4 Guns for Fans of Hard-Boiled Detectives and Film Noir to Look for on GunBroker.com

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4 Guns for Fans of Hard-Boiled Detectives and Film Noir to Look for on GunBroker.com

4 Guns for Fans of Hard-Boiled Detectives and Film Noir to Look for on GunBroker.com Along with the western, few written and filmed entertainment genres are more quintessentially American than the dime novels and noir films about hard-boiled detectives. In all honesty, for fans of the genre, there is something undeniably cool about owning a gun that a fictional gumshoe would be comfortable with. When you are looking for a gun, whether it is the perfect piece for a private eye or not, you simply cannot beat the GunBroker.com online marketplace for selection. So dust off your trench coat and fedora and check GunBroker.com for the following Roscoes and the hard-boiled film noir antiheroes who would carry them.

Colt Police Positive This hard-boiled private eye was a respected detective on the force until they took a principled stand against the city’s powerful, moneyed interests. Although reduced to a shabby office in the wrong part of town, your Private Investigator (PI) can still rely on their old service weapon—a Colt Police Positive or S&W Model 15 chambered in 38 SPL. While the PI in question retains the weapon from their days on The Force, you should browse GunBroker.com to add one to your collection. SIG P220/226 Like their post-World War II noir counterpart, this modern PI was also on the job. Instead of carrying their venerable 38, however, this modern-day sleuth carries the SIG P220 or P226. Times change, but whether revolver or semi-automatic, the need for an ex-cop PI working out of seedy digs to pack reliable protection remains the same, see?

Taurus 1911 This hard-boiled flatfoot was in The War. Considering the length of time the 1911 chambered in 45 ACP was trusted by the armed forces, The War could have been any number of wars specifically. While in the service, this private eye came to rely on the trusty 1911 and carries one still. Whether you opt for a Colt, a Kimber, or a Taurus 1911 picked up from the GunBroker.com marketplace, however, is up to you. STI Staccato Far from the grimy underbelly of the city and timespent in the ranks of law enforcement or the military, though still hard-boiled, this private investigator comes from money. Bored with the predictable, stagnant world of jet-setting to remote islands, this heir to a vast fortune has turned to detecting for some adventure. That does not mean they have to settle for modest equipment, however. Your well-heeled PI relies on one of the STI guns you found a GunBroker.com user selling or auctioning. They figure if you can afford an STI Staccato chambered in 9mm or 45 ACP, why not go that direction? Finda private eye’s Roscoe, rod, heater, and pretty much anything else gun-related at https://www.gunbroker.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3em0L4l

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