Time Quotes

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Time Quotes saiquotes.com/2019/10/time-quotes.html October 22, 2019

Hello, friends nice to meet you. I'm presenting the Quotes. Today I'm presenting Time Quotes. These Quotes says how precious our Time was. Once you check this page from top to bottom, I hope you will inspire by these quotes after reading the quotes. If you are searching for Time Quotes, then you are in the perfect place. Friends I hope you like this page. If you like it then share with your friends. And share your opinion about this site in the comment section. Let's check out the page. More Quotes Quotable Quotes Business Quotes Famous Quotes Strength Quotes Bill Gates Quotes Alone Quotes Bold Quotes Men Quotes Husband Quotes Emotional Quotes Travel Quotes

Life, if well lived, is long enough.

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. 1/5

Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing.

Time precious makes sure you spend it with the right people.

time doesn't heal emotional pain, you need to learn how to let go.

The trouble is, you think you have time.

One must work with the time and not against it.

Life teaches us to make good use of time, while time teaches us the value of life.

Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves.

Timing is everything. If it's meant to happen it will. At the right time. At the right place. For the right reasons.

It's not about having time. It's about making time.

Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient.

If your goals scare you. they aren't big enough.

The way we spend our time defines who we are. 2/5

Stop waiting for time. Time isn't waiting for you.

Nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities.

Lost time is never found again.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.

The time you enjoy wasting was not wasted.

They say the best things take time. That's why I'm always late.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Time flies over us but leaves it's a shadow behind.

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.


Time was a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.

Don't force someone to make time for you. If they really want to, they will.

Always in life, bad times will lead to great times.

Times is a created thing. To say I don't have time is like saying, I don't want to.

You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.

Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given.

Spend time alone and often; touch base with your soul.

Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

Difficult times are meant to bring you closer to the almighty. So if you're having a rough day or tough month, be calm. Let his plan unfold.

Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.


Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.

God gives the above expensive watch to everyone but does not give a difficult situation to anyone.

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