Shrimp Festival 2015

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2 Shrimp Festival • October 2015

October 2015 • Shrimp Festival 3

What’s Inside

The Annual National Shrimp Festival............................. 5 Map........................................................................8-9

Las Vegas Discount Golf & Tennis


2015 Entertainment Lineup....................................... 10 44 th Annual National Shrimp Festival Poster Winner....................................................... 11


History of the Shrimp Festival.................................... 11 Shrimp Fest Presents: Singing for Scholarships........... 12

Up to

Festival Parking........................................................ 13

Our Already LOW Discounted Prices All TOP GOLF BRAND CLUBS ON SALE

Festival Events.......................................................... 14 Event Descriptions.................................................... 15 A specialty publication of Gulf Coast Newspapers

300+ Golf Bags 1000+ Pair of Shoes 3000+ Golf Shirts


Destiny Brown, Editor

LAYOUT AND DESIGN Cary Howard Leigh Mitchell

SALES REPRESENTATIVES Jeniece Bouzan Brad Day Frank Kustura

GULF COAST NEWSPAPERS 251.943.2151 901 N. McKenzie St. • Foley, Alabama 36535

80% OFF

Every Item must be Sold! All Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment for SALE Hurry we are selling out Fast!!



ed & ly Own




Cover art by Michael O’Connell See story on page 11.

Tanger Center

on Hwy. 59 South, Foley


4 Shrimp Festival • October 2015

301 Gulf Shores Pkwy. Gulf Shores, AL


26651 Perdido Beach Blvd Orange Beach, AL


14600 Perdido Key Dr Perdido Key, FL


Festival Hours Oct. 8-11, 2015

THURSDAY - SATURDAY 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. SUNDAY 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ADMISSION

Thanks to the event’s generous sponsors, the Shrimp Festival is FREE to everyone!


The Festival is held at the public beach access in Gulf Shores where Hwy. 59 ends and intersects with Hwy. 182. For information on parking and shuttle services see page 13. Festival map on pages 8-9.


Please respect the following guidelines and local ordinances to ensure a safe and enjoyable festival for all attendees.

124 W. 1st Ave • Gulf Shores, AL


205 E. 2nd Ave. Gulf Shores, AL

251- 948-6452

n No weapons of any kind n No unauthorized vendors or exhibitors n No unauthorized amplification or sound-producing devices n No unauthorized signs or written material n No pamphleteering n No animals allowed in the festival n No personal coolers or glass containers n Do not block or impede walkways, including usage of skateboards, roller-blades, bicycles or other devices.

October 2015 • Shrimp Festival 5

the annual T


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, Oct. 11 Thursday, Oct. 8 – Sunday Gulf Shores Public Beachy. 182 Where Hwy. 59 intersects Hw

he Annual National Shrimp Festival presented by Zatarain’s is held each year during the second full weekend in October on the beautiful beaches of Gulf Shores. The festival is one of the nation’s premier outdoor festivals attracting 250,000 people, featuring more than 300 vendors that offer fine art, arts and crafts, a retail marketplace, outdoor village, and of course, SHRIMP! Food is a highlight of the festival with 50 local and regional vendors lining the boardwalk at the public beach with mouthwatering delights. Due to the generous sponsors, Zatarain’s, Organized Seafood Association of Alabama, Alabama Seafood Marketing Commission and Wind Creek Casino, 200 pounds of shrimp per day will be prepared by some of the area’s best chefs of their award-winning recipes and given away for people to sample at different tasting times that will be posted on the outside of the sponsor tent. Two stages offer continuous musical entertainment while the little one’s attention is captured in the Children’s Activity Village where they create their own “art” and participate in other fun-filled activities. Other activities include Singing for Scholarships, the familyfriendly sand sculpture contest, and the Shrimp Fest run. There will be musical acts to please all palates, including Blues, Motown, Southern Rock, Jazz, Zydeco and Country. The music begins at 10 a.m. each day and runs through 10 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 5 p.m. on Sunday. Ed Rodriquez, president of the Alabama Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce noted a few changes at this year’s event. The fine arts section will be moving a short distance from it’s previous

6 Shrimp Festival • October 2015

location to create more room for the arts and crafts vendors and the Tip Tops, who traditionally perform on the West Stage on Thursday night of the event will move to the East Stage. “The reason we moved the concert to the East Stage is we think we outgrew the West Stage since it’s such a popular concert each year,” Rodriquez said. “Just for safety and enjoyment reasons.” Another change this year is the with the B.R.A.T.S. Park n Ride shuttle. “We have a great relationship with B.R.A.T.S.,” Rodriquez said. “It’s always been paid by the trip, but this year we’re making it where you can buy a day pass for $5 and ride. It gives

you more choices and let’s you move around faster, and the fact they’re not collecting money both ways will make everything run quicker.” The Shrimp Festival has made a huge economic impact in the Gulf Shores, Orange Beach and Foley communities. “We are growing the Festival a little bit each year,” Rodriquez said. “We did a study four years ago on the economic impact Shrimp Fest had on the community. With the impact on sales taxes, retail, lodging taxes, etc., the overall impact on the community was 33 million dollars.” For more information and merchandise, visit myshrimpfest. com.


October 2015 • Shrimp Festival 7

8 Shrimp Festival • October 2015


Thursday, Oct. 8 and Friday, Oct. 9 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Festival Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Children’s Activity Village Saturday, Oct. 10 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. 10k/5k Registration 10K Race 6:30-7:30 a.m. 5K 6:30-8 a.m. 8 a.m. 10K/5K Races begin 10K Race 8:00am • 5K Race 8:30 a.m.

10 a.m. - 10 p.m. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 10 a.m. - noon 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Festival Open Children’s Activity Village Singing for Scholarships Sand Sculpture Contest

Sunday, Oct. 11 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Festival Open Children’s Activity Village

October 2015 • Shrimp Festival 9


For a list of hotels, condos and other places to stay visit For information on local restaurants, food and beverages visit restaurants-food-beverages-22.htm. For shopping and specialty retail visit For sports and recreation visit


Visit or if you have an urgent question please call 251-968-6091.

10 Shrimp Festival • October 2015




10–11:15 a.m. - Holli Mosley 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. - Lisa Mills 2- 4 p.m.- Lee Yankie and the Hellz Yeah 4:30 – 6 p.m.- Sandra Kaye with Midnight Confessions 6:30-8 p.m. - Sugarcane Jane 8:30-10:00 p.m. - Dr. Zarr’s Amazing Funk Monster

Friday, October 9 EAST STAGE

10–11:15 a.m. - Brent Burns 11:30-1 p.m. - Patterson, Danley, & Reid 1:30-3 p.m. - Seth Walker 3:30-5:30 p.m. - Adam Holt 6-7:30 p.m.- Mr. X 8-10 p.m. - Dr. Zarr’s Amazing Funk Monster

Saturday, October 10 EAST STAGE

10-11:30 a.m. - The Perdido Brothers noon–1:30 p.m. - Betsy Badwater 2-4 p.m. - The Jason Abel Project 4:30-6 p.m. - Mother Mojo 6:30-8 p.m. - The Underhill Family Orchestra 8:30-10 p.m. - Willie Sugarcapps




10-noon - Singing for Scholarships 12:15-2 p.m. - Robert Lee 2:15-3:45 p.nm. - Ryan Balthrop 4-5:30 p.m. - Derek Norsworthy 6-7:30 p.m. - Jonesy’s Crowned Jewelz Band 8-10 p.m. - Molly Ringwalds

Sunday, October 11 10-11:15 a.m. - Lisa Dotolo 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Strickly Isbell 1:15-2:45 p.m. - The Tommy Morse Band 3:15-5 p.m. - Southern Drawl Band

10-11:30 a.m. - Lisa Christian 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. - Vic Saul 1:30-3:30 p.m. - Top Hat and Jackie 4:00-5:30 p.m. - David Jones 6:00-7:30 p.m. - The Sand Band 8:00-10 p.m. - The Tip Tops


10 a.m.-11 p.m. - Dale Drinkard Jr. noon-1:30 p.m. - Gregg Fells 2-3:30 p.m. - Les Hall 4-6 p.m. - Ty Bates 6:30–8 p.m. - Cary Laine 8:30–10 p.m. - The Velcro Pygmies




10-11:30 a.m. - Liberty Church Worship Service 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. - Eric Erdman 1:45-3 p.m. - Mainstream Band Ga. 3:30-5 p.m. - Rhythm Intervention


October 2015 • Shrimp Festival 11



his year’s winning poster was created and designed by Michael O’Connell of Clearwater, Fla. O’Connell, graphic design artist, has won several contest of this type including the Clearwater Centennial Logo and the Jacksonville Jazz Festival to name a few. The winning poster was voted on by the Shrimp Festival Committee, which is made up of over 100 volunteers who help coordinate and organize the festival. It’s important to select a winning poster in advance to help advertise, promote, and brand the upcoming festival. More than 50 different artists submitted entries. Posters came from Ohio, Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and of course Alabama.

“I had entered twice before but did not win. I had this crazy image of surfing shrimp and thought that might just be different enough. I wanted to keep it whimsical and fun and just loads of bright colors,” O’Connell said. We are so pleased with this year’s selection. With so many to choose from it can be difficult to pick one poster. The elements and colors displayed are bright and fun,” said Matt Mogan, chairman of the Annual National Shrimp Festival. “It matches the great times people have each year at the Shrimp Festival.” The winning poster is on sale online and at the Chamber’s offices in Gulf Shores. O’Connell will also be on hand during the festival to sign and number a limited supply of prints which will be available for purchase.



he Annual National Shrimp Festival was started in 1971. The event began as a way to keep the tourist at the beach after Labor Day, which was traditionally the end to the season and their departure time. The area businesses and local residents provided the money and th e volunteers to produce an event which actually turned out to be not much more than a shrimp boil on the beach, which lasted all of about 5 hours. There were 6 booths leased by local restaurants, a sand castle contest and a turkey shoot at the local American Legion Post. The big attraction was an exhibit set up by the Marine Resources Division which consisted of Gulf Sea Life swimming in a large aquarium. There was also the 1st Annual Seafood Cooking Contest which has evolved into

“Best of the FEST” Seafood Contest for the food vendors. The big publicity event was, one of the winning couples from “The Dating Game,” was celebrated as the “STARS” of the Festival. Their prize package was a weekend in Gulf Shores, which was pre-Fredrick and virtually an unknown and acknowledged as honored guests of the Tourists Association and Holiday Inn. The estimated crowd was 1500. Celebrating its 44th year, the Annual National Shrimp Festival, which draws over 250,000 people, is one of the Southeast Tourism Society’s top rated events contributing over $46 million total economic impact. There are over 300 exhibitors offering everything from fine art, arts & crafts and retail to the Children’s Activity Center where kids can let all their creative talents loose. We also can’t forget shrimp cooked every way possible and 4 days of continuous music featuring major national recording acts as well as all the local favorites. Other activities include our sand sculpture contest, the 10k run/walk, and our Singing for Scholarships event.

12 Shrimp Festival • October 2015

SHRIMP FEST PRESENTS: Singing for Scholarships


ith a successful 2nd annual singing competition event last year, Shrimp Festival can’t wait to see what the local students of Baldwin County have in store for this year. The Shrimp Festival Singing for Scholarships event is an “American Idol” style singing competition that is held during the National Shrimp Festival. The contestants represent 11 Baldwin County High Schools and are chosen by their administrators, teachers or by auditions. The students will compete for scholarships for themselves as well as matching funds for their schools. “The Annual National Shrimp Festival is a huge supporter for our schools,” said Allison Hendricks, chairman of Singing for Scholarships. “This event not only supports our schools with a matching prize, but encourages our community to support

our talented students at the festival. This event brings families of the contestants, therefore bringing more participation in the festival, as well as to bringing awareness to the young talented artists in our area.” Help us support our local students and schools! The competition highlights vocal talent from kids in high school from grades 9 through 12 in Baldwin County public and private schools as well as homeschool. Winning Scholarships 1st Place – $1,000 for student and represented school 2nd Place – $500 for student and represented school 3rd Place – $250 for student and represented school The scholarship money is provided by the proceeds from the annual national shrimp festival run that occurs Saturday morning October 10 before the competition.


October 2015 • Shrimp Festival 13

Festival Parking P

arking is first come, first serve basis at and around the festival site. The festival site is surrounded by privately owned businesses and residential houses/condos. These owners control the parking and parking fees on their property, not the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber, Annual National Shrimp Festival, or the City of Gulf Shores. We strongly recommend that festival attendees take advantage of the shuttle services.

BRATS PARK-N-RIDE THE WHARF The Wharf,Canal Road, Orange Beach NORTH SHUTTLE STOPS 1. Pelican Place; 3800 Gulf Shores Parkway, West lot near Bed, Bath & Beyond. 2. Erie Meyer Civic Center, North Lot, West 2nd St./ West 19th Ave.

COST: $5 per person for an All-day Pass SHUTTLE HOURS: Thursday – Sunday, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

WEST SHUTTLE STOPS 1. Sea Oats; 1872 West Beach Blvd. Hwy 182, Gulf Shores 2. Pier 33; Hwy 182, Gulf Shores (West Beach) 3. Waves Grocery and Package Store, W. Beach Blvd./ West 11th Street

EAST SHUTTLE STOPS 1. Gulf State Park Campground – 20115 State Hwy. 135 in Gulf Shores 2. Orange Beach Walmart Marketplace 3. Flora-Bama Lounge, Florida/Alabama State Line 4. Orange Beach Winn-Dixie

14 Shrimp Festival • October 2015

Festival Events SATURDAY, OCT. 10TH


10K Race 8:00 a.m. 5K Race 8:30 a.m.


Orange Beach Sportsplex; 4385 William Silvers Parkway , Orange Beach 10K/5K Run October 11, 2014 The history of the Annual National Shrimp Festival Run dates back to 1977. Having its start as a 5 mile race that started and ended at Bayou Village in Gulf Shores, AL. Over the years the race has made many transitions, even taking a temporary leave of absence in 2010. The race is an officially sanctioned event of the Annual National Shrimp Festival, produced by the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber. Working with a strong group of dedicated volunteers, the 2015 Annual National Shrimp Festival 10K Run is planning the best event to date! All net proceeds of the Run will be donated to Coastal Baldwin Education Enrichment Foundation, benefiting the local Gulf Shores & Orange Beach public schools.

REGISTER /2014ShrimpFestivalRun


Registration: 11 a.m. Contest Hours: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.


On the beach – west end of the beach at the public beach access. Stop at the information booth (main entrance) for location assistance Maximum 4 members per team All participants will receive a sand bucket and shovel


5-10 years • 11-15 years • 16 years & up – Adult Family (all ages)* *If you wish to help your child/children please enter the “Family” category.


$100 cash prize for both the Family and Adult categories. $50 cash prize for both the 5-10 yrs old and 11-15 yrs old categories. Prizes for each category Winner: Cash Prize, (1) Sand Sculpture Trophy per team, (1) ribbon and (1) poster per team member (limit 4) 2nd Place: (1) Ribbon & (1) poster per team member (limit 4) 3rd Place: (1) Ribbon & (1) poster per team member (limit 4) Honorable Mention: (1) Ribbon & (1) poster per team member (limit 4) Sponsored by Ike’s Beach Service

October 2015 • Shrimp Festival 15

EVENT DESCRIPTIONS CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY VILLAGE The Shrimp Festival is a family affair, and that means there’s plenty of excitement and entertainment for the little ones. Youngsters find all kinds of hands-on hoopla in this special area designed just for kids. Supervised activities include arts, crafts, games, entertainment, music and more. With all this frolicking fun, your little ones are sure to find something to keep them engaged. Of course, it’s just fine if you decide to join in, as well! FOOD BOARDWALK Shrimp is the star of this show, so it’s no surprise to find dozens of vendors serving our favorite crustacean in all kinds of yummy dishes. Sure, there are boiled and fried shrimp, but be sure to try some of the other inventive shrimp dishes for sale. Every year our chefs challenge each other to create the festival’s best dish, so be sure to try something new. Of course, there’s plenty of other seafood on the menu, from festival favorite crawfish pistols to crab claws and everything in between. Not a seafood fan? No problem, we’ve got you covered with tons of options. Just be sure to save room for dessert. LIVE MUSIC There will be live music offered on two different stages. Music will be from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday – Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. “We worked a lot on the entrainment line-up this year,” said Matt Mogan, chairman of the National Shrimp Festival. ”We have a few big country acts and up and coming artist.” Both local artists and star status acts will be performing at the festival.

10K/5K RUN Saturday, Oct. 10 Orange Beach Sportsplex The history of the Annual National Shrimp Festival Run dates back to 1977. Having its start as a 5 mile race that started and ended at Bayou Village in Gulf Shores. Over the years the race has made many transitions, even taking a temporary leave of absence in 2010. The race is an officially sanctioned event of the Annual National Shrimp Festival, produced by the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber. Working with a strong group of dedicated volunteers, the 2014 Annual National Shrimp Festival 10K Run is planning the best event to date! “All of the money from the run goes straight into Coastal Baldwin Education,” Mogan said. “Between the golf tournament and run last year, we raised right at $20,000.” SHRIMP FEST PRESENTS: SINGING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Saturday, Oct. 10; 10 a.m. - noon West Stage With a successful inaugural event last year, it was a no brainer to bring back Singing for Scholarships. The Shrimp Fest Singing for Scholarships is an “American Idol” style singing competition that is held on the Saturday, October 10th, during the National Shrimp Festival. The contestants, representing each of our Baldwin County High Schools will compete for scholarships for themselves as well as matching funds for their schools. SAND SCULPTURE CONTEST Saturday, Oct. 10; 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. West End at public beach access

Be sure to stop at the information booth (main entrance) for location assistance. For more information or help finding the location be sure and visit the Information Booth at the festival main entrance. Maximum 4 members per team. All participants will receive a sand bucket and a plastic shovel to complete their sand sculptures. OUTDOOR VILLAGE Street on the east side of festival By popular demand the Outdoor Village vendor area is back again for 2015. ARTS AND CRAFTS Artists and craftsman travel from all over the country to participate in the National Shrimp Festival. That means lots of choices for your viewing – and shopping – pleasure. From whimsical to wonderful and functional just plain fun, you’ll find a wide variety of crafts to catch your eye. Conveniently laid out for your strolling pleasure, the Arts and Crafts booth provide the perfect place for you to mingle and marvel while you shop. FINE ARTS The National Shrimp festival attracts high-quality fine artists from throughout the country. You’ll feel like you’re strolling through a fancy museum – just steps from the beach. Whether you’re looking to add to your collection or just browsing the booths, you’ll find artists working in a wide variety of mediums, from painting to sculpture. The intimate setting allows visitors to meet many of the artists whose work is on display and chat with them about their inspirations. Who knows, you might find just the piece you’ve been looking for.

413 E. Laurel Ave., Foley, AL 36535

700 Whispering Pines Road Daphne, AL 36526

Outage Reporting System 251-943-4999

Outage Reporting System 251-625-4999



Welcome to the

44th National Shrimp Festival, October 8th-11th

Serving South Baldwin County Since 1916

16 Shrimp Festival • October 2015

Casual Beach Dining Never Tasted So Fine. Enjoy fresh wild caught Gulf seafood while basking in unobstructed views of the white sands beach of Gulf Shores and the sparkling waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Where your food comes from matters. Locally owned Bill’s By The Beach uses only fresh wild caught seafood, including Wild American Shrimp, to ensure premium quality and nutritional value for our guests. Locals and visitors welcome - come experience the best tasting casual dining Gulf Shores has to offer! Hours 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday - Sunday

Chef Curtis Stone & Chef Jon Gibson

Bacon Crab Cheesecake

Shrimp and Grits

New Orleans Style Seafood

As Featured on Food Network

Shrimp Festival Specials 300 West Beach Blvd., Gulf Shores, AL 36542 From Hwy 59, 2 Blocks Right on Hwy 182

For more information about consuming shrimp and fish visit

251-948-5227 | | |

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