De Conch-May 2013 Gullah/Geechee Ezine

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Congratulations Candice Glover the First Gullah/Geechee to Win “American Idol!”! The entire Gullah/Geechee Nation has been standing behind St. Helena Island native Candice Glover and not only sent votes, but prayers and positive energy to her each week as she hit the stage of television’s “American Idol.” The community came out in mass to show their love for her during her homecoming parade held in the city of Beaufort. Mayor Billy Keyserling provided Candice with a key with sweetgrass enhancements done by Jeri Taylor. Center to be greeted by her St. Helena Island family.

She then proceeded to historic Penn

Councilman William McBride gave her a

proclamation for Candice Glover Day on May 4th.

The parade in Beaufort was nothing compared to the energy of love coming down the road onto St. Helena Island. Members of Church of the Harvest marched with the angels right down the road leading the limo. Those angels ushered Candice to the winning slot at the end of the season. Gawd bless hunnuh Candice! We love hunnuh an gladdee hunnuh be Gullah/Geechee!




South Carolina Rehonors 25 Years Worth of Folk Heritage Award Winners! Queen Quet and Captain Joseph Legree of St. Helena Island, SC were two of the people rehonored by the South Carolina General Assembly for keeping Gullah/Geechee folk traditions alive in the state.->

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/ Geechee Nation stands with Gullah/ Geechee storyteller of James Island, Carolyn “Jabulile” White. Both previously received the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award.

Gullah/Geechees SC General Assembly members stand proudly with Queen Quet,Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation on the state house floor.

Annually the South Carolina General Assembly honors people of their state with Governor’s Awards and the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award. This has gone on for 25 years. All past recipients were invited to Columbia, SC to celebrate together!

Gullah/Geechee Gwine ta de NFL!!!


JENKINS Jelani Jenkins has been drafted to the Miami Dolphins. Jelani’s great grandmother donated property for the Wadmalaw Island Community Center here in the Gullah/Geechee Nation. Congratulations Jelani!

Do not forget that

Ron Parker of the Seattle Seahawks is also a native of St. Helena Island!


Devin Taylor Devin Taylor is not only a football player, he is a technology specialist. This outstanding Gullah/Geechee that grew up on Lady’s Island in Beaufort, SC has been drafted to the Detroit Lions NFL team. Devin is already being featured in sports columns as being “the one to watch.”

We gwine be watchin we homeboy fa sho!

Gwine on

Devin! Tune in to hear Devin speak about growing up here in the Gullah/ Geechee Nation:

Wha Gwine On May “Hands Across the Sand” celebrated internationally May 18, 2013 “Gullah Festival” at Technical College of the Lowcountry in Beaufort, SC May 24-26, 2013 “Soul Food Festival” in Ladson, SC Sunday, May 26, 2013 charleston.html

“Hunting Island Comes to

Gullah/Geechee Fundraiser Ira Hill and the Burke high school culinary team alongside Chef Benjamin "BJ" Dennis welcome you to the end of school year Gullah dinner. Join us on Friday May 31 for an evening of authentic Gullah/Geechee cuisine cooked by the students of Burke High School. First seating at 6:30, the second at 8:30 and the cost is $20. All proceeds go towards the Burke High School culinary program and the Gullah/ Geechee Angel Network. For more info or tickets contact Chef Benjamin "BJ" Dennis 843-743-100 or Ira Hill 401-345-2176

Town”: A celebration of South

“Sweetgrass Festival” in Mt. Carolina’s most popular state Pleasant, SC in the Gullah/ park and the 20th Anniversary Geechee Nation May 31st http:// of the Friends of Hunting Island ~in collaboration with the Beaufort History Museum~


“Black Music Month” activities Opening Reception: Thursday, 30 throughout the Gullah/Geechee Nation May 6:00-9:00 pm Beaufort History Museum in City Hall $ 10 M u s e u m a n d F r i e n d s members $15 Non-members The Hunting Island exhibit will run May 30 – July 30, 2013.

Queen Quet at Colleton County Memorial Library in Walterboro, SC June 20, 2013 at 6 pm Queen Quet at the Newberry Public Library in SC on June 21 at 3 pm

Cum Jayn We!!! Gullah/Geechee Nation International Music & Movement Festival™ 2013 Emancipation een de Gullah/Geechee Nation

Beaufort County, SC August 2-4, 2013 Friday, August 2-De Gullah Root Experience Tour of St. Helena and Hunting Islands Gullah/Geechee Garden Gala Saturday-Oyotunji African Village Welcome and Tour Saturday, August 3 Noon-7 pm Presentations in Beaufort, SC Sunday, August 4-Spiritual Worship Services on historic St. Helena Island and then bus tour to Savannah, GA with Gullah/Geechee closing reception or or call (843) 838-1171

AL N O I AT N R NTE I N 0 13 2 O I ™ T AL NA V I E T E ES CH F E T Emancipation een de Gullah/Geechee Nayshun E N G E / M H VE LA L O St. Helena Island & Beaufort County, SC U M G & IC August 2-4, 2013 MUS

lena Islands, rt Royal and St. He Po ic or st Hi e! he e Nation llah/Geec The Gullah/Geeche cipation wid de Gu n. an io em at te lam ra oc leb Pr ce n of ourstory-from ancipatio Cum fa jayn we an this dynamic part reading of the Em h st ug fir ro e th th y of ne n ur tio jo rkshops, music, ke on a SC were the loca t Festival™ will ta Nation via tours, wo en e he em ec ov M Ge & h/ ic lla us Gu International M in the heart of the ns. self-determination munity connectio chattel slavery to ! tributes, and com l ra st dun smile pun we ce an , ne isi dance, cu a whey fa sho Gawd se de n ee es Isl rt n de Beaufo Cum fa jayn we pu

Links to Gullah/Geechee Living Culture

Jayn wid wi wha lib wi culcha! •••

The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition has worked for many years to insure that there are accurate sources of representation in regard to Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture. Since the Coalition began leading this effort, many things have come into being that “sell” things with the name “Gullah” or term “Geechee” attached to them. However, many of these things are being marketed by those that simply see “Gullah/


G u l l a h / G e e c h e e Nation H e a d q u a r t e r s or


Gullah/Geechee Nation Blog http:// gulla bout/ gullahgeechee-blog/


Gulla h/Geechee Angel Network


Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition


Gullah/Geechee TV™ (GGTV)


Gullah/Geechee Riddim Radio http:// gullahgeechee


Gullah/Geechee Fishing Association www.gullahgeecheefishingassociation. com


Gullah/Geechee Nation Facebook Fan Page pages/GullahGeechee-Nation/ 66574769035


Gullah/Geechee Folks on Twitter

Geechee” as a “hot item” to be the next thing to exploit. So, we continue to work with entities and individuals to help insure that the world is aware of of the things that are done by Gullah/Geechees themselves that are not the people that can afford to pay for the promotions that others get and/or Gullah/Geechees that are not covered in the mainstream media because they are speaking the truth about what has taken place and what is taking place to exploit the people that live the traditions while often promoting those that simply write papers and

10. Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/ Geechee 11. Gullah/Geechee Nation International Music & Movement Festival™ 12. Gullah/Geechee Doula Association

books about the people (even if those books and papers are inaccurate). Tenk Gawd! Over the years, many have contacted us seeking sources that would allow them to directly connect with living links to Gullah/Geechee culture and traditions. So, in this special edition, we wanted to share current links to sources that will connect you to our living culture and not simply that which is being packaged and marketed as our culture. Please support these and pass the word on. We kno who webe and disya gwine git hunnuh ta we!

QUEEN’S CHRONICLES Een de Step a Mi Ancestas Queen Quet is the Chieftess of the Head of State for the Gullah/Geechee Nation and the Founder of the Gullah/ Geechee Sea Island Coalition.

Tenk Gawd fa dem wha cum fo we an lun we who webe! Tenk Gawd fa de African an indigenous one dem call “indian” tuh cuz dem lun we wha fa do. Tenk Gawd fa all wha bin een e haat an de TRUT wha dey pun de land. Tenki tenki Gawd fa anointin de Sea Island sand! There are no words to truly express the blessing of going from the Sea Islands inland to be honored for advocating for Gullah/Geechee traditional culture and then flying to the Capitol Hill to spend days on grounds that were hollowed out via sacred ceremonies done by indigenous American peoples. There are no words to express being surrounded by Gullah/Geechee elders and walking with them onto the floor of the South Carolina State House and then walking through the halls of the National Museum of the American Indian to see images that look like what my people and to read words of wisdom that ring out of the proverbs and other statements I recall from my elders that taught and showed us how to live in balance with one another and with the world. After walking in the steps of my ancestors throughout my life and then having their spirits lead me to Capitol Hill to speak on their behalf and educate those in the political realm about what Gullah/Geechee culture is for years on end, I am clear on the direction that GOD wants me to continue to go. In the event that I started wondering if those trips up the Hill were drylongso and whether or not my living was in vain, GOD had the Director of the US Department of the Interior sign the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Management Plan while I was on the Hill. This will guide what will next come of this national heritage area. I chaired the general management plan for this process and at times it seems that one is only seated in such a position. However, I have come to know that it is in those times that I am to “Be still and know.” As I rose in the air on a jet plane, the media exploded with the news of Candice Glover coming home to our island of St. Helena and it again exploded as I stood at Georgia’s capitol-Atlanta when she won a national title that has the world watching on TV. The ancestors are all the time watching me. The people wrote congratulations and tenki tenki de world kno who webe cuz hunnuh bin da caah disya fawad fa we! I give thanks for all the great news and all those now coming behind on the road that has been cleared which was the path that I have been walking and shouting out as I continue in the steps of my ancestors. Tenk Gawd!

TogetherGreen Class 2012-2013 Graduates! Toyota TogetherGreen Class of 2012 graduated in Washington, DC. These 40 outstanding conservationists were selected from across the United States. Queen Quet became the first Gullah/Geechee Toyota TogetherGreen alumni.

Toyota TogetherGreen is a conservation action fellowship program in conjunction with the Audubon. The fellows have one year to complete conservation projects that they design and lead. At their closing retreat, these projects were presented and the fellows graduated into the alumni network. Queen Quet and Joshua stand united at the end of the graduation. This image speaks volumes to the connection between the 2012 classmates!

Tune in to the graduation ceremony at: watch?v=U8V30yeCJ1c

Gullah/Geechee SEA & ME Gwine On!

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( is a Toyota TogetherGreen Fellow. She led a conservation action project entitled “Gullah/Geechee SEA & ME” in which “SEA” stands for “saving environmental actions” and “me” stands for “marine environment.” The project received such overwhelming support from native Gullah/Geechees that came out to the “Gullah/Geechee Famlee Days” and from individuals in the environmental and conservation movement that the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition has decided to make this a permanent program of the organization. The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition ( thanks Toyota, Audubon, and the Gullah/Geechee Angel Network ( for the support received during this fellowship.

We salute Queen Quet for having the vision to lead such a project which is crucial to

insuring not only the coastal environment, but the Gullah/Geechee cultural connections to our coastline. The next series of partners that will work with Queen Quet to continue “Gullah/Geechee SEA & ME” will have community engagement stations at the “Gullah/Geechee Nation International Music & Movement Festival™” ( on the first Saturday in August on St. Helena Island, SC which is the base of operation for the program. Cum jayn wi een keepin wi culcha pun de sea!

Hep Mo Angel fa Fly! Support De Gullah/Geechee Angel Network! The mission of the official 501(c)3, non-profit of the Gullah/Geechee Nation, the Gullah/Geechee Angel Network is To preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the Gullah Geechee People who have lived in the southeastern portion of the United States of America from North Carolina to Jacksonville Florida 30 miles inland (known as the "Low Country") for over 300 years. To connect all people, not just in the 50 states, but internationally throughout the Diaspora, Europe, Caribbean and Africa. Goals and Objectives are achieved by the implementation of the following seven (7) point program: The Performing Arts: Musical plays, dramatizations, poetry, storytelling, enactments and workshops Arts and Crafts: Workshops in the production and displaying of traditional Gullah/Geechee cultural items. Demonstrative workshops that encourage the development of functional skills and forms of expression to potentially showcase and stimulate direct participation in the growing ethnic tourism industry, festivals and cultural events. Educational: The establishment of Cultural Learning Centers designed to foster motivation, achievement and cultural enrichment. Historical/Research excursions from the tip of North Carolina (Cape Fear) to the outlining areas of Jacksonville, Florida. Scholarships and Awards: Lifetime Achievement Award programs and events recognizing those persons who have given selflessly of themselves, and have done considerable work for the benefits of their particular community as it relates to cultural preservation. Awarding Scholarships to youth who exhibit talent, and are oriented toward developing skills which foster Gullah/Geechee Culture. The Internet and The Media: Networking with organizations, institutions and groups which focus on Gullah/ Geechee Culture. Consistently present positive role models and activities to the low country in particular, and to in the Diaspora in general. Production, Preservation and Documentation: Production and archiving of Gullah/Geechee video and audio recordings, books, symbols and banners. Radio, television and computer production programming. Health and Nutrition Awareness: Forums and symposiums which explore lifestyles, food staples, food cultivation and preparation of Gullah/Geechee cuisine, as well as developing holistic programs to promote well being. Gret Camp Meetin Centa! The Gullah/Geechee International Camp Meeting Center will host a number of activities and people from around the world and educate people on the living traditions of that exist throughout the Gullah/Geechee Nation. The next major fundraiser for the project will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at Ardy’s Resort on Wadamalaw Island, SC For more details on fundraisers, tours, assisting with the project, or contributing, call (843) 572-6788 or go to

Peck Ensemble Honors the Roots of Our Heritage The Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Committee of Northeast Florida hosted “Honoring the Roots of Our Heritage” at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Nassauville, FL.

The Peck Ensemble continues to keep the singing traditions of the Gullah/Geechee Nation alive. They led songs during the worship service which were recorded by the Florida Folklife Division.

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/ Geechee Nation was an honored guest at this worship service. She came forward singing the Gullah/Geechee spiritual, “Walk with Me Lord.”

Praise Gawd!

William Jefferson and Glenda Simmons-Jenkins are Gullah/Geechee Assembly of Representative members, Ms. Jean is on the Wisdom Circle Council of Elders. These leaders stand with Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation at all times.

E bin a shoutin time da ednin ya!

Rev. James Crutchfield delivered the message for the evening at this historic worship service. Tune in to the service and be blessed: v=81zgaN5k-jQ v=VMdR4EGwpqg

The Gullah/Geechee Fishing Association The Gullah/Geechee Fishing Association is open to traditional and commercial fishermen and women and seafood industry workers of African descent in the United States southeast and the Gullah/Geechee Nation. It is the official fishing association of the Gullah/Geechee Nation.

Mission 1) To advocate for the rights of Gullah/Geechee and African American fishermen and fishery workers of the southeast 2) To share traditional fishing methods with the next generation 3) To restore access to the areas and factories needed to sustain the seafood industry in the Gullah/Geechee Nation and southeastern United States Goals Lift restriction that currently prevent the continuation of fishing by Gullah/Geechee and African American fishing families. Revisit and create new laws regarding subsistence and traditional fishing. Increase the numbers of Gullah/Geechee and African Americans that have the ability to create the needed implements for sea work including boat building and net making and that fish, shrimp, harvest shellfish, etc. Establish locations from which the fishing industry traditions can be carried on. New members are accepted at every meeting. Bring someone out of the water with you! Disya fa all a wi stay een de sea!

GULLAH/GEECHEE GOLD SOULS CAMPAIGN The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition is the premiere organization on the protection and continuation of the Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture. The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition: •

advocates for the protection of the human and land rights of Gullah/ Geechees

promotes and participates in the continuation of Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, culture, and language.

• •

works toward Sea Island land re-acquisition and maintenance. celebrates Gullah/Geechee culture through artistic and educational means electronically and via "grassroots scholarship."

The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition has successfully carried out this mission since 1996. During which time, they developed the ONLY archive in the world which is TOTALLY dedicated to Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture. The Gullah/Geechee Alekbulan Archive is being upgraded in order to continue to provide access to artifacts, images, documents, books, films, and recordings to future generations of Gullah/Geechees and global researchers. The Coalition host hundreds of students and professional writers each year and it also supports native Gullah/Geechee speakers and presenters traveling to other parts of the world to make sure that accurate presentations on our culture are done in a varied array of venues. We are calling on all supporters of the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition to become dues paying members and to contribute to the “Gullah/Geechee Gold Souls Campaign.” ( The funds will assist with the completion of the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition Center and our land fund. Please use the form at the end of this ezine or go to in order to financially contribute to the fundraising efforts that are currently under way which will finalize the first phase of the building. The “wish list:” • Apple Compatible External Drives • Apple Mac Pro and/or Mac Book Pro Computer(s) • Apple compatible server • New Brother Laser Printer/Copier/Scanner • New convertible futon for center • Archival boxes and poster holder • 12 3/4 inch plywood sheets For details on how you can host a fundraising event, contribute in any or in all of these ways, please email Disya bout geeing frum de soul fa mek sho de richness stay een wi black gold!

Join the GULLAH/GEECHEE SEA ISLAND COALITION I am enclosing my check for _____ $45 for the year of membership _____ $300-999 supporter (Pledge amount can be sent in monthly installments)

I will mail this to Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition Post Office Box 1207 St. Helena Island SC 29920 Name: ! _________________________

_____ $1200 for lifetime membership

What island are you closely connected to? ________________________________ How?(Circle one) ! ! Family


E-mail address: ________________________________

Address: _____ $___________ toward the Gullah/Geechee Gold Souls Campaign My check is written to the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition. I know that I will receive a newsletter, event announcements, and will be a subscriber to the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Roots List on the Internet as well as the group on Facebook and will also receive discounts on Gullah/Geechee products.

GULLAH/GEECHEE SEA ISLAND COALITION Post Office Box 1207 St. Helena Island SC 29920

© 2013 Gullah/Geechee Nation © 2013 Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition ALL rights for photographs and articles are reserved. Republishing should not be done without consent from the Gullah/Geechee Nation.


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