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This little dresser first belonged to Luther Kindstrom ’32, who moved it into Uhler during the residence hall’s inaugural year. Thirty-eight year later, his daughter, Patricia Kindstrom LeVesque ’70, took it with her to Wahlstrom, then Rundstrom, then Valley View. Twenty-seven years after that, her daughter, Melissa LeVesque-Piela ’97, moved it to Sorenson, then back to Uhler.


Yeah. This dresser gets around.

This year, it’s in Norelius (CoEd), with fourth-generation Gustie Lauren Piela ’25. “At first I didn’t want to take it,” Piela says, citing the mismatched knobs and chipped paint. But her mother gave it a fresh coat—painting it is part of the tradition as it’s passed from alumni to student. Now, not only is it cute and useful addition to her room in 1A, “it is so meaningful for me to have a little piece of my family here at Gustavus.”

You met in the dorm. You studied together in the library. You sat together at games. You sang together in the choir. You ate together in the caf. You shared rides and you shared rent. You introduced each other to future business partners, future spouses, and lifelong friends. You celebrated each other’s fi rst jobs. You helped pack the car after graduation.

Now, you can give back together.

A class endowed scholarship is the perfect way to celebrate the connections you made years ago. By combining gifts with your classmates, you can support Gustavus students today and for years to come. Together, you will create a lasting legacy.

FOR MORE INFORMATION on joining your classmates to create a class endowed scholarship, contact Karla Leitzman ’13, Special Gift O cer/Coordinator for Reunion Giving, kleitzm2@gustavus.edu gustavus.edu/give


Lights in a dark season. The 2021 St. Lucia Court included sophomores Tania Monse Perez Barrios, Claire Lind, Kathryn Lillemon, Lluvia Infante, Claire Schoenfi eld, and Abigail Neptun, who was crowned St. Lucia on December 9. Shortly after, they all made an honest attempt to eat lutefi sk.

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