Swaminarayan Darshan Feb 2014

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lr KZí`m_ _hmamO Ho$ g§_þ»I N>ßnZ^moJ AÞHy$Q>

JþéHþ$b h¡Xam~mX _| n«mW©Zm _§{Xa CX²KmQ>Z Ho$ _§Jb Adga na

February 2014

lrKZí`m_ _hmamO H$m n§Mm_¥V go _hm{^foH$&

AaUr_§WZ go àH${Q>V A{¾Zmam`U H$mo `kembm_| bo Om aho g§Vm|

lrKZí`m_ _hmamO H$m nþînm{^foH$&

`kZmam`U H$mo Amhþ{V`m± Xo aho `e{ñd `O_mZ n{adma&

`k H$r nyUm©hþ{V _| ny. Jþé_hmamO VWm g§VJU&

lr XodàgmXXmgOr ñdm_r H$mo Amerdm©X Xo aho ny. Jþé_hmamO&

gËg§J g^mH$mo C×mo{YV H$a aho ny. Y_©d„^XmgOr ñdm_r&

_þ»` `O_mZlr H$mo _y{V© An©U H$a aho ny. Jþé_hmamO&


Vol.:16, Issue:8, Con. Issue:156 Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Hyderabad ( Branch of Rajkot Gurukul ) Chevella Road, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist., Hyderabad - 500 075, AP, India Ph: +91 8413 235288/89, 98665 91293 hyderabad@gurukulworld.org • www.rajkotgurukul.org

AZwH«$‘ 4

Q>r.dr. Ho$ CËnmV

6 How conciseness can be purified? 7 Action leading to Reaction 9

g§ñWm Xe©Z

% laLFkkid % ln~fo|k l)eZ j{kd “kkL=hth egkjkt Jh /keZthounklth Lokeh vk”khokZn% ekfyd% izsjd% ra=h%

xq:o;Z Jh nsod` ’.knklth Lokeh Jh Lokfeukjk;.k xq:dqy gSnjkckn ln~xq: Jh nsoizlknnklth Lokeh lk/kq 'kkafrfiz;nkl

Subscription: Yearly - Rs.25 • 12 Years - Rs.200

g§amoh{V A{¾Zm X½Y§ dZ§ naeþZm hV§& dmMm Xþ麧$ ~r^Ëg§ Z g§amoh{V dmH² jV_²&& Bg gþ^m{fV H$m AW© h¡, ^`mZH$ AmJ go Zï> hþAm `m Hþ$ëhm{S>`m| go H$mQ>m J`m dZ ^r EH$ Z EH$ {XZ Zdn„{dV hmo OmVm h¡, {H$ÝVþ A{à` Am¡a H$Qþ> dMZm| go X½Y hþE g§~§Y H$^r Zdn„{dV Zht hmoVo& H$m¡Z Zht OmZVm {H$ g§gma Ho$ A{YH$V: Šboe _mÌ dmUr Ho$ A{ddoH$ go hr hmoVo h¢& {\$a ^r _rRo> dMZ ~mobZm H$_ bmoJ grIVo h¢! ^JdmZZo Bg g¥{ï> _| EH$ O¡gm Xygam Hþ$N> ~Zm`m hr Zht& neþ, n§Ir `m Xygar MrOm| H$r ~mV Z H$a| Vmo ^r gmSo> N>: A~O _Zþî`m| _| {H$gr H$r hñVaoIm g_mZ Zht h¡& {H$gr H$r Am±Io§ g_mZ Zht h¡& {H$gr Ho$ Mohao g_mZ Zht h¡& {H$gr H$r J§Y g_mZ Zht h¡ Am¡a {H$gr H$r AmdmO ^r g_mZ Zht h¡... g^r bmoJ g^r Vah go {^Þ h¢ Vmo ^bm g^rHo$ ñd^md, é{M H¡$go g_mZ hm|Jo? h_mam H¡$gm ^r K{Zï> g§~§Yr `m {_Ì hmo {H$ÝVþ dh H$B© ~ma h_go {^Þ gmoMVm, g_OVm `m {H«$`m H$aoJm& `h ñdm^m{dH$ h¡ Š`m|{H$ h_ ^r Eogm H$aVo h¡§& Eogm hmoZo na `{X h_ h_mao dmUr-dV©Z _| g§`_ Z aI gHo$ Vmo {\$a h_mao ñZoh g§~§Y_| Adí` AmJ bJoJr& {H$gr H$mo _mar EH$ WßnS> em`X dh ^yb Om`oJm {H$ÝVþ H$Qþ> dMZ H$^r Zht ^ybVm& Bg{bE H$~raOrZo H$hm h¡, "Eogr ~mZr ~mo{bE, _ZH$m Amnm Imo`& Am¡aZ Hþ$ erVb H$a|, Amn hþ§ erVb hmo`&& -V§Ìrlr

Q>r.dr. Ho$ CËnmV Jwéd¶© lr XodH¥$îUXmgOr ñdm‘r

"Q>r.dr. _| Š`m XoIZm Mm{hE Cggo A{YH$ Š`m Zht XoIZm Mm{hE Eogr {ddoH$ Ñ{ï> Ed§ H$bm A{YH$ Amdí`H$ h¡Ÿ&'


O Ho$ Xm¡a _| Q>o{b{dOZ {dœ^a _| ahVo bmoJm| Ho$ _Zmoa§OZ H$m à_wI _mÜ`_ ~Z J`m h¡, {H$ÝVw CgHo$ _mÜ`_ go MrZr H$s nV© MT>o H$m{Vb Oha H$mo namogm Om ahm h¡Ÿ& CgHo$ \$m`Xo Joa\$m`Xo Ho$ ~mao_| O~ ~w{Õ_mZ bmoJ ~mVMrV H$aVo h¢ V~ EH$ ñda _| ñdrH$ma H$aVo h¢ {H$ Q>o{b{dOZ Ho$ \$m`Xo H$_ Am¡a ZwH$gmZ H$B© JwZm A{YH$ h¡Ÿ& `h g~ OmZVo hþE ^r CgH$s ZmJMyS> _| go H$moB© IwX H$mo ~Mm Zht nmVm, Bggo ~S>r {ddeVm Xygar Š`m hmo gH$Vr h¡ ?' {H$gr ^r Q>r.dr. IarXZodmbo ì`{º$ go ny{N>E {H$ AmnHo$ ~oQ>r-~oQ>m| H$s {ejm-Xrjm _| `h {H$VZm Cn`moJr {gÕ hþAm h¡ ? Iob-Hy$X, nR>Z-nmR>Z `m {\$a Xygar AÀN>r àd¥{Îm`m| H$mo N>moS>H$a ~ƒo KÊQ>m| VH$ Q>r.dr. Ho$ gm_Zo Q>H$Q>H$s bJmH$a ~¡R>o ahVo h¢ \$b ñdén CZ_| Ambñ`, A{ddo H $, AgX² n R> Z , ~mo b Zo _ | CÕVmB©, _manrQ>, H$bh Ed§ gËg§J Ho$ à{V Cnojmd¥{Îm O¡go XwJw©Um| H$m àdoe hmo J`m hmoVm h¡Ÿ& Q>r.dr. Ho$ gm_Zo ~¡R>o ahVo ~ƒmo§ H$mo h_ S>m±Q>Vo ahVo h¡§Ÿ {H$ÝVw `h ^yb OmVo h¢Ÿ {H$ h_Zo hr Vmo CZ_o§ Q>r.dr. H$s bV bJmB© h¡Ÿ& Q>r.dr. XoIZo H$s AmXV ~war h¡, `h h_ OmZVo h¢ Oéa na _mZVo Zht h¢, ñdrH$ma H$aZo H$mo V¡`ma Zht h¢Ÿ& Omo bmoJ `h gË` OmZVo h¢, CZHo$ Kam| _o§ Q>r.dr.Zo AnZm 4

AmgZ O_m`m Zht h¡Ÿ& Q>r.dr. Ho$ AmXVr ~ƒo _m±-~mn H$s Amkm _| ahVo Zht h¢Ÿ& Omo ~ƒo nhbo _m±-~mn H$m H$hm _mZVo Wo do ^r Q>r.dr. Ho$ AmJ_Z Ho$ ~mX _m±-~mn Ho$ gm_Zo Jwam©Zo bJVo h¢Ÿ& Bg_| CZH$m Š`m Xmof ? Š`m|{H$ Q>r.dr. Ho$ _mÜ`_ go CÝh| Eogr hr Vmo grI {_bVr h¡Ÿ& AmOH$b Q>r.dr. na àgm[aV Á`mXmVa H$m`©H«$_m| _| H$ht na g_mO H$ë`mU, XoIZodmbm| H$s ~m¡{ÕH$ j_Vm ~T>mVo `m {\$a amï´>r` g_ñ`mAm| Ho$ {ZdmaU H$aVo `m {\$a OrdZ H$mo CÜd©Jm_r ~ZmVo "{g[a`ëg' Vmo {XIm`o hr Zht OmVo Š`m| { H$ Q> r .dr. Mo Z ëgdmbo bmo J ì`mdgm{`H$ h¢ CÝh| bmoJ, g_mO `m amï´>{hV O¡go _wÔm| go H$moB© boZm XoZm Zht h¡Ÿ& CZH$m Vmo bú` AnZo Ka H$s {VOm¡ar N>bmN>b ^a OmZogo hr g§~§Y aIVm h¡Ÿ& F${f-_w{Z`m| H$s Am`© g§ñH¥${V Ho$ Xoe H$m `wdmZ A~ {\$ë_r H$bmH$mam| H$mo AnZo OrdZ H$m AmXe© _mZZo bJm h¡Ÿ& h_ ^r AnZo ~oQ>o-~o{Q>`m| H$s VwbZm, Eogo H$bmH$mam| Ho$ gmW H$aVo hþE àgÞ{MÎm hmo OmVo h¡§ {H$ÝVw namB© ór Ho$ g§J ZmMZodmbo, eam~, OwAm Am¡a _m§gmhma O¡gr Xwîàd¥{Îm _| {ZaÝVa ag-~g H$bmH$mam| H$mo Š`m h_ AnZo OrdZ H$m AmXe© _mZ gH$Vo h¢ ? h_mao KaHo$ XadmOo _| go H$moB© Mmoa, ì`gZr,

eam~r `m XwamMmar ì`{º$ àdoe Z H$ao, BgHo$ {bE h_ {ZaÝVa OmJéH$ ahVo h¢ na Q>r.dr. Ho$ Ûmam h_mao ~ƒm| Ho$ _mZg _| `o hr g~ Kyg OmVo h¢, CgH$m »`mb VH$ Zht ahVmŸ& ^maV _| {dœgw§Xar H$m Zht Mm[aÍ`erb MmébVm Ho$ AmXe© àe§gmnmÌ ahm h¡Ÿ& AmOH$b Eogo ^maV _| Q>r.dr. Ho$ à^md _| Xoe Ho$ H$moZoH$moZo _| Z¥Ë` H$aVr AY©Z§Jr Am¡aVm| H$mo àX{e©V {H$`m Om ahm h¡ Am¡a bmoJ gn[adma Eogo Ñí`mo§ H$mo Mmdnyd©H$ XoIVo ^r h¢& Eogm bJVm h¡ {H$ Q>r.dr. Zo Vmo A~ Am±I H$m nmZr hr _mZmo gþIm {X`m h¡Ÿ& Q>r.dr. XoIH$a H$moB© ~ƒm àh²bmX `m Y«wd, `m H$moB© ì`{º$ _hmamO OZH$ `m Zaqgh _hoVm O¡gm ~Zm hmo Eogm Z Vmo H$ht XoIm h¡ Z H$ht gwZZo _| Am`m h¡Ÿ& BgHo$ à^md _| Vmo ~ƒo, `wdm, `hm± VH$ {H$ d¥Õ ^r gÝ_mJ© N>moS> MwHo$ h¢ Eogm hr XoIZo _| AmVm h¡Ÿ& Bg{bE Vmo Bg `§Ì`wJ_o§ Q>r.dr. H$mo "amjg' Ho$ én _| ^r OmZm OmVm h¡Ÿ& `wamon _| Vmo g_PXma bmoJ Q>r.dr. H$mo "B{S>`Q> ~moH$g' Ho$ én

_| hr nhMmZVo h¢Ÿ& h_mao `hm± Q>r.dr. H$mo ZH$maZodmbo Vmo H$moB© {dabo hr hmo gH$Vo h¢Ÿ& Q>r.dr. Ho$ à^md _| bmoJmo _| A{YH$ Ambñ`, {dMmam| _| A{ddoH$, dmUr _| CÕVmB©, qhgm, XwamMma AgXnR>Z, Xod-Xe©Z Ed§ g§Vg_mJ_ Ho$ à{V Aé{M-CXmgrZVm, Kamo§ _| _manrQ> Am¡a H$bh Am{X XwJw©Umo§ H$m àdoe hmo J`m h¡Ÿ& Jm±dmo§ _o§ Vmo Bgr H$maU go EH$ ZB© H$hmdV ApñVËd _| AmB© h¡{Og Ho$ Ka na Q>r.dr. H$m D±$Mm S>§S>m, CgHo$ Ka H$m bS>H$m J~aJ§S>m (Jmo~aJUoe) Q>r.dr. Ho$ _mÜ`_ go \¡$b ahr A^ÐVm Ho$ H$maU A~ h_ AOw©Z, A{^_Ý`w, ldUHw$_ma, bd-Hw$e, {edmOr `m _ram§~mB© O¡go g§ñH$mar Ed§ dra g§VmZm| H$s Amem H¡$go aI gH$Vo h¢ ? Bggo Vmo g_mO _| Xw`m}YZ `m amdU O¡go XwamMmar Am¡a Ah§H$mar g§VmZm| H$m hr gm_«mÁ` ~T>oJm Z !

gw^m{fV‘² H$mbmo dm H$maU§ amkmo amOm dm H$maU_² & B{V Vo g§e`mo _m ^yV² amOm H$mbñ` H$maU§ && H$mb amOm H$m H$maU h¡ {H$ amOm H$mb H$m H$maU h?¡ Bg_| H$mBo X{þdYm Zhr h¢ {H$ "amOm hr H$mb H$m H$maU h'¡&

Am`þf: jU EH$mo{n gd©aËZ¡Z© bä`Vo & Zr`Vo VX² d¥Wm `oZ àm_mX: gþ_hmZhmo && (n¥Ïdr Ho$) g^r aËZ XoZo na ^r OrdZ H$m EH$ ^r jU dmng Zht {_bVm& Eogo OrdZ H$mo à_mX _| d¥Wm H$aZodmbo {H$VZr ~S>r JbVr H$a aho h¢&

February 2014

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How conciseness can be purified? Sadguru Shri Devprasaddasji Swami Translation: Shashtri Shri Mukundswarupdasji Swami

Subject: Indriyas and antahkaran should be engaged in the service of God and His devotee. Main Topic: Indriyas and antahkaran become purified if they are engaged in the service of God and His devotees. And they become polluted if directed to materialistic objects. Purport: Shreeji Maharaj, the Supreme Personality Godhead says that antahkaran becomes purified and sins attached to soul since time immemorial can also be shattered if the activities of organs of senses are engaged into service of God and His devotees. And if they directed to worldly objects such as female etc…, antahkaran becomes polluted, why is it so? While effort and activities are same in both case either job is done for nourishment of his family or for God. In both case condition of work is same. Herein raises question that why in one place work/efforts makes antahkaran purified and in another place makes it polluted, what is reason of that? Field, inspiration and intention are different in both activities mentioned above. Purification or pollution of antahkaran depends upon person's 6

i n t e n t i o n . Ef f o r t d o e s n o t m a ke antahkaran pure or polluted therefore effort is not as important as intention. Therefore Shreeji Maharaj has said that Indriyas and Antahkaran should be kept in the service of God and His devotees, and God should be field for them. It is said in the scriptures that Indriyas and Antahkaran are “Prapya prakashkari” it means whatever one offers to them, they will omit the same. If one allows Indriyas and Antahkaran to enjoy materialistic objects then there will be a gathering of worldly desires and with time, worldly desires will come out a force from Antahkaran as water from a fountain. And if one enjoys Godly objects there will come out a force of Godly desires from his heart. Antahkaran is like a blank sheet of paper. Even though from some one's heart arises Godly desires and from some one's heart arises worldly desires such as anger, Kam/lust (averice) etc…these Godly or worldly thinking is not natural to Antahkaran since time immemorial. It means Antahkaran omit out whatever was given to it previously. Shreeeji Maharaj says in the Va c h a n a m r u t a m t h a t “ t h e C h i t t (consciousness) is very clean” so one can write either holy name of God or materialistic bad words on it as per his

own wish. And good or bad desires rising in the Antahkaran is result of good or bad objects respectively enjoyed by senses previously. If God and His devotee are fields for activities of Indriya then there will arise holy and devotional desires from Antahkaran. And if materialistic objects women, lust etc… are field for activities of Indriyas then there will arise bad desires such as anger lust etc… from Antahkaran. Therefore Supreme Godhead

Swminarayan says in this Vachanamrutam that one should accept materialistic objects of the senses just to survive human body and that also as per commandments of the scriptures. If one leaves company of wicked and performs Satsang, his sense of ego (I-ness) with body and myness with bodily relatives gets destroyed and he/she develops extreme love for God therefore one should leave company of wicked and perform Satsang.

Action leading to Reaction ‘Sanyam’

“One should understand that every worldly pleasure is not without sufferings” -Sadguru Shri Gunatitanand Swami


ell known and highly

oneself. Newton's third law

regarded English physicist

respectively can be taken into

and mathematician Sir

consideration in the light of when one

Isaac Newton created his third law

performs an action; there will always be

stating that “for every action, there is an

following consequences linking

equal and opposite reaction.” However,

themselves back to the original action. Great deals of transformations regarding people have occurred in various stages within this world. Many of them have greatly benefitted human society, however, most of the recent stages of changes have only led to re s u l t s l e a d i n g t o t h e d o w n f a l l .

as of now one shall not be concerned behind the physics involved within this matter but instead the analytical reasoning that can be applied to

Recently, the main focus has been solely upon how to please and satisfy the wants, needs, and desires of one's body and vices. Unlike the past when February 2014

7 3

the focus was to strengthen one's mind,

consequences when they have

soul, and spiritual sense; the great shift

recognized it.

has only led to one's own destruction.

Nevertheless, the role of spirituality

As Sadguru Shree Gunatitanand

plays a great deal of importance within

Swami states that worldly pleasure

this matter. Often at times one does not

leads to sufferings, such sufferings

realize that such a Swaminarayan

cannot be seen due to the fact that one

Sampraday keeps us in check and

engrossment upon satisfying their own

balance to where one does not

body does not allow for them to ponder

completely fall within the worldly

upon such consequences. Within this

pleasures of this world. Furthermore,

day and age, a screen provides the

one has lost the ability to give oneself

g re a t e s t f o r m o f e n t e r t a i n m e n t ,

the amount of credit they potentially

whether it is a television, cellphone,

possess to push themselves to

computer etc. However one has never

accomplish great achievements and

taken the time to imagine what effect is

move pass pleasing their vices with

has upon them physically and mentally.

worldly pleasures. Bhagwan Shree

For instance, does television gradually

Swaminarayan left behind his santos

degrade your vision over a period of

for a purpose, the purpose being that

time, have an influence upon your

haribhaktos could learn how to lead a

behavior and personality, and destroy

successful life through them. In the

your ability to focus upon the crucial

two-par t relationship, we should

aspects of life? Although the answer is

perform an action of seeking them and

clear, the issue stands in the fact that

learning from them in order to create

one is not able to recognize this and

the desired reaction of the

more importantly not willing to take

improvement of our own future.

responsibility and accept the


laLFkk n'kZu 108 Hþ$ÊSr>` lr_hm{dîUþ `mJ, JþéHþ$b h¡Xam~mX lr ñdm{_Zmam`U JþéHþ$b h¡Xam~mX_| àmW©Zm _§{Xa H$m gþemo^Z H$m`© nyU© hmoZo na nyÁ`nmX² lr XodàgmXXmgOr ñdm_r Ho$ eþ^ g§H$ën go 4 \$adar, dg§Vn§M_r Ho$ {XZ 108 Hþ$ÊSr>` lr_hm{dîUþ`mJ H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m Wm& Bg _§Jb Adga na nyÁ`nmX² Jþéd`© lr XodH¥$îUXmgOr ñdm_r VWm gXJþé lr Y_©d„^XmgOr ñdm_r, ny. à^þMaUXmgOr ñdm_r, ny. am_mZþOXmgOr ñdm_r, ny. g§Vd„^XmgOr ñdm_r Am{X 40 g§Vm| H$r g§{Þ{Y go N>mÌm|-^º$m| _| AmZ§X H$m AØþV dmVmdaU N>m J`m& dg§Vn§M_r Ho$ _§Jb à^mV_| àmV: 7 ~Oo àmW©Zm _§{Xa_| {dam{OV lrKZí`m_ _hmamO H$m A{^foH$ àma§^ hþAm& nyÁ` XodàgmXXmgOr ñdm_rZo Ý`mg{d{Y H$aZo Ho$ ~mX nyÁ` Jþé_hmamO VWm g§Vm|Zo J§JmOb, VrW©Ob, n§Mm_¥V, {d{dY \$b ag, Ho$gaOb Am{X go _hm{^foH$ {H$`m& Bg g_` lr {H$emoa _hmamO Am{X {dÛmZ ~«m÷U d¡{XH$ _§Ìm| H$m Kmof H$a aho Wo& ^º$m|-N>mÌm| O`ZmX H$a Ho$ dmVmdaU ^a aho Wo& Obm{^foH$ Ho$ ~mX nþînm{^foH$ {H$`m J`m& ~So> g§Vm|Zo N>mÌm|-^º$OZm| na A{^foH$ H$m àmgm{XH$ Ob VWm nþîn n§Iþ{S>`m± {N>S>H$H$a g^r H$mo _§Jb Amerf {X`o& nyÁ` Jþé_hmamOZo A{^foH$ H$r {ZamOZ H$aZo Ho$ ~mX A{^foH$ nyU© {H$`m J`m& A{^foH$ nyU© hmoZo Ho$ ~mX nyÁ` Jþé_hmamO Am¡a g§Vm| Ho$ gm§{ZÜ`_| AaUr_§WZ H$aHo$ `k H$m eþ^ma§^ {H$`m J`m& 200 `O_mZm|Zo d¡{XH$ _§Ìm| Ho$ CƒmaU Ho$ gmW gm`§H$mb VH$ `kZmam`U H$mo Amhþ{V`m± XoH$a VZ, _Z Am¡a dmVmdaU H$mo ^{º$_` ~Zm`m& Xmohna 12 ~Oo lr KZí`m_ _hmamO Ho$ g§_þI g§Vm|-N>mÌm|Zo ~So> CËgmh Am¡a ^{º$^md go 200 dmZ{J`m| H$m _hm AÞHy$Q> bJm`m& AÞHy$Q> H$r AmaVr Ho$ ~mX g§Vm|Zo ^JdmZ Ho$ g§_þI amg {b`m& gm`§H$mb 5:00 ~Oo {deof g^m H$m àma§^ hþAm& JþéHþ$b h¡Xam~mX_| nT> aho N>mÌm| _| gþ{ejm Ho$ gmW {dZ`, {ddoH$ VWm ^{º$ XoIH$a nyÁ` Jþé_hmamO VWm g§Vm| nyÁ` XodàgmXXmgOr ñdm_r VWm `hm± godm H$a aho g^r g§Vm| na ^y{a ^y{a àgÞ hþE& CËgd {Z{_Îm 15,88,057 X§S>dV, 2,28,55,680 _§ÌboIZ Am¡a 30,68,26,482 _§ÌOmn H$aHo$ ^JdmZ-g§Vm| H$mo àgÞ H$aZodmbo N>mÌm| VWm CÝh| àoaUm-àmoËgmhZ XoZodmbo g^r g§Vm|, {ejH$m|, ì`dñWmnH$m| H$mo ny. Y_©d„^XmgOr ñdm_r VWm nyÁ` Jþé_hmamOZo eþ^merdm©X {X`o&

JþéHþ$b h¡Xam~mX_| _Zm`m J`m JUV§Ì {Xdg 26 OZdar, Xoe Ho$ JUV§Ì {Xdg na àmV: N>mÌm|Zo Jm¡adnyU© amï>— ^{º$ H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV {H$`m& Bg H$m`©H«$__| "{ZOm_ BÝQ>rQ>²`yQ> Amo\$ _o{S>H$b gm`Ýg' Ho$ {d^mJmÜ`j lr Or. gy`©Zmam`U amOy A{V{W {dfoe Ho$ én_| nYmao Wo& JþéHþ$bH$m gm§ñH¥${VH$ _mhm¡b XoIH$a do AË`§V à^m{dV hþE& February 2014

9 3

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Printed Matter, R.N.I. No.-APBIL/2000/3021, Postel Licence No. L II/RNP/HD-1120/2013-15, AP/HC-22/WPP/2013th th 14 Posted at Enkepally, Moinabad Mandal, Chevella Rd., Hyderabad-500075, Posting Date 11 & 12 of the Month, Sub.: Rs.25 Per Annum, Editor: Sadhu Shantipriyadas, Printed @ Sai Likhita Printers, Khairatabad

OoS>Moabm JþéHþ$b Ho$ bmoH$mn©U H$m`©H«$__| CÓmQ>Z Z¥Ë` H$a aho N>mÌ& bmoH$mn©U H$m Xrn àmJQ>²` H$a aho ny. Jþé_hmamO Am¡a H$boŠQ>alr&

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