Gulf Coast Buzz (Aug. 15 - Sept. 5, 2014)

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gulf coast Your 21-day guide to fun, food and entertainment

Set sail for a good cause Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta โ€˜Coffee Shopโ€™ movie premiere Thunder on the Gulf returns

AUG. 15 โ€“ SEPT. 5, 2014 Gulf Coast Newspapers

Vol. 1 Issue 9

Restaurant Week, local reviews and seasonal food Kenny Chesney free concert at Flora-Bama Preparing for school

ISSUE 9: AUG. 15 โ€“ SEPT. 5

In-depth Baldwin County calendar and live music listings in every issue!

2 n Gulf Coast BUZZ


Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

We helped Bubba get back to business. The cushioning cartilage in Bubbaโ€™s knee had worn away. โ€œThe pain was awful,โ€ he said. โ€œI couldnโ€™t keep up with my grandchildren, or walk through the plant without stopping. So my doctor and I talked about knee replacement options. When he told me South Baldwinโ€™s computer equipment allowed them to align the joints with extreme accuracy, that was good enough for me.โ€ Bubba was up and walking the day after his surgery. โ€œIโ€™ve already been to Disney Worldยฎ with my grandkids, and you know how much walking that takes. My bone-on-bone pain is G-O-N-E gone!โ€

To learn more about surgical services at South Baldwin Regional Medical Center, visit

Robert W. โ€œBubbaโ€ Lee Chairman of the Board Vulcan, Inc.

Patient results may vary. Before you decide on surgery, discuss treatment options with your doctor. Understanding the risks and benefits of each treatment can help you make the best decision for your individual situation.

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4/29/14 2:37 PM

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 3

4 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014 gulf coast

Letter from the editor

Your 21-day guide to fun, food and entertainment

Set sail for a good cause Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta

Kenny Chesney free concert at Flora-Bama

โ€œCoffee Shopโ€ movie premiere Thunder on the Gulf returns

Being editor of the Buzz has been a wonderful experience. I remember last year sitting in our publisherโ€™s office when we first started talking about the idea โ€” putting all things food, fun and entertainment into one publication that would be easily accessible to our readers. We brainstormed until our brains hurt, tossed around names for hours and went back and forth on the content weโ€™d include. We created a prototype and held focus groups, which provided honest, useful feedback from locals. We then began tweaking โ€” everything from article length to the type of bullets weโ€™d use for the calendar. Through it all, our incredible designer, Paige Renka, was patient, creative and brilliant, and our publisher, Sudie Gambrell, provided ideas, guidance and feedback to make this publication beautiful and full of useful information. Our staff all took on yet another task and have done a great job writing for the Buzz, and our columnists have added so much depth to this magazine through their expertise. And me? Iโ€™ve had the time of my life learning how to create a publication from scratch. Iโ€™m so proud of it, and I love reading it. But the time has come for me to move on. As much as I love the Buzz, I know I belong in ministry, helping people in practical ways on a daily basis. Iโ€™ll be working with Ransom Ministries, a nonprofit organization based in Mobile and Baldwin counties (RansomCafe. com). We operate donation only restaurants, a portable shower and laundry trailer, community gardens and more. I get to love and help people of all ages who just need a hot meal, an encouraging word or a prayer โ€” itโ€™s definitely a calling. So as I say goodbye, please know that I still fully love and believe in what Gulf Coast Newspapers is doing. I will be a Buzz columnist (restaurant reviews, whatโ€™s in season) and reader, and Iโ€™ll be cheering as this group of hardworking people continue to accomplish great things. If you need to contact me, please donโ€™t hesitate to send me an email at

AUG. 15 โ€“ SEPT. 5, 2014 Gulf Coast Newspapers

Restaurant Week, local reviews and seasonal food

Preparing for school

ISSUE 9: AUG. 15 โ€“ SEPT. 5

Vol. 1 Issue 9

In-depth Baldwin County calendar and live music listings in every issue!

Courtesy of Kelsey Davis

ABOUT THE COVER The Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta, scheduled for Aug. 23, benefits Childrenโ€™s of Alabama and will feature a waterslide, games, arts and crafts and a chance to paint with local Fairhope artist Ricky Trione in addition to the boat races. Find out more on page 6.

Look for us submissions I In all five Gulf Coast Newspapers: The Baldwin Times, The Independent, The Foley Onlooker, The Islander and The Courier

I Comments and concerns

I In racks, boxes and locations throughout Baldwin County

I Live local music listings

I On

gulf coast

Social Media I On Facebook: Gulf Coast Newspapers On Twitter: @gcntoday

Jill Clair Gentry:

I Events calendar

Allison Woodham: Destiny Brown:

I Advertising

Eastern Shore and North Baldwin Central Baldwin and South Baldwin

Your guide to fun, food and entertainment on the Gulf Coast. Publishes the first and third Friday of each month.

Look for our next issue Friday, Sept. 5.

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 5




Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta Sail for a good cause at this fifth annual event in Fairhope. 6

LIFESTYLES Editor Jill Clair Gentry

Kenny Chesney Country superstar gives free concert at the Flora-Bama. 8


Taste of the Eastern Shore Eat great food, benefit Daphne High School athletics. 10

Contributing Editors

Thunder on the Gulf Boat race kicks off Aug. 24. 12


Fort Mims 201st Anniversary Celebrate this historic event with games, culture and a reenactment. 13

Local Live Music Baldwin County music listings. 26

FAMILY FUN Back to School Honesty about the transition into the school year. 14

Destiny Brown Cathy Higgins Eric Mann Cliff McCollum John Mullen John Underwood Allison Woodham

ContributoRS Kelsey Davis Scott Gentry Jon Robitaille Lindsay Schumacher Michelle Stancil


The Buzz on the Coast 14 Days, our comprehensive calendar. 15

Your guide to fun, food and entertainment on the Gulf Coast.

Publisher Sudie Gambrell


Culturally Speaking โ€˜Coffee Shopโ€™ movie premiere in Fairhope. 19

gulf coast

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014


ALL ABOUT FOOD Chew On This Vitolliโ€™s. 20 Whatโ€™s in season? Tomatoes. 22 Alabama Restaurant Week. 23-25 Tastings Chenin Blanc. 29 Serving beers the right way: the proper pour. 29

OUTDOORS Aiming and angling Food plot management for white tail deer. 11

Jeniece Bouzan Rebecca Brookins Brad Day Pat Johnson Frank Kustura

books/games Between the pages โ€˜Alabama Skyeโ€™ by J. C. Wing. 9 Puzzles Test your brain. 30

Gulf Coast Newspapers 21764 Media Dr., Robertsdale, AL 36567 251-947-7712

6 n Gulf Coast BUZZ







Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta AUTO SALES sets sail for a good cause Orange


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he fifth annual Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta sets sail Aug. 23 from the Fairhope Yacht Club to benefit patients being treated at Childrenโ€™s Hospital of Alabama. Alโ€™s Activity Area will have a waterslide, games, arts and crafts and a chance to paint with local Fairhope artist Ricky Trione. The awards ceremony begins at 7 p.m., and Doc Rogers and the Rock Dodgers will provide the musical entertainment. A cash bar, silent auction and $5 barbecue plates will also be available. To enter the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet, Portsmouth, Rhodes 19 and Catalina 22 races is $50 per boat, with a Youth Class entry fee of $25 per boat. Because a portion of the proceeds benefit Childrenโ€™s of Alabama, entry fees are tax deductible. The youth portion of the Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta is known as โ€œKatieโ€™s Cup Youth Regattaโ€ in honor of Katie Hamlin, a 16-yearold Bayside Academy honor student and soccer player. Hamlin was diagnosed with a possible staph infection in 2009, then fell ill and was induced into a coma and put on a ventilator. After seven months of treatment, Hamlin was able to return home. She is scheduled to be in attendance at the regatta.

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 7

Welcome to

Register To register, visit You can also register the day of the event at 9 a.m. at the Fairhope Yacht Club.

More Than Just A Christmas Store

if you go WHAT: Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta WHEN: Aug. 23, regatta begins with boat races at 12:30 p.m.; activities for children begin at 4 p.m. WHERE: Fairhope Yacht Club WHY: Proceeds benefit Childrenโ€™s of Alabama FIND OUT MORE:

Photos courtesy of Kelsey Davis

4213 HALLS MILLS RD. MOBILE, AL 36693 251-661-3608

Open Mon - Sat 10am-5pm

8 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014


Kenny Chesneyโ€™s free concert on the beach

By John Mullen


n epic month at the Flora-Bama began on Aug. 1 with a 50th Anniversary party with 1960s prices, the usual great music and the unveiling of a historical marker. But the focal point of the month and the Bama birthday will center on a free concert on the beach by superstar Kenny Chesney. After announcing the concert, fans clamoring for tickets overloaded Chesneyโ€™s website trying to get a wristband that would allow admission to the show. Patrons also lined the beach highway outside the FloraBama on July 17 to register for the free entry passes. An astounding weekend is expected when Chesney

if you go WHAT: Kenny Chesney Concert WHEN: Saturday, Aug. 16 WHERE: Flora-Bama Lounge, Liquor Store and Oyster Bar COST: Free, but you must have wristband in advance FIND OUT MORE:

comes calling. The superstar took the year off to produce a new album and decided a free show to celebrate its completion was in order. He chose the Flora-Bama as the venue. Heโ€™ll be the only act on the beach stage with a threehour afternoon show. โ€œWe expect a bigger crowd than Mullet Toss,โ€ McInnis said. โ€œItโ€™s a big crowd. Itโ€™s going to be real fun. Weโ€™re going to play no-shoes radio before and after. There will be people playing on all the stages inside as well.โ€ And Mullet Toss is a three-day party. This will be a one-shot, one-day deal. Shuttle buses will be hauling in folks from points east and west to make the show. More than 30,000 people are expected to attend.

between the pages

Tell Cliff what you are reading at

โ€˜Alabama Skyeโ€™ by J.C. Wing


his book was one I received in the mail, but after reading it, I was overjoyed to get a copy of this excellent read. The story itself begins with a widow named Cheney who is mourning her husband. She sells the bed and breakfast she had run for years in Skye and starts life anew. With no other family but her half-sister, niece, and grandniece living in a little Alabama town, she arrives unannounced and quickly persuades them to join her in establishing a similar B & B with a Scottish theme. From the get-go, the author created likeable characters and caught my interest. Her descriptions and dialogue can be charming. She has an eye


Gulf Coast BUZZ n 9 m lu

Cliff McC ol

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

โ€˜Alabama Skyeโ€™ is a winner and well worth your time.


for detail and deep affection for her characters. Everyone in this story is so caring and charmingly eccentric that it somewhat accurately captures life in a Southern small town. There are various revelations during the unfolding of the story, and they carry a certain heartbreak, but I donโ€™t want to spoil your read. Suffice it to say, โ€œAlabama Skyeโ€ is a winner and well worth your time.

Visit Our New Store

โ€œFive Star Liquidationโ€ 413 SO. MCKENZIE ST., FOLEY

(Across from Regions Bank)

10 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014


Taste of the Eastern Shore


aphne High School and the Daphne Civic Center are gearing up for the 14th Annual Taste of the Eastern Shore themed โ€œ25 Years of Trojan Tradition, A Tradition of Excellenceโ€โ€ˆon Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center. The 25th annual event benefits the Daphne High School athletics program. โ€œThe Taste has a little something for everyone,โ€ Civic Center director Margaret Thigpen said. โ€œThis event not only allows Gulf Coast food and beverage vendors an opportunity to promote and market their services and products, but it is also a joint

effort between The City of Daphne, Daphne Civic Center and Daphne High School in sustaining the local children in their educational endeavors.โ€ The event costs $25 per ticket, and guests must be 21 years old or older to attend. This yearโ€™s vendors include Fresh Market, Uncorked Fine Wines, The Little Cake Shop, Gulf Distributing, Original Oyster House, Tacky Jacks, Loganโ€™s Roadhouse, Fastime, CocaCola, Starbucks, Hooterโ€™s, Mellow Mushroom, Pizza Hut, Olive Garden, Buffalo Rock, Zaxbyโ€™s, Winn Dixie and more.

if you go WHAT: Taste of the Eastern Shore WHEN: Aug. 22, 7 p.m. WHERE: Daphne Civic Center COST: $25 per person FIND OUT MORE: Call the Daphne Civic Center at 251-626-5300

Join us for the 27th Annual

ALABAMA COASTAL CLEANUP at the Fairhope Pier, 8am to noon

Help keep Alabama and Fairhope beautiful!


Pick up trash and help make a difference! Community organizations, individuals, school groups, and families are invited to volunteer. Sign up early to receive a free T-shirt. T-shirts and other supplies can be picked up at the James P. Nix Center on Friday, September 19, from 9am to 4pm. Other volunteers can sign-in at the Fairhope Pier on Saturday, September 20, beginning at 8 a.m. On the day of the event, come prepared with sunscreen, a hat, gloves, closed-toe shoes and lots of water. Hot dogs served along with a public power display from 10am to noon provided by Fairhope Public Utilities Electric Dept and the Gas Dept.

Call 929-1466 to register your group or organization or visit

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 11


Food Plot Management for white-tail deer 101 Lin

Schumache ay r ds

By Lindsay Schumacher Independent Marketing and public relations consultant, freelance writer and outdoors enthusiast With deer season drawing near, a successful food plot management plan can lead to a record white-tail season on your hunting land.

Food plot management tips I Site selection โ€“ one rule of thumb is to plant two to five acres for every 100

acres of habitat I Soil testing โ€“ acquire pH level (approximate normal range 6.5 โ€“ 7.5) to

determine the need for lime and fertilization I Seed selection โ€“ your local co-op is a great resource (common local variet-

ies include winter wheat, turnips, rye grass, oats and peas) I Field preparation โ€“ de-weed I Planting โ€“ various implements can be used including drills, handheld seeders

and even seeders that attach to your truck or ATV. Be sure to plant evenly at recommended depth and seed rate. I Maintenance โ€“ ongoing soil fertility testing and management of pests I Evaluation โ€“ keep general records to utilize as a valuable reference for years to come. Consider year round management program for your land (can install a utilization cage to monitor field usage)



Brian T. Armstrong Construction, Inc. (and Food Plot Management) I Specializing in year round wildlife food

plot management services I 251-747-3801 I I I Connect with them on Facebook at Brian T. Armstrong Construction, Inc.


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12 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

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Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014


Boat race kicks off Aug. 21 By John Mullen


hunder on the Gulf returns on Aug. 21 with racing in the FloraBama Shootout in two venues on the coast. There will be activities starting on Aug. 15, including a poker tournament on Aug. 18 at the Pensacola Greyhound Track. Race weekend itself kicks off with legendary Southern rockers Marshall Tucker at 7 p.m. at the Orange Beach Events Center. Also on Aug. 21 there is a welcome party from 4-6 p.m. at the Flora-Bama Yacht Club. On Friday there will be races in Orange Beach at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.,

with the course starting just west of Perdido Pass and turning back east in the area of the Escapes to the Shore condominium. Saturdayโ€™s festivities will be in Pensacola with live music all day, Race Village to see the boats and some boats will be practicing on the course. The day will conclude with a street party downtown. Performing during the day will be the Whyte Caps, Strictly Isbell and Wright Side of Wrong. Sunday is race day and again the boats will scream on the water starting at 1 and 3 p.m. The race course is in the water south of West Main Street and east of the U.S. 98 bridge in Pensacola.




762 Nichols Ave Fairhope

if you go WHAT: Thunder on the Gulf WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 21, Friday Aug. 22, Saturday, Aug. 23 and Sunday, Aug. 24 WHERE: Racing in Orange Beach on Friday, Aug. 22 and in Pensacola on Aug. 24 COST: Free to watch, Platinum VIP package, $165, VIP package $126.50 and kids VIP package $27.50. FIND OUT MORE:

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 13

Come Experience


4 Miles From The Beach On Highway 59


jill clair gentry / staff

201 years of history Fort Mims anniversary includes reenactment, games and culture


n Aug. 30, 1813, Red Stick Creek Indians attacked Fort Mims in Tensaw as the settlers returned for lunch. The Indians stormed through the open east gate to start the skirmish that lasted hours, a battle that saw around 500 people killed. This years marks the 201st anniversary of the Fort Mims massacre and special events are scheduled throughout that weekend. Activities over the weekend will include a living history exhibit, displays and crafts from early 1800s life (including covered wagons, arrowheads, wool spinning, blacksmithing, quilting, period music, basketry, pottery, watercolors and skinning). There will also be Creek Indian

games and cultural presentations, as well as period weapons and clothing. There is no admission fee, but donations will be accepted. Parking on site is limited and most will be reserved for buses and the disabled.

if you go WHAT: Fort Mims 201st Anniversary WHEN: Aug. 30-31, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. WHERE: Fort Mims, Tensaw, Ala. (12 miles north of Stockton on Highway 59, then 3 miles west on County Road 80.) COST: Free, but donations accepted FIND OUT MORE: Contact the Fort Mims Restoration Association at 251-533-9024

Target Bed Bath & Beyond Books A Million Accessories Galore/Bag Lady CrossFit 1834 Curves Dollar Tree GNC Hibbett Sports Innerlight Surf & Skate Shop Jubilee Apparel and Gifts Life Bytes Apple Specialists Little Monkey Toes Lovely Nails Mission 25 Hair Studio Sun Rays Sunglass Center The Beach House Boutique Too Hot Mamas

Dining & Entertainment

Cactus Flower Cobb Theater Cohiba Dunes Cigar Bar Dairy Queen Kittyโ€™s Kafe Liquid Freeze Ice Cream Longhorn Steakhouse Mikato Japanese Steak House Papaโ€™s Pizza Rafters Restaurant & Sports Bar Subway

Visit us online at 3800 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL 36542


14 n Gulf Coast BUZZ


kid friendly event

Back-to-school honesty for parents


nn c Ma Eri

By Eric Mann

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

ith Baldwin County schools starting next week, I searched the Internet for โ€œback-to-schoolโ€ column ideas. The web is overflowing with โ€œHow to have a drama free first day of school!โ€ and โ€œBuying supplies without busting your budget!โ€ and โ€œTips on packing healthy, delicious lunches!โ€ columns. And thereโ€™s a good chance you have already read all of them. So Iโ€™m not going to give you one of those columns. Iโ€™m going to be 100 percent honest and transparent today. Despite what the Internet will tell you, for most parents those columns just donโ€™t square with reality. Experienced working parents know that there really isnโ€™t a good way to have a drama-free first day or to pack that perfect lunch. We know for most of us, buying school supplies is going to put a strain on the budget. Stuff is going to happen on the morning of the first day of school. When you have a stressed out parent trying to get ready for work while at the same time busting it to get their child (or children!) ready for school, thereโ€™s going to be some drama. Maybe even some yelling. And thatโ€™s okay. Your job as a parent is to get your kid fed, dressed and out of the door in time for school. And your child isnโ€™t going to care if he doesnโ€™t have a perfectly balanced lunch. A sandwich, some chips, a cookie and a juice box will do. So when little Sally Kindergartner puts on mismatched socks or Bobby Firstgrader walks out the door with messy hair, remember โ€” they will be OK. Itโ€™s just socks and hair. And remember that there are other parents out there going through the exact same thing at that exact moment.

WHAT: Back-to-School Night of Praise: music, games and fun for parents and their preschool through fourth grade students WHEN: Aug. 23, 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 3Circle Church, corner of 104 and 181 in Fairhope FIND OUT MORE: 251-990-3112;

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 15

the buzz on the coast

Tag your event photos with @GulfCoastBuzz on Facebook.


Compiled by Allison Woodham Email calendar items to

Your guide to fun, food and entertainment ONGOING Alabama Restaurant Week For details, see pages 23-25 Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermenโ€™s Market I Fridays 2 p.m. โ€“ 6 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. โ€“ 2 p.m.; County Road 20, Foley I Free admission I; 251-943-1545 Annie โ€œAnnieโ€ is the captivating musical show for all ages based on the famous comic strip โ€œLittle Orphan Annie.โ€ Audiences will delight in the adventurous life of the spunky young orphan girl whose life goes from rags to riches with her dog Sandy and her wealthy benefactor Daddy Warbucks. Reservations recommended. I Through Aug. 17; Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.;

The Eastern Shore Choral Society will hold registration for their upcoming Christmas concert Aug. 18.

Sundays at 2:30 p.m.; Playhouse in the Park, Mobile I Adults, $15; Students and seniors, $12 I; 251-602-0630

Safe Harbor Financial

FRIDAY, AUG. 15 Thunder on the Greens Hosted by Maryโ€™s Shelter Gulf Coast and sponsored by Wind Creek Casino and Hotel, the ninth annual charity golf tournament kicks off the week-long Flora-Bama

Shootout. The golf event will include a four-person scramble, continental breakfast and dinner with an awards reception immediately following golf. Lunch and beverages will be available from vendors throughout

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16 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

the buzz on the coast the day. I Check-in, 9:15 a.m.; Shotgun, 10 a.m.; Craft Farms, Gulf Shores I $125 per person, $500 for foursome I; 251-986-6351; Raven H. Price book signing Price will be available to sign copies of her book, โ€œThe Conversion.โ€ Book one of The Harvesting Machine trilogy. I August 15, 4 โ€“ 6 p.m.; The Southern Grind, Orange Beach; August 16, 10 a.m. โ€“ 1 p.m.; Happy Harbor Coffee and Creamery, Orange Beach I Free admission I 405-458-5642; Third Friday Art Walk and Wine Tasting I 5 โ€“ 7 p.m.; 4 Elements in Orange Blossom Square, Foley I 251-367-4499

SATURDAY, AUG. 16 Kenny Chesney Concert For details, see page 8 Portraits for BARC Hamp Johnston, a local photographer and owner of the Pet Portrait Network, can supply you with some magnificent photos of your animals with a 30 minute photo session and an 8-by-10 portrait. 100 percent of your donation goes to BARC. Additional portraits are also available at a reasonable cost. I Robertsdale Feed I $25 donation I 251-947-5252 to set up an appointment; 251-928-4585 for information; Tanger Outlets KidSTYLE Fashion Camp Tanger Outlets is kicking off the

Chris Warner will be signing copies of โ€œSaved at the AlabamaFlorida Lineโ€ Saturday, Aug. 16.

back-to-school shopping season. Will feature exciting activities, such as outdoor relays and fitness events. Teens can learn exclusive tips from local experts about fashion design, styling and accessorizing. The camp will also offer interactive classes on topics such as hair, nail and skin care, yoga, fitness and more. I 11 a.m. โ€“ 4 p.m.; Foley Tanger Outlets I 251-943-9303 Chris Warner Book Signing Get a signed copy of โ€œSaved at the Alabama-Florida Line.โ€ I 4 โ€“ 6 p.m.; Page and Palette, Fairhope I Free admission I 251-928-5295 โ€œNeil Armstrong: A Life of Flightโ€ presentation and book signing In celebration of the 45th anniversary of the first moon landing, join New York Times best-selling author and former NBC News Space Correspondent Jay Barbree for his presentation and signing of his recently published book. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the Flight Deck Store located inside the museum. I 10 a.m.; National Naval Aviation Museum; Pensacola I 850-453-2389; sragsdale@

MONDAY, AUG. 18 Jazz Gumbo Vocalist Kathy Lyon will present a program entitled โ€œClassic Songs from the First Ladies of Jazz,โ€ including Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, Billie Holiday, and others. Joining Kathy are Gino Rosaria, piano; JoJo Morris, bass; Bryan Morris, drums. Admission includes cup of gumbo. Guests welcome. I Doors: 5:30 p.m.; Music: 6:30 p.m.; Phineas Phoggโ€™s, Pensacola

I JSOP members and guests, $10; nonmembers, $15; students with I.D., $5; military in uniform, free. I 850-434-6211 Eastern Shore Choral Society Rehearsals Rehearsals for Christmas concerts. Normal rehearsals are Mondays 7 โ€“ 9 p.m. I Registration, 6:15 p.m.; Wesley Hall, Fairhope United Methodist Church I 251-928-1148;

FRIDAY, AUG. 22 โ€œCoffee Shopโ€ movie premiere For details, see page 19 Taste of the Eastern Shore For details, see page 10 Thunder on the Gulf For details, see page 12 Jake Owenโ€™s Days of Gold Tour Jake Owen performs with Parmalee and The Cadillac Three as part of his summer tour. Concert will happen rain or shine. I 7 โ€“ 11 p.m.; The Amphitheater at The Wharf, Orange Beach I Tickets are $16 โ€“ $51.25 at I 251-224-1020;

SATURDAY, AUG. 23 Back-to-School Night of Praise For details, see page 14 Childrenโ€™s Cup Regatta For details, see page 6 Thomas Hospital Foundationโ€™s Grand Summer Ball The black-tie affair is known as one of the Eastern Shoreโ€™s most distinguished social events and serves as a major fundraiser for Thomas Hospital. I 6 โ€“ 11 p.m.; Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, Point Clear I 251-279-1512; Get on Board with Bama at the Bluegill Itโ€™s a football kickoff social and membership event hosted by the University of Alabama Alumni Baldwin County Chapter. All University of Alabama alumni, friends, supporters and those interested in joining the Baldwin County Alumni Chapter are invited to a special kickoff event. All proceeds go toward the scholarship fund for deserving high school seniors in Baldwin County. Reservations required, deadline August 17. I 11:30 a.m. โ€“ 2:30 p.m.; Bluegill Restaurant, Spanish Fort I $20 per person, children under 10 eat free

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

TUESDAY, AUG. 26 ACT Strategy Workshop This event offering comes just in time for students to prepare for the next official ACT test, which is scheduled for Sept. 13. Huntington Learning Center will host the workshop. I 5:30 p.m.; Daphne Public Library I Free admission I 251-621-2821 ext. 211;

SATURDAY, AUG. 30 Fort Mims Anniversary For details, see page 13 Seagrass Concert Series Presented by the South Mobile County Tourism Authority, the annual event spotlights the rich roots music traditions of new and traditional folk, roots rock, bluegrass, singer/songwriter, acoustic blues, Cajun and other forms of American roots music collectively referred

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 17 Mystic Mutts 5K Race I 8 โ€“ 11 a.m.; Fairhope Public Library I Dog wash, $10 I 251-929-3980;

Foleyโ€™s Art Walk and Wine Tasting, held the third Friday of each month will be Aug. 15.

SUNDAY, AUG. 31 Fort Mims Anniversary For details, see page 13

TUESDAY, SEPT. 2 to as Americana music. Food and beverages will be available for purchase; outside food and drink are not allowed. I Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo site; 531 LeMoyne Ave., Dauphin Island I Gates open at noon. I $40; Children 9 and younger, free I; Visit; 251-861-8747

Mystic Mutt 5K Race and 1 Mile Mutt Walk The Havenโ€™s Walk, Wag and Wash-a-thon, sponsored by Give a Dog a Bone, Do-It-Yourself Dog Wash and Pet Boutique. The event will take place at the Dog Wash, under the guidance of shop owner, Molly Beasley. She and the Haven volunteers will wash your dog for a donation. The Wash-a-thon will immediately follow The Havenโ€™s 1st

Pensacola Opera Auditions Those auditioning should be able to read music, be at least 18 years of age, be available for weekly Tuesday night rehearsals and must make all production rehearsals. Candidates are asked to prepare one musical selection: an aria, song, hymn or tune that demonstrates their vocal ability, timbre and range. An accompanist will be provided. I 6 โ€“ 10 p.m.; Pensacola Opera Center I


We are your destination for live entertainment, upscale dining, lavish spa services, hands-on culinary experiences, family fun, AAA Four-Diamond lodging, a 45,000-plus square foot electronic gaming casino.

Experience an upgraded two-night stay where youโ€™ll relax by day at the spa, with a 50-minute spa service. Then, spice things up at night with a culinary experience with a hands-on cooking class or a six-course tasting dinner for $499. All for TWO! Mention code BUZZSPA814

FIND YOUR WINNING MOMENT 1-855-393-7227 | Copyright ยฉ 2014 Wind Creek Hospitality.

18 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

the buzz on the coast THURSDAY, SEPT. 4 Trail Work Please contact Ed to confirm meeting location, as this may change depending on trail conditions. I 8:30 a.m. โ€“ 1 p.m.; The Harold Store, U.S. Hwy. 90, Milton I 850-474-5359; FTAWesternGate St. Peterโ€™s Episcopal Church Fish Fry Each plate includes fried mullet, baked beans, potato salad, slaw, iced tea, and a delicious homemade dessert. Come relax and leave the cooking and clean up to us. I 5 โ€“ 7 p.m.; St. Peters Episcopal Church, Bon Secour I $10 donation is requested per plate I 251-949-6254

FRIDAY, SEPT. 5 First Friday Art Walk Begins at Fairhope Art Center, stroll through downtown Fairhope visiting art galleries and listening to music. I 6 โ€“ 8 p.m.; Downtown Fairhope I Free admission I 251-928-2228


First Friday Dinner Hike Look for blue Honda Odyssey with Hike on the front. This evening we will walk to LaBrissa restaurant for dinner. Bring a flashlight for the return walk back to our cars. This is a fun, fit, friendly and food activity. I 6 โ€“ 8:30 p.m.; Gulf Breeze Library, Gulf Breeze I 850-932-0125; FTAWesternGate

Join the Mapp family in supporting Thomas Hospital at the Grand Summer Ball Aug. 23.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 6 Gulf Coast Arts Alliance/City of Gulf Shores Art Market Local and regional artists will set up their original works. Visitors can expect to enjoy quality arts and crafts, live musical entertainment by Destiny Brown and delicious concessions. I 10 a.m. โ€“ 5 p.m.; Meyer Park, Gulf Shores I Free admission I 251-233-3970 Camp I Believe Childrenโ€™s grief camp sponsored by Gentiva Health Services. Camp activities and programs help children (6 โ€“ 14) to express feelings, build confidence, foster a sense of community, and identify with other children and adolescents who

are experiencing similar struggles. Camps are organized and operated by skilled professionals such as recreational therapists, social workers, bereavement coordinators and trained volunteers. I September 6 โ€“ 7; Camp Baldwin; Elberta I Free I 251-621-2500;

SUNDAY, SEPT. 7 Wake-Up Hike Look for blue Honda Odyssey with Hike on the front. Get the day started with Trudy and/or Peggy with a brisk walk and afterwards join us for breakfast. We will walk about an hour, about 1 to 3 miles. I 7 a.m.; East Hill Baptist Church, Pensacola I 850-434-8861; 850-982-9490;

t S

e! m i Itโ€™s T ack o chool Watch Out For The Kids Good Luck For A Winning Season!


Robertsdale The City of

Come Grow With Us!

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 19

culturally speaking

โ€˜Coffee Shopโ€™ movie premiere in Fairhope


he Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce is hosting the premiere of the movie โ€œCoffee Shop,โ€ which was filmed in Fairhope. The Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce encourages premiere attendees to enjoy afternoon shopping and dining along with the eveningโ€™s big screen entertainment. Local restaurants are planning lunch and dinner specials for moviegoers. Visit the Chamberโ€™s Facebook page for updates on participating restaurants and their offers. โ€œFilm entertainment is a growing sector of economic development in our state, and we are excited to see it include the unique characteristics of the Eastern Shore,โ€ said Heiko Einfeld, executive director of the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce. The filmmakers tapped local talent as extras. โ€œThose attending will see many of their friends and neighbors on the โ€˜silver screen,โ€™โ€ Einfeld added. The 90-minute movie was produced by Salt Entertainment Production in

First assistant director Justin Tolley speaks with director Dave Alan Johnson on the set of the movie โ€œCoffee Shop.โ€

association with Erwin Brothers Films and Foxfield Entertainment. It was directed by Dave Alan Johnson. Starring in the leading roles of the film are Laura Vandervoort and Cory M. Grant. Also starring in the movie are Josh Ventura, Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey, Montrel Miller and Gabriela Lopez. โ€œCoffee Shopโ€ is a love story about a young woman who is desperately trying to hold on to her business, a quaint, small-town coffee shop similar to the one featured in the television hit sitcom โ€œFriends.โ€ Many familiar scenes of Fairhope are featured in the

if you go WHAT: โ€œCoffee Shopโ€ movie premiere WHEN: Aug. 22; 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Centennial Hall, Faulkner State Community College; Fairhope Campus COST: $10, tickets can be purchased at the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce in Fairhope FIND OUT MORE: 251-928-6387 film, including the downtown and bayfront areas. The writer, director and attending cast members will be available following the premiere.

Coastal Arts Center Of Orange Beach


Make-Your-Own classes available for both hot glass and pottery. Pick-N-Paint for all ages! ~ Birthday parties, weddings & special events ~

26389 Canal Rd. โ€ข Orange Beach, AL 251-981-ARTS (2787)

H M-F 9aours: Sat 9amm โ€“ 4pm Closed โ€“ 2pm Labor Day

20 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

chew on this... restaurant profile NAME: Vitolliโ€™s Pizzeria and Italian Eatery LOCATION: 21862 Highway 59 (the shopping center behind McDonaldโ€™s), Robertsdale HOURS: Monday โ€“ Saturday, 11 a.m. โ€“ 9 p.m.; closed Sunday SPECIALTY: Casual Italian, pizza, delicious house-made salad dressing CONTACT: 251-947-9999

photos by jill clair gentry / staff

The restaurant bottles its famous salad dressing, a creamy Italian that beats any store brand Iโ€™ve tasted.


a great Italian place hidden in Robertsdale



ir Gentry Cla

By Jill Clair Gentry Lifestyles editor

ne of my favorite lunch spots in the whole county is Vitolliโ€™s Pizzeria and Italian Eatery, tucked away in a small shopping center off of Highway 59 in Robertsdale. Vitolliโ€™s offers huge slices of pizza with lots of topping choices, manicotti, spaghetti and more Italian staples. And the prices are incredibly affordable, especially if you order the daily $7.50 lunch special, which includes

a generous portion of the featured menu item along with breadsticks, a drink and tax. My favorite is Tuesday โ€” two giant slices of pizza with whatever toppings you'd like, even the gourmet ones! My friend and coworker Ray Dougherty, Gulf Coast Newspapers' new media director, loves Vitolliโ€™s more than anyone I know. A couple of coworkers and I met him there for lunch the other day, and we got there first and ordered him a tea. When he arrived, our waitress said, โ€œOh, I didn't know it was you they were waiting on โ€” I'll fix your drink how you like it (in a styrofoam cup so he can take it to go).โ€ I can't sum up Vitolliโ€™s any better than Ray โ€” โ€œIt's just

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 21

ABOVE: Vitoliโ€™s pizza by the slice fills up an entire plate. The pizza is made fresh with high-quality ingredients. RIGHT: The manicotti is balanced, well-seasoned and beautifully served. For the Wednesday lunch special, you can order the manicotti or spaghetti with breadsticks and a drink for $7.50.

consistently good food,โ€ he said. โ€œTheir marinara sauce is homemade and the real deal, and their pizza is as good as Iโ€™ve found in this part of the world. So with that super lunch special, Iโ€™d eat there even if they didnโ€™t have my iced tea and menu at my seat before I can even get in the door.โ€

Foley โ€ข 251.987.5129 โ€” Orange Beach โ€ข 251.965.5129

Local seafood tradition since 1973 Daily Chef Specials Visit Us At Our Orange Beach Location on Labor Day!

Hand-Cut Steaks Family Friendly

We cater!

Waterfront Dining in Orange Beach

22 n Gulf Coast BUZZ


TOMATOES all about tomatoes โ€ข Botanically a fruit, but considered a vegetable for culinary purposes โ€ข Rich in lycopene, which may help prevent cancer โ€ข Commonly made into jam โ€ข Thousands of varieties, varying in size, color and flavor โ€ข 161.8 million tons of tomatoes were produced in the world in 2012 โ€ข Do not refrigerate tomatoes (will harm the flavor) โ€ข Storing stem down can prolong shelf life

Tomato pie 4 tomatoes, peeled and sliced 10 fresh basil leaves, chopped 1/2 cup chopped green onion 9-inch pre-baked deep dish pie shell 1 cup mozzarella 1 cup grated cheddar 1 cup mayonnaise Salt and pepper Preheat oven to 350 F. Place the tomatoes in a colander in the sink in 1 layer. Sprinkle with salt and allow to drain for 10 minutes. Layer the tomato slices, basil and onion in pie shell. Season with salt and pepper. Combine the cheeses and mayonnaise together. Spread mixture on top of the tomatoes and bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. To serve, cut into slices and serve warm. Recipe from Paula Deen

Ca We te r!

Magnolia Blossom Cafรฉ

22667 Hwy 59 So., Robertsdale, AL 36567 Phone/Fax


Hrs: Sun.-Wed. 7am-3pm โ€ข Thurs., Fri., Sat. 7am-9pm

โ€“ SpecialS โ€“

Now Open Friday & Saturday Nights Fresh Sandwiches & Panini

Made With Premium Boarโ€™s Head Meat & Cheese

Donuts, Twists & Cinnamon Rolls Desserts Made Daily! New Line of Cafe au lait and Cappuccino Gourmet Hot Chocolate

Now Serving 8 Flavors of Ice Cream

Shakes, Malts, Banana Splits, Homemade Brownie Sundaes and โ€œPucker Upโ€ Lemon Square Dessert

19452 Scenic Hwy. 98 โ€ข Fairhope Tues-Sat 7am-6pm, later on Fri & Sat โ€ข Sun 7am- 2pm Dine In or Take Out--We Deliver 251-517-0622 โ€ข

7:00am - 9:00pm

Blackened Catfish $14.99 w/Crawfish Etouffee Sauce โ€ข 2 Sides

10 oz. Eye of Sirloin


2 Sides

9 oz. Filet Medallions with Shrimp Skewers


Donโ€™t forget our

Friday Night Seafood Buffet

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 23

Alabama Restaurant Week Participating Restaurants offer pre-fixed two-course lunch and/or three-course dinner offerings at an attractive set price. A three-course dinner meal should include a starter, main course and dessert while the two-course lunch meal should include

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August 15-24 ~Lunches a main course and either a starter or dessert.

The Alabama Restaurant Week pricing is fixed at $10, $20 and $30 for dinner and $5, $10 and $15 for lunch. In all cases, the price is per person and does not include tax, tip and drink.

๏€€๏€…๏€‚๏€„๏€ƒ๏€๏€‡๏€† Deli & Catering

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Restaurants may offer a meal at all or just one of the preset prices. A restaurantโ€™s regular menu will also be available.

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24 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Alabama Restaurant Week Participating Restaurants offer pre-fixed two-course lunch and/or three-course dinner offerings at an attractive set price. A three-course dinner meal should include a starter, main course and dessert while the two-course lunch meal should include

August 15-24 ~Dinners a main course and either a starter or dessert.

The Alabama Restaurant Week pricing is fixed at $10, $20 and $30 for dinner and $5, $10 and $15 for lunch. In all cases, the price is per person and does not include tax, tip and drink.



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Restaurants may offer a meal at all or just one of the preset prices. A restaurantโ€™s regular menu will also be available.

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Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 25

Alabama Restaurant Week Participating Restaurants offer pre-fixed two-course lunch and/or three-course dinner offerings at an attractive set price. A three-course dinner meal should include a starter, main course and dessert while the two-course lunch meal should include

August 15-24 ~Dinners a main course and either a starter or dessert.

The Alabama Restaurant Week pricing is fixed at $10, $20 and $30 for dinner and $5, $10 and $15 for lunch. In all cases, the price is per person and does not include tax, tip and drink.

Restaurants may offer a meal at all or just one of the preset prices. A restaurantโ€™s regular menu will also be available.

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26 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

live local music Karaoke

Daphne Top of the Bay Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 9 p.m. Foley Good Time Charlies every Tuesday at 10 p.m. The Office Lounge every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Ft. Morgan Behind the Pines Bar & Grill every Wednesday at 8 p.m.

Gulf Shores Jalepenos Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 9 p.m. Mudbugs Thursday โ€“ Saturday at 8 p.m. Pink Pony Pub every night at 9 p.m. Tacky Jacks every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Orange Beach Island Times Daiquiri Bar every Thursday at 8 p.m.

See Melissa Joiner in Fairhope Aug. 17 at Old 27 Grill.

photo by michelle stancil

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Compiled by Destiny Brown Email to update or add listings.

Live Bait every night at 8 p.m. The Undertow Wednesday โ€“ Friday at 9:30 p.m. Perdido Key Happy Harbor on the Line every Wednesday at 6 p.m.

Open Mic

Fairhope American Legion 199 open guitar jams every Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Courtyard 311 every Tuesday at 7 p.m. The Gumbo Shack every Thursday at 6 p.m. Plow every other Tuesday Foley The Office Lounge every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Gulf Shores Tacky Jacks every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Orange Beach Happy Harbor the Mothership every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Island Times Daiquiri Bar Tuesday with Brittany Bell at 9 p.m. Live Bait every Sunday at 8 p.m. Perdido Key Flora-Bama every Monday at 6 p.m.


Daphne Moeโ€™s Bar B Que every Wednesday at 10 p.m. Fairhope Fairhope Brewing Company every Thursday Ravenite Pizzeria Live Trivia every Tuesday, Live Sports Trivia every Wednesday Foley Good Time Charlies 10 p.m.

Friday, Aug. 15

Daphne Moeโ€™s Original Bar B Que The Crowned Jewelz Fairhope Windmill Market Almost Elton Gulf Shores Billโ€™s By the Beach Destiny Brown The Hangout The Investment / Foxy Iguanas LuLuโ€™s Meachum Motor Company ft. Rebecca Barry Tacky Jacks Top Hat and Jackie Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Double D Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Tyler Champion Happy Harbor Rez and the Solutions Island Times Daiquiri Bar


WHEN STORMS THREATEN TO HEAD OUR WAY If hurricanes, storms, tornadoes or heavy rains threaten to head towards Baldwin County, stay informed. FOR CONSTANT UPDATES. Facebook: Gulf Coast Newspapers Twitter: @gcntoday


Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014

live local music Strictly Isbell Tacky Jacks Charlie Wilson Duo

Saturday, Aug. 16

Daphne Top of the Bay The Viridian Sons Moeโ€™s Original Bar B Que Glass Joe Duo Gulf Shores Billโ€™s By the Beach Barstool Surfers The Hangout VooDoo Gumbo LuLuโ€™s Crowned Jewelz Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Tyler Champion Bimini Bobs Jerry Powell Compleat Angler Danny Spiro Happy Harbor Lee Yankie Island Times Daiquiri Bar Logan Spicer Band Live Bait Tragikly White Tacky Jacks John and Melissa / Kyle and Karl

Sunday, Aug. 17

Fairhope Old 27 Grill Melissa Joiner Gulf Shores Billโ€™s By the Beach Mel of Foxy Iguanas The Hangout Jay Williams Band / The Perry Wall LuLuโ€™s Greg Brown / Blind Dog Mike and the Howlers Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Justin Forbes Bimini Bobs Tony Bowers Compleat Angler Destiny Brown


Puzzles on page 30

Cosmoโ€™s Brittany Bell Happy Harbor Cowboy Johnson Tacky Jacks Jonesy Gambino Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Superfunk Fantasy

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 27

Cowboy Johnson will play at Happy Harbor in Orange Beach Aug. 17.

Monday, Aug. 18

Gulf Shores The Hangout The Investment / Ellux Furor LuLuโ€™s Brent Burns

Tuesday, Aug. 19

Gulf Shores The Hangout Category 4 / DJ Sremba LuLuโ€™s Jimmy Lumpkin Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Mobile Big Band Society

Wednesday, Aug. 20

Gulf Shores The Hangout Cornbred / Adam Holt Band LuLuโ€™s Bud Smith and Friends Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Mike Eagen Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Jay Williams Happy Harbor Destiny Brown Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Ross +1

Thursday, Aug. 21 Gulf Shores Billโ€™s by the Beach Barstool Surfers

The Hangout Cornbred / Adam Holt Band Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Jerry Powell Bimini Bobs Ric McArthur Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Happy Harbor Owen and Hayden Orange Beach Event Center Marshal Tucker Band

Friday, Aug. 22

Daphne Moeโ€™s Original Bar B Que Cats and the Truth Fairhope Old 27 Grill Grits N Pieces Windmill Market Kyle and Karl Gulf Shores Billโ€™s by the Beach Lisa Zanghi The Hangout Foxy Iguanas

LuLuโ€™s Adam Holt Orange Beach Ampitheater at The Wharf Jake Owens with Cadillac Three and Parmalee Baumhowerโ€™s Double D Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Tyler Champion Live Bait Isis Tacky Jacks Whyte Capps Duo Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant KMAC Trio

Saturday, Aug. 23

Daphne Moeโ€™s Original Bar B Que Harrison McInnis Fairhope Old 27 Grill Chad Austin Parker Windmill Market Michael Tilley

28 n Gulf Coast BUZZ

live local music Gulf Shores Billโ€™s by the Beach Damiean The Hangout Oak and Ash / DJ Sremba LuLuโ€™s Kyle and Karl Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Tyler Champion Bimini Bobs Jerry Powell Compleat Angler Danny Spiro Live Bait Isis Tacky Jacks John and Melissa / Soulfood Junkies Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Matt and Sherry Neece

Sunday, Aug. 24

Fairhope Old 27 Grill Lisa Zanghi Gulf Shores Billโ€™s by the Beach Barstool Surfers The Hangout Kyle and Karl / The Perry Wall LuLuโ€™s Greg Brown / Redfield Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Justin Forbes Bimini Bobs Tony Bowers Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Cosmoโ€™s Brittany Bell Happy Harbor Cowboy Johnson Tacky Jacks Jonesy Gambino / Glen Templeton Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Peek

Monday, Aug. 25

Gulf Shores Big Oโ€™s Chase Brown The Hangout The Investment / Ellux Furor LuLuโ€™s Brent Burns

Tuesday, Aug. 26

Gulf Shores The Hangout Mojiles / DJ Sremba LuLuโ€™s Lee Yankie

Wednesday, Aug. 27

Gulf Shores The Hangout Peek / Ellux Furor LuLuโ€™s Rhythm Intervention

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014 Donโ€™t miss Jake Owens with Cadillac Three and Parmalee at The Amphitheater at The Wharf Aug. 22.

Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Destiny Brown Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Jay Williams Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Ross +1

Thursday, Aug. 28

Gulf Shores The Hangout Peek / Ellux Furor LuLuโ€™s Adam Holt Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Jerry Powell Bimini Bobs Ric McArthur Compleat Angler Destiny Brown Happy Harbor Chris Bryant Duo Live Bait Miss Used Tacky Jacks Mel Knapp Duo Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Al and Kathy

Friday, Aug. 29

Daphne Moeโ€™s Original Bar B Que Big Muddy Fairhope Old 27 Grill Gretsch Lyles and The Modern Eldorados Windmill Market Emily Stuckey Gulf Shores Billโ€™s by the Beach Liza Zanghi The Hangout Oak and Ash / Foxy Iguanas LuLuโ€™s Shiny Objects Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Double D Bimini Bobs Greg Brown Compleat Angler Tyler Champion Happy Harbor Cat Rhodes and The Truth Live Bait Velcro Pygmies Tacky Jacks Glen Templeton Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Jeri

Saturday, Aug. 30

Daphne Moeโ€™s Original Bar B Que Kyle and Karl Fairhope

Windmill Market Jimmy Lumpkin Gulf Shores Billโ€™s by the Beach Tailgate Party with Lisa Christian and Jon Cowart The Hangout US Band / DJ Sremba Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Tyler Champion Bimini Bobs Jerry Powell Compleat Angler Danny Spiro Happy Harbor Lions Limozine Live Bait Velcro Pygmies Tacky Jacks John and Melissa / Shiny Objects Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Port Trio

Sunday, Aug. 31

Gulf Shores Billโ€™s by the Beach Lisa Zanghi / Jon Cowart The Hangout US Band / The Perry Wall LuLuโ€™s Greg Brown Orange Beach Baumhowerโ€™s Justin Forbes Bimini Bobs Tony Bowers Cosmoโ€™s Brittany Bell Happy Harbor Shiny Objects

Live Bait Velcro Pygmies Tacky Jacks Jonesy Gambino / Glen Templeton Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Tip Tops

Monday, Sept. 1

Gulf Shores Billโ€™s By the Beach Marty McIntosh / Jon Cowart

Wedesday, Sept. 3

Spanish Fort Bluegill Restaurant Ross +1

Friday, Sept. 5

Fairhope Old 27 Grill Them Again Windmill Market Sugarcane Jane Gulf Shores Luluโ€™s Kyle and Karl


Robertsdale Magnolia Blossom Cafe live music every Friday night Silverhill The Porch live music every Saturday from 8 p.m.-midnight and Sunday from 4-7 p.m.

Aug. 15 โ€“ Sept. 5, 2014



Chenin Blanc



bitaille Ro

Jon Robitaille

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 29

Beer/Wine Specialist at Cainโ€™s Piggly Wiggly

Do you consider yourself a wine snob, a wine enthusiast, or a wine expert? If so, what do the following French wines have in common โ€” Saumer, Savennieres, Anjou, Vouvray, Coteaux du Layon, Quarts de Chaume, and Crรฉmant de Loire? The answer is Chenin Blanc. The most versatile of all wine grape varieties, Chenin Blanc has been used to make crisp, dry table wines (Saumer, Savennieres, Anjou, and Vouvray), light sparkling wines (Crรฉmant de Loire), sweet dessert wines and even brandy. No matter the style, a certain floral, honeyed character, along with zesty acidity are the sensory trademarks of well-made Chenin Blanc. Chenin Blanc is a white grape variety that originated in the Loire Valley of France and is now found in most of the New World wine regions. In South Africa, it is the most widely planted variety and is known as Steen. In California, it is the third most widely planted white wine grape.

Foxen Chenin Blanc 2012 ($25+)

From the Ernesto Wickenden Vinyard in Santa Maria Valley, California, this wine is bright and lively, and displays notes of citrus, pear and melon, with a long, clean โ€œminerallyโ€ finish. Foxen 2012 Chenin Blanc was rated 91 points by Wine Enthusiast.

Daniel Gehrs Chenin Blanc 2011 (Less than $20) Daniel Gehrs has been producing a Chenin Blanc since 1977. The 2011 vintage exhibits ripe pear, quince, wild flowers and golden honey and with a couple of years in the bottle, you should expect some mellowing into a complex structure that retains its refreshing vitality while gaining some roundness and viscosity.

Serving beers the right way, part 3 THE PERFECT POUR By Scott Gentry Scott Ge nt

As a general rule, always pour beer into a glass, even if it isnโ€™t the preferred style of glass. Please donโ€™t drink it out of the can or bottle unless there is no other way. There are so many good reasons to take this extra step. First, the glass will always allow you to taste more of the flavor. Using a glass allows you to actually use your nose. Many excellent beers have sediment as well. Sometimes you want that segment to end up in your glass (hefeweizens), but sometimes you donโ€™t (nearly any homebrew). Carefully pour the beer to keep control of the sediment. Also, no glass means no head. On top of it all, pouring your beer in a glass is simply good form, old chap. Bonus points for drinking with your pinky out. I wonโ€™t get into the mechanics of how to actually perform the perfect pour here; YouTube does it better than I can describe it in writing anyway. Look for โ€œYouโ€™re Doing it Wrong โ€“ How to Pour Beerโ€ or similar titles on YouTube. ry

30 n Gulf Coast BUZZ


See page 27 for answers.

Aug. 15 รข€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Aug. 15 รข€“ Sept. 5, 2014

Gulf Coast BUZZ n 31

2014 Brett Robinson Alabama Coastal Triathlon

Gulf Gu lf Shores an d O r aan n ge B e ach , A l aba abama ma

Saturday, September 6, 2014 Begins and ends at the Gulf Shores Public Beach

Packet Pickup: Friday, September 5, 4:00-7:00 pm at the Hangout and Saturday, September 6, 5:00-6:00 am. Awards Ceremony and Post-Race Party at the Hangout

For information, registration or to volunteer visit Thanks to our event sponsors

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Alabama Restaurant Week

August 15-24, 2014

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