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1.3 Objectives of the Assignment

Role of Jal Nigam:

Jal Nigam is responsible for Planning, Design and Construction of Sewage Network lines, Sewerage pumping stations and Treatment Plants as per CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage, 2013 guidelines. Currently Jal Nigam don’t have any active role in Septage management of Rishikesh municipality, but in future it is responsible for design and construction of Infrastructure to ensure safe treatment and disposal of collected Septage/effluents using appropriate technology.


Role of Jal Sansthan:

Execute schemes and operate an efficient system of water supply, Operation and maintenance of sewerage system and storm water management. Safe conveyance, treatment and disposal of waste water through sewage treatment plants, Operation and maintenance of STP’s.

 To design and conduct a household survey in Rishikesh Municipal Corporation areas to identify certain features of the household sanitation facilities.

 To create a database and geospatial maps to support the planning processes of concerned local authorities.

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