Do You REALLY Need to Hire a Coach? /really-need-hire-coach/ Jimmy Rodela
© putilov_denis / Dollar Photo Club Everything has a “code” – a code to success that is. And if you are able to crack that code, then you’d be able to create systems that would allow you to experience repeated success in that specific area. It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to earn online, or you’re trying to acquire the skill of teaching a lion to tame another lion (while using blindfolds), the only thing that’s standing between you and achieving success is whether or not you can decipher “the code”, and whether or not you act on it. * Friendly reminder – there are often times more than just one code to achieving success. But you already know this, don’t you? The good news is, we don’t always have to decipher the code by ourselves. We don’t always have to go through the trenches and endure hundreds (or thousands) of wasted hours (and money) going round in circles trying to blindly figure out what to do to be successful. Somebody – a coach – already knows the code. And they are more than willing to share it with you, at a price. So the question then becomes, are you willing to pay that someone for the code?
Allow me to answer that question by sharing with you the benefits to be had in having a coach. However, if after reading the post you still feel that the benefits I described still isn’t good enough, then you can truly justify answering the question that the title poses with a clear “no”. Let’s hop right in:
1. You can hit your targets/goals with the least amount of time. With the help of coaches, you can cut down your learning curve into half (or maybe more than that). Because coaches already know their craft, and are great at transferring the knowledge from their brain to yours, you’d be able to learn the ins and outs, and the dos and don’ts of the craft that you are trying to master the soonest time possible. That said, there is no need for you to delve on needless experiments that would cost you more time and money. You can pretty much cut through the noise and start learning the things that REALLY matter to you.
2. Have a more focused learning. When you are learning the ropes all by yourself, there is a good chance that you’ll lose focus and be distracted. I know this all too well since I became a victim of this myself. When I started earning online, I didn’t have a coach to guide me. No one taught me the ropes so I ended up doing all the research that I could on the internet about how to earn online. My research initially led me to freelance writing. As I tried to research more about the topic, I ended up getting distracted into learning about other methods of earning like Google adsense, affiliate marketing, surveys, and also the pay per download model (among others). In hindsight, if I just stuck to freelance writing and learned the other skills that compliment it (just like what I am doing today), I am sure that I’d have gotten way further than where I am currently in my business and level of earnings.
3. Leverage on years of industry specific experience, even if you are a total newbie. You may still be a beginner in your industry, but that doesn’t mean that you should act like one. Imagine this. There are two people who wants to earn online. One of which decides to study the industry by himself. While the other decides to not just study the industry, but also, invest in hiring a coach who has been operating in the industry for years to teach him the tricks of the trade. Which of the two do you think will prosper a lot faster? Which of the two do you think will make the best decisions in the earlier stages of their career, that will help propel their growth into greater heights in the soonest possible time? Of course, the answer is person number 1, right? (If you answered affirmatively, then you need to read again.) Seriously, though. Person number 2 will clearly be on the driver seat between the two. Simply because of the things he learned from hs coach that has years of experience.
Now here’s my question to you. Do you want to be on the driver seat like person number 2 and be the ones to lead the pack? Or are you contented with simply being a follower like person number 1? Here’s another question. If you accidentally meet your previous boss – the one who fired you for no reason at all – and asks you what you’re doing right now, do you want to tell him that you are still working for someone else? Or do you want to tell him that you are now the boss of your own business – the one leading the pack. It’s your call…
4. Accountability. One of the things that keeps us from reaching the level of success that we are seeking is our lack of discipline. This is especially true for those who have an online business (or those hoping to have one). With how much of a distraction the internet has become, we end up creating all sorts of excuses to justify procrastinating in doing our most overwhelming task – the tasks that matters the most. In short – we become pros at procrastinating. If you have a coach that checks on you regularly, though, you will have an accountability partner that will keep you from procrastinating. That means, not only will you be able to do your tasks the best way possible in terms of quality, but, speed will also be on your side.
What’s next? Have you ever hired a coach before? What kind of experience and experience did you have with him/her? Was hiring the coach worth your time? Please take the time to share your thoughts in the comments section below. I look forward to reading your ideas. Cheers!
Jimmy Rodela Jimmy Rodela is a contributor on websites with millions of monthly traffic like,,, Business2Community and He is a trainer at that specializes in topics about earning money online and digital marketing. He is the Founder of the Guild of Bloggers. Follow him on: Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google +,Read more about me