Campaign underway to remove children from the streets
20th SEPTEMBER, 2022 TUESDAY No. 106851 $100

benefitted from the govern ment’s one-off $150,000 fish erfolk grant. Mark Semple, a boat captain, said that fisher folk have been reeling from
THERE were many sighs of relief and expressions of hap piness on Monday, when over 700 residents along the East Coast of Demerara (ECD)

his trade for some weeks due to a broken engine that needs repairing. He intends to use the money to repair same.
By Navendra Seoraj
THE government, as part of efforts to empower Guya nese and meet the demands of a growing economy, will soon increase education ex
penditure to 20 per cent of the national budget and six per cent of Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), President, Dr Irfaan Ali said on Monday.

that one of the most effec tive methods of eliminating inequality and poverty is through education which also lays the foundation for long-term economic pro gress.
the effects of flooding and cli mate change and the support from the government is well appreciated. Semple related that he has been unable to ply
Cognisant of this, the gov ernment plans to increase its expenditure in order to ensure that there is always adequate and sustainable financing for education.
- authorities commit to spending 20 per cent of national budget to enhance inclusive education system Fisherfolk get much-needed help Queen Elizabeth II laid to rest Kristie Rambharat is Heritage Queen PAGESEE11 PAGESEE13 See story on page 3 See story on page 2 PAGESEE4

On top of Her Majesty’s coffin was a wreath, the Imperial State Crown, and the Sovereign’s orb and sceptre (BBC photo)

It is common knowledge
Narrowing access, attainment gaps
Sattaur Khan
Spearheading the dis tribution exercises at the Unity and Lusignan Com munity Centre Grounds was Vice-President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, who was joined by Agriculture
Vice-President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo and other senior officials address the concerns of fisherfolk at the Unity Community Centre Ground (Delano Williams photo)

are neither on the voters’ list nor have any form of identification.Over90per cent of the listed persons to receive
Over 700 East Coast fisherfolk receive one-off $150,000 grant
Minister Zulfikar Musta pha, and Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Nigel Dhar amlall.The senior government officials were greeted by many enthusiastic persons, including boat owner, Bibi Nadiea Jabunauth, who told the Guyana Chronicle that the funds will help her conduct much-needed repairs to one of her boats.
ward to the rollout of this iniaitive sooner, a rigorous verification exercise was needed to ensure that only
those who are entitled benefit from the grant.
2 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022
At the launch of the initiative last Friday in Berbice, Vice-President Jagdeo explained that the names submitted to re ceive the grant fall into three categories: Persons on the voters’ list with identification cards; per sons without identifica
“My husband, he goes out in the sea and fishes wasn’t catching; right now he is at work, and eve
tion cards and have to be verified; and persons who
By Naomi Parris
rything is okay for now, because we glad for the little money to repair the boats and everything,” the womanMarksaid.Semple, a boat captain, said that fisher folk have been reeling from the effects of flood ing and climate change, so the support from the government is well ap preciated.Semple related that he has been unable to ply his trade for some weeks, due to a broken engine that needs repairing. He intends to use the money to do just that.
The government had initially estimated that it will be paying the grant to about 5,000 fisherfolk, but after the verification process, this number has topped 6,000.
the grant fall in the first category, and will receive the grant without hesita tion. Once the identity of the others is verified, they, too, will receive the grant, Vice-President Jagdeo said.
“I got an engine giving me li’l problem that I got to look after, so I got to fix that,” the boat captain said.Sattaur Khan, who has been fishing for more than 30 years, said persons in the fishing industry, particularly fishermen, are often overlooked, and with the recent weather conditions, catches have been difficult.
During Monday’s ex ercises, Dr. Jagdeo en couraged the fisherfolk to use the funds wisely and invest in other business
“I glad we get the li’l help,” Khan Vice-Presidentsaid. Jagdeo said the government is committed to providing Guyanese with support to cushion the effects
Bibi Nadiea Jabunauth
of the rising cost of liv ing. Support has so far been in the form of the COVID-19 cash grants, the flood-relief grant and other measures imple mented by the current administration over the past two Regardingyears. the fish erfolk grant, VP Jagdeo said that while many per sons were looking for
THERE were many sighs of relief and expressions of happiness on Monday, when over 700 residents along the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) ben efitted from the govern ment’s one-off $150,000 fisherfolk grant.

Mark Semple
He noted that with the major buzz of in vestments Guyana has been receiving, skilled workers in various sectors will be in high demand, so fisherfolk should take advantage of those training oppor tunities.
in the Essequibo Riv er. In addition to the captain there were 11 other persons on board, including the bowman. Most of the persons on board were reportedly not wearing lifejackets, even though it is report ed that there were sev eral on board. Accord ing to our investigation thus far, after the Carlos hit the rock, it suffered extensive damage and was sinking, some of the
Dr. Ali, who chaired the discussion, said: “Guyana
The data generated from the assessments was be ing used as a guide for the implementation of remedial measures such as acceler ated tutoring services, the creation of a learning plat form to bring learners back to grade level and an early warning system to identify learners at risk of falling behind.
Minister Edghill in a statement in which he extended condolences to the family and friends of the deceased, pointed out that while Jermain Blackman, the captain
Two confirmed dead after boat mishap
The World Bank had reported that the COVID-19 pandemic was, without doubt, the greatest shock suffered by education sys tems worldwide, and to address this, it was rec ommended that there be a “rethink” of education strategies in order to achieve SDG four by 2030.
critical to the attainment of our educational objectives. As such, we’re investing in teachers’ training, with a goal of ensuring that, by the end of the decade, our schools are staffed by 100 per cent trained teachers. Inservice training of teachers is also being strengthened,” President Ali said.
extending the use of infor mation and communication technology (ICT) in educa tion, increasing access to digital and non-digital edu cational resources, and in creasing distance education.
The Head of State high lighted that the Government has been introducing more in-person tutoring, reform ing the national curriculum,
“Remote learning was implemented and digital and non-digital learning resources were provided. As expected, challenges were encountered. Many teachers were not fully comfortable with this form of delivery, and not all students enjoyed Internet access. As a conse quence, learning losses en sued. In response, diagnostic assessments in numeracy and literacy were conducted to assess the extent of such losses during the pandemic,” President Ali said.
‘CARLOS,’ under the command of one Jer main Blackman ran into the Rattlesnake Rock
- commit to spending per cent of national budget to enhance inclusive education system country investing in teachers’ training to ensure that schools are staffed with 100 per cent trained teachers, President Ali tells UN education summit
school children, laptops for teachers, the expansion of the National School Feeding Programme and the cost of 4,500 GOAL scholarships.
Last year, Education Minister, Priya Manick chand announced plans to have all teachers in the pub lic education system trained.
Narrowing access, attainment gaps
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 3
In addition to those, the Government has been in vesting in other interven tions that aim to address the disruption to physical schooling and the learning losses incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
President, Dr. Irfaan Ali, chairs the Transforming Education Summit Leaders Roundtable Discussion, which is a part of the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), currently underway in New York (Office of the President photo)
commits to an inclusive education system, one that leaves no one behind. This entails narrowing access and attainment gaps by ensuring that every school-aged child in regions is entitled to a sound primary and second ary Theeducation.”President also reiter ated the People’s Progres sive Party/Civic’s (PPP/C) commitment to providing free tertiary education by 2025.This year alone, the Government has allocated $74.4 billion for the educa tion sector in its national budget and some of the initiatives it covers include the increase in grants for
Also, not only as part of efforts to recover from the learning losses, but to further advance the educa tion sector, the Government, according to Dr. Ali, has been investing in teachers who are the “backbone” of the country’s educational system.“Trained teachers are
occupants were thrown into the water while oth ers exited the ill-fated boat and tried swim ming to the shore. Most of the occupants were rescued by other boats, but two persons were unaccounted for. Two bodies were reportedly recovered earlier today (19th September),” the ministerRattlesnakeexplained.Rock is approximately 2.7 kilo
“Education is a core ele ment of Guyana’s social transformation. Investments in education are aimed at unlocking the potential of our students to help them re alise their aspirations, while enhancing the repository of skills available for national development,” President Ali told global leaders who participated in Monday’s Transforming Education Summit Leaders Roundtable Discussion. The discussion is a part of the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), currently under way in New York.
“Guyana remains com mitted to Sustainable Devel opment Goal (SDG) number four, an inclusive and qual ity education for all. Pres ently, however, there are educational gaps nationally, which can frustrate the ob jective, but we are adopting measures to narrow these gaps,” Dr. Ali said.

Guyana, the COV ID-19 pandemic disrupted schooling for more than 20 months, but various inter ventions were instituted to
Following the minister’s announcement, the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) has facilitated the enrollment of over 2,500 first-year students; this is a figure that is five times higher than the usual enroll ment
Minister Manickchand noted that moving the col lege online has allowed hinterland teachers to en roll in the Associate Degree in Education programme, rather than the Trained Teacher’s Certificate (TTC) programme, which, previously, was the only programme accessible to them if they were willing to leave their homes and attend face-to-face classes at the college.
“The rethink must in clude strategies to reduce inequalities and foster in clusion, curriculum reform, focusing on foundational skills, cultural response, technological integration, and development of a comprehensive integrated education management in formation system, monitor ing and evaluation and of course financing,” Dr. Ali said.In
ensure that the absence of formal schooling did not mean the end of learning. the college are now fully online and teachers in the system who are not trained have been advised to get qualified.
of the vessel was li censed, the boat was not certified to operate on the Parika – Bartica passengerAroundservice.19:00hrs last Saturday, officers from the Maritime Admin istration theourRiver.hapports(MARAD)DepartmentreceivedreaboutaboatmisintheEssequibo“Weareinformedbyinvestigationthatsmall,openboat
PUBLIC Works Min ister Juan Edghill on Monday confirmed the death of two per sons who were report ed missing following a boat mishap in the Essequibo River last Saturday.

The nation has paid a final farewell to Queen Elizabeth II, with a state funeral and military procession.
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The day began with final respects being paid by mem bers of the public who had queued up to see the Queen’s lying-in-state in Westminster Hall.Then, in a spectacle not seen for generations, her coffin - on the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navy, drawn by 142 sailors - was taken in a solemn procession to Westminster Ab bey.King Charles III walked alongside his siblings, Princess Anne and Princes Andrew and Edward. The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex walked side-by-side behind their father along a route lined by repre sentatives of all parts of the military.Asthe funeral procession entered the abbey, world lead ers, politicians and foreign royalty stood as her coffin was carried up the aisle to be placed on a catafalque, draped in the royal standard with the Imperial State Crown, orb and sceptre on top.
Members of the Royal Family walked behind the Queen’s coffin in a procession from Westminster Hall

Jacinda Ardern, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and Chinese Vice-President Wang
Some of the youngest members of the family were in attendance at the abbey - the Queen’s great-grandchildren Prince George and Princess Charlotte, aged nine and seven, sat with their parents the Prince and Princess of Wales.
A handwritten card from King Charles was placed on top of his mother’s coffin

Qishan.Europe’s royal families were strongly representedwith kings and queens from Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Belgium and The Netherlands. Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II - now Europe’s longest-reigning monarch - sat opposite King Charles close to the coffin.TheEmperor and Empress of Japan also attended, along side other overseas royalty including Malaysia’s King and Queen and King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan.
World leaders and foreign royalty joined King Charles III and the Royal Family in the congregation at Westminster Abbey.Hundreds of thousands of people lined the streets as the coffin was taken to Windsor where she was laid to rest.
of Westminster paid tribute to the Queen’s “lifelong sense of duty”.The Very Rev David Hoyle spoke of her “unswerving com mitment to a high calling over so many years as Queen and Head of the Commonwealth”.
At the funeral, the Dean
Prime Minister Liz Truss and her husband Hugh O’Leary were present alongside Cabinet ministers and all of the UK’s surviving former prime minis ters, seated in the abbey’s quire.
4 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Queen Elizabeth laid to
About 100 presidents and heads of government joined the 2,000-strong congregation at the abbey - as well as US President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, there were French President Emmanuel Macron, New Zealand Prime Minister
The Archbishop of Canter bury Justin Welby said: “Peo ple of loving service are rare in any walk of life. Leaders of loving service are still rarer.
The procession passed through Horse Guards Parade, where the Queen had presided over scores of many Trooping the Colour ceremonies, and down the Mall - where it was greeted with cheers and ap plause.
Westminster Abbey is bound up with parts of the Queen’s own personal history - it was where she was mar ried and where her coronation took place. Her funeral heard Psalm 23 - The Lord Is My Shepherd, which was sung at her wedding.Astheabbey service came towards its end, the Last Post was played - by the same mu sicians who performed it at the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral at Windsor last year - before the nation came to a standstill for two minutes’ silence.
The event was watched on television by millions of people across the country and around the world.Forthose not invited, big screens were put up in cities across the UK, while some cinemas, pubs and other venues showed the Thousandsevent.lined streets and gathered in parks around the capital to listen to the service, with many moved to tears.

The coffin was then low ered into the royal vault, before the Sovereign’s Piper played a lament.The Queen was laid to rest on Monday night together with the Duke of Edinburgh at a private family service in the King George VI Memo rial Chapel, located inside St George’s Chapel, a statement on the Royal Family’s official website
Unlike the rest of the day, the event was not televised. A senior palace official had said previously it would be “entirely private, given it is a deeply personal family occa sion”. (BBC) Elizabeth...
Whensaid.Prince Philip died 17 months ago, his coffin was in terred in the Royal Vault of St George’s - ready to be moved to the memorial chapel when the Queen died.
The religious service heard church leaders highlight the affection in which the Queen has been held by many people.
The Queen’s piper then played a traditional lament be fore the King stood silently as the national anthem was sung.
King Charles then placed on the coffin a small crim son regimental flag called the Camp Colour - traditionally used to indicate the location of the commanding officer.
The Lord Chamberlain, former MI5 chief Lord Parker, also “broke” his wand of office and placed it on the coffin. The snapping of the staff signals the end of his service to the sover eign as her most senior official in the Royal Household.
The funeral cortege then drove the 28 miles from Lon don to Windsor along a route that avoided motorways - to allow as many as possible to pay their final -movedend,terbury.fromDavidconductedQueen’sprocessionEmmathemadeservinglady,mad,Martheprocession.mad”Queenshewasprocession.orderMarCOVIDshejourneyaspackedThousandsrespects.ofpeopleWindsor’sLongWalktheQueenmadeherlasttothecastle,whereandPrincePhilipspentthelockdown.OneofthosewasSandywhocampedovernightintocatchaglimpseoftheThe54-year-oldsaidshe“veryemotional”whenheardthenewsthatthehaddiedand“criedlikewhenshesawthefuneral“WhenshepassedthroughgateIfeltveryemotional,”said.“Ibrokedown,IcriedlikeIfeellikewelostagoodwewillneverseealong-Queenlikethatagain.”TheQueen’stwocorgisanappearanceoutsidechapel,whileherfellponystoodtoonesideasthemadeitswaytothefinalrestingplace.ThecommittalservicewasbyDeanofWindsorConner,withablessingtheArchbishopofCanAstheserviceneareditsthecrownjewellerretheinstrumentsofstatetheimperialstatecrown,the
The Queen’s parents and sister Princess Margaret are also buried in the vault.
It was the first state funeral since Sir Winston Churchill’s in 1965 and the biggest cer emonial event since World WarAfterTwo. the funeral, the Queen’s coffin was taken by gun carriage to Wellington Arch and then on to its final journey to Windsor Castle and a committalThroughoutservice.the route, many thousands of mourners lined up to make their own emotional farewell.
As the Queen’s coffin passed Buckingham Palace for the last time, staff stood outside to say their final goodbyes.
People lining the procession route in London fell silent for the funeral service
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 5

orb and sceptre - from the cof fin before they were put on the altar, symbolising the end of the Queen’s reign.
“But in all cases those who serve will be loved and remem bered when those who cling to power and privileges are long forgotten.”Healso spoke of how the Queen had declared on her 21st birthday “that her whole life would be dedicated to serving the nation and Com monwealth”.Headded: “Rarely has such a promise been so well kept. Few leaders receive the out pouring of love we have seen.”
Among the personal touches at the ceremony was a handwritten message from the King, which was placed on top of the coffin in a wreath of flowers cut from the gar dens of Buckingham Palace, Highgrove House and Clar ence House at his request. It read: “In loving and devoted memory. Charles R.”
The WPA learned a similar lesson with Rupert Roopnaraine accepting a Cabinet post along side majority members of the party that caused its birth and was always popularly blamed for Walter Rodney’s death.
Mr Eusi Kwayana’s letter in Kaieteur
Dear Editor, ON 17th September, 2022, a letter to the Editor captioned, ‘First time a CoI is appointed but not gazetted and TORs not publicised’ written under the hand of Mr Eusi Kwaya na was published in the me dia. The letter inaccurately asserted that the government has neither gazetted nor made public the Terms of Reference of the Commission of Inquiry appointed by His Excellency the President on 13th September, 2022.

Over the decades, the PNC – wearing new clothes or not – has moved from holding the world record for accusations
It is in the national interest that it be placed on the public record (again) that on the very same day the CoI was appoint ed, the Instrument appointing the commission, in which the Terms of Reference were duly and expansively set out, was published in the Official Ga zette of 13th September, 2022.
I am further advised that Mr Kwayana’s insinuations of unconstitutionality are also without Yoursmerit. faithfully Colonel Ronald
He focused on market liberalisation and he tried to minimise the develop ing world’s dependence on the two Internation al Financial Institutions (IFIs) and the Washington Consensus, because the diktats of these institu tions severaledSummitingmanufacturingsationpreventedtions’the(EPA),PartnershipIFORUM‘sagainstuncompromisinggration;lationindustrialimpeded/impedepolicyformuandregionalintethus,DrJagdeo’sstancetheEU-CAREconomicAgreementwhichprotectedCARIFORUMnasovereigntyandaneo-colonithroughregionalandtradenterprises.TheCochabambain2006providPresidentJagdeowithplatforms,where
Evading a related public-in terest question from the Guyana Chronicle, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan expressed interest in another topic instead and totally declined to answer the question posed.The Guyana Elections Com mission (GECOM) has since ex tended the claims and objections period but Opposition voters are still left in doubt as to whether their parties will again choose to swim apart and drown together.
Dear GLENNEditor,Lall was
universities around the world.He became Chairman of the Union of South American Nations (UNA SUR) summit which was held in November 2010 in Guyana. The only Anglophone country on the South American con tinent, UNASUR was established to create a consolidated integration and a unified approach to developmental and trad ing paradigms in South American nations. In that first meeting at the Ar thur Chung Convention Centre, then President, Bharrat Jagdeo was unan imously selected to lead UNASUR as its Chair man.President Jagdeo led UNASUR into a dynamic where there was extant slow growth within the US and the European Union (EU) and created policies and programmes that generated a rising growth rate in a majority
way – and more than once – that the People’s National Congress (PNC), by or under any other name (PNC/R or APNU) is sim ply neither a trustworthy partner, nor a reliable alliance leader.
The PPP has the most ex perience in having election vic tories stolen when the PNC is in office, from as far back as 1974, when Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldiers were pho tographed by the international press ferrying ballot boxes out of a polling station.
of rigging elections, when the maximum party leader’s theme as that “any party that loses an election is right to lose” and there were official “Overseas”, “Postal” and “Proxy” Votes, in addition to those cast in ballot boxes (seen and unseen) to today accusing the PPP/Civic of steal ing elections and manufacturing ballots while in opposition and in control of the national elec tions

With the nation’s elections laws gaining maximum inter national scrutiny and the AP NU+AFC’s clear efforts to steal the poll and change the people’s
Together or apart, same difference
News was laced inaccuracieswith
But the PPP/C has histor ically seen and treated local government elections as not just a test of its popularity, but a sure means of gaining access to an important layer of government (and perhaps the most import ant) of serving people in their communities at regional and community levels – and whether in office or not.
in the mainstream media of, and concerning, the Commis sion of Inquiry, included copi ous references to the Terms of Reference of the commission [see Stabroek News article ‘Elections inquiry will zoom in on District Four’, 15th Sep tember, 2022, page 3.]
Besides,machinery.the PNC and AFC, never mind their talk, aren’t that interested in local government elections for the simple reason that their mutual, real objective is state power – and all the goodies that come with being in charge of the national treasury and deciding who gets what –and who doesn’t.
by he engaged investmentfortiallytegrationtheforstructuralopportunitiesBrazil,betweenisGuyana,ingana’sHeads-of-StatescolleagueonGuyplaceintheemergcontinentalsolidarity.heexplained,strategicallylocatedVenezuelaandwhichpresentsforinfradevelopmentphysicallinkagesinSouthAmericaninprocess,potencreatingalandscapegreatertradingandopportunities.
of nations in the develop ing world of UNASUR and the CARICOM bloc through collaborative and integrated endeavours.
The foregoing is merely touching on all the accomplishments that tremendously ben efited this nation in an international context of the visionary and brilliant Past President and current Vice-Pres ident, Dr. Bharrat Jag deo, whom Glenn Lall consistently derogates and maligns on false premises with no merit.
quashed like the prover bial bug as he tried to pit his Lilliputian brains against an intellectu al giant and Guyana’s economic wizard, Guy ana’s Vice-President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo.
votes in 2020 having attracted global attention and demands for the defence of democracy, the only party that formed a Patriotic Coalition for Democracy (PCD) against PNC rigging and other forms of elections rigmarole, was again the only one, with its CIVIC partners leading and eventually winning the fight to defend voters’ rights to vote and have their votes counted, fairly and squarely.
Mr Kwayana also erro neously alleged certain lim itations upon the President’s powers under the Commis sions of Inquiry Act, Chap. 19:03. I am advised that those allegations are not evident, either expressly or by impli cation, in the Act.
Glenn Lall squashed like the proverbial bug
6 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022
But from the evidence in black and white on paper, either way, things just don’t look good
by Mr Kwayana would have pre-empted this highly errone ous and bold Moreover,inaccuracy.newscoverage
Glenn Lall has the courage of a fool who has the audacity and temerity to challenge an indisput able world leader of mo mentous achievements, among which are, inter alia: being a formidable force in international re lations; primary reformer of International Financial Institutions (IFIs); an ad vocate for degreesrecipientvulnerablechampionmentLowternationallytionadaptationclimate-changeandmitiga–crafteroftheinacceptedCarbonDevelopStrategy(LCDS);ofpoorandcountries;andoffivehonoraryfromprestigious
for either APNU or AFC.
In 2018, the AFC rejected the alliance and contested Local Government Elections alone, securing only a mere four per cent of the total number of votes cast, while its presidential elec tions coalition partner (APNU) scored 31 per cent. But even together, their sum totals were still not near enough to beat the People’s Progressive Party/Civic securing 61 per cent.
Again, as always, the PPP/C is not just ready for free and fair elections, but also ready to win, whether the APNU and AFC run to gether or separately. Together or apart, it can be described as “the same difference” be cause they still simply have no chance of winning free and fair elections in Guyana. And as things stand with Guyanese right now, no chance what soever!
mid-term test or measurement of parties’ electoral currency.
The AFC learned that when the APNU appointed Moses Nagamootoo as Prime Minister over the head and behind the back of the AFC Leader, leading to Nagamootoo going his own separate way, in bed in govern ment with the PNC, leaving the AFC abandoned in isolation like a rejected KFC wing.
WITH everything pointing to Local Government Elections (LGEs) likely before the end of 2022, Guyanese voters are still very much in the dark as to whether A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) will contest together, or apart.
For the same reasons, local government isn’t even being regarded (by the opposition par ties and their leaders) as a sort of
The clear message here is that together or apart, the Op position doesn’t stand a chance as Guyanese have grown tired of political parties entering— into marriages of electoral con venience only to behave like divorcees legally separated im mediately after only family members turned up for the wed dingThereception.AFC,like the post-Rod ney Working People’s Alliance (WPA), has learned the hard
As Mr Kwayana must be aware, publication in the Official Gazette constitutes notice to the world. A sim ple gazette or google search
This again reinforces the purely opportunistic nature of his recently adopted ethnic ad vocacy. It bears striking resem blance to the posture also adopt ed by a few others recently, who invoke the racism bogeyman without any basis whatsoever, for the sole purpose of politi cal opportunism, and knowing full well that they themselves failed blatantly to serve in any meaningful way the very people whose cause they now claim to champion.TheMinistry of Finance takes the opportunity to reject outright the unsubstantiated and baseless racist rhetoric being peddled by Nigel Hinds and to reaffirm the government’s strong commitment to govern in the interest of all Guyanese, in keeping with President Ali’s One-Guyana vision.
The attention of the Ministry of Finance has been drawn to a number of statements made by Nigel Hinds recently on the subject of racism. The most recent of these are an assertion published online that racism in Guyana is getting worse, and a rambling letter published in today’s newspapers. As usual with his missives, both are high on rhetoric and devoid of fact. In response, I now wish to offer the following comments.
Hinds and explained to him that the ICAG is a regulatory body tasked with responsibility and vested with authority to regulate the accounting profession, and that there is no basis for Govern ment intervention in the dispute.
be a member of the VAT Board of Review, considering that this might be an opportunity for him to contribute to the work of an important tribunal. Hinds declined the offer, indicating that he is not prepared to accept appointment to any board or en tity unless he is being appointed to chair that board or entity. It is, of course, a matter of public record that Ronald Burch-Smith was appointed to chair the VAT Board of Review (and Sharon Roopchand-Edwards to chair the Customs Tariff Tribunal and Em ily Dodson to chair the Income Tax Board of Review).
In relation to the dispute he has with the ICAG, without any intention on my part to disclose the details of the dispute, Hinds approached His Excellency the President some months ago and asked for the Government to intervene in this dispute. His Excellency forwarded the mat ter to me. I communicated with
recipient of whichever reward or recognition he craves.
Nevertheless, based on his representation that he needed additional time to resolve the matter, I offered to make such a representation on his behalf to the ICAG. I took the exceptional step of contacting the ICAG myself and enquired about the matter. In light of the explana tion I received (including on the amount of time that had already been granted to Hinds to resolve the matter) and having consid ered his request for additional time, I suggested to the ICAG that consideration be given to granting Hinds an extension of time to resolve the matter. An ex tension was granted, as a direct result of which Hinds continues to be licensed by the ICAG to practice as an accountant. I communicated this to Hinds. At the time, I understood him to be satisfied with the result achieved as a direct result of a government appeal on his behalf and entirely at hisForrequest.added emphasis, it is worthwhile to repeat that Hinds is currently the beneficiary of a direct and exceptional appeal by this People’s Progressive Party/
It should be added that there might be another cause for the dissatisfaction currently being displayed by Hinds. Recently, the government invited Hinds to
Alas, his initial satisfaction with this outcome appears to have morphed swiftly into dis satisfaction.Icertainly hold no brief for the ICAG, and I believe that body is capable of defending itself against the vulgar racist assault launched on it recently by Hinds. The government’s po sition is unequivocal. Until such time that the legal framework for regulating the accounting profession is changed, the ICAG is the body authorised to license accountants in public practice and all accountants in public practice have to comply with the rules set out by that body for that Thepurpose.fact of the matter is that Hinds wants to be exempt from requirements that apply to all other practising accountants across Guyana. I am advised that those requirements resemble those applied by the bodies that regulate the accounting profes sion across the Caribbean and in many parts of the world. As I have already done privately, I would urge Hinds once again to engage the ICAG meaningfully with a view to resolving the
Judging from the public pronouncements Nigel Hinds has been making recently on the subject of racism, as well as from interactions I have had with him privately, a major source of his dissatisfaction is a longstanding dispute he has with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana (ICAG). The ICAG is a body established by law to regulate the practice and profession of accountancy, in much the same manner as the Medical Council of Guyana regulates the medical profession.
Civic Government in order to ensure that he continues to enjoy the right to practice his profes sion, while he has been granted extra time to bring himself in order with the ICAG.
Hon. Dr. Ashni K. Singh, M.P. Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance
matter between him and them.

It is most regrettable and completely disingenuous that Hinds would take a bilateral dispute he has with the ICAG as the basis on which to weave a patently false and blatantly dishonest narrative about racism in Guyana.Theunavoidable conclusion is that his new-found posture as a champion of ethnic rights is firmly grounded in pure self-in terest and the advancement of his own narrow cause, instead of that of the masses whose emo tions he is trying to excite for his own personal benefit.
Put differently, it is my con sidered opinion that Hinds is now opportunistically using the bully pulpit of racism to try to intimidate the ICAG to extend special treatment to him and to enable him to bypass standard requirements that are applicable to all persons practising the same profession as he does.
The posture adopted by Hinds in the latter matter speaks entirely for itself. Here again, instead of acknowledging the diversity (not only ethnically, but also in terms of professional backgrounds and skills) of the appointments made to these im portant tax tribunals, the position adopted by Hinds is an entirely self-serving one. It would appear that, in his mind, diversity is only served when he is the des ignated appointee to whichever post he covets or when he is the
Finance Minister rejects the racist, rambling rants of Nigel Hinds
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 7

the remaining realms, have been moving on and up the constitutional ladder from as far back as 1975 with Suriname breaking from the Netherlands, and 1976, when Trinidad & Tobago led the way among the former Brit ish colonies, followed by Guyana in Barbados1980.became a re public on November 30, 2021, and by April 2022, Antigua & Barbuda, Baha mas, Belize, Jamaica and Saint Lucia had all indicated they will eventually engage mechanisms towards repub licanism, through referenda where necessary, and par liamentary majorities where applicable.Commonwealth member ship grew steadily during Elizabeth II’s reign, from only eight when she acceded the throne in 1952 (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Australia, India and Pakistan) to 56 when she died, as Queen of 15 (known as the Commonwealth realms), while 36 others are republics, and still five others have different monarchs.
II was
The Commonwealth ur gently needs to find new glue to replace the queen, and, in this regard, apart from member-states’ historic loyalty to the monarchy, their only other common historical threads are Native Genocide, Slavery and Colonialism, with all the exploitation of human and natural resources
8 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Most (if not all) the countries that became re publics under Elizabeth II remained in the Common wealth, largely out of con stitutional requirements that institutionally tied them to the Royal Crown such as their parliaments, laws and judicial systems that are hard to break from without hefty electoral support surpassing two-thirds of votes cast in relatedThereferenda.Commonwealth is important to Britain’s his tory and legacy as a colonial power, with its headquarters hosted by the UK at Marl borough House in London, and the current SecretaryGeneral, Baroness Patricia Scotland, is a former British Attorney-General, though born in PredictionsDominica.of the Com monwealth’s future are many and varying: From those who boldly claim it’s no longer relevant and heading to oblivion, to those who feel it should simply be disbanded from within, to the many who feel it should continue, but with modernity and changes.
By Earl
But CARICOM, with 15 of the 56 member-states and eight of the remaining 15 realms, can have a sig nificant say in discussion and decisions on the future of the multinational body that Brit ain continues to wish long life for under King Charles III.
Britain and Europe’s only legal defence against paying Reparations for Slavery and Native Genocide is the fact that none of the European Union (EU) member-states that built empires off slavery have formally ‘apologised’, for fear of likely legal inter
Sooner than later, CARICOM must put reparations on the Commonwealth’s agenda
From the day she died, the topics have been about everything from Elizabeth II’s personal imprint on the monarchy to whether her son will keep The Common wealthButalive.while the English, Irish, Scots and Welsh pon der their future under the new king in a new era like no other, the focus of the international press is largely on Charles and The Com monwealth.Thestress has been on member nations that have indicated they will soon be come republics, as if to re nounce the Queen or Buck ingham Palace, but Carib bean nations, with over half
over centuries by mainly European colonial financial enterprises, stealing of jew els to adorn royal crowns and specters, invasion and occupation of lands, decima tion of Indigenous Peoples and subjugation of colonies to centuries of exploitation, together making reparations a common denominator in dif ferent forms, from financial compensation and economic development assistance to returning of stolen artifacts and reparatory Reparationsjustice.isn’tonly a
buried yesterday, and King Charles III is the new Head of Britain’s Royal House hold, King of the United Kingdom (UK) and all its realms in the 56-nation Commonwealth or largely former British colonies worldwide, representing 2.5 billion people.
Caribbean issue, as it also applies to every Common wealth nation that experi enced Slavery and/or Native Genocide, from most African nations to Australia and New Zealand, Canada and India.

how to approach the issue of reparations, and it would, therefore, be wise for the 14 member-states to engage the new king early enough, to ensure such issues are finally put on the agenda.
But, the Caribbean should make hay while the sun shines, or Reparations from the British Empire will continue to simply be a noble cause, but living in limbo!
Instead, it would be better for returnlikeingAfricathemember-states,CommonwealthstartingwithCaribbeanandincludingandIndia,tostarttakearlystepstoputissuesReparationsandtheofjewelsandartifacts
pretations of acceptance of guilt, and therefore subject to provision of compen sation and WorldrationsPolandterestbothandmandsbeanropean2013(Reparations).remunerationTheoriginalcollectivecallby14formerEucoloniesintheCaribhasledtosimilardeintheUSAin2020,IndiaandAfricahaveshownmorerecentininjoining;andtoday,isdemandingrepafromGermanyforWarIIevents,while
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 9

The Netherlands says it’s embarking on raising funds to payButReparations.ratherthan wait for Buckingham Palace, Down ing Street or Marlborough House to decide on the Com monwealth’s future, it would be better for member-states to engage the new King as early as possible, even before his first summit as monarch, on giving action to royal expressions of sor row and regret for slavery by himself, his son, William, and brother Edward, in 1921
and 2022 in Barbados, Ja maica and Rwanda.
on the agenda for the first Commonwealth Summit with Charles III as its new head.After nine long years, CARICOM still hasn’t had the benefit of even an ac knowledgement from the UK or the EU headquarters in Brussels to their invitation for a decent discussion on
The queen met with Commonwealth leaders two days after taking the throne, but it isn’t yet clear whether
King Charles will act with the same speed in these very different times.
Sooner than later, CARICOM must put...
Just as it was futile to ex pect the queen to have sim ply awoken one morning and apologised for Britain’s role in slavery over centuries, it would be likewise to expect King Charles to do likewise.
He further explained that boats on this ser vice are not allowed to operate during the hours of darkness and noted that MARAD’s record reflects that the last authorised depar ture was by the “LADY ZENIELL” – a boat licensed to operate within the system, at 17:10hrs.Thesunset at Bar tica was approximate ly 18:00hrs. MARAD has designated 17:00hrs as the latest departure time for boats to de part Parika or Bartica on this service, so as to arrive before dark.
would have concluded work for the day.
metres from the Bartica Stelling and 300 me tres east of Calf Island.
The CARLOS, the min ister said, reportedly departed from the Pari ka Stelling at approx imately 17:30hrs after MARAD’s monitors
He also said that the issue of unlicensed “outside” boats trans porting passengers on the waterways is ac tively engaging the at tention of the adminis tration.
Minister Edghill noted that while Blackman is in possession of a valid licence to operate such a boat, the boat was uncertified and not permitted to operate on the Parika – Bartica passenger service.
10 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022

“We continue to urge the travelling public not to board water said.allinlowprovidersbeinroads,Seven.licewithandingficer,RiverRomainlifejackets.lytaxis,usingatealsoregulatorytion.andtheoperatingtaxis/speedboatsoutsideofregulatedsystemhoursofoperaMARAD,astheauthority,wishestoreiterthatallpersonsboats/watermustproper-andsecurelywearCaptainSeurattan,NavigationOfisspearheadtheinvestigationisworkingalongtheGuyanaPoForce–DivisionSafetyonourwaterways,andourairspacemustadheredto.Servicemustfol-therulesandbefullcomplianceattimes,”therelease
Two confirmed...

A Gurukula is tradition al Sanskrit educational and cultural centre. The Ma harshi Dayananda Gurukula on 150thStreet has been attending to the needs of an underserved community. It has been performing sorely needed services (including culture, spirituality, ham pers, etc.) to residents of the greater Jamaica communi ty, Guyanese and others.
The Arya Samaj Mandir, which is also a Girukula (traditional mode of educational instruction) was founded by Dr. Satish Prakash. He was vigorous ly supported by a group of some dedicated Arya individuals that he said included Sumesh, Shiv, Adesh, Lutchmidatt, Kris han Naraine, Renuka Jura khan, Suresh Singh, Amar nath and others.
well versed in languages including Spanish, Hindi, Sanskrit, and Bhojpuri, among others.
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 11

Dr. Satish and the Secretary of the Guruk la, Dr. Nicole Bissessar, expressed gratitude to Ashook Ramsaran, Coun cil member Natasha Wil liams, and others for their invaluable assistance to get the street co-named.
days of the dictatorship. Co-naming the street after Maharshi Swami Dayanand Saraswato and the great work of the Gurukula named after him located on 150thStreet helps to im mortalise the Swami’s name and further institutionalise his great work on spiritual growth in New York City.
“Most of all, the min istry wishes to extend greatest gratitude, and recognises the hard work, professionalism and dedi cation displayed by each delegate who participated in the pageant. This pag eant continues to serve as a platform for empower ment of young Amerindian women across the length and breadth of Guyana. The ministry applauds the ten talented and bril liant young women who gave us an amazing show as we continue our Herit age Month festivities,” the release said.
Miss Amerindian Heritage 2022, Kristie Emma Rambharat (Photo Credit: Craig Henry Photography)
- Kristie Rambharat of Region Seven now the official winner
TWENTY-four hours after being crowned Miss Am erindian Heritage, Amber Andrews was stripped of the title, owing to the incorrect tabulation of the contestants’ scores.
The ministry said that final scores were tabulated, based on a “compound scor ing system”, which included tabulating the total scores for the six segments of the pageant, plus the final ques tion.“The ministry under stands that the judges’ deci sions are final. However, we wish to point out that the judges’ score sheets were tabulated incorrectly by the Tally Clerk, which resulted in erroneous figures which have affected the outcome of the announced results of the Amerindian Heritage Pageant 2022. Last even ing, it was announced that Miss Region Five emerged
as the new Heritage Queen, while Region Seven placed first runner-up; Region Four placed second runner-up; Region Six placed third runner-up; and Region Eight placed fourth runner-up,” the release the minis try, in all fairness to the del egates, a thorough and accu rate investigation, auditing the judges’ score sheets, was conducted.Basedon the investiga tion and “accurate findings”, Rambharat was found to have scored 768 points, and is rightly the new queen. Andrews is now tied for the 3rd runner-up spot with a delegate from Region Six
By Vishnu Bisram
Street in New York City named after Guyanese mandir
‘Wrong’ Miss Amerindian Heritage queen crowned after scoring error

Dr. Satish is from Uit vlugt, West Coast Demer ara, where a Gurukula is under construction and set for opening in late Decem ber. He received his educa tion at UG and a Gurukula in India where he obtained his doctorate. Dr. Satish is
The organiser of the pageant, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, made the announcement in a press release which stated that Kristie Emma Rambharat, of Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni), is the real win ner.On Saturday, Andrews, who hails from Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice), was crowned Miss Amerindian Heritage at the National Cultural Centre.
A STREET in Jamai ca, Queens, New York City, has been co-named after an Arya Samaj Mandir founded by a prominent Guyanese. The street, 150thand 94thAve nue, just two short blocks from the popular Jamaica Avenue shopping cen tre, is now also known as Maharshi Dayananda Gurukula Way.

(East erindianproductiontesymaintaindor”publicTheBerbice-Corentyne).ministryurgedthetodisplay“kindcantoeachdelegate,andrespectandcourtothemandtheentireoftheMissAmHeritagepageant.
Jamaica is home to thousands of Guyanese after their migration from Guyana during the dark
As such, Sharma not ed that this year, the of fice successfully hosted its first virtual training which targeted 50 audit clerks for the Auditing Technician continuestionedFurther,Programme.hementhattheofficetopartnerwith
He said this meant that the team of audi tors was engaged in re al-time audits to ensure that the objectives of the activities were achieved.
Auditor General De odat Sharma handed over the report for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2021 to the Speaker at the Parlia ment Building where it was noted that the report will soon be laid in the National Assembly and subsequently become a publicDeliveringdocument.brief re marks, Sharma noted that it was a pleasure to present his 18th report as Auditor General, even as he mentioned that the presentation marks his 11th consecutive occa sion that the Audit Of fice has been submitting reports by the statutory deadline.However, along with the Auditor General’s report, five performance audit reports were pre sented to the Speaker of the House. These are the Management of Medical Waste at Hospitals; the
To this end, the Au ditor General told those gathered that to foster better efficiency at the Audit Office of Guyana, training, and develop ment for staff continue to be utilised to ensure the provision of cost-ef fective service through the implementation of the most up-to-date au dit practices.
2021 Auditor General report handed over to Speaker
the Canadian Auditing and FoundationAccountabilitytostrengthentheoffice’scapacitytoconductperformanceaudits.SpeakeroftheNationalAssembly,ManzoorNadir,commendedtheAuditOfficeforitstimelycompletionandhandingoverofthereportandtheinclusionofthefiveperformanceaudits.“Andtheperformanceauditsisdesignedtogiveanobjective,critical,impartialanalysisoftheprocessessothatwecangetmoreefficiencyoutofthesystem,”hesaid,whileaddingthatithasbeenquitesometimesinceperformanceauditshavebeensubmitted.Nadirnotedthatthesecanbeusedforallaccountingunitstolookattheirsystemandtheobservationsmadetoimprovetheirsystems.
MINISTER of Public Works and member of the Public riod.cumstancesgivencarefullyauditthatEdghill,Committee,AccountsJuanhascontendedthe2019and2020reportsmustbeexaminedtheuniquecirofthatpe-
“There was no Par liament, there was no oversight and you had a government that was holding on for their life by a thread, that was do ing everything possible to get re-elected,” the ministerAddingexpressed.tothis, he
a different time in the history of Guyana, a government falling as a result of a no-confi dence motion, and a period after an election of five months when a government contin ued to spend while they were not even supposed to remain in office, so both years needs [sic] to be carefully managed,” he said.
On the govern ment’s side of the PAC, the Public Works Min ister made it clear that they will not be sup porting the examina tion of the 2019 and 2020 Auditor General reports together.
Public Works Minister Juan Edghill
Minister Edghill: 2019 and 2020 audit reports must be examined separately
Edghill, “We’re making it very clear that the year 2019 and 2020 cannot be merged and handled together,” he said.
12 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022
“These real-time au
Management of Drugs and Medical Supplies at the Ministry of Health and Health Facilities; the Receipt, Storage, and Distribution of Text books to schools; the Review of Training Pro grammes Established and Developed by the Council of Technical and Vocational Educa tion and Training and Guyana’s Preparedness for Marine Oil Spill Re sponse.Additionally, the Auditor General men tioned that during the year, along with the reg ular audits there was a rollout of a number of cash grants, including the “Because We Care,” disability cash grant, and the hinterland and riverain grants, among others.
Auditor General, Deodat Sharma (left) hands over the 2021 Auditor General’s Report and five performance reports to Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir (right) on Monday

Minister Edghill expressed the view on Monday on the sidelines of an event where he added that the Auditor General’s reports for 2019 and 2020 must be examined separately to provide the necessary time to delve into the details of the Accordingreport. to

Speaking specifically of 2019, he noted that it was the first time that there was a government functioning that was not legitimate or not law fully in place and was at the time a caretaker government that fell, subsequent to the pas sage of a No Confidence motion.This period, he said, cannot be glossed over as if everything was well and added that this year must be examined with a level of scrutiny
dits also provided us with an opportunity to witness first hand, the process, and there is no better audit evidence than first-hand witness. The execution of these audits is not without their challenges, but the dedication of the audit office staff made it pos sible,” Sharma said.
that did not exist before.
noted that 2020 was an other special year as there was an election in March with the new government officially taking office in August. The budget for that year did not come on stream untilAsOctober.such, he added that the PAC has to be
— five performance audit reports also submitted
able to examine all that transpired between the time that the elections concluded and the ex penditures until August, while also examining how these expenditures were brought to the book via the budgetary process.While reports for years have been exam ined combined before, Edghill noted that that takes place in normal circumstances, and as such, there is no way that these two years can be compared to any oth er two years that have been examined in that way.“We’re talking about
THE Auditor Gen eral’s report for the year 2021 was on Monday handed over to the Speaker of the Nation al Assembly, Manzoor Nadir.
The Speaker lauded the office for its pro gression over the years and the way that it has used its limited re sources that have been allocated to provide more oversight of the public purse and the use of public funds.
The men then es caped into a waiting car while the injured woman was rushed to the Georgetown Pub lic Hospital Corpo ration where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
campaign was needed.
in the ambit of our law, it’s a crime,” Dr. Persaud said.
Convicted ‘granny’ killers move to CCJ

East Bank Demerara (EBD); Kevin October of Agricola, EBD, and Roy Jacobs of Evans Street, Charlestown, George town, were sentenced to 81 years’ imprison ment by Justice Navindra Singh after a jury found them guilty of the crime.
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 13

ing to them just report it to us, even if they just pick the children up just bring them to the agency.”
She added: “We want people to be aware of the law and we want repeat offend ers, parents and caregivers who neglect their children or wilfully take their children on the street to engage in ac tivities like begging to know that we will be taking a harsh
She added: “I’m implor
be passed from one per son to another.
— with launch of ‘Streetlight’ initiative
The case will be heard in the Trinidad-based court on October 11.
Dr Persaud said children who wander the streets are vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, accidents and other issues, and while the minis try has been working to re move those children from the streets, a much more rigorous
To tackle the issue head on, the Childcare and Protec tion Agency (CPA), which will be spearheading the Streetlight initiative, will vis it several known “hotspots” across Georgetown and other parts of the country.
“It’s a collaborative effort between the ministry and the wider public to get into the habit of reporting, not dismissing and not feeding
Human Services and Social Security Minister Dr Vindhya Persaud

the issue by giving money and all those things because
ing to overturn the Court of Appeal’s decision. It is unclear if Jacobs will be filing an appeal.
On the evening of June 30, 2011, two men went to Fiedtkou-Parris’ Robb Street, George town house and asked for ‘Auntie,’ a name by which she was called.
They were direct ed up a sidestep and as Fiedtkou-Parris emerged from her bedroom, one
Dead: Clementine Fiedtkou-Parris
The minister said, how ever, that this is not a matter
The men subsequent ly filed an appeal at the Court of Appeal chal lenging their conviction
the need for a more rigor ous campaign to remove vulnerable and wandering children from the streets of Guyana, the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security on Monday launched its “Streetlight” initiative.
“The streetlight project entails officers going out into the streets and picking up children who are on the streets. They will start that today [Monday],” Minister of Human Services and Social Security said during a simple launch of the exercise.
The Guyana Chron icle had reported that the four men wherebyantFiedtkou-Parrismurderedpursutoanarrangement,moneywasto
which could be addressed solely by the ministry, as a multi-stakeholder approach, which includes public partic ipation, is needed to properly arrest the situation.
and sentences. In 2021, October died in prison while the appeal was beingFourheard.months later, the Court of Appeal upheld the men’s conviction but reduced their sentences to 50Dissatisfiedyears. with the outcome, Orwin and Cleon recently filed an appeal in the CCJ seek
Once children are picked up, the CPA will work with the parents or guardians of the minors to provide support so that those children could be properly integrated into society.“We would have been doing it and we would have been working with parents for at least a year, but it’s an amplification of our efforts and with the complete under standing, once those children are picked up off the streets we get in touch with their parents and we work with the family to provide whatever is needed,” Dr Persaud said.
As per Guyana’s laws, parents or guardians could be charged if a child or children are found dwelling on the streets. It is also an offence to use children to solicit money, and persons could face a $200,000 fine or up to six months impris onment for this and other related matters.
rector of CPA, Levine Gou veia, urged ranks of the GPF to play a more active role in removing vulnerable children from the “Thestreets.Guyana Police Force, I’m imploring them to just work with the agency because sometimes it’s very disheartening to know that they just pass by, and the children are just there and some officers they are not taking it very seriously,” Gouveia said.

Rigorous campaign underway to remove children from the streets
TWO of the three men who are currently serv ing 50-year sentences for the 2011 gruesome murder of es.conviction(CCJ)beanmovedou-Parris,Clementine72-year-oldFiedtkhavenowtotheCarib-CourtofJusticetoappealtheirandsentenc
In 2015, Orwin and Cleon Hinds of Mocha,
CPA Assistant Director Levine Gouveia
stance.”Tothis end, Assistant Di
By Naomi
of the men pulled out a gun and shot her several times to the upper part of her body.
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In reply, Player-of-theMatch Suzie Bates top-scored with 51 from 65 deliveries while Amelia Kerr chipped in with an important 47.
from two wides, to find themselves requiring a fur ther 18 from the last three deliveries.Broad-shouldered Rus sell then edged fast bowl er Roshon Primus to the fine leg boundary before depositing the next two balls over the ropes at deep mid-wicket.However, the fireworks were not enough, leaving TKR fourth on seven points with their fourth defeat in eightRusselloutings.finished unbeat en on 23 from 11 deliveries while Sunil Narine finished with 19 not out from 14 balls, the pair adding a pre
TAROUBA, Trinidad, (CMC) – Andre Russell blasted 16 runs from the last three deliveries of the game but his efforts were in vain as Trinbago Knight Riders suffered an agonis ing one-run defeat to St Lucia Kings in the Carib bean Premier League here Sunday night.
In reply, Bates anchored two key stands up front to put New Zealand in control of the chase. First, she put on 54 for the first wicket with captain Sophie Devine who mde 25 from 24 balls, before adding a further 47 for the second wicket with Kerr.
cious 43 in an unbroken seventh wicket stand.
Earlier, opener Johnson Charles continued to remind West Indies selectors of the reasons why they recalled him after six years on the sidelines, with his second straight fifty and third in four innings, as St Lucia Kings scrapped it out to reach 147 for six from 20 overs.The 33-year-old topscored with a controlled 54 from 46 deliveries while South African all-rounder David Wiese struck a 14ball 33 and Sri Lanka’s Niroshan Dickwella made 21. Kings has now climbed
turning in December to play three Tests in the second leg of theWithtour.Buttler set to miss the Karachi leg as he re covers from a knee inju ry, the side will be led by Moeen Ali, whose grandfa ther came to England from Pakistan after the second World War.
One of them, Alex Hales, will be particularly keen to impress after his three-year absence from international cricket due to an off-field issue.
England and Pakistan to use T20 series to gauge World Cup readiness
08:25Durbanville,hrsRafeef's Choice
Off-spinning all-rounder and captain Hayley Matthews captured three for 28 but when bad light ended play
A collapse where three wickets tumbled for 18 runs made the finish interesting before bad light became the ultimate factor.
The partnership ap peared to put TKR in con trol of the chase until fast bowler Alzarri Joseph (226) struck twice to put the game back in the balance, before Russell and Narine nearly won it.
In a rain-marred contest reduced to 35 overs per side due to protracted delay at the start, West Indies Women gathered 168 for seven with
NORTH SOUND, Antigua, (CMC) – West Indies Wom en suffered a narrow defeat in the opening One-Day International here Monday, to fall behind in the threematch series at the Vivian Richards Cricket Ground.
Henrystand.faced 34 balls
inserted but Johnson ham mered five fours and three sixes as he anchored a 59run second-wicket stand withSeamerDickwella.Ravi Rampaul (2-10) accounted for both and off-spinner Sunil Narine (2-31) grabbed another two wickets to leave the innings in turmoil at 117 for five in the 18th over but Wiese arrived to belt two fours and three sixes and provide Kings with valuable mo mentum at the death.
Tim Seifert, promoted to open, then top-scored with a run-a-ball 44 which includ ed two fours and a six to in spire a 54-run, fourth wicket partnership with captain Kieron Pollard who struck 34 from 23, with three fours and two sixes.
KARACHI, Pakistan, (Reuters) - England will kick off their first tour of Pakistan in 17 years today with the first of a sev en-match Twenty20 series which assumes even more importance for both sides ahead of the World Cup in Australia next month.
England will play four matches in Karachi and three in Lahore before re
Roston Chase (3-17) pro duced key strikes.
England were initially scheduled to tour Pakistan last year but it did not ma terialise because of security concerns. Jos Buttler's men were only given the green light to tour this year after a security team evaluated the situation on the ground.
09:00 hrs Cracklin' Rose 09:35 hrs King Mo 10:10 hrs Time Flies 10:45 hrs Quatermain 11:20 hrs Nevada King Irish Racing Tips

09:00 hrs Angel's Trumpet 09:35 hrs Transition 10:10 hrs Gambe Veloci 10:45 hrs Drombeg Duke 11:20 hrs Self Belief 11:55 hrs Tiymara 12:30 hrs Earls
through the recalled Natasha McLean (20) and Rashada Williams (19) who put on 29 for the first However,wicket.once the part nership was broken, the home side lost five wickets for 45 runs to collapse to 74 for five in the 21st over, before Henry and Knight patched up the innings with an 83-run, sixth wicket
"It is going to be memo rable playing in front of the Pakistani crowds and also an immense honour to dep utize for Jos Buttler, while he recovers from injury, and captain England," Moeen wrote in his column for the Daily"OfMail.course, this tour is important for cricket and
Charles stars again as Kings condemn TKR to fourth defeat
08:35Lingfieldhrs Field Of Honour 09:10 hrs Rose Light 09:45

English Racing Tips
abruptly, the visitors were 159 for five off 33 overs – five runs ahead on Duck worth-Lewis-Stern.“Unfortunately, bad light gave New Zealand the result but we have two more games to look forward to so we have to pick ourselves up and keep moving,” Henry said postmatch.Sent in, West Indies Women made a steady start
08:25Listowelhrs Tiverton
Not for the first time in reply, TKR found them selves floundering at 16 for three in the fourth over as off-spinner and captain,
it is also crucial for us as a side."Seven T20s will be a stern test in these condi tions and a good pointer for where we are, ahead of the World Cup in Austra lia next month," added the all-rounder.England last toured Pa kistan in 2005 but at least 10 members of the current squad have some experience of local conditions courte sy of their Pakistan Super League (PSL) stints.
to second in the standings on eight points with their fourth win in eight matches.
South Africa Racing Tips
Ahead of the final phase of league matches starting tomorrow in Guyana, Bar bados Royals top the stand ings with 14 points and have already booked their spot in the playoffs, while Jamaica Tallawahs lie third on eight points.Reigning champions St Kitts and Nevis Patriots are fifth on six points with Guyana Amazon Warriors last on Captainthree. Faf du Ples sis fell in the second over for two with nine runs on the board after Kings were
Windies Women slip to defeat in rainhit opener against New Zealand
and struck four fours while Knight played the supporting role in a 61-ball knock which included a single four.
Chinelle Henry top-scoring with 44 batting at number seven and Kyshona Knight hitting 36.
Needing 22 runs from the final over to overhaul a target of 148 at the Brian Lara Stadium, TKR scraped two runs and benefitted
20 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Bates counted half-dozen fours in a 65-ball stay at the crease before falling in the 21st over while Kerr faced 67 deliveries and lashed four fours in posting another 31 for the third wicket with Maddy Green (18).
hrs Rebel Redemp 10:20tion hrs Princeville 10:55 hrs Saxon Village 11:30 hrs Dubai Leader 12:03 hrs Naasma 08:42Beverleyhrs Berry Edge 09:17 hrs Cite D'or 09:52 hrs Havana By The 10:27Sea hrs Acklam Express 11:02 hrs It's All About You 11:37 hrs Qipao 12:10 hrs RaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceThisledownAmerican15:3015:0014:3014:0013:3013:0012:2511:51NewcastleMotarajelhrsMakeAProphethrsTiberioForcehrsQuercusForcehrsForcefulSpeedhrsChasseralhrsLadyLouhrsWadacreGracehrsCamachoRacingTips1TizThirsty2APrayerForKids3MrTripledouble4AlwaysMischievois5Passionfortreasure6GoldenHammer7Queenofcatniphill8Aferdita
T20 internationals for Sin gapore between July 2019 and March 2020, has forced his way into Australia's World Cup squad through dominant performances in domestic T20 leagues in cluding the BBL and Indian Premier League as well as England's Hundred and T20 Blast, Pakistan and Carib beanTheleagues.26-year-old, who has hit the most sixes in T20 cricket this year with 79, has impressed Finch and national selectors with his power, along with his consistency in the tough five, six and seven 'finish
Finch's side ramp up their preparations for their T20 World Cup title de fence on home soil today when their three-match tour of India gets underway in Mohali.And he said they would take the local conditions into account when selecting their team during the whirl wind six-day tour despite the stark contrast in the con ditions in India and those that await during the World Cup in "EveryAustralia.decision that we make has one eye towards the World Cup and see ing the wicket yesterday it looked like there was quite a bit of grass on it," the 35-year-old told reporters from Mohali on Monday.
Green, who is not in the T20 World Cup squad but was called up for the Indian tour with Warner rested, also appears likely to play just his second T20 international due to the ab sences of allrounders Marsh andGreenStoinis. impressed in the 50-over series against New Zealand and Zim babwe, which included a match-winning 89 not out in the series opener with the Black Caps, and if selected during the T20 tour it will be the 23-year-old's first time playing in India
"For us, it's about mak ing sure once we get there that we've had plenty of different combinations of teams that we can play because the last thing that you want is have an injury derail your whole campaign because you're pigeonholed into playing one style of cricket or one structure of team."There will be a little bit of mixing and matching but still with that one eye towards the World Cup to make sure we're still as rounded as we can be as a squad."The tour is almost cer tain to include a highly anticipated Australia debut for middle-order power-hit ter Tim David with Marcus Stoinis ruled out of the three T20Is with a side injury, while Finch flagged
Steve Smith would return to the No.3 in the absence of Mitch Marsh with a minor ankleThereinjuris also a vacan cy at the top of the order alongside the skipper with David Warner rested, while Test captain Pat Cummins returns to national duties af ter sitting out of Australia's recent one-day international series victories against New Zealand and Zimbabwe and veteran white-ball quick Kane Richardson looks set to retain his spot with Mitchell Starc also nursing a knee
"We back his skill set, we back what he brings to the table and we back that his best is well and truly good enough for interna tional"Tim'scricket.been super im pressive for a long peri od of time in T20 cricket now, he's someone who we know has got the power, he's shown that all around the world wherever he's played"The fact he's come into the squad with such a great
attitude, he's been training brilliantly, he's a really good all-round package with his ability to bowl a few overs, very good in the field, so we're excited with what he brings to the squad."
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 21
bit."We'll be mindful of not being too narrow minded in terms of our focus – what we've tried to do over the last eight to 10 months is to make sure everything we're doing in the T20 space ties back to the World Cu
Combinations key to T20 World Cup title defence: Finch
Australia T20 captain Aaron Finch (left) and all-rounder Glenn Maxwell

David,injury.who played 14
"The thing I love most about him is how quick he adapts and learns from the very minimal mistakes that he"(Cricket.
"We know in Mohali the ball can swing around and it can carry through quite a
Finch said Green had "all the tricks and the game sense" to be a successful three for mat player for improve,"playedimpressive,"Cameron'sAustralia.beenreallyeverylevelhe'sinhe'scontinuedtoFinchsaid.
ing'"We'rerole. not going to ask him to do anything he's nev er done before," Finch said.
Aaron Finch says the reigning T20 world cham pions won't be pigeon holed into a certain team structure as they look to ensure they have plenty of options should something not go to plan during next month's World Cup.

Tristan Stubbs was bought by Sunrisers after fierce bidding by MI and Super Kings © Getty
old's services.
George Linge - MI Cape Town - R 3.9M
Reeza HendricksJoburg Super Kings - R 4.5MRassie vd Dussen - MI Cape Town - R 3.9M
Harry Brook - Joburg Super Kings - R 2.1M
Duan Jansen - MI Cape Town - R Janeman3.3M Malan -
Phil Salt - Pretoria Capitals - R 2M Jason Roy - Paarl Royals - R 1.5M (Cric buzz)
MI returned after the R 7 million mark but Sun risers, entrenched in the battle, held firm to land the player. It marks a whirl wind six-month period for Stubbs, who earned an IPL call-up as a replacement player, after turning heads at the CSA T20 Challenge in 2022 where he struck his 293 runs at a strikerate of 183.82. Stubbs has since made his South Af rica debut in the format and has been named in the Proteas squad for the upcoming T20 World Cup in Australia.Sunrisers, who along with Pretoria Capitals began the day with the biggest purse (R 28.05 million), also made a big splash to sign lanky pace-bowler Marco Jansen for R 6.1 million while the Capitals signed explosive batter Rilee Rossouw with the second-highest bid of R 6.9 million after stav ing off interests from the Super Kings and MI Cape Town.The Capitals also made a late swoop to sign Wayne Parnell for R 5.6 million ahead of the Joburg Super Kings, who had looked set

Stubbs was at the cen tre of a fervent bidding war that began with MI Cape Town, the sister franchise of his IPL team, staying firm until R 4.3 million be fore letting Sunrisers and the Joburg Super Kings battle for the youngster.
to sign the left-arm seamer. JSK were also prized out of signing Sisanda Magala, who went to the Sunrisers for R 5.4 million.
Joburg Super Kings - R 2.7MKeshav MaharajDurban's Super Giants - R 2.5MAdil
Rashid - Pretoria Capitals - R 2.4M
TRISTAN Stubbs was the biggest draw in the first ever SA20 auction, with Sunrisers Eastern
Cape forking out R 9.2 million for the 22-year-
were originally presented to the teams in the auc tion, alongside South Af rica'sT20I captain Temba Bavuma and Test captain DeanOtherElgar.notable signings
22 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The auction began with the marquee XX player-list with paceman Lungi Ngidi becoming the first player to go under the hammer. Paarl Royals, who signed him for R 3.4 million, also made a second signing in stantly thereafter by sign ing the former No.1 T20I spinner Tabraiz Shamsi for R 4.3 million. Hein rich Klaasen (R 4.5M) and Dwaine Pretorius (R 4.1M) were the other two players to breach the four million mark in the open ing round, both players signed by Durban's Super Giants.Hard-hitting West In dian all-rounder Odean Smith, who entered the auction at a base price of R 1.75 Million, found no takers. Eoin Morgan, James Neesham were oth er big name players that earned no bids when they
Alzarri Joseph - Joburg Super Kings - R 2.1M
SA20 Auction:
CRICKET QUIZ CORNER (Tuesday September 20, 2022) COMPLIMENTS OF CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL COMPANY LTD - 83 Garnett Street, Campbellville, Georgetown (Tel: 225-6158) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: (1) 30 matches (2) 29 matches Today’s Quiz: (1) Which franchise was heading the CPL 2022 points table after the T&T round? (2) Who topped the run-chart after the T&T round? Answers in tomorrow’s issue
Stubbs bags the highest bid in maiden auction
Gaby Lewis put together a match-winning partnership of 91 with fellow opener Amy Hunter
deo ended the Ontario Softball Cricket League (OSCL) 2022 season in a blaze of glory at the Ash tonbee Reservoir ground, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada last Saturday, smashing a masterful century as Mercenary defeated Carr Tec by a massive 138 runs in the

IRELAND eased past the United States of America by nine wickets to secure their first win of the Women's T20 World Cup Qualifier in Abu Dhabi.

The victory meant Mer cenary had made a clean sweep of all the titles up for grabs in the OSCL 2022 season. They topped the T20 standings with 70 points, the same as Berbice Vipers but with a superi or net run rate. They also carted off the T10 and T-15 championships.Attheimpressive pre sentation ceremony, which followed, several players were awarded for their outstanding performances during the season. Mer cenary’s Avish Rukhram topped the T20 batting ag gregate with 559 runs with Enmore’s Steven Ramdass and Shiv Persaud occupy ing the second and third spots respectively with 364 andCenturies350. were also reg istered by Rukhram (154 and 196 not out), Ramdass (112), Chien Gittens (101), Anand Balwant (163) Dias (120), Surendra Persaud
The winning Mercenary players pose with OSCL executives
GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 23
The day belonged exclusively to Sookdeo, whose pulsating 109 off 54 balls, which was decorat ed with two fours and 13 massive sixes, almost sin glehandedly took the game away from Carr Tec with a batting display that most of those present rated as one of the best in the 26-year history of the OSCL.
Saturday’s winner’s tro phy was donated by former president and founding member, Kenny Girdharry, who told the gathering that it was done in honour of his late father, an ardent cricket fan, who passed away last year.Apart from the winner’s and runner-up trophies, players on the winning team were recipient of to ken trophies while those on the runner-up side collected medals.
The Irish will face Scotland in Abu Dha bi in their final Group A game on Wednes day - with the winner of that match guar anteed a semi-final place, regardless of the willday,resultBangladesh-USAonthesamewhiletheloserbeeliminated.
T20 Playoff final.
(120), Devon Ramnauth (126), Oliver Manram (121) and Sanjay Kumar (101).Jairam Rakesh Ramou tar of Better Hope topped the bowling with 19 wick ets while Diaram and Sha meer Latiff (Better Hope) took 19 each. Bholanuth Sukhu (Mercenary) and Katachy finished with 15 each.Four players – Ramou tar, Katchay, Andy Persaud and Rabindra Jesh Parasn auth (Canadian Legends) -recorded five-wicket hauls.
Sookdeo departed, bowled by Eion Katchay with the score on 200 in the 18th over, Carr Tec looked a demoralized bunch. Katchay finished with two for 28 from two overs while there was one wicket each for Yoodhan lall Suhkhlall, Troy Gobin and Andy Persaud for 26, 33 and 37 runs respectively.
The pugnacious righthander dominated three important partnerships with fellow opener Avish Rukhram, Richard Dias and Shaun Deonandan who were merely bystanders. After a somewhat sedate
By Frederick Halley
It was billed as a poten tial blockbuster affair but in the end, it turned out to be a lop-sided game. Win ning the toss and opting to take first strike, Mercenary reached a commanding 224 for six in their allotted overs before Carr Tec were left stranded on a disap pointing 86 for nine when their overs expired.
Carr Tec, in reply, raced to 29 in 2.1 overs with Katchay lashing a quick 20 with three fours and a six off a mere nine balls, but once he went caught by Dias off Rabindra Di aram, it was all downhill as wickets fell with fre quent regularity, so much so that no other batsman reached double figures. Extras tallied 30 with 23
The OSCL also took the opportunity to reward the youth and female players who participated in tournaments during the season while appre ciation plaques were presented to Girdharry, Kim Sue of Norman Sue Bakery, Trophy Stall and Starlite Restaurant “in recognition and appreci ation for supporting and sponsoring our organi sation.”
MVP Avinash Sookdeo receives his trophy from OSCL Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Terry Mathura
beingAmitwides.Rukhram, who bore the brunt of Katchay’s free-scoring in the first over, returned later in his next three to finish with the impressive figures of three for 20 while Diaram took two for 16, Satro han Balkarran two for 19 and Sookdeo and Dama dor Daesrath one for five apiece.Sookdeo was deserved ly named the Most Valuable Player for the winning team while Katchay took the award for the runner-up.
Teams need a toptwo finish in their group to reach Fri day's semi-finals with the winners of the last-four contests guaranteed passage to next year's tour nament, irrespective of the result in the Qualifier final on 25 September.
Ireland ease past USA in T20 World qualifierCup
Sookdeo’s pulsating century earns Mercenary OSCL Playoff title
The USA were all out for 91 off their 20 overs, captain Sind hu Sriharsha (25) and Disha Dhingra (23) putting together a sec ond-wicket partner ship of on two from the eight-team Qual ifier will progress to the competition prop er in South Africa.
start, Sookdeo added 75 in eight overs for the first wicket with the left-handed Rukhram whose contribu tion was 30 (one four and three sixes). He then shared a second-wicket stand of 67 with Dias (10) and 58 with Deonandan (19) for the thirdBywicket.thetime
Azam (left) and Jos Buttler pose with the series trophy

Windies slip to defeat in rain-hit opener against New Zealand

24 GUYANA CHRONICLE, Tuesday, September 20, 2022 Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limited, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 226-3243-9 (General); Editorial: 227-5204, 227-5216. Fax:227-5208 | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022
top-scored with 54 from 36 balls on Sunday night. (Photo courtesy Getty/CPL) See story on page 20 See story on page 20 Charles stars again as Kings condemn TKR to fourth defeat England and Pakistan to use T20 series to gauge World Cup readiness Pakistan and England

Top-scorer Chinelle Henry (middle) chats with Kyshona Knight during their half-century stand on Monday. (Photo courtesy CWI)

top-scored with 51 from 65 balls for New Zealand

See story on page 20
Player-of-the-Match Suzie Bates
Johnson Charles captains Babar