Business Challenges
• GURUCAD CATIA V5 POWER COPY SPECIAL HOLES DESIGN extend CATIA V5 Hole functionalities with new specific types of holes
Hole CATIA V5 features are limited to a very small number of standard holes. Each industry/OEM has its own holes types that are used in design of mechanical parts. Creating these specific holes manually is a time consuming and error prone process. Each hole • Intelligent holes that are created in must follow corporate standards and only specific values for these only few mouse clicks specific holes parameters are allowed (agreed with manufacturing • Time reduction of up to 80% in and other downstream processes). creation of these specific holes via CATIA V5 Power Copies compared with traditional/manual modeling approach
GURUCAD CATIA V5 POWER COPY SPECIAL HOLES DESIGN Based on software: CATIA V5 Operating System: Windows, Unix and all other OS compatible with CATIA V5 Price: Holes 150,- €/Power Copy Other holes Power Copies price will be based on customer specification.
Solution GURUCAD CATIA V5 POWER COPY SPECIAL HOLES DESIGN provides a standardized and improved set of special holes that can be used in extending CATIA V5 Holes functionalities. These holes are having linked Design Tables for easy modification and extension based on your corporate standards. All this CATIA V5 Power Copies can be integrated in a CATIA V5 Catalog for easy reuse and access by the design team. GURUCAD is specialized in creation of CATIA V5 Power Copies for automotive, aerospace, machine industry. Based on your requirements /specification we can provide you with an offer for any type of hole CATIA V5 Power Copy.
Result Extension of CATIA V5 Hole features with new specific holes. A time reduction of up to 80% can be reached by using this customized CATIA V5 Power Copies instead of manual creation of these specific holes.
CATIA V5 Releases The product is running on CATIA V5 starting with Release R16. CATIA ® is registered trademark of Dassault Systemes SA. All rights to this and other used brands, trademarks and registered trademarks, lie solely to the respective owners.
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