September 2010

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Vol.:11, Issue:4, Con. Issue:119 Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Hyderabad ( Branch of Rajkot Gurukul ) Chevella Road, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist., Hyderabad - 500 075, AP, India Ph: +91 8413 235288/89, 40 32932481, 94903 88277 •

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lRlax ijn¨"k n'kZu--gfj pfjre~ HkDroRly gfj fc:n frgkjk--Science & Scripture Gunatitanand Swami’s talks Culture Disadvantages of Eating Meat

10 laLFkk n'kZu % laLFkkid % ln~fo|k l)eZ j{kd “kkL=hth egkjkt Jh /keZthonklth Lokeh vk”khokZn %; Jh tksxh Lokeh xq:o;Z Jh nsod` ’.knklth Lokeh ekfyd % Jh Lokfeukjk;.k xq:dqy gSnjkckn izsjd % ln~xq: Jh nsoizlknnklth Lokeh ra=h % lk/kq 'kkafrfiz;nkl dyk la;kstd % lk/kq lR;Lo:inkl Subscription: Yearly - Rs.25 • 12 Years - Rs.200

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ijnks”k n’kZu • Hkxoku ds ekxZ esa eqeq{kq dks nks vojks/k vkrs gS% ,d vius LoHkko vkSj nwljk HkDrksa dk vHkko A ;s nks vojks/k eqeq{kq dks lRlax ls nwj dj nsrs gS A • tc [kqn ds xq.k vkSj nwljksa ds nks”k gh utj esa vkus yxs rc le>uk fd gekjh v/kksxfr ‘kq: gks xb gS A • ijnks”k n’kZu vkSj ijppkZ ls cprs jguk pkfg, A • xq.kxzkgh LoHkko thou dk fodkl djrk gS vkSj ijnks”k n`f”V fouk’k A • tSlh n`f”V oSlh l`f”V% ;qf/kf”Bj dh n`f”V dsoy vPNk ns[kus dh Fkh] mls dgh cqjk ugha fn[kkbZ iMk vkSj nq;ksZ/ku dh n`f”V dsoy nks”kxzkgh Fkh] mls dgh vPNk ugha fn[kkbZ iMk A • nks”k n`f"Vokyk dHkh vkRefodkl ugha dj ldrk A • tgj feyk gqvk nw/k ihus ls dksbZ thfor ugha jg ldrk] oSls Hkxoku ds HkDr dk voxq.k ysusokyk eks{k ds ekxZ ij ugha py ldrk A • ,d euq”; us panz dks dgk% rwa ‘kkar vkSj ’khry gS fdUrq rq> esa nkx ugha gksrk rks fdruk vPNk yxrk ! leqnz ls dgk] rwa fdruk fo’kky gS fdUrq rw>esa [kkjkiu u gksrk rks Bhd gksrk ! dks;y dks dgk fd rwa fdruk e/kqj xkrh gS fdUrq rw dkyh u gksrh rks ! mlds izR;qŸkj esa rhuksa us dgk] gs ekuo ! raw ijekRek dh vizfre izfrek gks] fdUrq rqt esa nks”k n’kZu dh n`f”V u gksrh rks fdruk vPNk gksrk ! • Hkxoku ds lPps HkDr ds nzksg ls thouHkj ds ti] ri] nku] ozr] rhFkZ dk iq.; u”V gks tkrk gS A • ;fn nks”k ns[kuk gh gS rks vius [kqn ds D;ksa ugha ns[krs \ D;k ge laiw.kZ funksZ”k gsS \ • Hkkxor esa Hkxoku dgrs gS] ^gs ukjn ! esjs esa izhrh gks] mnkj gks] v[kaM esjk Hktu dj jgk gks fdUrq lPps lar dks nq%[k nsrk gks rks og Hktu djrs djrs Hkh udZ esa tk;sxk A • lRiq:”k esa nks”k n`f”V djus ls lw;Z leku rstLoh ekuo Hkh dhMs tSlk gks tkrk gS A • lRiq:”k dk vHkko gksuk vkSj voxq.k ns[kuk og rks Hkxoku ds ekxZ ls foijhr gksus dk gkbZos gS A • lRiq:”k esa nks”k nzf”V djus ls vius esa nks”k ugha gksaxs rks Hkh vkus yxsaxs A • nwljs dks cwjs le>us ls [kqn esa cqjkbZ mRiUu gksus yxrh gS A • ftls vius nks”k fn[kkbZ nsus yxs mlds leku dksbZ fopkj’khy ugha gS A • nwljksa dks nksf”kr vkSj [kqn dks funksZ”k le>uk mlds leku dksbZ cMk nks”k ugha gS A • [kqn ds nks”k ns[kuk og [kqn dks funksZ”k cukus dk cyoku lk/ku gS A ËÄçuª çºç®m tÆ| 2

Jh “kkafrfiz;nklth Lokeh

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HkDroRly gfj fc:n frgkjks


<h jkr Fkh A x<iqj dh xYyh xYyh lks jgh Fkh A nknk[kkpj dk njckj Hkh lwelke Fkk A Jhgfj v{kjHkqou esa ‘k;u dj jgs Fks A vpkud os HkMddj tkx x;s A ns[kk rks FkksMs nwj uhps lsod eqdqan czãpkjh lks jgs Fks A Jhgfj /khjs ls mBs vkSj d{k ls ckgj fudys A czãpkjh v/kZtkxzr gh Fks A os Hkh rqjar Jhgfj ds ihNs ckgj vk;s vkSj iwNk% ^izHkq ! D;ksa vkt vk/kh jkr funzkHkax gqvk \* ^o.khZ ! uktk tksxh;k dks dgks tYn gh gekjh ?kksMh rS;kj djs A* czãpkjh dks ns[kdj Jhgfjus mls vkKk nh A ^fdUrq izHkq] bruh jkr---* ^vHkh ckr djus dk oDr ugha gS A eSa tks dgw¡ oks djks A* Jhgfj ds Lojksa esa mrkoyh Fkh A czãpkjh le> x;s A rqjar mlus uktk tksxh;k dks txk;s vkSj Jhgfj dk lans’k lquk;k A pan feuVksa esa ek.kdh ?kksMh Jhgfj ds lkeus gkftj Fkh A ek.kdh vkrs gh Jhgfj ml ij lokj gksdj py iMs A czãpkjh us uktk HkDr vkSj Hkxqth dks lkFk ys tkus fcurh dh fdUrq brus esa rks ek.kdh njckjx< ls ckgj fudy xbZ A Jhgfjus ek.kdh dks x:M ds osx esa vejsyh ds ekxZ ij nkSMkbZ A dqN gh {k.kksa esa Jhgfj vejsyh ls vkxs eksVh xksjoh;kGh xk¡o esa igq¡p x;s A lokZra;kZeh Jhgfj us xk¡o esa dY;k.k iVsy dk ?kj <w¡< fy;k A iVsy dk lkjk ifjokj lks jgk Fkk A dsoy ,d dejk tkx jgk Fkk A dejs ds njokts ij ckgj ls [kaHkkrh rkyk yVd jgk Fkk A Hkhrj dY;k.k iVsy dh iRuh :dekbZckbZ lkr fnu

dh Hkw[kh cSBh Fkh A eq[k esa v[kaM Lokfeukjk;.k--- Lokfeukjk;.k--- ea=tki py jgk Fkk A mlds eq¡g ls izkFkZuk fudyh ^gs izHkq ! bl v/kfeZ;ksa ds ik’k ls eqq>s eqDr dfj;s A esjs ,sls dkSu ls v’kqHk deZ gS fd vkius eq>s bl udZ esa xkM j[kh gS \ gs egkjkt !---* ^gk] :dekbZ ! cgksr nq%[kh gks \* ihNs ls e/kqjs Loj xq¡ts A :dekbZckbZ us Jhgfj dh vkokt igpku yh A mlds ‘kjhj esa psru vk;k A fiNs ns[kk rc Jhgfj ds ‘kjhj esa ls fnO; rst fudyk A dejk rst ls Hkj x;k A bZ”Vnso ds n’kZu ls :dekbZ dk jkse&jkse iqyfdr gks mBk A oks Jhgfj ds pj.kksa esa fxj iMh A ^egkjkt ! vki bruh xk<h jkr ;gk¡ dSls \* ^:dekbZ] ge rks lks x;s Fks fdUrq rsjh iqdkj us ges lksus ugha fn;k A ge Hkkxrs ;gk¡ vk igq¡ps A* Jhgfjus crk;k A ^fdUrq izHkq ! vki vanj dSls vk;s \ ckgj rks rkyk yxk;k gS A* ^ges bu fnokj&njokts dk vkoj.k jksd ugha ldrk A* Jhgfj us eqLdqjkrs gq, dgk A^pyks vc nsj gks jgh gS eq>s lqcg gksus ls igys x<iqj okil igq¡puk gS A rsjh D;k bZPNk gS \ ;gk¡ jguk gS ;k gekjs lkFk x<iqj vkuk gS \* ^egkjkt ! vc rks vkids lkFk gh eq>s ys tkbZ;s A bl udZ ls NqVdkjk fnykbZ;s A* :dekbZ cksyh A ^rks vk¡[ks can dj yks A* Jhgfj dh vkKk ls ckbZus vk¡[ks can dh A dqN {k.k ds ckn Jhgfj cksys% ^vk¡[ks [kksyks A* :dekbZckbZ us vk¡[ks [kksyh rks oks nknk[kkpj ds njckjx< esa cSBh Fkh A dqN lksaps muls igys Jhgfj dks flrEcj&2010


njokts ls Hkhrj vkrs ns[ks A ;gk¡ czãpkjh] ik”kZnks rFkk nknk[kkpj vkfn fpafrr gks jgs Fks fd ^egkjkt dgk¡ x;s gksaxs \ dc okil vk;sxsa \* Jhgfj dks vkrs ns[kdj lc nkSMs A nknk[kkpj dk gkFk idMdj Jhgfj ek.kdh ls mrjs A ?kksMh dh yxke uktk tksxh;k dks nsdj czãpkjh ls cksys % ^o.khZ] gekjs Luku dh rS;kjh djks A* brus esa thoqck Hkh ogk¡ vk x;s A Jhgfj mUgs dgus yxs % ^thoqck ! ns[kks rks njckjx< ds ml dksus esa dkSu cSBk gS \* lcus ogk¡ ns[kk rks ogk¡ :dekbZckbZ cSBh Fkh A Jhgfjus dgk % ^os vkids vfrfFk gS vkSj lkr fnu ds Hkw[ks gS A Lukukfn djkds mls Hkkstu djkvks fQj mldh nwljh ckrs iwNuk A* • • • ckr ,slh Fkh--Lokfeukjk;.k laiznk; dk oks vkjaHk dky Fkk A ml le; funZaHkh] fuO;Zluh] lnkpkje;] HkfDr Hkjk thou thusokys Hkxoku Lokfeukjk;.k ds larksa vkSj x`gLFk L=h&iq:”k HkDrksa dks lkekftd frjLdkj] vieku vkSj nq%[k Hkqxrus iMrs Fks A :dekbZckbZ dk ek;dk lkojdqaMyk ds ikl ihBoMh xk¡o Fkk A muds firk ,sls rks xksjfo;kGh ds gh Fks fdUrq Jhgfj ds vkfJr cuus ds ckn }s”kh;ksa ds minzo ls mUgs xk¡o NksMdj ;gk¡ cluk iMk Fkk A fookg ds ckn :dekbZckbZ ifr ds ?kj xksjfo;kGh vk;s A mudk ifr dY;k.k iVsy vkSj mudk ifjokj ekxhZiaFk ds vuq;k;h Fks A muds ?kj ekxhZ cSjkfx;ksa dk vìk lnSo cuk jgrk Fkk A ,d lk/kq rks mudk xq: cudj muds ?kj esa gh Msjk&racw rkus iMk Fkk A xk¡tk&fpye ihuk] gqDdk xMxMkuk] vQhe ?kksyuk] pjl&rEckdw dk u’kk djuk ;gh mldk fnuHkj dk dke Fkk A gqDds ds /kw,¡ ls mudh nk<h] ewN dk jax Hkh cny x;k Fkk A â”V&iq”V [kqyk ‘kjhj] xys esa yky&ihys eksfr;ksa dh ekyk] dykbZ ij dMs] eVds tSlk ekFkk vkSj HkSals tSlh

ihB--- ,slk mldk fnnkj ns[kdj NksVs cPps rks muls Mjdj Hkkxrs A igys gh fnu :dekbZ dks lkl dk vkns’k feyk % ^cgw] ckck ds pj.k Nwdj iz.kke dj yks A* ckbZus lkl vkSj ifr ls Li”V crk fn;k % ^ifr ds fcuk vU; iq:”k dk Li’kZ esjs fy, laHko ugha A lar gks fQj Hkh nwj ls iz.kke djuk pkfg, A larksa dks eq¡g fn[kkuk vkSj Li’kZ djuk L=h;ksa ds fy, cMk iki gS A* ,slk dgdj egkRek dks nwj ls iz.kke djds oks ?kj esa pyh xbZ A ckckus uki fy;k fd ;s ckbZ Lokfeukjk;.k dh HkDr gS A mlus lksapk] ^;fn dY;k.k iVsy vkSj muds ifjokj dks mudh ckrksa esa foÜokl vk tk;sxk vkSj oks lk/kq ds fu;eksa dh ckr mls le>k nsxh rks dy ls bl jQkfG;k ifjokj esa esjk mBuk&cSBuk eqf’dy gks tk;sxk A mlh jkr mlus ifjokj ds lHkh yksxksa dks bdðs fd;s vkSj dgk% ^eq>s nsohus n’kZu nsdj dgk gS fd bl L=h ds y{k.k Bhd ugha gS A ;fn oks ,slh gh jgh rks vkids ?kj ls y{eh pyh tk;sxh A vkt rd vkids ifjokj dh fdlh Hkh L=hus xq: pj.k dk vijk/k ugha fd;k A ;s igyh L=h gS tks xq:nzksgh cuh gS A ;s Bhd ugh gS A* ^ges D;ka djuk pkfg;s blds fy;s \ dksb mik; \* dY;k.k us fpafrr Loj esa iwNk A ^,d gh mik; gS] mlds xys esa ls Lokfeukjk;.k dh daBh rksMdj esjh daBh ck¡/k nks A* xq: dk ;g vkns’k :dekbZckbZ us lqu fy;k A mlus eu esa fuÜp; dj fy;k% ^vc bl ?kj esa jguk esjs fy;s v¡xkj dh ‘k¸îk gksxh A tSlh Hkxoku dh bPNk A pkgs ,slk nq%[k vkus ij Hkh bl xys ls daBh vkSj Hkxoku Lokfeukjk;.k dh vkKkvksa dks NksMuk ugha gS A* daBh rksMus ds vusd iz;Ru gksus yxs A mldh fuR;iwtk uun us fNik nh A jlksbZ esa yglqu vkSj I;kt Mkyus ls ckbZ dks miokl ËÄçuª çºç®m tÆ| 4

‘kq: gq;s A ckckus vkSj ne yxk;k% ^cy dk iz;ksx djks] rirs yksgs ls nkx nks] dksVjh esa can djks] Hkw[kh j[kks--- dqN Hkh djksa fdUrq mlls Lokfeukjk;.k dk uke NqMokvks A eSa Hkh esjs ea=ksa dk iz;ksx djrk gw¡ A* ,d vlgk; vcyk ij pkjksa vkSj ls ;kruk;as nsuk izkjaHk gqvk A mls ,d dejs esa can fd;k x;k A lkr fnu gks x;s fdUrq x//ks tSls xq: dks vkSj vDyean muds f’k”;ksa dks rfud Hkh n;k u vk;h A fdUrq d:.kk ds lkxj Jhgfj ;s dSls lg ldrs ! HkDroRly izHkq mudh lgk; esa nkSM vk;s A • • • ^nknk ! pkj ik”kZnksa dks rS;kj djks A gesa lans’k Hkstuk gS A* izkr%deZ iw.kZ djds lHkk esa i/kkjs Jhgfj us nknk[kkpj dks vkns’k fn;k A ik”kZn gkftj gq;s A Jhgfjus nks ik”kZnksa ds lkFk xksjoh;kGh dY;k.k iVsy dks lans’k Hkstk] ^:dekbZckbZ x<Mk esa gekjs ikl gS A ;gk¡ vkdj vki mls ys tkuk A vU; nks ik”kZnks dks ihBoMh :dekbZ ds HkkbZ :Mk iVsy ds ikl Hksts % ^rqjar gh Jhgfj vkidks x<iqj cqyk jgs gS A* dY;k.k iVsy dks tc Jhth dk lans’k feyk rks oks vkÜp;Z esa iM x;s A nkSMdj mlus dejk [kksyk rks dejk [kkyh Fkk A Jhgfj ds ,sÜo;Z ls os izHkkfor gks x;s vkSj ik”kZnksa ds lkFk gh os x<iqj vk;s A mlh fnu :Mk iVsy Hkh Jhgfj ds gtwj esa igq¡p x;s Fks A Jhgfjus :Mk iVsy dks ,dkar esa cgu dh ifjfLFkfr dh ckr dj nh A fQj rhuksa dks ,d lkFk cqyk;s A dY;k.k iVsy dks iwNk% ^iVsy ! :dekbZ vkids ifjokj dks ijs’kku dj jgh gS \ vki ;k vkids ek¡&cgu dh ckr ugha ekurh gS \ dke djus esa vkylh gS \* ^ugha egkjkt ! ,slk rks dqN ugha gS A* iVsyus ur eLrd mŸkj fn;k A ^fQj mls D;ksa udZ dh ;kruk nh tkrh

gS \* izHkq dh vkokt FkksMh l[r Fkh A ^izHkq ! gekjh Hkwy gks xbZ A gesa ekQ djs vc dHkh ,slk ugha gksxk A* ekQh ek¡xrs gq, dY;k.k iVsy cksys A fQj dgk% ^izHkq ! gekjs ml ik[kaMh xq:ds dgus ls gekjh erh Hkzfer gks xbZ Fkh A ml ekxhZ ckck dks Hkh ?kj ls Hkxk nw¡xk A vc :dekbZ dks dksbZ ijs’kkuh ugha gksxh A vkSj izHkq ! eq>s Hkh vkidk vkfJr cukdj ‘kj.k esa yhft;s A* Jhgfjus mls orZeku nh{kk nsdj vius vkfJr fd;s vkSj :dekbZckbZ dks ifr ds lkFk tkus dh vkKk nh A :dekbZ cksyh % ^egkjkt! vc eq>s vkids gh ikl jf[k;s A eq>s lalkj dh dksbZ bZPNk ugha gSa A ;gk¡ thoqck&ykMqck ds lkFk jgdj vkidk Hktu d:axh A^ ^ugh :dekbZ] rqEgs ogk¡ tkdj lkjs xk¡o dks lRlax djkuk gS A ladV esa gekjk Lej.k djuk ge rsjh lgk; esa nkSM vk;sxsa A Jhgfj us vHk; opu mPpkjs A :dekbZckbZ ds HkkbZ :Mk iVsy dks Jhgfj us dgk% ^iVsy ! cgu dks nwljh ckj ngst nsuk iMsxk A mls ,d pDdh] ,d FkSyk cktjk vkSj ,d HkSal nsuk A ml cktjk dh jksVh vkSj HkSl dk nw/k&ngha muds llqj i{k esa rFkk xk¡o esa tks [kk;sxk oks HkDr cusaxs vkSj mldk eks{k gksxk A* :Mk iVsyus Jhgfj dh vkKk dk ikyu fd;k A Jhgfj ds vk’khokZn ls xksjoh;kGh xk¡o esa gh ugha vklikl ds xk¡oksa esa Hkh :dekbZckbZ ds }kjk fo’ks”k lRlax gqvk A ckbZ ds nsoj rks twukx< eafnj esa ln~xq: Jh xq.kkrhrkuan Lokeh ds ikl lk/kq cus A mudk uke j[kk x;k % prqHkqZtnkl A bl izdkj vusd larksa&HkDrksa us vifjfer nq%[k] vieku lgu dj QSyk;k gS ;g laiznk; A



- Keyur Hirani

Science & Scripture


TALKS he Vedas and Puranas are the literal word of God, which He revealed to his chosen people called Aryas through sages and through Incarnations. It were written down as God went on to speak. From the day these scriptures were revealed, until this day, there has always been a huge number of Aryas and Dasuyas who have memorized all of the Vedas and Puran, letter by letter. Some of them have even been able to memorize all of the scriptures by the age of ten. Not one letter of theses scriptures has been changed over the centuries. Arays hold the oldest literature that is unchanged till date. Moguls tried, British tried but in vain.


Vedas and Puranas, which were revealed second time 6,000 years ago centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. Sphericity of Earth: The existence of rather advanced concepts like the sphericity of Earth and the cause of seasons is quite clear in Vedic literature. For example, the Aitareya Brahmana (3.44) declares: The Sun does never set nor rise. When people think the Sun is setting it is not so. For after having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making night to what is

below and day to what is on the other sideHaving reached the end of the night, it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making day to what is below and night to what is on the other side. In fact, the Sun never sets. Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid. (Rig VedaXXX. IV.V) ‘Earth is flattened at the poles’ (Markandeya Purana 54.12) "Sixty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together. The Sanskrit speaking Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one. The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years." Polar Days and Nights: For the period when the sun is north it is visible for six months at the north pole and invisible at the south, and vice versa. (Ibid Sutara) Now Lets see what modern science says about this: June 21, 1999: Later today, at 19:49 UT (3:49 p.m. EDT), Earth's north pole points more directly at the Sun than at any other time during the year. For polar bears and other denizens of the Arctic it will be ËÄçuª çºç®m tÆ| 6

noontime, the middle of a 6-month long day, as the Sun climbs to 23 1/2 degrees above the horizon. June 21st marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. In the North it's the longest day of the year. At mid-latitudes there is sunlight for over 16 hours. Above the Arctic Circle the sun doesn't set at all! "He made this Earth fixed by different devices like hills and mountains in shape of pegs but it still rotates . Sun never sets; all parts of earth are not in Darkness." [RIG VEDA]

Further away are other galaxies, too faint for the eye to see. With powerful telescopes, millions have been photographed. Remarkably, all the galaxies are fleeing from one another: the whole Universe is expanding. This is one of the key pieces of evidence that about 15000 million years ago, there was a beginning to the Universe, an immense explosion we call the Big Bang. The debris from the explosion is still flying apart. Earth is one of the cinders.

Now lets see what Hindu scriptures say about the movement of earth: "Earth rotates in two ways by the Will of Brahama, first it rotates on its axis secondly it revolves around sun. Days and Nights are distinguished when moves on its axis. Season change when it revolves around Sun". (Vishnu Puran) "There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them." (Rig Veda) Now lets see what what the modern sceince says: In the 1920s astronomers realised that our island universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, is not alone in space. Outside it are other galaxies, each containing thousands of millions of suns. One of these other galaxies is visible to the naked eye, as a faint fuzzy blob in the constellation of Andromeda. The Andromeda galaxy is similar in size and shape to the Milky Way and is our galaxy's nearest neighbour, 2 m i l l i o n l i g h t y e a r s (20000000000000000000000 km) away.

(A distant cluster of galaxies. Each galaxy contains about a 100000 million suns. ) Because each galaxy contains about 100000 million suns, galaxies can be seen to enormous distances, and they light up the distant universe for us. This is one Galaxy, there are many of such glaxies scattered in our Universe.

( The Coma Cluster of Galaxies )



- Shyam Sheladia


DISADVANTAGES OF EATING MEAT hen Swaminarayan Bhagwan was present on this Earth, he told and taught all of us ordinary people how to live a spiritual and devotional life. One of the books that he wrote was the Shikshapatri, one of the main bases of the Swaminarayan faith. Well the focus today is on shlok 15, “None shall ever eat meat, even if it is the remainder of offerings in a sacrifice; none shall drink liquor or any other intoxicating drink even if it has been offered to a god or goddess.”


See, one important key piece that this shlok tells us is that we shouldn’t consume any meat or meat products in any form even if it is a sacrifice. Well you may have many counter arguments about this statement for example some people might say, everybody else eats meat and they are living so it must be okay to eat meat, while others say many scientific experiments prove that you need meat in your diet to live a strong healthy life. Well, let’s take an inside look on this situation. At one time science supported the consumption of meat, it no longer does. The consumption of meat has and can have major negative impacts on your health and the environment. Let’s take a closer look at both of these topics. Health Issues

dead corpse and when consumed it creates poisonous wastes in the body. • During World War-I, Denmark remained on a vegetarian diet for one year and established a world record for lowered death rate of a country – 34%. The next year, eating meat resumed in the nation and the death rate went back to it normal level. • People who consume meat a 10 times more likely to heart diseases, 40% more chances of getting cancer and at increased risk for many other illnesses including stroke, tuberculosis, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and food poisoning. • If meat spoils in the intestines, it can make the person more ill than any other food. Environmental Issues • Every acre of land consumed by urban development, 7 acres are taken by the meat industry. The ratio is 7 to 1. • Each person that switches to a vegetarian diet saves one acre of trees per year. • 25 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of wheat while 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of beef. • 1 acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, 30,000 pounds of

• A piece of meat is just part of a ËÄçuª çºç®m tÆ| 8

carrots, 50,000 pounds of tomatoes but only 250 pounds of beef. • The world’s 1.3 billion cattle and other livestock produce about 60 million tons of methane each year. As we can see from the evidence above, if we live a vegetarian diet our personal health and the world we live in would become a lot better. Albert Einstein once said, “Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change

the destiny of humankind.” Perhaps the most important reason for us Swaminarayan followers is that our God forbids this and one of his major rules is that we stay away from the consumption of meat. Like Albert Einstein said, it would be great if the whole world can become vegetarian. So let us all be firm vegetarians, so we inspire others to make themselves and our world a better place.

iSls ls lc dqN ugha feyrk

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk iSlk

efUnj [kjhn ldrk gS ‘kjhj [kjhn ldrk gS fdrkc [kjhn ldrk gS laxhr [kjhn ldrk gS MkWDVj [kjhn ldrk gS nok [kjhn ldrk gS isu [kjhn ldrk gS fcLrj [kjhn ldrk gS ukjh [kjhn ldrk gS yMdk [kjhn ldrk gS balku [kjhn ldrk gS vkjke ds lk/ku [kjhn ldrk gS ryokj [kjhn ldrk gS ?kj [kjhn ldrk gS thou ys ldrk gS

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

Hkxoku ugha A vkRek ugha A fo|k ugha A Loj ugha A thou ugha A nqvk ugha A lqys[k ugha A uhan ugha A iRuh ugha A csVk ugha A I;kj ugha A pSu ugha A lkgl ugha A ifjokj ugha A ns ugha ldrk A flrEcj&2010


laLFkk n'kZu xq:dqy gSnjkckn esFkl~ Ms fn- 3 vxLr] 2010

vkt ^esFkl~ Ms* euk;k x;k A ftlesa Quize, Brain Treosers, King of Mathemetics, Know Your Knowledge vkfn dk vk;kstu gqvk A vk;ksftr dk;Zdzeksa }kjk Nk=ksa dks lacaf/kr fofo/k my>usa le> esa vkbZ A

lRlafxthou iqjÜpj.k fn- 11 vxLr] 2010

ln~-Jh ‘krkuan Lokeh jfpr ^Jhen~ lRlafxthou* xzaFk] ftlesa Hkxoku Lokfeukjk;.k dk lexz thou xzaFkLFk fd;k x;k gS A ml xzaFk dk vkt Jko.k ekg ds izFke fnu ln~-Jh nsoizlknnklth Lokeh us fni izkxV~; dj iqj’pj.k izkjaHk fd;k A ftlesa 61 Nk= bl xzaFk dk ,d iqj’pj.k ¼108 ikB½ djsaxs A

Lora=rk fnu fn- 15 vxLr] 2010

vkt 64oka Lora=rk fnu euk;k x;k A eq[; vfrfFk ds :Ik esa i/kkjs Jh ujsUnzdqekj xks;y] Jh v’kksd czãspk] fot;sUnj jsMh }kjk jk”Vª/ot ygjk;k x;k A /otoanuk vkSj ‘kkunkj ijsM dh izLrqfr ds i’pkr~ Nk=ksa us ns’kHkfDr ds izfr oQknkjh n’kkZrs u`R; ,oa ns’k dh vktknh ds fy, lefiZr ns’kHkDrksa dh xkFkk dh ;kn fnykrs ukVd vkSj ns’kHkfDr ds xhr izLrqr fd;s A

ckLdsVckWy esa izFke LFkku fn- 20 vxLr] 2010

vkt xq:dqy dh ckLdsVckWy Vhe us ^lhVh dkWyst* }kjk gSnjkckn esa vk;ksftr ^Vkbxj fgy ckLdsVckWy dksEihVh’ku* esa Hkkx fy;k A bl VwukZesUV esa 16 Ldwy lfEefyr Fkh A ftlesa xq:dqy dh ckLdsVckWy Vhe us izFke LFkku ij VªksQh izkIr dh A

,Uok;jesUV Ms fn- 21 vxLr] 2010

vkt ^,Uok;jesUV Ms* euk;k x;k A ftlesa Nk=ksa us laiw.kZ fnu i;kZoj.k ds tru ds fy, mi;ksxh izo`fŸk;k¡ dh A YMCA esa izFke LFkku fn- 21 vxLr] 2010



gSnjkckn }kjk ^dkxhZy okWfyckWy VwukZesUV* vk;ksftr gqbZ A gSnjkckn dh 34 ËÄçuª çºç®m tÆ| 10

okWfyckWy Vhe us bl Li/kkZ esa Hkkx fy;k A ftlesa xq:dqy gSnjkckn dh Vhe us izFke LFkku izkIr fd;k A

jk’Vªh; Lrj ij ilanxh fn- 21 vxLr] 2010

^Hkkjrh; xoZuesUV* }kjk jkT; ysoy ij ^Indian National Cartography Association* dk vk;kstu gqvk A gSnjkckn dh 50 Ldwy ds djhc 440 Nk=ksa us bl Li/kkZ esa Hkkx fy;k A ftlesa Hkkjr ds Hkwi`”B] jktdh;] O;kikjh;] okrkoj.k ds vuqla/kku esa Hkkjrh; ud’ks ds ek/;e ls izÜuksŸkjh fd xbZ Fkh A ftlesa 3 Nk= n~ohi lckijk] dzh”uk Vh- vkSj dju th- dk jk”Vªh; Lrj ds fy, p;u fd;k x;k A

esFk~l lsfeukj fn- 22 vxLr] 2010

vkt d{kk 11oha vkSj 12oha dk esFk~l lsfeukj gqvk A ftlesa nqfu;k ds mPp d{kk ds 100 esFksesfV’kh;u esa ftu dh fxurh gksrh gS ,sls esFksesfVf’k;u }kjk Nk=ksa dks lacaf/kr iz’uksa dh ljy i//kfr;ksa dk ekxZn’kZu fn;k x;k A

j{kkca/ku fn- 24 vxLr] 2010

HkkbZ&cgu ds vVwV laca/k dk fnu&j{kkca/ku A xq:dqy esa Hkh lHkh Nk=ksa dks vkt dqN fo’ks”k vkuan gksrk gS] D;ksafd mls cgu dh jk[kh ds lkFk larx.k }kjk Hkxoku ls lac/k djkusokyh jk[kh Hkh cka/kh tkrh gS A izkr% fo’ks”k lHkk esa ladhrZu ds i’pkr~ larx.k }kjk lHkh Nk=ksa dks jk[kh cka/kh xbZ A var esa larx.k }kjk j{kkca/ku dh efgek crkbZ xbZ A ,oa vkt lHkh Nk=ksa dks ?ku’;ke egkjkt dh vksj ls ikuhiqjh dk fo’ks”k Hkkstu fn;k x;k A

^egkjk’Vª izfr;ksfxrk* esa ilanxh fn- 29 vxLr] 2010

vkt ^VkbDokaMks* izfr;ksfxrk esa xq:dqy gSnjkckn ds Nk=ksa us Hkkx fy;k A ftlesa ls 12 Nk=ksa us xksYM eWMy] 12 Nk=ksa us flYoj eWMy vkSj 3 Nk=ksa us czkast eWMy izkIr fd;k A ,oa xksYM eWMy izkIr fd, Nk=ksa dh ^egkjk”Vª izfr;ksfxrk* esa ilanxh dh xbZ A

;ksx lIrkg fn- 30 vxLr] 2010

30 vxLr ls 5 flrEcj rd ^;ksx lIrkg* euk;k x;k A ftlesa izfrfnu Nk=ksa dks izkr%dky ;ksx&izk.kk;ke dh fo’ks”k f’k{kk nh xbZ A

Jhd`’.k tUek’Veh fn- 2 flrEcj] 2010

vkt Jhd`”.k tUek”Veh ds fnu izkjafHkd dhrZu HkfDr ds i’pkr~ larx.k }kjk Hkxoku Jh d`”.k fd vkuafnr yhyk, lqukbZ xbZ A Nk=ks }kjk ^vks uVofj;k js---* u`R; ,oa vU; ukVd izLrqr gq, A 12%00 cts ‘ka[kukn vkSj >kyj dh xwat ds lkFk Hkxoku Jh d`”.k ds izkxV~; dh vkjrh dh xbZ A eVqdh QksMdj e[[ku&feljh&pksdysV dk izlkn ik;k A vkt ds fnu 500 Nk=ksa us miokl fd;k ,oa ikj.kk esa Nk= ‘krjkt dh vksj ls dsd dk izlkn ck¡Vk x;k A flrEcj&2010


f”k{kd fnu fn- 6 flrEcj] 2010

vkt f’k{kd fnu ij lexz Ldwy dk lapkyu Nk=ksa }kjk fd;k x;k A ,oa gkWLVsy dk laiw.kZ lapkyu vkSj lk;a lHkk dk vk;kstu Nk=ksa us vfr meax vkSj f’kLrc) ctk;k A

xq:dqy csaxyksj SGIS- India v/s Shrilanka fdzdsV eSp

fn- 10 vxLr] 2010 vkt xq:dqy csaxyksj esa bUVjus’kuy fdzdsV eSp dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k Fkk A ftlesa xq:dqy csaxyksj vkSj Jhyadk dh fdzdsV Vhe ds chp nks eSp [ksyh xbZ A nksuks jksekapd eSp esa xq:dqy dh Vhe fotsrk gqbZ A

Lora=rk fnu fn- 15 vxLr] 2010

vkt Lora=rk fnu ij dk;Zdze fd ‘kq:vkr esa eq[; vfrfFk Jh jfodqekj (International Football Player) ,oa ln~- Jh nsoizlknnklth Lokeh }kjk /otkjksg.k fd;k x;k A rRi’pkr~ Nk=ksa us ns’kHkfDr ds xhrksa ij eueksgd u`R; izLrqr fd;s A lexz dk;Zdze dk eq[; vkd”kZ.k izkbejh Nk=ksa }kjk izLrqr ns’kHkDrksa dh os’kHkw”kk ij vk/kkfjr ^Qs’ku ‘kks* jgk A eqacbZ esa rkt gksVy ij gq, vkraddkjh geys esa estj lanhi mUuhd`”.ku ds cfynku ij vk/kkfjr ¼vksijs’ku CySd VksukZMks½ dk eapu Nk=ksa us cMs gh ltho <ax ls fd;k A var esa ln~- Jh nsoizlknnklth Lokeh ds vk’khoZpu ds lkFk dk;Zdze dh lekfIr fd xbZ A

QqVckWy xzkmUM vkSj gkWdh xzkmUM dk mn~?kkVu fn- 15 vxLr] 2010

Nk=ksa dh LiksVZl~ lqfo/kk ds fy, vkt vkt ln~-Jh nsoizlknnklth Lokeh ds djdey }kjk u;s QqVckWy ,oa gkWdh xzkmUM dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;k A

Jhd`".k tUek"Veh fn- 2 flrEcj] 2010

vkt xq:dqy csaxyksj esa izkr% 7%30 cts ls ‘kke 7%30 cts rd 12 ?kaVs ^Lokfeukjk;.k* egkea= dh v[kaM /kwu ,oa ea=ys[ku fd;k x;k A ,oa lkFk esa N% ?kaVs rd Nk=ksa us feydj Hkxoku dks 25]340 naMor~ iz.kke fd, A 12 cts Hkxoku dk izkxV~; gksrs gh Nk=ksa esa vkuan dh ygj Nk xbZ A ^un ?ksj vkuan Hk;ks t; dUgS;k yky dh---* dh g”kZ /ofu ls lkjk okroj.k xw¡t mBk A blds i’pkr~ ih-;w-lh- vkSj dkWyst ds Nk=ksa }kjk eVdh QksM izfr;ksfxrk gqbZ A var esa e[[ku&feljh dk izlkn ysdj mRlo iw.kZ fd;k x;k A nwljs fnu ‘kqdzokj dks fo|ky; ds leLr Nk=ksa vkSj v/;kidksa us Hkh Jhd`”.k tUeksRlo euk;k A ËÄçuª çºç®m tÆ| 12

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