gulf coast Your 14-day guide to fun, food and entertainment
Giddy Up 17th Annual Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation Professional Rodeo Follow the Oyster Trail Restaurant Review: Teak House
AUG. 1-14 In-depth Baldwin County calendar and live music listings in every issue! AUG. 1 – 14, 2014 Gulf Coast Newspapers
Vol. 1 Issue 8
2 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Helping others is the focus of Alan’s life. We helped him get back to it. Pastor Alan McBride suffered a major arm injury as he was unhitching a trailer from his car. “I heard a sound as loud as a rifle shot,” he said, “and felt paralyzing pain.” Nothing helped until he went to see an orthopedic surgeon. “My doctor explained that my bicep tendon was almost completely torn from the bone,” said Alan. “He made things happen fast and performed surgery the very next day at South Baldwin. I received wonderful care and can use my arm with no limitations. I visit South Baldwin two or three times a week as a pastor and have been there several times as a patient. Everything I’ve experienced is A+. It’s a blessing in this community.” To learn more about surgical services at South Baldwin Regional Medical Center, visit
Alan McBride, D.D. Senior Pastor Orange Beach United Methodist Church
75997_SBRM_McBride_7_3x9_8c.indd 1
4/11/14 9:22 AM
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 3
4 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014 gulf coast
Letter from the editor
Your 14-day guide to fun, food and entertainment
Giddy Up 17th Annual Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation Professional Rodeo Follow the Oyster Trail Restaurant Review: Teak House
A professional rodeo, a frog gigging contest and a festival centered around the elderberry — the next two weeks are rich with fun, unusual and educational events. The fall 5k season is just around the corner, but Bay Minette can satisfy your running craving early with a cool evening 5k and a pool party afterward. And for oyster lovers, check out the Oyster Trail, a new project helping raise money and awareness for local oyster gardening. Artists and wine lovers will want to book their calendars for Vino and Van Gogh in Foley, and my fellow foodies should check out this week’s Chew on This to find out about my favorite place to get Thai food in Baldwin County. There are also a couple of recipes for figs, since Baldwin County is brimming with the delicious fruit right now. Ever heard of green wine? Me neither, but our expert wine columnist explains its virtues in this issue’s wine column. And those interested in craft beer shouldn’t miss the second installment of “Serving beers the right way,” which focuses on glassware. For families, check out Eric’s column about taking his kids to a cooking class, which includes a couple of the recipes they learned. The next two weeks are full of possibilities in the community and at home. We’ve done all the research, so just get out your calendar and open your mind to new ideas — let us help you make life more interesting!
AUG. 1-14 In-depth Baldwin County calendar and live music listings in every issue! AUG. 1 – 14, 2014 Gulf Coast Newspapers
Vol. 1 Issue 8
Photo by Capt. Mark Robinson
ABOUT THE COVER The Jennifer Claire Moore Professional Rodeo promises fun for the whole family. Don’t miss this exciting event, which starts Aug. 5 with barrel racing and ends Aug. 9. Find out more on page 6.
Lifestyles editor
Look for us submissions I In all five Gulf Coast Newspapers: The Baldwin Times, The Independent, The Foley Onlooker, The Islander and The Courier
I Comments and concerns
I In racks, boxes and locations throughout Baldwin County
I Live local music listings
I On
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Social Media I On Facebook: Gulf Coast Newspapers On Twitter: @gcntoday
Jill Clair Gentry:
I Events calendar
Allison Woodham: Destiny Brown:
I Advertising
Eastern Shore and North Baldwin Central Baldwin and South Baldwin
Your guide to fun, food and entertainment on the Gulf Coast. Publishes the first and third Friday of each month.
Look for our next issue Friday, August 15.
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 5
COVER STORY Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation Professional Rodeo Family fun and exciting action in Foley. 6
LIFESTYLES Editor Jill Clair Gentry
The Elderberry Festival Fairhope event celebrates the elderberry. 12
Gulf Coast Oyster Trail Follow the trail and support local oyster gardens. 20
Scott Gentry Caroline Harris Kristin H. Roberson Capt. Mark Robinson Jon Robitaille
A&E Culturally Speaking Vino and Van Gogh. 19
Cooking with the kids Ideas and events to get the little ones in the kitchen. 14
Destiny Brown Cathy Higgins Eric Mann Cliff McCollum John Mullen John Underwood Allison Woodham
Lily Pad Invitational Second annual frog gigging contest offers prizes, feeds the hungry. 31
Contributing Editors
Dash & Splash 5K and pool party in Bay Minette. 25
Local Live Music Baldwin County music listings. 26
Your guide to fun, food and entertainment on the Gulf Coast.
Publisher Sudie Gambrell
The Buzz on the Coast 14 Days, our comprehensive calendar. 15
gulf coast
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
ALL ABOUT FOOD Chew On This Teak House Thai cuisine review. 8 What’s in season? Figs. 22 Tastings Going green this summer. 29 Serving beers the right way: glassware. 29
OUTDOORS Watershed Watch Volunteer at Wolf Bay. 10
Jeniece Bouzan Rebecca Brookins Brad Day Pat Johnson Frank Kustura
Aiming and angling Pier fishing 101. 11
books/games Between the pages Dawn French’s “Dear Fatty.” 24 Puzzles Test your brain. 30
Gulf Coast Newspapers 21764 Media Dr., Robertsdale, AL 36567 251-947-7712
6 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
Orange Beach
AUTO SALES 25015 Canal Rd. Orange Beach, AL 36561
Owner, Gary Owen
Isuzu AMIgO
Giddy Up
Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation Professional Rodeo promises family fun, exciting rodeo action
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014 By Cathy Higgins
he 17th annual Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation Professional Rodeo is set to gallop into the Forward City starting Aug. 5. According to Foundation spokesperson Allison Faircloth, the event will feature professional cowboys and cowgirls from throughout the nation showing off their skills, including bull riding, barrel racing, bareback riding, calf roping, team roping, steer wrestling and break-away roping. Tickets are sold in advance at Summerdale Western Store on Alabama Highway 59 in Summerdale and Frances Holk-Jones State Farm Insurance at 315 E. Laurel Ave. in Foley. Tickets are also available each night at the gate of the rodeo. Proceeds from the rodeo will benefit the Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation, a nonprofit that provides training, funding and support for peer-topeer programs in public and private schools throughout the county.
schedule of events Tuesday, Aug. 5, 8 p.m. Barrel racing Thursday, Aug. 7 Hometown Heroes Night: A tribute to military and emergency services personnel. Service members, veterans and emergency services personnel in attendance are encouraged to wear their uniforms and will be recognized in the stands during the pre-rodeo activities. These heroes will be admitted free with service ID or badge.
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 7
Welcome to
More Than Just A Christmas Store
Friday, Aug. 8 Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night: Rodeo contestants will wear pink in honor of breast cancer survivors and research. Audience members are also encouraged to wear pink. Saturday, Aug. 9 10 a.m.: barrel racing School Spirit Night: Support Baldwin County schools by wearing your team’s colors.
if you go WHAT: 17th Annual Jennifer Claire Moore Professional Rodeo WHEN: Aug. 5 – 10; Kids zone activities begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday WHERE: City of Foley Horse Arena, 113 E. Rosetta Ave., Foley COST: Adults $12, children 4 – 12 $6, children under 3 free FIND OUT MORE:
4213 HALLS MILLS RD. MOBILE, AL 36693 251-661-3608
Open Mon - Sat 10am-5pm
8 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
chew on this...
Pleasantly surprised
at Teak House By Jill Clair Gentry Lifestyles editor
OK — real talk. It took me over a year to give Teak House on Highway 98 in Daphne a try. I judged a book by its cover. The front of this Thai restaurant just doesn't draw you in; in fact, it gives off kind of a sketchy vibe. But one evening, my husband I were craving Thai food in a major way. We had recently visited Lek's Taste of Thailand in Montgomery, and the taste of that amazing pad thai was almost enough to make me want to pack up and move to the capital, just so I could have authentic Thai food whenever I wanted. Let's face it — Baldwin County is not a hot spot for international food. But alas, I don't really want to live in Montgomery, so we started searching for local Thai food, which brought us to Teak House. I've now been three times and got the same thing every time — the big bowl citrus herb noodle soup, or Guay Tiew Thom Yum — and I'm not usually the person who finds something they like and orders it every time. There is just something about that tangy, flavorful broth that draws me in, and I can't get over it. After I've finished all of my rice noodles and vegetables, I drink the broth until there isn't a drop left in the bowl. It's that good.
photos by jill clair gentry / staff
Don’t let Teak House’s exterior keep you from going inside. The food is delicious, and the inside of the restaurant is nicely decorated, clean and has a calm atmosphere.
Scott has branched out a little, and I've tried his pad thai (pretty good) and glass noodle stir-fry (excellent). I have not tried a curry yet — mostly because I am gener-
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Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 9
ally not the biggest fan of Thai curries — but I have heard good things about them. A few things to keep in mind when dining at Teak House: 1. The food definitely outshines the service. 2. Don't be afraid of the hotter spice levels if you like spicy food — even the Thai hot is palatable. 3. Get ready for a meal full of fresh ingredients for a low cost. Most entrees are in the $9 to $15 range.
restaurant profile NAME: Teak House Thai Cuisine LOCATION: 1703 U.S. Highway 98, Daphne CONTACT: 251-625-8680 WEBSITE:
One day, I’ll get around to ordering something other than this big bowl citrus herb noodle soup. The dish features rice noodles with mushrooms, onion, tomatoes, green onion, cilantro and your choice of meat (I chose tofu) in a tangy citrus broth. I’ve never loved a soup so much.
ABOVE: For diners who aren’t sure about Thai food, there are items on the menu like the grilled steak salad — grilled steak sliced and tossed with tomatoes, cilantro, onions, chilies and lime juice, served on a bed of crisp lettuce — that are completely approachable. RIGHT: The glass noodle stir fry, or Pad Woo Sen, is a tasty stir fry with glass noodles, eggs and green onions. Get it Thai hot if you like some zing.
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Wolf Bay Watershed Watch W
Harris line ro
By Caroline Harris Director, Wind and Water Learning Center in Orange Beach
e are lucky to have nonprofit organizations like the Wolf Bay Watershed Watch looking out for our natural resources. For those interested in getting involved in water monitoring and learning about our local watershed, this is a great volunteer opportunity. The Wolf Bay Watershed Watch is dedicated to protecting and preserving the natural resources of the Wolf Bay Watershed located in Baldwin County between Mobile Bay and Perdido Bay. The EPA defines a watershed as an area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place. The Wolf Bay Watershed encompasses a variety of habitats that are home to several unique species, such as Florida manatees, American alligators, sea turtles, bald eagles and more. Volunteers monitor chemistry and bacteria measurements of the water at 44 different sites around the watershed several times each month. The measurements allow us to interpret the water’s condition and recognize
if it is healthy. You must attend one or more Alabama Water Watch workshops to become certified to participate in the organization’s water monitoring. Visit to learn more about becoming a member or volunteering.
Did you know? Wolf Bay Watershed Watch has been at the forefront of bacteriological monitoring in the country. Volunteers also take part in chemical monitoring which measures the levels of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, alkalinity, turbidity, salinity, and water temperature. You can see the data results by visiting or
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 11 photo by billy pope
Pier Fishing 101 By Kristin H. Roberson
oberson nR sti
arm breezes blowing in the summer months mean great weather for pier fishing by day or night! Nothing can be much more relaxing than dropping a line in the water while enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Not to mention, pier fishing provides a great opportunity to catch a wide variety of fish, making this pastime even more exciting. Along Alabama’s coastal waters, pier fishermen can try their luck catching Redfish, Speckled Trout, Saltwater Catfish, Jack Cravalle and more from a pier. With our
great year round weather, pier fishing can be enjoyed just about any time! Anglers can select from many bait options. Live bait options, such as shrimp or minnows, offer a tempting treat for many fish species. The trick is to keep oxygen and water temperatures consistent to maintain the activity levels needed for the live bait. Cut bait options include frozen shrimp or squid, providing anglers with easy, portable options. Artificial bait is also great alternative, because it requires constant movement when reeling to recreate the lifelike appearance of live bait. Local bait shops can provide great advice on the best bait to optimize your pier fishing experience.
Need pier access? Check out the Gulf State Park Pier in Gulf Shores. Open 24 hours a day, this public pier offers more than 2,448 feet of fishing space. The pier conveniently offers bait, tackle and a concession stand. For a nominal fishing permit fee, you and the entire family can enjoy a fun filled day on the water in search of the next great catch.
The Hunter’s Headquarters Great selection of
GUNS & CAMO CLOTHING And Don’t Forget To Check Out Our Scopes, Ammo, Bows and Arrows, Knives And Much More Dealer For
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12 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
INGERSOLL’S Air Conditioning & Heating
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Don’t wait for costly repairs. Start Preventive Maintenance
928-9392 762 Nichols Ave Fairhope
in the spotlight
verything you ever wanted to know about elderberries will be on display at the sixth annual Elderberry Festival in Fairhope on Aug. 9. The Elderberry Festival, hosted at the Fairhope Museum of History, will include family friendly events like elderberry cooking demonstrations,
an elderberry pie eating contest, live music performed by the Kracker Dan Minstrels, as well as the crowning of the festival's queen, Elderberry Queen Ellie. The Kracker Dan Minstrels is an authentic period band that plays songs from the French and Indian Wars through the Great Depression. The
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 13
Come Experience
4 Miles From The Beach On Highway 59
Target Bed Bath & Beyond Books A Million Accessories Galore/Bag Lady CrossFit 1834 Curves Dollar Tree GNC Hibbett Sports Innerlight Surf & Skate Shop Jubilee Apparel and Gifts Life Bytes Apple Specialists Little Monkey Toes Lovely Nails Mission 25 Hair Studio Sun Rays Sunglass Center The Beach House Boutique Too Hot Mamas
Dining & Entertainment
if you go WHAT: Sixth annual Elderberry Festival WHEN: Saturday, Aug. 9 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. WHERE: Fairhope Museum of History, 24 N. Section Street in downtown Fairhope WHY: Celebrating the history of the elderberry FIND OUT MORE: Call the Fairhope Museum of History at 251-929-1471
band specializes in playing minstrel music from the mid 1800s. The Elderberry Festival will present a wealth of information about the berry, a lowland weed prevalent in Baldwin County, that has been used for generations to create folk remedies, jams, jellies, baked goods and more.
Cactus Flower Cobb Theater Cohiba Dunes Cigar Bar Dairy Queen Kitty’s Kafe Liquid Freeze Ice Cream Longhorn Steakhouse Mikato Japanese Steak House Papa’s Pizza Rafters Restaurant & Sports Bar Subway
Visit us online at 3800 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL 36542
14 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Get in the kitchen with your kids By Eric Mann nn c Ma Eri
ne of my greatest joys in life is watching my wife give our daughter hands-on experience making homemade biscuits, muffins and other treats in the kitchen. Food is a big deal in our family, and we try our best to make kid friendly meals and to get them involved in the kitchen. Recently we went to the Family Fun Cooking Class at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear, taught by executive chef Mike Wallace. Here are our favorite dishes from the class.
1. Green Eggs and Ham
My son is usually the picky eater in our family, so I was surprised and excited that he loved eating this dish. Just blend about a cup of chopped spinach with two or three eggs, then cook them in the skillet like scrambled eggs. Cook some sliced ham (or bacon!) on a griddle, then serve with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese on top. The spinach makes the eggs green, but is largely flavorless, so your kids won’t complain about having to eat a veggie.
2. Pancake Pizzas
Use your favorite pancake batter to make pancakes, then top with raspberry sauce, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and shaved white chocolate. This is a great way to get your kids to eat antioxidant rich berries and satisfy their sweet tooth at the same time. All the kids in the class (and most of the adults!) loved this dish.
The Grand Hotel Marriott hosts several cooking classes for adults as well as kids. The Culinary Academy’s wildly popular “How to Make A Gingerbread House” is Dec. 20. That may seem like it’s a long time from now, but executive chef Mike Wallace said the class will fill up fast. Wallace recommends reserving spot as soon as possible by calling 251-928-9201. WHAT: Grand Hotel Marriott Culinary Academy “How to Make a Gingerbread House” class WHEN: Dec. 20, 10 a.m. WHY: Have fun with your kids while learning to make a great gingerbread house the Grand Hotel way INFO: Call 251-928-9201 for information and to reserve your spot in the class.
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 15
the buzz on the coast
Tag your event photos with @GulfCoastBuzz on Facebook.
Compiled by Allison Woodham Email calendar items to
Your guide to fun, food and entertainment ONGOING Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermen’s Market I Fridays 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.; County Road 20, Foley I Free admission I; 251-943-1545 Art of Alabama Food Exhibit Celebrate the art of Alabama food with a gallery exhibit featuring 36 of the “100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama Before You Die.” Special events will include tastings, cooking demonstrations, book signings with some of Alabama’s bestknown chefs and more. Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Tourism, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Tourism, The Wharf and The Compleat Studio. I Wednesday – Saturday through Aug. 9; 4 – 10 p.m.; The Compleat Studio at The
The Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Mobile Bay and Siege will take place Aug. 1 –3 at Fort Morgan.
Wharf, Orange Beach I Annie “Annie” is the captivating musical show for all ages based on the famous comic strip “Little Orphan Annie.” Audiences will delight in
Safe Harbor Financial
the adventurous life of the spunky young orphan girl whose life goes from rags to riches with her dog Sandy and her wealthy benefactor Daddy Warbucks. Reservations recommended. I Through Aug. 17; Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.;
Sundays at 2:30 p.m.; Playhouse in the Park, Mobile I Adults, $15; Students and seniors, $12 I; 251-602-0630
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16 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
the buzz on the coast friday, Aug. 1 Rock N Bowl Lock In Benefitting the City of Bay Minette Relay for Life team. 14 team spaces, five-person teams. Rising 7 – 12 graders. I 7 – 11 p.m.; Strike City Lanes, Bay Minette I $5 I 251-580-1625 Phish I 7 p.m.; The Amphitheater at The Wharf, Orange Beach I Tickets start at $35 I 251-224-1020 Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Jr. This musical is the last of three Youth Artist Series (YAS) productions. This season’s fast-paced stage adaptation based on the 1951 Disney film “Alice in Wonderland” and the novels “The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland,” and “Through the Looking Glass,” by Lewis Carroll. I Aug. 1, 2, 8, 9 at 7:30 p.m.; Aug. 3, 10 at 2 p.m.; South Baldwin Community Theatre, Gulf Shores I Students, $5; Adults, $10 I; 251-968-6721 The Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Mobile Bay and Siege Enjoy commemorative ceremonies, confederate music, artillery firing, a surrender ceremony and more. No public parking on site, shuttle stops located at Pelican Place in Gulf Shores. No coolers, animals or alcohol. I August 1 – 3; Fort Morgan I Single day pass, $10; single three-day pass, $20; family of four one-day pass, $30; family of four three-day pass, $65. Children under 6, free. I
Flora-Bama 50th Anniversary Many of the original Flora-Bama players such as Jay Hawkins, Ken Lambert, Jimmy Louis, “Downtown” Larry Brown, Donna Slater, Cathy Pace and Lea Anne Creswell will play hits by the Beatles, Beach Boys, Supremes, Marty Robbins and Roy Orbison. A historical marker dedication will take place at 4 p.m., with local dignitaries, present day owners and the founding members. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres will follow. I Flora-Bama I Free admission I 251-980-5118;
Brian Harsany of Cosmos and Cobalt in Orange Beach is a supporter of the Mary’s Shelter Gulf Coast Golf Tournament. He has participated as a sponsor and golfer each year since the inaugural tournament.
saturday, Aug. 2 Second annual Lily Pad Invitational Frog Gigging Contest For details, see page 31 Banks Family Softball Tournament Proceeds from the fundraiser will be used to pay for traveling expenses to and from Louisiana for the Banks family, whose son was born with a cleft lip. There will also be a silent auction and bake sale, food and drinks will be sold and T-shirts will be available for purchase. I O.C. Waters Park, Bay Minette I Free admission I 251-802-9087 Portraits for BARC Hamp Johnston, a local photographer and owner of the Pet Portrait Network, can supply you with some magnificent photos of your animals with a 30-minute photo session and an 8-by-10 portrait. 100 percent of your donation goes to BARC. Additional portraits are also available at a reasonable cost. I Pet Supermarket, Daphne I $25 donation I 251-625-6411 to set up an
appointment; BaldwinHumane. org; 251-928-4585 for information Gulf Coast Arts Alliance/City of Gulf Shores Art Market Enjoy quality arts and crafts, live musical entertainment by Destiny Brown and delicious concessions. I 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Meyer Park, Gulf Shores I Free admission
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office Shining Star Youth Camp Established to promote positive interaction between the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office and children ages 8 to 13. Activities include drug awareness with K-9 demonstra-
tions, crime scene investigations, boater’s safety with simulators, fire safety, physical health information, a family fun day and other activities. Camp applications can be found at the BCSO and on the BCSO website. I August 6 – 9; Fairhope Intermediate School I $30, includes camp shirt and activities I 251-972-6890;
THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Fish Fry Each plate includes fried mullet, baked beans, potato salad, slaw, iced tea, and a delicious homemade dessert. Come relax and leave the
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
cooking and clean up to us. I 5 – 7 p.m.; St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Bon Secour I $10 donation is requested per plate I 251-949-6254 Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation 17th Annual Rodeo and Fundraiser For details, see page 6
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 17 It’s Personal. Attendance requires tickets. I 3 p.m.; First Baptist Church, Warrington, Fla. I Adults 18 and over, $10; children $5 I 850-554-4663;
The Art of Alabama Food exhibit will run through Aug. 9 at The Wharf.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 Down Dog for Dollars: Sunset Yoga to benefit The Haven Part of 2014 Sunset Yoga for Charity, Rebecca Washburn will be teaching a yoga class to benefit the adoption-guarantee shelter. Bring a mat and donation. Sunset Yoga classes are beginner friendly and donation based. I 6:30 p.m.; The Bluff above Fairhope Pier I Donation requested I; 251-929-3980; MGraham@
SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 Dash and Splash 5K For details, see page 25 Elderberry Festival For details, see page 12
Gospel Artist Joshua Rogers Gulf Coast Youth Extravaganza presents the first male winner of BET’s Sunday Best. This event will spotlight the graduates of the first Summer Youth Leadership Project hosted by A Will & Way, Inc. along with some local musical and dance performers and speakers. Tickets available at The Gathering and
2014-2015 SEASON
Pensacola Para Con A convention for fans of science fiction, fantasy, horror, costuming, comics, renaissance, gaming, anime, indie films, paranormal and more. Celebrity meet-and-greets, discussion panels, screenings, demonstrations, workshops and a competition. This year, the guest of honor is Lou Ferrigno of “The Incredible Hulk.” I Pensacola Fairgrounds Expo Hall I Adults, $10 and up; Children 12 and under, free. I; 850-941-4321;
Scott Speck, conductor
MSO POPS SERIES To download the 2014-2015 Season brochure, visit
II Follow the Mobile Symphony!
All concerts are held in the beautiful Saenger Theatre in downtown Mobile. For season tickets, call 251-432-2010
18 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
the buzz on the coast Boating Safety Course NASBLA approved course for boating safety offered by Perdido Bay Power Squardron. Meets Alabama and Florida boating license requirements. Student materials include student manual, graduation certificate and copies of federal and state rules. Classes limited to 20 students. Minimum age is 12; those under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Walk-ins welcome if space allows. Make checks payable to Power Squadron. I 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Coleman Factory Outlet, Foley I $50 for materials and lunch; register at Coleman Outlet or Blue Water Ships Store I 251-980-1536
SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 WSRE PBS KIDS Day at Blue Wahoos game An afternoon full of baseball, hands-on activities and dinosaur fun for kids of all ages, centered around the PBS show “Dinosaur Train.” Buddy himself, the show’s T-Rex star, will throw out the first pitch of the game. Kids are invited to come dressed as their favorite dinosaur for this special event. Buddy will take a stroll around
the stadium to meet his fans, pose for photos and share lots of hugs. Following the game, the Dinosaur Train “Classic in the Jurassic” special will premiere on the big screen in the Blue Wahoos Stadium. I 3 p.m.; Pensacola Bayfront Stadium I Free admission; however, Blue Wahoos game tickets are required to participate in activities inside the stadium before and during the game. I
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014 The play Annie will be performed through Aug. 17 at Playhouse in the Park in Mobile.
THURSday, Aug. 14 Vino and Van Gogh Paint Party For details, see page 19
FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 Thunder on the Greens Hosted by Mary’s Shelter Gulf Coast and sponsored by Wind Creek Casino and Hotel, the ninth annual charity golf tournament kicks off the week-long Flora-Bama Shootout. The golf event will include a four-person Scramble, continental breakfast and dinner with an Awards Reception immediately following golf. Lunch and beverages will be available from vendors throughout the day.
I Check-in, 9:15 a.m.; Shotgun, 10 a.m.; Craft Farms, Gulf Shores I $125 per person,
$500 for foursome I; 251-986-6351;
t S
e! m i It’s T ack o chool Watch Out For The Kids
City of Rdale BEARS The7.3 City ofx 3.2
Good Luck For A Winning Season!
Come Grow With Us!
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 19
culturally speaking
Grab a brush and a glass — it's time for a paint party
very month, the Foley Performing Arts Center hosts its popular Vino and Van Gogh Paint Party series, featuring wine, appetizers, painting and friends — does a night out get any better for creative people? The cost is $25, which covers everything needed for an evening of fun and painting. Hors d'oeuvres will be provided, and guests are encouraged to bring their own wine to enjoy while they paint. Everyone can attend from advanced painters to beginners. With help from expert instructors, everyone will take home a masterpiece. Groups are welcome, and private parties of 10 or more get a group discount. If you can’t make the Aug. 14 installment, mark your calendars for future events on Sept. 11, Oct. 16 and Nov. 13.
if you go WHAT: Vino and Van Gogh Paint Party WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 14; 6 –8 p.m. WHERE: 116 W. Laurel Ave., Foley COST: $25 per person; bring your own wine FIND OUT MORE: 251-943-4381;
At Vino and Van Gogh in Foley, participants can create their own work of art while enjoying appetizers, wine and good company.
No need to let your fitness routine suffer during your vacation… check out the
City of OBA Parks & Rec 7.3 x 3.2
ORANGE BEACH RECREATION CENTER 4849 Wilson Blvd. (Just off Canal Road) 251-981-6028 Mon - Fri, 7 am - 6 pm; Sat, 8 am - Noon
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4851 Wilson Blvd. (Just off Canal Road) 251-974-6387 (NETS) Pro Shop Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm; Sat, 9 am - 12 noon; Courts Open: 6 am - 10 pm
photos by john mullen / staff
Artist Ameri’ca Jones with her oyster on display at the Original Oyster House in Gulf Shores.
The side of the oyster depicting Honor Flight.
if you go WHAT: Gulf Coast Oyster Trail WHEN: Anytime WHERE: Various locations in Baldwin and Mobile counties COST: Free FIND OUT MORE: or search for The Oyster Trail on Facebook
Before the unveiling, from left, are John New, Patrick Downing, Barry Booth, Margaret Coley, Joseph Roszkowski and P.J. Waters.
Gulf Coast Oyster Trail aids oyster restoration efforts By John Mullen
ere’s a great way to be entertained, learn something and contribute to help a local tradition to thrive. The Gulf Coast Oyster Trail, with Baldwin County stops in Spanish Fort, two in Gulf Shores and another planned for Acme Oyster House in Gulf Shores, offers visitors a scavenger hunt. There are a total of 18 stops, most in Mobile, with three others, including Acme’s, in the works. The newest addition, which honors American military veterans, specifically WWII vets and Honor Flight, is at the Original Oyster House at the Boardwalk shopping center in Gulf Shores. Extension Specialist P.J. Waters with the Alabama Extension Service said the trail’s purpose is to provide volunteers and funds to continue the restoration of Mobile Bay Oyster beds.
“It’s our mission is to educate, to entertain and to inform on all subjects oyster,” Waters said. “Oysters play a tremendous role in our lives whether we know it or not. We focus a lot on the economic and environmental aspects of oysters.” The trail helps by offering visitors a scavenger hunt, Waters said. “Trail maps lead visitors around the trail along different sites,” he said. “Each map has on it the scavenger hunt forms. Visitors can fill these forms out, send them into us and win prizes.” Visitors are also asked to adopt oyster gardens and donate to the cause. “Donations go to support restoration efforts of the Mobile Bay Oyster Gardening Program,” he said. “Volunteer gardeners and adopters can raise enough oysters to restore about 30 acres of reef. Everything that we do here goes back into the ecosystem to help after storm degradation.”
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 21
all about figs • • • •
Native to the Middle East and western Asia Can be eaten fresh or dried Commonly made into jam Ripe figs do not transport well, so most commercial production is in dried or processed forms • Rich in calcium, fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin K
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 23
It's fig season! Fresh Baldwin County figs are available at farmers markets and from neighbors, so don't miss out. Get some figs and try these delicious recipes.
Butternut squash and fig salad
To assemble, layer salad greens in a bowl, topped with roasted butternut squash, quartered figs, walnuts and drizzle on some dressing.
Ingredients • 1 small butternut squash, peeled, cored and sliced • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika • 2 small pinches of salt • 3 handfuls of salad greens • 1/4 cup toasted raw walnuts, chopped • 5 fresh figs, quartered
Roast chicken and figs
Start to finish: 30 minutes Serves 4
Dressing: • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar • 1/8 cup olive oil Preparation Preheat oven to 400 F. On a baking sheet, toss sliced butternut squash, oil, smoked paprika and salt until thoroughly coated. Roast in the oven for 15 minutes. To make dressing, combine all the ingredients in a small bowl.
Ca We te r!
Start to finish: 1 hour (10 minutes active) Serves 4 Ingredients • 1 large yellow onion, peeled and trimmed • 1 large roasting chicken • 8 to 10 large figs • Olive oil • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Preparation Preheat the oven to 450 F. Slice a large yellow onion into thick rings and place them on a baking sheet. Place the chicken on top of the onion rings. Drizzle the bird with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Arrange the figs, whole or sliced, around the chicken and stuffed in the cavity of the chicken. Place the pan in the oven and reduce the heat to 400 F. Roast the chicken for 50 minutes until the skin is crispy and the juices run clear. Remove the chicken and let it rest for a few minutes before carving and serving with the roasted figs and onion rounds.
Magnolia Blossom Café
22667 Hwy 59 So., Robertsdale, AL 36567 Phone/Fax
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10 oz. Eye of Sirloin
2 Sides
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Don’t forget our
Friday Night Seafood Buffet
between the pages
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014 Tell Cliff what you are reading at
m lu
Cliff McC ol
24 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
“Dear Fatty” by Dawn French
elebrity memoirs are often self-serving and lack real substance, as the author (or their ghost writer) tends to display only the choice parts that they want the public to consume. In the case of “Dear Fatty,” written by British comedienne Dawn French (of “The Vicar of Dibley” fame), what we get is a remarkably truthful piece, as French gives the audience snippets of her life — written in the form of letters to the people who were there living it with her. As a plus-sized actor, French has long struggled with her weight and the unique problems that accompany her size, but she managed to plod through with steadfast optimism and a sense of self-pride.
She offers wisdom to herself, and through those gems, she offers hope to others of us who also struggle with weight and body image issues. While humor and aside jokes abound throughout the memoir, “Dear Fatty” is at its best when French is simply playing the ball as it lies, telling of her life in unadorned tones. For anyone who has ever had a body image issue or wanted to see that celebrities have struggles just like every other normal person, snag up a copy of “Dear Fatty” and enjoy yourself. It’s a book for all of us fat people, and maybe even those who are just “fat in their hearts.” (And perhaps watch a few episodes of “The Vicar of Dibley” on Netflix, too ... it’s jolly good fun.)
Visit Our New Store
Heritage Antique Mall 7.3 x 3.2 “Five Star Liquidation” 413 SO. MCKENZIE ST., FOLEY
(Across from Regions Bank)
Firefighter Pate Cardwell, Lt. Chris Phillippi and Firefighter Nate Perkins start their morning with a run. The three are gearing up for the Dash & Splash 5K and Fun Run set for Aug. 9. The run is sponsored by the Bay Minette Fire Department.
he Bay Minette Fire Department is sponsoring an evening run to benefit its fire prevention program. The inaugural Dash & Splash will feature a 5K race and 1-Mile Fun Run. The event will also include a party at the Bay Minette Municipal Pool. Firefighter Pate Cardwell came up with the idea for the evening run. “We have a good group of guys here who enjoy running,” Cardwell said, adding that the department often provides support and security for other runs in the community. “We want our chance to host one.” The fun event is sure to be a big draw, he said. “We hope this event will be different because it’s in the evening and there’s a pool party. Most runs are early in the morning,” he said. “Maybe we can reach some people who don’t want to get up early on their Saturday.” Cardwell said the pool will remain open until 10 p.m. and there will be a “good family atmosphere” for all participants. Event shirts will also be available on race day while supplies last. Prizes will be awarded to the overall top three male and female finishers in the 5K and Fun Run. The 5K top three male and female runners in each age category will also be recognized. Age brackets include: 9-under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 50-69, 70 and older. All fun run participants will receive ribbons.
if you go WHAT: Dash & Splash 5K, Fun Run & Pool Party WHEN: Aug. 9; 5K begins at 6 p.m, 1-Mile Fun Run begins at 7 p.m. Where: Bay Minette Pool Complex (Corner of 12th Street and Bradley Avenue). COST: Entry fee is $20 REGISTRATION:; forms are available at the Bay Minette Fire Department, North Baldwin Chamber of Commerce and Bay Minette City Hall. Registration packets will be available for pick-up race day from 4:30 – 6 p.m.
26 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
live local music Karaoke
Daphne Top of the Bay Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 9 p.m. Foley Good Time Charlies every Tuesday at 10 p.m. The Office Lounge every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Ft. Morgan Behind the Pines Bar & Grill every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Gulf Shores
Tacky Jacks every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Mudbugs Thursday – Saturday at 8 p.m. Pink Pony Pub every night at 9 p.m. Orange Beach Island Times Daiquiri Bar every Thursday at 8 p.m. Live Bait every night at 8 p.m. The Undertow Wednesday – Friday at 9:30 p.m. Perdido Key
Don’t miss Fly By Radio at the Bluegill Aug. 2.
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Compiled by Destiny Brown Email to update or add listings.
Happy Harbor on the Line every Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Open Mic
Fairhope American Legion 199 open guitar jams every Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Courtyard 311 every Tuesday at 7 p.m. The Gumbo Shack every Thursday at 6 p.m. Plow every other Tuesday Foley The Office Lounge every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Gulf Shores Tacky Jacks every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Orange Beach Happy Harbor the Mothership every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Live Bait every Sunday at 8 p.m. Perdido Key Flora-Bama every Monday at 6 p.m.
Daphne Moe’s Bar B Que every Wednesday at 10 p.m. Fairhope Fairhope Brewing Company
every Thursday Ravenite Pizzeria Live Trivia every Tuesday, Live Sports Trivia every Wednesday Foley Good Time Charlies 10 p.m.
FRIday, Aug. 1
Fairhope Windmill Market Eric Jones Duo Gulf Shores The Hangout Oak and Ash / Foxy Iguanas LuLu’s Alvarado Road Show Tacky Jacks Jimmy Lee Hannaford / Three Bean Soup Orange Beach Amphitheater at The Wharf Phish Baumhower’s Double D Bimini Bob’s Greg Brown Compleat Angler Tyler Champion Island Times Daiquiri Bar Sam Glass Band Live Bait Arizona Tacky Jacks Lee Yankie
SATurday, aug. 2
Fairhope Old 27 Grill Sugarcane Jane Windmill Market E2 Gulf Shores The Hangout Adam Holt Band
WHEN STORMS THREATEN TO HEAD OUR WAY If hurricanes, storms, tornadoes or heavy rains threaten to head towards Baldwin County, stay informed. FOR CONSTANT UPDATES. Facebook: Gulf Coast Newspapers Twitter: @gcntoday
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
live local music / DJ Sremba LuLu’s Alvarado Road Show Tacky Jacks Them Again Orange Beach Baumhower’s Tyler Champion Bimini Bobs Jerry Powell Compleat Angler Danny Spiro Live Bait Arizona Tacky Jacks Lee Yankie Duo and Soulfood Junkies Spanish Fort Bluegill Fat Lincoln
SUNday, aug. 3
Fairhope Old 27 Grill Melissa Joiner Windmill Market Mechelle Wainwright Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Ray “Big Dog” Coley The Hangout Jay Williams Band / The Perry Wall LuLu’s Greg Brown / Sugarcane Jane Orange Beach Baumhower’s Justin Forbes Bimini Bobs Tony Bowers Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Cosmo’s Brittany Bell Happy Harbor Rez and Jon Cook Island Times Daiquiri Bar Logan Spicer Tacky Jacks Jonesy Gambino Spanish Fort Bluegill Fly By Radio
Puzzles on page 30
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 27 Catch Brittany Bell every Sunday at Cosmo’s in Orange Beach.
Monday, Aug. 4
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Benjamin Tuberville Big O’s Chase Brown The Hangout The Investment / Ellux Furor LuLu’s Brent Burns Orange Beach Tacky Jacks Mel Knapp
Tuesday, Aug. 5
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Destiny Brown The Hangout Category 4 / DJ Sremba LuLu’s Grits N Pieces Orange Beach Bimini Bobs Jerry Powell
Wednesday, Aug. 6
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Ray “Big Dog” Coley The Hangout Peek / Ellux Furor LuLu’s Cool Reyz Orange Beach Baumhower’s Mike Eagen Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Jay Williams Happy Harbor Chris Bryant Spanish Fort Bluegill Ross +1
Thursday, Aug. 7
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Ray “Big Dog” Coley The Hangout Cornbred /
Adam Holt Band LuLu’s Kyle and Karl Orange Beach Baumhower’s Jerry Powell Bimini Bobs Ric McArthur Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Happy Harbor Corey Rezner Live Bait Gypsy Riot
Friday, Aug. 8
Daphne Moe’s Original Bar B Que Unseen Evidence Fairhope Old 27 Grill Sarah Percy Windmill Market Sugarcane Jane Gulf Shores
Bill’s By the Beach Liza Zanghi The Hangout Mojiles / Foxy Iguanas LuLu’s The Nashville Gang Orange Beach Baumhower’s Double D Bimini Bobs Ric McArthur Compleat Angler Tyler Champion Happy Harbor True Blue Island Times Daiquiri Bar Knee Deep Band Live Bait Gypsy Riot Tacky Jacks Kyle and Karl
Saturday, Aug. 9
Daphne Moe’s Original Bar B Que
28 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
live local music Denver Hawsey Top of the Bay Whyte Caps Fairhope Old 27 Grill Them Again Windmill Market Jim St. James Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Liza Zanghi The Hangout Mojiles / Oak and Ash LuLu’s Sarah Percy / The Nashville Gang Tacky Jacks Pale Moon Rising Orange Beach Baumhower’s Tyler Champion Bimini Bobs Jerry Powell Compleat Angler Danny Spiro Happy Harbor Jagi Island Times Daiquiri Bar Shawna P. Live Bait Gypsy Riot Tacky Jacks John and Melissa / Mickey Springston
Sunday, Aug. 10
Fairhope Windmill Market Mitch Johnston Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Mel of Foxy Iguanas The Hangout Kyle and Karl / The Perry Wall LuLu’s Greg Brown / Delta Reign Orange Beach Baumhower’s Justin Forbes Bimini Bobs Tony Bowers Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Cosmo’s Brittany Bell Happy Harbor Cowboy Johnson Tacky Jacks Bud Smith Spanish Fort Bluegill Gypsy Riot
Monday, Aug. 11
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Brett LaGrave Big O’s Chase Brown The Hangout The Investment / Ellux Furor LuLu’s Brent Burns
Tuesday, Aug. 12
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Brett LaGrave The Hangout Banditos / DJ Sremba LuLu’s Lee Yankee and the Hellz Yeah
Wednesday, Aug. 13
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Ray “Big Dog” Coley The Hangout Banditos / Ellux Furor LuLu’s The Deluxe Trio Orange Beach Baumhower’s Mike Eagen Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Jay Williams Happy Harbor Destiny Brown Spanish Fort Bluegill Ross +1
Thursday, Aug. 14
Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Ray “Big Dog” Coley The Hangout Cornbred / Adam Holt Band LuLu’s CoConut Radio Orange Beach Baumhower’s Jerry Powell Bimini Bobs Ric McArthur Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Happy Harbor Charlie Wilson Duo Live Bait Tragikly White
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014 Superfunk Fantasy will be at the Bluegill Aug. 17.
Friday, Aug. 15
Daphne Moe’s Original Bar B Que The Crowned Jewelz Fairhope Windmill Market Almost Elton Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Destiny Brown The Hangout The Investment / Foxy Iguanas LuLu’s Meachum Motor Company ft. Rebecca Barry Tacky Jacks Top Hat and Jackie Orange Beach Baumhower’s Double D Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Tyler Champion Happy Harbor Rez and the Solutions Island Times Daiquiri Bar Strictly Isbell Tacky Jacks Charlie Wilson Duo
Saturday, Aug. 16
Daphne Top of the Bay The Viridian Sons Moe’s Original Bar B Que Glass Joe Duo Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Barstool Surfers The Hangout VooDoo Gumbo LuLu’s Crowned Jewelz Orange Beach Baumhower’s Tyler Champion Bimini Bobs Jerry Powell
Compleat Angler Danny Spiro Happy Harbor Lee Yankie Island Times Daiquiri Bar Logan Spicer Band Live Bait Tragikly White Tacky Jacks John and Melissa / Kyle and Karl
Sunday, Aug. 17
Fairhope Old 27 Grill Melissa Joiner Gulf Shores Bill’s By the Beach Mel of Foxy Iguanas The Hangout Jay Williams Band / The Perry Wall LuLu’s Greg Brown / Blind Dog Mike and the Howlers Orange Beach Baumhower’s Justin Forbes Bimini Bobs Tony Bowers Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Cosmo’s Brittany Bell Happy Harbor Cowboy Johnson Tacky Jacks Jonesy Gambino Spanish Fort Bluegill Superfunk Fantasy
Robertsdale Magnolia Blossom Cafe live music every Friday night Silverhill The Porch live music every Saturday from 8 p.m.-midnight and Sunday from 4-7 p.m.
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 29
Going GREEN this summer Jo
bitaille Ro
Jon Robitaille
Beer/Wine Specialist at Cain’s Piggly Wiggly
inho Verde is a perfect summer wine — crisp and light, tart and a little fizzy. And, all this from a green wine! Actually, the wine is not green; the name Vinho Verde means green wine or young wine and can be a white, red or rosé. Anything labeled Vinho Verde is meant to be consumed within a year of bottling. Originating in the Minho province of Portugal, Vinho Verde is second to Port as the best known wine exported out of that country. The region stretches from the Spanish border to south of Oporto. The soils are acid-rich and granite based, giving a slight minerality to the wine. The region is also characterized by its many small growers who train their crop to grow high off the ground, up fences, telephone poles and trees so they can cultivate vegetable crops below. This practice adds an herbal element to the flavor profile. Because Vinho Verde is not a grape varietal and a large
variety of grapes are allowed in making this wine, you should expect to experience a full range of flavors when going from wine to wine. The two most successful white grapes used in making Vinho Verde are Alvarinho and Loureiro. Typically, the grapes used do not reach great doses of sugar; therefore, Vinho Verde does not require an aging process. The slight fizz you experience with this wine dates back to the early years of production, in which malolactic fermentation gave it a slight effervesce. Today, the characteristic spritz is added through carbon dioxide injections. One to try: Broadbent Vinho Verde NV ($15 or less) The blend of grapes is 50 percent Loureiro, 40 percent Trajadura and 10 percent Perderna. Expect a flavor profile that includes tart green apples, white peaches and melons with a crisp, clean finish.
Serving beers the right way, part 2 By Scott Gentry Scott Ge nt
ast week, we learned that not all beers are best served ice cold. Please keep in mind the importance of glassware, too.
Here’s another neat experiment. Find a few different types of glasses and a six pack of your choice. As you make your way through the beer, try pouring into different glasses (wine glass, pint glass, right out of the bottle, your old lady’s high heels, etc.) to see how much of a difference the glass makes. Again, there’s not necessarily a hard and fast rule here, but some concepts do apply. Lighter beers like to be served in tall, slender glasses, while bold, strong flavored beers prefer more globe shaped glasses. It is always best to pick a glass that accommodates the head of the beer and allows the head to stick around as you enjoy it. The head does more than look pretty; it keeps tasty volatile compounds in the beer longer so that you can enjoy more of them. Otherwise they have the tendency to evaporate out. Frosted glasses are generally no good. Even for American light lagers, they’re not preferred. It is also best practice to hand wash your glassware so as to avoid leaving any rinse aid residue, which destroys the head.
30 n Gulf Coast BUZZ
See page 27 for answers.
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Aug. 1 – 14, 2014
Gulf Coast BUZZ n 31
Gig frogs, win prizes, fight hunger By John Underwood
obertsdale native Tom Sawyer is back for the second annual Lily Pad Invitational Frog Gigging Contest, which will be held this year on Aug. 2 at Lap’s Grocery and Grill on the Causeway. The contest is a way to use outdoor activities to bring families together. “More than 70 percent of the people attending the event said it was something they were trying for the first time,” he said. “That’s what this is all about — getting people, particularly family groups, to try something different while at the same time getting out and enjoying the great outdoors.” Charge for the event is $100 per boat and while Lap’s Grocery will once again be hosting the event, this year contestants will be able to utilize any public waterway in Alabama. The event is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 2 and will continue until early the following morning. Prizes will be offered for the largest number of frogs brought in and for the biggest frog. Also this year, 10 percent of the profits from the event will be donated to Alabama Hunger Relief.
if you go WHAT: Second annual Lily Pad Invitational Frog Gigging Contest WHEN: Saturday, Aug. 2, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 3 Where: Check in and prizes awarded at Lap’s Grocery on the Causeway COST: $100 per boat, participants limited to legal boat limit TICKETS: Available at Campbell Hardware in Robertsdale, L and M Marine in Stapleton or at Quint’s Outdoors in Mobile. WHO IT BENEFITS: A portion of the proceeds will benefit Alabama Hunger Relief FIND OUT MORE:; 251-752-2214
meet Tom Sawyer Tom is a 2008 graduate of Robertsdale High School, the son of Bill and Sandra Sawyer and the grandson of Harold and Carol Clendenin of Robertsdale. He now calls Birmingham home, where he started an outdoor nonprofit group called Tom Sawyer Adventures.
Oyster House 7.3 x 9.833