Guyana chronicle 02 02 14

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SUNDAY No. 103727


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Religious harmony should serve as an example at the political level -President Ramotar Page 3

President Donald Ramotar delivering the keynote address at the launching of World Interfaith Harmony Week at the Guyana International Conference Centre, Liliendaal

Guyana tops list for possible further FATF sanctions

Page 10

- Granger insists support for AML/CFT Bill depends on Opposition bills being assented to

Judgments, decisions, GT&T welcomes Page 7 orders of the court must liberalisation of the telecommunications sector be obeyed by all With tremendous opportunities for expansion‌

- Chancellor of the Judiciary Page 18

Port Mourant slayings may Page have been a retaliatory act 24

Agricola woman murdered, UK citizen hospitalised - female GDF rank in custody Page 11

Dead 55-year old Donna Taylor


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Inner Wheel Club donates hampers, cash to Help & Shelter INNER WHEEL CLUB of Georgetown, Guyana donated hampers and cash to the Help and Shelter- Crisis Centre last Thursday at Help and Shelter’s Home Stretch Avenue board room. At the presentation ceremony were the president of

the Inner Wheel Club, Aretha Campbell and other members of the organisation, while director/ counsellor of Help and Shelter, Ms. Isha Husain-Singh, collected the donations. Donations comprised of cash, approximately $50,000, a hamper with personal care items

for women and a box of sanitary pads. The Inner Wheel Club has been in operation for almost 20 years with the aim of “reaching out to the community.” International Inner Wheel Day was celebrated on January 10 and the donation was part of the commemoration to mark the

Ms. Isha Hussain- Singh, Director of Help & Shelter receiving the donation from President of the Inner Wheel Club of Georgetown, Aretha Campbell occasion. This non-profit organisation helps all institutions every year,

in whatever way they can. On behalf of Help and Shelter, Ms. Singh during her vote

of thanks said: “We wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the president, Aretha Campbell and members of the Inner Wheel Club of Georgetown for this generous and timely donation…It is better late than never.” She also noted that this donation will be used wisely to effectively carry out the programmes of Help and Shelter as it depends heavily for support from private sector companies. “We make an appeal to you all to come forward and give generously; every dollar you give is accounted for.” Miss Singh said. (Shivanie Sugrim)


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Religious harmony should serve as an example at the political level -President Ramotar

AS Guyana joined the rest of the world in observance of the United Nations (UN) designated World Interfaith Harmony Week, President Donald Ramotar yesterday called for a redoubling of efforts to foster greater understanding and appreciation among the different religious faiths in Guyana. World Interfaith Harmony Week was yesterday officially launched at the Guyana International Conference Centre, Liliendaal. The ceremony opened with prayers and messages from the Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Baha’i, Rastafarian, Indigenous and Seventh Day Adventist bodies, as well as the United Apostolic Mystical Council. The President, who delivered the keynote address, boasted of the beauty and uniqueness of Guyana’s multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society, and the commendable level of tolerance that exists among the various faiths. Four years ago, World Interfaith Harmony Week became an annual event that is observed during the first week of February, as the UN General Assembly’s way of urging countries to encourage activities aimed at fostering greater dialogue among people of different faiths. The need to intensify such dialogue was underscored by the desire to promote a culture of genuine peace in a world driven, in many places, by religious and sectarian divides, since tolerance and mutual understanding are general aspirations shared by faiths. The President said that his government fully supports the goal of increased dialogue amongst faiths, and subscribed to the view that dialogue is the best means of resolving conflicts especially those exacerbated by ethnic and religious conflicts. “We have all witness the awful tragedies that have resulted by religious and cultural conflicts in many parts of our world. These conflicts have spawned untold loss of lives, and unremitting suffering,” the Head of State said. Unlike many other countries in the world, the various religious bodies in Guyana co-exist in harmony. The President explained that while interfaith dialogue had to be initiated in other countries in an attempt to ease religious

President Donald Ramotar flanked by UN Resident Coordinator, Khadija Musa and Mayor, Hamilton Green with members of the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO) conflicts, Guyana took this step of its own accord. “For this reason, interfaith relations in Guyana take place characterised by the absence of hostility, animosity and bitterness. The fact that the lead-

Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill which is currently before the National Assembly and whose non-passage is seen as one of the challenges that the country currently faces.

“Within our families there is need for support, within our relationships there is need for love and …we must demonstrate empathy, tolerance and above all, a deep compassion for each other’s lot in life…we should talk to each other with respect, treat each other with kindness, and show understanding to those with whom we have differences…one thing is very clear, the violence and crimes must end, it is a moral imperative to work to stop this, it has been a source of much distress and suffering for too many families in Guyana.” - President Ramotar ers of our various faiths have come together to foster greater understanding is something to commend and celebrate and encourage. It enriches all of our lives and helps to foster greater unity among all our peoples. It is also the best example that we as a nation can hope for when addressing challenges that we face,” President Ramotar posited. Reference was made to the Anti-Money Laundering and

The President said that terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering have and continues to inflict untold suffering on people, and reminded that failure to pass this important law will attract sanctions that will hurt the economy and the people. “The fact that our religious leaders can come together to advance the goal of interfaith dialogue should serve as a good example to our parliament to

put our people’s interest before narrow political agendas. The religious harmony that we have fostered must be held up as a beacon for building greater mutual understanding, cooperation and peace across our land,” President Ramotar stated. He also called on the different faiths to play a greater role in eliminating social afflictions such as domestic violence, to which far too many lives have succumbed. “Within our families there is need for support, within our relationships there is need for love and …we must demonstrate empathy, tolerance and above all, a deep compassion for each other’s lot in life…we should talk to each other with respect, treat each other with kindness, and show understanding to those with whom we have differences…one thing is very clear, the violence and crimes must end, it is a moral imperative to work to stop this, it has been a source of much distress and suffering for too many families in Guyana,” the President urged. He also called on faithbased organisations and the public at large for more support for

projects that can help to bring down the cost of living and expand the country’s revenue base; projects such as the Amaila Falls Hydropower plant. This project has the possibility of stimulating huge economic activities due to cheapening of energy, while saving an estimated $9B in subsidies per year. Meanwhile, UN Resident Coordinator, Khadija Musa read to the audience, the message of the UN Secretary General, BanKi-Moon. In his message, the Secretary General pointed out that each religion harbours a strident minority, prepared to assert fundamentalist doctrines through bigotry and extreme violence. This, he said, is an affront to the heritage and teachings of all major religions. Further, these acts contravene the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which affirms the right of all to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. “We live in times of turmoil and transformation – economic, environmental, demographic and political. These transitions bring both hope and uncertainty. Our job is to ensure that hope

wins, and our task will be made easier if the followers of all faiths collaborate in a common cause. Let us never forget that what divides us is minuscule compared with what unites us. Working together, we can achieve all our goals for peace, prosperity and physical and spiritual well-being,” the UN Secretary General said. A symposium was held subsequently to the launching ceremony engaging mostly young people from different faiths. A harmony walk will be held tomorrow from the Cenotaph to the Promenade Garden, followed by the first ever interfaith concert at the National Cultural Centre in the evening. Members of the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO) will also be going out to various schools as well as the University of Guyana to hold discourses on religious harmony. (GINA)


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

West presses Ukraine, offers treatment to injured activist

(Reuters) - Western governments pressed Ukraine’s president to compromise with protesters camped on the streets, prompting a war of words with Russia on Saturday and offering treatment to an opposition activist who says he was tortured. At an annual security conference in Munich, founded at the height of the Cold War, Ukrainian opposition leaders met U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and European officials and the Russian foreign minister accused Western powers of fomenting protests against President Viktor Yanukovich. Sergei Lavrov said the We s t h a d “ i m p o s e d ” o n Ukraine to cooperate with its NATO defense alliance, while Kerry said the Ukrainian protesters believed “their futures do not have to lie with one country alone - and certainly not coerced”. Opposition leaders said they felt “huge support” after European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said closer ties to the EU were still on offer to Kiev and Kerry assured them that Washington

Political paralysis looms as Thais go to polls

Anti-government protesters wait outside the hospital where opposition activist Dmytro Bulatov is being treated in Kiev January 31, 2014 and the EU “stand with the people of Ukraine” in “the fight for a democratic, European future”. The resignation in the past week of the prime minister and withdrawal of new laws curbing rights to protest have failed to appease demonstrators occupying public buildings and streets in Kiev and other cities who want Yanukovich out after he spurned a trade deal with the EU in November and sought

Russian aid. Reflecting fears that one of Europe’s biggest countries may be lurching toward a civil war that could set Moscow against the West and destabilize the continent, Germany’s foreign minister warned: “When the fuse on the powder-keg is already lit, playing for time is highly dangerous.” Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged Yanukovich to make good on a pledge to seek consensus. “Only then is there a realistic chance of a political solution to the confrontation,” he added. INJURED ACTIVIST Fuelling anger against the authorities in the past two days

have been images of a prominent activist who says he was beaten and “crucified” after his abduction a week earlier. The case of Dmytro Bulatov has drawn demands from the West for an investigation and anger at reports the victim faced arrest in hospital on the serious of charge of “mass disorder”. Steinmeier said he had secured the agreement of Ukraine’s foreign minister, Leonid Kozhara, to let Bulatov leave the country for medical care and the U.S. ambassador visited the Kiev clinic where Bulatov was being treated. “It was a gesture of solidarity and support,” an embassy official said.

(Reuters) - Thai voters go to the polls under heavy security on Sunday in an election that could push the divided country deeper into political turmoil and leave the winner paralyzed for months by street protests, legal challenges and legislative limbo. The risk of bloodshed at the ballot remains high, a day after seven people were wounded by gunshots and explosions during a standoff between supporters and opponents of embattled Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in a north Bangkok stronghold of her Puea Thai Party. The usual campaign billboards, glossy posters and pre-election buzz have been notably absent this time, as will be millions of voters fearful of poll violence or bent on rejecting a ballot bound to re-elect the political juggernaut controlled by Yingluck’s billionaire brother, Thaksin Shinawatra. Thaksin, 64, is loved and loathed in Thailand, but his parties have won every poll since 2001. His opponents say he is a corrupt crony capitalist who rules by proxy from self-exile in Dubai. Victory celebrations would be likely muted for Yingluck. With

Thai Buddhist monk and anti-government protest leader Luang Pu Buddha Isara sits among other anti-government protesters blocking a district office where election materials are stored, after a gunfight parliamentary seats unable to be filled and the prospect of violence disrupting voting, she could find herself on shaky ground, exposed to legal attacks and unable to pass bills and budgets crucial to reviving a stuttering economy. Yingluck last week refused to postpone the election, even though a fifth of those registered for advanced voting were unable to cast ballots after protesters blocked polling stations in 49 of 50 Bangkok districts as part of a “shutdown” of key intersections in the city. In 28 southern constituencies, no votes will be cast because no candidates could sign up. Some 130,000 security forces will be deployed across the country, 12,000 in Bangkok, National Security Council chief Paradorn Pattantabutr told Reuters. “We’re confident there won’t be too much chaos,” he said. Polling stations open at 8 a.m. (0100 GMT) on Sunday and the Election Commission says results will not be available on the day. Its commissioners are worried about unrest and are braced for a deluge of complaints and challenges to the results. “There’s been a lot of obstruction, so much, every single step of the way,” commission secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong told Reuters. “We don’t want this election to be a bloody election. We can get every single agency involved to make this election happen, but if there’s bloodshed, what’s the point?”

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SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Mexico arrests Jalisco New Generation drug lord El Menchito

(BBC News) Mexican security forces say they have arrested one of the leaders of the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel. Ruben Oseguera Gonzalez, known as El Menchito, is believed to be the second-in-command in the criminal organisation led by his father. He was arrested in a major operation that involved dozens of soldiers. The New Generation cartel is involved in large-scale drug trafficking along Mexico’s Pacific Coast. Oseguera Gonzalez was in charge of buying and selling drugs produced in South America” It is said that the New Generation cartel worked together with the Sinaloa cartel, led by the most wanted man in Mexico, Joaquin ‘Shorty’ Guzman.

Oseguera Gonzalez is believed to be in his early 20s ‘CASH AND GUNS’ Oseguera Gonzalez, who was believed to control the cartel’s finances, was arrested in Zapopan, a city in the Greater Guadalajara area of Jalisco state. Roads were blocked and dozens of soldiers and police-

men were deployed in the high profile operation, which was backed up a helicopter. The police say gang members reacted by setting buses alight in Zapopan and shooting at passing vehicles. Mexican officials say they seized “a large amount of cash,” weapons and ammunition in the raid. “There are indications that Ruben Oseguera Gonzalez was in charge of buying and selling drugs produced in South America,” said Mexico’s National Public Security System Secretary Monte Alejandro Rubido. He was also in charge of “ordering the execution of those who refused to collaborate with the organisation and to make sure rival organisations were kept out of Colima and Jalisco states,” said Mr Rubido.

RIPPED TO SHREDS - JTA knocks Teaching Council bill, says it could trigger legal challenge

By Jerome Reynolds (Sunday Gleaner) The Government could open itself to a legal challenge if the bill to establish the Jamaica Teaching Council (JTC) remains in its current form. That is the position of the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA), which says aspects of the legislation violate fundamental rights such as natural justice. In its official response to the draft bill which was delivered to the Ministry of Education yesterday, the JTA said it was against the suspension or the revocation of the teaching li-

cence of a teacher without due process. Where a teacher is accused of committing an offence, the council reportedly has the power to suspend the registration, and to suspend or revoke a licence to teach. According to the JTA, the body can take that decision without an enquiry and it is at the JTC’s discretion to determine whether the representative or attorney may be allowed to appear at a hearing on behalf of the accused. The teachers’ union says this goes against the Education Regulations (1980), the Labour

Code, and natural justice. ENCROACHING ON RIGHTS “By this bill, separate standards of justice are established for teachers with encroachment on basic human rights. The enactment of this law will reduce the power of school boards and undermine their rights to discipline their employees - the teachers,” the JTA said. A teacher on suspension and a school which allows such an individual to teach are liable to be fined $300,000 under the proposed law.


GIRL, 12, PREGNANT Raped by sister’s ex-boyfriend

By Carolyn Kissoon (Sunday Express) While most girls her age are anxious about writing the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examination later this year, a 12-year-old primary school pupil is preparing to become a mother. The five-month pregnant child conceived after allegedly being raped by the father of her sister’s child, who threatened to end her life if she reported the incident.

Princes Town police have confirmed that the girl, accompanied by her mother, reported the incident on January 9. Relatives have, however, complained that they are not satisfied with the police response. A r e l a t i v e s a i d : “ T h e 12-year-old girl has an older sister with a baby. The older sister and the child’s father are separated, but he asked if they can spend a weekend with him at his house. The older sister asked the 12-year-old to go with her to the man’s house in Princes Town. That was where

Dozens of trafficking victims rescued

(Sunday Gleaner) The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is reporting that its Anti-Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Unit has, to date, rescued more than 41 victims. Deputy Commissioner of Police Carl Williams said 27 of the victims were rescued within the last two years. He said seven cases are before the courts, while there are 28 cases being probed, four of which involve transnational investigations. Williams, who was addressing the opening ceremony for a four-day TIP training seminar on Thursday at the Sunset Jamaica Grande in Ocho Rios, credited the achievements to the collaborative efforts of the JCF’s various units, and the “vibrant partnership” with local and international agencies. He noted that the gains made have resulted in Jamaica being upgraded from the United States State Department’s Tier Watchlist to Tier 2.

Williams said the TIP Unit, which was set up in 2005, is taking a zero-tolerance approach to human trafficking, which he describes as modern-day slavery. He said human trafficking is valued at some US$32 billion per annum, and is regarded by the United Nations as one of the fastest-growing transnational organised criminal activities in the world. The seminar, which ends tomorrow, is the second such forum organised by the National Task Force Against Trafficking in Persons.

she was assaulted.” A police report stated the child’s older sister and the baby were asleep when the 25-yearold man assaulted her. “He told her he would kill her if she told anyone. And he said if the girl’s mother found out she would put her out of the house. She was traumatised and afraid to tell anyone,” the relative said. Police said the standard five pupil, who was unaware that she was pregnant, fell ill earlier this month. “Her belly started to show and she was feeling sick. Her mother took her to the doctor, who confirmed she was pregnant. Her mother questioned her in front of the doctor and that was when she said she was raped by the man,” the relative said. The girl was examined by a district medical officer, who confirmed she was assaulted. “Since then the man was not arrested or even questioned. The police said they are working on the case, but nothing is happening. This man cannot get away with this. She is a child and we need to protect her. She was supposed to write SEA this year, around the same time she will have the baby,” her relative said. Investigators were reluctant to reveal information on the incident yesterday. “The investigations are at a sensitive stage at this time,” the Express was told by police.



SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014




SCORE ONE for the APNU/AFC coalition in succeeding, so far, to ensure the coming proposed international blacklisting of Guyana, among other states, by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF). Such a pyrrhic victory would be achieved as a consequence of the parliamentary opposition’s refusal to date to support the government in passage of the required legislation to combat money laundering and terrorism. Hopes of securing the opposition parties support, starting at the level of the parliamentary Select Committee, following an earlier signal from APNU’s leader, David Granger, were further dashed last week, as disclosed by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall. This has resulted in the latest indication that the CFATF has been disappointed enough to go ahead with expected notification of the distressing status quo to the Paris-based Financial Task Force. That development could result in the shaming of Guyana among states that have failed to have required law in place to effectively block money laundering and anti-terrorist activities. In our editorial last Sunday, titled “Gimmicks vs Realities”, we had referenced a reported assurance by Opposition Leader Granger of forthcoming parliamentary support for the AML/CFT Bill before July 14. Our expressed hope was that this could indeed be a reality. However, since then there has been another opposition somersault, an act being perfected with recurring new political antics by the APNU/ AFC coalition. Meanwhile, to the grief of the Guyana Government, major stakeholders as well as generally well informed Guyanese across the political divide, the CFATF is in the process of moving to advise the FATF whose International Review Cooperation Group (ICRG) is due to meet later this month. We are, therefore, now being left to hope that even at this late stage, the APNU/AFC opposition axis could find it possible---in Guyana’s best interest--- to support passage of the much too long delayed anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist legislation to avoid the looming blacklisting of this nation. Failure to cooperate with the government for passage of the legislation could well prove a very costly political crime for the Guyanese people to forget when the moment of national decision-making arrives. Enough said for now. The more politically matured and nationally committed elements within both APNU and AFC must rise above the political arrogance and pettiness that stand in the way of overdue parliamentary approval of the anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism bill. We started out by amusingly calling, tongue-in-cheek, to “score one” for the APNU/AFC alliance’s coming success to have Guyana “blacklisted” internationally, as a state that enables crimes of money laundering and terrorism by lack of having in place required relevant legislation. Such “success” for the opposition would, of course, prove a pyrrhic victory with tremendous harm to Guyana’s future. Let those who have ears to hear listen carefully.


HE reporters present at the recent presentation of ‘my team and I’, to the Natural Resources Sector Committee, seem to have missed the main messages that we sought to convey. Electricity losses (technical and non-technical), of countries, are published and compared. Our losses are a big blot on our nation’s escutcheon, something that we should all work to change – and we can change it, once we face up to it, and address it squarely. It is true, as many media reported, that roughly about half of our losses could be attributed to some 3,000 or so, big customers, many being various businesses of varying sizes and, generally, sole proprietorship, but it naturally follows, and it is also true, that the other half could be attributed to the 150,000, or so, small customers! Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc. brokers no excuse from anyone, and pursues all erring customers. Our total loss figures are not the highest in the world, but certainly they are at the ‘high end’. The reports are that Latin American countries average 16%, North America, about 6%, and so too, Europe and Japan. At the other end, India, Bangladesh and a number of African countries are at 50%, and more. Closer to home, Jamaica has reported losses ranging between 14% and 23% over the last years, whilst Barbados is at about 7 to 8%. As I said in the recent presentation, our electricity losses, both technical and non-technical, which fell from about 45% to 31% over the last 10 years, have been a source of embarrassment to me in my interaction with other CARICOM Ministers Responsible for Electricity. The technical losses reflect our nation’s historical lack of money from the 1970s onward, and at the same time, the desire to meet our people’s call for electricity, in the adding of connections and, more recently, meeting an increasing demand as existing customers added refridgerators, air-conditioners and other appliances. As I have learnt, all feeders have a thermal limit, a load at which, if exceeded, the feeder could fuse and start a fire. Standard utility practice is to not load feeders beyond 40% of their thermal limits – but with our nation’s limited amount of money, most feeders were loaded way above the standard. Many feeders were at 80 to 100% of their thermal limits. The result has been high technical (heating) losses, voltage levels out of range, and frequent trips to protect the feeder from even small surges. The nearly-completed GPL Transmission Upgrade programme, of about US$45M, introducing, for the first time, sub-stations seven at this time - at points in the network, will about half the load on feeders, with consequential improvements in technical loss-reduction, greater conformity with the standard voltage levels, and reduced trips. But similar considerations apply to the secondary distribution circuits and feeders, and GPL Inc. is working at this; it could cost twice as much as the Transmission Upgrade - think of US$ 100 million. With regard to non-technical losses, estimates are that these losses account for about 16% of generation. The meter readings for over 55,000 of our 175,000 customers lead, astonishingly, to a billing of less than $2,300 per month, for electricity. Some are true, but a large number must be understated. A consideration of GPL Inc.’s billing, suggests that four, out of every five customers, pay all that they should, and one out of every five customers, through a number of collusions and conniving, is not being honest with GPL Inc., paying less than he/she should. As we reported, we have been putting in place meters and systems recommended by various consultants, to fight non-technical losses. Alas, as we also reported, many ways have been found to thwart our efforts, and we cannot avoid the conclusion that some number of current and past employees of GPL Inc., as well as other knowledgeable people, together with customers, have been directing their efforts towards manipulation of the system. Even more advanced, sophisticated and costly metering sys-

tems are being recommended to us: we are being urged to meter anew completely, to install 175,000 sophisticated smart meters, throughout the system, which continually speak to others in the vicinity, and to a control centre. These meters could be disconnected, and re-connected, from the centre. The utility can know, continuously, locations from where power is being taken, that is not being reflected in the local grouping of meters. For such a sophisticated system, think in terms of US$ 75 million. GPL is not waiting for that big re-metering investment. GPL Inc. recently completed one of its first estimates of total losses from each of its 39 main feeders. The results are interesting - See Table entitled, “Loss Profile,” below. All the reporters present seemed to have been in accord in keeping their distance from this table, apparently thinking it to be a ‘hot potato’. ‘Hot potato’ or not, it is essential that this table be subjected to serious study. The estimates of total losses range from the ‘high end’ of 60% across South Georgetown; about 40% along the East Coast of Demerara - Sophia to Mahaica; and North Wakenaam, about 37%. South Georgetown is a large area, with a large number of customers and a large load. No doubt, technical losses could be a little larger than elsewhere, and there would be sub-areas with losses greater than 60%, as well as lower than 60%. There is an obvious need to split the feeder. Indeed, all feeders in the Demerara area will be split when the Transmission Upgrade Programme is completed. At the ‘lower end’ of total losses, we are heartened by the estimates of 17.2% for Kitty/Campbelville; 18.4% for Ruimveldt Industrial Site and environs; 21% for Water Street; and, most of all, 14.0% for downtown, from Robb Street to Croal and Smyth Streets, between Alexander and Wellington Streets; 11.2% for Garden of Eden to Nandy Park; 11.8% Edinburgh to Windsor Forest, and 9.8% Vreed-en-Hoop to Windsor Forest. These low figures need to be checked, in order to ensure that they are not erroneously low. Although these first results are prone to a number of errors, they nonetheless provide significant information – information which would propel further work in sharpening our estimates of losses in geographical units, and in focusing work to reduce technical losses and eliminate non-technical losses. We have good areas and bad areas, good people and bad people – we have to celebrate the good, and pursue the bad in order to change their ways. To reduce electricity losses, we need significant material investment, and the most robust and perceptive equipment and systems; and we need, no less, that the overwhelming majority of us citizens of Guyana, all employees of GPL Inc., and customers, accept and insist that everyone pays for what he/she uses. Our historical experiences, our struggles to end colonialism to increase earnings for workers, our disappointments with nationalisation, have all left too many of us cynical, non-trusting and believing that to get by, one must get things free, even if it is by dishonest means. Too many of us fear that we cannot work our way honestly to greater prosperity – but we can. As seen from our overall electricity-loss figures, a silent majority of us, four out of five, hold differently. Those who steal electricity by one way or another, should know that it is not free, that others pay more than they should; those who steal electricity are burdening others who are paying. It does not have to be so: it is an unconscionable act. GPL Inc. has a target of 19.5%, to which total losses should be reduced by 2018. I want us to set our eyes on doing better: equalling, or doing better than, Barbados – no more than 7%. This is not unrealistic, for even now there are areas which are down to 11%. We can be, materially, a third-world country, but attaining first-world levels in electricity losses! SAMUEL A. A. HINDS Prime Minister and Minister Responsible for Electricity and Energy

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Obamacare and local gridlock By Keith Burrowes

I WANT to touch upon the recent further troubles that have been plaguing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. From what I’ve read about the fairly complex set of technical and practical problems that have combined to undermine the roll out of Obamacare as promised by Obama, the key characteristic of the ones that most threaten his credibility have to do with the fact that it appears that some people responsible for the architecture of the Affordable Care Act simply did not cover all possible contingencies in the framing of the Act. One example is the fact that while the AFA appears to have catered, through what Obama referred to as the Grandfather Clause, for Americans being able to keep their preexisting coverage as is if they wished – a key talking point and selling point for Obama while lobbying for support for the Act – it did not cater for the expiration and renewal of preexisting coverage, an omission which has effectively taken the choice of keeping their old coverage

out of the hands of a significant number of Americans, since the AFA treats renewal as a completely new coverage. Someone, somewhere, in the creation of one of the most controversial and monumental pieces of legislation in American history, effectively dropped the ball, and the President was left to pick it up since it, after all, has his name on it. Quite frankly, I don’t see this scenario playing out under Hilary Clinton. While I appreciate the historicity of Obama’s presidency as well as the tremendous work he has done under at times rabid oppositional pressure from the Republicans, in terms of pragmatic governance of the world’s most influential military, sociocultural

Obama, and was subsequently appointed his Secretary of State) would not only have had the political experience but also the ability to gather the right skills to her, people who not only had the ability to craft sound policy, but to help keep her public image together during the most acute of PR crises, as they did for her husband. The key problem with Obama, and one which has resurfaced in recent weeks, is that despite his great and inspirational public oratory, he does not appear to have the ability to inspire professional commitment and consensus, even in his own camp, something he will have to learn to do if he doesn’t want to see his legacy significantly tarnished during the remaining two years of his presidency. And speaking of consensus

As with Obama, the legacy of this current parliament is going to depend on the ability or lack thereof, to form meaningful consensus and economic power, I would have gone for the former First Lady. My reasoning is simple – Hilary Clinton, (Senator Hilary Clinton before she ran in the Democratic primaries, lost to

building, I have to turn now to our own local situation in Parliament. When the recently parliamentary configuration was still fresh and new, I made the observation: “I don’t want to go into the

merits or demerits of the cases of either the government or the opposition here. What I will say that a dispensation in which the government imagines itself to be an unstoppable force, and the parliamentary majority imagines itself to be an immovable object is one that cannot work.” In that article, I expressed the hope that the gridlock of parliament presented the opportunity for new and innovative ways of getting on with the business of government in

GT&T welcomes liberalisation of the telecommunications sector

THE Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company GT&T said it has always been its intention to invest in the development of the company to ensure modernisation and expansion of the networks and systems which have all been done with a price tag of more than $58M in those capital expansions and programmes. This is according to Chief Executive Officer of the company, Radha Krishna (RK) Sharma while addressing media operatives at an Annual Media Dinner two Saturdays ago at the Grand Costal Hotel, Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara. With the determination of the company to make its mark since its presence in Guyana it has gone through extensive and intense technical development which saw the remarkable increase in its landline service base jumping from 1100 to 154039 subscribers, the deployment of a national fibre optic cable network which is now connecting all major population centres. The phone company has over the years invested in almost all areas conceivable to ensure that customers receive a more reliable service and this has been a practice since its entrance into the market more than a decade

CEO Radha Krishna Sharma ago. In 2010 GT&T invested six billion dollars in the Guyana/Suriname Submarine Cable System which now sees the provision of high speed internet access throughout Guyana while in excess of one billion dollars was expended for the upgrading of the Americas 11 cable in the following year-2011. Still on the issue of expansion and investments, the phone company would have increased its earth station to seven countrywide, moving from one. There was also the launching of the wireless service and the deployment of dozens of cell sites across the country, effectively linking regions and making communication between interior locations and urban areas more possible. Mr. Sharma told the media

that GTT has over the years emphasised the commitment to the economic development of this country and the indisputable track record as a long term proven player in the industry coupled with the intention to continue high levels of investment to the further growth, while deepening and strengthening the telecommunication sector is very much evident. The CEO stated that GT&T recognises that today’s world sees telecommunication as the vehicle which facilitates Information Communication Technology development and economic growth, hence being the good corporate citizen who takes its responsibilities and obligations seriously does support the government’s efforts to liberalise and strengthen the telecommunications sector in Guyana. From the beginning of liberalisation talks of the sector, the GT&T and its parent Company Atlantic Tele Network indicated its willingness to cooperate with the Guyana Government to realise the goal to introduce full competition in the provision of telecoms networks and services, the CEO stated. He went on to explain that the expectations of GT&T were that the new legislation and regulation would reflect a level


Keith Burrowes

With tremendous opportunities for expansion…

By Leroy Smith

playing field, the application of the international best practices and a minimum of discretionary decision making. However, such moves must be seen within the context of the respect for the company’s contractual rights as embodied in the company’s existing agreement with the government. Sharma stated that the company has noted the second draft telecommunications and regulations bill that has been sent to a special select committee and GT&T is anxiously looking forward for the time it will be asked to appear before the committee to contribute to the refinement and improvement of the final act and regulations. The company does not only want to see development but contribute to it by physically doing its part through infrastructure development with respect to its services and this has resulted in the following: an increase in landline Tele-density from 2.21 in 1991 to 20.35 in 2012. For a clear picture the figures are an increase from 16,000 subscribers to 154.207. With respect to mobile Tele-density there has been an increase in Guyana from 5.43 to 72.21 and internet use from 2.61% to 34.31% from the years See page 9

the interest of the people. Two years later, the situation, if anything, has actually gotten worse. I usually seek to go most safely in the middle when it comes to pronouncing upon pitched parliamentary battles – this is because we must concede that for the most part, those who serve in our parliament, no matter what side of the National Assembly they find themselves on, must be given the presumption of acting in the national interest. What I cannot fathom however is, in the light of the dire national implications associated with failure to pass anti-money laundering legislation, why the insistence on what appears to be unreasonable horse-trading. Why link the Public Procurement Commission unflinchingly to the AML, considering both the real need for further consensus on the

former and the critical urgency of the latter. It’s like saying to a man who needs a bicycle to cross a narrow bridge that you can only sell him the bicycle if he immediately buys the car he needs to cross another bridge a little further down the road. When I first wrote about the issue of parliamentary gridlock, I expressed the hope that we were going to see a change in the way our politicians dealt with each other in our most important democratic mechanism and forum. Although I’m a bit jaded, particularly over the developments in recent months, I want to close by repeating my hope that a mutually beneficial way forward can still be found. As with Obama, the legacy of this current parliament is going to depend on the ability or lack thereof to form meaningful consensus.


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

CELAC’S RISING INFLUENCE AND DIMINISHING OF OAS Analysis by Rickey Singh THIS COLUMN was written as CARICOM Heads of Government and Foreign Ministers were returning home from participating in last week’s two-day second summit of the fledgling, but already well recognised influential Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Havana, Cuba. The final communiqué was not yet released but the ‘draft declaration’ highlighted firm commitment to ensuring the Region as a “zone of peace” and commitment to strengthening economic and cultural integration of all the 33 nations that comprise its membership. It would therefore be interesting to learn what Caribbean Community Heads of Government—among them President Donald Ramotar--have to report to their respective country on the outcome of the summit. Inaugurated in Caracas in December 2011 with then President Hugo Chavez as host and one of the prime initiators, CELAC is defined as a “counterpart” to the Washington-based Organisation of American States (OAS) with the distinguishing difference that neither the USA nor Canada is among the 33 member states of the Caribbean/Latin American Region. ZONE OF PEACE’ Promoting closest possible cooperation, CELAC’s commitment to peaceful development was underscored by its end-of summit ‘Draft Proclamation’ recognising the Region as a “zone of peace.” With Cuba as host and then formally handing over the rotating annual chairmanship to Costa Rica, the CELAC summit further highlighted the dismal failure of more than half a century of strategies and tactics by the USA-- including clandestine activities launched from some nations of the hemisphere---to isolate Cuba which last month officially marked 55 years of the Fidel Castro-led revolution. As if to dramatise the impact of CELAC and the diminishing influence of the OAS, both Secre- PRESIDENT XI JINPING tary General of the United Nations (Ban Ki-Moon) and the Secretary General of the OAS (Chile’s Jose’ Miguel Insulza) were in attendance at the summit—the latter as an observer. It was the first time, since 1962 when, under enormous “Cold War” pressures from the USA, Cuba was expelled from the

hemispheric body—to which it chose not to return--that a serving OAS Secretary General had arrived in Cuba for a public event of international significance. And, as if to further underscore continuing significant changes--political, social, economic and cultural—away from the domi-



neering influence of the USA---Brazil’s President, Dilma Rousseff, took the opportunity of the CELAC Summit to formally inaugurate the first phase of Cuba’s modernised deep water seaport at Mariel, funded by her country at a cost of US$957 million.



UN’s Ban/China’s Xi To say that was a practical manifestation of solidarity as Cuba continues to combat the negative consequences of half a century of the US economic blockade may be an understatement. But the UN

Secretary General was ready with a very encouraging message of his own: “It is especially meaningful,” Ban Ki-Moon told the summit, “to be in attendance on the anniversary of the birth of the great Jose Marti…He was an inspiration not only for this country’s independence, but for shaping the Latin American identity…” Declaring that the Region continues to face some serious chal-



lenges, the Secretary General said he was, however, pleased to see a region “determined to tackle its obstacles together….This summit”, he added, “is proof of just that”. He pledged the support of the United Nations “in all aspects of our shared agenda.” CELAC summit, representing 33 nations with a combined population of some 600 million multi-ethnic, multi-cultural peoples, was a history-making event in various ways. And President Xi Jinping of China—principal rival of the USA for competing political/economic influence in Latin America—was ready to hail on Thursday, in a congratulatory message to host President Castro, the decision in Havana to establish a “China-CELAC Forum.” This Forum initiative is viewed as a prelude to CELAC’s already declared intention to access membership of the BRIC bloc of five major countries---Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa— whose economic agenda includes creation of a special bank to cater to specific needs of poor and developing nations. The vibrancy of initiatives by CELAC in strengthening cooperation for economic and cultural integration could, in the assessment of informed hemispheric watchers, further marginalise the OAS which has traditionally been subjected to orchestrated political influence by successive administrations in Washington---even long after the expiry of the ‘Cold War.’ In this context, the birth and defined policies and programmes of CELAC mark a significantly new beginning for the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014


The Constitution supersedes the National Assembly Budget Cuts

By Dr. Prem Misir

AGAIN, the predictable annual budget war is upon us in Guyana. The Opposition’s war-wearied wailing of having had no consultations to input budget 2014 has become the norm at this time of the year, even though budgetary consultations should begin the day after an existing budget is approved. This annual budget war and cry for consultations have probably graduated to becoming an annual festival, and perhaps, it is time to accord them a national holiday status. However, for all intents and purposes, the sole player in this war is the one-seat majority Opposition. But in order to have a war, there must be at least two players, and only the Opposition is engaged. Therefore, the war is not real, possibly rhetorical. Perhaps, the Opposition’s placement of itself on this hypothetical war footing is profoundly motivated by its majority of one in the National Assembly, where it feels it could win the day on almost anything in the parliamentary chambers through simple math. But this simple math does not favour the Opposition when it comes to the budgetary proceedings. You see even wars, real or unreal, have written rules of engagement. Recently, Acting Chief Justice, Ian Chang ordered compliance with the rules governing the budgetary process in the National Assembly, and asserted that there were clear violations of constitutional rules in the budget cuts over the last two years. In making his ruling, the Acting Chief Justice invoked Article 171 (2) (a) (ii) and Article 218 of the Constitution. Here is Article 171: “(2) Except on the recommendation or with the consent of the Cabinet signified by a Minister, the Assembly shall not –– (a) proceed upon any Bill (including any amendment to a Bill) which, in the opinion of the person presiding, makes provision for any of the following purposes –– (ii) for imposing any charge upon the Consolidated Fund or any other public fund of Guyana or for altering any such charge otherwise than by reducing it;…” (Guyana Act No. 2 of 1980 Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana Act 1980) The Acting Chief Justice Chang explained that without the consent of the Cabinet, the National Assembly cannot pursue any bill that would constitute a charge on the Consolidated Fund. Here is part of Article 218: “(1) The Prime Minister or any other Minister designated by the President shall cause to be prepared and laid before the National Assembly before or within ninety days after the commencement of each financial year estimates of the revenues and expenditure of Guyana for that year…” (Guyana Act No. 2 of 1980

Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana Act 1980). In his interpretation of part of Article 218, Acting Chief Justice Chang noted that the proposed budget is really the Minister of Finance’s estimates that the National Assembly is empowered to approve, but not BY DR. PREM MISIR to amend; for if the National Assembly makes cuts to the estimates, then the estimates; become the National Assembly ‘s estimates, and not the Minister’s estimates. Constitutionally, therefore, the National Assembly and income support; and three, the increased influence of interest cannot cut the Minister’s estimates, but has the authority to apor lobbying groups on politicians. These three factors ensure that prove or reject the estimates. Acting Chief Justice Chang further parliamentary influence is not strong enough to hurt a governnoted that any cut becomes a ‘done deal’, a fait accompli, and as ment’s legislative agenda, including the budget. such does not give the Minister the chance to address the National Evidently, the Guyana Constitution is not only the architect of Assembly’s concerns through amending his own estimates. but wields supreme status and power over the National Assembly or Chang’s ruling implies that the savage ˜15% cuts to the Guyana Parliament, for as in the case of budget matters, Article 171 (2) (a) Budget 2013 equivalent to $31 billion on the Cheddi Jagan Airport (ii) and Article 218 of the Constitution do not authorise the National Modernisation Project, Ogle Aerodrome assistance, CJIA cooperation, Assembly to cut, increase, or reallocate the budgetary estimates. Civil Aviation equipment and Hinterland/Coastal Airstrips, among Therefore, compliance with constitutional rules becomes the bedrock others, were illegal. These cuts hurt the poor and vulnerable, especially of all parliamentary proceedings in Guyana. as these public capital investments generally provide increased gains And for those who point to the USA as a possible legislative to ordinary people. The Budget 2013 illegal cuts did produce some model for budget matters in Guyana, observe Democratic Presieconomic slow-down when Guyana needed an expansionary policy dent Barack Obama’s impatience with the Republican-controlled to strengthen Government’s ongoing policies of unemployment mitHouse of Representatives’( part of Congress, the other part is the igation and job creation. Senate) refusal to support his substantive legislative agenda. There The Guyana National Assembly as a Westminster-style model was certainly is an adversarial relationship between Obama and the never designed to provide scrutiny over things like budgetary matters. House of Representatives. Obama is facing continuous legislative As the Chang ruling noted, the National Assembly has no arrangement gridlock with Congress. that enables it to amend the government’s budget, but it can wholly approve or reject a budget in its totality. The budget is the government’s plan of development for the next year, and any legislative amendments would dilute the form and content of the plan and agenda. And now so there seem to be three factors that may constrain a parliament’s influence and control over a government’s agenda (Schick, 2002): one, governAlready, there is marketing ments develop disciplined parties that formulate the legislative From page 7 and data studies which are onagenda, and then persuade their members to vote on party lines; going and based on changing two, there is a massive increase in public spending on entitlements 2000 to 2012. demographics associated with Hence, with the liberalihousing developments both prisation of the sector there are vate and public, to ensure that tremendous opportunities as a designs are done in a state of the changing local landscape affords art access network using FTTX GT&T opportunities to accelertechnology to meet the ever inate its planning focus and look creasing broadband demand and at business strategic decisions, bundled offering requirements inclusive of capital allocations. that will occur as a result of the The competition will be exshifting demographics. citing for the company Sharma The company is naturally stated, pointing to the fact that protective and passionate of its GT&T already sees itself at a image while seeking to enhance position where the company the company’s positioning localis a prime player in the ICT ly at every opportunity given. In arena and uniquely poised in addition, there is constant works the data, broadband space being done towards that objecinclusive of bundled offerings tive, Sharma stated. since the company already Sharma in reflecting the has the largest existing local investments and contribution to access distribution network in Guyana, since the company has the country. been operating here, stated that With the existing infrain excess of $51billion dollars structure in place by the phone honest leadership. No more, no less. have been remitted to the nationcompany and more to come on al treasury. He labelled the phone There has been too much energy dispensed by the Opposistream, those will be used to company as one of the most imtion towards the wrong ends, under the guise of representing its increase mobile data access and portant companies in the country. supporters – which OBSERVER contends could have been better penetration in urban centres and The features of the company rural clusters, Sharma added in used for the advancement of Guyana. For too long, Parliament as identified by the CEO are his address to the media. has become the battleground of bitterness and vitriol of the basest customer value, knowledge, The company has already sort seen. Such has only served to lower its authority in the eyes management, business organiidentified several sites and techof especially the nation’s young, and both regional and internasation, strong management and nical coverage studies will soon cost accounting, value for money tional observers. commence. Given the need for concepts, purposeful and focused Sure, there is enough talent on both sides, and OBSERVER stakeholders support in their mismarketing, shareholder value, dare say, reasonable minds within both opposition parties, that sions, critical operational need productivity and transformation. could together with the Executive arrive at any compromise, for broadband is an absolute Success and market dynecessity, hence, the network necessary for the country’s good. namics are measured by conrollout in the mining areas will In the meantime, pending whatever decision the opposivergence, new technologies, not be limited to low capacity tion may take, Guyana must no longer suffer as a result of maturing markets, greater GSM sites but rather fixed rereckless power play, because of a position of strength as percompetition, multiple product liable broadband in addition to offerings and the increasing ceived by the Opposition. Any such strength must be deployed mobile voice and data based of customers’ expectations the towards the enlightened energy of making Guyana great. on the stakeholders’ needs and company’s top man related. requirements, it was pointed out.


Opposition must respect Court’s ruling NOW that the Court has made its ruling on the question of the legality of the Budget cuts, the spotlight now falls squarely on the parliamentary opposition, as to what its next step will be. First of all, the principled stand for the combined opposition to take in the very immediate circumstance is to respect the Court’s ruling. And this advice is given, notwithstanding whatever plans for appeal there may be. Already, the Speaker has spoken about the implications that such a decision will have for the future workings of the House. But, be that as it may, the Honourable Raphael Trotman must be careful to issue statements that will either directly or indirectly contribute to a continued state of rancour and gridlock. Of course, it is the Opposition’s right to take whatever further judicial action it sees fit, but its collective must be clear in its mind, that as the People’s Representative – the critical example of respect for the law must be shown. This is the Hallmark of true, responsible and

GT&T welcomes liberalisation ...


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Guyana tops list for possible further FATF sanctions - Granger insists support for AML/CFT Bill depends on Opposition bills being assented to By Vanessa Narine

LEADER of the main Opposition, David Granger on Friday made it clear that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) will not approve the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill unless other bills passed by the combined Opposition are assented to. “We will certainly not approve the money laundering bill unless the President assents to the bills that were passed,” Granger said at an APNU media briefing. His comments came on the same day that the Frenchbased Financial Action Task Force (FATF) issued a statement that listed Guyana as the number one country in the Americas that could be taken on by the International Cooperation Review Group’s (ICRG) for review and possibly further sanctions. The FATF’s statement said: “The methodology to prioritise jurisdictions in the pool for ICRG review was adopted by the FATF in October 2010. “It builds on four financial indicators – total value of Domestic Financial Assets (in USD billion); total Domestic Financial Assets expressed in percentage of GDP; Cross Border Interbank Assets (in USD billion) and Remittances Inflows and Outflows (in USD

million) – to rank the jurisdictions in the pool from 1 to 10, where the higher final ranking means larger and more integrated financial sector.” According to the statement Guyana scored 8.125 out of 10. Guyana was ahead of Haiti, Aruba, Belize, Suriname, Turks

recent statement has serious implications for Guyana. He also flayed the Opposition Leader for his position on the matter. Nandlall stressed the fact that FATF’s statement is reflective of the high possibility that Guyana could enter the ICRG

average Guyanese men and women, as well as the business sector because of the non-passage of the AML/CFT Bill. Banks, insurance companies and business are already lamenting the escalating price of transactions with international institutions, while the ordinary man is complaining of the resulting reduction in their disposable income as a result of dwindling remittances. The AG urged reconsider-

“The only reason to block this Bill will be to protect money launderers and terrorists.”-AG



and Caicos Islands, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Grenada and Dominica with scores between seven and three. Guyana is also at the top of the list of the jurisdictions in the ICRG-pool in the Africa/ Middle East and Asia/ Pacific regions.

process. “We want to avoid this at all costs because the ramifications for Guyana will be significant,” he said. He pointed out that the Guyanese people will suffer; people who support the APNU and private sector Opposition supporters. “Why would you want to expose the Guyanese people to these perils,” the AG questioned. There have been increasing reports of the challenges facing

HIGH POSSIBILITY Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall told the Guyana Chronicle that FATF’s most

ation of the matter by the main Opposition. “The only reason to block this Bill will be to protect money launderers and terrorists,” Nandlall said. There are currently three methods by which a jurisdiction could enter the ICRG process: nomination; referral based on mutual evaluation results; and referral based on non-participation in an FSRB (FATF-style Regional Bodies, which includes CFATF) and non-publication of mutual evaluation reports. The FATF is expected to hold a review in February review, which Guyana could be included in, following CFATF’s. OF NOTE Nandlall added that of note is the detailed mention by FAFT of the fact that Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF)

has already blacklisted Guyana. FATF’s advisory on the possibility of the ICRG review made clear that in November 2013 CFATF designated Guyana as a country with strategic anti-money laundering and countering the financing terrorism deficiencies that has not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies and have not complied with its Action Plan developed with CFATF to address these deficiencies. FATF’s statement said: “This public statement contains relevant information that countries and the private sector, as part of their implementation of the risk-based approach, should be aware… the November 2013 CFATF public statement indicated that this jurisdiction had made significant progress in addressing its strategic AML/ CFT deficiencies.” CFAT’s November statement said, “The CFATF calls on its members to consider implementing counter-measures to protect their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks emanating from each jurisdiction. “In November 2011, the CFATF brought to the attention of its Members certain jurisdictions, including Guyana, with significant strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT regime. “With a view to encouraging expeditious rectification of the identified strategic deficiencies Guyana and the CFATF developed an Action Plan with identified target dates to address the strategic deficiencies

that exist in Guyana’s national architecture to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. “As a result of not meeting the agreed timelines in its Action Plan, the CFATF issued a public statement in May 2013 recommending that Guyana take steps to ensure that it addressed its AML/CFT deficiencies. “Guyana has made efforts to address its deficiencies, however, it has not taken sufficient steps towards improving its AML/CFT compliance regime by failing to approve and implement required legislative reforms. “Guyana must therefore pass the relevant legislation and implement all the outstanding issues within its Action Plan including: 1) fully criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing offences; 2) addressing all the requirements on beneficial ownership; 3) strengthening the requirements for suspicious transaction reporting, international co-operation, and the freezing and confiscation of terrorist assets; and 4) fully implementing the UN conventions. “Members are therefore called upon to consider implementing counter-measures to protect their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks emanating from Guyana.” In addition to FATF’s February deadline, CFATF itself is expected to review Guyana’s position in May 2014 at its next meeting


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Agricola woman murdered, UK - female GDF rank in custody citizen hospitalised By Leroy Smith FIFTY-FIVE year old Donna Taylor was on Friday night found murdered in her back yard with her throat slit and hands bound behind her back. Her visiting friend from the United Kingdom Samantha Sabat who was also at the woman’s home at the time of the incident is presently hospitalised at a city hospital. The Guyana Chronicle was informed that the UK -based resident might have been thrown over the verandah of the

two-flat building located at Lot 16/17 Agricola Main Road, East Bank of Demerara. Information reaching this newspapers indicated the death of the 55-year old woman and the injury of her friend was committed by an intruder who is either known or unknown to the family. However, the police have arrested the girlfriend of the dead woman’s son. Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle yesterday next to where his wife’s body lay motionless the night before, Bertram Taylor said that he was

at work when he received a call from his daughter that his wife was murdered at their home. The man said that he rushed home only to find his wife lying in the yard with her throat slit and hands tied. The man said that before reaching his wife he bumped into his wife’s friend who was lying in the yard bleeding from a wound to the head, he said that at first he thought the woman was dead but when he went over her he realised that she was still breathing and she was rushed to the hospital.

The dead woman’s husband points to the spot in the yard where his wife lay dead on Saturday night

At the time the man spoke with this publication yesterday, he said that the UK citizen was still unable to speak much but was recovering. He said that she is the person who holds the answer to all of the many unanswered questions, including who invaded the home and who carried out the act. The woman travelled to Guyana in January to attend the funeral of her father who was buried two weeks ago and remained in the county to transact some other business. From all indications the relatives of the dead woman are not treating the incident as a robbery since nothing was taken from the home. The man who works as a security guard said that he was told that persons heard a noise coming from the house and telephoned his daughter. His son works with him at the security service. Yesterday Taylor told this

Please see page 12

Dead 55-year old Donna Taylor


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Agricola woman murdered ... From page 11

newspaper that his son has been having a relationship with a female from the village who works in the Guyana Defence Force. He said that the woman is a very aggressive person and his son was not willing to carry on the relationship with her any longer. The younger Taylor is said to have a very good relationship with his mother and did indicate to her that he was breaking off the relationship with the GDF rank, the young man also informed the young lady that he was not willing to continue a relationship with her. The Chronicle was told that the last such message the man gave the young lady saw her falling to her knees and begging the man not to leave her as she promised to change her ways and review her attitude towards him but the man would have none of it. It is not clear if the woman believed that her boyfriend’s mother engineered the breakup and decided to take revenge on the woman by attacking her in her home. However, the police reported yesterday that they have a female in custody who is assisting with the investigation. On Saturday morning at the police station, the GDF rank was being questioned when it was observed that the pants she wore at the station is not the same pants she was spotted with at the murder scene, the police then sought to question her about the pants she was wearing earlier and she attempted to deny that she ever had a change of clothing. However, she later told the police that the pants she was wearing is that of her boyfriend and the police told her that she needed to bring to the police station the pants she was wearing when she was at the murder scene and she was accompanied to uplift the item. It was then that it was realised that the pants that the woman changed had blood stains but she told the police that what they were seeing is not blood stains but rather it was paint. The pants has been lodged by the police and could be one of the main pieces of exhibit for evidence should the woman be charged for murder and attempted murder. Yesterday the husband of the dead woman explained that he was never really comfortable with his son seeing the GDF officer but he never allowed his personal feelings to be imposed on his son or to influence his decision hence his decision not to tell his son much, with respect to the relationship he was in.

The property in which the two women were when they were attacked and the verandah from which the UK citizen was reportedly thrown off .

Jesse Eisenberg to play Lex Luthor in new Superman film

Jesse Eisenberg is set to play Lex Luther

WARNER BROTHERS has announced Jesse Eisenberg will play villain Lex Luthor in the upcoming Superman vs Batman film. The actor is most famous for his Oscar-nominated performance as Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network. The film, which will also star Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck, is due out in 2016. It’s being directed by Zac Snyder, who worked on the Superman reboot Man Of Steel. The movie, released in 2013, took the Superman franchise back to its start. It was a financial success, taking more than $660-million (£401-million) at the worldwide box office. Avill will reprise his role as Superman, with Ben Affleck starring as Batman. Speaking about the latest casting news, director Snyder said Eisenberg allows the film to take Lex Luthor, Superman’s most famous adversary, in “some new and unexpected directions.” It’s a role that’s previously been played by Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey. It’s also been announced British actor Jeremy Irons will play Alfred, the butler to Bruce Wayne, Batman’s real identity. Other stars on board include Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and Amy Adams (Lois Lane).


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

CJIA raked in over $1B in 2013 THE country’s main port of entry, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) generated over $1B in revenue in 2013, but saw a reduction by 12 percent in visitor arrivals, as a result of Delta Airlines pulling out of Guyana in May. The airport’s total expenditure for 2013 amounted to $588M as compared to the $493M spent for the same period in 2012. This increase in expenditures was mainly due to additional staffing. The total passenger movements for 2013 amounted to 479,177 compared to 543,374 in 2012, while the airport recorded 3,811 international aircraft movements up to December 2013 as compared to 4,640 for the same period in 2012 (an 18% decrease). Imported cargo amounted to 2,287 tonnes; a 5% increase over the previous year, while exports amounted to 2,462 tonnes or a 36% increase over that of 2012. SAFETY In November, CJIA hosted its simulated aircraft crash, which was conducted to test the preparedness of the airport to respond to an actual emergency. While there were challenges, a team of critics drawn from the GCAA, Guyana Defence Force, Guyana Police Force, Civil Defence Commission, Ministry of Health and airline operators, deemed the activity a success. About 300 persons participated including five medical

institutions and over 70 police officers. SECURITY In January 2013, the Corporation was audited by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of the United States. The team found that the security systems and regulations at the airport were in full compliance with ICAO Annex 17 and TSA Security Regulations. The GCCA conducted an audit inspection of CJIA facilities during the period June 25 to 27, 2013, as part of the annual re-certification process of CJIA’s Aerodrome. A new non-intrusive body scanner was purchased for the departure area at a cost of $40M. This modern TSA approved Full Body Scanner uses safe active millimeter wave (MMW) radio frequency technology and can scan 200 - 300 persons per hour. Passengers’ privacy is guaranteed since potential threat areas are presented to the operator using a generic mannequin that resembles a human outline. A new security office and hut costing a total of $3M were constructed during the period. For the year 2013, 160 persons, including new CJIA employees and staff of other agencies operating in the airport, were trained under this programme. Thirty Aviation Security Officers were recruited, bringing the total number to 60. The increased staffing allows greater

- but saw a reduction in arrivals

Passengers arriving at CJIA on a Fly Jamaica flight effectiveness and flexibility in the control of access points and monitoring of activities. In response to various security threats, several mitigating measures were also implemented. Additional monitoring of ground equipment and areas such as Baggage Make Up, Apron and Customs Shed were introduced.


Several discoveries were made during 2013 between CJIA and the Joint Law enforcement agencies. Again, the drug traffickers found very innovative ways of conceal-

ing the illegal substances for movement through the airport. Cocaine amounting to 51.64kg was discovered at CJIA, while 14.86kg was discovered at JFK, totalling 66.50kg AIRLINES Caribbean Airlines on February 10, 2013, launched direct flights between the John F Kennedy Airport, New York and CJIA. This supplemented the

already existing direct flights between Guyana and Toronto. These direct flights are being operated using the Boeing 767300 aircraft. Suriname Airways continued to provide twice weekly roundtrip service on the Paramaribo-Georgetown-Miami route with its 126 seat B737-300 aircraft, while LIAT occasionally provided service on the Barbados- Georgetown route using the ATR 72 aircraft.

Fly Jamaica commenced operations in August 2013 flying the Georgetown to Jamaica to New York route. The aircraft has a total seating capacity of 198. Travelspan began flights out of the CJIA on December 14, while on November 23, the Venezuelan Government launched its inaugural flight of their National Carrier, CONVIASA Aero, to Guyana. The Airline commenced operations on January 25, 2014. AIRPORT EXPANSION PROJECT The CJIA expansion project is expected to meet its deadline of August 2015, as works are scheduled to begin on several aspects of the building during the course of this year. Work commenced on the final design and is expected to be completed by March 2014. Excavation and backfilling works began on a test section of 160m x 160m of the runway for the expansion project. The test section is to ensure that the correct design techniques are adopted for the entire runway extension. The work is 65% completed. (GINA)


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Farmers holding out for higher paddy prices By Vanessa Narine

GENERAL Secretary of the Guyana Rice Producers’ Association (RPA), Dharamkumar Seeraj yesterday confirmed that there are still approximately 100,000 tonnes of paddy from the last crop of 2013 still to be sold. He said, “We can sell all the paddy tomorrow, but the farmers are holding out for better prices. We have 22 per cent of the crop still in the system, and harvesting of a new crop is scheduled to begin later this month. “The reality is that the price for paddy will fall,” he said, and it is a fact that farmers would have to face,

- but RPA Head says prices will fall

Seeraj explained that farmers have become accustomed to selling most of their yields to Venezuela, which offers somewhat better prices than what obtains in other markets. However, he said, as efficiency and productivity improve in the rice sector, Venezuela will account for a smaller percentage of Guyana’s rice exports. Seeraj said: “When we were producing just over 300,000 tonnes, Venezuela accounted for over 60 per cent of our exports. Now we have gone past that mark, with over 500,000 tonnes, of which only 30 per cent was exported to Venezuela. This means that 30 per cent of the exports attract-

ed the best prices.” Seeraj said that even when Guyana concludes a new agreement with Venezuela, which is expected to happen by the end of this week, the sector’s entire yield will not benefit from the prices offered by Venezuela. He noted that Guyana is hoping to expand the current agreement with Venezuela, wherein 110,000 tonnes of white rice and 80,000 tonnes of paddy are supplied to Venezuela. The RPA head maintained that the supply and demand dynamic presents a challenge for the industry, and is one that has the attention of major stakeholders. “It is an industry

issue,” he said. Seeraj added that this is where aggressive marketing efforts come in to secure new markets for Guyana’s rice. He said Guyana is looking to increase its market share in existing markets, as it simultane-

Dharamkumar Seeraj ously continues talks with new markets. THREE-PRONGED APPROACH In a prior interview with this publication, Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy had said that a three-pronged approach is being taken to increase exports in the sector:increasing the market share in countries that have agreements with Guyana, re-entering old

markets where the country once had a meaningful presence and securing new markets. “I am currently talking to several countries,” he said, declining to name them as negotiations are still at an early stage. Ramsammy added that efforts are underway to have Venezuela, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, as well as countries in Europe review existing agreements for paddy and rice exports. He explained that the Caribbean countries and Venezuela currently import rice from other countries besides Guyana, and there is an opportunity to secure greater shares in those existing markets. On the matter of re-entering old markets, he said: “Countries like Cuba and Haiti used to account for exports of between 30,000 and 40,000 tonnes of rice. We had a meaningful presence in those markets.” Ramsammy pointed out that, in the case of Haiti, since the earthquake that devastated that nation’s capital, much of the rice entering the country has been in the form of aid; but with the country in a position to purchase its own rice requirements, Guyana can take advantage of that market. He added that, in 2006, Haitian national, Saj-Steven Angele Jeff Khauly began operating a mill, Saj Rice Mill in Region

5 (Mahaica/Berbice), under a 10-year lease and in an undertaking that facilitated trade to that country. Earlier this year, the facility was upgraded, with new equipment and a new generator system, among other things; and the company has indicated its interest in extending its lease to 20 years. “There are opportunities that we can take advantage of,” Minister Ramsammy said. Another area Guyana can make strides in to increase exports in the rice sector, according to the minister, is the promotion of private sector-to-private sector agreements. “Getting the private sector itself connected with private sectors in other countries can boost our exports,” Ramsammy said. He maintained that the consistent improvements in the sector are encouraging, and bode well for advances on different fronts. The production target for the first crop of 2014 is 270,000 tonnes, and the RPA General Secretary expressed confidence that it could be met. The production for 2013 was 535,212 tonnes, which is far above the original target of 413,000 tonnes, and reflects a 27 per cent increase over the production in 2012. The average production per hectare is five tonnes.

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014



SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014


Budget consultation with Finance Minister was constructive, informative-FITUG representative HEAD of the Guyana Labour Union (GLU), Carvil Duncan, whose union is part of the trade union umbrella grouping the federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) has described the consultation with Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh on the 2014 National Budget as productive and informative. Duncan said: “The meeting with the minister was constructive and informative. The intention was to discuss FITUG’s thinking on what should be in the budget to the benefit of the workers we represent.” “We presented a five- point agenda for the minister to consider and we left very satisfied that the minister was courteous to have invited us to be part of his budget consultations. We left satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. We did not go into the meeting expecting any concrete conclusions, but just for the minister to consider our needs as he prepares his budget for 2014.” “The minister even told us that we can write to him after the meeting, should we have any fresh ideas that should be considered. We have enjoyed the courtesy extended by government to be part of the consultation meetings this year as we have in previous years and we expect that the same professional courtesy will be extended to us by the current administration.” Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh met last week with members of the FITUG, as part of government’s ongoing efforts to engage all stakeholders in the course of preparations of Budget 2014. The minister thanked FITUG for the several constructive suggestions and recommendations they have made over the years and which have informed government policy on a number of important issues. The minister also acknowledged the forthright positions taken by FITUG on issues of national importance, including the condemnation of the budget cuts imposed by the Opposition in previous years, which have since been ruled to be unconstitutional by the Chief Justice (ag). The discussions were frank and fruitful and dealt with a number

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, second right, with FITUG members last week Government remains fortified in the commitment that has of issues of interest to the membership of FITUG and of relevance to guided its preceding terms of office to implement policies, prothe overall economic and social development in Guyana. grammes and projects required to realise a modern and prosperGovernment will continue to engage other stakeholders over the ous Guyana. Government also remains resolute in working with coming days and weeks as part of its ongoing efforts to receive the all stakeholders that share a common vision for economic growth views of all parties on issues which will impact Guyana’s economic and development as part of the Budget 2014 preparations. prosperity.


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Judgments, decisions, orders of the court must be obeyed by all - Chancellor of the Judiciary THE response by politicians of the two major political parties to the Chief Justice’s ruling recently handed down in the 2012 budget cut case continues to evoke concerns by functionaries within the legal sector.

In an invited comment on the issue, Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag), Justice Carl Singh stated that the principle of “obedience to the law” requires every citizen to respect and obey judgments/decisions and orders of the courts.

He further noted that “the general principle is that no matter how erroneous or flawed an order of a court may be perceived to be, that order must be respected, obeyed and/or complied with until it is set aside by a superior court.

JUSTICE CARL SINGH The doctrine of the separation of powers does not insulate any branch of government or the

representatives of such branch from the obligation to show respect for and obedience to orders of the courts. Where there is defiance and disobedience to orders of the courts, the result is a state of anarchy, chaos, and confusion.” Both the Leader of the Opposition, David Granger and Leader of the Alliance For Change, Khemraj Ramjattan have indicated publicly that the ruling is wrong and they will not abide by it, and will cut the 2014 budget although the ruling clearly says that they have no lawful right to do so. Recently, the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall issued a statement on this matter in which he stated that, “the position is, unless and until, a pronouncement made by a court is set aside by another court of competent jurisdiction, that

pronouncement must be obeyed and respected by all, irrespective how wrong one may feel that pronouncement is. This is an elementary principle which harbours no exception whatsoever. It is designed to protect and maintain the integrity of the administration of justice, the rule of law, and indeed the entire society.” He explained that the, “Doctrine of Separation of Powers devolves onto the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary clearly delineated and defined powers and functional responsibilities. The Constitution recites them in its provisions. Each of these organs is expected to operate within their respective provinces and not to trespass on to the territorial power and responsibility of the other. Importantly, they must discharge their functions independently, but with reciprocal comity.”


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

GEM: Guyana’s premiere lifestyle magazine turns 10

GUYANA’s publishing graveyard is littered with failed magazines, newspapers and newsletters from over the last 100 years. Most have met their demise due to the lack of resources, thus failing to make it past one or a few editions. Now fast forward to 2014 and the success story of Guyana Entertainment Magazine (GEM), Guyana’s first lifestyle and entertainment magazine, which has weathered the storm to celebrate a decade in existence. Launched on January 30, 2004 at the Tower Hotel in Georgetown, this bi-monthly magazine made history when it drastically changed the publishing landscape in Guyana with its high quality, full-coloured glossy look. Their journey began in 2002, a full two years before the actual launch of GEM when its founder and publisher, Mr. Simeon Corbin, who was based overseas at the time, contemplated doing an events calendar-type publication. The idea at the time was to inform locals and visitors to the country about the entertainment and other activities occurring year-round. After lengthy and convincing discussions with his family and friends, Mr. Corbin’s concept soon developed into a fullsize lifestyle and entertainment magazine, and as the saying goes, the rest is history. GEM’s premiere edition was truly a work of art, as it was the first time, people, places and events related to Guyana were presented in an international quality magazine with features pertaining to our culture and lifestyle running from cover to cover. Gracing the first cover

was Miss Guyana Universe 2004 2nd runner-up, Michelle Armstrong, brightly dressed in a Mashramani costume on a glossy yellow background. “In the beginning, the odds appeared to be against us,” said Mr. Corbin, who spoke candidly about the early days of GEM. “You see, around that time, people had a very negative perception of Guyana as a crime-ridden country where all we did was run around the streets committing crimes. Today, the image of the country has changed tremendously, not only because of GEM, but also because other forms of media outlets had taken up the torch of helping to shine a brighter light on the positive sides of our society.” Corbin further added that before GEM arrived on the scene, people were accepting the mediocrity being passed as “quality” in publishing at the time. There is no doubt that GEM with its world-class pictures and to-the-point style of reporting has raised the stakes in magazine production and changed the way people see Guyana. Even when things are not at its best in society, the magazine always seems to find ways of delivering uplifting content. In the years since its inception, GEM has continuously upped the ante after miraculously withstanding the ups and downs of Guyana’s economy and a world recession to deliver 60 editions - all masterly done.

Over the years, they have seen great measures of success with small, medium and large sized companies seizing the opportunity to promote their products among its glossy pages. GEM has also had a potpourri of who’s who in business, sports, entertainment, music, fashion and media on its covers. Although GEM is definitely a success story in comparison to the many magazines which have failed throughout the years, Mr. Corbin tells us that: “Before our first issue came out, things didn’t look too good. We weren’t able to secure any sponsorship, but we went ahead anyway and published the first edition because we had very strong convictions about our product and its concept. To our surprise though, the first edition did reasonably well on the news-stands and generated enough of a buzz which gave us the much needed inspiration to do the second one.” Speaking with Managing Editor and a Director at GEM, Mrs. Coretta Corbin-Rival also remembers that: “GEM was a hard sell to some editors, writers and photographers since many people did not understand the concept of the magazine, and didn’t believe that we could do an all-positive presentation for Guyana. The idea at the time was that if you were getting into media, you were supposed to be political, and either for or against the government and your stories must also be ap-

propriately slanted. You were not expected to take the middle ground.” Mrs. Corbin-Rival added that like the publisher, she too was never interested in Guyana’s political arena, so it was easy to help GEM position itself on a middle ground and to focus on the positives and the best of Guyana. This stance has occasionally drawn the wrath of some critics who accused GEM of being biased and on one side of the political spectrum. Despite the critics, she added that they will continue to

focus on the positive lifestyle trends of Guyanese because the readers are hungry for inspirational entertainment. Under the leadership of Mr. Corbin, there was an editorial decision from the beginning to transcend race, politics, religion and class to focus on promoting the country. Today, those vows still remain very sacred, and will be used as the foundation on which they will propel themselves into the next decade. The magazine continues to make a genuine effort to reach out and be an

inclusive outlet for Guyanese of all walks of life. Their aim is to make everyone who encounters GEM feel that they are part of a unique experience. Six times a year, this international magazine covers exciting social events and other thought-provoking lifestyle topics. As Guyana continues to develop, the magazine plans to continue evolving to reflect society’s ever changing trends. It is what people read to find out what or who is happening—it

Please turn to page 22


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Religious leader mulls QC scholarship f By Shirley Thomas


Roberto (at centre) and his two brothers who are lucky to be alive. At left: Howard who was shot in the arm and at right is Mark who was at Bartica at the time of the massacre.

proposal has been put to Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, that a scholarship to attend Queen’s College (QC) be granted to 11-year-old Roberto Thomas, who was seriously wounded, but miraculously survived the horrendous attack on the people of Lusignan on January 26, 2008. This proposal was made by Pastor Balgobin Ragnauth of Lifesprings Ministries International, Chateau Margot, as he addressed the Central Islamic Organisation Of Guyana (CIOG)-sponsored ‘Evening of Remembrance’ last Sunday for the 11 persons slain in the Lusignan Massacre, as well as the 12 gunned down in a shooting rampage at Bartica on February 17, three weeks later. The proposal was supported by Pandit Haresh Tiwarie who was also one of the speakers at the forum. Roberto who was just five years at the time of the massacre lost his father: Clarence 52, sister Vanessa 12 and brother Ron, then 11. They were all shot and killed by the marauding gunmen who invaded their home and four others, mercilessly killing those within their reach. Of the three wounded survivors, two were from the Thomases household. They are: Roberto himself, his 19-year-old brother, and a neighbour, Nazir Mohammed. Mohamed whose 22-year-old son Shazam was gunned down, managed to escape death, but was shot in both legs and remained warded at the GPHC for several weeks. Meanwhile, Howard was shot in the shoulder and suffered shattered bones and was on the verge of losing his arm. Roberto, at the tender age of five, survived gunshot wounds to the abdomen with protruding intestines. After his first surgery he had to be taken back for a second surgery to repair the wounds. He spent three months in hospital, and initially was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on life support. Howard spent three months in the High Dependency Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) as well. Their mother, Gowmattie who hid

Roberto’s mom, Gowmattie Thomas with whom he lives at Lusignan

behind a curtain escaped unhurt. With the best efforts by doctors and divine intervention, both brothers are today healed and doing fine. Roberto who is developing into a fine young man, attends the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary, a private school at Lusignan, and was described by teachers at his school as a quiet, mannerly and polite child, with respect for authority. He is in Grade Six and is preparing to write the National Grade Six Assessment Examination in just over a month. He has his eye on becoming an engineer. And even though he had suffered such severe abdominal injuries, this is not impeding his athletic performance. He has emerged champion runner for the school in both 2012 and 2013 and has won several medals and trophies. Meanwhile, observing the toll the horrible incident would have taken on the survivors and other bereaved relatives of those slain, and the psychological impact through the years, Pastor Balgobin asked those assembled: “How can we be who we used to be, when we don’t have those who used to be with us? How do we relate to that fiveyear-old child, now 11 and who has lost his father, brother and sister in the massacre? “ He added: “A child would be traumatised who has lost someone …. Who hasn’t gone to school for so long and who, when everybody else is looking at books, he’s looking at blood.” Against this backdrop, Pastor Ragnauth declared, “Is it difficult to put the proposal of scholarship for such a child?” CAPTION: Photos saved in Graphics as ‘Lusignan

Roberto (at left) with his best friend at school, Madhav Tewarie.

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SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

for Roberto Thomas


President Donald Ramotar gets farewell call from outgoing Indian High Commissioner, Puran Mal Meena

Outgoing Indian High Commissioner pays courtesy call on President Ramotar

Roberto displays his medals and some of his trophies won for athletic championship

OUTGOING Indian High Commissioner, Puran Mal Meena paid a courtesy call on President Donald Ramotar on Thursday and the meeting saw them recommitting to the continuation of the two countries’ historical friendship and the enhancement of various areas of cooperation. Mr. Meena was accredited on May 30, 2012 and replaced Subit Kumar Mandal. The new Indian High Commissioner to Guyana is Venkatachalam Mahalingam, a career diplomat. The world’s largest democracy has contributed much to Guyana’s development and through its line of credit for various projects such as the Guyana National Stadium at Providence and the Specialty Hospital that will be constructed soon. Further cooperation between the two countries in the examination of the production of energy and electricity through bio-mass of agriculture waste is planned. Guyana has also benefitted immensely from the Indian Technical Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme in areas such as education, provision of equipment, Transmission and Broadcasting, Legal, Disaster Management, Coconut, Spices and Institutional Development. Scholarships have also been granted to Guyanese nationals in the fields of Hydrology, Engineering, Cyber Technology, Management, Education, Agriculture, Horticulture, Banking and Financial Services, Environment Protection, and Public Management among others. (GINA)

UG students participate in exchange programme with US institutions

THE University of Guyana (UG) has partnered with the U.S. Embassy and an American NGO named ‘One World Youth Project’ (OWYP) in a dynamic cross-cultural exchange programme named “Virtually There: Expanding Cultural Exchanges Between the United States and Guyana” whereby 11 students from UG have participated in an exchange programme in the United States during the period January 25 to February 2, 2014. In the USA, the Guyanese students had opportunity to engage their peers from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and Boston University in Massachusetts, visiting those campuses to briefly witness U.S. university student life and participate in community-building and service projects. They also met with officials from the Department of State and the U.S. Institute for Peace, and discussed issues important to youth in Guyana with Guyana’s Ambassador to the United States. The Virtually There exchange programme follows a long-term project spearheaded by OWYP to provide enhanced, multifaceted social media interaction between students and schools, and to strengthen global skills training. OWYP works with UG student leaders throughout the year to develop a service-learning programme at the university, after which participants train their fellow students to become experts in a global mindset curriculum. UG students interact virtually through social media with students at Georgetown and Boston universities. At the same time, weekly lessons are facilitated in a virtual exchange between the Richard Ishmael Secondary School in Guyana and counterpart classrooms at U.S. middle schools. The year-long curriculum, like the Virtually There exchange, offers these secondary and tertiary students a unique cross-cultural experience that enables them to develop Virtually There exchange participants with US Ambassador to Guyana, Mr Brent Hardt global life skills, which would enhance their readiness for a range of careers requiring international experience and understanding. (centre)


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

GEM: Guyana’s premiere lifestyle ...

From page 19

is what they have come to expect. Since its early days, GEM has been on a campaign to expand its role as pioneers in high

quality print media production. They plan to intensify their presence by expanding on social media, television and doing more in-depth coverage of indi-

viduals in the Diaspora who are making a significant impact in society. Their main aim in 2014 is to focus on volunteerism and giving back to Guyana by increasing their partnerships with non-government organisations. When pressed to comment on the secret to the magazine’s success, especially in an industry where so many others have tried but failed, Mr. Corbin would only say: “GEM has and will always be about our beautiful country, our loyal readers, supporters, advertisers and friends and never about us and our egos.” The publisher and staff of GEM took the opportunity to extend genuine and heartfelt thanks to all its faithful friends, readers and clients for rejecting outdated business attitudes to give the magazine a fair chance and an equal opportunity to proudly celebrate Guyana in print, online and on television. GEM is available at most news-stands in Guyana and via world-wide subscription. There are plans to host a number of activities including charitable donations to mark this momentous milestone for the magazine.

GEM Magazine 10 years in existence.

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

CARICOM SG says change is underway DELIVERING remarks at the opening of the 33rd Meeting of the Community Council of Ministers at the CARICOM Secretariat in Liliendaal, Ambassador LaRicque announced that the Secretariat’s work programme had also been redesigned to provide for a more outcome-oriented focus, guided by goal management. “There is still some way to go, but change is underway,” LaRocque told the gathering of ministers and delegates who hold responsibility for Community issues. Progress in undertaking reform, he pointed out, has encountered some challenges, including those that relate to the Secretariat’s aging information technology infrastructure, staff retention, and the increasing inflexibility in the use of donor resources. “Taken all together, these factors, along with the challenging economic and fiscal situation faced by our member states, affect the ability of the Secretariat to maintain and improve on our service to the Community, and the implementation of the work programme. In the face of ever increasing mandates, the need for prioritization, which lies at the heart of the decision by Heads of Government to devise a strategic plan, becomes paramount in order to ensure the focused and optimal use of our human and financial resources,” LaRocque said. His comments were made in the context of the finalisation and approval of the Community’s first Community Strategic Plan, a major component of the reform process now being conducted, and under which the restructuring of the CARICOM Secretariat falls. The Secretariat’s restructuring will be significantly influenced by the Strategic Plan. Consideration of the Executive Summary of the five-year strategic plan of the Irwin LaRocque community is one of the key agenda items of the one-day meeting of the Community Council. The final draft of the plan is to be placed before the Heads of Government of CARICOM at their Twenty-fifth Inter-sessional Meeting, to be held in St. Vincent and the Grenadines from 24th to 25th February, 2014. The Community Council will also deliberate on the budget of the Secretariat, contingent rights, and the implications of the Shanique Myrie ruling handed down by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), the ruling of the Dominican Constitutional Court on nationality, and matters related to sustainable development of the Region.



SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Port Mourant slayings may have been a retaliatory act By Jeune Bailey Van Keric SLEUTHS investigating the double slaying which occurred at Port Mourant, 15 miles off the Corentyne thoroughfare

on Thursday, are working on the theory that the incident may have been a retaliatory act, as one of the victims Krisnauth Jagdeo, was recently freed from a murder charge. Jagdeo was implicated in the vigilante-style killings in

which 45-year old Alfred Munroe, alias Iguana Man succumbed to multiple injuries, after he was allegedly beaten by a group of persons at Rose Hall, Corentyne in May last year Jadgeo was among five persons who faced the capital charge which was subsequently dismissed due to legal technicalities. Jagdeo, alias Chris, 46, of Free Yard, Port Mourant ,along with Seafiel Layne, 48, a labourer of No 1 Road Corentyne, Berbice, were shot in the neck and temple ,respectively, with a shot gun , after the boat in which they were travelling were ambushed by men , one of whom was on horseback. Their workmates, David Harpaul, 38, of Rose Hall Town, Clement Griffith, 48, all labourers along Krisnauth Jagdeo with Fazel Abrahim, 25, a mechanic of Port Mourant and Black Bush Polder respectively, are currently in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and New Amsterdam Hospital respectively, . Sources close to the investigation revealed that the slayings were planned and the victims were caught unaware resulting in extensive injuries. Staff at the surgical theatre at the New Amsterdam Hospital worked tirelessly until the wee hours of Friday morning in an attempt to restore the health and well-being of Harpaul, a father of four. Relatives and curious onlookers flocked the male surgical ward in an effort to get a glimpse of the men whose lives are on the line. Some prayed quietly for a fast recovery. The Port Mourant Follow-Up is a co-operative society which is managed by three popular businessmen Kris Jagdeo of Jagdeo Construction, Kase ‘Manoj’ Singh of Spready’s Bakery and Pharmacist Poonai Bhirgoon. The men are involved in extensive rice cultivation in the backlands which is accessible by boat. Reports are that the deceased men were in the employment of Kris Jagdeo, while the three injured were employed with Singh. They had finished working and were on their way home in a wooden boat, when they were ambushed and shot at reportedly with shotguns by two men. David Harpaul, the boat captain, was reportedly shot in the right abdomen. He thereafter telephoned Poonai Bhirgoon and informed him of the situation, motoring for over two miles before boarding the vehicle which he had parked earlier that day. He continued for a similar distance, before losing consciousness. In the meantime, the businessmen accompanied the ambulance to the scene, allowing the injured to be transported to the Port Mourant Hospital and then transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital. Harpaul was subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. Meanwhile, police rushed to the scene and found the two deceased men who were hauled from the watery grave. Investigations are continuing

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014



SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014


Guyana must satisfy new EU criteria before accessing sea defence funding THE European Union (EU) announced on Friday that strict rules would be applied before Guyana could begin drawing down funds to strengthen its sea and river defence systems. The 10th European Development Fund (EDF) has allocated 14.8M Euros for Guyana’s sea and river defence sector in a budget-support programme; but the European Delegation here outlined a series of steps that the Guyana Government would have to take before the money could be released to combat sea and river incursion.

The EU said Guyana would first have to invest Gy$5.5 billion into the sector over the next three years, in order to prepare the groundwork and so satisfy the eligibility criteria regarding qualification for disbursements amounting to 14.8 million Euros. “In order for Guyana to qualify for financial disbursement under the 10th EDF Financing Agreement, the sea and river defence sector would have to satisfy specific performance criteria in investment and performance targets,

including a detailed annual implementation plan, capacity building plan, annual condition surveys of all 160 km of manmade sea defences, and implementation of an annual infrastructure programme as outlined in the Sector Policy Implementation Plan,” the EU said in a statement. Guyana’s topography renders it vulnerable to natural risks related to climate change and sea level rises, as most of the country’s key assets are located in vulnerable, low-lying areas and are protected by sea defences.

Ministry of Public Works assists M&CC with drainage THE Ministry of Public Works rendered assistance to the Mayor and City Council on Saturday with pumps to drain off water in inundated wards in Georgetown. A large pump was used at the Sussex Street canal sluice which alleviated the woes Albouystown residents suffer whenever it rains heavily. The pump discharged 40,000 gallons per minute. Additionally, a smaller pump was in operation at the Le Repentir Cemetery to drain the excess water into the Sussex Street canal.

A pump at the Sussex Street canal sluice

For Sunday February 02, 2014 - 5:30hrs For Monday February 03, 2014 - 5:00hrs

All of the country’s towns and major settlements, and the vast majority of all ‘non– mining’ industrial activities, including agriculture and other economic activities, are undertaken within the 425-km long coastal zone - a fertile agricultural belt where it is estimated that 90% of the population resides. Much of this coastal plain lies at elevations of between 0.5 metre and 0.7 metre above mean

sea level, but is threatened by tides which rise to 1.6 metres above mean sea level. The EU noted that the Guyana Government continues to invest extensive resources into this sector to protect and maintain its structural integrity and advance sustainable shore zone management systems in Guyana, and has been partnering with the EU to protect and maintain the structural integrity of these systems.

Over the past 5 years, the GoG has invested over G$13.3B through its PSIP and through foreign investments into this sector. Also, Government continues to adopt and place high on its agenda alternative measures that will help to mitigate the effects of emergencies. The agreement was signed at the EU HQ in Brussels by Ms. Jolita Butkeviciene, Director for Latin America and Caribbean Affairs of the European Commission’s Directorate for Development and Cooperation (DEVCO).

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Rupununi, Region 9, Essequibo, Guyana, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the Essequibo Magisterial District for a Certificate under the Money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to me of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of    at 221 Barrack Retreat Street, Lethem, Rupununi, Region 9, Essequibo Guyana. NOTICE of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the         and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscriber. Derick Tularam Applicant Dated at Georgetown, Demerara, This 27th day of January, 2014.


Inn apartment, furnished apartment at La Parfaite Harmony WBD as low as $5 000 per night. 694-7817, 668-0306, 602-8769.     rooms and apartments 1, 2- and 3-bedroom apartment, longand short-term rental. Affordable rates. Call 227-2199, 227-2186, 227-2189. JOB OPPORTUNITY JOB OPPORTUNITY

 your income filling 100 envelopes for US$500, information, send stamped self-addressed envelope. Nathaniel Williams, PO Box 12154, Georgetown, Guyana.  backing up in this hard guava season and you need the extra cash? Going University full-time and need extra cash but not a full time job? Love Avon products but tired of that high price? Then come join our Avon Team today. You can work your own hours, have persons to help you, be your own boss, Yes, Avon can be the answer. Take control of your finances and make more money this year. Seize the opportunity today For more information on your free meeting, call 225-6883, 2332665, 624-5004, 260-2257,2602077.



Inn Apartments and Car Rental. Premio, Vitz. Eccles New Scheme. Tel. 6797139 , 639-4452 Choice car rental, $6 000 per day. 694-7817, 6680306, 225-6337. 


 you cursed, depressed, demon-possessed or need finance? Call Apostle Randolph Williams - (592) 2616050 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs.

EDUCATIONAL  : Dressmaking classes done on East Coast Demerara. Call 226-9798.  a certificate in Cosm e t o l o g y. W i g d e s i g n s o r Nails alone, beginning February, limited spaces available. Call 666-5241, 6197603.  Parents/ Guardians! Supercharge your child/loved ones reading skills using the highly effective hooked-on Phonics programme. Call 624-7711 now. Individual attention guaranteed, quiet area, fees reasonable.  has evening classes available in Cake and Pastry, Cookery Elementary and Advanced, Fabric Designing, Floral Arrangement, Cake Decoration and Child Care. For further details, phone 226-5610, 2237597.  NOW! YWCA has programmes available be early school leavers, between ages 14 and 18, in Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles, Art and Craft, Typing, Child Care, Information Technology and Literacy and Numeracy. For further details, phone 226-5610, 223-7597.

  Academic Excellent (IAE) Register for Forms 1 - 5, CXC Repeaters, Lessons, morning and evening classes for adults, Mathematics, English A, Science and Business. Flexible time table. 683-5742, 223-0604 or visit us at 194 Camp Street (Behind Ultra Waters.).  improved grades!Individualised Tutoring for both adults and children. Register for Home Schooling or Afterschool Classes-- Phonics, Reading; Composition Writing; Handwriting; Mathematics; Music Classes-play instruments, sit exams. Exam preparation-CSEC, NGSA, ABRSM. Call: 651-5220,

HEALTH/FITNESS  or gain weight, fat reduction power, protein powder. Call 660-2686, 625-7073.  Call and make an appointment, office No. 231-3327, 660-1611, 687-3147, 696-9289 Miss Fala Khan Nazir, 48 Sheriff & Duncan Streets - spots, pimples, poor circulation, control diabetes, loss, gain or maintain weight, bad memory, arthritis.

LEARN TO DRIVE LEARN TO DRIVE  and Sons Driving School. Learn to drive the right way. First Federation Building. 622-2872, 644-5166, 689-5997, 615-0964.      D r i v i n g S c h o o l , 2 Croal Street: Enjoy 20% discount, you could also obtain an International Driver's Permit covering over 123 countries. Call 227-3835, 2273869, 227-7560, 622-8162.  Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost. Professional, Courteous and Patient Driving Instructor. For more details contact Annmarie/Vanessa at 172 Light and Charlotte Streets, Bourda. Te# 227-5072, 226-7541, 2 2 6 - 0 1 6 8 .



SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014




 Barbecue, creole foods, at night from 17:00hrs to 03:00hrs. Call to order. Reasonable prices at Creen House - 2274792, 656-9894.

 Chowkai Construction: Building of homes, building, renovations, carpentry, masonry, tiling, plumbing, lacquering, painting. Call 682-4533


 spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyguard service , p r i v a t e + c r i m i n a l i n v e s t i g a tion, any other (Worldwide). Contact St r a t e gic Advisory Services. Tel. 592651-3508, 592-668-9532 Email: M e m b e r of National Association of Investigative Speciali s t s ( U S A ) (All assignments treated as top secret


 gowns for sale or rent, sizes 2 - 26. Contact 2260258.


FO R a l l y o u r c o m p u t e r repairs and needs upgrades, PC games, etc. Unlocking disabled Iphones, Ipods. Tel. 685-5633, 622-1659.



 Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 223-6331, 227-2307.


 and Nail technology courses offered. Contact 226-0258.

 out of U.S. Visa applications, $2 000 per application. Call 689-9222. sitting services hourly or daily. Need to go out a day, couple hours? Call Angela 223-5934, 679-1412.

                 

REPAIRS, DVD, microwave, amplifier, stereo, washing machine, etc. 693-2683.

 .        

 your home or business spiritually clean to enhance good luck and prosperity. Tel. 687-5653.

 services: We prepare Income/ P r o p e r t y Ta x , f i n a n c i a l statements, V A T, Q u i c k b o o k s a n d m o r e . Te l . 227-6355, 673-2896.

       Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. C a l l 6 6 1 - 6 6 9 4 , ask for Dianna


 Visa Service. Professional Visa applications to the US and Canada. Fees USA VISA $3000, Canada $4000, Plaza Computer Service, 245 Sheriff Street, C/ville.   . Open Monday to Sunday 09:00hrs 21:00hrs and Services: We fix all desktops, laptops and tablets. We sell laptop screen as cheap as $16 000. Set up office and business networks and internet café. Quality, reliable and affordable service, trained technician, The PC doctor 696-2602, Get 20% off for December.

 reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 673-1166.  work done in Suriname. Love, marriage, sickness, pregnancy, removes evil, prosperity, business. Readings. Call 674-8603, 597-851-9876. works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058.   Disciple of Swami Dayaramdas (India), specialist in Tantra, Mantra, Yantra, Poojas and Yagiyas; solve your problems today. 604-4760, 6281964.  spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .687-5653.



 Hire car driver. Tel. 226-7973.  table-hand or pastry maker. 626-0706. to work on truck, lorry and van drivers. 226-5473.   and 1 Cook to work on tug. 624-7130. TO WORK AT 704 BAR. CONTACT 223-5273/4.  Hotel Manager to work at a hotel/club on the Essequibo Coast. Contact 226-9768.

 to order channa, puri, dhall puri and home-made bread. Tel. 223-1116, 677-3028.

 General Store 116 Regent Road, Bourda, Sales Clerks, Porters. Experienced electrical sales clerk.

 puri for your weddings, birthdays and other occasions. 2268469.

 Technician, must be able to work out of town Email application to

 male looking for a female from Guyana, Jamaica or USA. Tel. 668-5901.  of worldwide pen friends. Information? Send stamped self-addressed envelope: EFI, PO Box 12154, Georgetown.  installation, cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter tops also building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle 611-7031, 6677963.



 PEN PAL

 is hereby given that  of 14 Bel Air Promenade, Prashad Nagar, is applying to the Minister of Naturalisation and that any person who knows any reason why Naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs, Georgetown, Guyana.          of 221 barrack Retreat Street, Lethem,

                                  

 do TAXES, VAT/Income/ company/property/personal, payroll NIS/PAYE. Financial Statements, bank proposals (for loans, etc), HR Consultation. Contact us at Tel. 613-5334, Email

 professional Visa and Passpor,t applications, K&P Project Management Co. Tel. 231-5876.

 Construction and Rental Service excav a t o r, b o b c a t , t r u c k , t o o l s . Te l . 6015024, 227-4536.

offers courses in dressmaking, curtains, floral, cake decoration, 153 Barr St, Kitty. 670-2653, 618-1706.

 Pressure washing: you won't believe the difference Call Kevin Blyden 592-696-5424 We clean homes, driveways, decks, gutters, parking lots, businesses, equipment, machinery, cars and anything else with dirt and grime.

  

 selling, buying or managing your property. Call the Professionals Pearl Realty - 689-9991.

 a Friend! Get educated! Get Married! Migrate!..through the CFI. Telephone Friendship Link. Call 592-261-5079, 654-3670, 688-8293,261-6833 twenty-four hours  Indian female is looking for companionship. Tel. 655-4018 Below 50 please do not respond and no private calls will be entertained.

RENTAL HIRE  equipped kitchen at Julian's Restaurant and bar $ 3 5 0 0 0 w e e k l y. 6 3 8 - 4 5 0 5 , 225-4709.


 you match: find lifelong partners, friends; confidential rules apply Tel. 592-2238237, 592-648-6098 8:30 am 5 pm daily; both phones same hours.

Accounting Clerk, must know Point of Sale. Salary $60 000. Tel. 644-3118, 223-5401. Door Attendant/Receptionist and housekeepers. Brittany's Hotel. Tel. 688-1855 (Steve). male person to work in spare parts store. Tel. 657-0246, Monday to Saturday, between 08:00hrs and 14:00hrs. : One live-in female worker for Lethem location. Must have sound secondary education. 679-1579, 652-1302.



 following Western Union CSR, Office Assistant, Cleaners, Cashiers. Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street, Georgetown. Tel. 2275286-9.

 16-24 years to work in retail store. Small and friendly work environment, located in Georgetown, great hours, paid time-off, NIS and $40 000 monthly. Should have at least a sound secondary education. Mail CV to P.O. Box 101491.

EDUCATION urgently required able bodied handymen, cleaners, domestic workers for full-time job and weekend babysitter. Call 626-2080.  Cashier: Minimum 5 subjects including Maths and English. Apply within, with passport size photo, 79 Albert and Laluni Streets Georgetown, Nimbus Water Department  competent tidy and offering person to do marketing. Must have savings more than $150 000. .Email  for one female Sales person. Previous experience will be an asset. Apply in person to Mike's Pharmacy at Sheriff Street, with a written application.  for one Male Salesperson. Previous experience will be an asset. Apply in person to Mike's Pharmacy at Sheriff Street with a written application.  baby-sitter, cook, must have patience with kids. One whole day domestic, preferably from the East Bank. Contact 2315873, 694-5998.  girls and porter boys. Apply in person Daswaney's Sharon Building, 154 King Street Lacytown. Tel. 225-8036. exists for the following positions at : Managers, waiters, waitresses, supervisors, cashiers, bartenders, cleaners, hostesses, security personnel. Send applications to P.O. Box:101848 Cashiers, Cooks, Receptionist. N.B. Must be able to work shift. Requirements: Application, TIN, NIS#, ID#, Reference last place of employment. Contact 225-0198 for further details.  employment, a second income or to start your own home business? Visit Triple w313550425 or 13550425/free Free training, no need to spend, benefits/gifts galore, Call 617-6545.  and    for Regent and Mon Repos locations. Requirements - 2 passport size photos, written application, 2 recommendations, CXC Maths and English. Age 20-30 years. Apply to  , 120 Regent St, Bourda. Tel. 645-4900, 226-3950, 698-0000.  Graphic Artist to work with an Advertising Agency. Must be experienced and creative. Call 225-4622, 684-7372.  Managers. Apply in person at Friendly's Bar and Lounge Viewing Gallery, Cheddi Jagan International Airport Timehri. Tel. 623-5011. : Persons to work with REAL ESTATE OFFICE SECERTARY with Legal background, salespersons office clerks - Good 'Pay' Apply in person at our office Lot 95 Regent and King Streets. Tel 225-3737, 225-4398, 225-4399. Clerk, 5 subjects CXC including Maths and English. Must be computer literate, Working knowledge of "Dac Easy', Experience would be an asset. 136 Sheriff Street, Tel. 227-2486. exist at Survival Shopping Complex 173 Sheriff Street for drivers, evening cashiers, porters, bond attendants. Persons must send in an application along with a passport-size photograph. For more information, contact 592-2275288/89.  exists at Survival Shopping Complex 173 Sheriff Street for one IT Technician qualified in SQL Server Maintenance. Persons must send in an application, CV and passport-size photograph. For more information, contact 592-227-5288/89.

 you enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together? Then join our friendly team. No experience required. Great hours, paid time-off, NIS and $40 000 monthly. Should have at least a sound secondary education. Mail CV to P.O. Box 101491.  security guard, two bar persons and two waitresses/ waiters for Club Blue Martini. Apply in person with written app l i c a t i o n t o M a n a g e r, C l u b , Blue Martini Lot 169 Lamaha DeAbreu Streets, Newtown, Kitty.  are invited from qualified persons to fill the following positions suitably - Cooks, Supervisors, Cashier, Waitress. Applicants must have a valid Food Handlers Certificate. To apply, please send curriculum vitae and letter of interest to: The Manager, Document Centre, 43 Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown no later than February 10, 2014. Persons living on the East Coast of Demerara preferred. Business School invites applications from suitable qualified persons to fill the following positions:. Cleaner, Driver. Must have a valid licence for car, van and motor bus, handyman, canteen attendant, Must have a valid Food Handlers Certificate. To apply please send curriculum vitae and letter of interest to: The Director, 43 Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown.  Office Clerk and Maid to work in Trinidad between ages 25 and 35. Eexperience will be an asset. Must be single and have in possession a valid passport. Cell or text 18687456214 for more information. exists for an Office Assistant. Must have a valid Motor Cycle License. Age 20 and 30 years.Sound Primary Education. Apply in person with application and reference between the hours 10hrs. and 1600 hrs. Cell Phone Shack, 176 Middle Street.  Resource Assistant, Experience and qualification in personnel management an asset, owner of motor vehicle license or motor scooter an asset. Pleasant personality with good communication and discipline. Excellent wages, medical insurance, leave and benefits. See Miss. Abrams, Special Projects Officer. Rk'S Security Services, 172 Light & Charlotte Streets. 226-7541/227-5072  exist for Sales Clerk, B o n d C l e r k , A c counts Clerk, Pharmacist and cleaners at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #32-33 and 64-65 Bourd a Market. one cleaner call Samantha 223-6072.  (3) Dynamic Supervisory Security Personalities for important Educational Location in Golden Grove. Fifteen (15) Discipline and energetic male and female guards to work for same area. 1 General Security Administrator and Supervisor for East Coast Location; Golden Grove to Mahaicony Persons with scooters, motor cycles and bicycles are welcome to apply. Persons with motor cycles license can also apply to use RK's Moto Cycles and Three Wheelers. Must be dynamic and disciplined. Contact: Mr. Desmond Leitch or Mrs. Ingrid Abrams at RK's Security Services, 172 Light and Charlotte Street, Bourda.







 exists for the following:- (1) One (1) Senior Internal Auditor: Ambitious female to work in Finance Department. Requirements: Certified Account Technician (CAT) level 2 or AAT - level 2. Four CXC subjects or equivalent including Mathematics, English and Principles of Accounts. Must be pleasant, disciplined and of stable personality. Experience would be an asset (30 to 50yrs preferably) (2) One Junior Accounts Clerk to work in the Finance Department. Apply in Person t o : - M r. L a t c h m i n K h a n / Rajdai Raghubeer (Vashti) RK's Security Services 172 Light & Charlotte Streets, Bourda

at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI, house lot 5 0 x 9 0 - $ 1 5 M . Te l . 6 9 9 9201.

 Vreed-en-Hoop Public Road double lots $35M, Diamond E.B.D land for $11M, $8M, Annandale ECD Marshall Street land $5M, Oil Mill Road, Cove and John ECD $5M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398,651-7078.

 businesses must think out of the box. They must adopt a new strategy. The Chinese are moving in some loc a t i o n s t h a t l a n d for bond/ factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 s q . f t o n the main road close t o t h e C h i nese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/supermarket 200-car parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhandri 615-0065, M r. Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Mr. Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 2252709, 225-2626, 225-3068, 2261064, 227-6863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m a il:

 water front land, 4 acres 211' x 826', great for sawmill, bond, wharf or dockyard. US$2M, neg. Call 610-8282, 6719614.

     : Please list your land for sale with us. We inspect and give you the current market valuation and will await your instructions on sale. Thank you! Tel 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078


Land For Sale

    land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5s t o r e y, s t u d e n ts ' d o r m $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 618-0000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 225-2626, 667-7812.

 (gated) ¼ acre $75M. Call Carol 612-9785.  at Providence EBD behind National Stadium 55'x100'. Tel. 649-0707.  property (one acre) US$5M. Call Carol 6129785.  Air Park double lot 74'x166' - $60M. Call Carol 6129785.  Acres $18M, Robb Street $62M Coverden (1 acre) $60M. Call Carol 612-9785.  40' x 120' - $35M. Call Carol 6129785.

 corner lot 90x 50 for 4-storey complex $58M. Phone Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mrs. Jones 227-6863, Mrs Hercules 2252626, 231-2064, 626-4180, 2261064, 227-6949.

 at Lot 1 Surat Drive, Triumph,. ECD. Contact Mr Hinds at 223-8059.  at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI, house lot 50x90 - $15M. Tel. 699-9201.  from road to river at Parika. Contact Mr Hinds at 2238059.

 land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same re t u r n o n y o u r i n vestment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 684-2244, Lady Racel Jones 6883434 , Master Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000, 623-2591, 225-2626, 2253068, 226-1064 , E mail : m

 acres of land at Blankenburg. Contact Mr Hinds at 223-8059.   of land at Block 'G' Blankenburg. Contact Mr Hinds at 223-8059.  Regent Street $100M. Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734, 226-2696.

 with 2-storey column structure located at 3rd Bridge Grove Housing Scheme $5M neg. Tel. 600-2032.  income land located in Phase 3 La Parfaite Harmonie $2.5M neg, Size 53x100. Tel. 697-5378.   cultivated citrus, house, fish pond, storage, 2 acres cultivated,    ACRE cultivated Parika. Contact 226-7968. 100 x 50 only $14M, Call 231-2064, 225-2626, 227-6863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 226-1064. , Public Road WCD for mall, gas station or any franchise, etc. Call 223-9580, 6776363, 658-5730.  of land for sale located at Ocean View Drive, Ruimzeight Gardens WCD. Call 267-2348, 694-3896.  for sale: Friendship EBD roadside size 36x585. Price $35M neg, Water Street riverside, size 55x75, Price $95M neg. Tel. 220-8596, 643-9196, 686-1091.  in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626  plot of land on the East Bank of Demerara, suitable for housing development or agricultural purposes. Contact 6945998.

 reserve, Continental Park. only one for sale $22M, South Road east of Wellington Street 32 x 118 $38M neg for 3-storey office. Smyth Street 120x60 for $65M, High Street 80x100 US$600 000. Phone Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2253068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 2312064, 626-4180. lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da Silva St 80 x 5 0 $ 1 3 M , K i t t y R a i l way Embankment 8 000 sq. f t $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. Vic e President Drandia 6150069, Vice P r e sident Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 618-0000, Vice President 225-2626, 226-1064, 667-7812.

 at Providence EBD behind National Stadium 55'x100'. Tel. 649-0707.

 house lot at Mon Repos 5 minutes from the road Martyrsville. Price $2.8M neg. Tel. 629-5300.

: Highway on Linden Highway 30 acres land $15M, Annandale ECD double lots in front market $15M, Buddy\s Scheme double lots $22M, Eccles 'AA' Victoria Street land $19M, Goed Fortuin WBD public road, land 300x55. Price $28M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

 for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 - $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft $22M, Phone Vice President 2252626, 618-0000, 225-2626, 6232591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 615-0069  land in Duncan St. for 4-storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $35M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 6180000, Mr Alysious Pereira 6232591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.   to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Per e i r a 226-1064, M r. Darindra 615-0069, 2252 6 2 6 , 2 2 7 - 6 8 6 3 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8\ Da Silva Street $16.9M, giveaway Hadfield Street opp. the race course 90x 40 $18M. Phone Mrs Hercules 661-1952, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 231-2064, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253068, 227-6949, Mr Budram 692-3831, 626-4180.  LOTS IN NEW HOUSING SCHEME, ELAINE VILLE 1,500 ACRES OF LAND IN BERBICE PLEASE CHECK WEBSITE FOR PHOTOS & PRICES CONTACT :223-8479, 647-3768, 231-7185..  Princes Street double back lots with 4-ft walkway. Price $7M. Bagotstown EBD Public Road - back lot with 4-ft walkway $10M, Providence EBD one house lot. Price $3M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078.

 with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000 V i ce President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 227-6863, 226-1 0 6 4 , 2 2 5 - 2 6 2 6 .  wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republ i c P a r k $ 1 6 M , C o n t i nental Park double lot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg . Phone , 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 2276964, 225-2626.  two-storey co0rner property in upper Brickdam close to Starr Computer, can be raised to 3-storey or 4-storey complex, was $75M can be negotiated to $58M. Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 661-1952 Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626, 2253068, 231-2064, 225-5198, 6264180.

 for bond/fast food Bel Air Village 65x160 - $42M, Cummings and Second Streets 140x70 - $82M, Mandela Avenue 150x60 - $80M, Mandela Avenue for Fast Food - $58M, Turkeyen for bond 700x90 $75M, Continental Park double lot 101x102 - $41M, Da Silva Street 135x33 - $17M, Garnett Street 140x60 - $36M, South Road 118x34 - $38M, Hadfield Street 90x40 - $19M, 11/2 lots at Continental Park - $20M,. Charlotte Street 120x35 - $55M, William Street Campbellville $30M, Broad Street 90x80 $85M, High Street 90x100 US$600 000, land at Providence $11M, Happy Acres $26M, LBI $13M, Phone Mr. Boodram 6923831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr Hercules 665-1952, 225-2626, 225-3068, 669-3350, 231-2064, 226-1064, 227-6949.  Park double lot $19M, LBI large lot $14M, Happy Acres $14M, Republic Park $9M, and double $15M, Duncan Street 140 x 33 for 5-storey $34M neg, South Road between Camp And Wellington Streets 80x36 $38M, for 4-storey, Brickdam land 70x40 $60M, Charlotte Street east of Citizens Bank $46M, Section 'M' Campbellville 45x80 plus reserve $15M, Houston land $12M, Da Silva Street Kitty 140x33 $20M, Alberttown 120x30 $30M, Queenstown 8 000 sq. ft $50M, Mandela Avenue by Chinese Embassy 8000 sq. ft $58M, by Gymnasium 50x100 and reserve also with strong concrete structure $90M, D\Urban Street 120 x 100 $70M, Smyth Street 120 x 60 $75M, 1 ¼ acres Turkeyen for bond school or any other business $60M, East Ruimveldt land $7.5M, Bel Air Gardens 100x140 US$600 000, one house lot, Bank executive compound US$395 000. Phone Mr Pereira 227-6949, Mrs. Hercules 661-1952, MR. Darindra 615-0069, Mr Ramsahoye 225-2709, 2312064, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253068, Mr Budram 692-3831, 2261064, 227-6949, 669-3350. to let


 and apartments 621-5282.  bottom flat in residential area. Phone 227-1275.  Road, liquor restaurant for rent. Call 697-2501. -bedroom top flat in Kitty. Tel. 686-3072, 610-8627.  rooms, single person only. Tel. 229-6149.  Air Gardens $1500US. Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734  Air Park $600US. Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734  $600US. Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734  to rent on the East Coast Demerara. Tel. 678-8141.  space in Kingston, 22'x12'. Phone 2261308.  three-bedroom apartment, 249 Second Street, Cummings Lodge. 629-6351, 226-5778

30 30 TO LET  $100,000 per month. Keyhomes 2231765,615-8734  self-contained apartments. Tel. 2202622, 220-4897, 643-2343.  upstairs apartment, Garnett St. Newtown Kitty, $80 000 Tel. 226-2924, 613-9085. -bedroom unfurnished house in Bel Air Gardens. Call 644-2099.

TO LET  furnished executive apartment withal conveniences, price US$400. Tel. 642-0636. -bedroom furnished house, all amenities including cable TV, internet, located in Kitty US$1000. Phone 6216888.  Street office spaces - $50 000, $85 000. Phone 6216888.  property in Alberttown on the corner of Fourth and Light Streets. Interested persons, please call 617-8255.  concrete bond 87'x32, lots of yard space suitable for CarMart, etc. Public Road McDoom 233-0570 (No agents.).  floor and second floor space on Duncan Street. 621-8198. -bedroom apartment in Thomas Street, Kitty. Price $40 000. Contact 639-2728.  flat apartment at Vreed-en-Hoop, New Road, $35 000. Tel. 628-6069, 6046520.  unfurnished front house, 168 Charlotte Street Bourda. Contact Trudy 2254712, 696-2435, $65 000.

, houses, land and offices for sale and rent. -bedroom apartment at 88 Middle Road, La Penitence, $30 000. Tel. 615-6090. bedroom apartment at 27 Hugh Ghanie Park. Tel. 6742639.  and apartments from $75 000 up. Tel. 638-7232, 222-7986 Sandy.  upstairs front house in Kitty available 1st February, 2014. 686-4620, 227-2466. -bedroom apartment in Thomas Street, Kitty. Price $40 000. Contact 639-2728.  flat apartment at Vreed-en-Hoop, New Road, $35 000. Tel. 628-6069, 604-6520. : Furnished twobedroom bottom flat US$40 daily. Long-term rates neg. Call 226-9798. -BEDROOM unfurnished apartments in Eccles. Call 6899222.  bond with utilities, fully secured, located at Ketley Street. 643-3675 Desree.  upper flat, 3-bedroom house at La Parfaite Harmonie. Call 622-6830.  Air Park: Fully furnished 4-bedroom house US$2500. Call Carol 612-9785. Prime office building 6 000 sq. ft, lots of parking US$7 000. Call Carol 612-9785.  unfurnished upper flat in Eccles, parking available. Price $80 000 Contact 639-2728.  newly renovated one-bedroom apartment, semifurnished. Calls only 08:30hrs to 17:00hrs, 650-1471.  Street, Campbellville: 3bedroom 2-storey concrete house, master room, AC, etc, for residence and office US$1800. Naresh PErsaud 225-9882, 681-2499.  furnished apartment in Atlantic Ville $120 000 monthly. No agents. Tel. 222-7942, 626-2599.  2-storey 3 Bedroom house located in South Ruimveldt Gardens $80 000. Call 693-9386, 233-6752. place price $60 000, one small and fully secured ground floor. Tel. 225-0545.  space Queenstown executive office space with parking. Tel. 642-0636.

 building located on Dadanawa Street, Section 'K' Campbellville - US$1200. Tel. 216-1895, 641-3026.  2-bedroom concrete bottom flat. Tel. 621-4988, 6788512 and after 17:00hrs. 2230567.   2-bedroom unfurnished apartment at Cummings Street, Alberttown $60 000, $80 000. Call 6505354, 621-3094.  bedroom apartment, fully secure with all amenities. Eccles main highway, $40,000 per month. 641-3595. -bedroom apartmetn in Cummings Lodge for any single person. Inside toilet and bath. 222-9123, 650-7280.  to rent in residential area close to University of Guyana (UG).Shared common space secured. 625-8585.  Gardens: Furnished 3-bedroom, AC, hot and cold water, security system US$1150 monthly. De Freitas Associates 609-2302, 609-6516.  apartments (Vlissengen/D\Urban) unfurnished $40 000 - $60 000 monthly, furnished studio US$500 monthly full bathrooms, verandahs, parking, close to facilities and transportation. 6989086.  Nagar: Fully furnished two-bedroom apartment with air conditioning and generator US$800 and US$900. Call Carol 612-9785.  bottom flat 3-bedroom apartment, toilet, bath inside, water included Price $40 000 monthly. Call 617-7929, 6641517.  5-bedroom house in residential area, 2 balconies, grilled, telephone, parking, close to University of Guyana (UG). 625-8585.   2-bedroom apartments with hot and cold, AC, selfcontained, etc location Mon Repos ECD. Price $100 000 and $80 000. Tel. 618-0626.  bottom flat apartment, kitchen and dining, hot and cold water bath and living room, with parking and overhead water at Section 'A' Great Diamond, EBD. 692-1963. two-bedroom, fully furnished apartment at 38 Shell Road, Kitty. Contact R.R. Samuels, 215 David & Lamaha Streets, Kitty. Tel. 225-1514, cell 668-4894.



 Street: One- & twobedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404.

ONE furnished apartment for overseas visitor, with AC< hot and cold, internet, US$25 daily short and long terms. All rates neg. 2316061, 621-1524.

 2-bedroom apartment, 2 baths, parking, AC, secured, long term overseas visitors preferred. UG Road. Call 6233404,

 furnished 1- and 2-bedroom apartment with AC, internet, for long- and short-term, Utilities included. Contact 645-0787.



 out Green House Apartments: Fully furnished, A C , T V, f r i d g e e t c . D a i l y / M o n t h l y / H o u r l y. C a l l 2 2 7 4792, 656-9894.

 WILLS STREET, Republic Park, fully AC, fully grilled, electronic security system, prepaid to July 2014, water filtration system, etc US$1200. Call 688-4321, 216-2782.

 furnished and unfurnished apartments and independent houses, with all modern amenities, including generator, starting from US$1000 neg. 6389116, 603-0976.

 prime three-storey commercial building with car park, located on North Road, between Oronoque and Albert Streets. Contact 626-6909, 642-7963, 669-0855.

 wooden house $70,000, Agricola Public Road. 2 bedroom house in Diamond $90,000. Brand new 5 bedroom house in Diamond $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 , various business s p a c e , $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Te l . 2 1 6 3120(office), 667-6644.

,: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot and cold, AC, parking, internet, etc. Suitable for overseas visitors, short term. 226-5137, 227-1843.

 AND HOUSES ECCLES: Entire house $180 000, or top apartment $100 000 and bottom apartment $80 000. KITTY: 2-bedroom unfurnished apartment $85 000. ALBERTTOWN: 3-bedroom top apartment $50 000. TEL. 2268148, 625-1624.  Street, Bourda: Fully furnished two-bedroom upper flat with AC, internet, hot and cold, all inclusive US$35 daily. Rate neg, for monthly visiting. Phone 623-9308, 227-5852.  apartments (Vlissengen/ D\Urban) unfurnished $40 000 - $60 000 monthly, furnished studio US$500 monthly full bathrooms, verandahs, parking, close to facilities and transportation. 698-9086.  two-storey building, 3 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, furnished/unfurnished, Meadow Brook Gardens. Mr Narine. 696-8230.  apartment in Bent Street, Wortmanville, US$30 per day. Contact 226-3309, 2181033, 678-4267.  room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian - 638-4505, 2254709.  8000 sq. ft modern warehouse facility in prime location, US$5000 per month. Interested person contact GIMPEX@GMAIL.COM  apartment fully furnished, hot and cold, AC, parking, located in Lamaha Springs. Tel. 692-2016.  to rent close to UG, shared accommodation call: 6258585 also to rent, one five bedroom house . room bottom flat, suitable for business place at 238 Quamina St, Georgetown $100,000.  unfurnished 3-bedroom top flat apartment, master room, AC, parking, interne, cable TV, located in Republic Park US$800. Phone 621-6888.  National Shipping Corporation Ltd: Prime office space for rent, situated in our annex compound at 1 Public Road La Penitence. Phone 624-0321, 226-3365.  ECCLES executive 2-flat 3-bedroom, property, fully furnished, hot and cold, AC, US$2500 neg. 647-5914, 699-7239. -furnished 3-bedroom house in Atlantic Gardens, garage, fully secured, AC< hot and cold, etc. 657-1414, 697-9899. -BEDROOM fully furnished apartment fully secured, parking, AC, hot and cold, etc. in South Ruimveldt Park. 689-5877.  flat new 3 bedroom concrete building, tank, parking, in Good Hope, Phase 3, $50M negotiable. Tel. 669-9103, 256-3921.

: Land in Peter\s Hall School Street, parking, wash bay etc, Price $50.000 monthly. Furnish apartments in S/ville and Liliendaal US$500 - US$600. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078 Margot: 2 furnished 2-bedroom with kitchen, toilet, bath, $60 000, $80 000, 1 unfurnished 2bedroom with kitchen, toilet bath $40 000. Tel. 660-0943.  (house) $40,000, Campbellville (furnished house) US$1200, Atlantic Gardens U$900, Greenfield Park US$1250, Robb Street US$1000. Many more, Diana 227-2256, 626-9382.   apartments located in Campbellville, 2 modern apartments located at Campbellville, hot and cold water, etc, house located at Lamaha Gardens, hot and cold water etc. Call 219-4535.  St, W/Rust: Large and secured bond US$1600 neg, 3-bedroom upper flat same address US$500, Bel Air Park 3-bedroom upper flat AC, 1 master room, parking, etc US$1000 unfurnished, US$1200 furnished. Naresh Persaud 225-9882, 6812499.  class, fully furnished four-bedroom apartment, complete with AC, DSL, hot and cold shower, etc. proximity to Georgetown. US1200 neg, Contact 226-1769, 629-4961, 600-0282.  3-storey commercial building located on North Road, between Oronoque and Albert Streets, ideal for any kind of business. Also has car park. Contact 642-7963, 6266909, 669-0855. ground floor 104" x 24" located on South Road, between Camp and Alexander Streets, Georgetown, ideal for storage, wholesalers, offices or boutiques. Contact 642-7963, 626-6909, 669-0855.  Acres house, fully furnished, with generator, diplomatic standards US$2600, Bel Air Springs semi-furnished with generator US$2200. Both residential with sections for office. Contact Mr Pereira 669-0943, 231-2064, 623-2591. -                     all self-contained house, fully furnished residential US$2500, 3-bedroom top flat (1 master room) furnished or unfurnished US$1500, US$1000, 2-bedroom furnished apartment residential US$1200, other residences for diplomats. Call 664-5105. /executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-3069, 225-2709, 231-2064.

 Street, Kitty: 3-bedroom front house, 1 self-contained room, tub, washroom, hot and cold, 2 washrooms, 2 AC, ceiling fans in all rooms, breezy verandah and all rooms beautifuly lacquered fully grilled, private driveway for 3 vehicles. Suitable for foreigners. Call 2253262, 676-6948.  Reid's Realty is the household name for executive AC, apartments rental as low as US$500, others overlooking the sea, special group rate US$1000 and several at US$700. Phone Mr Danendra 615-0069, Mr Pereira231-2064, Mrs Hercules 661-1952, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-2709, 667-7812, Mr Budram, 692-3831, 626-4180 Mr Pereira 226-1064.  double-bedroom apartments in Subryanville, fully furnished, two ACs, mosquito meshed, fully grilled, parking, back up gene r a t o r. R e q u i r e o v e r s e a s guests. Te l . 226-5369 D u d l e y.  Real Estate: Commercial spaces - North Road US$5000 neg., South Road US$1500 neg., East Coast bond US$12000 neg., Thomas Street US$2000 neg., Carmichael Street US$1500 to US$2000 neg. Tel. 676-8995, 611-8438.  Real Estate: Apartments - Furnished and unfurnished Oleander Gardens US$1200 and US$1500 neg., Queenstown US$1200 neg., Campbellville US$850 neg. Tel. 676-8995, 611-8438.  Real Estate: Houses furnished and unfurnished - Bel Air Park US$2000 neg, Bel Air Park US$2500 neg, Bel Air Park US$4500 neg, Bek Air Park US$2200 neg, Bel Air Park US$4500 neg, Queenstown US$3000 neg, Lamaha Gardens US$2000 neg, AA Eccles US$3500 neg, D'Aguiar Park US$4500 neg, S/K/Campvellivlle US$12300 neg, Belvoir Court US$2200 neg. Tel. 676-8995, 611-8438, facebook: Tropical Real Estate  have rental from US$800 in                    b e a u t i f u l 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large d e n , large living room, family r o o m , t e l e vision room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price U S $ 2 5 0 0 , unfurnished.    2-storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family ro o m , den, verandah, hot and cold facilities, semi-furnished, s e c u r i t y c a m e r as, land spac e US $ 1 5 0 0 .     2-storey concrete property, fully air conditioned 3 bedrooms, unf u r n i s h e d US$2000, (neg).   2-storey concrete property large living area, 4 self-contained rooms hot and cold facilities, generator, unfurnished US$1500 neg.   middle floor suitable for business $175 00 0 . : Beautiful 2storey concrete property in perfect con d i t i o n , 4 b e d r o o m s , h o t a nd cold facilities, master room, fam i l y r o o m , d e n , a i r conditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. D o c a l l u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 225-7164, 688-1885 Call Te r r e n c e 6 6 7 7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown

TO LET   US$4000; Goedverwating  US$2000;  US$3000, US$1500;  (Executive 3 bedrooms furnished property, parking, hot/cold etc) US$3000,US$2000;  US$2500/ US$1500/ US$1000;   US$2000,US$1000;  -US$1500;    - US$1000;  (2 bedrooms lower): US$500;   $80,000; $55,000;   (3 bedrooms house)-$85,000.   (3 storied commercial)-US$14,000/ US$10,000/US$3000;  US$5,000;  : New Commercial Building;   US$1500;   (Manufacturing building, 5000 sq. ft)- US$1500;  - US$800;   $100,000/ $70,000/ $50,000.            World #1 Realtor Mister Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 2256858, 225-7164, 226-1064, 225-2626, 231-2068, 619-7945. Have the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park US$2000, Barima Ave Bel Air Park US$1800, Bel Air Sp r i n g s US$1000, large bond for rental office small form US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lamaha G a r d ens US$1500, Lama Ave, Bel Air Park US$1800, Bel Air Pa r k o n t he round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside land hotels with US$35 000 month rental and office space US$40 000 month properties from $14 million. 225-2626, 225-5198, 2261064, 623-2591, 669-3350   BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Growth. We have rental from US$1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns US$2000,Prashad Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small and large office space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel and office c o m plex with income o f US$40 000 monthly; 2 acres of land in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street 2 ½ acres US$5M, Water Street 4 acres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking the sea US$5M; another overl o o k i n g t h e s e a US$1.5M , income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI-$10M;Republic Park $8M, Dia m ond $ 7 M , Sec. 'K' $20 M , B e l Air Park $ 2 5 M , G a r n ett double lot $42M, Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 225-2709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 667-7812. 619-7945.



 storey $19M, East Street. Tel. 615-8683, 225-7593.   $60M, Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734  $35M. Keyhomes 223-1765  St. $25M, Kitty $30M. Call Carol 6129785.  St - $55M. Call Carol 612-9785.  Gardens - $35M. Call Carol 612-9785.  'AA' $45M, BB $45M. Call Carol 612-9785.





property in Kitty. Tel. 681-7792.

 two-storey concrete 5bedroom property, parking for 3 vehicles, in Georgetown $48M neg. Contact Mr Alexander Pereira 669-0943, 231-2064 or Mr Louie Pereira 623-2591.

 Street, Campbellville: One 2-storey concrete property for 3 families, 7 bedrooms, 2 self-contained and 2 attics, hot and cold system. Tel. 220-8596, 643-9196, 686-1091. Price $120M neg.

 fully furnished two-bedroom house with lots of yard space. Owner migrating 270-5196, 6040183, 651-8979.

 business spot 2-corner ideal for Food franchise, car mart, etc, Vlissengen Road Newtown Georgetown. Call +001 718-8440428, 227-4846. price $120M.


  $45m. Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734  street 56m. Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734  Gardens $70M. 223-1765, 615-8734  $60M. Keyhomes 223-1765, 615-8734 -STOREY concrete house in Bladen Hall ECD. Price neg. Tel. 688-6316.

 property on the corner of Fourth and Light Streets, Alberttown, perfect for business. Interested persons, please call 617-8255.

 to rent, sell, buy? Room, house, floor space? Call 687-8168.

: Back property with driveway - $50M. Call Carol 612-9785.

 business location, double lot at 58 Robb and Alexander Streets. Tel. 613-9329.

 St - $125M, $155M, US$1.2M. Call Carol 6129785.

3-BEDROOM Meten-MeerZorg WCD. 223-9580, 677-6363, 658-5736.

 Gardens: Fully furnished with generator - $70M. Call Carol 612-9785.

 houses, land and offices for rent and sale.

incomplete 2-storey concrete building (30x40), land (50x80) at Liliendaal, Dennis St., A field.. Contact Sanjay on 662-3842.  concrete and wooden building at       $50M. Tel. 641-1800, 223-5324.  5 Pigeon Island, Chateau Margot ECD, in excellent condition. Price $18M neg. Tel. 220-4776. : Complete sawmill with all equipment on 3.8 acres of land. Price $160M neg. Tel. 2208596, 643-9196, 686-1091.  and Bar Cody's Place 344 & 345 East and Middle Streets, North Cummingsburg, For sale by owner only. Tel. 656-9835, 908-456-6683.  Ruimveldt Gardens, Vreed-en-Hoop and Craig. Prices range from $17M neg - $38M neg. Call 644-2099.

 corner lot apartment/office building $110M neg. Phone 621-6888.   at Granville Park. Contact Mr Hinds at 2238059.  and land at Parcel 105 Vrymen's Erven, New Amsterdam, Tel. 618-1915.  upstairs, concrete house located in Diamond Housing Scheme. Tel. 667-0057.  Hope EBD: New 2storey homes with swimming pools - $55M. Call Carol 6129785.  $30M, Campbellville $40M, Queenstown $50M, Diamond $9M. K.S. Raghubir Agency. Tel. 225-0545.  business and gift shop at 33 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Tel. 347-400-7851, 227-2452. Front land with a small wooden house in East Coast Demerara. Contact 657-8086.  property for sale on Sheriff Street Campbellville. Call 682-7733.  Gardens: Residential exotic garden, two-storey building. Call 642-4926. house and land at De Kendren $6.5M negotiable. 679-7691, 337-5592.       $40M neg, Republic Park $40M, business concern $60M. Land in LBI $15M, 155.5 acres highway land $30M. Call 645-5938.  Coast Demerara Vryheid's Lust, one flat concrete, three bedrooms, overhead tank, fenced, etc in good condition $15M neg. Tel. 618-3635.  spot just off Embasy turn,beautiful location must be sold, was $65M now $52M neg. Serious enquiries only. 617-3642.

 Park (new) 2storey 3-bedroom (all self-contained), fully furnished, with lots of yard space - $65M. Call Carol 612-9785. and land for sale, Lot 9 Crane Old Road 750ft x 38ft. One land for sale Independence Street, La Grange., Phone 6013322.  Park $36M, BB Eccles $33M, George Street $35M, Do you have property to sell or want to buy? DeFreitas Associates - 609-2302, 609-6516. concrete 2 flat house at 47 Happy Acres ECD, fully furnished 3 bedrooms top flat, hot and cold bath, big yard space. Call 225-2902, 673-1095. -storey concrete, one-family, situated at Continental Park for only $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George Street, 223-6218, 226-5546, 623-7805. -STOREY concrete house furnished, 6 bedrooms, 2 master bedrooms at Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo. Contact 626-6968. Price $28M.  central area on Regent Street, Acme building. For more information, come in to Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 2236218, 227-2487, 623-7805.  two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 6968230.  2-storey building wooden and concrete in Norton Street, five buildings from Camp Street, second house in yard, $20M neg. Call 628-0972.  building, 5 bedrooms, (2 masters, self-contained), 10-car space. 63 Blygezight Gardens. 671-5888, big shed.  new 3-bedroom apartment property in Subryanville, in mint condition $85M reduced to $69M. Call Mr Budram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 225-2626, 225-5198, 231-2064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 225-2709.

Ideal for two families. property i n B e n t S t - $ 1 6 . 5 M , Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 2261064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626. 2255198, 231-2064, 226-1064.   Adelaide and Evans Streets Charlestown, Georgetown, Georgetown, Lot No. 41 Section 'A', NO. 53 Village, Corentyne, Berbice. Contact 233-6811, 679-3448.  20% on all executive properties $60M, 30% discount on $24M, and below, 15% discount on land $18M. Phone 6677812, 225 - 6 8 5 8 , 225-2626 Terrence Reid. -storey building in Thomas Street, Cummingsburg, $92M, land size 40x120. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 227-2487, 623-7805. Street US$3M neg, Sheriff Street US$1M, Duncan Street $180M neg, South Road $120M, Croal Street $120M. Serious enquiries only. Call 6899222.  on a double lot located on Middle St, McDoom EBD. Front property has 2 storeys and back property is flat. Ideal for business or rentals. Price $35M. Tel. 643-5985, 233-0346.  and Howes Streets, Charlestown corner spot for business $25M neg, Charlotte Street 35x100 $55M, Camp Street for big investment 240 ft x 76 US$1.5M. Naresh Persaud 2259882, 681-2499.  flat three-bedroom concrete house at Eccles $19M, two-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms upstairs, and 2 bedrooms downstairs $25M. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-5546, 227-2487, 2269951, 623-7805.   and Lamaha Streets, Kitty, two Lister engines, 2 generators 75 KVA and 30 KVA, with heavy duty trailer. Tel. 2257732, 610-3043, 688-4771, 2270173, 622-7402.  building on land 54 feet by 90 feet, situated at Nandy Park EBD for only $16M. Contact Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George Street 2272487, 226-9951, 623-7805.  executive, concrete residence in Oleander Avenue, Bel air Park $68M neg., room for pool and creative development. Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-3068, Mr. Ramsohoye 225-2709, 227-6949, 226-1064, 626-4180.  six-bedroom house with studio apartment in Nandy Park $70M, one-family three-bedroom in Republic Park $35M, solid two-storey concrete building in Station Street $55M. Call Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805.  - Upper property on D'Urban Street near Mandela Avenue $9M, newly renovated 3-bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms, parking, verandah, lovely interior $120 000 monthly, huge 5-bedroom house in Cummings Lodge, parking, AC, large rooms, great for executive diplomat or business professional US$1500. Call 610-8282, 671-9614.  Nagar 2 self-contained $70M, Section 'K' 5-bedroom ranch $40M, Dowding Street 16 ft driveway with new ranchstyle. Republic Gardens $43 new 3-bedroom one self-contained. Phone Mr Boodram 692-3831, MR Darindra Mr Ramsahoye 2252709, 225-2626, 225-3068, 2255198, 231-2064, 626-4180.

 Road Eccles properties on land size 50x187 - $40M, Somerset Court, flat three-bedroom $16.5M, two-storey wooden concrete building at Providence $16M, Call Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 2236218, 227-2487, 623-7805.  Street over Albert, size 32x110 $60M, North Road size 32x110 - $60M, Main Street threestorey building US$1M. Call Pete's Real Estate 227-2487, 226-9951, 223-6218, 226-25546, 623-7805.  building on land at Sandy Babb Street Kitty, size 50x150 - $28M, Da Silva Street corner land size 100x100 - $25M. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-5546, 223-6218, 2272487, 623-7805.

PROPERTYFORSALE       CAMPBELLVILLE: two-storey concrete building near Sheriff Street $50M, Subryanville twostorey concrete and wooden building, overlooking Atlantic Ocean. Price $110M. Tel. 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078  Saffon Street, La Penitence Public Road - commercial properties on land 50x200. Price neg. Providence EBD, just off public road two concrete building on land. P r i c e $ 4 0 M . Te l . 2 2 5 - 3 7 3 7 , 225-4398, 651-7078  Sandy Babb Street K i t t y : Tw o - s t o r e y c o n c r e t e building with good land space. Price $70M, Vreed-en-Hoop concrete building an land on public road 40x200. Price $ 3 5 M . Te l . 2 2 5 - 3 7 3 7 , 2 2 5 4398, 651-7078.

31 31 PROPERTYFOR FORSALE VEHICLES SALE  5-bedroom back house with driveway $23M neg, Kitty 4-bedroom back house with driveway $19M, Gree n h e a r t S t r e e t S o u t h Ruimvledt 5 bedrooms $20M neg, De Kendren WCD 2bedroom with land 50'x175' $7M, Enmore 1-bedroom with big land $7M neg. Call R a u l 6 5 5 - 8 3 6 1 , 6 9 9 - 6 8 11 , Fabulous Homes Realty.          L O T 1 8 5 C H A R LOTTE AND KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING TEL. 227-0265, 2271881, 629-5178. Norton Street, Carmichael Street, North Ruimveldt, East Ruimveldt, Craig, Republic Park, Alberttown, Section 'K', Robb Street business spot, D\Urban Street business spot, Lamaha Gardens, Thomas Street. LAND: Friendship land size 115x450 (wharf side) $ 6 5 M , M e a d o w Brook Gardens $8.5M, Non Pareil.

 building on land 45 feet by 150 feet on Bagotstown Public Road, suitable for business, priced at $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George Street, W/Rust. 2272487, 226-5546, 223-6218, 6237805.  property, prime location (land 200' x 50') store front 72' x 24', bond 87' x 32', extra space for 15 cars Public Road, McDoom. Tel. 233-0570 (No agent).        ECCLES EBD Old Road, two-storey concrete building $35M, Oronoque Street just off Regent Street two-storey wooden concrete building $45M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078. : SUCCESS ECD Public Road (embankment) 200x200 with wooden building $55M, Diamond EBD two-storey concrete building - 3 rooms top, 3 rooms bottom. Price $32M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  HOUSTON EBD, by overhead tank. Two buildings on land 30M, Mon Repos large two concrete building $35M, Grove New Scheme, Station Street two-storey concrete building $26M. Tel. 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078. CANAL No# 2 Polder newly built two-storey concrete building on 8 acres partly cultivated land. Price $24M. Wooden building on three acres land $10M. Tel. 2253737, 225- 4398, 651-7078.  location, 219 Pike and Lamaha Streets $45M secure yard fence and barbed wire, AC, hot and cold water suitable for 2 families, 3 bedrooms each, 1 bathroom in each apartment secure parking, garage. Contact 612-9061, 668-1971.  LITTLE DIAMOND, EBD two-storey concrete building $14M, Dazzell Housing Scheme two-storey concrete building on two lots. Price $14M, Non Pareil ECD two-storey building. Price 14M. Tel.l 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  South Ruimveldt: 5-bedroom concrete building. Price 28M, Covent Gardens EBD wooden two-storey building on public road. Price 36M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078 .  Homes John 609-8233 - Shell Road $8M, Campbellville 6 bedrooms $26M, Alberttown 1 house 2 lots as a package $65M, Vista Del-Mar ocean front $15M neg, La Parfaite Harmonie $8M. Golden Grove $12.5M, AA Diamond $65 000.  Homes Int'l: Agriculture Road $12M neg, Mon Repos $16.5M, David Street $24M and $13M neg, William St, Eccles AA $60M neg, $29M neg, East $14M neg, Land: Grove front $7.M, Mon Repos $7.5M etc Contact Theresa 648-6033.

   : Please list your properties for sale with us. We inspect and give you the current market valuation and will await your instructions on s a l e , T h a n k y o u ! Te l 2 2 5 3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  2-storey concrete house suitable for office, close to Camp Street on Hadfield Street reduced from $38M to $36M. Call Lady Hercules 661-1952, 2253068, 225-2626, 225-2709, 231-2064, 227-6864, 2276949, 226-1064.  2-storey wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upstairs and downstairs, inside toilet and bath, at Good Hope, ECD, with t r a n s f e r. C a n g o t h r o u g h bank. Price $16.9M neg. Tel. 220-2366, 617-7929.   and Seco n d St r e e t s Alberttown, Georgetown corner property. Contact Gary 225-0336, 6633633 or for more information o n F a c e b o o k u n der Gary Nauth $40M neg. Two-storey 3bedroom, toilet and bath upstairs and downstairs.  and Land for S a l e T w o St o r y e d W o o d e n and Concrete House, Sixth St r e e t Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 2316278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 626-0993  Regent Street $46M, Anna Catherina $6M, Campbellville (2 buildings need repairs) $23M, Camp Street back building with drive way $36M, Quamina Street $69M, Section 'K' $40M, Alberttown $31, Highway land 28 acres at $400 000 per acre. Diana 227-2256, 6269382.  constructed commercial/residential building on Water Street/Strand New Amsterdam. Potential wharf facility, 2 acres land zone commercial .Tel. 626-0017, 627-1885, Email

are ) JANUARY bargains: Sec. ' K ' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M , K i t t y $23, Al b e r t t o w n c o n c r e t e massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres exec u t i v e $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $ 3 0 M , S e c . ' M' C a m p b e l l v i l l e $ 3 4 M n o w, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 2 2 7-6863, 227-6449, 2252709 , 2 3 1 - 2 0 6 4 , 226-1064, 6 6 7 7 8 1 2  ranch-style property w i t h 3 - b e d r o o m a t the top, dwelling area at the bottom, yard space 120 x 60 for pool or another house. Asking price $39M, can be reduced to $28M if it is sold b e f o r e F e b r u a r y 5 . Va l u e time and you shall prosper Mr Patrick Pereira 226-1064, Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Hercules 661-1952, 2252626, 227-6494, 225-2709, 2 3 1 - 2 0 6 4 , 6 2 6 - 4180.   on all properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property im m e d i ately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Street $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey busin e s s p roperty $!6M, South R u i m v eldt Gardens residence $ 1 6 M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty b u s i n ess or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old ho u s e $21M, 3storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow B r o o k $45M, fully co n c r e t e D ' U r b a n B acklands $30M, New S e c t i o n 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens e x e c u t i v e $ 6 8 M , o ne ranch-style Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M 231-2064, 22 5 - 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 7-686 3 , 2261064, 227-6949,

32 32 PROPERTYFORSALE  WBD: almost brand new 5 bedroom house for sale, master room and all rooms self-contained with AC and fans, open concept kitchen/dining/living room, large walkin pantry, office/ library room and a powder room. Beautiful landscape and wrap around patio. Priced to sell- $75 Million. Tel. 592-624-8704, 592684-9203.          location  Street, Kingston opposite the American Embassy. One (1) huge four storey concrete and steel building, 2 bedrooms on each flat, AC< hot water, refrigerator and stove one ach floor and fully furnished, generator. Can be used for embassy, office, apartments or residence. Price $180M. Property being sold with all equipment and furnishings inclusive. Serious enquiries 2238634, 646-3251, 227-0464'  modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. ' M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 2252709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 226-1064, 227-6949, 225-5198.    property in Inde p e n dence Boulevard La Penitence - $7M giveaway, o w n l e a v i n g b e fore Christmas. Phone 226-1064/692-3831/ 623-2591/615-0069/ 225-2626.  Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Camp b e l l v i l l e $ 1 5 M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $1 5 M neg, Cove and John 2 h o m e s 5 b e d rooms $12M, 4-bedro o m $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2 - b r, 2 1 - b r ) o n l y $ 2 1 M n e g ) , c o r n e r l o t 8 9x80 Al b o u y s t o w n . R e a d y to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018  property at 59 Public Road, Kitty Georgetown with small white wooden cottage $18M, 59 Light Street, Alberttown, 3-storey concrete building with all modern facilities. Suitable for business and residence $165M. Corner lot at 82 Robb and Light Streets Georgetown with two-storey concrete and wooden building suitable for business and residence $95M. Modern two-storey building at 6 Albion Public Road, C h e s n e y, B e r b i c e $ 5 8 M . Contact Trudy 225-4712, 6962435. Serious enquiries only. No Agents.  Sam's Real Estate and P r o p e r t y M a n agement has the best priced properties for 2014. Grove $8M (land) Diamond $4.5M, (land) Leonora $40M neg, Brickdam $65M neg, D'Urban Backlands $30M neg, Campbellville $45M, David Street $14M, Subryanville $65M, Section 'K' $38M, Hadfield Street $36M, Light Street $21M, South Road $38M, Duncan Street (land) $32M, Rentals Subryanville US$800 - US$1500, Kitty U S $ 6 0 0 , B e l Air US$750, Grove 12M, Da Silva St. $17M, Diamond $22M. Tel. 697-7842, 231-7052, 6716653.







built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bedrooms with built-in closets, a spacious kitchen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a twobedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fen c e w i t h s p i k e s a n d r a z o r wire above it. There is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531.

 concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Ga r d e n s $ 66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, exe c u t i v e R e p u b l i c Park $48M, Lamaha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 self-contained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e s t ructure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6 2 3 2 5 9 1 , V i c e P r e s i d e n t J honny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 667-7812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

       & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M and TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and Perkins engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-660-9152, 592-610-2873.

  on all properties for this s u m m e r only. U G G a r d e n s $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, seco n d St r e e t Alberttown business and r e s i d e n c e $ 4 5 M , 5 t h St . A lberttown mass i v e c o n c r e t e $ 4 8 M , Eccles $14M, K i t t y Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, L a m a h a St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone V i c e P resident 231-2064, 225-3068, 227-6863, 2261064, 227-6949, 225-2626.  Marketing and R e a l t y. K I T T Y$ 1 7 M , $ 32M & $ 3 5 M, Guysuco Gardens $78M, Good Hope $15.5M, G a r n e t t S t $ 3 1 M , SEC K C/ville 4 bedroom self-contained $44M, AA E c c l e s $ 6 8 M , Carmichael Street 2 storey back house $22.5M, Montrose $16M, Mon R e p o s B l o c k C C $ 10.5M & $ 11 . 5 M , G a n g e s St . P / Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Ho p e P u b R d $ 3 7 M , Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, Ea s t St $ 6 0 M , Happy Acres $ 30M , N o r t h R o a d $ 70 M , B e l / A / Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/ Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedroom $38M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332  Marketing and Realty. Middleton St C/VILLE 5 bedroom self-contained back house 15ft driveway $28M, Kitty business property $44M, Pike St. C/ Ville $45M, LBI Embankment $ 2 4M , G o o d H o p e P / R d (land - 280x 1 4 0 ) $ 9 0 M , Da Silva St (land) $21M. Charlotte St. (land) $55M, Sheriff & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, Sherrif St, $50M, South R u i m v e l d t $ 1 6 M , D i a m ond $9M, $12M, $ 2 2 M , E a s t R / veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $34M, A/town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Trium p h $20M, Sheriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2 - s t o r e y , 5 b e d r o o m h o u s e $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332  Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land - 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $14M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $29M, Atlantic Ville 5 bedroom self contained $53M, Diamond 2nd Av e 5 Bedroom $40M,Robb & Ornoque Sts $46M, Oleander Gdns $40M, Alberttown 6th St $52M, Republic Park $40M, L/Gardens $55M, Atlantic Gardens $ 45M , D u n c a n S t $ 30 M , A l e x a n d e r S t $ 50M, Robb St $60M,Barr St $65M , E a r l ' s Court $35M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, Republic Gdns -Land(100x100)$24M,Alexanderst.&South Road $900,000US. Tel. 219-4399, 6108332.

 bargains Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms $46M, other for - $19M, and - $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence byBourdaMarket-$26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey - $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 225-2709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6863, 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 667-7812  property at 59 Public Road, Kitty Georgetown with small white wooden cottage $18M, 59 L i g h t St r e e t , A l b e r t t o w n , 3 storey concrete building with all modern facilities. Suitable for business and residence $165M. Corner lot at 82 Robb and Light Streets Georgetown with two-storey concrete and wooden building suitable for business and residence $95M. Modern two-storey building at 6 Albion Public Road, Chesney, Berbice $58M. Contact Trudy 225-4712, 696-2435. Serious enquiries only. No Agents.  26% 26% 26% discount: Two-family concrete business and residence in the front of Happy Acres $32M, Dowding Street, Kitty with driveway $16M, BB Eccles $16M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $!6M, Light Street $21M, Second building with 12 ft drive way $!4M, David Street Subryanville with 14ft driveway $16M, West Ruimveldt concrete flat house $4.9M, Dazell Housing Scheme $11M, La Penitence business and residence with reserve for 20 cars $11M, Meadow Brook old house $12M, L o d g e $ 1 4 M , Middle Road La Penitence with 20ft driveway 4 apartments $15M, second ranch concrete $38M, Garnett St. business and residence $32M. Phone Mr. Budram 6923831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr. A. Pereira 623-2591, Mrs Hercules 661-1952, 225-2626, 225-2709, 225-5198..  (Public road, Business & Residence)$45M; (commercial)-$180M;  (Public road)$90M;  -$130M    - $50M;   - $50M, $75M;   - $25OM(commercial), $65M, $35M;   - $45M,$120M(2 properties);   $70M,$50M;  (2 cottages)$26M,$40M;  BV- $40M;  $45M, $30M;    $45M;  (Public road)- $45M,$35M,$20M;  -$20M, $15M,$120M(commercial);  -$35M;  $25M,$20M, $15M;  $14M;  $50M;   $28M/ $12M;  $12M; L.B.I$16M;  $10M.                

 your year for 28% discount on all properties. Happy Acres 2-storey concrete $24M, Providence Stadium new $16M, concrete Republic Park $36M, Eccles concrete $34M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $12M needs repairs, Middle Road La Penitence 4-apartment $14M, La Penitence two-storey $11M, D\Urban Backland s c o n c r e t e $28M, Meadow Brook $12M, D\Urban Street concrete residence and business $28M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, Prashad Nagar 8000 sq ft land $60M, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park $83M, Bel Air Park $45M Dowding Street Kitty $29M, and $19M, David Street S u b r y a n v i l l e f r om $19M, back with 12ft driveway $14M, Section 'K' Campbellville $40M, G arnett Street ranch concrete $38M, Owen Street Kitty concrete 2storey $39M, Camp Street business and residence. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr Carlos Budram 6923831, Mr. Alex Pereira 231-2064, Mr. Ramsahoye 225-2709, 2252626, 225-3068, 227-6949, 2255198, 627-7812, 226-1064. Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $36M, C harlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E m b a s s y $ 30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repa i r s , 3 - s t o r e y Quam ina Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of a p a r t m e n t s f r o m U S $ 7 0 0 , R e s i dence US$1 200 upwards. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 2252709,227-6949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week tonyr e i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m  3-storey concr e t e b u i l d i n g , P r i c e $ 1 00 M .    property in good condition. Price $18M.         b e a u t i f u l 2-store y c o n c r e t e p r o p e r t y 3 s e l f - c o n t a i n e d , 1 m a s t e r, l i b r a r y, t e l e v i s i o n r o o m , l i v i n g room, upstairs ba c k v e r a n d a h , d o w n s t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmet i c s , l a n d s p a c e Price $ 9 0 M,O g l e b e a u t i f u l p r o p e r t y $90M,  $36M neg,   $120M beautiful home excellent condition i n       $ 5 5 M n e g , Queenst o w n property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. W e a r e l o c a t e d a t 2 4 7 (D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Q u e e n s t o w n . Te l . 2 2 5 - 6 8 5 8 , 2 2 5 - 7 1 6 4 , 6 6 7 - 7 8 1 2 , e m ail:



 5.300. Contact 612-6165.  F150 spare parts and accessories. Call 685-2584.  breed Dachshund pups, $12 000 for one. 2563360.     $20 000.Tel. 612-6222.  boat propeller 24" diameter and R-H. Tel. 676-8324.   tables 8'x4'x3', suitable for workshop etc. 2330570 .  & c h i c k e n . Te l : 220-9203.

plucked 650-4421,

 Allion $2.1M neg. PRR series. Owner leaving country. 629-7444.  BIKE 150 Eagle, pool table. Call 234-1003, 6514831Ramjan.   new Nexen tyres, 265/70R16. 220-0215, 625-2911, $190 000.  cooler, 2 set drop cords, 4 rims, 3 computers. 2655876.  Amps, speaker, 2 - 18" base boxes and more. 233-6337, 662-6024.   Stations 3 Consoles $60 000 each. Tel. 6448569, 333-2690.  nose pitbull pups, fully vaccinated and dewormed. Tel. 222-9077, 653-6191.   minibus, in very good condition, plastic barrels, $6 000 each. Tel 658-2751.  electric horse walker, walks four horses at a time, Call 689-5858. chair set, music set, overedge 4-thread sewing machine, wardrobe. Contact 619-8788, 2256001.

FOR SALE  Food Warmer, large commercial oven, glass case 36 x 22 ½ x 27. Tel. 650-1713.  earth delivery to spot, ECD and WBD. Call 6279977, 698-0182.  Smart TVs, 4032 inches, 27-inch Sony old model TV and plastic barrels. Contact 684-0679.  pure breed Rottweiler pups, five months old, fully vaccinated. Asking price $80 000 each. Contact Kevin 601-3533. -bred Rottweiler pups and pure-bred German Shepherd pups. Tel. 686-3072, 610-8627, 618-2903.  Hymac, gearbox, tracks, rims, foreign-used Toyota 5VZ engine 3400cc, twin steer radiator. 621-4862. generator, key start, exce l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . A s k i n g price $450 000 neg. Tel. 6022033, 684-8164.  Annandale Market Road, Toyota Dyna 14B, self-loading Ransom five-sack cement. 6765727.  pups, both parents imported with full pedigree from champion blood lines. Call 685-2584.  set model D 343, 250 kva, 3 Ph, 415-240, 220/ 127v, AC 60 Hz. Call 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727.  Desktop computer set, with webcam, speaker, etc. Recently serviced. Tel. 665-4658, 662-0809.  backhoe 3 CX, caterpillar backhoe, 10-ton toad r o l l e r, p o r ta b l e w e l d e r o n wheels. Call 623-3404.  juice bar/canteen with running water, generator, cupboards, cooler, etc. 638-9116, 603-0976. new exercise treadmill, two Blu Ray DVD players. Call 225-1540, 655-3105.  new barbecue grill, 5 burner, still in the casing, not opened yet, from Canada. Call Sham Shair, phone 674-6468, 223-6352, $98 000.  Galaxy Tab 3, 7" $45 000, Tab 3, 7" Wes sim card $70 000, Tab 3, 10" $80 000, Tab 2, 7" $40 000, Bluetooth tower speaker with remote and radio $30 000. Tel. 690-4373, 693-3941.

 new Xbox one + PS4 system (w/accessories) Kinect for 360 with game. 6681906.

 boat 600 lb, 5-inch nylon seine, 15 Hp new model Yamaha engine. Price $1.8M nege. Contact 621-2875.

 steel buildings made to order, send all information for pricing to

 caterpillar engine 3406 Di $1M. 2 set 17" mags with tyre (6 logs), 4 wheel 2 wheel drive. 654-6166.

          PROPERTIES IN GEORGETOWN  new treadmill, BMW car, Toyota Rush SUV. Tel. 225-1540, 622-8308  290 Massey Ferguson Tractor, one irrigation pump. Tel. 658-4910. , sale by tender, Wakenaam NDC. Closing date February 25. Tel. 774-5060. nickel mag rims (16) 6 logs minibus bmm $1.3M. Tel. 220-2472, 653-2868.  garden earth and builders waste, also bobcat rental, excavating, clearing and leveling down. Call 616-0617 or 663-3285.  land in Mabaruma one HP Pavilion Simline, 1 TB hard drive desktop, 1 Hp laptop. Tel. 674-5852. structure, height 35 ft L x 87 ft W x 52 ft - $4M. Tel. 694-7210, 680-3771. : Japanese Shyzu mixed with poodle. Tel. 2751122, 668-1396.  jewel workshop, gold detector, 1 RZ minibus BKK 5413. All excellent condition. Call 612-2517, 2200103.

 290 Massey Ferguson Tractor, one irrigation pump. Tel. 658-4910.  poodle mixed with Tibetan terrier puppies. Price $20 000. Contact Jem. Tel. 223-6463, 616-8005.  Honda Rebel motorcycle 250cc clean, black $400 000 neg, CG 9345, Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2, $70 000 new,. Both bikes in GT, owner leaving country. 673-7734. 1 -WADKINadjustable up and downcross cut saw on table - 240v, 1- Wadkin 12 inch plane with blades- 240v. All machines are in good working order. Owner leaving 664-3368.  beef by quarters only $350 per pound, local whole chicken $300 per pound. A & Z Halaal Butchery. Tel. 6868245.  cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (new) no camera $12,000. 624-6464, 665-6061, 686-0900.. Keith.  generator with John Deere engine with turbo 175 KVA, very low hours, Call for more information. Tel. 639-3100, 6671116,619-5400.









 truck tyres 1000-20 $20 000 each, 11 R 2 2 . 5 $ 2 0 0 0 0 each, 11R 24.5 $25 000 each. Call 627-4148.

-PIECE dining set (wholesale/retail) $35 000/$45 000, 30, 32, 34, 36 purpleheart panel doors, $28 000 each, 30, 32, 34, 36 Kabakali panel doors $20 000 each. Tel. 688-9712, 651-0717, 669-1448.

 Station console with 10 games Killzone, Socom 3 US Navy Seals, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Call of Duty 3 special edition, Devil May Cry, Mercenaries 2, all originals. 220-0215, 6180926, $40 000

 model AT 212, never registered, excellent condition $1.9M. Tel. 629-4494, 678-4513.

 Journey bus 47seater series, BSS 115. Price $5.2M neg. Contact Bro. Keith 614-5036.

 AE 100 Sprinter in good condition and used fridges for sale. Call 6212859, 260-2806.

 Ceres PGG series, immaculate condition, ladydriven. Call 664-7525, 225-7131.

 FERGUSON TRACTORS. 165 AND 135 WITH SPARES. Price $1.5M and $600 000. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.

-used Massey tractor, 2 - 60Hp tractors $1.6M00 each, 75Hp tractor $2.4M. Call 627-4148  name clothes in wholesale quantities. Come, make an offer. Owner leaving country. Tel. 681-2883.  boat 43' Cabin Cruiser with 48 Yamaha, 450 lb banga seine, 5 000 lb ice box. All in excellent condition, $2M neg. Tel. 256-0382, 602-2946.  treadmill, Kenwood fridge, two small power wash, 1 church mixer with two speakers, 2 Bose speakers, (901 series) $650 000. Tel. 6922016.   Diesel generator, Perkins engine, excellent condition, power master start, Price $1M neg. Tel. 629-6069, 604652 0.

 box, Dell desktops, Apple Laptop 17"/13" CD duplicator, Canon/Nikon SLR camera, video projector, Gibson/Yamaha Guitars/ keyboards Apple Ipods 4G, Pioneers/Denon jugglers, drive racks BBE crossovers, mixers, 15"/18" RCF/JBL/Celestion speakers. 2266432, 623-2477.

 250-gallon plastic totes, ideal to transport fuel to the interior also oil paint and concrete paint, 5 gallons and 1 gallon,, marine paint also. Phone 220-1014.

 catridges and Hp ink in box, cheap. Owners leaving 2 Xerox ink cartridges 11 3 R 6 3 4 $ 3 0 0 0 0 e a c h , 5 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 321 $30 000 each, 8 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 98X 92298S. Tel:664-3368

 imported! David's beautiful bridal outfit and accessories, re jewellery and purse, etc. All going at reasonable prices. Call now 225-9450, 649-4435.  enclosed Canter containers, size large - 15L 7W 8H and 12L, 6W, 6H. Price $500 000 and $400 000. Contact Phone 689-8380, 669-0277, 230 Lance Gibbs Street, Queenstown.


 Perkins generator 12500 watts $550 000, Perkins 1000 series 4-cylinder engine on bed with radiator $875 000 like new Welder engine driven $450 000 large American-made wood shaper $250 000, wood morticer $180 000. Tel. 619-6863, 226-3883, 601-8276.

 Lister engines, 2 generators 75 KVA and 30 KVA, with heavy duty trailer. Tel. 225-7732, 610-3043, 688-4771, 227-0173, 622-7402.  1- large Canadian Band Saw 240v, one large De Walt Rip Saw or Cross Cut Saw with large arm and table, move in any direction- 240v. 1 Edge sander with 12 inch disc 240v, to sand wood edge. Tel:621-4928  brand new, complete vulcanising equipment (coats), tyre changer, (60 gals) compressor 4 jackstan and lots of plugs, patches, and valve stems, also hose and air tools. Everything $1.2M. Tel. 2672329, cell 691-5588.

 motorcycle, 70cc, colour red, CC - 4261. Call 6133839. series, 212 Corona, good condition. Contact 218-1800, 6299438.

                   85 Daf truck, GRR series. Contact 610-8954.

 NZE Corolla in hire, automatic, AC, alarm, in excellent condition $1.3M. Call 2760349, 615-7928.  equipped 2004 Toyota Allion with camera, TV, clean interior, like new, PPP series, $2.1M. 638-9116, 603-0976.  Frontier, price $2.2M neg. In excellent condition. Contact 654-3490.  (Black) sold for parts (spoiler, gearbox, ECU) etc, engine not working PRR series. Price neg. Tel. 626-5128.  Pickup, excellent condition, 5-speed transmission. Asking $2.2M neg. Contact 6830658, 693-7635  212, lady-driven in excellent condition. Owned by DPL Staff. PLL series, $1.15M neg. 622-1343.   Toyota Fielder, silver in colour. Price $1.9M neg. Tel. 628-8183.

 Rush PNN 6122, side glass missing. Tel. 613-9329.

 Toyota Hilux Surf, in excellent condition. Tel. 696-1381.

 AE 100, alarm, auto start, etc, $700 000 neg. Tel. 643-6239, 223-7978, 227-6328.

Corolla NZE, HC 129. 660-6027.

new model car, fully powered with AC, CD music. Price $1.3M neg. Tel. 626-7436.

  in good condition. Price $950 000. 610-9340.

 model Raum with mags, spoiler, AC, CD music. In excellent condition. Price $1.8M neg. Tel. 626-7436.

 Premio, PNN 8268, $2.3M. NEGOTIABLE. Tel. 604-0866. 2005 model and NZE Corolla, excellent condition. Call 617-8500.

 Single Cab, Toyota Hilux, 4 wheel drive pickup excellent condition, price $1.2M. negotiable. 220-7651, 6913170. Joey.

 Toyota BB, mid PLL series, 1 owner, $1.6M neg. Tel. 610-4291.  Daf truck with hyab. Tel.. 626-5706.

-by-side large refrigerator and freezer hardly used 110v good condition $180 000, 3 2 - i n c h S o n y T V, c o l o u r e d curved screen 110v with remote $50 000, Inverter 140-watt power invertors DC 12 volt to 110 volts with fuse system $20 000, Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patient, good for doctor\s clinic or any medical organisation, UK-made $45 000. Owner migrating 675-8008.

 Black Toyota Lexus IS200, Year 2003 / 2004. 1800cc. Price $3.4 Contact: 699-8189.

 Nissan Tiida Latio PPP series, in excellent condition. Owner migrating. Tel. 617-3834.

    RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384.

 tractor, foreign-used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393.

 AT 192, automatic, good condition. Call 225-8915 (Office).

 RZ BGG series, automatic in good condition $750 000 neg. Must go. Tel 621-6215.

 3287 bus, $1.3M neg Tel 686-0900

 MOTORCYCLE, excellent condition, first owner, $360 000.Tel.- 699-7239, 647-5914.

F150 V6 in working condition $700 000. Tel. 256-3749, 681-5422, 692-0526.  BMW 316I, mag rims, music, AC, etc. Price $2.1M neg. Tel. 649-7005.   Carina executive-driven in excellent condition, $1M cash. Tel. 691-0756.  Mazda, Axela, PPP series, in excellent condition, $1.9M neg. 626-1141, 662-9374.

 Nissan Pick-up, engine KA20, AC, music, good working condition, first owner, GNN series. Call 259-3158, 673-1935.  Altezza, with ful body kit, viperalarm, TV, PS, PW, AC, fog lamp, 17" rims, 35 engine, 6-disc changer, air bags. Call Anto 624-8183.  IST 2004 model, PRR series, TV, reverse, camera, AT 192 hire car (yellow). Contact 688-9159, 654-1080.  S10 pick-up, automatic, 2.2 litre, 4-cyl, AC, $2.2M. One silver grey Toyota Camry, excellent condition $1.1M neg, Tel. 690-5293.

 Hilux pickup 4x4, long base, manual, single cab, just imported. E x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . Te l . 665-2880.

 minibus. Price neg. Contact 660-0972.

 RX8 in very good condition, PNN series, fully loaded. Tel.641-1111, 617-1007.

Toyota SV 40 Camry, AC, mags, alarm. Price $950 000 neg. Tel. 661-2391.

 Tacoma, 4x4 GMM series, stick shift, 3RZ engine, AC, CD, set for off road, in excellent condition, $3.2M neg. Call 626-1141, 662-9374.

Corolla AE 81 automatic. 683-8013.

 SV-40 Toyota Camry in excellent condition. Tel. 6445931.

 RZ long base 15seater minibus, BLL series, good condition. Price $1.15M. Call 216-0367, 676-6948.

 Fortuner, PMM series 4x4, automatic, AC, CD, mags. In immaculate condition. Call 626-1141, 662-9374 Shahab.

 10-seater bus, BMM 1832 in perfect condition. Tel. 656-9835.

 DIESEL bus, BLL 9038, 4WD. 674-2639.

  large table lamps antique with shade 110v $15 000, toaster oven with glass door 110v$4 000, coffee percolator with glass mug 110v $4 000, antique half round small table and antique stool $15 000, Milkshake machine 3-speed, 3-pint cup stainless steel good for home or business 110v (Hamilton Beach) made $20 000, new 4-speed Premium blender with large mug 110v $5 000. Owner leaving 675-8008.

 CRV PMM series, HID lights, reverse camera, dark interior, alloy wheels, 6-disc changer, Call 693-7722.

 Titan, hardly driven $3.5M neg. Toyota 212 (woman driver), perfect condition $1.5M. 648-4627, 6393042.

   Carina $500 000. 697-5378.

 3 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 13X $6 000 each, 4 Hp Laser Jet ink coloured cartridges 4193A $5 000 each, 3 Canon cartridges NPG H toner $4 000 each. All prices a r e n e g . Tel:621-4928

 water pump, 10" gold mine, 2 - 125 Yamaha outboards, 2 cool storage print, 1 Cummings engine, 6-cylinder, 1 CAT engine 6-cylinder. Tel. 627-0819, 6834015.

 350, AC, mags, rims, TV, music executive condition. Tel. 227-4357.

10 STURDY m e t a l c a g e s with door to secure air conditioner units, water pumps, etc.Could place a lock on door for security purposes $15 000 each, 2 large 2400 BTU air conditioner evaporator complete wall unit 240v $50 000 each with all brackets complete. Owner leaving. 675-8008.\


 arrivals: 16 gallons wet and dry Ridgid vacuums, 32 gallons rough neck black bins with cover, Glacier Bay toilet set, compressor 20 gallons, 33 gallons, 30 gallons and 60 gallons, generators Stanley 8000 watts and all power 10 000 watts. Contact Donna on tel. 609-1179, 611-0402.

! 1 inverter +2 deep cycle batteries, 6-8 hours backup electricity, automatic switchover and recharge, can use solar panels, 1 year warranty, affordable $134 000. 226-2646.

 Raum PLL series, AC, mags, excellent condition. Call 610-0514.

 1 2 - i n c h d i s c sander for sanding edge of any furniture 110-240, electric Mac tool brand parts washer 110v with 25-gal drum that holds wash fluid at the bottom and square metal bin 2ft by 3 ½ ft at the top with cover to wash engine parts, etc All machines are working. Make an offer for 1 or the lot. Owner leaving 614-9432.

   Hp Yamaha outboard engine, 2 - 150 Hp Marine outboard engines, 1 Perkins 4.108 with transmission, 2 fibre glass boat with 225 Hp Mercury engine. Tel. 629-9061.

 with John Deere engine, with turbo 63 KVA, on wheels, very low hours, in excellent condition. Call for more information.. 639-3100, 667-1116, 619-5400.

 dish for communication or TV station or anything that you want to set up. 50 pieces of 10 feet dish width at $100 000 complete each, 10 pieces central air conditioner units large 240v complete with motor $50 0 0 0 e a ch, large fuel tank metal on stand with gauge 2000 gallon $60 000, large Kholer generator housing to keep noise low while generator working $50 000. Tel: 621-4928.

  Honda Civic fully loaded in excellent condition $1.2M. Contact 600-5550.

ONE To y o t a T100, $ 1 . 3 M . C a l l 6 4 4 - 3 11 8 , 2 2 3 5401.  Rush SUV, PRR and BMW 318i car PLL. No reasonable offer refused. Tel. 225-1540 or 622-8308.  Avensis PRR 4371, in excellent condition, $3.3M neg. Tel. 621-0429, 675-4453.  Noah 2004 model, 16" mags, silver, excellent condition. Price $1.8M neg. Tel. 612-2258. 10-ton Ford Crane truck, 1993, new, left hand drive, $8M. Call 622-6746, VACANCY  Tundra vehicles from 2000 to 2006, one with off road capability. Call 644-3118, 223-5401.

  Ta c o m a 4 x 4 2006, $4.2M, RX8 Mazda 2004, $2.2M. Tel. 615-8683, 225-7593.        1) Toyota 212 PLL series, driven by lady, price $1.1M negotiable. Tel. 698-1733 (June).   Carina, AC, alarm, private, AE 110 Sprinter, excellent condition, cheap price $950 000 each. Tel. 655-7839, 6907344.  Lancer car, PHH series, fully loaded. Tel. 611-5426.    PMM series, lady-driven, 2 Raum, PRR series. Owner migrating. 070-5196, 604-0183, 651-8979.  Noah bus, BMW 320, 4x4 Pickup, Mitsubishi canter, 1 - 20 ft boat trailer. 693-5610, 616-9727, 623-5845, 227-0190.  Rav 4 ( M A N U A L , 4WD) in EXCELLEENT condition $1.6M negotiable. Contact: 622-4746

 Premio PNN series, in excellent condition (ladydriven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, ac, CD player etc. $2.3M neg. Tel. 649-2541.  Solid Def Hilux Pinckup $2.4M, 2-ton Isuzu Dump truck $2.3M, New model Raum, $2.2M. Tel. 6411800, 223-5324.  hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, mirrors,window screen for all types of vehicles, spoiler, do or visors, mud-flap for 2002 Rav-4, etc for Toyota, N i s s a n , B M W, M e r c e d e s , Mitsubishi, Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable p r i c e s . C o n t a c t Te l . 6 4 5 7800, 001-597-866-6358. minibuses BMM and BNN, CRV new model, AT 192, 212, NZE, AT 170, Toyota Hilux Surf, 06 Tacoma, Family van (7 seater) canters, Tacoma, Nissan Cefirowagon and cheap cars - 680-3154.    b u y a n d s e l l and trade invehicles for cash and we also do trading-in of vehicles: 30-seater buses low as $900 000, Spacio, Allion, Super Custom bus. - 680-3154   Civic, CD player, AC, mag rims, alarm system, $780 000 neg. Ford Ranger 2003 $2.2M neg. Tel. 658-5400.  - TOYOTA Tacoma, year 2002 - 2006, One Nissan Vanette, one Toyota IST. 6571930, 660-1943.  Journey bus 47seater series, BSS 115. Price $5.2M neg. Contact Bro. Keith 614-5036.

34 34 VEHICLES FOR SALE  - TOYOTA Raum, hardly used, automatic, fully powered, AC, CD player, $1 350M. Rocky 2251400, 621-5902.  - Toyota RZ hardly used immaculate condition $1.6M. Rocky 225-1400, 621-5902.  R1 Wagon (jeep), automatic, fully powered, ac, $1.2M, immaculate condition, hardly used, good on gas. Rocky 225-1400, 6215902  Mitsubishi 2-ton long base enclosed Canter (new model), crystal lights, in excellent condition, GNN 1261. Tel. 661-3337, 2760620.  Hilux Surf 4x4, 4door, excellent condition, 3Y engine, new tyres. $2.5M neg. 6951631. Ipsum, 7-seater, AC, remote start, TV, very good condition, $1.2M. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 690-4373, 693-3941.





 Premio PNN series, in excellent condition (lady-driven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, ac, CD player etc. $2.3M neg. Tel. 649-2541.

 Nissan Rasheen, Year 2000, PNN series - shaped featured a small Hummer. In good working condition, Fully loaded, AC, Alloy Wheel, Cd and Flash drive etc. Interested persons kindly contact - Tell# 645 6828.

 in stock at W.M. Auto Sales 2006/2009 To y o t a Ta c o m a , s t o c k a n d f u l l y loaded, starting at $3.8M up, 2010 Ford Raptor, 2007 Ford 250 Super Duty, 2008 Honda ATV, tyres and rims. Address 1763 Railway Line, Cummings L o d g e E C D . Te l . 6 7 6 - 1 8 2 6 , 679-6108.

 TACOMA 2011 4 x 2, pickup with new safety features and redesigned interior, driver and passenger front air bags, seats, air bags, side curtains air bags, stability and traction control system, whiplash protection system, 4wheel abs, tyre pressure monitoring system, emerg ency braking ass, extended cab. Price neg. 671-8883, 6691113, 696-9529 with  

 Mazda Miata convertible with hard top as an extra, one Bedford 330 model TK dump truck, r e a d y f o r p a d d y. C a l l 6 8 9 5858.  2003 Honda CRV in immaculate condition, AC, leather interior, rims, new tires, chrome kits, door, lights, etc, music. Serious enquiries only. 626-2237, 602-3294.  Toyota IST lady-driven, PPP series, AC, CD, very clean $1.65M neg. One Toyota 212 new model, PRR series, $1.475M neg. Tel. 233-6337 or 601-2532.

 Toyota NZE motorcar, PMM series in excellent condition, chrome rims, remote start, fully functional alarm system, etc. Price $2M. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 697-7476, 617-0030, 680-8365.  Nissan Vanette small minibus, privately used - PEE series, driving condition, stick shift gear, disc brakes, mag wheels, $325 000. Tel:616-5340

, excellent working condition, below 75 000 miles, BJJ series, mag rims. Asking $1.2M. Call 216-2791, 626-0819. Vanette minibus PEE series not driving, needs minor work to drive $225,000. Double sliding door, disc brakes, stick gear good. Owner leaving - 616-5340.

 1 - 2002 model unregistered Toyota Regius Wagon, colour Black two tone, AC< air bag, alloy wheels powered windows, power steering, fog l i g h t s , T V, n a v i g a t i o n p r i c e $2.3M. Contact 624-5617.

 Toyota Super Custom 3Y bus in good working condition, double coil spring, perfect for any hustle, music and mags. Tel. 660-4739, 6861237, 255-0914.  Raum with full flair kit, AC, music, mags, one owner, very clean condition. Reasonably priced. Contact 643-5306, 2267855, 685-0299.  arrived! 2 Honda 450cc ATV bike with double shock winch, 4-wheel drive. Going cheap. Contact 643-5306, 658-0299.

  Carina, AC, alarm, private, AE 110 Sprinter, excellent condition, cheap price $950 000 each. Tel. 655-7839, 690-7344.  Nissan Tiida Latio PPP series, in excellent condition. Owner migrating. MILAGE 58,000, LADY-DRIVEN Tel. 617-3834.

  Tu n d r a 2 0 0 2 , chrome rims, chrome bars, DVD player, 4-wheel drive. Excellent condition. Contact 643-5306, 685-0299.   Tundra, never registered, fully powered, 4-wheel drive very excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact 643-5306, 6850299.

  Grey Toyota Vigo double cab fully loaded in excellent condition, with roof rack, crash bar, CD player, price to go. Contact 600-5550.

 Auto blowout sale! Unregistered Toyota IST $2 195 000, body kit, TV< camera, spoiler, fogs, HID, alarm. 643-6565, 2269931.  Auto blowout sale! Unregistered Mazda Axela $2 295 000, Pioneer CD, crystal lights, remote start, alarm. 643-6565, 2269931.

 Wagon good condition, yellow, needs nose cut and transmission, $550 000 hire, AT 192 working condition (Private PLL series) $650 000, 212 yellow hire, working condition $650 000. Crown Cabs 317 East Street. 225-9698, 613-5657, 6809333.

 Ninja 600cc, silver Suzuki 2009, 250cc. Both bikes excellent condition. Have 4 000 km each. Unr e g i s t e r e d . M a k e o ff e r. 2 2 3 1885, 642-3722

 F150 private $4M neg, fully powered, leather interior, 2002 Yamaha 4-stroke 1000cc with Jet Ski push trailer $2.2M neg, (3seater) both in excellent condition, never registered. Tel..658-0337, 666-6618, 670-4019.

 IST, fully loaded, 17" rims, spoiler, fog lamps, accessories,. In immaculate condition. Contact 645-6541.

 Auto blowout sale! Unregistered Toyota IST $2 195 000 body kit, TV, camera, spoiler, fogs, HID, alarm. 643-6565, 2269931.

 Toyota Tacoma, four cylinders, 44 000 miles, sunroof, AC, manual transmission, 4x4, 4WD, TRD package, tray cover, bedliner, tow package, step-up rails, very clean, fully powered, sturdy. Excellent condition. 223-1885, 6423722.

  Ram 1500 4x4, 5.2 litres, black in colour, 158 000 kilometres just arrived from Toronto, on and off road wide tyres, wi t h m a g r i m s , c o m e w i t h s p a r e a l t e r n a t o r, water pump and starter motor, back rack, with four roof lights, side steps, bed rails, hitch, hood scoop, truck is raised for on and off road. Canon face off stereo with USB, Bluetooth and Aux, Rockford fast gate Amp, 2 teninch Cerwin Vega sub woofer, the truck has remote starter, truck is in Leguan Essequibo River $3 300 000 or best offer. Contact 668-3652, 668-3652, 416-402-9834 Email for p i c t u r e s RLAKRAJ@SYMPATICO.CA

     LOT 235 SOUTH ROAD AND LIGHT STREET BOURDA, GEORGETOWN. TEL. 6295178, 223-8655 We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another All prices are negotiable. USED RZ bus $850 000, Range Rover Des 5L engine Solid Deff $5M, Land Cruiser $4M, Honda Accord $1M, small bus $1M, Vios $1.6M, Premio $2.7M unregistered, Tundra bubble back, 4-wheel drive $3.4M, Tundra GRR series square back $2.4M, 318 BMW $3M, Nadia $1.85M, Toyota Gaia 7-seater $1.7M, Allion $2.05M, Cedia Lancer $1.1M, Honda Civic $1.1M, AT 192 $975 000, Caldina Wagon 3S Turbo, 5speed manual $2.6M, Corona 170 Wagon $1.4M, AE 110 Corolla $1M, new model AT 212 $1.375M, Raum $1.250M,Tacoma $2.4M, Corolla Wagon $1.05M.    Allion, Corolla, Carina 212, Altezza, Raum new model, Raum old model, HIACE Pitbull, Nissan K11 March, Toyota Duet M100a, Platz SCP 11, Fun Cargo, EP91 Starlet, Passo KGC10, Vista SVC32, Allex, EP82 Starlet, Avensis, Cube Z10, Toyota Spacio, Honda Civic EK3, Honda HR-V GH3, Honda Fit GD1, Toyota Corona ST 210, Toyota Pro Box NCP 51, Mazda Familia BJ5W. Door, Fender, Engine, bonnet, trunk, rear gate, bumper, full grille, head light, tail light, windscreen, door mirror, door visor, door main switch Premio, Allion, Allex, Altezza, Avensis, Corolla, Fun Cargo Vitz SCP 10, Spacio, Caldina, Corona, Wish, Pro Box, Runx, XTrail, Ipsum, Mark 2 GX 110, Noah AZR 65, Succeed, Carina AT 192, Carina AT 212, HIACE, Raum N/M, Raum O/M, Vista, Duet, Sprinter Passo, Harrier, Airwave, Nadia, Demio DY5W, Gaia, Voxy, Note. and many more just arrived EDDIE'S AUTO PARTS 6 VLISSENGEN ROAD NEWTOWN. TEL.: 227-2835.

 Ceres in good condition, Toyota Spacio in excellent condition, Toyota IST in excellent condition. Owner migrating. Prices neg. Tel. 264-2872, 601-8988.

 Benz CLK200 Kompressor 2005 PRR series, pearl white, 67 000 miles. Flawless, features too numerous to mention. 623-5492.

 Auto blowout sale! Unregistered Mazda Axela $2 295 000 Pioneer CD, crystal lights, remote start, alarm. 643-6565, 2269931.

Toyota Spacio - PRR series - lady driven - fully loaded CD/DVD player - reverse camera crystal back lights - perfect condition - $2.2 million - owner leaving country. Call 651 7410.

 Toyota Spacio, unregistered, TV/CD, alloy wheels, dark interior and low mileage, one Toyota Wills unregistered, CD, alloy wheels and low mileage, one Toyota Runx (2005) unregistered, TV, DVD, CD, and low mileage. Tel. 650-1369.

          ! To p q u a l i ty re-condition e d v e h i c l e s - Toyota Noah ;Toyota Voxy, To y o t a IST (New Shape) S u z u k i S w i f t ; Daihatsu Move (660cc) Mercedes Benz C200 C ompressor; Corolla AE100 Wagon; Honda CRV RD4; Land Cruiser (fully loaded); M a z d a Proceed 4WD Extra-cab pickup; Toyota Hilux 4 W D E x t r a - cab pickups - 3RZ, 5L, 3L-Solid Differential; Mitsubishi Canter Trucks 3, TONS OPEN TRAY, 2-TON4WD; 3 - Tons Dump Truck; Nissan Atlas 2 Ton Truck. P r e - O r d er your units early and get the best prices. Full aftersales s e r v i c e a n d f i n a n c ing a v ailable.                     A name and service you can trust.\


 Sera sports car, mags fully powered, new shocks and struts, Honda Fit, end of PNN, mags, fully powered, excellent on gasolene. 223-1885, 642-3722.

Extra cab pickup (22R engine), manual (EFI) 4x4, GPP series. $2.5M. Rocky 225-1400, 621-5902.

 Hilux extra cab pickup, diesel engine. Excellent condition $3M. Tel. 649-0707, 264-2682.

 Candy Apple Red 325 BMW mag nickel rims, low miles and outstanding condition, vehicle only drives on Fridays and have a good maintenance record. One GAIA Caravan vehicle, engine in good condition with maintenance record, little body work is needed. One Toyota HIACE minibus, can be used for a mobile food bus. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 680-4008, 2266458, 223-6487.  2002 Honda Civic in immaculate condition, leather interior, 17-inch mag rims, lower adjustable shocks with springs, AC, mus i c , VTec engine. Must see. Serious enquiries only. 6262237, 6 0 2 - 3 2 9 4 .

 Liner with Caterpillar 3406B (425) manual engine non-electronic aluminum rim, dual exhaust, mint condition. Price $6.2M. 603-5500.

 SERIES Toyota IST, PSS series 2000 Toyota Prado with crash bar, winch, off road lights, both in excellent condition. Tel. 649-9889, 645-3583.


 Carina motor car in excellent condition, with AC, mags, CD player, very clean condition, going cheap. Contact 643-5306, 226-7855, 685-0299.  Tacoma 1999 4-cylinder, 4-wheel drive, never registered, rims and AC. Ideal for interior roads. Going cheap. Contact 643-6306, 685-0299.  Toyota RZ Super Custom minibus, BKK series, stick gear, in good condition. Price $1.2M, neg, also available spare parts for German Def. Crown and Pinion, Axle, etc. Call 661-5383.  Toyota NZE motor car, very good series, in excellent condition, with rims, AC, CD player, remote start, fully functional, alarm system, clean condition. Contact 643-5306, 685-0299.

 Toyota IST with TV $1.550M neg. One 212 Carina $1.150M neg, One 110 Sprinter $1.050M neg, excellent condition with 15 inch mags, AC and CD. Tel. 628-1682.  shipment: Toyota Premio, Toyota Belta, Raum, Vitz, IST, Corolla, Spacio, Toyota Noah, Hilux Solid Def, R.H. Auto Sales, Blankenburg, WCD - 269-0794, 688-4847.  or selling used motor vehicles: 192, 212 Carina, NZE, Fielder wagons, Spacio, Raum, Allion, Premio, Allex, pickups and much more. Call Marketing Pro. - 6195784.    off road package, fully loaded, automatic, bright red, excellent condition side bars, steps, extended cab 671-8883, 669-1113, 696-9529. Price neg. with    

'S Auto Sales, Lot 2 George Street Werk-en-Rust back of Camp and Brickdam church. We buy and sell used vehicles, we also trading yours for another, RZ buses, Tundra, CRV, RAV-4, Premo, Allion, NZE, AT 212, Spacio, Vios. We have all models of used vehicles - 231-3690, 649-0329, David.  1992 Suzuki Intruder 800 blue windshield 45 231 kilometre,, lots of chrome, shaft-driven, liquid cool, perfect condition, bike in Leguan Essequibo River $660 000 or best offer. Contact 668-3652, 416402-9834 Email for pictures or RLAKRAJ@SYMPATICO.CA  buy, sell used vehicles, we also trade in yours for another, Premio, Allion, Mazda 3, NZE Corolla, Raum, Vios, IST, Runx, 212 Carina, AT 192, all models of pick-ups, RZ buses. Call K. Persaud, Auto Sales, David of 169 Lamaha and De Abreu Streets, Newtown, under Blue Martini, 649-0329.

     LOT 185 CHARLOTTE & KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING. TEL. 227-0265, 227-1881, 629-5178. We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another. All prices are negotiable used cars and trade in your car for another All prices are negotiable. USED RZ bus $850 000, Range Rover Des 5L engine Solid Deff $5M, Land Cruiser $4M, Honda Accord $1M, small bus $1M, Vios $1.6M, Premio $2.7M unregistered, Tundra bubble back, 4wheel drive $3.4M, Tundra GRR series square back $2.4M, 318 BMW $3M, Nadia $1.85M, Toyota Gaia 7-seater $1.7M, Allion $2.05M, Cedia Lancer $1.1M, Honda Civic $1.1M, AT 192 $975 000, Caldina Wagon 3S Turbo, 5-speed manual $2.6M, Corona 170 Wagon $1.4M, AE 110 Corolla $1M, new model AT 212 $1.375M, Raum $1.250M,Tacoma $2.4M, Corolla Wagon $1.05M.

 & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M an d TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and P e r k i n s engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-6609152, 592-610-2873.



 live-in domestic 678-8141.  cars.Tel. 231-9917, 231-7392. -out maid to work on East Coast. Tel. 223-5324.  sheets at a reasonable cost. 668-0306, 6947817.

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014


The Guyana Marathon! .... Niles captures NSC Mash From Page 39 prepared for attack on Athens the largest city of Greece. During the ensuing battle of Marathon the Athenian Army was outnumb e re d 4 t o 1 b u t t h e y launched a surprise offensive thrust which at the time appeared suicidal. By day’s end, it was recorded, 6400 Persian bodies

lay dead on the field while only 192 Athenians had been killed. The Persians retreated and the soldier Pheidippides was called upon to run to Athens (26 miles away) to carry the news of the victory . Pushing himself past normal limits of human endurance, he reached Athens in 3 hours, delivered his message “ Rejoice ! We have won!”and died shortly thereafter from exhaustion. Centuries later, in 1896, the modern Olympic Games introduced a “marathon” race of (40,000 meters or 24.85 miles). The winner was Spiridon Louis, a Greek postal worker from village of Marusi and veteran of several long military marches. His time was 2 hours, 58 minutes, 50 seconds for the 40 kilometer distance (average pace of 7:11 minutes per mile). At the 1908 Olympic Games in London, the marathon distance was changed to 26 miles to cover the ground from Windsor Castle to White City stadium, with 385 yards added on so the race could finish in front of King Edward VII’s royal box. Then after 16 years of extremely heated discussion, this 26.2 mile distance was established at the 1924 Olympics in Paris as the official marathon distance. The Guyanese marathons of the late 1950s were followed by the equally glorious Banks Classic Marathons. With the Marathons of the 1950s the route started at the then Atkinson Airport and ended at the seawall bandstand- the athletes ran against the wind. When sponsored by Banks DIH the race started at Mahaica and ended at Thirst Park a far less arduous course in relation to wind resistance. But it has been quite a few years since we have had a 26 mile race in Guyana much to the sadness and disappointment of athletic sports lovers and fans. What are the prospects for the revival of this mythic race in Guyana? Minister of Sport Dr. Frank Anthony has said: “Well I can tell you this Ministry would really like to see a Guyana marathon. We need the Athletics Association to be fully involved in it because they would have the technical people the technical expertise to manage something like this.” He added: “I have been talking about that for quite some time now but we are not getting traction and we don’t want to go it alone because we don’t feel that is a sustainable way of doing it.” Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Alfred King concurred with the need for involvement of all stakeholders. He added that the general

view is that Guyana does not have a wide pool of long distance athletes to complete that grueling race. He, however, pointed to the fact that the Ministry of Sport has been staging the Independence Half Marathon (13.1. miles) . He is hoping that participation in this race will grow and eventually create a field for a resumption of the epic Guyana marathons. Veteran Athletics coach Leslie Black agrees that the Marathon is a truly great race. He said: “Look if we don’t have enough locals to do it. We gotta bring in international athletes. We may not get it right, right away but once things are back the Guyana Marathon will pick up.” He stressed: “ I met long distance runners from Kenya who want to come to Guyana. One of them Kenyans told me he hear about Kaieteur Falls and he wants to come. But the price gotta be right. A lot of long distance athletic stars will come to Guyana once the incentives are right.” He said that a Guyana Marathon has great potential for sports tourism. In his report on the March 1956 Marathon Wiltshire continued: Athletes and officials slept at Atkinson on Saturday night. Some were still sound asleep while others were wide awake as starting time approached- 5 a.m. The boys freshened up and everyone looked confident and in the best of spirits when Major Wingate Gray of the Black Watch sounded the pistol to get them going. Thirty six runners started, a mere 11 finishing up to the time the cream of the crowd left the Seawall Bandstand, the finishing line.” Wiltshire ended his report on the March 1956 Marathon, with the following information: “The first six in were as follows: Clem Fields, Rose Hall Estate; H. Ishmael Sandbach Parker/ Humphrey trophy, O Lashley-Sandbach Parker; Sandbach Parker Cup; H. Persaud (Sandbach Parker Clipper Cup) H Rahaman Uitvlugt Estate (AAA and CU Cup); D Das (Sandback Parker AAA and CU Cup), Ken Richardson who was the seventh to cross the line received a special prize. The presentations were made by Mrs. Ena Luckhoo Mayoress of Georgetown.” In further comments on a revived Guyana Marathon, Minister Anthony recently said: “We can get private sector people to give support but we need the Athletics Association to be fully involved. We need to encourage people to work on it. It’s not only a Ministry thing all of us have to be involved.”

feature cycle race event

CARLTON wheelers cyclists Junior Niles captured the feature 35-lap event of the Annual National Sports Commission sponsored Mashramani 11-race cycle programme in the National Park yesterday. Niles who returned a time of one hour 17 minutes 36.45 seconds made his move with three laps remaining and opened a sizeable lead that he maintained for the remainder of the race. Niles who won by approximately 125 metres from the second finisher Orville Hinds failed to cop any of the eight prime prizes that were up for grabs. The feature event which began at a fast pace saw several of the competitors attempting to launch breaks but they were shut down by their rivals. However, during the 15 th lap Raynauth `Obeah Man’ Jeffrey” made a break and opened a sizeable lead over the chasing bunch, but after holding the lead for about five laps, he was wheeled in by the chasing pack. With 10 laps remaining, Robin surged ahead of the field, but was followed by a tightly group that included Raynauth Jeffrey and Stephen Fernandes that earlier made a break and controlled the race for a number of laps. With seven laps remaining, Persaud was joined by Paul Cho-Wee-Nam at the head of affairs and the duo led for another three laps before being joined by Orville Hinds and a host of other riders. In the end, Niles got away with two laps remaining and won with about125 metres ahead of the second place finisher, Orville Hinds. Third was last year’s winner Alonzo Greaves, while the fourth, fifth and sixth spot placers were Raymond Jeffrey, Michael Anthony and Paul DeNobrega , respectively. Junior Niles’ winning time for the event was one hour 17 minutes 36 seconds which is better that the one hour 28 minutes 15 seconds that Greaves registered in wining last year’s event. In other results, Michael Anthony won the 10-lap race for juveniles ahead of Alonzo and Akeem Arthur, respectively. Linden Blackman won the veterans over-50 five-lap race ahead of Wilfred Thom, while Maurice Faugendes was the winner of the five-lap race for veterans over 60 years of age. Clyde Jacobs, Nigel Jacobs and Ryan Nurse placed first, second and third, respectively, in the five-lap race for mountain bikers, while Sherwin Sampson was first in the three-lap race for BMX boys nine to 12 years old, second was Turhan Gorbarrhan. Rawle Small won the three-lap race for BMX boys ahead of Brighton John and Tariq Khan, respectively/. The BMX boys six to nine years old two-lap event was won by Sherwin Sampson, second was Eson Jaisingh and third was Alexander Leung. Meanwhile, the National Sports Commission’s Annual 40-mile cycle road race will be staged today over in the West Demerara area beginning at 08:00hrs from the Demerara Harbour Bridge. The event will move off from the Demerara Harbour Bridge and proceed to Bushy Park, East Bank Essequibo, before returning to the place of origin for the finish.

English Racing Tips Musselburgh 09:00 hrs Monetary Fund 09:30 hrs Racing Pulse 10:00 hrs Stormin Exit 10:30 hrs Clarcam 11:00 hrs Bar De Ligne 11:30 hrs Yorkist 12:00 hrs Brassick 12:30 hrs Los Nadis Kempton 09:50 hrs Tax Free 10:20 hrs Divine Rule 10:50 hrs Mill I Am 11:20 hrs Garraun 11;50 hrs Rightcar 12:20 hrs Sherjawy 12:50 hrs Incendo 13:20 hrs Bajan Bear French Racing Tips Pau 08:45 hrs Keravnos 09:15 hrs Anaking

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SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

Adam double helps Stoke heap more pain on Manchester United By Toby Davis

LONDON- (Reuters) - Charlie Adam scored twice as Stoke City beat Manchester United 2-1 yesterday to show the flailing Premier League champions it will take more than one big-money signing to improve their fortunes. The optimism created by Juan Mata’s transfer from Chelsea drained away as United were beaten for the third time in their last five league games, losing ground on rivals Everton, who beat Aston Villa 2-1, and Tottenham Hotspur who drew 1-1 at Hull City. United, who fielded Robin van Persie, Wayne Rooney and Mata in a mouth-watering forward line, were again undone at the back. Adam rifled home a spectacular winner in the second half, after Van Persie cancelled out his deflected opener, to leave United seventh on 40 points, five adrift of Everton in fifth and four behind Spurs. E l s e w h e re , a n A d a m Johnson-inspired Sunderland recorded a thumping 3-0 win

Stoke City’s Charlie Adam (C) celebrates with team mate Erik Pieters (R) after scoring a goal against Manchester United during their English Premier League soccer match at the Britannia Stadium in Stoke-on-Trent, central England, yesterday. (Credit: Reuters/Darren Staples) at derby rivals Newcastle United while West Ham United striker Andy Carroll set up both goals but was also sent off in the 2-0 victory over Swansea City.

Southampton dished out more misery for Fulham who dropped to the foot of the table after a 3-0 defeat at Craven Cottage while Cardiff City are

second from bottom following a 2-1 win over Norwich City. United had Rooney back from injury to make his first start since New Year’s Day, but their attacking talents came up against one of the game’s great levellers. A howling gale made Stoke a hostile environment for their heralded visitors and after an untidy start, the hosts took the lead with a scruffy goal seven minutes before the break. Adam blasted a freekick from distance that hit Michael Carrick on the edge of the area and flew into the net with United keeper David De Gea wrong-footed. Van Persie scored for the second game in succession after 47 minutes to draw them level, steering a tidy finish into the far corner after being picked out by Mata. Yet the expected comeback victory that United fans became used to seeing under former boss Alex Ferguson failed to materialise and five minutes after the equaliser, Adam thundered a terrific shot into the top corner. Ferguson’s successor David Moyes admitted he is at a loss to explain why they are failing to pick up points. “I don’t know what we have to do to win,” he told the BBC. “I thought we were extremely unlucky. We played well in difficult conditions but

we have lost to one wicked deflection and one worldy. “But we should have been out of sight with the amount of opportunities we had today and we only have ourselves to blame.” RESILIENT OPPONENTS Everton had to pick themselves off the floor after their 4-0 derby thrashing at city rivals Liverpool, and looked in danger of suffering another morale-sapping defeat when Villa took the lead. Against the run of play, Leandro Bacuna slotted past Tim Howard after being played in by Christian Benteke. Despite winning only two of their last six league games, Everton have been resilient opponents throughout the campaign and again dug deep to level when Steven Naismith lashed in after Steven Pienaar’s flick-on. The winner arrived five minutes from time when Kevin Mirallas curled home a free kick from 25 metres. Tottenham were also fresh from a humiliating thrashing, having lost 5-1 to Manchester City in midweek, but unlike Everton there was no instant pick-me-up. H u l l ’s s e v e n m i l l i o n pounds ($11.50 million) January signing Shane Long made an instant impact with the opener after 12 minutes but

Spurs secured a point when Paulinho swivelled and lashed the ball high into the net in the second half. “We never took the chances and the positive to me is that we ground it out. If we don’t win the game we certainly were not going to lose,” Tottenham manager Tim Sherwood said. Sunderland, who were bottom of the table when manager Gus Poyet replaced Paolo Di Canio in October, moved up to 14th with 24 points after winger Johnson scored his sixth goal in four matches either side of a Fabio Borini penalty and a goal from Jack Colback. It was a mixed afternoon for West Ham’s Carroll who resumed his double act with midfielder Kevin Nolan, setting up two goals for his former Newcastle team mate before the England striker was harshly sent off for allegedly swinging an elbow in the 59th minute. Carroll has yet to find his shooting boots since returning from injury but his sheer physical menace proved too much of a handful for Swansea who were bullied into submission by the giant England forward. Carroll’s bright start turned sour when he was adjudged by referee Howard Webb to have elbowed Chico Flores in the face after the pair tangled near the halfway line, but the contact was minimal and manager Sam Allardyce said they would appeal.

Giles a strong candidate to replace Flower - England boss LONDON -(Reuters) - Limited-overs supremo Ashley Giles is a strong candidate to succeed Andy Flower as England’s coach in all formats, cricket board chief Giles Clarke said yesterday. Zimbabwean Flower, who had been in charge since 2009, stepped down on Friday following England’s 5-0 Ashes surrender in Australia and will take up a new role with the national academy. With no Test scheduled until the home series against Sri Lanka in June, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) is in no hurry to announce a coach for all formats but former left-arm spinner Giles appears to be one of the favourites for the job. “We would agree he is a strong candidate,” Clarke told reporters. “He’s a valued employee of the ECB, a man of

Ashley Giles great integrity and ability.” Former captain Michael Vaughan believes South African Gary Kirsten could be the right man to succeed Flower while Nottinghamshire director of cricket Mick Newell has thrown his hat in the ring. ECB managing director Paul Downton will oversee the recruitment process, Clarke said. “We don’t play any Test cricket until June so we have quite a break during which time we are focusing on the

World Twenty20 in Bangladesh (next month),” he added. “Ashley is in charge of all that anyway, is in charge of the side in the West Indies and will take charge of the side continuously so that process is pretty clear.” The ECB boss paid tribute to Flower who guided England to three Ashes successes, 2010 World Twenty20 victory and briefly to number one in the ICC Test rankings. “These triumphs identify him as the most successful coach in English cricket history,” Clarke said.

Gary Kirsten

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014


Star Party Rentals support GSCL Inc. Republic Cup STAR PARTY Rentals has thrown their support behind the Georgetown Softball Cricket League Inc (GSCL Inc) inaugural Republic Cup which is slated to commence on February 14 and culminate two days later, carrying a first place prize of $1M to the Open category winner. The entity at their Craig Street, Campbellville location last Friday afternoon presented a cheque of an undisclosed amount to the GSCL Inc., in show of their support to the tournament which will feature some of the country’s best softball teams. Speaking at the simple ceremony, supervisor Floyd Spenser said they are pleased to be associated with the tournament and extended best wishes to the participating teams, adding his wishes for the competition to be success-

Supervisor of Star Party Rentals Floyd Spencer (second from right) presents the sponsorship cheque to Russell Jadbeer in the presence of Star Party Rental’s Kesheka Washington who observes the proceedings at right.

ful, even as he noted the rapid growth in the sport. Upon receiving the cheque, Russell Jadbeer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer of GSCL thanked the company for their support. “Star Party Rentals have been assisting us over the years and we are happy to have them onboard once again. The competition is expected to be keenly contested since some of the leading teams across the country have already registered and with your support we know it will be a successful one” said Jadbeer who called on softball fans to come out in their numbers and support the games. The launching and draw will occur on Tuesday 11th February at the Guyana National Industrial Corporation Sports Club on Woolford Avenue,

from 1700hrs, where Director of Sport within the National Sports Commission, Neil Kumar is expected to deliver the feature remarks. Among the other sponsors so far are Trophy Stall, Five Star Minerals and Reuben General Store of Bartica, National Sports Commission (NSC), Everest Cricket Club, Memorex Enterprise, Regal Stationery and Computer Supplies and Romaine Car Wash. The competition will be played in two categories, the open and masters. Memorex, Regal, Trophy Stall, Wolf Warriors, Speed Boat, Bartica, DVD Titans and Farm are some of the teams will vie for honuors in the open division while Frontline, Regal, Industry, Savage, Floodlights, Mike’s, Parika Defenders and Success Maters will do battle in the masters segment.

Short-ball test will continue for India batsmen - Hesson

By Abhishek Purohit in Wellington

NEW Zealand coach Mike Hesson warned that his side will not hesitate to use the short ball against the India batsmen in the Tests. The tactic worked effectively in the 4-0 series win in the ODIs, where many of India’s batsmen repeatedly fell trying to hit bouncers. “Yeah, [if] conditions allow, absolutely,” Hesson said. “It is the ability to push guys back and then bowl their natural length [to set the batsman up], the ability to do that and obviously presenting the seam so that we can find the outside edge. That is the sort of formula that we have had for a while. I think we showed that at the

Basin Reserve the last time we played, and the way we forced West Indies back and took them out, that is something we will look to continue.” Before the tour began, Hesson had said he would like to see green, seaming pitches being prepared. But as the Tests draw closer, he tempered his demand, saying the strategy could be double-edged. “I don’t think Eden Park ever looks green to be fair,” Hesson said after the New Zealand Test squad was announced last week. “The drop-ins don’t look green, sometimes they do more than I think. I talk with New Zealand Cricket. I don’t ring groundsmen and give orders. That is not the way we operate. NZC are very clear

about the type of surface we would like but with that comes risk as well as we know how good the Indian seamers are.” New Zealand’s middle-order was prolific in the one-dayers and their Test line-up will also feature many of the same players. Kane Williamson and Ross Taylor, who put on three century partnerships in five matches, along with Brendon McCullum and Corey Anderson will look to draw on the knowledge gained over the past fortnight going into the first Test on February 6. “We had a good look at the Indian seam attack. Clearly the conditions will be a little different, especially in the first innings of the game,” Hesson said. “The Indian seamers are

good bowlers, especially if there is a little bit in the wicket. We have got to prepare accordingly, obviously quick change in format so we need to make that shift. Our openers are coming in off some form domestically, so hopefully they can set the tone for us.” Hesson said that even though the formats were different, New Zealand would approach the Tests with belief on the back of what they had just achieved in the ODIs. “There will definitely be some confidence within the group that we can compete with these guys and they are a good side. But we know it is a different format. A few new faces but we will certainly take some confidence into the series.” (ESPN Cricinfo)

India’s batsmen pulled and hooked once too often in the one-day series.

Pakistan batsman Umar held over alleged assault (REUTERS) - Pakistan Test batsman Umar Akmal has been detained by police for questioning after being accused of assaulting a police warden in his hometown of Lahore. The case has been registered at the Gulberg police station in whose jurisdiction the alleged incident happened yesterday. “He violated a traffic signal and when he was stopped by the traffic warden he misbehaved with him, got abusive and also tore his shirt,” senior police official Tariq Aziz told reporters yesterday. Aziz said physically assaulting and tearing the shirt of a police officer was a serious violation. “He is presently detained at the police station for questioning,” he added. However, Umar, 23, denied the charges and told reporters that the traffic warden had slapped him and abused him over a minor issue. “His behaviour was inappropriate to say the least. I came to the police station to register a complaint and instead they have detained

Umar Akmal

me,” he added. Umar, who has appeared in 16 tests, 89 one day internationals and 52 Twenty 20 matches, is regarded as one of the most exciting young talents in Pakistan cricket. The younger brother of Test players Kamran and Adnan Akmal, Umar claimed the incident was captured on CCTV cameras at the traffic signal and the footage will make it clear who was the aggrieved and guilty parties. Umar’s family also blamed the police for stopping him from applying for bail yesterday as the court had closed for the day by the time he was taken there for the hearing. “The police on purpose delayed taking him to the magistrate so we couldn’t get bail for him now he might have to spend the night in lockup,” his father Muhammad Akmal said. Muhammad said the three charges registered against his son carried jail sentences of three months to two years and a fine.


SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014

RHTYSC/GBTI Secondary Schools tournament bowls off with impressive Ceremony THE first edition of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club GBTI Inter Secondary School tournament bowled off last Thursday with a highly impressive opening ceremony at the Area “H” ground. All of the seven schools taking part in the tournament turned up with their Under- 15 and females team and was involved in a colourful Anti-drugs and suicide march. The seven teams carried educational banners and posters promoting the Say No to Drugs and Yes to Life message and also shouted out impressive slogans as they marched pass GBTI Port Mourant Branch Manager Ghoeblall

Mahadeo, who took the march pass salute. Secretary/CEO of the RHTYSC Hilbert Foster in brief remarks to the assembled cricketers advised them to stay in school, develop a culture of respect and discipline and most importantly to always Say No to Drugs. He described life as a gift from God and urged the youths to never consider suicide, as any problem they would face is temporary and would go away with time. The veteran cricket administrator called on all fourteen teams to play the tournament in good spirits and to be proper ambassadors for their respective schools.

The winning JCCSS team

Man-of-the-Match Sayaad Baksh Foster also expressed gratitude to the management and staff of GBTI for their sponsorship of the tournament. Corentyne Secondary School was adjudged the best march pass team with their impressive banner and placards while J.C Chandisingh Sec-

Record cricket crowds flock to see Australia’s summer of success over England ENGLAND’S cricket agony is almost over - but Australian cricket fans have certainly enjoyed its descent to levels of mediocrity rarely seen from any touring team, rocking up in record numbers. The 64,385 crowd at Friday night’s Twenty20 international at the MCG made it the best-attended international and domestic cricket season ever, taking the total turnstile turnover to 1,636,292. That beats the 1,618,115 benchmark set in the 2006-07 season, when England also was the visitor - and there are still a men’s and a women’s T20 match in Sydney today, the Big Bash finals and the second half of the Sheffield Shield to come. The figure takes in the five Ashes Tests, the five one-day internationals, two (of three) T20s, the Big Bash, Sheffield Shield and the Ryobi Cup domestic one-day competition, plus the matches in various formats played for the women’s Ashes, which England won The box-office highlight was the 91,112 crowd at the first day of the Boxing Day Test, breaking the world record 90,800 set at the same ground against the West Indies in 1961. And with the one-day World Cup headed this way next summer, CA was delighted that the average attendance at the ODIs, 30,693, was the highest for seven years, defying widespread suggestions that the format was struggling to survive. According to Cricket Australia, TV ratings across all formats and viewing audiences of inhouse digital products also reached new heights. The Big Bash has also been a big hit in every way. The preliminary matches have been attended by 605,708, up 36 per cent on last year, when the matches were played earlier in the summer.

A record crowd of 91,112 watched the first day of the Boxing Day Test.

ondary School was 3rd. In the female ten overs tape ball match Corentyne Comprehensive Secondary led by national female cricketer Plaffina Millington thrashed JC Chandisingh by 23 runs to advance to the semifinals. Batting first CCHS amassed 80 for 4 off their allotted ten overs with Millington topscoring with 33 not out with five boundaries while Whitney Poyer and Tatyana Blair both supported with ten each. Bowling for JC Chandisingh Secondary Zian Yarrick took 2 wickets for one run. In reply, JCCSS was restricted

to 57 for 7 with Lisa Yorrick topscoring with 12. Tatyana Blair returned with the ball to claim 2 for 9 for CCHS. Later in the day, JCCSS got sweet revenge when their Under- 15 team got past CCHS by 39 runs in a match reduced to 20 overs due to rain. Batting first JCCSS rattled up 115 all out in 19.5 overs as S.purbaskh top scored with 37 (2 boundaries) and received support from Kevin Hooper 15 and Vitendra Kumar 13. Bowling for CCHS Avinash Ramnarine took 3 for 19, EmanuelSeecharran 2 for 8, and Ronald Rowe 2 for 27.

In return CCHS were bundled out for 76 as only Surendra Budhoo with 24 and Seecharran with 12 offered any resistance to Sayaad Pir baksh who had the remarkable bowling figures of 6 for 16 from 4 overs. Coordinator of the tournament Moonish Singh stated that the RHTYSC was delighted at the launching of the tournament and also the high standard of play. He expressed pleasure at the high turn out of spectators at the matches with all three Pavilions in the Area “H” Ground packed to capacity.

International Six win SPR three-way dominoes DESPITE going down by two games in the third and final leg of the SPR sponsored three-way aggregate dominoes tournament, which climaxed at the Everest Cricket Club on Wednesday, International Still Six still emerged overall winners in a hotly contested affair. Entering the leg with a comfortable lead over rivals Zeelugt and Canal Six with the scores reading: International Six 150, Canal Six 145 and Zeelugt 143, the latter triumphed with 79 games with International Six ending on 77 and Camal Six trailing on 68. Zeelugt’s win however wasn’t good enough for them to finish in the winners row as International Six took top honours with 227 games, Zeelugt occupying the second spot on 222 and Canal Six ending in the cellar on 213. Skipper Boodnarine Persaud led from the front with the maximum 18 games for Zeelugt while Robin Persaud and Baleam Sammy supported with 16 and 15 games respectively. International Six top markers were Ron Callender with 15 games, Intikab “Corbie” Ali 14 and Martin Permaul and Colin Hicken with 13 each. Ramroop Sukhai, Mahase Sangiwan and Parmanand Ramdial marked 13 games each for Canal Six while Chibal Seopaul was the lone lovebird. Both the winning first runner-up teams were recipient of trophies. The three top players in the winning team also received prizes and they were Intikab Ali with 43 games, Ron Callender 41 and Edmund Sammy 38. Prizes were also awarded to the two best players in the second team – Boodnarine Persaud with 43 games and Robin Persaud 40 as well as Parmanand Dindial of Canal who made 28 games in two legs for an average of 14.

SPONSOR Scotty Patel Ramroop (right) of SPR Enterprise hands over the winning trophy to International Six skipper Manniram “Packer” Shew in the presence of other members of the victorious team

SUNDAY CHRONICLE February 2, 2014


Has Alvin Johnson’s wishes for Sarwan to come big come true or is it too early to call? Asks Calvin Roberts in Trinidad (Compliments of Ansa McAl, Regal Stationery, Wartsilla, Romaine Car Wash, F&H Printing, Berbice River Bridge and GT&T “I WOULD just hope that Sarwan can come to the party. I think this tournament would be a decisive one for Ramnaresh Sarwan and the West Indies still need Sarwan, but Sarwan needs to be the Sarwan we know of old. His commitment to date has been good and we are looking forward for him to do well.” Those were the words of Malta Supreme Guyana team manager Alvin Johnson, in the early days of the team’s encampment and preparation period for the West Indies Cricket Board/NAGICO Super50 tournament which is presently being played in Trinidad and Tobago. Asked to comment on Alvin Johnson’s statement during a net session at the Everest Cricket Club ground, the 33 year- old Ramnaresh Sarwan, who has to date played 215 first class matches where he has scored 13, 221 runs at an average of 39.11 with 33 tons said, “As long as I am playing I still think I have a chance of representing the West Indies and the people of this country and that is my ultimate goal.” Represent he did and in fine style too, as the former Guyana and West Indies skipper rolled back the years when he earned the tag of ‘World’s Best Finisher’, by blasting an authoritative and unbeaten 62 balls 89 against Ireland in Guyana’s mammoth 301 for 3, an innings that was

decorated with 10 fours and four sixes. That innings was preceded by a foundation of 129 for the first wicket between Shivnarine Chanderpaul and Trevon Griffith, who both made half centuries, while skipper Christopher Barnwell and Leon Johnson also chipped in with robust innings of their own. “Of course we had a wonderful start from Shiv and young Griffith, so it was just a matter of trying to continue with the momentum, even though we did not have the kind of Power Play that we wanted, as we lost Shiv during that period” said Sarwan in an invited comment after picking up the Man- of- theMatch award. He added, “Barnwell and myself gained some momentum coming out of the Power Play and we were able to ignite, while young Leon Johnson came to the wicket when Barnwell was dismissed and played pretty well for the team.” Kevin O’Brien, who ended with 3 for 56, removed Chanderpaul with his final delivery of the first over in the second Power Play that Sarwan referred to, only for Sarwan and Barnwell to add 65 for the third wicket from 6 overs, at a strike rate of 10.50 runs per over. When Barnwell was dismissed in the 44th over-43.3 overs to be exact, Sarwan and Leon Johnson joined forces to add 76 valuable runs from the remaining 6.3 overs, pushing Malta Supreme Guyana to their eventual total, which in itself is the highest Regional List A score at the Queen’s Park Oval. That total surpassed Jamaica’s 282 for 5 made against defending champions, and Guy-

Guyana’s 301, Sarwan said that while the runs scored were done heavily, once the bowlers bowl smart, they would be able to restrict teams. “I don’t think that if you bat first or second it would make much of a difference, but I think that if you put the bowlers under pressure as well and you are able to execute, then that is a major factor as well, taking into consideration the number of fielders who will be allowed out of the circle at one time. I just think it is a matter of trying to execute your game plan and hopefully once you can do it on the day, then you would be able to score,” posited Sarwan. He said the Guyanese, who last claimed a regional List A title in 2005, had a total of 270 in

Well done Ronnie! A smiling Ramnaresh Sarwan proudly displays his Man- of- the- Match trophy, after his swashbuckling innings against Ireland last Friday afternoon. (Photo courtesy flickr. com/windiescricket.) was one of those days when everything seems to be hitting ana’s next opponents Windward the middle.” Islands, on the opening day of He added, “Generally I the tournament, on a day when thought it was a team effort from the Queen’s Park Oval was hosteveryone, because if you looked ing its 100 List A fixture. from number one to everyone Reflecting on his innings, who batted, everyone chipped Sarwan said, “The situation in, with young Johnson playing called for someone to try and well at the bottom so hopefully accelerate the total and fortuwe can continue with the same nately for me today, the shots form in our remaining matches.’ I played came off, so it was Asked to comment on the just a matter of getting a team previous scores that were made total and at the same time on the pitch, namely Jamaica’s try and execute the shots the 282, Windward Islands 268 and best way you can and today

The Guyana Marathon! Can it be revived? By Clifford Stanley HEADLINES of the Guiana Graphic newspapers dated March 12, 1956 screamed: CLEM FIELDS WINS MARATHON-BEATS ISHMAEL BY 880 YARDS. Written by Sports Journalist Cedric Wiltshire the story continued: “Three hours and a second after yesterday’s marathon started it was over . And as predicted Clem Fields of Rose Hall Estate was the winner. Although finishing 880 yards behind, H Ishmael (Sandbach Parker ) was considered a good second. A scientific fact is that distance is the only type of running in which humans routinely outperform most mammals. Animals can run faster but none can endure for twenty six miles.

Four time female marathon runner Alika Morgan and her Coach Leslie Black. athlete, male or female, to run the distance. The 26.2 miles road race is Wiltshire’s report of a truly mythic race. March 12, 1956 continued: It has been described as the “Fields hinted that he was perfect distance to truly test the hugoing to make the pace a man physiology ; to test the amount blistering one. But as things of fuel in the human gas tanks. turned out he could not get the The marathon, worldwide, rid of Ishmael. is a race thoroughly enjoyed In fact, it was Ishmael by spectators who are awed by who dictated the pace for the the magnitude of the physical first eleven miles. and mental toughness and It was for the next fifteen the heroism required by the

miles that Fields, the stronger of the two, took complete charge and won convincingly amidst tumultuous applause. Crowds lined the entire route and there were big cheers for every athlete as he passed. Naturally the crowd was thickest at the Seawall Bandstand where there was a deafening roar as Fields approached – a solitary figure. It was not very long after that Ishmael was spotted and he too was given a big ovation.” From the tone of the report it can be concluded that the late 1950s were arguably the glory days of the marathon race in Guyana. Historically, the marathon race is based on the legend of Pheidippides, a hero of Ancient Greece. The story is that in the year 490 B.C., an invading Persian Army landed on the plains of Marathon and

See Page 35

mind, but were able to get past that and reached 301, even as he showered praise on the bowling of Paul Wintz, who snared 3 for 30 to help rock the Irish batting early in their innings. Malta Supreme Guyana enjoyed a rest day yesterday, but will be at the National Cricket Centre in Couva from 0:900hrs today, while tomorrow they return to the outdoor facility at the Queen’s Park Oval at the same time for another session, ahead of their game against Windward Islands on Tuesday. We don’t know if it is early days to call on Alvin Johnson’s wishes, for only time will tell, but for now Sarwan has shown he is hungry for runs and intends to do well for Guyana.

Trophy Stall sponsors RHTYSC Tape ball competition for primary schools in the New Amsterdam/ Canje THE cricket development committee of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club continues to attract sponsorship for youth cricket at the school level . Following on the heels of the launching of the GBTI tournaments for Under- 15 and female cricketers in the Lower Corentyne area, the club last Tuesday launched a tape ball competition for primary schools in the New Amsterdam/ Canje/East Bank area. Managing Director of the popular Trophy Stall Ramesh Sunich handed over a set of trophies and medals for the tournament to office manager of the RHTYSC Moonish Singh in the showroom of the company recently opened store, based on South Road, Bourda. Singh who is also head of the RHTYSC Cricket Development Committee stated that the main objectives of the tournament are to promote cricket as a safe avenue for children, identify new talents for the future and to promote the ‘Say no to drugs and yes to

education” message . The winning team would receive a trophy and medals for its entire fourteen man squad while the runners up and the man of the finals would also receive trophies. Members of each finalists will each receive a collection of books as part of the RHTYSC “Yes to reading” programmes. Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster stated that in 2014, the RHTYSC would be placing special emphasis on school cricket. He expressed gratitude to Mr. Sunich and the management of Trophy stall for their continued support of the RHTYSC and its activities. Sunich in brief remarks stated that he was pleased to be associated with the RHTYSC which he described as a model organisation for others to emulate. He expressed confidence that the trophy stall primary school tape ball tournament would be successful and like everything the RHTYSC organises would achieve its objectives.

Trophy Stall boss Ramesh Sunich hands over trophy to Moonish Singh.


The Chronicle is at

Niles captures NSC Mash feature cycle race event See Story on Page 35

CCC demolishes Leewards by 160 runs

PORT- of- Spain, Trinidad - The Combined Campuses and Colleges got their 2014 NAGICO Super50 tournament off to a rollicking start, condemning the Leeward Islands to a heavy 160 run defeat at the Queen’s Park Oval last night. CCC posted a competitive 240 all out from their 50 overs after winning the toss and electing to bat. There were good partnerships right through the innings. Anthony Alleyne top scored for the College students with 54 while there were also valuable contributions down the CCC batting order. Garvin Tonge and Anthony Martin both took three wickets each for the Leewards. In response, the Leeward Islands were blown away by the CCC pacers. Kesrick Williams sent Kieran Powell back to the pavilion on the first ball, then Kyle Mayers supported well from the other end. Raymon Reifer bowled with pace and aggression and contributed much to the collapse of the Leeward Islands. The chase never got going, and the result look inevitable a few overs into the chase. The Leewards were rolled over for 80 all out from 24.5 overs. Kyle Mayers finished with 4-15 while Raymon Reifer had 3-15. CCC won by 160 runs and gained a bonus point in addition to the four for their win. Summary Scores: CCC Innings: 240 All Out (49.5 Overs). Anthony Alleyne 44, Chadwick Walton 30, Kyle Corbin 29, Raymon Reifer 29; A Martin 10-2-33-3, L Baker 10-0-60-1, G Tonge 6.5-0-43-3, J Athanaze 10-1-36-1. Leeward Islands Innings: 80 All Out (24.5 Overs). Lionel Baker 31, Anthony Martin 16, KyleMayers 8.4-0-15-4, Raymon Reifer 6-0-15-3, Kesrick Williams 7-0-29-1, Kavem Hodge 1-06-0.

Winners in the various categories of the National Sports Commission’s 11-race cycle programme strike a pose for photographer Adrian Narine after receiving their prizes yesterday.

GPF and GDF win at Joint Services annual Cross Country Championships THE Guyana Police Force (GPF) won first place in the male category, while the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) won the female category of the Joint Services Annual Cross Country

The winning Guyana Police Force team after their victory

Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208

Championships which was held last Friday in Timehri. With the win going to the team with the least points, the Police men accrued 14 points to arrest first place in the men’s category, while with 22 points the Guyana Defence Force won second place, City Constabulary had 46 points to manage third. The Guyana Prison Service with 79 points, and the Guyana fire service with 87 points came fourth and fifth respectively. In the female category, GDF won by one point after finishing with 10 points while the GPF finished with 11. The CC team had 30 points and the GPS ended with 42 points. Stretching 10km, the male race began behind the South Dakota Race Circuit and was won by the first team to have four of its athletes cross the finish line. The female race ran 6.8km and was won by the team to have the first two females to cross the finishing line. Each team was allowed a maximum of six males and 4 females. The event saw the participation of 29 males and 16 females. Overall the men’s race was won by GDF’s Cleveland Forde, while the female race was won by Jack . GPF’s win was led by Nathaniel Giddings, and Kelvin Bailey, who, respectively, came second and third overall. Rounding out the GPF team was Dennis Horatio, Revon Grant, Trevor Scotland, and Winston George. For the female team the GPF had Shion Boyer, Jonella Jonas, Keisha Grimes and Nadine Rodrigues. Boyer finished second overall for the female race which was won by a GDF athlete. This Saturday the men and women of the forces will be at it again when they compete in the annual Joint Services Road Relay, which is set to start off in front of police training school on Young Street. The race will go all the way up to UG Road before turning back to Georgetown and ending at the Police Sports Club Ground. Participating teams will comprise four males and six females. (Tamica Garnett).


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