The ways to carry concealed weapons should be a shooters pre-requisite study before actually going out with a gun. You may find yourself in certain situations where you are confronted by an active shooter, or shooters, in a crowded environment then you may want to be prepared and pull out your weapon from somewhere convenient. We can break down carrying weapons in two parts: the On-Body and Off-Body carry. When the weapon is attached to your body then it’s called “On-Body”, otherwise everything else is Off-Body. The key word here is “Attached”. On-Body way to carry concealed weapon are often the preference of men in law enforcements. You can wear a garrison belt threaded through the belt loops of my uniform trousers, put a Sam Brown gun belt over that and you can now attach the gun belt to your garrison belt by means of short leather straps that went around both belts and snapped in place. These “keepers” will anchor your gun belt to yourself at five points. It is always preferable to carry concealed weapons in leather products. You can use a holster and belt. Though there are plastic holsters out there, they don’t seem to fit the demands of daily law enforcement officers. That is why you will often see them with their guns in leather. Only a few plastic holsters were able to endure the wear and tear of these officers but crooks can easily break the cheap plastic holsters which is what you want to avoid at all costs. Off-Body way to carry concealed weapons is described by how it is loose from your body. Any device that holds the gun like a purse or day planner is an Off-body carry. Fanny packs are also off-body if you are wondering, unless you attach it to yourself through a secondary method otherwise, it is an off-body carry method that is in high-risk of being taken away from you. The same rule goes for paddle holsters. If there is not a way to secure it to your body, it is an off-body carry and subject to being taken from you in a fight. There is another new option for those who want to be able to remove their holsters without removing their belt. The holster is still a traditional belt slide style, but instead of loops it has flaps at either side that snap over your belt to hold it in place, but it is still easily removed.