Guyana chronicle 31 01 14

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GUYANA No. 103725


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Speaker must ensure those in his charge comply with Constitution

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...AG Nandlall says following High Court ruling that Opposition has no power to cut National Budget At CELAC meet in Havana...


President Ramotar calls for common database for Caribbean, Latin America Allegedly violated teen mounts rooftop protest to plead his case - Uses Police Consumers Complex on Robb Street to his advantage Centre

Taking Nicholas off the roof and down the ladder (Photos by Sonell Nelson)

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar

At Corentyne meeting…

Police top brass pledges to eradicate drug houses

Commissioner Brumell at the Tuesday meeting with the residents on the Corentyne Coast (Photos by Leroy Smith)

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Dispute over rice field leaves two 12 dead, three injured


Armed guard at Russian Embassy commits suicide

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Speaker must ensure those in his charge comply with Constitution

...AG Nandlall says following High Court ruling that Opposition has no power to cut National Budget

ATTORNEY General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, has issued a statement expressing regret that lawyers who appeared for the Speaker and the Opposition Leader in the recently concluded constitutional challenge to the 2012 Budget cuts have indicated their intention to cut the 2014 National Budget, in the face of a ruling by the Chief Justice that the Constitution does not give them

the power to do so. The Attorney General says it is the role of the Speaker to ensure that those under his charge comply with the Constitution, as declared by its guardian, the Judiciary. Following is the full text of the statement issued yesterday by Minister Nandlall: “I view with deep regret, and indeed, with profound concern, the pronouncements emanating from lawyers who

appeared in the recently concluded constitutional challenge to the cuts inflicted on the 2012 Budget. I refer to the lawyers who appeared for the Speaker and the Leader of the Opposition, respectively, and who, significantly, are important leaders in both of the two major opposition parties in the National Assembly. In essence, they have indicated the intention of their respective parties, to cut the

2014 Budget despite the clear, definitive and final pronouncement of the Chief Justice that the Opposition have no power under the Constitution or at law

pronouncement is. This is an elementary principle which harbours no exception whatsoever. It is designed to protect and maintain the integrity of



to do so. In fact, and on the contrary, these very lawyers ought to be the ones advising their clients and other members of their parties, who are not lawyers, what the legal position is when a Court of law has pronounced on a matter of law. Of course, I am assuming that they themselves know what the position is. Although, I believe that they ought to know, one can never be sure. The position is, unless and until, a pronouncement made by a Court is set aside by another Court of competent jurisdiction, that pronouncement must be obeyed and respected by all, irrespective how wrong one may feel that

the administration of justice, the rule of law, and indeed the entire society. In this instance, the contumacious and contemptuous disregard for the judicial pronouncements is not coming from the ordinary citizen but from law-makers themselves, who are also political leaders. If these constitutionally and politically highly placed persons advocate and protagonise disrespect and disregard for judicial pronouncements, what message and what signal are they sending to the ordinary man. Why should he obey Court orders or the law, when those who make the law and who hold high political office, flaunt and

flout them. The Doctrine of Separation of Powers devolves onto the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary clearly delineated and defined powers and functional responsibilities. The Constitution recites them in its provisions. Each of these organs is expected to operate within their respective provinces and not to trespass on to the territorial power and responsibility of the other. Importantly, they must discharge their functions independently but with reciprocal comity. What will happen if the Judiciary is to reciprocate tomorrow and refuse to interpret the laws passed by the Legislature. Chaos and anarchy shall be the natural consequences. Moreover, the criticisms levelled against the Honourable Chief Justice for his ruling are not only wrong and baseless but are callous and undignified. Indeed, they are capable of being construed as an attack on the independence and integrity of the Judiciary. Those who are aggrieved are free to pursue an appeal against the ruling. Attacking and scandalising the judge is unlawful as it is distasteful. In these challenging circumstances, the Speaker of the National Assembly has a pivotal role to play. As the authority in charge of the National Assembly, it is his responsibility to ensure that those under his charge comply with the Constitution as declared and pronounced by its guardian, the Judiciary. From this responsibility he cannot resile. He, himself, is a creature of the Constitution. The power he enjoys is derived from the Constitution. One can only hope that he protects and does not desecrate or aid and abet the desecration of his creator - the Constitution.�

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

At Corentyne meeting…

Police top brass pledges to eradicate drug houses

Commissioner Brumell at the Tuesday meeting with the residents on the Corentyne Coast (Photos by Leroy Smith ) By Leroy Smith ASSISTANT Commissioner (Administration) Balram Persaud, on Tuesday, promised residents of Upper Corentyne, Berbice, that, notwithstanding the time it may take, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) will bring down all the drug houses in that Division. He added that the first order of business would be those in the Sub-Division Two of the Police ‘B’ Division. Persaud gave the undertaking while on an outreach with Commissioner Leroy Brumell, after residents charged that ranks of the Number 51 Police Station were involved in criminal activities. The Assistant Commissioner pointed out that just as the ‘Buxton Five’ and the ‘Fine Man’ gang were able to reign for a period and finally brought to their knees by the GPF, so, too, will all the drug lords and houses in the Berbice Division crumble. He declared that the Force will, at anytime, any place and with all lawful means necessary, fight drug dealers and invade their space. However, the process could

be hurtful for some of the very persons who are calling for the removal and eradication of the drug lords and their operational sanctuaries, since they might have relatives who benefit from or work along with the pushers. Against that backdrop, Persaud challenged the residents to come forward and give the police evidence and cooperate with them on this issue while urging them to understand the damage to their families, should drug dealers and sanctuaries continue to have a presence in their communities. DISGUSTING TREND One resident told the police that it continues to be a disgusting trend and sight of teenagers and young men appearing in court with drug offences while the bigger fishes go untouched, recruit more youngsters and continue to ply their trade without fear of the law. The person even went as far as to suggest that the drug lords and dealers have very close association with many law enforcement officers in whatever area they operate their illegal business. Persaud recalled that he once served in the division, as

Commander, and at the time when he left, there was a bitter sweet relation between the police and residents. He vowed that the toes of many will be stepped on during the drug eradication process, including some of those who were present at the Tuesday meeting. “All the drug houses within the Police Sub-Division Two will be feeling the full brunt of the law,” Persaud reiterated. He maintained his call for support to the police, pointing out that the children who will be affected, once the campaign begins, are not those of police officers in Georgetown but of the Berbice communities. Persaud said, should the drug houses not be eradicated, then there will be several negative spinoffs and those include their children, junkies and illegal activities by those persons who have to commit certain acts to sustain their habit or craving. Hence the need for the police to receive the support

The gathering on Tuesday who was addressed by the Assistant Commissioner Balram Persaud among others of the residents and, if that is not achieved, then the residents would only have themselves to blame for the unfortunate incidents during the exercises. He admitted that the Force is operating at 20 percent less than the total number of ranks required but said that is not preventing it from doing its work and will not allow it to facilitate rogue cops in the system. The senior police officer disclosed that several ranks across the country are being investigated for various allegations made against them, others are before the courts and some already jailed for their transgressions. He extended an invitation to young people who are 18 years and older to join the GPF and become members.



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Suicide bombers storm Iraq ministry building, 24 killed

(Reuters) - SIX suicide bombers burst into an Iraqi ministry building, took hostages and killed at least 24 people including themselves on Thursday before security forces regained control, security officials said. The brazen attack on the building belonging to the Ministry of Transportation in northeast Baghdad coincided with a month-long standoff between the Iraqi army and anti-government fighters in the western province of Anbar. No group claimed responsibility but suicide bombings in Iraq are the trademark of al-Qaeda linked groups. State buildings are a target for the Islamic State of Iraq and the

Levant (ISIL) and its allies that have been regaining momentum in a campaign to destabilize the Shi’ite Muslim-led government. A senior security source said the six militants took a number of hostages, most of them members of the Facilities Protection Service, and killed nine of them inside the building, which was used to receive visiting delegations. Four bombers detonated their explosives vests during the assault, a fifth was shot dead by security forces and the last died shortly after being shot, according to security officials. “The level of security measures in the building was less than normal because it is a service building and not a sensitive

site,” another senior security official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. A further 50 people were wounded in the attack. An Interior Ministry statement gave out a lower death toll - eight, including the six suicide bombers. Security officials blamed ISIL for the attack and said they expected more in Baghdad in the coming days to distract the security forces and reduce pressure on their militants in the Anbar cities of Falluja and eastern Ramadi. The Sunni Muslim ISIL, backed by tribal fighters who resent the government, seized control of the two cities in the Sunni-dominated province of Anbar, bordering Syria, on Jan-

uary 1. Iraqi government forces have since surrounded Falluja. It is the first time Sunni militants have exercised such open control in Iraqi cities since the height of the insurgency that followed the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that overthrew Dictator Saddam Hussein. Shi’ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has asked for international support and arms to help combat al Qaeda, which has been invigorated by the civil war in neighboring Syria, where it is also active. The U.N. refugee agency said the standoff in Fallujah has driven more than 140,000 people from their homes, describing it as the largest displacement in Iraq since the sectarian slaughter that climaxed in 2006-07.

Montreal Metro has 68 stations on four lines

Woman dies as escalator catches her scarf on Montreal Metro

(BBC News) A COMMUTER has died after her scarf was caught in an escalator at a Montreal Metro station. The unidentified 48-year-old woman was found dead at the bottom of the moving staircase at Fabre station in the north of the Canadian city. Her hair was also apparently caught in the escalator in Thursday morning’s incident. Montreal police said they would work with the coroner’s office to determine the circumstances of the fatality. Police spokesman Jean-Pierre Brabant told reporters: “What we know now is that the woman’s scarf was caught in the escalator. “When she bent over to try to get the scarf out, her hair was also caught.”

US ‘concern’ at Syria chemical weapons delay (BBC News) THE US says only around 4% of the chemical weapons declared by the Syrian government has been removed. Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said he was “concerned” that the UN-backed plan to remove Syria’s chemical arsenal was behind schedule. Mr Hagel told reporters in Poland that Damascus “had to take responsibility for fulfilling its commitment”. Delegates from Syria’s government and opposition have attended peace talks in Geneva for a sixth day. UN mediator Lakhdar Bra-

himi told reporters that there had been both tense and promising moments. He said a minute’s silence was held by the delegations on Thursday for all those killed in the conflict, which began in March 2011. In a separate development, a report from Human Rights Watch has accused the Syrian government of “deliberately and unlawfully” demolishing thousands of homes in opposition strongholds. The organisation said this was “collective punishment of communities suspected of supporting the rebellion”. Syria’s chemical weapon

Norway and Denmark are providing transport for Syria’s weapons from the port of Latakia

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stockpiles are due to be removed and destroyed by 30 June. Mr Hagel said he had asked the Russian defence minister to try to influence the Syrian government to comply with the agreement. The first consignment of 16 tonnes, from two Syrian sites, left the port of Latakia on 7 January. A further shipment left on 27 January, according to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The international watchdog, which is overseeing the destruction of Syria’s chemical arsenal, is meeting in The Hague to discuss the operation’s progress. That meeting is likely to continue into Friday given “the gravity of the situation,” a spokesman told the BBC. In a statement to the OPCW, the US ambassador to the body, Robert Mikulak, said “the effort to remove chemical agent and key precursor chemicals from Syria has seriously languished and stalled”. “The spotlight now is on Syria to proceed without further delay to comply with its obligations and make this effort a success,” he added.

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Ecuador former police chief Nurse found Edgar Vaca arrested in the US dead in car trunk

(BBC News) POLICE in the United States have arrested former Ecuadorean police commander Edgar Vaca, who is accused of human rights abuses.

The interior minister in Quito issued a statement saying that the retired general was arrested in Washington and will be extradited to Ecuador. Mr Vaca and nine other

officers have been accused of kidnapping and torturing three left-wing rebels in 1985. He denies all the charges. An international arrest order had been issued for Mr Vaca.

Nine army officers and one police general were charged in the landmark case

Ready to assist US in $644m cocaine probe …Ramlogan on extradition requests

(Trinidad Express) ATTORNEY General Anand Ramlogan said yesterday he stands ready and willing to assist the United States in its investigations into the $644 million cocaine bust and any extradition requests. He was responding to questions from the media on whether US authorities have made any extradition requests with respect to the seizure. The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is in Trinidad and Tobago investigating the US$100 million cocaine

bust in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, which originated from Trinidad and Tobago. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) officers seized 732 pounds of cocaine concealed in cans bearing the labels of Trinidad Orange and Grapefruit juices at the Port of Norfolk on December 20 last year. Ramlogan said he cannot comment on the matter as he did not want to prejudice investigations . He said normal procedure would take place whereby there would be requests for bank re-

cords and personal information. Ramlogan said once investigators complete the picture in that “investigative jigsaw puzzle” then they will send an extradition request. He said his office will look to determine whether there was any pending charge against the subject and whether the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) would comment on the matter. “In all circumstances I would then have to exercise my discretion in accordance with the law to see whether or not I would sign the extradition order to have that person extradited,” said Ramlogan.

Sharing pornographic material involving children could land you in jail (Jamaica Gleaner) THE Office of The Children’s Advocate is reminding the public that the sharing of child pornographic material is a criminal offence. The Office says the warning comes in light of reports of the circulation of pornographic content involving school girls from a rural-based school on popular social media site Facebook. Children’s Advocate, Diahann Gordon Harrison, stresses that this practice must stop as it is not only dehumanising, but also erodes the moral fabric of society. Diahann Gordon Harrison says it is distressing to learn that there are persons in society, particularly adults, who are sharing and posting child pornographic material. She emphasise that this act is intolerable, illegal and unacceptable. Under the Child Pornography (Prevention) Act a person who knowingly distributes, produces, advertises, imports or exports child pornography commits an offence. Such a person is liable to be fined or imprisoned for a term not exceeding fifteen years, or both. The Office of The Children’s Advocate is recommending that parents, guardians, and caregivers have frank and age appropriate discussions with their children about sexual activity.

He was detained on Monday at the request of Interpol, but the news was only confirmed by the Ecuadorean government on Wednesday. The alleged violations were committed under the government of late President Leon Febres Cordero, who was in power from 1984 to 1988. The three victims - Susana Cajas, Javier Jarrin and Luis Vaca - were detained in November 1985 for alleged links to an underground opposition group, the Eloy Alfaro Popular Armed Forces. “They were tortured, beaten, and submitted to particularly sadistic forms of torture, including electric shocks to their genitals,” said chief prosecutor Galo Chiriboga. In October, they gave details of their ordeal at a landmark trial in Quito, attended by Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino and human rights activists from across Latin America. Mr Chiriboga requested the arrest of 10 retired police and army officers, including Mr Vaca, who escaped to the US. The director of the Prosecutor’s Office Truth Commission, Fidel Jaramillo, said at the time that crimes against humanity in Ecuador only began to be investigated in 2007, when left-wing President Rafael Correa came into power.

By SUSAN MOHAMMED (Trinidad Express) A NURSE was discovered dead in the trunk of her car at the San Fernando General Hospital yesterday. Jaya Dubay-Ramrattan, 32, had been reported missing since Friday. Dubay-Ramrattan, of Wilson Road, Clarke Road, Penal, was found by crime scene investigators who were examining her Hyundai Elantra. Dubay-Ramrattan had worked at the St Ann’s Hospital and at a private hospital in Cocorite. The Express was told that a neighbour of Dubay-Ramrattan, who knew she had been missing went to the hospital and saw the vehicle in the car park. He informed her relatives, who in turn, informed the police. According to police, at around 4 a.m. police officers towed the vehicle to the Barrackpore Police Station. At the police station when CSI opened

FOUND DEAD: Jaya Dubay-Ramrattan the trunk of the car, they found Dubay-Ramrattan’s body. Police said that a relative of Dubay-Ramrattan went to the St James Police Station and reported her missing. He told police that on Friday, he received a text from her telling him that she was going to lime with other nurses. He said after several days, she did not return home. He told police that he went to her workplace in search of her, but was told that she did not report for duty for several days. An autopsy is expected to be performed on her body today.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014


Misapplied dominion over persons appointed to manage EDITORIAL

Health tourism

An ambulance service is a most critical part of a country’s health care delivery system. Though known traditionally to respond to serious incidents such as crashes and other related types, this service is available on a 24 hour basis; is of an emergency nature that is also mandated to answer calls relating to maternity, persons falling ill suddenly, and even those who may have been ailing at home for some time, but whose condition, deteriorating, necessitate urgent medical intervention. Even those, whose, condition do not really require this emergency mode of transportation, also request such a service, on the belief that they will have instant medical attention. This explains partly, why the triage system has been established, to determine patients’ physical condition for immediate medical intervention, or not. The state health system has been given a further boost in keeping with its programme of ensuring the health of citizens, with the recent acquisition of seven ambulances costing $59.5M. These vehicles have been distributed as follows: two to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation; one each to the hospitals at Charity, Region 2; Leonora, Region 3; Fort Wellington, Region 5; Port Mourant, Region 6; and Linden, Region 10. The manner of distribution is testimony to a detail plan in ensuring the even distribution of resources to the regions, according to those communities services that will enhance timely response and intervention measures, necessary for those in need. Far too many times, there have been cases of very ill persons whose lives may have been saved but for a lack of both prompt transportation and medical attention. These emergency vehicles, it is reported, will have on board at least a doctor and a nurse, who will be trained in the different aspects of acute medicine in order to manage critical cases in critical and emergency situations. This will greatly assist in reducing such a likelihood. Without dispute, the national health system, of which the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation is its central point, is now offering services, which citizens could have only imagined about two decades ago. Though still a process in transition, the modernisation of the country’s national health system continues, with each improvement, whether in procedure, trained personnel, or service, designed to deliver quality and timely health care to those in need. Being the recipient of the second largest budgetary allocation after Education, this sector, allocated $19.2B for 2013, continues to justify the exponential sums invested in its grand mission of taking care of the physical and mental challenges and needs of the nation. The launching of Guyana Health Vision 2013-2020 late last year, signals a sector that has grown in quality, and is now ready to break new grounds in national health care, by unveiling a comprehensive plan that aims at making persons resident in Guyana, foreigners too, the healthiest in the Caribbean and the Americas by the year 2020. The aim is to put the country’s health service at an international level. This is quite laudable, with citizens benefitting from A-class medical services. This innovation, coupled with the proposed Specialty Hospital holds tremendous possibilities for the development of health tourism. Guyanese can now look forward to being better served by a much improved ambulance service, and being healthier with Health Vision 2020.

IN HIS glowing tribute delivered on January 15, 2014, which I consider a must-read by those craving excellent prose laced with a sumptuous dose of West Indian flavour, Mr. Rafiq Khan bemoaned, “Terry (Holder) had to contend with a CBU Board forthcoming with directives to the Secretary-General but backsliding with resources. Yet he made the best with what he could muster, while becoming the convenient football for Board members who preened themselves on the presumption that by making demands, they had done their work.” The foregoing statement has a familiar ring to many who have held responsibility for day-to-day management (including human and material resources), while being accountable to a Board as part of the governance architecture of certain organisations. Further, the quote highlights the often undetected, counterproductive tendency by some members of policymaking bodies of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and even some public sector agencies, to display a propensity for misapplied dominion over persons appointed to manage. I refer to members, inclusive of Chairpersons/Presidents of Committees of Management, Non-executive Boards, Councils, Project Steering Committees etc., who want to only exhibit these discouraging traits over Executive Secretaries, Executive Directors, Managers, Directors, Managing Directors, Chief Executive Officers, Project Managers and the like.

Electricity theft by big businesses is a norm RELATIVE to Prime Minister Sam Hinds’ statement that the Guyana Power and Light Inc. remains challenged by commercial losses averaging a total of 30 per cent, of which commercial losses account for between 16 and 17 per cent, I wonder if it is only now PM Sam Hinds is discovering that big businesspeople are thieves, be it electricity, water, or goods and services? Wealthy businesspeople sit there at nights with their little light bulb in their brain thinking and plotting how to enhance their already fat profits. They steal electricity; they steal water; they steal gas; they price their goods and services in accordance with the US Dollar. They do not pay their taxes; they pay bribes. The list is endless. Do they pay their employees in US dollars? Of course not! But their profit is calculated in US dollars. Then there are the thieves that “work” for GPL. People would give them money so they can tamper with electricity meters. There was once a saying that an American would sell his mother for the Almighty Dollar, but Guyanese top that now. Guyanese would sell his mother/father/grandmother for the Almighty Dollar. How to get rid of thieves in GPL/GWI/GPF/GDF? I really don’t know. I would suggest, however, that when one is caught, tried, and found guilty, put him/her away for life to send a message to all others. There is a reason why so many want to join the Security Services in Guyana: Being in security, especially the Police Force and Army, comes with big-time power and tremendous perks. Most Guyanese are on their knees, hoping and praying the PPP would have gotten rid of all these people by now. But what can the PPP really do? Those are the only people who want the job, and the PPP has to fill these positions. May God have mercy on Guyana and the innocent Guyanese residing in Guyana. TED KING

Bulkan and Palmer and their political objective KINDLY permit me to respond to Part 4 of Bulkan and Palmer’s ‘critical’ reviewing of the GFC’s annual reports, submitted to Parliament, and carried in the Thursday, January 30, 2014 edition of the ‘Stabroek News’. I wish to state the following: 1. Bulkan and Palmer’s main objective in their so-called

reviewing of the GFC’s reports submitted to Parliament is to deliberately find fault and, moreso, to criticize the reports, which currently have no basis. But the GFC is equipped with its own expertise to prepare its reports and does not need persons like Bulkan and Palmer to provide any public lecture on their annual report writing. 2. Bulkan and Palmer are so far in their fourth se(PLEASE SEE PAGE 7)

For simplicity, I would use designations from each distinctive grouping interchangeably. Note I am not focusing herein on private sector companies; they are a different kettle of fish. I know of a prestigious private sector NGO where, a little over a decade ago, two brothers on the Committee of Management would ‘tag-team’ to bash a female executive secretary to tears, meeting after meeting. A reason for the prevalence of such behaviour by recalcitrant Board members is the wrongful assumption that they are co-managers, enjoined in performing managerial duties alongside the organisation’s Chief Executive. In addition, these ‘powerhouses’ find it appealing to stroke their egos on the misguided wings of costly confusion conjured in their defining operational authority from policy responsibility. On the other hand, there is also a tendency among some appointed operational managers to treat their policymaking bodies with disdain, by ignoring the importance of the latter’s prescribed role. In such cases, these actors have been functioning for a protracted period in the position; a fizzled fossilized fixture, with a predisposition to portray actions akin to a law unto themselves. In this regard, I know of another private sector NGO whose (Managing) director was in the position for well over a decade. He had three vehicles assigned to him, and reported mainly to the Organisation’s chairman, a leading captain of industry. Sadly, serious illness forced him to step down. The Organisation is hardly heard of these days. It was, in essence, the persona of the Director that ‘carried’ the body. In general, those Chairpersons/Board Members, and CEOs who flex their muscles are largely so empowered because of their connection to centres of power and/or the confidence reposed in them to get things done by those who have command over allocation of resources for the entity. So, assuming it is agreed that the foregoing governance issues are counterproductive to the overall good, how do we improve on them? I would suggest, as a start, newly elected/appointed Board Members, together with Executive Directors of NGOs undertake training courses facilitated by competent bodies in ‘Association Management’, to understand and accept the documented roles of Board and Manager, and how they should synchronize. Additionally, I would suggest holding team-building sessions involving all the players, even for one day, at least once half-yearly; parties evaluating each other without acrimony should be an integral part of the bonding process. Finally, where there are ‘square pegs’, or persons functioning beyond their level of competence, corrective action should be taken to ensure they are not a drain on the Organisation’s ability to take flight. DERRICK CUMMINGS

Parents should identify accomplices of teenage bandit RELATIVES claim that the teenage bandit shot and killed by the businesman was following bad company, and that was the reason for his demise. However, they are worried that the businessman may have used excessive force. If relatives are claiming that the dead ‘youth-man’ was following bad company, then those very relatives must know his accomplices, and should point police in their direction. I know it too well, because, in the early 80s, I had a nephew who started following some very bad ‘youth-men’. My family knew most of those bad ‘youth-men’. Police had shot and killed one of the ringleaders, and a few others were jailed. Citizens must be on full alert once these people start talking about “excessive force”. Opposition lawyers will give them their legal opinion, then, the political dogs will start barking out orders for street protests, chanting “No Justice, No Peace”. They will even call for licensed firearms to be recalled, so the criminals must always have the upper hand. Kaieteur News had also stated that the young McCurdy was fingered in a gang-related beating to death of a man in Kitty last year. Please see to it that the police do not take this family into any Police Station to question and hold them for 72 hours. Let the police take statements from them in the comfort of their home, where terror reigned on them by young terrorists. T. KING


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Radioactive Top Cop’s display of exemplary Japanese leadership qualities vehicles

WHEN the most recent devastating tsunami hit Japan, causing national havoc, and even serious chaos at Nuclear Power plants there, I had predicted that nations importing used Japanese motor vehicles and parts will be sold those with radioactivity. I spoke to prominent citizens and Government officials of such a possibility, and most disagreed, saying the companies will not wish to tarnish their names, nor their country. But if vehicles are discarded by principled corporations, and then picked up by desperate business people wishing to make a quick dollar at any cost -- who are in the habit of buying vehicles for next to nothing, and selling them as parts or otherwise to countries like ours, which are hungry for parts and cheap vehicles -- then there is no stopping them from doing the same thing with those tainted post-tsunami vehicles. Mr. Royston King, Executive Director of the environmental body, Environmental Community Health Organisation (ECHO), is seriously urging our Government to pay attention to this matter, as we could have a serious health crisis on our hands here in Guyana if this is really the case. If radioactive vehicles are exported from Japan, even by private individuals and companies, the Government of Japan has to be held responsible. They should establish regulations and systems to ensure poisoned vehicles and parts are not dispatched to ours and other countries. Persons and businesses importing vehicles and parts from Japan should make it a must to get legal disclaimers from the Company, verifying that, nay, certifying that their vehicles and spare parts are not contaminated with radioactive waste. I will now demand this. While our Government is not responsible for this, I would urge them, in the interest of our peoples and country, to conduct some random tests of vehicles which came into Guyana after the tsumani in Japan, and even set up a system to educate our people as to how to identify radioactive contamination on persons, and how to deal with it; where to go to and have further tests. Yes, this has a cost, but our people have a right to protection, and our Government has to give serious consideration to this. The Government of Guyana has to get in contact with their Japanese counterparts for assurances that vehicles exported from Japan have not been contaminated, and should our country and people be affected, that Government has to take the responsibility to correct and compensate. My compliments to Royston King and ECHO for highlighting this situation in the interest of the nation and the wellbeing of Guyanese. Royston is a great son of the Guyanese soil, a patriot and a wise person. I do not see politics in people; only talent and wisdom, or the lack thereof. ROSHAN KHAN

RECENTLY, Commissioner of Police, Mr Leroy Brumell ordered a complete removal of the ranks at the Number 51 Police Station. This latest move came as a result of the negative reports emanating from residents of the adjoining areas that the police were either in collusion with criminal elements, or were slothful and negligent in their response to reports of criminal activities there. In either case, the police are to be blamed for many an evil deed committed on the Corentyne Coast, and the villagers have become fed up with this lawless group of lawmen. Enough is enough! I must pause here to commend Mr Brumell for his prompt action to a serious and volatile situation, which shows that he is really concerned about crime, and that he heard and fixed the problem in a timely manner. Once again, it shows astute and exemplary leadership by the ‘Top Cop’. But let me delve a little deeper into the Corentyne affair. If you may recall, in the late 1990s, similar accusations were levelled against the police in that area, and a similar standoff resulted. In that instance, the aggrieved residents descended on the police and stoned the Police Station. The rogue cops, in return, gave the protesters a fiery response, and persons were brutally gunned down. Note my words, “gunned down.” I deliberately used these words to prove a point I’m about to raise. Instead of fixing the problem, the ‘Top Brass’ of the GPF were slothful themselves, and allowed the situation to spin out of control, where lives were lost in the ensuing confrontation. Certainly, there would not have been any loss of life if only the Commissioner had acted in a

Bulkan and Palmer and their political... (FROM PAGE 6) ries of reviewing the GFC’s reports and, to date, have not come up with anything substantial, only an accumulation of worthless claims that are mere figments of their own imaginations to bamboozle the unsuspecting reading public. This is an indicator that Bulkan and Palmer are totally incompetent to professionally and technically analyse the GFC’s reports. 3. But Palmer, or ‘Johnny P’, should know better as a British citizen, that in order to conduct proper reviewing of reports, he has to do so in a sequential manner before they can become acceptable in the British Parliament. But he failed miserably to commence his reviewing from the period 1964-1992 and then move on to 2005-2012 in relation to Guyana. The Queen of England will be very disappointed with ‘Johnny P’, and Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (deceased) is no doubt turning in her place of rest knowing that a British citizen is an accomplice to unprofessional conduct where unacceptable

accounting is concerned. 4. What Bulkan and Palmer can therefore do quickly is to lobby their PNC/APNU party to move a motion in parliament for the establishment of a special committee to review Guyana’s reports from 19641992 and then move onwards. Certainly the PNC/APNU will identify both Bulkan and Palmer to serve on this committee so as to produce an analysis, or analyses, of Guyana’s development performance for the periods mentioned. 5. But the problem with Bulkan and Palmer is their reluctance to acknowledge that in Guyana there has been social and economic progress from 1993 - to present under the current Government, which did not happen from 1964-1992 under the illegal PNC Government. Today they are totally ashamed and are making claims that Guyana has not changed for the betterment of Guyanese, hence their so-called reviewing of reports, particularly those of the GFC. My advice to Bulkan and Palmer is to return to Guyana and find out about its economic growth and inflation rates, the

number of titled Amerindian Communities and the annual increases of the wages and salaries of public servants, to name just a few. The reality is that Guyana is positioned for major social and economic transformations where Bulkan and Palmer’s party the PNC/ APNC is now calling for shared Governance, which was never offered to the PPP while being the “Government” for the twenty-eight years of their rule. 6. Bulkan and Palmer, however, continue to spread misleading and malicious information about Guyana, even though they have been calling for the freedom of information act. What they need to do now is to call for laws for the prohibition of persons spreading misleading information and the prosecution of such persons. 7. Finally, I am inviting Bulkan and ‘Johnny P’ to Guyana for a holiday in the Waini River area where there will be lots to eat and drink, with never ending cool breeze, which is the correct treatment for malnourishment. PETER PERSAUD

timely manner. Mr Brumell, who was a member of the Police Force at the time, would have learnt from that experience that “a stitch in time saves nine”. He got the message that people who are hurt because of legitimate reasons, should be given a listening ear, with a view to fixing the problem. Problems of this nature should never be allowed to fester. Now, back to my statement and the main idea of my discussion about that same time there were violent street protests going on in Georgetown. When I say violent, I am talking about grenades being thrown at the police from the so-called protesters. They were violently reacting to the election of Mrs. Jagan to the presidency. So, here we have it: Two groups of protesters: One on the Corentyne who had ‘legit’ rea-

sons for their protest -- if I may add, their call was for the police to stick to police work, and not to be engaged in banditry. On the other hand, those in the City were on a violent political campaign to get the democratically-elected government out. But far more shocking was to see the way those in Georgetown were treated, and in a year-long standoff at that. They were treated with utmost care and consideration; with unending patience coming from the police, unlike in the Corentyne, where they were met with a hail of bullets. Further to the “eyepass” was the brutal slaying of peaceful members of a PPP-held Congress that year on the Corentyne. They were gunned down by “unknown gunmen”. We are now in receipt of information that the gunmen did their nefarious deed, and made good

their escape by sea, having disembarked at Lichfield on the West Coast of Berbice, from where they proceeded safely into Buxton. With the information we are now furnished, those socalled gunmen could have been rogue cops operating under the guise of bandits. Or they were facilitated by some politically-motivated cops stationed on the Corentyne. My reason for saying this is that the aforementioned story slipped out of the mouth of a former cop who worked in the Corentyne area while we were in conversation one day. I must hasten to a close here, but I promise you, my readers, another discussion, where I shall bring to you more shocking revelations of the way Berbicians are viewed in the eyes of a centrally-based Police Force. NEIL ADAMS


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Who will police the police?


hen the security services in Guyana were deliberately de-professionalised and criminalised to aid the oppressive regime of a former dictatorial administration, the Guyana Police Force heeded the call of ‘kith and kin’ politics and were used, instead of “To Protect and Serve” the Guyanese people, to drive fear and discourage citizens from seeking their constitutional rights to freedom of choice – of any kind and in any dimension, even to eat the foods of their choice. What PPP supporters, mainly Indo-Guyanese, fail to grasp until today is that they were not the only victims of that lawless dynamic then prevailing; because many Afro-Guyanese also fell prey to the oppressors in uniform – Walter Rodney being the most famous case in point. Subsequent to the PPP/C’s victory at the polls in October of 1992, newly-elected Executive President Dr. Cheddi Jagan attempted to once more professionalise the service sectors – security, public sector, et al. However, by then corruption had become endemic to the national psyche and had infused every aspect of national life, to the extent that every transaction, no matter how small, was an exercise in futility unless a bribe was paid. But with fortitude and determination the new Government made inroads – mainly through forging partnerships with main players and key stakeholders, such as the private sector and impartial NGOs; and also by re-construction of the constitution and establishing relevant commissions, to eradicate destructive, dishonest and unpatriotic actions; albeit with minimal success, although Government has initiated many educational, wealth-creational and empowerment programmes to enable enhanced lifestyles of employees within the various sectors. But living above their means through partying, having multiple partners, dressing high fashion, going to every show that sells tickets for thousands of dollars, eating out more than in, etc, etc, etc, has corroded the conscience of service sector employees, so that ‘more’ and ‘more’ and ‘more’ is never enough; so the getrich-schemes and dishonest acts never stop. A letter-writer of this newspaper Ted King, posited: “Police

living above their means is cause for dishonest practices”, and he goes on to state, among other remarks: “They have been getting constant increases in wages and benefits, including tax-free pay for lower ranks; and even if Government increases their wages by 100% - tax free they will still steal, because no amount of money in this world is enough for these thieves since they have to fete child-mothers and impress the future child-mothers, all at the same time.” He continued, “There was also a call for there to be joint operations between the police and army with respect to police patrols of the communities, but these citizens need to understand that even though this might eventuate there is no guarantee of security, because criminals are entrenched in both services: When they commit crimes they are transferred elsewhere to commit these acts at a different location. “Investigate the criminal activities on nights of robberies and trace police and you will get a clear picture about criminals in the Guyana Police Force. With respect to the call to arm citizens - the call for firearms, Commissioner Brumell explained that there is a process which has to be followed, and one of the main issues is the attitude of those who wish to acquire firearms. “What attitude is he talking about – the justifiable anger that hard-working citizens feel at being targeted by criminals and receiving no protection from the police force, which they justifiably contend are in collusion with criminals, and even perpetrate criminal activities?” Residents of Upper Corentyne Berbice met last Tuesday at the Number 48 Primary School with Commissioner of Police, Leroy Brumell and the top brass of the Police Force and those from the Police ‘B’ Division following protest action to express their dissatisfaction with the modus operandi of the police in the division, especially those on the Corentyne, and their contention that police ranks are in collusion with the criminals, and even engage in criminal activities, using their police paraphernalia, including arms and uniforms. Supporting the Berbicians was PPP/C Member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj, who iterated that Berbicians don’t trust certain police. He is calling on the Guyana Police Force to launch a full investigation into the allegations by the Corentyne

residents and noted that the visit of Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell to the Corentyne was an indication that the spike in crime has caught the attention of the police. Seeraj warned “We have to nip this problem in the bud to ensure that it does not escalate,” and said that the commissioner should not take the reports from the residents lightly, alluding to remarks by the commissioner wherein he mentioned that some members of the community who were making allegations against the police were under the influence of alcohol. However, Seeraj noted that “where there is smoke, there is fire”. He had met earlier with some of the residents and is adamant that there is a degree of veracity in some of the allegations against several ranks of the force. He related “There are persons in this school who are prepared to give statements on what they saw… one man was coming out of the backdam and his gate made a noise and shots were fired at him, when he came around he saw that car that was identified driving slowly along with one person inside.” He added that the man reported that when he later saw the car, there were four persons inside and advised “The only way that we can deal with this matter is for the police to carry out a full investigation. In order for them to carry out that investigation we have to give them that information.” But the general problem is trust issues the public at large have with the police force, members of whom, right across the country, citizens are convinced are colluding with criminal elements; even committing criminal acts, including armed robberies themselves. Not so long ago a police commissioner was taped allegedly having a conversation with a senior member of an opposition political party in which the commissioner implicated himself in serious criminal activities, including murder: That equation could hardly be changed, because the commissioner was not acting alone, and when he retired the other ranks who were his co-conspirators were left, obviously continuing in the same activities, obviously under direction from the leadership of the same opposition political party. So who will police the police? The police will have to do it themselves so as to re-generate trust in the public once more. The truth is that most police ranks are honourable and patriotic, serving with diligence and commitment to “serve and protect”, and it is up to them to weed out the rotten apples because the taint and mistrust is spreading to encapsulate the entire force. Many policemen have laid their lives on the line and have worked beyond the call of duty to “protect and serve”, and it is unjust and de-motivating to label them with the actions of the corrupt ranks; so it is incumbent upon them to eliminate this scourge from their august sector.

Persaud-Edwards laments police inaction on burglary reports JOURNALIST Parvati Persaud-Edwards has challenged the Police in ‘A’ Division and, more particularly, those with direct supervision over the Eccles, East Bank of Demerara community to conduct more patrols and make the place a bit much safe for residents there. She issued the challenge after what she claims is the concentrated attacks on her and numerous efforts by persons to break into her home, the latest incident having occurred earlier this week. Persaud-Edwards told the Guyana Chronicle that the suspects are known to her and that information was communicated to the police. But she declared there has been a laxity, on the part of the police, to properly investigate her claims. The woman said, once, she was the one who even ended up being locked up and charged, when she went to report a similar case to the police.

Yesterday, she took this reporter on a walk through her house and yard and pointed to several parts where the known characters have attempted to gain entry and, in some instances were able to gain entry over the years. TREMENDOUS LOSSES The complainant said she suffered tremendous losses as a result of the incidents and has now been moved to a point where she is fearful for her life. She explained that she shared the residence with her son and, sometimes, two grandchildren, as well. Persaud-Edwards said she believes the next time the burglars enter her home they may be take her life, since she is not a rich woman and, although the house she own looks huge and well ap-

pointed from the outside, the truth is that she is a poor woman with nothing to offer. She expressed the fear of being killed because, when intruders invade and ask for booty which is not given to them, they become enraged and want to harm the victims in occupancy. The writer recalled that she lost many things from a storeroom in the lower flat of her home and, so barefaced are the intruders that they also tried entering when she is present. She believes that, if the police should act on her reports and seriously investigates them, those responsible for her heartaches would be captured and could be dealt with according to the law. She maintains that she is positive about who are the people trying to rob her. She recalled, too, losing a dog to the persons who have been making her life a hell.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…

Message for APNU and AFC: ‘When yuh buy ah dutty calico, yuh gat fuh wear am till it tear’


UR dictators in the APNU and AFC have sought refuge in the separation of powers between the Legislative and Judiciary to hide from the CJ’s ruling, but yet they want to control Government. Old Kai never laughed as much as he did yesterday; it was not the joy at the Chief Justice Ian Chang’s final ruling on the budget cut case, rather it was the hilarious semantics of Basil Williams and Moses Nagamootoo, who appeared to be two peas ‘hugging up tightly’ in a pod. Everyone can understand APNU’s Basil Williams proclivity for authoritarianism, after all he is a product of Papa Doc Burnham; but a great many people have been left astonished by the actions of Moses, whom they are now calling Guyana’s Mussolini. Some people even see a great resemblance between chubby faced Moses and the late Italian dictator. So it’s not Moses anymore, it is Mosssesoolini! But you should not be surprised at Mussolini’s actions, as PPP stalwarts will tell you that when he was young he had attempted to leave the PPP and Cheddi Jagan with a group during a PYO Conference in the 1970’s on the East Bank of Demerara, and move across to the Burnham Government so as to cozy up with the dictator. No one followed him and for one reason or the other he aborted his plan. However, a few decades later, he has apparently fulfilled his dream as he is now singing out of the same hymnbook with his friends, the not so young dictators in the PNC, now APNU. By now everyone already knows that Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang on Wednesday gave his final ruling that the Constitution does not allow the opposition in the National Assembly to cut the government’s budget. They were told this much way back in 2012 by the PPP/C, when Moses and crew first started using their scissors on the budget. Did they listen? No! So after the High Court ruling from the Chief Justice explaining in detail why they were wrong in the first instance, do they intend to listen? No! We are told that the Opposition has indicated that they intend to disregard the High Court ruling and will cut the 2014 Budget if the need arises. Well Old Kai has a message for both the APNU and AFC: always remember that “When yuh buy ah dutty calico yuh gat fuh wear am till it tear” and I hope they are prepared to abide with the consequences of their continued reckless statements and actions.

Basil Williams’s argument as to why APNU will not respect the ruling of the High Court makes one wonder how this gentleman became an attorney-at-law in the first place. His rants about David Granger being struck out from the case and not being allowed to give evidence, which is his major argument as to why they will not respect the ruling, is pathetic. He is quoted as saying “…but before we could argue that, we were struck out, given no opportunity to be heard on whether we can cut the Budget or waive our immunity”. Did he just say, ‘APNU was given no opportunity to be heard’ in the case? So what was the team of opposition lawyers, including Williams himself, doing during this budget cut case since 2012? Is he admitting they were lollygagging all along, wasting the court’s time and simply trying to delay the outcome of the case for as long as possible? This would not surprise Old Kai one bit, as this seems to be their modus operandi. Williams then cues up his crocodile tears as we are told by the media that “The implication of the CJ’s ruling, Williams suggested, is that when APNU wins anything in Parliament and government goes to court when dissatisfied, “we will not be able to give our side of the story.” So APNU and AFC were playing a ‘game’ in parliament with the nation’s business and you ‘won’, eh Williams? And, is he saying they were not able to present their arguments before the Court? If this was the case, then the media reports since the case started detailing the arguments of APNU’s legal team and witnesses were apparently conjured up. Smart-man Moses then backs up his APNU buddy Williams by announcing, “It is thus convenient to conclude that the CJ’s ruling is a cover up malfeasance by the Finance Minister.’ He said money not appropriated by Parliament was spent by the Minister, “who could very well face sanctions” by the Parliamentary Committee of Privileges. Is this man serious? He is accusing the Finance Minister of spending money which the High Court has informed was illegally cut by the Opposition. If anyone is to be taken before the Parliamentary Committee of Privileges, it should be Moses and his entire Opposition crew. They have time and again shown a penchant for disregarding the laws of our country and thus they are losing the confidence of their own supporters, so much so Moses is crying publicly that they have stopped donating money to his party.

These childish arguments by the AFC and APNU aside, the ruling by the Chief Justice should be seen as a victory for all law abiding Guyanese. The claim that they will not respect the ruling until they appeal and the Caribbean Court of Justice makes a final ruling, is hogwash. You will recall just recently, a High Court injunction brought against the Public Works Ministry by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan on behalf of his client, an auto dealer, which stalled upgrading of the four-lane road in the Success area by over one year, was eventually quashed. When the Public Works Ministry moved in to demolish the illegal structures on Government reserve, Mr. Ramjattan again secured an injunction as he indicated his intention to appeal and move to the CCJ. He was adamant that the order from the High Court be respected, and as such Public Works had to put on hold their exercise once again. We know eventually Ramjattan’s client admitted he was in the wrong and removed from the reserve; but important here was the AFC leader being adamant that the High Court ruling be respected by the Government (which they did), until he appealed the case. However, conveniently, in the budget cut case Ramjattan’s, party is supporting APNU in advocating a disregard for the High Court ruling until they appeal to the CCJ. What a tangled web they weave! In all of this, the Opposition is claiming that the Legislative arm of Government is independent from the Judicial arm, and as such it is not subject to any direction in the conduct of its affairs; this much has been said by both the AFC and APNU. Using their mode of argument, it is then logical to conclude that they have no business trying to administer the responsibility of the Executive from their seats in the National Assembly, as according to no less than their Speaker, Mr. Raphael Trotman, ‘The principle of comity dictates that the three branches of government – the Executive, the Legislative and the Juidical, are all separate and equal, and are to respect the rights and authority of each other.’ With this in mind, we hope that Mr. Trotman is listening to himself and will advise his Opposition colleagues accordingly as it is important to note that the High Court ruling confirmed that “the Constitution provides for the Finance Minister to present the budget since the finance of the country is the responsibility of the Executive; and for the Opposition to cut the budget and then approve it, then the estimates are no longer that of the Finance Minister, but that of the Assembly.”

‘Queenie’ gets 18 years for killing lover By George Barclay TWENTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD Tramangra Williams nicknamed ‘Queenie’, of Lot ‘D’ Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown, who knifed her Barbadian lover to death in December, 2008, will have to serve 18 years in prison. The Guyanese had met Tyrone Bess in Barbados and lured him into visiting Guyana where they became lovers and they lived at Lot 605 ‘D’ Field, Sophia. Bess, like many men, was jealous and objected to his paramour becoming familiar with other men. One such occasion was on December 27, 2008, when he expressed his dislike about her relationship with a man named Eon and scolded her as a consequence. According to her, Bess accused her of having an affair with Eon, slapped her and pulled up her clothes in public. That particular day, she was speaking to Eon, when Bess left in

disgust and went towards home but, when she arrived, he was not there and she began making arrangements to put him out, at least for a short time. That evening, she went on her verandah and was about to put his suitcase there when she saw him smoking a cigarette. Another argument escalated between them resulting, in her telling him that she was going to get the Police to expel him from the house. On hearing this, she said, Bess kicked her and pelted her with one of his shoes that struck her in the face. BARELY PUSHED She said she turned around, with a knife in her hand, which she barely pushed toward him and he got bore in his stomach, she said in one of her statements to the police. Following police investigations, she was charged with murder but, at her trial, she pleaded not guilty to the capital offence and was

represented by attorneys-at-law, Mr. Peter Hugh and Ms. Latchmie Rahamat. State Counsel Ms. Judith Mursalin, from the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) prosecuted. The jury deliberated for more than three hours before returning for further directions, in relation to murder and manslaughter. They, later, returned a verdict of not guilty in respect of murder but guilty of the lesser count. When asked whether she had anything to say why sentence should not be passed, the convict said she was sorry for what had happened. She expressed the hope that the relatives of Bess would forgive her, since she did not intend to kill him. Before passing sentence, Justice Singh said his intention was to impose 30 years imprisonment but he deducted six years for provocation, as indicated by the jury’s decision and another six years for the remorse shown by the prisoner.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

CARICOM’s decision on ‘Two Visions’ By Rickey Singh in Barbados

AHEAD OF next month’s two-day Inter-Sessional Meeting of CARICOM Heads of Government, the Community’s Council of Ministers is scheduled to meet today at the Secretariat’s headquarters at Turkeyen. As the second most important organ of the 15-member Community after the Heads of Government Conference, the Council of Ministers will review the draft agenda and arrangements for next month’s two-day Inter-Sessional Meeting being hosted in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by the government of Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, current chairman of the economic integration movement. The formal opening ceremony will be addressed by Secretary-General Irwin LaRocque, and the Vincentian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Consumer Affairs and Information

Technology, Camillo Gonsalves, one of Prime Minister Gonsalves’ sons. While no information was released on the official agenda, it is expected that in reviewing issues for the coming Inter-Sessional Meeting of Heads, the Council of Ministers would consider referencing what remains an issue of critical importance for CARICOM’s future development. The issue at reference pertains to what has evolved around discussions on two “visions” for influencing decisions to shape and implement policies and programmes of CARICOM, now in its 40th year of existence. Current Community Chairman and host for next month’s conference, Dr Gonsalves, is on record as stating that they would be meeting in “difficult national circumstances, and in a regional and international context fraught with economic uncertainty; existential

threats arising from climate change; multiple exogenous and homegrown regional burdens…” Hence, the relevance of the question: Which of two “visions” will influence the critical decision for the way forward? THE DFID REPORT Well, one such ‘vision’ is located in what’s known as the “Caribbean Regional Integration” Report, submitted since April 2011. It was a major project commissioned by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), which continues to sustain development partnership relations with this region. It was carried out as a project of the St. Augustine-based Institute of International Relations (IIR) of the University of the West Indies, and involved wide-ranging interviews with key stakeholders -- governments, private sector, trade unions and other civil society organisations. As the IIR’s Dr Matthew Bishop (lead editor of the Report) points out in the latest edition of ‘The Pelican (magazine of the University of the West Indies)’, twenty (20) major recommendations were offered. These were largely based on interviews involving 100 persons, among them political leaders, diplomats (foreign and Caribbean), officials of development partner agencies, plus participation of some 40 stakeholders in “a critical discussion of the draft report.” “We wrote this huge report,” noted Dr Bishop, “and made 20 recommendations on what needs to happen to take the integraion process forward... Not a single person said we should scrap it (CARICOM).” He further lamented, “There remains a disconnect between the desires of the Region and the outcome of the regional integration process...” GIRVAN’S REACTION On the other hand, there was a response of disappointment by the widely recognised economist, Dr Norman Girvan, often applauded for his timely and inspiring interventions on regional affairs, and who was a part of the IIR’s team for the report. He feels that since 2011, when the seminal report was submitted by DFID, the situation for Caribbean integration “has deteriorated, and the despair and cynicism of the population may have reached the point of no return...” In addition, pointed out Girvan -- currently hospitalised with serious injuries suffered from a fall – CARICOM’s Single Market and Economy (CSME) is becoming “less attractive to several alternatives” that have arisen. Among these, Girvan has identified the region’s Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA with the European Union (EU); Venezuela’s inspired ‘Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our Americas (ALBA), and Petrocaribe, another initiative by Venezuela. What, however, has prompted more than unease about the likely pursuit of a “second vision” for CARICOM’s future is a report commissioned by the Community’s Heads of Government, and submitted to the Community’s Secretariat by the UK-based consultancy, Landell Mills Ltd. In contrast to major recommendations to deepen and widen regional economic integration, as outlined in the DFID Report of 2011, the Landell Mills Report, while conceding that CARICOM was in a state of crisis, offered limited scope for the future, with a focus on strengthening of the Community Secretariat and related organs. The Heads of Government, therefore, must decide, sooner than later, which of the so-called “two visions” should be pursued in the interest of enlightened regional integration. However pressing, therefore, the challenges they confront for their coming meeting in St. Vincent, they cannot shy away from making a choice between the DFID-located “vision”, which resulted from wide-ranging consultations, and that of the comparatively restricted Landell Mills report. They could at least establish a special working group to review the core recommendations of the DFID report, with a commitment to make a firm decision at their regular annual sumit in July.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Minister engages FITUG members on preparations of Budget 2014

MINISTER of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh met yesterday with members of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), as part of Government’s ongoing efforts to engage all stakeholders in the course of preparations of Budget 2014. The minister thanked FITUG for the several constructive suggestions and recommendations they have made over the years and which have informed government policy on a number of important issues. The minister also acknowledged the forthright positions taken by FITUG on issues of national importance, including the condemnation of the budget cuts imposed by the Opposition in previous years, which have since been ruled to be unconstitutional by the Chief Justice (ag). The discussions yesterday were frank and fruitful and dealt with a number of issues of interest to the membership of FITUG and of relevance to the overall economic and social development in Guyana. Government will continue to engage other stakeholders over the coming days and weeks as part of its ongoing efforts to receive the views of all parties on issues which will impact Guyana’s economic prosperity. Government remains fortified in the commitment that has guided its preceding terms of office to implement policies, programmes and projects required to realise a modern and prosperous Guyana. Government also remains resolute in working with all stakeholders that share a common vision for economic growth and development as part of the Budget 2014 preparations.

Armed guard at Russian Embassy commits suicide By Michel Outridge AN armed security guard attached to GEB Security Service early yesterday morning reportedly took his own life by shooting himself in the head while on duty at the Russian Embassy, Pere Street, Kitty, Georgetown. He has been identified as Calvin Booker, 49, of Lot 705 Penny Lane, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown. According to reports, Booker, who lived alone in an apartment at his mother’s property which was locked yesterday, left home on Wednesday afternoon for work as usual and seemed to be his normal quiet self. A relative, who did not want to be named, told this publication that he was aroused from his sleep early yesterday morning when personnel from the private security service showed up at the residence saying that something had happened. He stated that it is difficult to believe that the man took his own life considering he was easy-going and did not appear to be troubled in any way. GEB Managing Director, Morris Amres said that Booker began working with the company about a year ago and was the recipient of the “Best Dressed Award” a month ago and was described as a good worker. He noted that he too is at a loss for words since Booker did not display any visible symptoms of being stressed nor did he portray any erratic behaviour and it is the first time an employee has done something like that. Amres said they have been in business for the past four decades and the incident has left him quite stunned since Supernumerary Constable Booker was the average worker, who was well attired at all times. He pointed out that at the time of the incident Booker was on armed duty with a .38 revolver which was believed to be used and the weapon is in police custody pending investigations. Amres explained that Booker was found in a lifeless state when GEB Inspectors visited the location to carry out routine checks and contacted the police. He pointed out that the incident has left most of his colleagues and the management of GEB in a deep state of shock. Booker is said to have shot himself in the left side temple at about 05:30 hrs while on active duty and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) at around 06:05 hrs yesterday morning where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, second right, with FITUG members yesterday



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Linden Enterprise Network’s new board inaugurated

– to reinvigorate small business development in Region 10

THE new Board of Directors for the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN), a private lim-

ited liability company, wholly owned by the government and operating solely in Region 10

to support the creation of viable and competitive enterprises, was officially inaugurated

by Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh on Wednesday. The minister said that the installation of the seven-man board represents a significant step in government’s focus of making Linden a more prosperous town. He explained that the goal is to ensure a Linden that has a stronger diversified economy (less dependent on bauxite) and to do so, not by just facilitating external investors, but by promoting and encouraging within the town, business enterprises by Lindeners themselves. “Even though bauxite would have served us well, the fact of the matter is we would be creating for ourselves an inherent vulnerability if we build a long-term strategy dependent on a single industry. For that reason, we are convinced, as a government, that just as our country must not be dependent on only just a few industries… we believe that given the fact that bauxite is a commodity traded on the international market, given the fact we have been exposed to the fluctuations, the unpredictability of the world market for this commodity, the long- term strategy for a viable and prosperous Linden must be a strategy that places Linden in a position where it is not dependent only on bauxite,” he said during the inauguration at the Region 10 Business Centre. While explaining that government’s strategy for Linden involves making the traditional industry as competitive as possible, he indicated that government will not give up on bauxite, as it will continue to be an important natural resource that will continue to be harnessed for national development as long

as it is possible. Government will, at the same time however, look at other investments for the region. He explained this was why the Linden Economic Advancement Programme (LEAP) was conceptualised and its successor LEN introduced, so that the long- term prosperity of Linden not only comes from external investors, but also from economic diversifiction arising from Lindeners themselves. LEN is a successor company to LEAP which was introduced in 2002 and ended in December, 2009, and which aimed to advance the region’s infrastructure and reduce unemployment. More importantly, under LEAP, the Linden Economic Advancement Fund (LEAF), a credit facility, was designed to provide small loans for business development in Region 10. According to Minister Singh, under LEAF, 701 loans were granted, totalling in excess of $732M as a means of encouraging and promoting growth in small businesses in agriculture, forestry, hospitality, manufacturing, mining, services and retail. Over 3095 jobs were created as a result. “We remain convinced that micro enterprise small business development is one of the most efficient ways of increasing lives and livelihood…this what LEN is all about, not just the lending…but also lending purpose of small business development,” Minister Singh said. “It is our government’s hopes that the appointment of a new LEN board will bring with it a reinvigorated micro enterprise environment in Linden, and a reinvigorated micro

enterprise small business development,” he said. The intention is that they seek out new business ideas and new borrowers, facilitating their businesses by providing not only finances, but mentorship. The minister said that whilst he has no doubt that the new board will discharge this important mandate, he pointed out that ultimately the success of LEN will depend on the borrowers and the community. He noted that regrettably over $300M of the monies that were lent under LEAP has not been repaid, and urged that those in default bring themselves in order, and repay the loans so that they can benefit from a repeat loan under LEN, and so that the rest of Linden is also not denied an opportunity to borrow. Minister Singh pointed out that the success of the fund depends on broad based access and good borrowing. Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill said government will be going after the outstanding payments. The Board of Directors of LEN are Dunstan Barrow (Chairman,) Andrew Forsythe, Nolan Walton, Youlanda Hilliman, Tarachand Balgobin, Basil Jaipaul and Patrick Dublin. In the absence of Barrow from Wednesday’s exercise, Forsythe spoke on behalf of the board and pledged to work with the Regional Council and other stakeholders towards Linden’s development. “LEN is not a replacement to the NDC nor the RDC, but instead will work in collaboration with these institutions to bring betterment to the region,” he said.

Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and Minister within the Ministry, Juan Edghill with the new Board of Directors of LEN. Missing is Chairman Dunstan Barrow

Dispute over rice field leaves two dead, three injured Up to late last evening two persons were pronounced dead, two were undergoing surgery and one being monitored by doctors of the New Amsterdam Hospital, following a bitter dispute over a rice field at Port Mourant on the Corentyne Coast in Region 6. Up to press time, the Chronicle was unable to confirm the names of those injured and killed in the exchange. Reports suggest that a family feud was going on for some time over the ownership of the property and it turned deadly last night. We understand that a shotgun was used in the attack and the injured bore multiple wounds.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Venezuelan rice deal to be concluded next week BY Vanessa Narine

GENERAL Secretary of the Guyana Rice Producers’ Association (RPA), Dharamkuar Seeraj Wednesday disclosed that the ongoing negotiations between Venezuela and Guyana to renew their rice trade agreement are likely to be concluded next week. “Right now we are hoping to expand the current agreement where we supply 110,000 tonnes of white rice and 80,000 tonnes of paddy to Venezuela,” he said. According to him, Guyana is looking to increase its market shares in existing markets as it simultaneously continues talks with new markets. He said, “The marketing process is one that will take time. We have to take our product to these new countries and meet the local people before we settle on an agreement.” Seeraj added that the current trends are encouraging as it relates to the expansion of shares in the rice market. “Venezuela is a good partner. They like our rice, the quality is good so the indications are that they will continue to trade with Guyana,” he said. The RPA Head pointed out that in Haiti, an existing market; Guyana is looking to increase its foothold in light of the encouraging trends. He acknowledged that there is a fall in the price for rice, but told the Guyana Chronicle that this is not likely to affect Guyana. DHARAMKUMAR SEERAJ Seeraj stated that on the whole the dynamics of the rice markets often result in a fluctuation of the prices for rice. “The rice trade is a dynamic trade because there are many variables that can have an effect on trade, but the one constant in trading is the fact that consumption has continued to climb across the globe, in line with population increases,” he said. The General Secretary was confident that the prices farmers received last crop, between $3,800 and $4,000 per bag of paddy, is likely to be the same for the first crop of 2014. He said harvesting of the first crop will begin in a limited way in the latter part of February, while the majority of harvesting will be done in March. The production target for the first crop of 2014 is 270,000 tonnes and Seeraj expressed confidence in meeting the target. The production for 2013 is 535,212 tonnes, which is far above the original target of 413,000 tonnes, and reflects a 27 per cent increase over the production in 2012. The average production per hectare is five tonnes.

$10M for development projects returned to gov’t by Region 10 officials - Neil Kumar

By Vanessa Narine

NEIL KUMAR THE People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Region 10 representative, Neil Kumar, told the Guyana Chronicle that some $10M was returned to the treasury by officials in the region. According to him, the monies were earmarked for development projects in the region. Kumar added that other monies are being wasted and there needs to be better financial management by the regional authority. Kumar highlighted the fact that the boat that traverses the Berbice River to access some communities has been in a state of disrepair for two years. “Rather than buy a new engine, monies are being wasted to travel all the way to Parika for repairs!” he said. Negative Consequences ‘Other monies are The parliamentarian noted that the threat of a shutdown, like other positions taken by the regional authority, has only being wasted and negative consequences for the region. there needs to be He explained that while some people turned out for the better financial protest actions, the majority of the businesses that were actually were those of Chinese proprietors. management by the closed Kumar said, “They (the Chinese) were afraid, so they regional authority’ closed....these threats bring nothing good to the people here.” He stated that the major representative groups in the region - Kumar condemned the move by the Regional Chairman, Sharma Solomon, yet there was persistence on the matter. The protest action coincided with the opening of the Freedom House branch in Linden last Saturday, at which President Donald Ramotar was present. Kumar has urged a change of perspectives by the regional authorities.



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Lions Club of Georgetown remembers founder Melvin Jones MEMBERS of the Lions Club of Georgetown paid tribute to founder and leader of the International Association of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones at a programme designed to honour him on his birthday, January 13, 1879. Jones, a successful insurance broker, received the idea of Lionism in 1914 and by 1917, 20 delegates representing 50 clubs met in Chicago, USA. The association was founded and the first convention was held the same year in Dallas, Texas. Throughout his career, Jones was committed to encouraging young people to strive for academic excellence and to be altruistic and share their energy, time, and talent with others. He encouraged civic-minded persons to provide service to humanity and he travelled the length and breadth of the USA ensuring that Lions Clubs were formed to provide service to humanity. President of the Lions Club of Georgetown, Lion Lynette Baird-Fiedtkou, called on members of her club to became a guiding principle for public-spirited people the world over, and to remember the personal code of Melvin Jones: “You can’t get very far until you start doing something for some- The founder of Lionism, Melvin Jones body else.” To date, 1.6 million people from 45,000 clubs across the globe are paying tribute to the founder of Lionism by planning ceremonies where Lions would pledge to rededicate themselves. Lion Baird-Fiedtkou has urged Lions to use the philosophy, “Never, Ever Give Up” as the motivation to drive the work of the Lions Clubs.

The Georgetown Lions remember Melvin Jones. President of the Georgetown Lions, Lynette Baird-Fiedtkou, is second from left in front row

‘Buckta Man’ freed of 2009 murder allegation By George Barclay

JUSTICE William Ramlal has accepted a defence no-case submission made on behalf of murder accused Latchman Ramlall, called ‘Buckta Man’, who had been accused of having allegedly murdered Renaissance Singh on October 22, 2009, and discharged Ramlall on ground that the prosecution had failed to make out a case against him. When the Prosecutrix, Miss Natasha Backer, closed her case on Monday, defence counsel Mr. Keavon Bess did not seek to lead a defence, but elected to make a no-case submission in the absence of the jury. Justice Ramlal conducted the voir dire. Going through the prosecution’s evidence, defence counsel was able to highlight missing links in the case; and Justice Ramlal agreed with the defence submission, the prosecution also conceding, and directed the mixed jury to return a formal verdict of not guilty in favour of the accused. Latchman Ramlall was later discharged by Justice William Ramlal.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Husband tells magistrate he wants to recover his wife from her lover By Jeune Bailey Vankeric

GUYSUCO employee Sham Dyal, facing charges of assault and threatening language allegedly committed on his wife, Indranie Dyal, pleaded with Albion Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh to have the police tell his wife’s lover to let her go. The virtual complainant told the court that she and her husband were arguing at home on December 19, 2013, when her husband threw her to the ground, took a file and threatened to inflict injuries to her abdomen. They subsequently went to Rose Hall Town, where he uplifted his wages before returning home and invited a neighbour to consume alcohol with him. The visitor left the home after the defendant threatened to chop off his wife’s neck with a cutlass and then hang himself. The matter was thereafter reported, and charges were instituted. In his sworn evidence, the defendant said that after he had returned home from work, he observed bicycle tyre marks under his house, and he asked his wife who had visited in his absence, but she failed to give him a reasonable answer. Minutes later, the landline telephone rang, and after his wife answered, she muttered incoherently. Questioned to whom she was speaking on the telephone, the woman responded that it was not his business. “My Worship, me wife go away for six weeks, and I still take her back. I am a good man, but is she get me like this. I am not a rum man; she usually (collects) my money. Me want you to tell the police to tell the man that I want me wife! Me want she back, we got two children! Is this same behaviour that mek she first husband go with their two children to America. Me does wash wares and clean de house. I did not assault her, we had a mouth talk when the man call.” Questioned by the magistrate, the complainant said she had gone to the other man “for him to rescue me”. The defendant was thereafter granted $10,000 bail, and was ordered to stay 100 feet away from the complainant until the determination of the case.

For Friday January 31, 2014 -05:00hrs



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Five years on...


Grieving parents still to find closure MOHAMED Khadir and his wife, Sahidan, of Vilvooden Village, on the Essequibo Coast, are calling for justice for their 37-yearold son, Mohamed Zamir, who died five years ago after being involved in a vehicular accident on the Maria’s Lodge Public Road. The accident reportedly occurred at around 02:30hrs on February 9, 2009, and involved a Land Cruiser being driven by a popular Essequibo businessman and a car, the driver of which died on the spot.

Grieving parents, Mr. Mohamed Khadir and his wife, Sahidan Zamir, who was badly injured, was admitted to the Suddie Hospital, but was subsequently transferred to a city hospital, where he died some three days later. According to Mr. Khadir, an inquiry into the case was conducted at the Suddie Court, but was dismissed on September 20, 2013. He claims he was not informed when the matter was called, but has since learnt that the case-jacket could not be found. The grieving father said he visited many places to seek justice for his son’s death, but was unsuccessful at every turn. He said it was not until a year after the accident, that the police went to his house and took a statement from his wife. The father of three said he was never asked to give a statement, although he was prepared to do so. He is now calling on the relevant authorities to reopen the case so that justice can be done. As for compensation, Mr Khadir, who is now in poor health, said that though he spent more than $4M to look after his son while in a private hospital in town, and for his burial, all the help he got from the businessman was a measly $100,000; and this was long after his son was buried. He said that although the businessman, who is a very popular figure on the Essequibo Coast, promised to fully compensate him at

Hire car driver faces new charge in school girl rape case By Jeune Bailey Vankeric HIRE car driver Deochan Somar of Lot 23 ‘B’ Bloomfield Village, Corentyne was granted $100,000 bail after another charge of rape was read to him by Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh at the Albion Court. The defendant had previously faced two similar charges which were laid over by the police, however, charges on Case Jacket 1284/2011 had been quashed by an order of the court, discontinuing those charges. At Tuesday’s hearing, an entirely new charge of rape of a girl under 16 years old, contrary to Section 10 of the Sexual Offences Act #7 of 2010, as amended by the Sexual Offences Act #2 of 2013, was read to the defendant. He was not required to plead to this charge. The defendant is alleged to have engaged in sexual penetration of a child of the age of 14 years old on November 1, 2010. The victim, then a third form secondary school student, had joined the defendant’s motor car along with other students, who subsequently disembarked at their respective destinations. Thereafter, the teenager was allegedly taken aback of Nigg Village and sexually violated. The matter is fixed for report on March 3.

the end of the case, he has never turned up for the hearing, nor has he kept his word to this day. Mr. Khadir said the death of his son has struck him so hard,

that every night he goes to bed, he still cries for him. And now that he is ill, he can no longer work as he used to. (Rajendra Prabhulall in Essequibo)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Police proffer a slew of charges against defendant - but defendant alleges police brutality against him By Jeune Bailey Vankeric ANOTHER defendant has reportedly suffered acts of brutality perpetrated by the police following his arrest on January 25 on charges of resisting arrest, unlawful wounding and damage to property. Appearing before New Amsterdam Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs–Marcus, the defendant Leroy McKenzie denied committing the two counts of resisting arrest, along with charges of unlawful wounding and damage to property laid against him by the police, and detailed the following narrative to the court: McKenzie said he is employed at ‘DANZIES’, and on Saturday, after receiving his pay, he took some drinks before going to the M. Ali Supermarket, where he was making a purchase. “Whilst doing so, (policemen) Singh and Braithwaithe came into the supermarket and dragged me outside. I asked them is what I do, (but) they did not tell me. Singh dragged me into the vehicle, while Braithwaithe stamped me on my chest. “They took me under the Canje Bridge, where they beat me up”. Showing the Magistrate his swollen face, McKenzie continued: “Ma’am, they lashed me on my face, my ears, my mouth. I cannot eat. I asked to be taken to the hospital, they said the patrol coming, and until now (Monday) I am still waiting to go to the hospital.” The magistrate recorded the defendant’s utterances, and questioned whether a statement from the supermarket proprietor was included in the case docket, to which Court Prosecutor Sergeant Godfrey Platter responded “No, Your Worship.” The magistrate then ordered that the defendant be sent on self-bail on all the charges, before adjourning the case for hearing on February 11. The case the police had brought against the defendant allege that on January 25 last, at Main Road, New Amsterdam, the defendant had resisted Police Constable Eon Beaton, and thereafter Dwayne Braithwaithe, while they were executing their duties. On the same date, the defendant is alleged to have unlawfully and maliciously wounded Eon Beaton. Further, he is alleged to have damaged a pound packet of powdered milk, valued at $600, the property of Mohammed Ali, proprietor of M. Ali Supermarket. Over the past weeks, several defendants have alleged acts of police brutality having been perpetrated against their persons. Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus had asked the police prosecutors to inform the Berbice Divisional Commander in order that the matters can be investigated.



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

CONTACT NO: 604- 3518/ 616-0301

Flashback to the Mash Chutney finals… Pooran Seeraj

CONTENDERS could not match the feisty performance of Pooran Seeraj WHEN the Mash Secretariat collaborated with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports to host the Mash Chutney finals recently in the ancient county of Berbice, it brought to the platter sizzling competition like never seen before. Nevertheless, the other contenders could not match the feisty and energetic Pooran Seeraj, who took home the king’s title, forcing seasoned campaigners Suchitra ‘Fiona’ Singh and Roger ‘Young Bill Rogers’ Hinds to settle for second and third places respectively. The Best Newcomer title was awarded to Uuvin Sukhoo, who performed ‘Leh me talk to You’. Seeraj performed the winning entry, ‘Under the Maro’; while Singh and Hinds performed ‘Blow’, and ‘Geh me mo Chutney’ respectively.

Fiona Singh

Roger Hinds

Bombshell’s hottest Babes

Umadevi Bux

Umadevi Bux: fantastic beauty with matching brain power

WITH an almost new and prestigious beauty title added to her resume, Umadevi Bux is quite a fascinating new addition to our parade of weekly Bombshell babes. A former employee of the Guyana Times newspaper, Umadevi once taught English to awe-struck students at the Zeeburg Secondary School. She is actively involved in youth-based organizations, and has the honour to have been Guyana’s first representative to the United Nations of Civilisation (UNAOC) Summer School, in Portugal in 2012. She has also been a delegate of the team that represented the Model General Assembly of the Organisation Cochabamba in Bolivia. Moreover, she is a past executive member of the International Relations Affairs Association at UG; the National Students Movement (Core Committee), and was adjudged ‘Best Analytical and Reasoning Debator’ at the National Youth Parliament in 2011. Added to that, she served as a vibrant contributor on human services in Youth Parliament 2011. The beautiful Umadevi Bux is also a member of the National Youth Steering Committee working on National Youth Policy. She has received international awards at Russian Interseliger 2013 in Moscow, Russia; and was the 1st runner-up in diplomacy, youth policy development and business. Umadevi hopes someday to become a paediatrician and have her very own paediatric clinic/hospital in Guyana to aid in healthy development of unfortunate children. She is a volunteer at heart, and a youth activist by nature; possessing a passion for fashion, cricket, tennis and football. While she believes in mutual respect and ultimate ethics and values, she advises that a life is worth living only if it can make a positive impact on others.

Are Neyo, Jah Cure & Sean Paul coming for Easter in Guyana??? RUMOUR has it there is at least one surprise for Easter weekend activities promoted by two major entertainment groups in Guyana: Neyo is coming! With fingers crossed, hopeful promoters are presently preparing contracts to make this dream a reality, and a formal announcement on the outcome of negotiations would be made as soon as possible. Accompanying Neyo would be two Jamaican superstars in their own right -- Jah Cure and Sean Paul. It has been some time since Sean Paul last performed in Guyana; and if this rumour is true, Guyanese can brace themselves for another epic show on Easter Sunday at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014


As the countdown to this year’s Carib Soca Monarch continues, Bombshell is elated to feature the lyrics of those who were shortlisted for the semi-finals. Let’s begin with Jonathan ‘Lil Red’ King Who We Are! – By ‘Lil Red’

Lil Red

Intro Tell Them Who We Are Tell Them Who We Are Tell Them Who We Are Tell Them Who We Are

Surida Nagreadi promises to ‘run things’ on Feb 23 with Xcite Mash Band THE dynamic Surida Nagreadi is creating a stir as the Mash fever intensifies. With several costume pieces already completed and ready to hit the streets, this designer thinks Mash this year will be an unforgettable affair. Coming strong with a band called XCITE, she is hoping to draw a crowd as her revellers invade the streets on February 23 for a complete takeover of Mashramani 2014. Persons interested in the style, vibes and bacchanal experience are all welcome to join her very huge posse. Let’s take it to the streets with intricately designed costumes in vibrant colours, she says. Her costumes were launched in three categories, namely: Allure, Serenity and Fusion, and they depict the designer’s theme for 2014: “LOVE AND COLOUR”. Look out for live performances by two local artistes -- Prince JP and Aamir Khan – whose performances are expected to thrill and enthrall disciples of Mashramani revelry. To be part of this group of champions, kindly contact Surida Nagreadi on # 647-4694, or Alana Singh on telephone number 643-2497.

Verse 1 We are the music, we are the vybz We are the ones to bring it alive We have the culture embedded inside Defending we soca with honour and pride Start the celebration With no hesitation Everybody spread your wings and fly Young and old generation Every race, every nation Everybody put your hands up in the sky And let me see ya... Pre-Chorus Jump, jump, feel the energy Pump, pump, feel the energy, Jump, jump, feel the energy Soca music mek ya... Jump, jump, feel the energy Pump, pump, feel the energy, Jump, jump, feel the energy Chorus Soca music got ya… Pumping it pumping high ai Pumping it pumping high ai Pumping it pumping high ai Pumping it pumping high ai Pumping it pumping high ai Pumping it pumping high ai Pumping it pumping high ai Verse 2 We are the drums, the bass Turn it loud up in this place We are the float parade Explosive like a grenade We are the thrill, the fun Jumping up in the rain or sun Jumping up in the rain or sun Jumping up in the rain or sun

Without we, no carnival No mash bacchanal, just a normal day Without we, there will be no wining No music, no liming, you hear what I say Without we, no flags in the air Nobody to wave, no costumes to wear Without we, tell them without we Tell them without we, without we…

Soca music mek ya jump Everybody pump up Everybody pump up Everybody pump up, Jump Soca music mek ya jump Everybody pump up Everybody pump up Soca music mek ya jump

Pre- Chorus ......................

Feel the energy Feel the energy Feel the energy Feel the energy



Verse 3

Pre- Chorus

One of Surida’s costumes for the Mash Day Parade.

You shouldn’t do that

Some fast food outlets operate as if they are aligned to funeral parlours

IT is reasonably expected that established food businesses would practise the mantra of ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’; but it is with great shame and not a little emotional pain that we are forced to feature photos and information that ever so vividly showcase how a certain so-called fast food business is literally courting public disaster selling food under unhygienic, unhealthy, and downright insanitary conditions that can only speak of public disrespect bordering on contempt. On a recent trip to Parika, EBE, I was truly amazed at the rise of commercial business ventures in the area, and felt proud to see Guyana on the rise; until I visited a fast food ‘chicken and chips outlet’ in the community. I was aghast to discover that this outlet, which has other locations in the city, had its exterior in such a filthy and unkempt state. And to top things off, garbage was stuffed into a yellow polyethylene bag and then rammed into a bucket that was placed just beside the side door of the building. Needless to say, this bucket was like a tourist destination for flies, cockroaches, and perhaps other vermin. Taxi drivers operating in the community related that they had remonstrated with staffers on numerous occasions about the filthy appearance of the exterior of this fast food eatery, but their concerns were always met with very rude remarks from female staffers. What a sordid way to market and promote the sale of food. Whatever happened to basic hygiene, the promotion of healthy eating habits, and a safe environment in which to put items into one’s stomach? We urge ALL our readers to begin scrutinizing the appearance of all fast Drivers related that the garbage had been there for over a week, attracting flies and vermin from food outlets; because those that cannot keep the outside of their premises day one. Moreover, they indicated that staff members would not even sweep around the outside of the acceptably clean are most definitely a danger to public health and safety. building. Never Again! To prove a point at their request, I entered the building and attempted to speak to a female cashier I can speak for nobody but myself, but I swear that after that unsavoury experience, I am determined about the garbage outside. She rudely responded, “Sir, it is not my job to clean garbage! And I have other NEVER AGAIN to even look in the direction of any enterprise holding itself out as a retailer of cooked important things to do!” before dismissing me by rolling her eyes to the heavens. Well, is that is the attitude staffers at this fast food outlet are going to adopt, full well knowing that food, when it cannot even keep its premises in a modicum of tidiness and at the very least practise proper they are in the business of serving food to an increasingly discerning public, I just wonder what (unhy- disposal of its garbage. gienic) practices are employed in preparing this ‘food’ in the relative privacy of this fast food outlet’s And we anticipate a take-off in tourist arrivals… kitchen. Oh Lord, deliver us from evil….


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Jumo Primo fails to make cut for International Soca Monarch semi-finalists

Chucky (Rodrick Gordon) – “Blazing” Rossi Gray (RKG) – “Multipumpin” Santeney (Santeney Rampersad) – “In De Mood” Shal Marshall – “Feel 2 Wuk” M1 aka Menace (Sherwin Jeremiah ) – “Big People Thing” Lil Bitts (Shivonne Churche ) – “Roll It” Syo (Simon Delph) – “In De Air” Timothy Watkins (The Baron) “Irie Party” Yolande Nedd (Fya Empress) – “Ah Ketch It”

ARTISTES for the International Soca Monarch semi-finals have been named; but, regrettably, Guyana’s soca sensation Jumo ‘Rubber Waist’ Primo is not among them. Forty contenders, among them reigning monarch Austin ‘Super Blue’ Lyons, will contest the Groovy Monarch. Dozens of entertainers will gather on Sunday, February 9th, at the Arima Velodrome to vie for a place in the play, when International Power Soca Monarch & Digicel International Groovy Soca Monarch finals are staged on Fantastic Friday.​

Here’s the order of appearance for the Groovy contenders.

Following is the lineup of performers and their entries:

Digicel International Groovy Soca Monarch Semi-finalists: Johnny King (Ainsley King) – “Doh Over Expose” Preedy (Akeem Chance) – “Winning Champion” 5 Star Akil (Akil Borneo) – “To Meh Heart” Amrika (Amrika Martoo) – “My Business” SuperBlue (Austin Lyons) – “Spanking” Biggie Irie (Carlton Cordle) – “Need a Rhythm” Cassi (Cassiano Sylvester) – “Man in Yuh House” Tallpree (Cecil Wilt Cambridge) – “Jab Nation” Farmer Nappy (Darryl Henry) – “Big People Party” Saucy (Denise Belfon) – “Chuku Chuku” Destra Garcia – “First Time” Lyrikal (Devon Martin) – “Conquer Meh” Devon Matthews – “Greedy” Blaxx (Dexter Stewart) – “Fetting Away” Erphan Alves – “Contagious” Skinny Fabulous (Gamal Doyle) – “Behaving the Worst” Jahmoun (Jahmoun Mendoza) – “Party Non Stop” J Angel (Jenelle De Leon) – “Nah Leaving” Jo Jo (Joanna Hutton) – “Shake Dat” Mr Famous (Junior Noel) – “Play More Local” K-Rich (Kenneth Richards) – “Go Down” Kerwin Du Bois – “Too Real” Kurt Allen – “Mountain” Mr Renzo (Lawrence Adams) – “Take Control” Nadia Batson – “Bad Influence” Tasha (Natasha Benjamin) – “Keep Them Moving” Olatunji Yearwood – “Wining Good” Patrice Roberts – “Doh Rough Meh” Ravi B (Ravi Bissambhar) – “Bread” Ricardo Drue – “Socaholic” “Poor chile... What a disappointment... Well like Benji (Rodney Le Blanc) – “Lick It In” grandma does say, nat every day is Christmas..”

Buxton/Foulis readies for Mash Bacchannal 2014

IT’S Mashramani time again, and every village is preparing for a series of party concepts and road tramps as the Mash Fever engulfs Guyana. Folks in Buxton, where the East Coast Mash Tram has now become a hallmark on their entertainment calendar, are readying for an event of much greater spectacle this

year. Speaking to promoter Eon ‘Father Moey’ Havercone recently, Bombshell learnt that this year’s festivities will begin with the Buxton/Foulis Mash Soca Party on Saturday, February 01, 2014 at Trevor Bharrat’s Place in Buxton, East Coast Demerara. At this forum, the official launch of the 10th Annual Mash

festivities will be staged, and everyone will be admitted to the event without charge before 22:00 hrs (10pm). Music for this event will be provided by Determine Sounds, Stereo Sonic, and the Super Ray One Man Band; while DJ Puffy will also be passing through. Sponsors for the event include Star Party Rentals, 94.1

Boom FM, HJTV, ANSA Mc AL Trading, NCN, Junior and Sons Art Shop, Auto Window Screen Repairs, Money Max Jewellery, and HGP TV. Meanwhile, word is out that the Buxton/Foulis Mash 2014 Road Parade is slated for Sunday, March 16, 2014, and will follow a route to be announced by promoters.

Play Whe International Power Soca Monarch Semi-finalists Miss Alysha (Alysha Alleyne) – “On De Truck” Ann J (Angela Giustini) – “We Love Carnival” Anslem Douglas – “Broughtupcy” Candy Hoyte – “Paradise” CC (Crystal Charles) – “Party Behind Meh” Destra Garcia – “Mash Up” Lyrikal (Devon Martin) – “Lockdown” Prophet Benjamin (Devon Samuel) – “That Seamstress” Devon Moses (Moses) – “We Want More” Devon Matthews – “Level It” Blaxx (Dexter Stewart) – “Brok It Up” Crazy (Edwin Ayoung) – “Original Madman” Erphan Alves – “Hearing Ah Talk” Skinny Fabulous (Gamal Doyle) – “The General” Hashim Lewis (Hashim) – “Sittin” Snakey (Heaven Charles) – “The Dhoti Song” Mr Killa (Hollice Mapp) – “Rolly Polly” Boyzie (Jalon Olive) – “Mas Everywhere” J Angel (Jenelle De Leon) – “Do Wah Yuh Want” Jadee (Jerry Dane Sellier) – “Rollin” Mr Famous (Junior Noel) – “Hay Lay Lay” KI (Kris Persad) – “We Mad” Kurt Allen – “Mountain” Swappi (Marvin Davis) – “Run To The Front” Nadia Batson – “Rated R” Iwer George – “Mama Oye” Sekon Sta (Nesta Boxhill) – “Bag Ah Vibes” S O King (Oneil King) – “Pace” Patrice Roberts – “Fetting De Most” Benjai (Rodney Le Blanc) – “Come Out To Play” Chucky (Rodrick Gordon) – “Gyal to De Front” Ronnie McIntosh – “We Bringing It” Sherrard Church – “Tzik” Shradah McIntyre (Shradah) – “Bad Dis Carnival” Shurwayne Winchester – “Raise it Up” Timel Boy Boy Rivas – “De Soca Spirit In Meh”

‘REGGAE FEVER’ at Pegasus Hotel for BOB MARLEY’S birthday – Feb 6 CARIB Feedback Productions, in association with the Guyana Music Network (GMN) and the Pegasus Hotel, is presenting REGGAE FEVER – a musical tribute to the King of Reggae, BOB MARLEY, whose 69th birthday would be celebrated at the Pegasus Poolside on Thursday, February 6, from 20 hours (8 pm). ‘REGGAE FEVER’ will feature the Reinforcement Band, with Dowieman & Romeo Starke (from Suriname); Hardstone Band; SaxMax; I Roots; Ras Abna Hakim; Charmaine Blackman; Tennicia DeFreitas; Calvin Burnett; Mario K; Benji

Diamond, & Gad I. Music will be supplied by Selector Sparta, with DJ Slim alongside Krazy Kris (from Jamaica). MC is Ras Leon. Admission is $2,000., part proceeds of which would be going to the Guyana Rastafari Council’s Building Fund. The Reinforcement Band from Suriname has a track record of touring Holland and other European countries. The group has several CD and DVD recordings, including the popular Nelson Mandela Tribute song and video “Prison to President” by lead singer Desmond Lewis, aka “Dowieman.

The legendary international King of Reggae, Brother Bob Marley

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014


704 Sports Bar opens with sheer glitz, glamour and entertainment bliss COMING to the rescue of those seeking an entirely different experience in terms of entertainment is a sports bar with a difference; one that oozes ultimate comfort, sophistication and having a classic décor; that serves up a double portion of customer excitement, coupled with gripping portions of sensual allure. Located at the corner of Lamaha and Albert Streets in Queenstown, Georgetown, the 704 Sports Bar is a 4,000-square-foot luxurious sports, entertainment and food enclave ensconced in a demure setting designed to lure and entertain both sports and party enthusiasts. The walls are adorned with state-of-the-art visual displays,

It’s all smiles and jubilation at the opening of the spanking new 704 Sports Bar

signed uniforms, iconic photography and sports memorabilia that will charm and amuse any sports fan. With a custom built circular bar and a revolutionary pentagon of televisions, 120-inch projection screens, custom wall panelling and luxurious seating options, patrons will enjoy an unmatched sophisticated sports-viewing experience. State-of-the-art audio system, along with a grand video wall accompanied by more than 30 high definition flat screen televisions and projectors strategically placed throughout the bar will immerse sports fans in the excitement of courtside seats at a championship game! For those fans who love not only watching the games but enjoy joining in on the action, they have the latest sports titles on PS4 and Xbox1 for their gaming pleasure. Patrons can experience all of this while enjoying affordable, delicious, freshly prepared local and international bar snacks and foods.

The sports bar’s extensive beverage selection will allow patrons to enjoy a fruit shake, a glass of wine, mojito, or a bottle of the finest champagne while they celebrate their teams’ conquests. And the polite and courteous staff will cater to their every need, and provide them with the white glove service they so truly deserve. Discreet fans and more secluded personalities have on offer the private room option, which allows them to enjoy all of the above in an extra elite, rich environment featuring luxurious seating, custom panelling, and a fully state-of-the-art independent audio and visual centre to accommodate 20 guests or more. With trained and vigilant ‘round the clock security’, patrons can fully immerse themselves in the amenities offered, knowing that their vehicles are safe and secure in the well monitored parking facility. 704 Sports bar decor and vibe exudes a mix of androgyny and sophistication that is unsurpassed and sure to please both their male and female guests every time.

The HJTV divas seem quite at ease at the opening of the 704 Sports Bar

Guyana will receive a double dose of ‘musical inferno’ as ‘Black Chiney’ heads for the local shores GUYANA will indeed receive double servings of a musical thunderstorm when top-rated Jamaican Sound System ‘Black Chiney’ stirs up an inferno here tomorrow and on Saturday, February 01, 2014. This mega event will, of course, be staged at the sophisticated Club Next, inside the Princess Hotel, Guyana. The sound system and its DJs will certainly be bringing rich dancehall vibes from Jamaica, and there will be a riveting ‘party mix’ that will leave the audience reeling from its intensity. Patrons attending this event will be given one free drink; and admission is set at $3000. Persons can call number 616-5220 for reservations. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime musical treat. Let’s get acquainted Black Chiney is a Jamaican sound system based in Miami, Florida. It consists of four Chinese Jamaicans: Supa Dups, Bobby Chin, Willy Chin and Walshy Killa. The Caribbean slang “Black Chiney” refers to this racial mix. Black Chiney often travels around the world as a sound system for nightclubs, concerts and other party venues. The quartet also participates in sound clashes in their native Jamaica. Before Black Chiney came to prominence, founding member Supa Dups (born Dwayne Chin-Quee) was a DJ at Miami’s Power 96 radio station (WPOW 96.5) for two years, in his early teens. As Supa got older, he developed an interest in music production. In fact, his aunt figured that he was so serious about becoming a producer that she mortgaged her house in Miami and bought him

an Akai MPC3000. Not long after, Supa began mixing dancehall riddims with hip hop (mainly Miami bass). Bobby Chin (born Robert Lee) was a selector in Kingston, Jamaica before he migrated to the U.S. at the age of 21. He settled in Washington, D.C., and was a selector for his cousin’s Super Power Earthquake sound system. Eventually, Bobby Chin joined a Tampa-based sound system called Poison Dart, of which Supa Dups was a member.

Poison Dart travelled extensively throughout North America and the Caribbean. After Supa and Chin left Poison Dart, the two began collaborating, and produced many dancehall/hip-hop mixed tapes. In 1999, Supa Dups released the first mix CD entitled Black Chiney 1 - Enter the Dragon. This was the first time the duo used the name Black Chiney, as they did not have a nickname at the time. The mixed-tape sold in large numbers, and it was also big in the Caribbean. When Miami’s DJ Khaled (WEDR 99.1) heard their mixedtapes, he asked them to produce more. By the time a fifth volume mixed-tape was released by Supa Dups, Black Chiney was still known as a mixed CD, and the mixed-tapes proved to be popular. In 2004, Supa Dups produced the first riddim under the group’s newly-formed Black Chiney Records. It was called Kopa, and it proved to be extremely popular. Artists such as Elephant Man, Vybz Kartel, Capleton, Nina Sky and Akon used the riddim, and some of these versions became hit singles. The Kopa riddim continued to get major club play through 2005; and in 2006, Black Chiney released Higher Octane. The newest riddim by Black Chiney is the Drumline/Timeline, released in 2007. Since Fully Loaded in 2007, Black Chiney continues to tour the world, and founder Supa Dups is now a Grammy Award-winning producer for his work with Eminem, and was nominated for another Grammy with Bruno Mars. Supa Dups has also done work for the likes of Sean Paul, Rihanna, Snoop Lion, Mary J. Blige, Drake Tyga and Estelle, to name a few.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Aries March 21 - April 19

A wave of altruism will soon wash over you -- you’re a sucker for good causes and underdogs. If you’re asked to make a donation, buy something whose proceeds will benefit a non-profit or contribute your time to a charity, you’ll be only too happy to do it. Just be sure the person who sees your soft heart -- and cheque book -- doesn’t take advantage of you.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

This is your day to be lucky. This doesn’t mean you should gamble away your life savings at the track or jump out of an airplane, but if you’ve been thinking about getting to know someone new, and you’re feeling a bit on the sheepish side about starting up a conversation, think about that luck and use it to your advantage. The connection will flow like it’s never flowed before.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

Time has a funny way of taking the pain out of agonising events. So before you get too swept up in the sentimentality of the day, be sure you’re remembering everything correctly -- with your mind, not just your heart. Dreams, nostalgia and thoughts of how great things used to be are on your mind and having a powerful effect on you. If you need some clarity, pull someone who was there aside and ask them for a recap. Chances are you’ll see reality.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

Think before you speak today, because you could be revealing a secret without meaning to. In fact, if you’re not sure that you’re authorised to discuss this classified piece of information, you may want to double check before you spill the beans -- or you can just opt not to say anything at all. That way, you’ll be absolutely sure, and you won’t have to risk anyone being angry about it.

Leo July 23 - August 22

There are ways of saying what’s on your mind without offending anyone, and you’re familiar with them all. Your feelings about a certain situation, probably involving a family member, must be expressed right now. Fortunately, you’re ready to let it all out -- and they’re ready to hear it all. So when the time comes and you’re asked to voice your feelings about a certain issue, even if it means being blunt, don’t hold back.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Being sure of what you say before you say it is a good thing -- same goes for making sure you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. You’d never mean to do that intentionally. Keep this in mind today. Your first impulse will be to say exactly what’s on your mind, and that might be the best thing. On the other hand, if you can delay your reply for a moment or two, that might not be a bad idea, either.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Someone is angling to take advantage of your soft heart and compassion for others, so be super careful with your money right now. Before you sign anything -- anything at all -- have someone you know and love look it over for you. And don’t let your heart sway your mind. Your friendship is the best gift of all. You’re too good to give away the one thing that makes you stand apart from the crowd.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Keep doing what you’ve been doing. The family members you’ve been trying to help will finally realise what you’ve been up to, and believe it or not, you may even hear a thank you or two. Sit back, operate quietly from behind the scenes and talk only when it’s necessary. Once your secret altruism is out of the bag, they’ll be extra sweet to you. Let it happen -- you deserve it!

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

Authority figures will be especially helpful to you now -- but it won’t seem that way at first. In fact, you probably won’t know what they’re talking about when they first bring up the issue, no matter how hard they try to explain it to you. The good news is that if you force them to go over the situation with you, they’ll be able to see the problems and what’s confusing about it. Go ahead and ask. Don’t hesitate to keep digging until they’re clear.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Don’t expect your schedule to stick to any sort of itinerary. Your daily routine will keep you quite busy, no doubt about that, but you’ll also be dealing with pleasant and unexpected last-minute situations. Instead of getting flustered and letting it ruin your day, enjoy the break in your routine. You’ll end up meeting someone wonderful, someone you would have never met otherwise.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Get out your pen and pick up a brand-new journal. This wouldn’t be a bad time to start a dream log. Your dreams will be especially prophetic now, so try to remember them when you wake up. Tracking what your mind does while you sleep can help you figure out what’s going on in the real world. And, at the very least, you’ll end up knowing a bit more about yourself.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

Stick with the winners right now -- you know who they are. The folks you’ve been associating with for months are only too happy to back you up, no matter what you need or when you need it. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to swallow your pride and let them help you out. You can do it. Think of how good they’ll feel after they realise you’ve actually let someone else take the reins for once.

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Scotland, UAE grab final 2015 World Cup berths

(REUTERS) - Scotland pipped Kenya to secure their third World Cup appearance yesterday while United Arab Emirates (UAE) also booked their ticket for next year’s marquee 50-over tournament in Australia and New Zealand. On the final day of the Super Sixes in Christchurch, Rob Taylor shrugged off his poor form and, batting at number eight, blasted 46 unbeaten runs off 37 balls to help Scotland reach the 261-run victory target with three balls to spare. Opting to bat first, Kenya rode Alex Obanda’s 89 off 101 balls to post a competitive 260 before being all out on the last ball of the 50th over. Matty Cross (55) and captain Preston Mommsen (78) shone with the bat for Scotland but it was Taylor’s late assault that earned them a thrilling

… Rob Taylor’s late assault secures Scotland win

… UAE beat Namibia by 36 runs

The UAE players celebrate after qualifying for the 2015 World Cup, yesterday.

Guyana not taking Ireland lightly in Super50 clash ... From Back Page from the game, but will still be looking for success, ahead of their ODI series against the West Indies. “Yes it is a big blow to lose Trent, but it creates an opportunity for some other players to put their hands up in the changing room and say ‘we will pick up the mantle’ such as young Craig Young who was in Australia under the guidance

English Lingfield 09:00 hrs Mr David 09:30 hrs Waving 10:00 hrs Global Explorer 10:35 hrs Sherjawy 11:10 hrs Mbhali 11:45 hrs Swivel 12:15 hrs Swift Blade Catterick 09:10 hrs Belle De Fontenay 09:40 hrs Aalim 10:10 hrs Easydoesit 10:45 hrs Vice Et Vertu 11:20 hrs Hartforth 11:55 hrs Billy Cuckoo 12:25 hrs Tara Mac French Racing Tips Chantilly 08:35 hrs Lowenstein 09:05 hrs Good Game 09:35 hrs Guilla 10:05 hrs Dic Shuffle

of Craig McDermott and some other younger players who are not here on this tour,’” said Porterfield. Following the WICB NAGICO Super50 tournament, Ireland, who currently hold ICC titles in all three formats and secured their qualification for the 2015 World Cup by winning the WCL Championship earlier this year, will play two T20

10:40 hrs Gentleshaw 11:10 hrs Kersimon 11:40 hrs Akton City Irish Racing Tips Dundalk 13:35 hrs Queen Grace 14:15 hrs Shield 14:45 hrs Chiclet 15:15 hrs Political Policy 15:45 hrs Danseur De Feu 16:15 hrs Little Arrows 16:45 hrs Habesh 17:15 hrs Armed Guard American Racing Tips Aqueduct Race 1 Cay to Pomeroy Race 2 Hillary D Race 3 Mental Iceberg Race 4 Lil Tiffy Race 5 Conga Bella Race 6 Howl Race 7 Sovereign Default Race 8 Marriedtothemusic Race 9 No It’s Not Me

internationals and an ODI against West Indies in Jamaica on February 19, 21 and 23. GUYANA: Christopher Barnwell (captain), Shiv Chanderpaul, Ramnaresh Sarwan, Anthony Bramble (wicketkeeper), Robin Bacchus, Trevon Griffith, Leon Johnson, Narsingh Deonarine, Royston Crandon, Assad Fudadin, Devendra Bishoo, Veerasammy Permaul, Ronsford Beaton, Paul Wintz; Esuan Crandon (coach) IRELAND: William Porterfield (captain), Alex Cusack, George Dockerell, John Mooney, Tim Murtagh, A n d re w M c B r i n e , K e v in O’Brien, Niall O’Brien, Andrew Poynter, Max Sorensen, Paul Stirling, Stuart Thompson, Gary Wilson, Craig Young; Phil Simmons (coach).

three-wicket victory and their first World Cup appearance since 2007. “It is absolutely awesome, we have worked really hard to get to this position and to actually get over the line is unbelievable. The feeling is immense,” Mommsen said. At Rangiora, UAE beat Namibia by 36 runs to secure their second World Cup appearance, first since 1996. “You can’t describe in words the feeling,” UAE captain Khurram Khan said. “I’ve been playing for UAE since 2001 and it is an amazing feeling to help my team to qualify. “It’s been very, very hard to make it this far. Most of us are

part-time cricketers - we are not professionals. This is for everyone who trusted us and believed in us,” he said. Having decided to bat first, none of the UAE batsmen could reach fifty but they still put up 263 before folding in the final over. Amjad Javed (3-35) was the pick of the UAE bowlers who first denied Namibia a flying start and claimed wickets at crucial times to restrict their opponents to 227 for nine. Scotland and UAE will now play the tournament final at Bert Sutcliffe Oval tomorrow. The winner of the contest will join England, Australia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, New Zealand and Afghanistan in Group A while the loser will be clubbed in Group B along with South Africa, India, Pakistan, West Indies, Zimbabwe and Ireland.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Hughes replaces injured Marsh in Australia Test squad

… Paceman Jackson Bird cleared to join team (REUTERS) - Australia replaced injured batsman Shaun Marsh with Phillip Hughes yesterday while clearing fit-


again paceman Jackson Bird to join the team in South Africa for the three-Test series starting on February 12. Though named in the 15man squad, both Marsh and Bird stayed put in Australia, battling fitness issues. “As Shaun Marsh’s calf injury has not improved as much as required over the past four days he has been withdrawn from the Test squad for the tour of South Africa,” national selector John Inverarity said in a statement. “Phillip Hughes had been placed on standby and now comes into the Test squad as a replacement for Shaun. Phillip will head to South Africa as soon as possible.” Marsh injured his calf

during Australia’s one-day series against England and was undergoing treatment at Perth. Bird, who injured his back in a Big Bash match last week, was cleared by the medical team

after the 27-year-old paceman underwent bowling sessions at Hobart under coach Darren Lehmann’s observation. He, along with team mate Moises Henriques, will fly to South Africa on Friday. After the first Test in Centurion, Port Elizabeth will host the second from February 20 while Cape Town is the venue for the third and final Test from March 1.

Doctors to start waking ex-F1 champion Schumacher PARIS, France (Reuters) Doctors treating seven-time Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher for injuries suffered during a skiing accident have started lowering his sedation level to wake him up from an artificial coma, his agent said yesterday. Schumacher slammed his head on a rock while skiing off-piste in the French Alps resort of Meribel on December 29. The retired racing driver, the most successful Formula One champion of all-time, has been in a stable but critical condition for more than four weeks in a hospital in the east-

MICHAEL SCHUMACHER ern French city of Grenoble. “Michael’s sedation is being reduced in order to allow the start of the waking-up process, which may take (a) long time,” his agent, Sabine Kehm, said in a statement. The accident prompted an outpouring of concern from fans of the German racing driver, who has undergone two operations. A spokeswoman for the hospital declined to make any further comment on Schumacher’s condition yesterday. Investigators have been trying to determine how fast Schumacher was skiing when he hit the rock. French police have said the slope was properly marked. Schumacher, who turned 45 earlier this month, won a record 91 Grand Prix victories. He left the sport last year after a disappointing threeyear comeback with Mercedes, following an earlier retirement from Ferrari at the end of 2006.

Dilruwan Perera takes a maiden five-for as Sri Lanka defeat Bangladesh by an innings and 248 runs in Mirpur on the fourth day of the first Test.

Sri Lanka crush hapless Bangladesh by innings and 248 runs

(REUTERS) - Sri Lanka crushed a hapless Bangladesh by an innings and 248 runs with more than a day to spare to claim the first Test and go 1-0 up in the two-match series yesterday. The spin-pace duo of Dilruwan Perera (5-109) and Suranga Lakmal (3-39) ran through Bangladesh’s middle and lower order to secure Sri Lanka’s second highest Test win by an innings that came an hour after the lunch break on the fourth day. Resuming on 35-1, still needing 463 runs to avoid an innings defeat, Bangladesh batsmen surrendered without a fight, adopting an aggressive approach that meant runs flowed and wickets tumbled at regular intervals. The hosts, who virtually lost the match when they conceded a mammoth 498-run first-innings lead, began on an ominous note losing overnight batsman Shamsur Rahman (nine) to the second delivery of the day sent down by Shaminda Eranga. An undeterred Mominul and Shakib Al Hasan (25) still went for their strokes in their 52-run stand before Perera, playing only his second Test, separated them by trapping Shakib leg-before. Mominul perished in the same fashion but Bangladesh’s resistance effectively ended when Perera bowled rival skipper Mushfiqur Rahim (14) through the gate. Sri Lanka came close to bettering their previous biggest victory margin that came 10 years back when they beat Zimbabwe by an innings and 254 runs. Chittagong hosts the second Test from Tuesday. (Reporting by Amlan Chakraborty; editing by Sudipto Gangul)

BANGLADESH first innings 232 Sri Lanka first innings 730-6 declared BANGLADESH second innings (o/n 35-1) T. Iqbal c Perera b Herath 11 S. Rahman c Chandimal b Eranga 9 M. Ayub c Silva b Lakmal 18 M. Haque lbw b Perera 50 Shakib Al Hasan lbw b Perera 25 M. Rahim b Perera 14

N. Hossain c Herath b Perera 29 S. Gazi lbw b Lakmal 23 R. Islam lbw b Lakmal 1 R. Hossain c Silva b Perera 17 Al-Amin Hossain not out 32 Extras: (b-9, lb-10, nb-2) 21 Total: (all out, 51.5 overs) 250 Fall of wickets: 1-15, 2-35, 3-50, 4-102, 5-133, 6-150, 7-183, 8-197, 9-197. Bowling: Lakmal 14-4-39-3 (nb-2), Eranga 6-1-26-1, Herath 9-3-471, Perera 19.5-0-109-5, Mathews 3-0-10-0.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014


South Africa’s walking TTFA criticised for missing wounded ready for Australia strike squad payment schedule (REUTERS) - South Africa’s alarming injury list has finally eased with the Proteas confident of fielding a full-strength side against Australia in the first Test starting on February 12. Since the home series against India, six members including captain Graeme Smith, vice-captain AB de Villiers and all three frontline bowlers, have battled with injuries but team manager Dr Mohammed Moosajee said they were winning the fitness battle. de Villiers’ hand injury was perhaps the most worrisome due to his twin role as a frontline batsman and wicketkeeper that gives the side the option of playing an extra bowler. “AB de Villiers says he is feeling good, his left hand has healed relatively well, the physios have been working on him and they have reported he has got a full range of movement and good strength,” Dr Moosajee told reporters. “Graeme Smith’s left ankle impingement which flared up has settled over the past few days and he is hard at working on his fitness.” Pace spearhead Dale Steyn,

South Africa captain Graeme Smith who had a minor rib fracture, was “almost symptom-free” after four weeks’ rest followed by a rehab programme over the last 10 days, Dr Moosajee said. “He started bowling again this week and we are confident he will be up to full intensity by next week.” Morne Morkel had fully recovered from a left ankle sprain and fellow paceman Vernon Philander was also over his lower back stiffness, the manager said. “Faf du Plessis sustained a right shoulder rotator cuff strain, but he has responded well to the process of rehabilitation and has been playing and practising

Guyana International John Paul Rodrigues returns to Rowdies THE NASL’s Tampa Bay Rowdies announced that the club has signed Guyana international defender John Paul . Rodrigues to a two-year contract, with the second year being a club option. Rodrigues (6-1, 175) is a familiar face to Rowdies fans: He played for the Rowdies during the 2011 and 2012 seasons, and was a key contributor for the Rowdies’ 2012 NASL Soccer Bowl Championship team, starting 23 regular season matches and 4 playoff matches. Rodrigues also played for Miami FC and Major League Soccer’s D.C. United. The defender represented Guyana with 26 international caps, including qualifying matches for both the 2010 and 2014 World Cup. Among his long list of individual honours, Rodrigues was named to the MILS All-Rookie team in 2008. “I’m so excited to return to the Rowdies,” said Rodrigues. “Tampa Bay is my home, and it’s an honour and a privilege to have an opportunity to bring

John Paul Rodrigues the second Soccer Bowl Championship in the past three years back to Al Lang Stadium. We still have a lot of work to do, but with the talent-level on this team and NASL’s ‘rowdiest’ fans, we’re all anticipating an unforgettable season.” Rodrigues, who has also seen action with Guyana’s national team since 2006, played collegiately at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee from 2002 to 2005, and earned the honour of Atlantic Sun Conference Defender-ofthe-Year in his final season. The 30-year-old is a Tampa native who was a star soccer player at Land O’ Lakes High School.

unhindered. “I am happy to say that we have a squad that is fully fit and available for selection,” Dr Moosajee added. The Australian Test side arrived in South Africa on Wednesday for a three-match series to be followed by three Twenty20 internationals.

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) - Former National defender, Brent Sancho, has blasted the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) for refusing to honour a payment schedule designed to settle a longstanding wage dispute with the 2006 strike squad. Sancho, who represented several players from the squad made his comments following threats by members to return to court to force the hand of the TTFA. “TTFA made a deal. If they decided to use money meant for youth development or to fund various programmes, that was their choice,” said Sancho in a three-page letter addressed to TTFA president Raymond Tim Kee. “If TTFA want to avoid returning to court in February, they are going about it the wrong way.”

Former National defender Brent Sancho 13 players were owed nearly TT$12M after the UK-based Sports Dispute Resolution Panel (SPDR) and later the Trinidad and Tobago High Court ruled in their favour in a legal impasse with TTFA. An out-of-court settlement to pay in several tranches was reached last May however players are now complaining that the

TTFA is five months late in the second of five payments. The Ex-national defender was also reacting to a local newspaper article quoting director of communications, Shaun Fuentes, as saying the TTFA used funds originally intended for development and national teams to pay the players in the first lump sum. “Any competent administration would have fully funded their youth programmes, their women’s teams and paid their players and coaches,” argued Sancho. “How? By working with us (the World Cup players) to reclaim the hundreds of millions of dollars that have been proven to have disappeared during the TTFA reign.” Fuentes has been quoted in the local media as saying the TTFA is currently suffering from financial limitations, and is doing everything in its power to put the matter to rest.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014

Legends get behind Ponting’s charity match SOME of the biggest names in Australian sport came together yesterday to play in the Ricky Ponting Tribute game in Launceston, Tasmania. Ponting and former teammate Adam Gilchrist led two teams of outstanding Australian talent in the exhibition match to celebrate Ponting’s career and raise funds for the Ponting Foundation, with Ponting’s team winning by four wickets with one ball remaining. It read like a scorecard from Australian cricket’s glory years a decade ago. Make that two decades. And without the AFL players. Hayden 64, Gilchrist 40, Healy 17, Jones 4, Hughes 0-25. And Petrie - as in North Melbourne’s Drew - 38 from 15 balls. Star of the show Ricky Ponting hobbled to 83 not out after appearing to injure his groin while batting, and being ‘dropped’ at least a couple of times. “Ricky Ponting’s 80 is a world-record score in Ricky Ponting tribute matches,” the ground announcer declared. The Twenty20 celebration might have been Launceston’s biggest night, 17 771 turning out to thank the boy from working

class suburb Mowbray. They packed Aurora Stadium, which sits a stone’s throw from the club ground Ponting lit up as a kid. Wearing Mowbray’s maroon and yellow, the 39-yearold’s side included Matthew Hayden, Brett Lee, Ian Healy, Dean Jones - and Richmond great Matthew Richardson. The opposition, captained by Adam Gilchrist, boasted Michael Hussey, Justin Langer, Merv Hughes and some bloke batting at No.4 called Jarryd Roughead. Ponting’s side made 6-207 in reply to the Gilchrist line-up’s 6-206, and the former Test skipper’s foundation an estimated $200 000. Showmen Jones and Hughes hammed it up for the crowd, and the AFL contingent showed the game designed to keep cricketers fit in winter might still do that. Kangaroo Petrie smashed four straight sixes in his knock, a lth o u g h th e b o w ler w as Hayden, while Roughead hit a full-pace Brett Lee ball over the boundary. “It will help every family and every child suffering childhood cancer in Tasmania,” Ponting said.

Australia’s former World Cup winners pose with the trophy during the Ricky Ponting Tribute Match. The match had proved eventful before it even began, with three players pulling out. Phil Hughes was waiting on a phone call to tell him he’d be joining Australia’s Test squad in

South Africa. Andrew Symonds was stranded by Cyclone Dylan in north Queensland. And luckless former Test gloveman Tim Paine, whose

career was interrupted for two years by a broken finger suffered in an exhibition match, was hospitalised after an insect bite. The Tasmanian was recov-

ering after he was bitten while walking his dog on a beach but expected to be fit for the Hobart Hurricanes’ Big Bash semi-final next week. (Cricket Australia)

Surrey hope to bring ICC to London By George Dobell THE Oval has emerged as another potential administrative base of the ICC as the organisation considers a partial relocation. ESPNcricinfo understands that Surrey have joined forces with the Mayor of London’s office in an attempt to persuade the ICC of the attraction of a London base. The bid includes providing office space within the Oval ground with views of the pitch. The club are understood to have offered to build offices in the area around the Lock and Laker stands and have planning permission. The initial scheme to build a hotel has been deemed finan-

cially unviable. The Mayor of London’s office, appreciating the prestige of the city hosting a governing body, has promised its support as required. While the ICC has no immediate plans to move their official base from Dubai, the organisation is exploring the possibility of relocating its administrative base in order to have wider access to potential employees and commercial partners. The ICC would also be given access to The Oval pitch to experiment with new technologies during Surrey games, subject to ECB approval, such as spider cam and for third umpire training. London, as an established


(Friday January 31, 2014) Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to Thursday’s quiz: Dillon (131); Collins (106); Benjamin (61); Rose (53); McLean (44) West Indies and Australia (Melbourne, 1984) Today’s Quiz: Who was the WI captain when Nevisian Elquemedo Willet made his Test debut? When and where did Sir Vivian Richards make his ODI debut? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

hub for some of the ICC’s media and commercial partners, has obvious attractions. Manchester United and Manchester City are among the sporting organisations to have bases in London. It also has an obvious drawback of being an expensive location. But if Surrey and the Mayor of London’s office are to offer an attractive package, that is a hurdle that could be cleared. “There is a reason that Manchester United have a base in London,” Surrey chief executive Richard Gould told ESPNcricinfo. “This is a global financial centre and it is only right that the ICC base themselves where their commercial and media partners are located. “We would be very keen to welcome them to The Oval and think it could be a partnership that works very well. “We have discussed this at a high level with officials from the Mayor of London’s office and they are very supportive. We have not sought financial assistance.

London is a confident city and will sell itself as the best destination, not necessarily the cheapest.” Several other media and cricket companies have already made the Oval their base with the Professional Cricketers Association,

Chance to Shine and a radio station all located in SE11. Gould said the ICC would be part of that “cricket, media and culture community”. Cardiff, who are understood to have the support of the Welsh Assembly, Colombo and Singapore are other options for

the ICC. While the ICC has, in the past, been keen to present an image of itself as impartial and reluctant to have a base in the country of one of its full members, recent events suggest that such issues are no longer a priority.

The ICC could enjoy this view if Surrey can bring them to The Oval.

Barbados to host first ever CAC judo qualifier BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, (CMC)- At least 400 athletes and officials are expected in Barbados in March for the country’s hosting of the first ever Central American and Caribbean Games (CAC) Judo Qualifier. The participants include competitors, coaches, and referees for the March 13th to 17th event at the Garfield Sobers Gymnasium.

Some of the member countries which will be represented are Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Guyana, Panama, Belize, Cuba, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago, Surinam, Venezuela and Mexico. Host Barbados has already announced a six member team which includes a lone female athlete, 18 year old Onoh Obasi Okey.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday January 31, 2014


Brigadier Mark Phillips elected president of GNRA NEW Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force Brigadier Mark Philips was elected president of the Guyana National Rifle Association (GNRA) at the Annual General Meeting of the Association held last Monday at Police Officers Mess, Eve Leary. Brigadier Phillips, who accepted the nomination in keeping with the GNRA constitution but was absent from the Meeting, replaces retired Chief of Staff Rear Admiral Gary Best who served as president for several years. Returning to office as vice-

presidents were ACP Retired Paul Slowe and Senior Counsel Richard Fields. The ex-officio vice-presidents are Lt. Col. of the Guyana Defence Force and ACP George Vyphius of the Guyana Police Force. Ryan Sampson retained his position as secretary but the new treasurer is Ray Beharry who replaced Lt. Col. Terrence Stuart who is now one of two auditors, the other being Leo Romalho. Hemant Narine was also retained as assistant secretary/ treasurer, while Mahendra Persaud and Dylan Fields were

returned as captain and vicecaptain respectively of the Fullbore section while Dale Hing and Gordon Richards were returned as Smallbore captain and vice-captain respectively. The committee members are Vidushi Persaud, Dr Johan DaSilva and Lennox Braithwaite. Secretary Ryan Sampson reported that there has been an increase in membership but noted that some members have not been participating in activities of the Association. He said the media has been very supportive of the work of

The new GNRAexecutive following the AGM.

Cyclists to battle in NSC Mash Cycle races this weekend GUYANA’S top cyclists will be in action this weekend as national cycle coach Hassan Mohamed runs off the National Sports Commission’s Annual Mashramani cycle races. Tomorrow, the pedal-pushers will be in action in a 11-race programme in the National Park, while on Sunday, they will be involved in a 40-mile road race in the West Demerara area. The feature event tomorrow will be a 35-lap race around the inner circuit of the National Park and this event is open to schoolboys and novices. The defending champion of this event is Alanzo Greaves who returned a time of one hour 28 minutes 15 seconds in winning. This time around, however, Greaves would have to be wary of a number of rivals including Raynauth Jeffrey and Raul Leal who has fully recovered from injuries he sustained last year. There are also the likes of Warren McKay, Raymond Newton and Junior Niles among others. Another exciting race would be the 10-lap event for juveniles and Leal is the defending champion having

Alanzo Greaves clocked a time of 23 minutes 07 seconds last year. There will also be five-lap races for veterans under and over 50 as well as for BMX bikers. BMX boys, six to nine years old, will contest three-lap races as will girls, six to 12 years old. A five-lap race for mountain bikers is also on the cards. The defending veterans Over-50 champion is Suriname’s Kenneth Meije but it is not clear if he will be here to defend that title. He had clocked 13 minutes 09 seconds last year. Stephen Husband is the defending champion for the veterans’ Under-50. Sunday’s 40-miler will wheel off at 08:00hrs from the Demerara Harbour Bridge entrance on the West Bank of Demerara and proceed to Bushy Park, East Bank Essequibo before returning to the place of

origin for the finish. The overall defending champion is Warren McKay who stopped the clock last year at one hour 40 minutes 36 seconds. Junior Niles is the defending veteran champion, while Naiomi Singh is the female defending champion. The first six finishers overall as well as the two juniors, veterans and female will receive prizes. The first mountain biker to complete the course will also be rewarded. Six prime prizes will be up for the taking.

Warren McKay

the GNRA and he praised the assistance given. Fullbore captain reported that 2013 was another successful year for the Association with Guyana retaining the regional Long Range Title but losing the short range title to Jamaica at the West Indies Fullbore Shooting championships in Barbados. Guyana also hosted the Great Britain team ahead of the regional tournament at the Timehri ranges. Three Guyanese shooters Lennox Braithwaite, Mahendra Persaud and Sigmund Douglas were also named to the West Indies at the Imperial Shoot at Bisley, England. Smallbore captain Dale Hing reported on the local competitions and trips to Trinidad and Suriname which saw creditable performances by the members. He, however, lamented the great shortage of ammunition which affected the shooting programme immensely and hoped that local dealers will be able to meet the demands of the GNRA Smallbore section. Sampson also reported that the Association has stalled its pursuit of an Indoor Range and Clubhouse after the proposed site - a piece of land allocated at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo proved unfavourable. The Association lauded the

New president of the GNRA Brigadier Mark Phillips Safety Supplies, Queensway, support of its Patron, His ExcelModern Optical Services, lency President Donald Ramotar Demerara Mutual Life Asfor his continued assistance as surance, Banks DIH, Citiwell as the Ministry of Culture, zens Bank, Scotiabank, NoYouth and Sport, the Guyana ble House Seafoods, North Defence Force, the Guyana PoAmerican Resources, JAParts, lice Force, the Guyana Revenue Sterling Products,, Bank of Authority and the Customs and Guyana and Mohamed’s GenTrade Administration. eral Store and others who “The business commuchoose not to be mentioned,” nity that supported us were: Sampson concluded. Crown Mining Inc, Industrial


The Chronicle is at

Jamaica beat Windwards by 14 runs in first Super50 match JAMAICA drew first blood when they beat defending champions Windwards by 14 runs in the first match of the NAGICO Super50 tournament at the Queen’s Park Oval in Trinidad last evening. Despite a battling unbeaten century from Keddy Lesporis, the Winwdards, chasing Jamaica’s formidable 282 for five (50 overs) , ended on 268 for 8 from their 50 overs. In Jamaica’s innings Andre McCarthy top scored with 93, while Tamar Lambert hit 88.

Guyana not taking Ireland lightly in Super50 clash today

Ireland pacer Craig Young. By Calvin Roberts in Trinidad and Tobago (Compliments of Ansa McAl, Regal Stationery, Wartsilla, Romaine Car Wash, F&H

Printing and GT&T) FOLLOWING a near three-hour session at the Queen’s Park Oval in sweltering heat yesterday afternoon,

Ramanresh Sarwan takes a hit at net practice yesterday. captain of the Guyana NAGICO Super50 team, Christopher Barnwell, said they would not be taking Ireland lightly in their opening game, which starts at 14:00hrs today. “We are not going to take

them or any team lightly. Obviously, they are a team with international experience, but we have a group of players who are experienced such as Shiv Chanderpaul, Ramnaresh Sarwan and Narsingh

GFF/Banks Beer National Premier League resumes Sunday AFTER taking a break of almost three weeks, the Guyana Football Federation (GFF)/ Banks Beer National Premier League will resume on Sunday with eight matches at different venues. At the Georgetown Football Club ground, bottom-of-thetable Santos will face Mahaica Determinators from 18:00hrs while from 20:00hrs, Guyana Defence Force will engage BK Western Tigers. At the Buxton Community Centre ground, BV/Triumph will oppose Winners Connection from 13:30hrs,

Jackie Chan’ Richardson

while from 15:30hrs, Buxton United come up against Grove Hi-Tech. Milerock will meet Den Amstel at 18:00hrs at the Mackenzie Sports Club ground, while Silver Shattas face Alpha United from 20:00hrs at the same venue. At the No. 5 ground in West Coast Berbice, Young Achievers will oppose New Amsterdam United from 18:00hrs and Riddim Squad come up against Rosignol United from 20:00hrs. Alpha United, who have been unbeaten to date after

eight matches, are the current leaders with 24 points and they are followed closely by Guyana Defence Force. To date 63 matches have been completed and 188 goals have been scored. The top goalscorer to date is Delon Lanferman of Den Amstel who has netted nine goals so far. Clive Andries of Buxton United, Delroy Fraser of Rosignol United, Gregory `Jackie Chan’ Richardson of Alpha United, Hubert Pedro of Western Tigers and Kelvin Joseph of New Amsterdam United have all scored seven goals to date. So far, there have been 196 cautions and 10 expulsions.

Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208

Deonarine, so we just need to go out there and do the basics right and we will be victorious,” said Barnwell. Quizzed on the composition of the team, the Demerara Cricket Club all-rounder said it is a good one on paper, but at the end of the day, they still have to go out there and execute the basics, as the game is played on the field and not on paper with names. Pugnacious opener Trevon Griffith is expected to open the Guyanese batting today against the Phil Simmons-coached Ireland lineup, with Chanderpaul as his partner, while Sarwan, Leon Johnson, Deonarine and Barnwell will follow in that order. Royston Crandon will lead the lower order, while wicketkeeper batsman Anthony Bramble, along with spin twins Devendra Bishoo and Veerasammy Permaul, will lend support to the top and middle-order batsmen, with Ronsford Beaton throwing in his lot as well.

This means that Robin Bacchus, Assad Fudadin and Paul Wintz, who complete the Guyanese 14-man squad, will have to be content with executing the towel and water duties, unless Barnwell, coach Esaun Crandon and chairman of selectors Rayon Griffith think otherwise. Based on the look of the pitch for yesterday’s opening game when defending champions Windward Islands played Jamaica, the toss for this second match (today) would be a crucial factor and with Guyana having a spin-based attack, since Crandon and Deonarine can lend valuable support to Bishoo and Permaul, it would be best for them to win the toss and have a bowl first. On the other hand, Barnwell’s opposite number William Porterfield will be leading a side minus the experienced Trent Johnson, who announced his retirement

See Page 35


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