Brand Guidelines Version 1.1 / november, 2014. Page 1
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Contents Address
Official Logo
Logo Variations
Logo Clearspace
Logo Size
Color Palette
Color Tints
BioFuelNet Canada 355 Peel Street, suite 201 Montreal, Quebec Canada, H3C 2G9.
3.01 Primary Font 12 3.02
Alternative Fonts
Type Hierarchy
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Modern Minimal Bright Simple Clean
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A brand identity is tangible and appeals to the senses. You can touch it, hear it, see it. The brand indentity represents the ideals of an organisation. It is designed to increase recognition and create the consistency that anchors all elements of the brand into a unfiied system. Design, typography, photography, colors all play an essential role in creating and building a brand. They embody intangibles, such as emotion and context. These guidelines ensure that the BioFuelNet Canada brand is correctly represented across the wide spectrum of media that is used to communicate its identity.
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1.01 Official Logo Requirements The graphic element consists of a leaf (green) and a flame (orange) looping into eternity. In biofuel terms the leaf refers to biomass and the flame to combustion. Important point
The official logo must have and be used only on a white background.
Stacked logo
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Landscape logo
1.02 Logo Variations Requirements The only accepted logo variations are the ones detailed below. These variations may be applied to the landscape logo as well. Important point
Only the whiteout logo may have a background chosen from the color palette.
Logo variation 01
Logo variation 02
Whiteout logo on black background (100K).
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1.03 Logo Clearspace Requirements Clearspace for all logo versions must be equivalent to or greater than the letter B as found in the typographic area of the logo. Important point
Clearspace is the minimum amount of space needed on all four sides of the logo.
Minimum clearspace
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1.04 Logo Size Requirements The stacked logo must not be reduced beyond 110 pixels in height and the landscape logo must not be reduced beyond 50 pixels in height. Important point
Minimum logo size must be respected to preserve legibility of the typographic area.
Minimum logo sizes
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2.01 Color Palette Requirements The official color palette simply consists of two unqiue colors in addition to black and white. We encourage generous use of white space in all applications. Important point
Only use the CMYK color values for print and the Hex code for web application.
50C 0M 100Y 0K R141 G198 B63 Hex 8DC63F
0C 50M 100Y 0K R247 G148 B30 Hex F7941E
0C 0M 0Y 100K R0 G0 B0 Hex 000000
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2.02 Color Tints Requirements The only approved variations of the brand colors are tints of 75%, 50% and 25%. Use of other colors in branded media is subject approval by BioFuelNet Canada. Important point
We encourage the use of solid color blocks over tints when possible. 75%
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3.01 Primary Font Font weights
Light 35 Font Name Neue Helvetica
Classification Sans Serif
About In 1983, D. Stempel AG redesigned the famous Helvetica typeface for the digital age, creating Neue Helvetica for Linotype: a self-contained font family. Neue Helvetica sets new standards in terms of its form and number of variants. It is the quintessential, timeless and neutral sans serif font. It can be used for all types of communication, from print to digital.
Light Light 45
Download http://www. neuehelvetica-family. html
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75 Bold
3.02 Alternative Fonts Font weights
Roboto Light Font Names Arial, Roboto
Classification Sans Serif
About The Arial typeface was drawn in 1982 by Monotype Imaging designers Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders. Because it is easy to read at large and small sizes and in a variety of applications, the Arial font is regarded as an ideal on-screen font. The Roboto typeface family was developed by Google. It features friendly and open curves. Roboto doesn’t distort its letterforms, allowing for a more natural reading rhythm more commonly found in serif types.
Download Arial: http://www.fonts. com/font/monotype/ arial Roboto: http://www. specimen/Roboto
Light Arial Regular
Medium Arial Bold
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3.03 Type Hierarchy Requirements We established a recommended type hierarchy for our primary brand font but encourage variations as long as legibility is kept in account. Hierarchy BC — Body Copy
This is the recommended font-size for body copy in print applications. H1 — Headline 01
This is the suggested header font-size. It is great for quotes or pull-outs. H2 — Headline 02
This is the largest suggested header font–size. It creates stronger divides. T1 — Title 01
This is the most versatile title font–size. It can also be used as an amplified header. T2 — Title 02
This is the largest suggested title font-size. It is used to create impact.
Advanced Biofuels BC Neue Helvetica 10pt Type / 12pt Leading
Advanced Biofuels H1 Neue Helvetica 20pt Type / 24pt Leading
Advanced Biofuels H2 Neue Helvetica 30pt Type / 24pt Leading
Advanced Biofuels T1 Neue Helvetica 40pt Type / 36pt Leading
Advanced T2 Neue Helvetica 100pt Type / 100pt Leading
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One of the most important techniques for effectively communicating content is the use of a type hierarchy. A type hierarchy is a system for organizing type that establishes an order of importance for the content, allowing the reader to easily find what he is looking for. It helps guide the reader’s eye to where a section begins and ends, while enabling the user to isolate information based on the consistent use of style throughout the content.
d Biofuels Page 15
4.01 Letterhead Re q u i r em e nt s
Letters and documents of importance should be printed on official BioFuelNet Canada letterhead paper. Content must be written in Neue Helvetica 45 Light. S p ec i f ic a t ion s
Dimensions 8.5� x 11� BioFuelNet Canada Inc. 355 Peel Street, Suite 201 Montreal, QC, H3C 2G9 Canada
Finish 4 colour CMYK
(514) 508-2884
Paper Type White + 100% recycled content
Paper Weight 70 lbs
Dear Mr. Smith, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sodales nunc purus, nec viverra leo sollicitudin vel. Sed quis imperdiet risus, id consectetur dui. Proin ligula turpis, placerat quis lectus vitae, pulvinar vehicula leo. Cras quis lectus sit amet ante ullamcorper tristique vitae et mauris. Aenean elementum dolor id elementum maximus. Cras in pulvinar sapien, quis mattis leo. Donec rutrum et diam varius pretium. Nulla vel odio sed leo scelerisque rutrum. Vestibulum mi quam, imperdiet sit amet egestas at, hendrerit non mi. Pellentesque malesuada aliquam metus ac ultricies. Nullam lacinia nulla eget diam iaculis eleifend.
Other Die cut
Duis consectetur vulputate sem. Nulla facilisi. Sed fermentum quam erat, at eleifend massa auctor vitae. Nam vitae tempor mauris, id posuere diam. In malesuada, sapien a hendrerit porttitor, tellus nunc scelerisque lectus, eget convallis quam sapien eu tellus. Praesent fermentum, lectus quis dignissim ultrices, quam nibh malesuada diam, quis blandit mi purus ac quam. Maecenas scelerisque lacinia velit at pharetra. Nunc tempor est quis vulputate congue. Suspendisse interdum tellus lectus, id hendrerit felis pulvinar sit amet. Integer fermentum elit quis malesuada luctus. Sed ac odio ut metus efficitur porta pharetra rhoncus velit. Praesent imperdiet, orci at elementum scelerisque, mauris justo congue risus, in pharetra nibh leo sed sapien. Nam ligula ipsum, congue sed malesuada nec, vestibulum a enim. Nunc consectetur nec nisi vitae eleifend. Curabitur pretium congue varius. Nunc magna lacus, dignissim et mi eu, dapibus volutpat eros. In vestibulum tortor odio, et rutrum sem accumsan ut. Nullam leo nisi, faucibus eu lectus in, dictum varius libero. Nam fringilla egestas ante, non rhoncus mauris finibus in. Praesent dapibus est ac mi ullamcorper, sed pretium ante congue. Praesent et ultricies magna, vitae ultricies libero. Fusce sodales massa dui, a finibus massa rhoncus vel. Phasellus eget neque lorem. Nulla fringilla tortor nulla, eu tempor risus scelerisque eget. Sed vitae tincidunt augue, nec laoreet metus. Cras venenatis sit amet ex sit amet auctor. Aenean elementum tincidunt quam non malesuada. Suspendisse elementum, velit ut rutrum facilisis, diam odio tincidunt turpis, a hendrerit nisi lorem ut magna. Nullam in justo pellentesque, porttitor ante a, eleifend mi. Nam ac risus sapien. Donec cursus enim eget scelerisque accumsan. Phasellus a dignissim diam, non feugiat diam. Sed efficitur gravida quam. Maecenas posuere nulla congue, ullamcorper nisi ut, porttitor diam. Fusce ac orci sem. Fusce ultrices lacus quis erat finibus, euismod imperdiet nunc vehicula. Nulla nec ipsum et diam accumsan eleifend. Nullam quis nisl lacus. Pellentesque sit amet ultrices risus. Nullam id consectetur nunc. Donec volutpat in nunc bibendum imperdiet.
Untitled-2 1
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4.02 Stationery Re q u i r em e nt s
All stationery items are bilingual and business cards are printed double-sided. Stationery must be produced from official BioFuelNet Canada templates. S p ec i f ic a t ion s
Dimensions 3.5” x 2” BioFuelNet Canada Inc. (514) 508-2884
Finish 4 color CMYK + embossing
BioFuelNet Canada Inc. 355, rue Peel, Suite 201 Montréal, QC, Canada, H3C 2G9
Paper Type White + high recycled content
BioFuelNet Canada Inc. (514) 508-2884
Paper Weight 110 lbs
BioFuelNet Canada Inc. 355 Peel Street, Suite 201 Montreal, QC, Canada, H3C 2G9
Other Die cut
Dimensions 4 1/8” x 9 1/2” Finish 1 color CMYK Paper Type 100% recycled content brown kraft Paper Weight 24 lbs
BioFuelNet Canada Inc. 355 Peel Street, Suite 201 Montreal, QC, H3C 2G9, Canada
Other Windowless
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ŠBioFuelNet Canada, 2014. All rights reserved. Design by Guillaume Champeau Copywritting Guillaume Champeau Photography Martin Schwalbe This is a carbon neutral print. Greenhouse gas emissions from the paper lifecycle, the transport, and the printing of this item have been offset through investments in energy efficiency and green technologies. Page 18
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“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.� Hans Hofmann
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