4 minute read
There are objects in my possession that I cherish. Some are from my family, like heirloom quilts made by my grandmother and great-grandmother, and a large copper kettle (big enough to climb into), which was used to make apple butter over an open fi re at my grandmother’s farm. Some are from Gusties, like a set of eight Christmas in Christ Chapel pillar candles from Rev. Rod Anderson, a former Gustavus Trustee and senior chaplain. And some simply make me smile, like my grandmother’s glass candy dish, with a glass lid. My cousins and I routinely tried to “quietly” sneak candy out of the dish. These objects all tell a story about me. The objects in this issue, many pulled from the archives, tell a story about Gustavus. That story includes the immigrant experience, American response to World War II, music and sports, and the growth of our college. It includes global perspective, a politically and intellectually active student body, college pride, and humor. It is the story of the liberal arts at work. Of course, how history is conveyed depends on the teller, and there are stories we are still learning. For instance, Gustavus is located on the ancestral lands of the Dakota people. Today, our college is examining how our story intersects with the Dakota story. Last fall, I established the President’s Council on Indigenous Relations (PCIR), with representatives from across the college. This year, the PCIR is hosting speakers, artists, and elders from the Indigenous community to hear stories and generate dialogue. Our purpose is to build meaningful connections with the Indigenous People upon whose land this college stands. There is more history to learn and consider here, and a new future to create. What will history remember of this current time—George Floyd and the changes his murder brought; a global pandemic that kept us physically distant while moving us digitally closer; a climate changing? What objects will defi ne Gustavus us digitally closer; a climate changing? What objects will defi ne Gustavus to future generations? I hope such objects show to future generations? I hope such objects show Gusties at our best, as people who act with good will, concern for others, wry wit, and great pride. Go Gusties, then and now. RECENT HISTORY All students received masks, hand sanitizer, and this thermometer in the Yours in community, fall of 2020 to help curb COVID-19 cases on campus.
Rebecca M. Bergman President, Gustavus Adolphus College

Marcia L. Page ’82, MBA (chair), Founding Partner, Värde Partners
Scott P. Anderson ’89, MBA, Head, Carlson Private Capital Industry Executive Council Catherine Asta ’75, JD, Attorney at Law Grayce Belvedere-Young, MBA, Founder and CEO, Lily Pad Consulting Rebecca M. Bergman (ex o cio), President, Gustavus Adolphus College Suzanne F. Boda ’82, Retired Senior Vice President, Los Angeles, American Airlines Robert D. Brown, Jr. ’83, MA, MD, Sta Neurologist, Professor of Neurology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, and John T. and Lillian Matthews Professor of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic Kara K. Buckner ’97 (ex o cio), President/Chief Strategy O cer, Fallon Worldwide, and Past President, Gustavus Alumni Association
Michael D. Bussey ’69 (ex o cio), Senior Consultant, DBD Group and Past President, Gustavus Alumni Association
Janette F. Concepcion, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Concepcion Psychological Services Tane T. Danger ’07, Director, Westminster Town Hall Forum Edward J. Drenttel ’81, JD, Attorney/Partner, Winthrop & Weinstine Bruce A. Edwards ’77, Retired CEO, DHL Global Supply Chain John O. Hallberg ’79, MBA, Retired CEO, Children’s Cancer Research Fund
John M. Harris ’92, PhD, Associate Director, Protiviti Mary Dee J. Hicks ’75, PhD, Retired Senior Vice President, Personnel Decisions International
The Rev. Alicia A. Hilding ’08, (ex o cio) Co-pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church; President, Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations John S. Himle ’77, CEO, Himle LLC Keith N. Jackson ’89, JD, Assistant General Counsel, Aon The Rev. Peter C. Johnson ’92, Pastor of Small Groups and Service, St. Andrew Lutheran Church Paul R. Koch ’87, Retired Managing Director–Private Wealth Advisor, Senior Portfolio Manager, Koch Wealth Solutions, RBC Wealth Management Nicole M. LaVoi ’91, Director, Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, University of Minnesota
Dennis A. Lind ’72, Chairman, Midwest Bank Group, Inc. Jan Lindman,Jan Lindman MBA, Treasurer to the King, The Royal Court of Sweden The Royal Court of Sweden The Rev. Dr. David J. Lose, Senior Pastor, Mount Olivet The Rev. Dr. David J. Lose Lutheran Church Lutheran Church
Mikka S. McCracken ’09, Program Manager, WW CSPXT, Mikka S. McCracken ’09 Amazon Amazon
Jan Ledin Michaletz ’74 Jan Ledin Michaletz ’74, Past President, Gustavus Alumni Association Association
Thomas J. Mielke ’80,Thomas J. Mielke ’80 JD, Retired Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Kimberly-Clark Corporation Bradley S. Nuss ’97, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial O cer, Nuss Truck & Equipment The Rev. Dr. Dee Pederson (ex o cio), Bishop, Southwestern Minnesota Synod, ELCA The Rev. Dr. Dan. S. Po enberger ’82, Senior Pastor, Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church Karl D. Self ’81, MBA, DDS, Interim Associate Dean for Academic A airs, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Kent V. Stone ’80, MBA, Retired Vice Chairman, U.S. Bancorp The Rev. Heather Teune Wigdahl ’95, Senior Pastor, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church