Deep Quotes

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Deep Quotes July 20, 2019

Hello, friends nice to meet you. I'm presenting the Quotes. Friends today I'm coming with Deep Quotes. Friends on this page you will deep love quotes, deep motivation quotes, deep sad quotes, etc. Friends once checkout this page, you will definitely like it. Friends if you want more Quotes then Follow us. Friends if you like these quotes then share with your friends. Friends share your about this site in the comment section. Because I need to improve myself. More Quotes Success Positive Breakup Depression Life Friendship Short 1/21

Romantic Attitude 10,000 Quotes We fall in love with one version of someone and we expect to stay that way, but they never do.

The most painful part of leaving the person you love is that they'll never come after you.


Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else.

A true test of character isn't how you are on your best days but how you act on your worst days. 3/21

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Missing you isn't the problem... It's knowing you're never coming back that's killing me. 4/21

Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be its master and not its slave.

You will search for me in another person. I promise. 5/21

I don't get it. You said I'm important to you but you still make me feel that I'm not worth your time.

The worst feeling in life is when someone walks away from your life forever, leaving behind footprints on your heart and tears in your eyes. 6/21

She loved the ocean because every time the waves left the shore, they always cane back.

They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for. 7/21

People don't change with time. People change by choice.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. 8/21

Your dream doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible. 9/21

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.


I love making you laugh because, for those few seconds, I made you happy and seeing you happy, it makes me happy too.

I use sarcasm and jokes to cover up the fact that I'm lonely and have bad anxiety about mostly everything.


just think of the future, and think of your dreams. You'll get away from here, you'll get away eventually.

Some people can just never understand how much they really mean to you. 12/21

Find a place inside where there's joy and the joy will burn out the pain.

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. 13/21

When nights are cold and stars are few, I close my eyes and think of you, A silent hope, a silent tear, a silent wish that you were here.


Respect is the key determinant of high-performance leadership. How much people respect you determines how well they perform.

The worst feeling in life is when someone walks away from your life forever, leaving behind footprints on your heart and tears in your eyes.

Life isn't promised to us. We are blessed every by simply being able to rise in the morning.

Starting today, I need to let go of whats's gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to whats's coming next.

It's okay to walk out someone's life if you don't feel like you belong in it anymore.

Be careful who you pretend to be. You might forget who you are.

Some memories never leave because we don't allow them to.

Love is giving someone the power to destroy you... But trusting them not do.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

I'm a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest.

For a broad understanding and deep feeling, you need pain and suffering.


I'm a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.

Change your thoughts and you change your world.

Little by little deep inside us, the diamond shines, the eyes open, the dawn rises, we become what we already are.

Your life is your story. Write well edit often.

I never cared about the material things someone could give me. I care about time, attention, honesty, loyalty and effort. Those gifts mean more than anything money could buy.

Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. when you're positive good things happen.

Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you.

Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream.

How easily your emotions flow towards and away from me.

Deep inside where nothing fine I've lost my mind.

Sometimes it feels like my closest friends are the dark, its always been there when everyone else wasn't. 16/21

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.

Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.

The enemy will try to limit your praying because he knows your praying will limit him.

You think attention is love and that's why you suffer so deeply.

I am successful because I have failed a lot of times. I am a winner because I've lost so many times. I am strong because I have been weak before. I am happy because I have friends and family who love me.

A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.

Life is about moments: don't wait for them, create them.

You are as deep as the ocean with treasures down below.

You're that once in a lifetime dream come true.

I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold.

Never let people get to you. They can only pull the trigger if you hand them the gun.


The goal is to laugh forever with someone you take seriously.

Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky.

Everyone wants to be the sun to light up someone's life, but why not be the moon, to brighten in the darkest hour?

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing to doubt. Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

Make good choices today so you don't have regrets tomorrow.

If you don't see the book you want on the shelf, write it.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you.

Nowadays people change just like the weather.

Love all. Trust few. Everything's real but not everyone's true.


Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.

people who make you feel better about yourself when you're sad are so important.

Keep the faith it might not happen when you want it, but it'll happen when you need it. Trust God, he won't fail you.

Go where you feel almost alive.

Failure is a signboard which says, try again.

If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone.

Without his love I can do nothing, with His love there is nothing I cannot do.

Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing.

When you start seeing your worth, you'll find it harder to stay around people who don't.

A year from now you will wish you had started today.

I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.

Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.


If you lose someone but find yourself you won.

Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become who you respect, mirror what you admire.

You don't a king and a castle to be a princess.

You can never plan the future by the past.

the future will either be green or not at all.

it is greater work to educate a child, in the true and larger sense of the world, than to rule a state.

Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.

Please, forgive me if I don't talk much at times. It's loud enough in my head.

A bad relationship will make you feel more alone than when you were single.

If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.

Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it.

There is a voice that doesn't use words. listen.


Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud.

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