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Vol.:10, Issue:5, Con. Issue:108 Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Hyderabad ( Branch of Rajkot Gurukul ) Chevella Road, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist., Hyderabad - 500 075, AP, India Ph: +91 8413 235288/89, 40 32932481, 94903 88277
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lRlax lalkj--gfj pfjre~ ckiqHkkbZ dks lcd— fpuxkjh drZO;--Science behind Indian festivals...
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Science behind Indian festivals â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Darshak Bhatt (Ex.Stu. of Gurukul Hyderabad) h e yea r 2 0 0 9 h a s b een d e c l a re d b y t h e U n i te d Nations as the International Year of Astronomy. The declaration is in honour of the first ever astronomical use of telescope by Galileo exactly 400 years ago. The telescope changed the human perception of their natural environment for all times to come. Telescope and microscope permitted human beings to see things which were not part of every day experience. Astronomy today is a child of high technology. The Universe has been reduced to a mere ensemble of objects which we study with a view to discovering laws of nature and testing our theories. But the sky was not always like that. In the ancient past sky was viewed with awe and respect. Attempts were made to discover patterns in it so that its wrath could be averted and its goodwill earned. Till relatively recent times, the driving force for human interest in the study of the Cosmos has been fear; first the fear of the celestial gods and then the fear of the waters. Onwards from the 15th century when European sailors took to oceanic navigation, they only had stars for company and guidance, the study of which therefore became a matter of life and death. Curiosity- driven astronomy is thus only a few centuries old. Our interest this evening is in that phase of human culture when propitiating the celestial gods and
n e g o t i a t i n g w i t h t h e m fo r t h e i r benevolence were matters of the highest priority. A clear distinction was made between what was auspicious (shubh) and what was inauspicious ( ashubh), and the shubh times were assiduously worked out. This ritualistic sophistication was an extension of a very practical need, that is to keep track of the passage of time. Time was cyclic; the Moon went through its phases and seasons changed and returned. But time passed and never returned. Understanding the complexity of time and pondering over its nature constituted the earliest philosophical and intellectual exercise undertaken by human beings. Such a study has a contemporary significance also, because many of our extant cultural and social practices are a continuation of the times long gone by. Paradoxically while these days we are very knowledgeable about the celestial objects and the Universe as a whole, we know much less about the tapestry of the visible sky than our ancestors did. Today when we want to know what time of the year it is, we look at the calendar. When we want to know what time of the day it is, we look at the clock. We often forget that there was a time when you had to turn to the sky to know the time. Let us look at our watches and clocks and construct a simple clock . This clock will have only one hand (sui) instead of two or three. It does have a dial, but
only with a single mark or digit, say at the location of 12.When the hand is in front of the digit, the counting starts. When the hand returns to the digi, we say that one unit of time has passed. (In your real watch the time elapsed will be 12 hours.) We have two famous natural clocks. In the first case, the Moon is the clock hand and the Sun the digit on the dial. When the Moon is in front of the Sun, it is New Moon (Amavasya). When the Moon returns to the Sun, a month has passed. When the Moon is opposite the Sun, it is full Moon, or Poornima. Since these days the word month is used independently of the Moon, we can use the term lunar month or better still lunation. A lunation is the period from one Amavasya to the next, or what is the same thing, from one Poornima to the next. A lunation comprises about 29 and a half days. In the second natural clock, the Sun itself acts as the clock hand. There is no obvious dial digit now. We have to create an imaginary one. The Sun appears to go around the Earth. This path is called the ecliptic. Any point on the ecliptic can be taken to be the dial digit provided we remember that we must return to the ver y same point. There are four important points on the ecliptic: (i)Spring equinox (20-21 March) when day and night are equal;(ii) Summer Solstice ( 2021 June) when the day is the longest; (iii) Autumn Equinox (22-23 September) when day and night are again equal; and (iv) Winter Solstice (21-22 December) when the night is the longest. Note that these dates are for the present epoch and the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere dates remain the same but seasons are reversed. (In the past these points or colures as they are called, occurred at latter and latter dates,
owing to a phenomenon known as Precession of the Equinoxes. Spring Equinox and Winter Solstice are the two most common starting points for tracking the Sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s apparent orbit. The Sun takes about 365 and a quarter days from say one Spring Equinox to the next. GREGORIAN CALENDAR Let us now look at the most commonly used calendar in the world. According to it if today is 28th February 2009.This calendar is so popular that on 1 January we wish one another Happy New Year as if it was THE new year. We forget that there are many other calendars in the world which start their new year on other days. This calendar is some times called the Christian calendar. It is however better to use a neutral term like Gregorian calendar after Pope Gregory who reformed it. This calendar has a very accurate year length. In it the year has either 365 or 366 days. Although January, February, etc., are called months they have nothing to do with the Moon. That is why the month can have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days. In this calendar to keep track of the passage of time we must actually count the number of days. For convenience the year is sub-divided into 12 months, but their length is arbitrary. We could have had a month of 36 days if we so wished. As far as the Gregorian calendar is concerned, the Moon is totally irrelevant. Even if the Moon did not exist the calendar would function in exactly the same way as now. Gregorian calendar is (purely) a solar calendar. We can construct a solar calendar in another way, where the month is still decoupled fro the moon but now has astronomical significance. Divide the ecliptic into 12 equal parts. Each is called a zodiacal sign or rashi. Sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entry into a 8
rashi is called Samkranti. The solar year would then comprise 12 Samkranti months. There is a good reason why a solar year has 12 months even if these months are independent of the Moon. Seasons return with the solar year (365 days). During this period there occur 12 lunations (that is 12 Amavasya’s or Poornima’s) The problem with solar year is that the new month and therefore the new year begins Chori Chori Chupke Chupke. The fact that the word month comes from the Moon tells us that originally the Moon was the month-maker. We can indeed construct a calendar which dispenses with the Sun as the clock hand and instead utilizes the Moon. The Sun of course remains in the picture as the digit on the dial. HIJRI CALENDAR Hijri calendar is a purely lunar calendar. Muslim festivals are fixed according to it. The year uniformly consists of 12 lunations adding up to 354 days. The Hijri year is decoupled from the Sun. That is why Muslim festivals systematically slide through seasons. VIKRAMI CALENDAR The Gregorian and the Hijri calendars achieve their simplicity by using either the Sun or the Moon as the colck hand. The Vikrami calendar on the other hand insists on employing both. That is why it is complex and can be very confusing to a layperson. Like the Hijri calendar the Vikrami calendar also has a lunar month, which begins with (the ending moment of) Amavasya. But while the Hijri year consists uniformly of 12 lunations, the Vikrami calendar some times makes the year of 13 lunations. The festivals therefore show deviation from seasons
but it will always be less than a lunation (29 days). Christmas falls on a fixed day of the Gregorian calendar ; Eid can come any time in a year while Divali falls within a narrow range of days. The solar reference point for the Vikrami calendar is the Spring Equinox, which currently occurs on 20-21 March. But the Vikrami calendar nominally considers 14 April to be the Spring Equinox. The first month of the Vikrami year must begin before this date, on New Moon. As already noted the year can consist of 12 or 13 lunations. There is a prescription for doing so. Also note that even when the year has 13 months there are only 12 month names. A name will therefore have to be repeated. Vikrami calendar is a twin-track calendar. It keeps track of the Samkranti’s as well as Amavasya’s and Poornima’s. Samkranti’s are the more important because they are directly related to seasons. Normally between two Samkranti’s there would occur an Amavasya. Some times it happens that between two neighbouring Samkranti’s there are two Amavasya’s instead of one. We then count the lunar month twice; the first one is called Adhik Masa, pronounce Maas (extra month). Conventionally celebrations are reserved for the latter one, which includes a Samkranti . On very rare occasions there will be no Amavasya between two Samkranti’s . This month is then deleted as Kshaya Masa (decayed month). A Vikrami year cannot have less than 12 months. If one month is deleted, some other must be repeated. - Continue in next Issue
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Hkkjr esa---
yksx Hkxoku esa vkLFkk j[krs gS A 64% yksx fu;fer eafnj esa tkrs gS A 53% yksx fu;fer iwtk djrs gS A 46% yksx Hkwr&ifyr esa ekurs gS A 24% yksx T;ksfr”k esa ekurs gS A 68% yksx /kkfeZd izo`fŸk esa vkLFkk j[krs gS A xqtjkr esa 1,42,135 eafnj&/keZLFky gS A 93%
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xkSre cadk ¼xq:dqy gSnjkckn½ 10
laLFkk n'kZu xq:dqy gSnjkckn bUMLVªh;y eqykdkr fn- 28 flrEcj] 2009
vkt xq:dqy gSnjkckn ds lHkh Nk=ksa us Hkkjr dh Js”B LVhy daiuh ^fouk;dk LVhy* dh ‘kS{kf.kd eqykdkr yh A ftlesa daiuh dh vksj ls lHkh Nk=ksa dks x`Ik okbt laiw.kZ daiuh ds lHkh foHkkx dh letwfr nh xb A [kkbZ esa ls feyrs dPps yksgs dks laiw.kZ yksgs esa :ikarfjr djus dh izfdz;k ,oa mlesa ls Vh,eVh cukus rd dh laiw.kZ izfdz;k lHkh Nk=ksa dks crkb xbZ A yksgs dks 14000 lsfYl;l fMxzh ls izokgh djus dh izfdz;k] izokgh yksgs dks fuf’pr vkdkj nsuk] fofo/k fdle dh fgVhax izkslsl] dEI;qVj ij vk/kkfjr yksgs ds fuf’pr vkdkj esa ls vyx vyx lkbt ds Vh,eVh cukus dh izfdz;k vkfn laiw.kZ izfdz;k Nk=ksa dks crkb xbZ A
Jk//k ioZ fn- 14 flrEcj] 2009
vkt Hkxoku Lokfeukjk;.k dk Jk//k euk;k x;k A lHkh Nk=ksa dh vksj ls mudh ilanxh vuqlkj laiw.kZ idokUu cuk, x, A ftlesa eykb jksy] eksfrpqj yMM~q] eksguFkky] xktj gyok] nw/kh gyok] cqanh] Fksiyk] iwjh] <kslk] lekslk] ehphZ Hkth;k] ikoHkkth] ih>k] nkcsyh] ik.khiqjh] eapqjh;k] uqMYl] ukujksVh] fcj;kuh jkbl] eapqfj;u jkbl] iqyko jkbl] thjk jkbl] [khpMh] pkSfu’k] dM jkbl] dksykiqjh ost] cVj iuhj elkyk vkfn cuk, x, A ln~-Jh nsoizlknnklth Lokeh ,oa larx.k }kjk lHkh Nk=ksa dks izlkn izkIr gqvk A
jk’Vªh; Lrj ij ilanxh fn- 3] 4 vDrqcj] 2009
vDrqcj 3 vkSj 4 dks xqaVwj esa vk;ksftr Open National Taekwondo Competition ds varxZr xq:dqy gSnjkckn ds Nk= N. Phalguni dh Feather Weight esa vkSj Tushar Patel dh Wealter Weight esa vka/kzizns’k jkT; dh vksj ls jk”Vªh; Lrj ij ilanxh dh xbZ A
d.kkZVd ds eq[;ea=hJh dh eqykdkr fn- 29 vDrqcj] 2009
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xq:dqy csaxyksj Jk//k ioZ fn- 14 flrEcj] 2009
Hkkjrh; lkaLd`frd ijaijk vuqlkj Hkknzin ekg esa lHkh yksx vius fir`vksa dks Jk//k viZ.k djrs gS A Lokfeukjk;.k laiznk; dh ijaijk vuqlkj Hkxoku Lokfeukjk;.k ds Jk//k dks HkfDrHkko ls euk;k tkrk gS A 14 flrEcj dks Jk//kioZ euk;k x;k A vusd izdkj ds O;atuksa dk Hkxoku dks Hkksx yxk;k x;k A fo’ks”k lRlaxlHkk dk vk;kstu gqvk A ftlesa larx.k }kjk Jk//kioZ dh efgek letkb xbZ A i’pkr~ larx.k }kjk lHkh Nk=ksa dks izHkq izlkn izkIr gqvk A
“kS{kf.kd eqykdkr & dwxZ fn- 28 ls 1 vDrqcj] 2009
vkt nloha d{kk ds Nk=ksaus vius f’k{kdksa ds lkFk rhu fnolh; ‘kS{kf.kd ;k=k esa eSlqj gksrs gq, dwxZ igqps A ;g lHkh ds fy, vk’p;Ztud vquHko Fkk A D;ksafd ;g ;k=k tksf[ke vkSj vkSj lkgfld gksus ds lkFk ‘kS{kf.kd Hkh Fkh A dwxZ ,d izkd`frd txg gS tks izd`fr dh lqjE; okfn;ksa ds e/; clk gS vkSj dkosjh ds ikuh ls Hkjiwj gS A dwxZ igkfM;k dksgjs ls vkPNkfnr gS vkSj NksVs&NksVs >juksa ls Hkjiwj gS A dwxZ vkt Hkh viuh BaMh gok] ?kus lnkcgkj cu vkSj ehyksa QSys lqxaf/kr elkys] dkQh ds cxkuksa vkSj /kku ds [ksr ds dkj.k viuh iqjkuh igpku cuk, gq, gS A dwxZ dk vkSlr rkieku rsjg fMxzh lsfYl;l ls NCchl fMxzh lsfYl;l ds chp jgrk gS A igkMh Hkkxksa esa l=g ls vkSlr m¡pkb xsjg lkS lŸkj ehVj gS A bl txg esa dksMkok] dUuMk] ey;kye] fgUnh vkSj vaxzsth cksyh tkrh gS A lHkhus rkydkosjh] vksedkjsÜojk] ,cs QkYl] edZjk QksVZ] nqckjs ,yhQSUV dSEi vkSj xksYMsu VsEiy dq’kyuxj dks ns[kk A frCcfr;u ckS) fogkj ns[kus dk ekSdk feyk A rky dkosjh dkosjh unh dk mn~xe gS tks czãfcfj ioZr ls fudyrh gS A vksedkjsÜoj eafnj dksMxq jktk fyaxjktk us cuok;k Fkk A
ck< vljxzLr esa lgk; fn- 12 vDrqcj] 2009
vka/kzizns’k vkSj d.kkZVd esa vk;s ck< ls vljxzLr ckxydksV ftys ds f’kjcMxh vkSj uohyqgksys xk¡o esa xq:dqy csaxyksj ls larx.k }kjk thout:jh lkexzh nh xbZ A 340 ifjokj ds 1400 O;fDr;ksa dks O;fDrxr dEcy] /kksrh] yqaxh] lkjh] pqMhnkj] diMs] pkoy] fcLdhV vkfn oLrqvksa dk forj.k fd;k x;k A ,oa xq:dqy gSnjkckn dh vksj ls vka/kzizns’k ds duqZy ftys esa pkoy] czsM ,oa diMs dk forj.k fd;k x;k A
Bhojan Prasad in Gurukul Hyderabad Ajay Chaudari Mukesh K. Ghanshyam Maharaj Ghanshyam Maharaj Dharmik Kara E. Manish
Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Uganda Karimnagar
Birthday Birthday
Ice Cream Utsav Ice Cream Utsav Dosa Samosa Cake Cake 12