy transmitted through one individual to another for spiritual healing; not only for ourselves but for the World.
Johrei and happiness The primary purpose of Johrei is not to affect physical healing. Johrei is an action that brings about spiritual fulfillment and true happiness on earth. I say this because, as many of you already know, sickness is a form of purification and the real cause of sickness is clouds on the spiritual body, which are dispelled through that purification. Johrei is a way by which all the negative experiences of a person can be eliminated. In this sense, poverty and conflict are also manifestations of purification. However, the most serious of all purifications is illness, because it involves one's very life. Therefore, when the problem of disease is solved, other miseries such as poverty and conflict are automatically solved, too. “Since the solution of these miseries is essential for the attainment of true happiness, it needs to be clearly understood that the cause of all miseries is clouds on the spiritual body, and that the simplest and surest way to dispel clouds and attain true happiness is Johrei. Therefore, Johrei is not merely something to be used for the healing of physical illness.” Excerpt From: Meishu-sama. “Teachings of Meishu-Sama - Volume Four
Paradise on Earth Service
Kyoto Sacred Grounds, Japan
Ikebana Sanguetsu, Japan
The Paradise on Earth Service is an important service of our organization. Therein lies the great significance of the implementation of the Divine Plan and the mission of our Johrei movement: "To build Heaven on earth is the mission of Izunome Association. On June 15, 1931, Meishu-Sama climbed the Mount Nokoguiri, where, it was revealed to Him, that, from that moment, in the spiritual world, the Great Transition from the Age of Night to the Day Light Age had begun. After a long period of total darkness in the spiritual world, the first spot of light appeared. Within the Divine Plan of establishing paradise on earth, as the light expands, increasing the fire element in the spiritual world, the purification of the spiritual Clouds accumulated by humanity speeds up. As the destruction of a materialistic and egoistic culture is underway, the construction of a spiritualist and altruist one is currently in progress. Paradise on Earth is the world of perfect truth, virtue and beauty. Therefore, regardless of our will, God is doing the construction of the new civilization. And from us it is only expected to tune ourselves with the God's will and plan.
Divine Laws
1.The Spirit Precedes the Physical 2.The Oneness of the Spiritual and the Physical 3.The Law of Harmony 4.The Law of Cause and Effect 5.The Law of Order
Izunome association, Canada Contacts:
Toronto - Group Leader: Ana de Sousa (416) 908-6623 - Montreal - Group Leader: Debora Hioki (514) 691-4717 - Ottawa - Group Leader: Priscila de Grande (819) 209-4245 - If you want to donate to Izunome Association, Canada, you can give any amount through this link: (credit or debit card).
Graphic Project: Mara Caplum
Responsible: Minister Guilherme de Souza (647) 693-5645 (Canada) / (917) 355-0915 (USA)