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The Student Board

President: Amy is in charge of the Union and its Board of Management. She’s responsible for the long-term vision for the Union as well as being the spokesperson when communicating to both the public and the university.

Honorary Secretary: Emilio is involved in organising the financial side of things for events as well as the daily operating services of the building. He organises some of the Union’s biggest events, FW and D*** F***** and is also responsible for all discipline procedures.


Assistant Honorary Secretary: Vilhelm organises the Union’s Board of Management and minutes all board meetings. He is also responsible for taking care of affiliation packages for all clubs and societies within the university. He’s the first point of contact for those looking to affiliate.

Convener of Debates: Joseph organises the debates committee and all show debates within the Union. He also sends debates teams all across the U.K. and world, as well as organising all competitions we hold throughout the year.

Convener of Games: Sara runs the games Committee which is responsible for the weekly Beer Bar Quiz on a Monday, as well as looking after the games machines and Billiards Hall tables. In February she hosts the Union’s “Month of Games” which has a whole bunch of competitions.

Convener of Libraries: Fuad heads up the Libraries Committee. They are in charge of maintaining the Union libraries, and producing the Union’s official magazine, G-You. The convener is also in charge of the Union’s undergraduate academic journal in the arts, humanities and social sciences, Groundings.

Convener of Entertainments: Lewis runs the weekly open mic night on a Friday, and also organises special promo open mics throughout the year. He is responsible for booking all the killer acts for Freshers’ Week, D*** F*****, and the weekly club nights!

Present Student Members (PSMs): This group of board members make up a number of operational committees that help with the day to day running of the union. These operational committees are: HIVE, Kitchen, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), Welfare, Student Safety and PR & Marketing. They are who ensure everyone on campus knows the awesome events we have going on.

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