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C ntents Hurricane hazards Future storm names Foods to stock up on Drainage system management Flood insurance Weather apps Floodplain development regulations Flood warning / local TV and radio stations Stages of flood safety
5 6 6 7 8 10 11 11 12
In The Eye 2014
Hurricane Tracking Chart pages 14-15
A specialty publication of Gulf Coast Newspapers
Publisher Sudie Gambrell Editor Jill Clair Gentry
Protect your property 12 Evacuation routes 16 Increased cost of 17 compliance coverage Protect our wetlands 18 Emergency contacts 18, 20 Baldwin County Shelters 21 Flood hazard areas 22 Flood monitoring 22 Storm surge 22 Disaster plan for pets 23 Is your family ready? 24
Associate Editor Destiny Brown Design Paige Renka Advertising Jeniece Bouzan Brad Day Pat Johnson Frank Kustura Debbie Wright Gulf Coast Newspapers, LLC PO Box 509 Robertsdale, AL 36567 251-947-7712
Medium to Large Home
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In The Eye 2014
Knowing What Customers Need in Time of Emergency Cain’s Piggly Wiggly prepares for emergency situations so their customers can be prepared. Their knowledgeable, friendly, and courteous staff is ready to answer questions about products not only for emergency situations but for everyday life. And if the most serious situation happens, their shelves are always stocked with the essential products, food and water, to everyday products. For grilling, Cain’s Piggly Wiggly carries certified Angus Beef®, top-of-the-line beef, a cut above USDA Prime Choice & USDA, all cut daily.
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In The Eye 2014
Major hazards associated with hurricanes Courtesy of the National Hurricane Center www.nhc.noaa.gov A better understanding of tropical cyclones and hurricane hazards will help you determine your risk and make more informed decisions.
Storm Surge
n An abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted astronomical tides. n Produced by water being pushed toward the shore by the force of the winds moving cyclonically around the storm. n Impact on surge of the low pressure associated with intense storms is minimal in comparison to the water being forced toward the shore by the wind.
High Winds
n Tropical storm-force winds, 39–73 mph, are strong enough to be dangerous to those caught in them. n Emergency managers plan on having their evacuations complete and their personnel sheltered before the onset of tropical storm-force winds, not hurricane-force winds. n Hurricane-force winds, 74 mph or more, can destroy buildings and mobile homes. n Debris, such as signs, roofing material, siding and small items left outside become flying missiles during hurricanes. n Winds can stay above hurricane strength well inland. n In 2004, Hurricane Charley made landfall at Punta Gorda on the southwest Florida coast and produced major damage well inland across central Florida with gusts of more than 100 mph. n Atlantic and Eastern Pacific hurricanes are classified into five categories according to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, which estimates potential property damage according to the hurricane's sustained wind speed.
Inland Flooding
n Tropical cyclones often produce widespread, torrential rains in excess of 6 inches, which may result in deadly and destructive floods. n Flooding is the major threat from tropical cyclones for people living inland. n Flash flooding, defined as a rapid rise in water levels, can occur quickly because of intense rainfall. n Longer term flooding on rivers and streams can persist for several days after the storm.
n Tornadoes produced by hurricanes and tropical storms most often occur in thunderstorms embedded in rain bands well away from the center of the hurricane. They can also occur near the eyewall. n Usually, tornadoes produced by tropical cyclones are relatively weak and short-lived, but they still pose a significant threat.
Heavy Rainfall
n Rain amounts are not directly related to the strength of tropical cyclones, but rather to the speed and size of the storm, as well as the geography of the area. n Slower moving and larger storms produce more rainfall. n Mountainous terrain enhances rainfall from a tropical cyclone.
Rip Currents
n The strong winds of a tropical cyclone can cause dangerous waves that pose a significant hazard to mariners and coastal residents and visitors. n When the waves break along the coast, they can produce deadly rip currents — even at large distances from the storm. n Rip currents are channeled currents of water flowing away from shore, usually extending past the line of breaking waves, that can pull even the strongest swimmers away from shore.
Future storm names 6
In The Eye 2014
Courtesy of the National Hurricane Center
Since 1953, Atlantic tropical storms had been named from lists originated by the National Hurricane Center. They are now maintained and updated through a strict procedure by an international committee of the World Meteorological Organization. The six lists below are used in rotation and re-cycled every six years, i.e., the 2014 list will be used again in 2020. The only time that there is a change in the list is if a storm is so deadly or costly that the future use of its name on a different storm would be inappropriate for reasons of sensitivity. If that occurs, then at an annual meeting by the WMO committee the offending name is stricken from the list and another name is selected to replace it. Several names have been retired since the lists were created. If a storm forms in the off-season, it will take the next name in the list based on the current calendar date. For example, if a tropical cyclone formed on December 28, it would take the name from the previous season's list of names. If a storm formed in February, it would be named from the subsequent season's list of names. In the event that more than twenty-one named tropical cyclones occur in the Atlantic basin in a season, additional storms will take names from the Greek alphabet. 2014 Arthur Bertha Cristobal Dolly Edouard Fay Gonzalo Hanna Isaias Josephine Kyle Laura Marco Nana Omar Paulette Rene Sally Teddy Vicky Wilfred
2015 Ana Bill Claudette Danny Erika Fred Grace Henri Ida Joaquin Kate Larry Mindy Nicholas Odette Peter Rose Sam Teresa Victor Wanda
2016 Alex Bonnie Colin Danielle Earl Fiona Gaston Hermine Ian Julia Karl Lisa Matthew Nicole Otto Paula Richard Shary Tobias Virginie Walter
2017 Arlene Bret Cindy Don Emily Franklin Gert Harvey Irma Jose Katia Lee Maria Nate Ophelia Philippe Rina Sean Tammy Vince Whitney
Stock up, stay ready Keep these items on hand in case disaster strikes Bottled water Electrolyte drinks Juice boxes Powdered milk Coffee Cooking oil Canned soup Canned baked beans
Canned tuna Canned fruit Canned vegetables Packaged pasta Peanut butter Jars of tomato sauce Jar of peanut butter Canister of nuts
Bag of rice Jerky Oatmeal/Dry cereal Power bars Crackers Multivitamin Zip-top bags
2018 Alberto Beryl Chris Debby Ernesto Florence Gordon Helene Isaac Joyce Kirk Leslie Michael Nadine Oscar Patty Rafael Sara Tony Valerie William
2019 Andrea Barry Chantal Dorian Erin Fernand Gabrielle Humberto Imelda Jerry Karen Lorenzo Melissa Nestor Olga Pablo Rebekah Sebastien Tanya Van Wendy
In The Eye 2014
Drainage system maintenance Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department
free flow of water.
Baldwin County’s drainage system is used to carry water away from homes and businesses into rivers and streams. It is important to consistently maintain this system so it can be used to full capacity. Proper drainage helps reduce the risk of flooding and maintain the integrity of the road system. Baldwin County maintains all drainage ways and structures located on the county rights of way and county owned property. Baldwin County prohibits any dumping of trash or yard debris into streams, rivers or the storm drainage system, which could result in increased flooding or damages in areas that would otherwise be protected. Owners whose property is located within an identified flood area must ensure that their drainage infrastructure is kept in working order and free from any obstruction that could impede the
Please help Baldwin County ensure the capacity of this system. n Keep streams and other conveyances that carry rainfall runoff through your property free of obstructions and debris such as trees, tall bushes and trash. n Never dump or throw anything into the streets or storm drainage system. To do so is a violation of the Baldwin County’s Storm Water Quality Management Ordinance. n If you see trash or debris in the storm drainage system, contact the Baldwin County Engineering Department immediately at 251-9726897.
In The Eye 2014
Flood insurance for financial protection
It’s never too early for flood insurance. Purchase your policy today. Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department Baldwin County is an active participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which provides federally backed flood insurance in communities that enact and enforce floodplain regulations. Since its inception in 1968, the program has been successful in helping flood victims get back on their feet. This is important since property owners who hold a federally backed mortgage must purchase flood insurance if the property is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
Community Rating System
Baldwin County began its participation in the NFIP Community Rating System (CRS) Program in 1994. The CRS Program was developed by the Federal Insurance Administration to provide incentives for NFIP communities to implement more stringent floodplain standards than the minimum NFIP requirements. The CRS rewards these efforts with discounts on flood insurance premiums. The CRS uses a rating system to determine the amount of discount — the better the rating, the more the discount will be. Baldwin County currently holds a Class 6 CRS rating, which equates to a 20 percent discount on new or renewing flood insurance policies for all SFHA properties. Currently Baldwin County has 9,568 flood insurance
Baldwin County Commission A Storm Ready Community as designated by the National Weather Service Participants in the Community Rating System (CRS) Program
policies in force, which estimates to $5,050,073 respectively. There are 6,084 policies in force in the SFHA, with an average premium (after 20 percent discount) of $528, which is a savings of $137 and a savings to the citizens of Baldwin County of $936,141. 1,787 policies are in force in the Non-SFHA, with an average premium (after five percent discount) of $356, which is a savings of $67,016 to the citizens of Baldwin County.
Why buy flood insurance?
Since flooding is the most common natural disaster, it is important that you obtain the maximum protection. You can purchase flood insurance regardless of whether you reside in high, moderate or low risk areas, and there is no exclusion as to what type of ownership you represent (i.e. homeowner, renter or business owner). During extended periods of heavy rainfall, low-lying areas within the county are at risk for flooding. Visit the FEMA website (www.fema.gov) for more information on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Flood insurance facts
n Flooding usually results in loss of or damage to property. n Homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover flood damage. n Flood insurance coverage is available under the NFIP for participating communities with the exception of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (COBRA) areas along the Fort Morgan Peninsula. In these areas, private flood insurance may be available. n Many people think they don’t need flood insurance because federal disaster assistance will bail them out, but floods are not always declared a federal disaster area. Even when they are, aid is usually in the form of a loan, which must be paid back with interest. n Flood insurance pays for all covered losses, and that money doesn’t have to be paid back. n You can cover your home’s structure for up to $250,000, and its contents for up to $100,000. n For businesses, structural coverage is available up to $500,000, and up to $500,000 for contents. For more information about flood insurance, property owners and potential buyers should contact their local insurance agent or call the toll-free information line for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) at 1-800427-4661.
In The Eye 2014
In The Eye 2014
Weather the storm with these Weather apps
Includes severe weather warnings, a huge 15-day maximum forecast range, integration with the iOS Calendar app for weather stats, plus social sharing and animated maps.
Cost: free
The Weather Channel
Users can see stats such as current temperatures, precipitation, wind, UV index, sunrise and sunset, all tailored to current and preferred locations. Radar maps are updated regularly; weather alerts are provided for saved areas. Features of the app vary slightly from Android to Apple to BlackBerry formats.
Cost: FREE
Geared toward serious weather hobbyists and storm trackers who thrive on data, numbercrunching and attributing precise metrics to the unpredictability of nature. With data from NEXRAD (Next-Generation Radar), information is a lot more specific than simpler, less expensive apps. Browse current tornado, hurricane and flash-flood warnings, or view summarized storm reports and lightning data.
Cost: $29.99
Storm Chase Buddy
An Android app by AndroidFanBuddy.com that has basic, upto-date weather, but gains info through regularly updated feeds. Provides an easy access point to catch up on police and emergency scanners, airport conditions and extreme weather alerts. Information is provided alongside its corresponding point on the map. Storm Chase Buddy also has a journal/log feature.
Cost: $2.99
Tornado Warning and Alert App / The Red Cross Flood App
Get your family and home ready for a tornado with the official Tornado App from the American Red Cross. Everything you need to know to prepare for a tornado, with interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice. Also check out The Red Cross Flood App to prepare your home and family in the event of a flood.
Cost: FREE
WeatherBug Mobile
The world’s largest network of real-time weather sensors for forecasts, alerts and more. Get the industry’s most accurate pinpoint forecasts for your neighborhood and around the world. Advanced early warning system, powered by the largest nationwide weather and lightning network, Know Before.
Cost: free
In The Eye 2014
Floodplain development regulations Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department The unique natural water resources that distinguish Baldwin County as a top choice for living, recreation and employment also require unique land use measures to protect and maintain them for future generations. Baldwin County’s floodplain regulations are intended to protect private and public property, protect the environment, encourage responsible development and prevent the degradation and deterioration that results from unrestricted use and development. Always check with the County Planning and Building Inspection Departments before you build, fill, alter or grade on your property. All new developments, or any alterations, additions or modifications to your building or land require a permit. Before you begin construction, find out which permits and building standards apply by contacting the Baldwin County Building Inspection Department; the Planning and Zoning Department; or the Highway Department to determine if you will be required to obtain a permit or to report any possible unauthorized development within the floodplain.
In addition to regular building permits, special regulations apply to construction in the floodplain and in floodways. No construction, including filling, is allowed in the mapped floodway without an engineering analysis that shows the project will not increase flood damage elsewhere. Any activity outside the floodplain, but within a natural or man-made watercourse also requires a permit. Elevation of floodproofing may be required if you plan to substantially improve your existing structure located within a FEMA (the cost of the improvement or addition is 50 percent of the value of the existing structure). If your property is substantially damaged, Federal regulations may require you to elevate or floodproof as you rebuilding. The document titled “Answers to Questions about Substantially Damage Buildings” (FEMA-213, May 1991) will help answer questions on this topic and can be obtained free by calling 1-800-480-2520 or by online access at fema. gov/library. If you suspect suspicious activity on whether or not a site obtained a permit, or was required to obtain a permit, contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department, Building Inspection Office or the Highway Department.
Flood warning Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department Baldwin County has been designated as a StormReady Community by the National Weather Service. StormReady communities are better prepared to save lives from the onslaught of severe weather through advanced planning, education and awareness. Baldwin County’s Emergency Management Agency uses several warning devices to warn residents and visitors of storms and potential rising water hazards. REVERSE 911 system: allows Emergency Management to link its E911 telephone databases and existing GIS Mapping Systems to target a precise geographic area and quickly notify individuals in the event of a disaster or threat. Reverse 911 messages are prerecorded messages sent to home phones that are nonrestrictive and cell phones that are registered with the Emergency 911 Agency. The system has the capability to send messages via text and TTY/TDD calling for the hearing impaired. Emergency Alert System: local radio and television stations and NOAA Weather Radio at 162.400 or 162.550 MHz broadcast emergency alerts. The county provides real-time information regarding high water, road closures and evacuation routes through Changeable Message Signs. Warnings may also be issued to affected businesses and residences by mobile public address systems on emergency vehicles. When you hear these messages you should follow the instructions and tune to your radio and TV stations for more information. For additional information regarding Baldwin County’s flood warning program, contact Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency at 251-972-6807.
In the event of flood hazards, tune into local Radio and TV Stations for information. Area of Television Stations: Channel 3 (ABC) WEAR TV Channel 5 (CBS) WKRG TV Channel 10 (NBC) WALA TV Channel 15 (FOX) WPMI TV Channel 44 WJTC TV Area Radio Stations: WHEP AM (1310) WABB AM/FM (1480) WABF AM (1220) WHIL FM (91.3) WQUA FM (102.1) WJLQ FM (100.7) WAVH FM (106.5) WNTM AM (710) WBCA AM (1110) WNSP FM (105.5) WBHY AM (840) WKSJ FM (94.9) WBHY FM (88.5) WPCS FM (89.3) WBLX FM (92.5) WUWF FM (91) WDLT FM (98.3) WXBM FM (102.5) WDLT AM (600) WZEW FM (92.1) WBUB FM (104.1) WTKK FM (TK-101) WMXC FM (99.9) WXWY AM (100) WMOB AM (1360) WRKH FM (96.1) WGOK AM (900)
In The Eye 2014
The four stages of flood safety
Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department
1. Preparatory Flood Warning n n n n n n n n n n n n
Have a stock of food that requires no cooking. Have a first aid kit available. Have your vehicle fueled. Consider purchasing flood insurance for your home and belongings. Homeowner’s insurance does NOT cover flooding. Tune in to radio, television or NOAA Weather Radio for flood warnings. Obey warnings from officials — evacuate when a notice is issued. Know your evacuation zone and route to a place of safety. Know what supplies to take with you. Be cautious and avoid flood-prone areas when leaving. Move outdoor furniture and carry downstairs furniture to upper floors or higher locations. Sandbags can help slow down floodwaters to keep them from reaching your possessions. Know what your current insurance policy does and does not cover. By retrofitting, you can minimize loss prior to floods by building floodwalls, elevating a structure, etc.
2. Flood Warning n n n n
Store drinking water in sterile, covered containers. Move valuable objects higher to shelves, tables and countertops. Shut off electricity, gas and water to your home prior to leaving. Leave early enough to avoid traffic congestion.
3. During the Flood
n Stay on higher ground. n Do not drive on a flooded road — more people drown in their cars
n n
n n
than anywhere else. Do not drive around road barriers; the road or bridge may be washed out. If your vehicle stalls, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground. Do not attempt to wade across a flowing stream that is above your knees. Drowning is the number one cause of flood deaths, mostly during flash floods. Currents can be deceptive; if you walk in standing water, use a pole or stick to ensure that the ground is still there. Stay away from power lines and electrical wires. Electrical current can travel through water. Look out for animals. Consider shelters where animals are allowed.
4. After the Flood
n Do not eat food that has come into contact with floodwater. n Drink only bottled water or previously stored water. n Look before you step. The grounds and floors may be covered with debris including broken bottles and nails. Floors and stairs that have been covered with mud can be slippery. n Stay away from disaster areas. You may hamper rescue or recovery operations. n Do not handle live electrical equipment. n Do not allow children to play in standing water. It may be contaminated with chemicals or sewage. n Use a flashlight to inspect for damage. Don’t smoke or use candles, lanterns or open flames unless you know the gas has been turned off and the area has been ventilated. n Report downed power lines to the local power company, Emergency Management Agency or local law enforcement authorities. n Keep tuned in to local radio and television stations for instructions on how to obtain medical care and emergency assistance such as water, food, clothing, shelter and further weather reports and conditions.
Protect your property Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department Every year, flooding causes more property damage in the United States than any other type of natural disaster. While construction practices and regulations have made new homes less prone to flooding, many existing structures remain susceptible. You can protect your property through a variety of measures that can vary in complexity and cost. Raising a house above the flood level is the best property protection method short of moving the building entirely out of the floodplain. If a building cannot be removed from harm’s way, it can be protected on site. In areas of low flood threat, such as infrequent shallow flooding, barriers and dry and wet floodproofing can be effective approaches.
Other property protection measures
n Annually inspect your hurricane straps for corrosion and replace them if necessary. n Annually inspect your pilings and floor system for splitting, rotting, termite damage or rusted connecting bolts if your home is on pilings. n Raise your furnace, water heater and electric panel to higher floors or the attic if they are in areas of your home that may be flooded. Raising this equipment will prevent damage. An undamaged water heater may be your best source of fresh water after a flood. n Avoid backflow of sewer lines by closing off all sewer line entries into the house. As a last resort, when floods threaten, use large corks or
stoppers to plug showers, tubs or basins. n Seal walls in basement with waterproofing compounds. n Move furniture and any other valuables to higher floors. n Keep materials like sandbags, plywood, plastic sheeting and lumber handy for emergency waterproofing. n Keep insurance policies, documents and other valuables in a safe-deposit box. n Keep watercourses free of fill/debris. May people fail to recognize how regarding their yard, filling a wetland or discarding debris in a watercourse can cause a problem to themselves and others. There are publications and assistance in property protection available at the offices of the Baldwin County Inspection Departments and local libraries. To learn more about property protection measures, visit FEMA’s website at fema.gov/rebuild/mitigation.shtm and Baldwin County’s website under planningandzoning@baldwincountyal.gov/CRS. FEMA provides grants, in certain situations, for property protection measures that reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages. Projects must provide a long-term solution to a problem. These grants are made to the state or local government rather than to the homeowner directly and often have a cost-share requirement. To learn more about these programs, contact the Baldwin County Inspection Department or visit FEMA’s website at http:// www.fema.gov/government/grant/hma/index.shtm
In The Eye 2014
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In The Eye 2014
In The Eye 2014
In The Eye 2014
Baldwin County Evacuation Routes Evacuation Map
Routes Gulf Shores and Orange Beach - Hwy. 59 and Foley Beach Express. Primary Route
n Central and South Baldwin: Hwy. 59 North n Eastern Shores: State Hwy. 181 and Hwy. 98 North n Lillian Area: Co. Rd. 87 Other Important Information
Guests and residents staying or living on the east side of Pleasure Island (Orange Beach and Ono Island) please use the Foley Beach Express and Toll Bridge. Toll will be lifted for Northbound traffic during evacuation.
Areas To Be Evacuated Category 1 & 2 Storm
1. All residents living in mobile homes. 2. All low lying areas: Fort Morgan, Gulf Shores, Orange Beach and Mobile Bay. Cateogries 3, 4 or 5 Storm
1. All areas listed in Categories 1 & 2 storm. 2. All areas south of Highway 98. 3. All residents wishing to seek shelter should relocate to a county outside the hazard area.
Planning Study the map and the evacuation routes. Plan out which roads you are going to take before the hurricane season. Make reservations for motels early or have other plans for lodging. Plan on leaving early due to congested traffic.
Find Our More For additional information visit www.cobaldwin.al.us When evacuating: Leave 24 to 36 hours before gale force winds are expected to hit.
In The Eye 2014
Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Coverage Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department After a flood event, flood insurance policyholders are assured their claim will be paid and they will have additional options to fund rebuilding. Flood insurance policyholders also may be eligible for Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage benefits. ICC coverage is an important part of most flood insurance policies.
ICC coverage provides:
n Up to $30,000 to help property owners who have been substantially damaged to reduce the risk of damage from future floods by elevating, floodproofing (for nonresidential structures), demolishing or relocating their building or home n ICC coverage in addition to the building coverage for the repair of the actual physical damages from flooding; however, the total payout on a policy may not exceed $250,000 for residential buildings and $500,000 for non-residential buildings. To be eligible for ICC funds, a building must be insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and must also either be determined by a local building official TO BE substantially damaged or qualify as a repetitive loss structure. Substantial damage is flood-related damage that equals or exceeds 50 percent of the value of the building. When repaired, the structure must comply with local floodplain management ordinances. If the total damage from flooding is less than 50 percent of the market value of the building, ICC coverage is not available under the substantial damage provision. Repetitive loss is flood-related damage that occurs twice over a period of 10 years, with the cost of each repair averaging 25 percent or more of the preflood market value of the building. Because the 25 percent cost is an average, it need not be equally distributed. For example, if the damage was 35 percent of the value of the building in the first event and 15 percent of the value in the second event, the policyholder would qualify for ICC coverage. A flood insurance claim must have been paid in both cases, and it applies only if the community has adopted a repetitive loss provision in its floodplain management ordinance. ICC coverage can help pay for four different types of mitigation activities to bring a building into compliance with the community’s floodplain management regulations. These activities include elevation, floodproofing, relocation and demolition.
1. Elevation
Elevation is the most common means of reducing a building’s flood risk. The process consists of raising the building to or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). While NFIP policy requires only the lowest floor of the building to be raised to the BFE, some states and communities enforce a “freeboard” requirement, which mandates that the building be raised above the BFE to meet the community’s flood protection level. For example, if the BFE for a structure is 4 feet, and the community adopts a 3-foot freeboard requirement, ICC coverage would help pay the cost of elevating the building to meet the 7 foot requirement.
2. Floodproofing
Floodproofing applies only to nonresidential buildings. For a building to be certified as floodproof, it must be watertight to a level 1 foot above the BFE, or to the level of the freeboard requirement (if the community enforces one). Floodproof means that the walls must be substantially impermeable to water and designed to resist the stresses imposed by floods. Floodproofing techniques include installation of watertight shields for doors and windows, drainage collection systems, sump pumps and check valves; reinforcement of walls to withstand floodwater pressures; use of sealants to reduce seepage through and around walls; and anchoring the building to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement.
3. Relocation
Relocation involves moving the entire building to another location on the same lot or to another lot, usually outside the floodplain. Relocation can offer the greatest protection from future flooding; however, if the new location is still within the Special Flood Hazard Area, the building must still be NFIP-compliant, meaning it must be elevated or floodproofed (if nonresidential).
4. Demolition
Demolition may be necessary in cases where damage is too severe to warrant elevation, floodproofing or relocation; or the building is in such a poor condition that it is not worth the investment to undertake a combination of the above activities. n All applicable permits must be obtained prior to demolishing the building. n The property may be redeveloped after demolition is complete, subject to all applicable federal, state and community laws and requirements.
In The Eye 2014
Protect Baldwin County’s wetlands Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department The wetlands within Baldwin County are indispensable and fragile natural resources with significant development constraints because of flooding, erosion and soil limitations. When portions of floodplains are preserved or restored to their natural state, they provide many benefits to both human and natural systems. Open space resource areas adjacent to floodplain areas increase aesthetics and recreational opportunities, reduce the number and severity of floods, help handle stormwater run-off and minimize non-point water pollution.
Wetlands benefits
Protecting freshwater and coastal wetlands is a critical goal of Baldwin County. Not only do wetlands add significant fish and wildlife habitat to the shoreland area, but wetlands play an essential role in preserving water quality by functioning as a buffer for associated water bodies. According to the Southeast Watershed Forum, one acre of fresh water wetlands are valued at $630 each year for water quality, $594 for flood retention, $539 for recreational fishing and $1,832 for bird watching. Baldwin County has a wetland protection overlay district in all zoned areas that covers approximately 280,831 acres. The purpose of the wetland protection overlay district is to promote wetland protection, while taking into account varying ecological, economic development, recreational and aesthetic values. Wetlands also mitigate flood damage by serving as flood storage areas, minimizing erosion damage to shorelines by
slowing the velocity of runoff and replenishing groundwater supplies. American Rivers, a nonprofit conservation organization, found that one wetland acre saturated to a depth of one foot holds 333,000 gallons of water, which can flood 13 average homes thigh-deep. This wetland function protects downstream property owners from flood damage. The velocity of floodwaters decreases when met with resistance from the wetland vegetation; this decrease reduces the water’s erosive potential and results in smaller, less severe flooding events.
Stormwater management
Baldwin County regulates Stormwater Management policies through the Subdivision Regulations for all new developments. Developments that increase stormwater runoff are required to construct stormwater management facilities. Baldwin County has provisions that impose requirements for land disturbing activities that require planning and implementation of effective sedimentation controls for individual lots and subdivision development sites. For more information on Erosion, Sedimentation or Stormwater Management requirements for new developments, contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655 or the Subdivision Permitting Department at 251-937-0278. Both the Baldwin County Subdivision Regulations and Baldwin County Zoning Ordinances are available online at www.planningandzoning@baldwincountyal.gov.
Important telephone numbers to know Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department
Baldwin County Building Inspection Department: 251-972-6837
Baldwin County Highway Department: 251-937-0371
0 +
Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department: 251-580-1655
Baldwin County Permitting (Subdivision) Division: 251-937-0278 Baldwin County Emergency Management: 251-972-6807 Community Rating System Program (CRS) Coordinator: 251-580-1655 ext. 7230 Find more emergency contact numbers for Baldwin County on page 20.
In The Eye 2014
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In The Eye 2014
Emergency Contacts
Baldwin County Emergency Management 251-972-6806 251-972-6807 South Baldwin 251-937-0317 North Baldwin 251-990-4605 Eastern Shore Fax: 251-580-1616 bcema@baldwincountyal.gov Director msims@baldwincountyal.gov Deputy Director rchitwood@baldwincountyal.gov Planning and Grants Coordinator dhoagland@baldwincountyal.gov Logistics Planner jguerry@baldwincountyal.gov Shelter Coordinator swallace@baldwincountyal.gov Administrative Assistant nbanks@baldwincountyal.gov 23100 McAuliffe Drive Robertsdale, AL 36567 Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office Huey Hoss Mack, Sheriff 251-937-0202 251-972-6802 310 Hand Ave. Bay Minette, AL 36507 Federal Emergency Management Association U.S. Department of Homeland Security General Operator: 202-646-2500 Register for Disaster Assistance: 800-621-3362 / TTY 800-462-7585 500 C St. SW Washington, DC 20472 Bay Minette Police Department Michael E. Rowland, Chief of Police 251-580-2559 P.O. Box 1208 Bay Minette, AL 36507 mrowland@ci.bay-minette.al.us Daphne Police Department 251-621-9100 1502 U.S. Highway 98 Daphne, AL 36526
Fairhope Police Department 251-928-2385 107 N. Section St. Fairhope, AL 36532 Foley Police Department 251-943-4431 200 E. Section Ave. Foley, AL 36535 Elberta Police Department 251-986-5300 13062 Main St. Elberta, AL 36530 Gulf Shores Police Department 251-968-2431 220 Clubhouse Drive Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Loxley Police Department 251-964-6000 2139 E Relham Ave. Loxley, AL 36551 Orange Beach Police Department 251-981-9777 4480 Orange Beach Blvd. Orange Beach, AL 36561 Robertsdale Police Department 251-947-2222 23335 Chicago St. Robertsdale, AL 36567 Silverhill Police Department 251-945-5200 22030 6th St. Silverhill, AL 36576 Spanish Fort Police Department 251-626-4914 30500 State Highway 181 #618 Spanish Fort, AL 36527 Summerdale Police Department 251-989-6446 204 NW 1st St. Summerdale, AL 36580
Baldwin County Evacuation Shelters Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency (BCEMA) strongly recommends evacuation. “Shelters of Last Resort” are made available by the County, however, the structural integrity of the facilities cannot be guaranteed.
In The Eye 2014
All individuals entering the shelter must: n Complete a Registration/Waiver of Liability Form. n Present photo identification. n Obey the shelter rules. n Be subject to a criminal background check.
Mass Care Shelters: Baldwin County Coliseum 19477 Fairground Road Robertsdale, AL 36567 Baldwin County High School 1 Tiger Drive Bay Minette, AL 36507 Fairhope High School 1 Pirate Drive Fairhope, AL 36532 Daphne East Elementary 26651 County Road 13 Daphne, AL 26526 Bay Minette Middle School 1311 W. 13th St. Bay Minette, AL 36507
Senior citizen shelter: Central Baldwin Middle School 24545 State Highway 59 Robertsdale, AL 36567
Medical needs shelters: Baldwin County Level II Community Shelter 207 North White Ave. Bay Minette, AL 36507 Baldwin County Coliseum (aka Cattle & Fair) 19477 Fairground Road Robertsdale, AL 36567
10 AM - 2 PM
Electrical support shelters: Foley Satellite Courthouse 201 E. Section St. Foley, AL 36535 Fairhope Satellite Courthouse 1100 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532
In The Eye 2014
Special flood hazard area information Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department Baldwin County is comprised of approximately 1,596.3 square miles (1,067,231 acres), of which 188,628 acres is in the A, AE and VE flood zones. The Baldwin County Inspection Department maintains FIRM maps. These maps are available for public inspection during normal business hours. They may also be viewed at your local library. Elevation Certificates for the past few years may also be obtained at the Baldwin County Inspection Department. Staff is available to assist you with the following information: n Whether a property is located within an NFIP or County mapped flood zone. n FEMA flood zone and regulatory base flood elevation. n FEMA Elevation Certificate, if available. The Elevation Certificate is an essential tool used to accurately rate flood insurance policies. n Information on mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements. n Regulatory provisions that may apply to your property. n If available, whether or not the property has ever suffered any flood damage. Upon written request, you may obtain a map of your property as it relates to a local flood hazard area. Contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department or visit www.planning.co.baldwin.al.us.
Flood monitoring
Storm Surge
Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department
Submitted by Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department
Flood monitoring stations are located on the Fish, Magnolia, Styx, Mobile and Perdido Rivers. These stations are monitored by the National Weather Service and Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency. This information is used to monitor stream flow and stream height for early detection of rising water, allows emergency personnel to make better decisions about warning people in flood prone areas. You can access forecasts online as well as weather discussions, radar information and satellite photos through the National Weather Service flood forecast site, which can be viewed at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ mob/?n=rivers.
Wave and current action associated with the tide cause extensive damage. Water weighs approximately 1,700 pounds per cubic yard; extended pounding by frequent waves can demolish any structure not specifically designed to withstand such forces. The current created by the tide combine with the action of the waves to severely erode beaches and coastal highways. Many buildings withstand hurricane force winds until their foundations, undermined by erosion, are weakened and fall. Storm tides, waves, and currents in confined harbors severely damage ships, marinas, and pleasure boats. In general, the more intense the storm, the larger the area that must evacuate. The problem is always the uncertainty about how intense the storm will be when it finally makes landfall. Emergency managers and local officials balance the uncertainty with the human and economic risks to their community. This is why a rule of thumb for emergency managers is to plan for a storm one category higher than what is forecast. This is a reasonable precaution to help minimize the loss of life from hurricanes.
Additional USGS stream gages are located on the Fish River near Silverhill, the Magnolia River at US Highway 98, Wolf Creek below Foley and the Styx River near Loxley. Data from these sites can be found on the USGS website at http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/
In The Eye 2014
Make a Disaster Plan For Your Pets Courtesy of humanesociety.org
1. Get ready now
ID your pet Make sure that your cat or dog is wearing a collar and identification that is up to date and visible at all times. If your pet is adopted from a shelter or rescue organization, make sure the registration has been transferred to you and is not still with the adoption group. Put together your disaster kit Stock up on non-perishables well ahead of time, and have everything ready to go at a moment's notice. Keep everything accessible and stored in sturdy containers that can be carried easily. Any dry pet food should be stored in air-tight containers and refreshed every 6 months. n Food and water for at least five days for each pet. n Medications and medical records stored in a waterproof container and a first aid kit. n Cat litter box, litter, litter scoop, garbage bags to collect all pets' waste. n Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and carriers to transport pets safely and to ensure that your pets can't escape. n Pet beds and toys, if you can easily take them, to reduce stress.
2. If you evacuate, take your pet
n If it isn't safe for you, it isn't safe for your pets. Even if you think you will only be gone for a few hours, take your pets. You have no way of knowing how long you'll be kept out of the area, and you may not be able — or allowed — to go back for your pets. n Pets left behind in a disaster can easily be injured, lost or killed. Those left inside your home can escape through storm-damaged areas, such as broken windows. And pets turned loose to fend for themselves are likely to become victims of exposure, starvation, predators, contaminated food or water or accidents. Leaving dogs tied or chained outside in a disaster is a death sentence. n Evacuate early. Don't wait for a mandatory evacuation order. Some people who have waited to be evacuated by emergency officials have been told to leave their pets behind. n The smell of smoke, high winds or lightening may make your pet more fearful and difficult to load
into a crate or carrier. Evacuating before conditions become severe will keep everyone safer and make the process less stressful.
3. If you stay home, do it safely
If your family and pets must wait out a storm or other disaster at home, identify a safe area of your home where you can all stay together. Make that safe area animal friendly: n Close off or eliminate unsafe nooks and crannies where frightened cats may try to hide. n Move dangerous items such as tools or toxic products that have been stored in the area. n Be sure to close your windows and doors, stay inside and follow the instructions from your local emergency management office. n Bring your pets indoors as soon as local authorities say trouble is on the way. n Keep dogs on leashes and cats in carriers, and make sure they are wearing identification.
4. Keep taking care even after the disaster
Your home may be a very different place after the emergency is over, and it may be hard for your pets to adjust. n Don't allow your pets to roam loose. n While you assess the damage, keep dogs on leashes and cats in carriers inside the house. If your house is damaged, your pets could escape. n Be patient with your pets after a disaster. Try to get them back into their normal routines as soon as possible. Be ready for behavioral problems caused by the stress of the situation. If these problems persist, or if your pet seems to be having any health problems, talk to your veterinarian. n If your community has been flooded, search your home and yard for wild animals who may have sought refuge there. Stressed wildlife can pose a threat to you and your pet.
In The Eye 2014
Is your family ready? Everyone should take precaution when it comes to storms and take steps in preparing for all kinds of emergencies. By evaluating your own personal needs and forming an emergency plan for your family, you will be much more at ease in case of a storm warning.
Preparing for senior citizens
n Create a network of relatives, friends and co-workers to aid in an emergency. n Discuss your needs and make sure everyone knows how to operate necessary equipment. n Seniors should keep specialized items ready, including extra wheelchair batteries, oxygen, catheters, medication, food for service animals and any other items you might need. n Keep a list of the type and model numbers of the medical devices you require. Be sure to make provisions for medications that require refrigeration. n Make arrangements for assistance to get to a shelter.
Preparing for infants and young children Courtesy of ready.gov
n Formula n Diapers n Bottles n Powdered milk n Medications n Moist towelettes n Diaper rash ointment
n Toys n Medications n Moist towelettes and diapers if needed n Snacks Find more planning information at www.ready.gov/kids.
Be prepared for storms. Before the t he S torm Before Storm 1. Charge cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices. 2. U se a b atter y- operated weather radio to stay informed. 3. Turn down the thermostat to cool your house. If you keep doors and windows closed af ter the storm, you can keep your house relatively cool for about 48 hours. 4. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building. In the event of a tornado, the safest place is on the lowest level. Choose a small room with no windows, such as an interior closet, hallway or bathroom.
A After f ter the the S Storm to r m 1. If power is out, call our automated repor ting system at 1- 800 - 888 - APCO (2726). It is the fastest way to repor t an out age or a hazardous situation, such as a downed power line. 2. Turn of f appliance s to avoid any potential safety hazards when power is restored. 3. Stay away from downed lines. Do not drive over line s or under low hanging line s. Keep children and pets away from downed lines. Do not attempt to remove tree limbs or any thing else caught in power lines. Call Alabama Power at 1- 800 - 888 - APCO (2726) or a local law enforcement agency if downed lines are spotted. 4. Stay clear of areas with fallen trees or debris where downed lines can be hiding. Stay away from areas where repair crews are working.
In The Eye 2014
Always on.
How We Restore H ow W eR estore Power P ower 1. Our crews are commit ted to safety. We work as fast as safety permits. 2 . We f o c u s f i r s t o n c r i t i c a l heal th and human s er vic e s such as ho spi t al s , f ire and p olic e. 3. We take a hub -and- spoke a ppr o a c h , c o n c e nt r a t i n g our ef for t s where we c an re s tore ser vic e to the mo s t p e o p l e an d t h e n wo r k o ur way down. We b eg in with t h e l ar g e t r an s mi s s i o n lin e s t h a t r un f r o m p owe r p l an t s t o s ub s t a t i o n s an d t h e n o n t h e lin e s t h a t r un f r o m t h e sub s t ations to neig hb orho o d s . Onc e tho s e line s are rep aire d, we c an wo r k o n s m all e r line s that ser ve homes and businesses.
H Here’s ere’s H How ow tto oC Contact ontac t Us: Us : Automated Outage Repor ting System : 1-800-8 8 8-APC O ( 2726) – the fastest way to repor t an out age or haz ard ous condition C us tomer S er v ice : 1- 8 0 0 -2 4 5 -2 2 4 4 Media Line : 2 05 -2 57- 4155 Twitter: @ alabamapower
For For more more sstorm torm safety safet y tips tips and and information, information, vvisit i si t A AlabamaPower.com. labamaPower.com.
In The Eye 2014
A look back past storms
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