Defender Sophia Coltvet (Fy., Arden Hills) watches the puck during the women’s hockey team’s first game of the 2021 season. The Gusties lost 4-2 to Bethel but rebounded with a 4-0 win over Augsburg in the next game. College hockey players aren’t required to mask up during games but coaches and staff are. There are testing protocols in place for all.
A N D W E ’ R E B A C K . S O M E W H A T.
Go (winter) Gusties!
up to four non-conference contests.
waiver, this academic year, student-
Indoor track and field and swimming
athletes may compete up to the dates
their conference seasons the first week
and diving programs will be able to
of competition maximums without
of February. Under the direction of the
participate in regular season meets at the
being charged a season of intercollegiate
MIAC Presidents’ Council, basketball,
discretion of each institution—there is no
participation. For all sports, Gustavus will
hockey, indoor track and field, and
assigned conference schedule for these
follow the safety guidelines of the NCAA
swimming and diving were permitted to
sports—however, the typical postseason
Medical Advisory Board and Minnesota
compete in a “regular season” competition.
conference championship meets will not
Department of Health, outlined in MIAC
be held this winter.
COVID-19 Competition Plan—all 18
Gustavus winter sports teams began
Some pandemic-induced caveats: no winter-sport playoffs, no conference
Gustavus gymnastics, which competes
pages of it.
postseason championships, and no in-
in the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic
person spectators. Colleges in the MIAC
Conference, will compete in four meets
viewership of Golden Gusties sports.
can compete at their discretion.
throughout its regular season with no
You can still catch Gustie sports via
postseason events.
livestream on each team’s schedule page
At Gustavus, there will be seven MIAC contests for basketball and hockey, and
Per October’s NCAA Division III
No fans in stands does not mean no