Intelli-Vend™ Your intelligent cash-handling solution
Cash in circulation: on the rise Cash continues to play an important role for retailers worldwide. The Reserve Bank of Australia estimates that cash in circulation grows by more than 7% each year. But growing cash volumes in circulation also means increased cash-handling costs for many retailers. Today’s retailers require complete control and real-time accountability for cash transactions at service stations and retail operations to better manage cash payments. An efficient system that can improve overall productivity, reduce internal shrinkage, deter armed robbery and significantly reduce cash-handling costs can provide retailers with significant bottom-line improvements.
Security risks Exposed cash and larger floats at tills put retailers at greater risk for robbery and internal theft
Focus on specific cash-handling challenges
Lost time Manual cash reconciliation and reporting can be time consuming, taking staff and management away from sales and customer service
Shrinkage The absence of ‘real’ inventory control can greatly increase cash-handling errors at point-of-sale terminals
High costs Current ‘old school’ cash-handling systems can cost retailers thousands per year, in both time, and money.
Your intelligent cash-handling solution Intelli-Vend™ is a secure, cash automation solution designed to count, secure and manage cash in your business. Not only a deposit safe, but also with the added advantage of being able to control the dispensing of specific amounts of notes and coins, on demand. This controlled dispensing capability enables you to automatically dispense initial floats and topup change to cashiers, resulting in smaller floats, reduced cash holdings at tills, and saves hours of management time every day.
Immediate benefits 1. A utomated control and detailed auditing of all cash deposits and change transactions 2. R educed potential for robbery and internal theft as a result of smaller floats and reduced cash holdings at tills
Step 2: Dispensing Select from one of the numerous dispensing options to issue loose or rolled coins, or notes, or a combination of all three. Change can ‘bought’ in a “like for like” balancing transaction, or drawn down from previously established ‘credit’, or simply dispensed up to a predetermined operator level, per day. The result is smaller floats and reduced cash holdings at tills, and lower costs.
Step 3: Reporting Reconcile your cash inventory through extensive reporting capabilities. Your options include automatic re-order or replenishment reports, inventory reports, end-of-day summaries, individual transaction/shift reports and bank clearance reports, to name but a few. It is possible to even customize your own specific report for the unique requirements of your own business.
At a glance
3. I ncreased productivity (average 2 hours per day)
Easy-load note dispenser: up to four denominations
4. S ignificant cost savings through reduced time and working capital requirements
Sealed, easy-to-swap deposit cassettes: 600, 1.200 and 2.200 note capacity cassettes (up to two per machine)
5. C ounterfeit note detection
Easy-load loose/rolled coin dispensers: up to eight dispensers per machine
6. P ossible elimination of manual paperwork processes 7. A dvanced cash and coin dispensing functionality (loose or rolled coins and notes)
On-board thermal receipt printer: available for change inventory reporting; deposit/dispense receipts; and shift, day and clearance reports High-security system: two-key access feature
8. E nhanced flexibility and efficiency
Compact design: ideal for under-counter installation
9. S imple and easy-to-use system
High-performance note validators: secure note deposit and counterfeit rejection
Intelli-Vend™ in action A world-leading provider of efficient and innovative security solutions, Gunnebo designed the Intelli™-range of cash automation solutions to meet the cash-handling needs of today’s retailers. These modular, automated cashhandling systems offer an unrivalled level of customisation and scalability that deliver results at all levels in retail cash handlng processes.
Step 1: Managing cash Log in using your designated operator PIN code. Insert your notes while the system automatically counts, validates and secures your cash as it is deposited. Electronic control simplifies reconciliations, reduces the risk of exposed cash, and eliminates the need to spend time counting cash.
Technical data Availability
frontload, staff-operated
845 x 770 x 550 cm
approx. 320 kg
Validator capacity
2 x 1.200 note cassettes
Cash capacity
Subject to final design
Power supply
1 x 10amp standard GPO
We make your world safer.
GUGB.9099.R1 Design and production: Gunnebo. Photos Credits: Gunnebo and Fotolia. The data given in this material may be subject to change without further notice. The Gunnebo logos and “Gunnebo – For a safer world” are registered trademarks of Gunnebo AB.
Gunnebo is a leading provider of efficient and innovative security solutions and services to customers around the globe. It employs 5700 people in 32 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas, and has a turnover of €580m. Gunnebo focuses its offering on Bank Security & Cash Handling, Secure Storage, Global Services and Entrance Control.