Building Information Modelling
GLOSSARY Terms & their definitions
Figure 1.
Hydraulic components with architectural context - from Case Study 1
This section explores some of the many terms used throughout the National Guidelines and Case Studies project and provides succinct yet non-exhaustive definitions.
Th e t er m s e xp lor ed i n t h is g lo s sa ry s ec t io n are par t of th e BI M N at io n al G u id e l in e s an d Ca se S t ud ies pro ject a s spo n sor ed b y t he C R C - C o n s tr u c t io n I n nov a t io n . T he t er m s a nd t he ir d ef i n i t io n s ar e n e i th er ex ha u st i v e nor e x c l u si o n ar y of other pos s i bl e me an i ng s . Fo r m or e i nfor ma t io n about this project, project participants and un d er ly i ng kno w le dg e s tr uc t ur e s , plea s e v i s i t w ww . co n st r u c t io n - i nn o v a t io n . i n f o
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Table of Contents Building Information Modelling (BIM) ...................................................................3 4D or model-based time ....................................................................................3 5D or model-based cost .....................................................................................3 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) .......................................................................3 Design and Construct (D&C) ...............................................................................4 Ecologically Sustainable Design (ESD)..................................................................4
CRC for Construction Innovation, BIM National Guidelines and Case Studies Project (2007-02-EP)
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Building Information Modelling (BIM) Building Information Modelling is a term used with increasing breadth within industry and academia. It usually refers to a set of technologies, processes and policies that facilitate virtual design and construction yet extend to cover facility management and lifecycle analysis. The lines separating BIM from other terminology – like nD, VDC and IPD – are faint and do not withstand scrutiny. However, this project intentionally adopts a the following succinct definition to avoid limiting the term’s expanding coverage: Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a set of interacting policies, processes and technologies generating a “methodology to manage the essential building design and project data in digital format throughout the building’s life-cycle”1.
4D or model‐based time Starting with a 3D object-based model, each object or group of objects can be linked to a construction task which includes time, resource allocation and elemental costs. 4D technologies are not necessarily synonymous with object-based ones (like ArchiCAD2 or Revit3). That is, 4D models can be generated using traditional CAD modellers (like AutoCAD4) or even lightweight face-based modellers (like SketchUP5) where blocks, layers or groups are linked to a project management software (like MS Office Project6 or Primavera7).
5D or model‐based cost In construction, it’s arguable that the notion of model-based cost cannot be separated from model-based time. 4D (3D model + time) and 5D (3D model + time + cost) are interrelated and depend intrinsically on each other. 4D models explore/define how a construction project will be sequenced and thus influences its overall cost. On the other hand, the project’s cash-flow will determine construction sequencing and thus affect how 4D models are set up. In summary, 4D and 5D may be slightly different concepts but are highly interdependent and cannot be understood fully on their own.
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Industry Foundation Classes refers to a non-proprietary interoperable software schema aiming to improve data exchanges between BIM applications and thus enhance information sharing and collaborative processes within the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management sectors. Many BIM applications are certified to import and/or export the IFC file format which allows theses applications to exchange
PENTTILÄ, H. (2006) Describing The Changes In Architectural Information Technology To Understand Design Complexity And Free-Form Architectural Expression. ITcon, 11, 395-408. 2 Graphisoft ArchiCAD ®, refer to 3 Autodesk Revit® Architecture, refer to 4 Autodesk® AutoCAD, refer to 5 Google™ SketchUP®, refer to 6 Microsoft® Office Project, refer to 7 Oracle® Primavera®, refer to
CRC for Construction Innovation, BIM National Guidelines and Case Studies Project (2007-02-EP)
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their model data and/or define a shared object-based model. IFCs are generated and maintained by the International Alliance for Interoperability8 and buildingSmart9.
Design and Construct (D&C) Design and Construct (D&C) is a project delivery option for major construction undertakings and denotes the ‘contractual merger of design and construction activities10’. D&C proponents claim that it improves project time and reduces overall costs although it involves additional ‘initial effort by design consultants and subcontractors as they prepare performance specifications upon which contractors place their bids.’
Ecologically Sustainable Design (ESD) ESD is defined as the “using, conserving and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased”11.
International Alliance for Interoperability, refer to buildingSmart, refer to 10 Design & Construct Projects, Australian Constructors Association, refer to 11 Australian Government, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, The National Strategy for Ecological Sustainable Development, refer to 9
CRC for Construction Innovation, BIM National Guidelines and Case Studies Project (2007-02-EP)
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