2 minute read
from Stay Alert 2023

We are into a new tropical weather season and projections indicate we may have a below average season. As I reflect on exactly what that means, I am easily reminded of the numerous storms that made landfall along the Gulf Coast with a below average season forecast. The point here is that one storm can create a season that we all would remember forever. We should always look to understand what we need to prepare our families, businesses, and communities, to be ready and aim to help others as well. I always ask as I have opportunity to speak publicly, “what do you love the most about Baldwin County?”. The most popular answer is, “the people of Baldwin County”. I couldn’t agree more. I will never forget how the county pulled together during the 2020 Hurricane Season. The various organizations, churches, and even our businesses both large and small contributed to quickly get our county cleaned up and open to serve. My challenge for you this year is to investigate our Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) program and make the decision to get involved. Each one of you are a part of many civic groups, agencies, organizations, and private non-profits and are always looking to serve in some capacity. Why not join a team that stands ready to respond during times of disaster from a local and regional perspective? My hope is this is something that you have wanted to do, but simply did not know how to be involved. There are many great networking and training opportunities that will not only better prepare our communities but would give us all purpose. You can make a great difference. We would love for you to be a part of Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency by joining VOAD.
This year we have worked with Gulf Coast Media to create our second publication of “Stay Alert Baldwin.” This is not your average magazine with advertisements. The publication includes a rundown of what the Emergency Management Agency staff has identified as what you need to know here in Baldwin County. This publication is created knowing that this is something of value for lifetime residents, newcomers, and our tourists. Please retain a copy either via print, or on our website and download the PDF to your mobile device. We hope you utilize this as a local resource with useful information to use before, during, and after a disaster. In conclusion, we all hope for the best, but we must prepare for the worst. It’s not if there will be a disaster on our coastal community, but when. We are extremely motivated to improve how we communicate and always looking for opportunity to build our program in a way that supports Baldwin County, Alabama. Thank you in advance for being a great community member and preparing your home and business in a way that will allow you to help others during times of need and as always Stay Alert Baldwin.
Zach Hood Director, Baldwin County EMA