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We are delighted to present the 2nd Volume of Fleet, the creative writing journal of the Glasgow University Union. Contained within this collection are fifteen written works that span a broad stretch of form, content, and style. The key intent behind Fleet, from its inception, has been to create an accommodating and accessible space in which writers of all levels of experience are able to showcase whatever inventive, distinctive written work they take pleasure in producing. We believe that Volume 2, in sampling just a section of the brilliant writing talent at Glasgow University, has achieved this aim.

After the success of the journal’s first edition last year, concepts of innovation and rejuvenation were close at hand in our selection of a theme for a second volume; we decided eventually on: ‘Form, Repetition, and Revival’. Throughout the following pages are diverse interpretations of the fusion of these three concepts. Personal, autobiographical evocations of these ideas sit alongside renovations and reimaginings of classical texts. There are poems here that embody the infinite potential of formal and repetitive restructuring, and stories that delve into labyrinthine themes, from recursion and religion, to art and memory, to death and what might lie beyond. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.


We would like to thank the G.U.U. for its continued support of Fleet, and our Libraries Convener, Samyukta Vidyashankar, for all of her efforts in ensuring this journal continues to grow. We would also like to thank everyone who helped to plan, design, and produce this volume, and, in particular, everyone who submitted their work for inclusion. Unbound creativity, especially amongst the structures and rigour of academia, is an incredibly valuable thing, and we are deeply grateful to be a small part of continuing to encourage it.

Co-Editors-in-Chief (2022-23)

Evan Colley & Finn Macdonald

Violet Maxwell

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