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Professional Journalist (TV Reporter\News Editor -19932002)

Hard news coverage: Politics, Economics (several media outlets and TV networks in Brazil)

MA International Journalism (Specialism in Development) (City University of London –awarded scholarship by the British Council\Chevening - UK2000\2001) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq D-orWd4Is

Opinion pieces (2015-2017) Environment and Sustainability Articles https://www.brasil247.com/authors/gustavoarnizaut

Professional Journalism 1TVE RJ - TV Educativa Rede Brasil network- reporter - Brasilia offices (2001/2002); Reporter, editor and newsreader (1999-2000 and 20012002); British Council- scholarship for International Journalism MA in the UK. (2001); Link Propaganda - Nation Courage Project- Producer in Angola (2000); NBR - Federal Government´s cable TV - News Editor (1998/1999); Election Campaigns - senatorial in Roraima state; and gubernatorial in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil (1998); TV Manchete - reporter - Brasilia offices (1995-98 and 2001) TV Cultura- coverage of short-term-leave - São Paulo offices (1998); Press Officer for MP Yeda Crusius - PSDB think-tank Instituto Teotônio Vilela (ITV)- National Congress (1995); Radio Jovem Pan AM - correspondent - political coverage - Brasilia (1994/1995); (1994/1995);Radiobrás- TV Nacional- Reporter (1993/1994). Training periods/internships BBC Brazilian Section – London, UK (2 weeks in 2000);TV Globo - Brasilia offices - Reporter for local news (1994) Radiobrás - TV Nacional - Producer/reporter for national news - Brasilia offices (1993); Jornal do Commercio PE - Political reporter for regional media outlet - Brasília offices (1992).

Press Office Services And Media Relations I

Servi Os De Assessoria De Imprensa E Rela Es Com A M Dia

Clique Retire (2019)

Coordination of Media Relations and outsourced Press Offices in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo for the Launch of national operation in Brazil

Relatório de ações 2019

ITV Instituto Teotônio Vilela (2001)

PSDB Political Think-Tank Press Officer (Brasília, National Congress)

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