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If you recognize the sweaters, you know this is the St. Lucia Court. The sweaters are just one of the Festival of St. Lucia traditions at Gustavus. In December, as is custom, the student-chosen court of sophomore women caroled through campus, listened to a homily from last year’s St. Lucia, and pretended to partake in the eating of lutefisk at a smörgåsbord sponsored by the Friends of the Library-Gustavus Library Associates (with a talk by author Ellie Roscher ’02 after). Our St. Lucia tradition, rooted in our Swedish heritage, dates back to 1941. This year’s court (l to r) is Melanie Kistnasamy, Abigayle Paulson, Kendra Held, Nora Hagestuen, Hanaa Alhosawi, and Lily Engebretson. Alhosawi is this year’s Lucia. “At Gustavus, I am thankful for all the knowledge, support, and growth that I have gained,” Alhosawi says.