A R C H I T E C T U R E _ P O R T F O L I O G U I L L A U M E _ B A L L A R T _ T E R R A L
Nascut a Barcelona amb doble nacionalitat francesa i espanyola. Escolaritat al Lycée Français de Barcelona i dos anys als Estats Units d’América, a Cambridge (Massashusetts) i Bloomignton (Indiana). Cursant el Projecte Final de Carrera a l’Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Un any de intercambi a la Université de Montréal (UdM). Né à Barcelone, de double nationalité française et espagnole. Scolarité au Lycée Français de Barcelone et deux années aux États-Unis d’Amérique, à Cambridge (Masachussetts) et Bloomington (Indiana). En train de réaliser le Projet Final à l’Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) de l’ Université Polytechnique de Catalogne (UPC). Une année d’échange international à l’Université de Montréal (UdM). Nacido en Barcelona con doble nacionalidad francesa y española. Escolaridad en el Lycée Français de Barcelone y dos años en los Estados Unidos de América, en Cambridge (Massashusetts) y Bloomignton (Indiana). Cursando el Proyecto Final de Carrera en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Un año de intercambio en la Universidad de Montreal (UdM). Born in Barcelona with French and Spanish nationality. Schooling at Lycée Français in Barcelona, two years in the United States of America, in Cambridge (Massashusetts) and in Bloomington (Indiana). Developping the Final Project at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). One year studying at Université de Montréal (UdM).
Architecture portfolio Guillaume Ballart Terral 2015
Connection system at montreal industrial port - final career project - 2015
Lisboa Open Room - Archmedium Competition - 2015
p 10
Territorial organitsation, La Garrotxa - Urban Planning (ETSAB) - 2013
p 14
Hotel dieux rehabilitation, montreal - Project (UdM) - 2014
p 18
Habitat collectif rosemont, Montreal - Project (Udm) - 2013
p 24
Tres Torres Market rehbilitation, Barcelona - Project (ETSAB) - 2013
p 28
La falca Verda, Palma de mallorca - Urban Planning (ETSAB) - 2013
p 32
Vivir un vuelo - arquia competition - 2015
p 36
Extention of MACBA museum, Barcelona - Project (ETSAB) - 2012
p 40
Distopia Casa Tosquella, Barcelona - Project (ETSAB) - 2012
p 44
60 dwellings in poblenou, Barcelona - Project (ETSAB) - 2012
p 48
Connection system at montreal industrial port
Connection system at montreal industrial port final career project 2015 On going project Subject: The project intends to solve the connection between the Old Port of Montreal and the Canal Lachine Park which is obstructed today by industrial abandoned areas, the railroads and highway infrastructures. Due to the importance of this area, defined as the link between the city and new development sectors, the project aims to convert it into a new pole of activity. Project: The project includes a connecting infrastructure that incorporates a bridge to cross the Canal Lachine, two connected tramway stations and various programs that are expected to fill the area with activity. The infrastructure is thought to establish a dialog with the industrial silos and the existing infrastructures.
"Les hommes doivent construire moins de murs et plus de ponts�.
Connection system at montreal industrial port
Connection system at montreal industrial port
Connection system at montreal industrial port
LOR - Lisboa Open Room
LOR - Lisboa Open Room Archmedium Competition 2014 Co. Elisabeth Terrisse -
Honorific mention of the jury published in WA Wettbewerbe magazine
Subject: Design, in the old neighborhood of Alfama in Lisbon, of a "container of activities", an "open room", which is expected to be able to adapt to different uses. Project: The project literally adopted the concept of "open room", transforming the area in an open covered space organized through moving panels. This allowed to reduce the costs of the project without renouncing to good architecture.
LOR - Lisboa Open Room
LOR - Lisboa Open Room
LOR - Lisboa Open Room
Territorial organitsation, La Garrotxa
Territorial organitsation, La Garrotxa Urban Planning (ETSAB) 2013 Co. Elisabeth Terrisse Prof. Aurora Lopez Subject: Territorial organization of the Catalonian region of la Garrotxa around the city of Olot with no specific program. Project: Creation of new poles of development. The project aims to generate new employment in local services based in agriculture and wood production.
Territorial organitsation, La Garrotxa
Territorial organitsation, La Garrotxa
Territorial organitsation, La Garrotxa
Hotel Dieu rehabilitation, Montreal
Hotel Dieu rehabilitation, Montreal project (UdM) 2014 Co. Hugo Sevigny Prof. Jacques Lachappele & Richard De la Riva Subject: Creation of dwellings and work spaces for artists in the Hotel Dieu, an emblematic and patrimonial building of Montreal. Project: The project seeks to rediscover the different phases the building has lived since its construction in the 18th century. The intervention focusses on how to cross the building taking into account that it was once a religious building, a hospital, more recently, the heating central of the hospital, and today, an artist's cultural center.
Hotel Dieu rehabilitation, Montreal
Hotel Dieu rehabilitation, Montreal
Hotel Dieu rehabilitation, Montreal
Hotel Dieu rehabilitation, Montreal
Hotel Dieu rehabilitation, Montreal
Habitat collectif Rosemont, Montreal
Habitat collectif rosemont, Montreal project (UdM) 2013 Co. Kim Mignogna Prof. Vladimir Topouzanov Subject: Design of a hybrid building in Rosemont, Montreal. The building was supposed to include 100 dwellings, the new neighborhood civic center, commercial spaces, and assure the connection with the underground metro and a bus terminal. Project: The idea behind the project is how to pass from an "ultra-public" urban space to private spaces. For example, the corridors that gave acces to the dwellings, were designed as shared semi-private spaces. The project had to take into account the difficult climate of Quebec.
Habitat collectif Rosemont, Montreal
Habitat collectif Rosemont, Montreal
Habitat collectif Rosemont, Montreal
Tres Torres Market rehbilitation, Barcelona
Tres Torres Market rehbilitation, Barcelona Project (ETSAB) 2013 Co. M.Campomar, C.Kang, E.Terrisse Prof. Jordi Adell Subject: Reform and extension of the "Tres Torres" market in Barcelona. Design new stands for the sellers and an underground parking with space for loading and unloading trucks. Project: Historically the concept of a market is a roof, a cover that enables activity underneath it. The main idea behind the project was to design an emblematic, recognizable and simple structure which was able to cover the market activity. The roof that is proposed is a tridimensional structure that has the ability to adapt itself to the existing roof structure.
Tres Torres Market rehbilitation, Barcelona
Tres Torres Market rehbilitation, Barcelona
Tres Torres Market rehbilitation, Barcelona
la falca verda, palma de mallorca
La falca Verda, Palma de mallorca Urban Planning (ETSAB) 2013 Co. Elisabeth Terrisse - Prof. Estanislao Roca Subject: The city of Palma de Mallorca lacks green spaces in the inner core of the city center. The city has since the early 2000 a project to open a green corridor following the trail of a stream. This space is also expected to be a new door to the west part of the city. Project: An urban design project, aims to create a new activity pole that links the park and the west part of the city. The project sets a dialog between the green corridor and the new architecture that is designed. A series of public buildings with forms of pure shapes are placed on the edge of the stream letting vegetation and water pass underneath.
la falca verda, palma de mallorca
la falca verda, palma de mallorca
la falca verda, palma de mallorca
Vivir un vuelo
Vivir un Vuelo Arquia Competition 2015 Subject: "Create a tower between the earth and the sky. A strange place for loners and dreamers." Project: Since ever, humans have desired to fly. Based on scientific estimations and calculations, it is possible to imagine a tower, attached to an aerostat, built with light material that would be able to move, fly, travel and where someone could live. The "poetic" nature of the project was a response to the call.
“Volar es un sueno, un desafio a la naturaleza y un riesgo. La recompensa es una posicion unica. Un lugar desde el cual ver y ser visto. Ya que al conseguirlo, acabamos formando parte de la belleza del cielo. Dejamos una mancha en el. Somos la alteracion del lienzo. El aparato desarrollado en el proyecto pretende ser el diseno de este desafio tecnologico. Creamos un artilugio liviano y volatil. Incluye un habitaculo para una o dos personas, creando asi un espacio donde vivir,viajar y observar el mundo. La mancha que el artilugio deja sobrela tierra es una sombra sutil y efimera, mientras que en el cielo destaca una vela."
Vivir un vuelo
Vivir un vuelo
Vivir un vuelo
Extention of MACBA museum, Barcelona
Extention of MACBA museum, Barcelona Project (ETSAB) 2012 Prof. Jordi Adell Subject: Extension of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona inside an abandoned church in the neighborhood of "El Raval". The program required to enlarge storage, two new exhibition spaces, office space and a small cafeteria. Project: The main idea was to preserve half of the church stone structure. Using large beams to embrace the existing structure, an underground level was created. The new exhibition spaces were added to become the new building facade.
Extention of MACBA museum, Barcelona
Extention of MACBA museum, Barcelona
Extention of MACBA museum, Barcelona
“Esta nostalgia que temporaliza el espacio, como hace Piranesi en sus grabados, es una inversión especular de la utopía. Una evocación responsable que impugna la rectitud de la línea del progreso y le opone la discordancia de los tiempos”
Distopia Casa Tosquella, Barcelona
Distopia casa tosquella, Barcelona Project (ETSAB) 2013 Co. Pablo Baena, David Bravo - Prof. Jordi Adell Subject: Intervention in the "Casa Tosquella" in Barcelona. An old modernist house wounded by the changes in the neighborhood. An important limitation was that because the owner, an old lady, still lives in the house, the city does not allow any reform unless the owner leaves it. Project: As a critique to the heritage preservation legislation which allows the house to fall in ruins, the project recalls the history of the villa since it was built and hypothesizes its future if there is no intervention.
Distopia Casa Tosquella, Barcelona
Distopia Casa Tosquella, Barcelona
Distopia Casa Tosquella, Barcelona
60 dwellings in poblenou, Barcelona
60 dwellings in poblenou, Barcelona Project (ETSAB) 2012 Co. Elisabeth Terrisse - Prof. Joan Pasqual Subject: Built 60 dwellings in the "Poble Nou" neighborhood of Barcelona. The plot is a block of the "Eixample", designed by Ildefons Cerda, crossed by a passage that remained from the industrial urban pattern previous to the Cerda intervention. One of the conditions was that some of the existing buildings had to be preserved. Project: The main idea was to create a big empty space for public use inside the block. The building which was designed to close the inner space wins height to match the surrounding buildings and twists towards the empty space. In the passage, a rhythm of houses between patios was proposed. The patios enable the building to breath.
60 dwellings in poblenou, Barcelona
60 dwellings in poblenou, Barcelona
60 dwellings in poblenou, Barcelona
Barcelona 10/2015