Life of the Party
that make everyone feel transported. Parents love her creativity and level of specificity. For a gamer party, computer circuit boards were
Memorable Mobile Parties’ Gisselle Rodriguez
turned into a techy backdrop; everyone drank
takes an idea and turns it into a magical cele-
out of coconuts for a 10th birthday beach luau;
bration with a theater-quality setup. A Mickey
and a basketball lover’s guests went home with
Safari birthday at the Everglades Wonder
personalized jerseys.
Gardens had life-size animal statues, binoculars
The party comes to you (hence the name),
and wide-brim hats at every seat, plus Mickey
and the service is white-glove all the way.
and Minnie dressed in safari outfits.
Rodriguez can secure the location, map out the
When Rodriguez, a mother of two, starts
festivities, and work with bakers, rental compa-
orchestrating an event, she’ll first talk to the
nies, balloon designers, entertainers—anyone
child (if they’re old enough) to learn what they
needed to turn the child’s dream into a reality.
love. She’ll spend hours studying the theme,
“I’m the choreographer,” she says. “Everyone
honing in on instantly recognizable details
just shows up.” —Andrea Stetson