Pepperpot 04 10 2016

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When the Master Brewers

throw a party

Young Guyanese excels in US…

Kelly Hyles ► Page XXI


‘I am ►XXIV a very happy person today’

- New City Councillor - How I got into 8 Ivy Leagues and tells how she overcame 13 other schools an unspeakable tragedy



Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


THOUGH I’d promised to follow the trail of that viral “IS WUH GOING ON?” question – frankly, today ...would prefer to kick all the negativity down the road... best we keep on our way up; let’s deal with some positive retrospection on that time... remember? Before The Road to Brazil, when Terry Fletcher and his fellow Trail to Rupununi pioneers, Peter Fraser, Gordon Forte and Neville Chin among others, surged South to Kurupukari!...remember?

feel free, truly free in this 50th Jubilee year of Independence celebrations....penalty for trying to “escape” has been literally death, and figuratively, the loss of ‘life’...consequence of losing one’s livelihood; and, for those who grow weary of holding on – loss of interest. This was our state during the past 23 years of the PPPC regime during which, with “muzzled mouths” we either endured and survived the infliction of scars on our minds as deep as

...can’t wait to talk about the genesis of the Trail To Rupununi but will just say this first. Now that’s said – and we all need to say it – let’s “begin the road” – talking about the future coming forward from the retrospective of Terrence

Fletcher and Peter Fraser circa 1984/85 when two friends sat having a drink at the Georgetown Club and imagining how great ► Continued on page III

“....jail me quickly – clang the illiterate door if freedom writes no happier alphabet” -Martin Carter choosing to trash the thrash because I too, honestly believe as Julian Mayfield affirms in the essay: ‘Into the ‘Mainstream & Oblivion’, that– “Salvation Lies In Escaping THE NARROW NATIONAL ORBIT—Artistic, Cultural And Political—And Soaring Into The Space Of More Universal Experience” (the emphasis here, is mine). That “narrow national orbit” is the vortex of this constricted political space we call our homeland, a helluva rough ride; especially if yours is one of the “huddled masses” of minds yearning to transcend and

that on the backs of our enslaved ancestors or were physically eliminated. ...said I would kick down the road, that “big question on everyone’s lips these days” trusting that as we progress on our journey into the future, it would confidently and demonstrably answer itself in the infinite possibilities of our horizon(s) ...a virtual mosaic of cultural identities ....currently shrouded by the grimy fog, the accumulated detritus...waste of a shipwrecked PPPC government that’s still floating about and washing up on the green, clean(?), liberated shoreline of our Guyanese prospect.

Trail to Rupununi. Photo of porknockers at Frenchman Creek, circa 1985/86

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


BEFORE THE ROAD TO ... ► From page II

it would to be to drive all the way to Surama and Brazil visiting...been looking back at the chronological sequence of events Before The Road To Brazil including the Trail to Rupununi seems it all began with those two friends, it seems and if anybody wants to challenge that claim – DO IT! Challenge it with unexpurgated well documented facts... This incidentally is exactly how I feel about the response to challenges of the claim that Amerindians were the first Guyanese...a lie you say? I say challenge the lie then; challenge all revisionist history including such as is served at University Of Guyana level where, without so much as an invitation to DISCUSS, students are being indoctrinated thus–

And the Road To Brazil is here, not yet the 21st century highway, not too kind to travellers sometimes, but destined to leave a permanent imprint on the mind of the visitor – same question – big question – WUH GOING ON at Yukuriba? Who owns these endless forest we see hugging this rugged road? My stop is YUKURIBA! Next week… will share with you WUH GOING ON at Yukurika…Taking that journey again – it all starts with the launch of the Philip Moore Artists’ Retreat and Organic Farm at YUKURIBA HEIGHTS.

EVERYBODY HATES BURNHAM! From my POV such dogma is not an acceptable approach to the ESSENTIAL DIALECTIC any mention of Forbes Burnham and his Presidency should stimulate on the UNIVERSITY OF GUYANA campus.... “...we wanted to contribute to the inter connection of roads between Guyana and South America and into the USA,” Terry Fletcher recently told me. ...was there at the time on Yukuriba Heights – while the Trail to Rupununi dreamers were conjuring the future…was there with Capt Roy Bowen, my teacher, my friend, dreaming of a community at Yukuriba embraced by an environment of infinite beauty and that community for me was a community of artists....was not thinking about the Road to Brazil in terms of its bridges’ construction; for me it was already there in my creative imaginings. Luiz The Brazilian I’m luiz the Brazilian! from a landlocked region I come from Green Mountain State of Roraima… Manaus and Alto Alegre traversing this developing highway that’s called The Road To Brazil! – I’m bound for the Port of Georgetown! I’m Luiz the Brazilian! for days I’ve been making my way from Boa Vista... Rio Branco and Uraricoera; then on to Bonfim and Lethem at the Guyana border through Surama and Iwokr-ama at Kuru-pukari! since then I’ve been trucking on a route that goes uphill then down into gullies that are muddy; I get stuck – but so what? I dig myself out…keep moving along singing my song…a-trucking my way on this developing highway they’re calling The Road To Brazil! – It leads to The Port Of Georgetown…. I’m Luiz The Brazilian! Luiz The Brazilian! a-bumping and a-rocking with my truck-full of footwear and food for garimpeiros...feijao and preto e marrom…tasso and farinha; moving along… singing my song while I’m dreaming – just dreaming of that day soon to come when I’ll be passing this way in my eight-teen wheeler on a completed highway – bound for The Port of Georgetown! Ohhhhh I cannot wait for that day – I just can’t wait for that day – even now i can see her, I can feel her; that eight-teen wheeler! right here in my future I’m singing my song…we are cruising along past Pott Falls! Yukuriba! Mabura! Linden and Timehri! – me and my eight-teen wheeler on this completed highway – A FREEWAY! THAT’S BOUND FOR THE PORT OF GEORGETOWN! …LUIZ THE BRAZILIAN …BOUND FOR THE PORT OF GEORGETOWN!

Circa 1984/85 Neville Chin (with members of the Trail to Rupununi team) examining the condition of the bridge at Camuni Creek; just one of the challenges to be faced in another phase – Southbound To Kurupukari


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Engaging with creative millennials By Dominique Hunter LAST week’s article about the myth of the lazy artist stirred conversations about how the public should engage with creatives without perpetuating stereotypes and possibly opening themselves to aggressive rebuttals. So in the spirit of keeping the peace between everyone, I thought I’d share a few tips on how to correctly engage with creative millennials without fear of being snapped at in the most unpleasant ways. Now I’ve chosen this particular grouping of creatives (born early 1980s to 2000) because, as a millennial myself, we often get the wrap for being lazy, entitled, narcissistic, drugged up hipsters who are obsessed with anything/everything that provides us with instant gratification. Rather than use this space to debunk those half-baked claims (which may or may not exist to varying degrees on any given day), I prefer

1. Stop making assumptions. There is nothing more frustrating than being approached by someone who has never had any previous interaction with you and being subjected to an onslaught of completely baseless and inaccurate preconceived ideas of who you are or should be. No two persons are the same and creative individuals are not exempt from this. Everyone’s personalities, concepts, processes and outcomes are unique to the individual. If you are trying to make an introduction consider saying this instead: “So tell me about what you do.” This gives the person the opportunity to definitively establish the parameters of their work and prevents you from embarrassing yourself by peddling played out stereotypes. 2. Keep the condescension. We speak English like every other Guyanese. There is no need to slowly enunciate your words. You don’t need to “dumb down” anything when speaking to us. Further, it is rude to

Dominique Hunter is an independent visual artist who recently graduated from the Barbados Community College with a Bachelor of Fine Art (First Class Honours). to high jump over all of that and get to the really important part: public interaction. At this point, most persons might be scratching their head in confusion. Yes, there is a proper way to engage with us, just as there is a proper way to engage with a lawyer, doctor, accountant and CEO (you get the idea). Having said that, I do recognize and have spoken about it at great lengths in the past, that the source of this confusion is often deeply rooted in our failure to deliver comprehensive art education at the earliest level of school all the way to the end of the tertiary level. Further, it points to our inability to deliver an education that is truly reflective of the era we live in and that does not regurgitate the same archaic methodologies that have been employed “donkey years” ago. Nevertheless, there are ways to circumvent those shortcomings, if only temporarily. So without further delay, here are a few examples of how to properly engage with creative millennials.

not even try to contain your surprise at the fact that we are widely read. Contrary to popular belief, we are not mindless robots who churn out “pot boilers” and are completely uninformed about world events. We are well aware of what goes on outside of the tiny LCD screen that is our smart phone. So the next time you feel yourself about to exclaim a variant of: “Wow! I had no idea you were so smart!” consider all the other ways you can say that more intelligently. Also our sarcasm detector is top notch, so I’d think twice before employing that as a means of one-upping us. 3. Make your pitch and make it fast. Yes we are impatient and yes our attention span is especially short but only because we are products of a system that was designed that way. Our hectic schedules don’t usually allow much time for small talk, so if you feel like you’re being rushed, you probably are being rushed. This is not because we’re trying to be rude. Most times we’re genuinely trying to accommodate everyone by

dividing the time equally. And while it’s often well intentioned, it doesn’t always work out in our favour. Be cognizant of the fact that we’re probably drowning in deadlines and running on very little sleep. Those are all major contributory factors of our frayed nerves. It’s really nothing personal. 4. Stop trying to bargain with us. I’ve never heard of anyone bargaining to get a discount on his or her hospital bill (although I could be wrong). Why persons would think it’s okay to try this with creative practitioners is beyond me. A solid art education could cost as much as a prime plot of land in Guyana. There is an old adage that says “time is money” and this couldn’t be more accurate for creative practitioners. We spend years pushing our mind and body through the mill, trying to make it out of art school with all of our faculties in working order. One would imagine a fairly smooth road after graduation. One would be mistaken. We spend countless hours perfecting our work, often forsaking our physical and mental health just to get our jobs done. So the next time you enquire about an original work of

art under $5000 and you observe the baffled look on our face, consider all of the above. 5. We are professionals. The absence of a crisp business suit or pencil skirt is not, by any means, an indication of a lack of professionalism. The varied nature of our work requires us to be comfortable for the sake of efficiency. While it’s probably doable, stretching and priming canvas in four-inch heels is not very practical. We do have a separate wardrobe for our hands-on work as well as “good clothes” for our more business-oriented meetings/interviews. The challenge is always keeping our “good clothes” free of paint, stain, dye, contact cement etc. but we try our best. This is an occupational hazard that should not determine how seriously we are to be taken. Although I’ve covered some of the major areas of contention, there are still several lengthy additions that could be made. However, I think this is a good place for everyone to start dismantling stereotypes about creative millennials in an effort to make the world a better place. #millennialsmatter

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


Adultery and Mental Illness Hello Everyone, I HOPE this week has treated you well. I got a request to speak about adultery today. A woman wrote in explaining how her husband is being unfaithful and the effect it has on her. I think it’s a great topic to discuss as it is so prominent throughout Guyana. I myself know very few relationships that are monogamouswhich means to be married to or in a sexual relationship with just one individual. We’re going to talk about being unfaithful in general as only married people can commit adultery and you do not have to be married in order to be devastated by that betrayal. It is also important to note that it may be more common among men, but women can be and are also unfaithful. For religious people, adultery is a sin. The word itself, from its Latin heritage “adulterare” means to corrupt. It is one of the major causes of divorce worldwide. However, its effects on both “cheater” and victim are so much more than that. Unfaithfulness/ cheating causes so many problems with both the cheater and the victim. It causes psychological, physical and financial stress- both long and short term. It also affects an entire family. Even though it’s so rampant, cheating is usually disapproved of in society. In fact, it is still against the law in certain countries such as Saudi Arabia, North and South Korea and Pakistan. There’s no doubt that the idea of adultery/ cheating is attractive. Humans love reading about it, watching

it on television and many love the excitement of pleasures we can’t easily have. But what are the serious after effects? For the person who has committed the adultery/cheating, they may experience: - Intense guilt - Anxiety about being caught - Depression if/when caught - Violence, as some people can get physical if they find out they have been betrayed - End of a marriage/ relationship - Broken relationships with children and other family members - Financial stress - Medical consequences, such as acquiring a sexually transmitted disease (STD) - Pregnancy (themselves or the outside person) Now, what does the cheating do to the victim? It causes extreme hurt, low self-esteem and self- doubt. It ruins the trust for future relationships. This is called projecting. The victims are more often than not afraid, insecure and untrusting in their new relationships. This can lead to high anxiety, depression and even suicide. Cheating even affects the children. The family may be split apart, which is difficult for children but trust issues are also passed on to them. I know many people who have never been cheated on (to their knowledge) but are terrified of it because one of the parents were unfaithful. This prevents

them from having a normal, healthy relationship which includes trust, love and respect. Why do people cheat? Other than serious illnesses such as sex addiction, there are many contradictory reasons as to why people cheat. It is known that rich and powerful men cheat as they believe everything has a price. However, men who are not rich or men who are instead with powerful women cheat. Why? Because they feel as though they don’t have enough power in the relationship. Whether you are male or female, rich or poor, black, white or brown, powerful or not, have a mental illness or not, there are people who cheat and people who don’t. It’s simply a personal choice. There will always be other problems to “blame” the cheating on but despite temptation, we as humans have the capability to choose whether we hurt someone deeply or not. Many people also cheat because of drugs and alcohol. If they have had too much, their inhibitions are lowered, which causes normal thought processes to go haywire. The main reason always cited to me is a lack of attention. The partner has felt ignored by their significant other which has lowered their self-esteem and self-worth. Therefore, they seek attention elsewhere. There are many ways one can pay attention to their spouse. Some examples are constant communication of the problem- not talking, ignoring and holding a grudge solves nothing. Other examples are being physical-

ly and mentally present and affectionate, compassionate, patient, empathetic and sexually active. Human beings long for these types of connections. Basically, cheating is an external reaction to an internal problem. Participating in the above examples are internal solutions. What happens after you have found out? Well, there’s a big decision to make. Do you stay and trust that it won’t happen again or do you end the relationship? I did not realise until recently how many women are stuck in this situations as they have nowhere else to go and no other way to financially support themselves or their children. This is where the community groups that I have previously spoke about come into play. Women need to come together in their communities and teach each other how to do things that are used in and out of the home. Always try and aim to increase your education. Please continue to write in to and let me know what you would like to talk about. Also remember you can come and see me at Woodlands Hospital on Monday’s 4:30-5:30 for problems with drugs and alcohol abuse and Wednesday’s 4:30- 5:30 for general mental health concerns, such as adultery/cheating. Please also remember there are Al- Anon groups every Thursday 5:15 to 6:15 at Brickdam Presbytery. Say Yes to Life and No to Drugs! Always!


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Judge delivered judgement six years after retirement IN 2002, Guyana’s Appellate Court allowed an appeal and ordered a new trial because the judge who delivered the decision did so without being clothed with constitutional authority. Justices of Appeal C. Singh, Nandram Kissoon & I. Chang heard the appeal. According to the facts, Justice Vidyanand Persaud, on his last date in office, concluded the hearing of the case in question. The parties, through their respective counsels, had consented to the decision being given by him after the expiration of his term. The decision was submitted six years after Persaud returned to private practice as an attorney-at-law. Persaud had reservations as to the correctness of the delivery of the decision since he had demitted office. Despite the fact that he had communicated his reservation to both the Chief Justice and the Chancellor, he was advised that he should proceed to give his decision. The trial judge dismissed the action from which the Plaintiffs before him had appealed. The issue on appeal is whether such consent was constitutionally valid since no specific provision in the constitution Act empowers a judge to deliver a judgment in the High Court after his

retirement. The Appellate Court held that under Article 197 (v) of the 1980 Constitution, only the President, acting on the advice of the Judicial Service Commission, can grant the necessary permission for the extension of the tenure of office of a judge to enable him to deliver his judgments. Although the parties had consented to Justice Persaud giving his decision after his term had come to an end, such consent could not in law clothe him with the necessary constitutional authority since he was not a court prescribed by law in terms of Article 144 (8) of the Constitution. R. Forde with L. Amsterdam appeared for the Appellants and J. A. King, S.C., with R. Khan, appeared for the respondent. The Court pronounced against the pretended will of the deceased bearing the date 20th May, 1992. It declared that the deceased died intestate and revoked Probate 889 of 1992 granted to the defendant. The Court also granted an injunction restraining the Defendant from acting as Executor of the will of the deceased and from dispossessing the first named Defendant. The trial judge dismissed the action from which the plaintiffs appealed. At the

hearing of the appeal, counsel for the Appellants, Mr. Roysdale Forde, proceeded to argue that the decision of the learned trial judge was a nullity without legal force and effect and unconstitutional, for the reason that at the date of the said decision the learned trial judge was not competent or capable in law to deliver the, aforesaid decision. He also argued that the decision of the learned trial judge was a nullity without legal force and effect and unconstitutional for the reason that there was no consent law by the Appellant/Plaintiff to receive the judgment of Justice Persaud. Further, Forde submitted that the decision of the learned trial judge was a nullity without legal force and effect and unconstitutional for the reason that the acts purportedly consented to were incapable of being achieved in law. Justice Vidyanand Persaud on his last date in office concluded the hearing of the case in question and the parties through their respective counsel had consented to the decision being given by him after the expiration of his term. In the decision which was submitted on 18th January , 2000 some six years later, Mr. Persaud, who had returned to private practice as an Attorney-at-law,

By George Barclay

opined that he had reservations as to the correctness of the delivery of the decision since he had demitted office. Moreover, despite the fact that he had communicated his reservation to both the Chief Justice and the Chancellor, he was advised that notwithstanding the delay he should proceed to give his decision. According to the president of the Appellate Court, “Under the Constitution, the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Service Commission can grant the necessary permission for the extension of the tenure of office of a judge to enable him to deliver his judgments. “Although the parties had consented to Persaud, his decision after his term had come to an end could not in law clothe him with the necessary constitutional authority since he was not a court prescribed by law in terms of article 144 (8) of the Constitution.” The term “court” is defined in section (2) of the High Court Act, Cap.3:02 as including a judge when exercising any of the jurisdictions conferred on him by statute. Justice of Appeal Singh added: Parliament has vested the authority to extend the tenure of judges solely in the President and no act of the parties can be substituted for such authority.

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016




ADDRESSING ITS : S N R E C N O C DEFICIENCIES EDUCATION of children has always been one of the major consumer concerns. Today, more than in the past, parents are overwhelmed with anxieties as to the future of their children and this could be seen at the beginning of every school year and at the time of examinations, especially the CXC Examinations. The reasons for such anxieties are many, and parents and many educationists feel that the Guyanese education system is at the crossroads. The Hon. Minister of Education, Dr Rupert Roopnarine, a scholar and brilliant academic in his own right, seems to have reached the same conclusion. He has accordingly appointed a Commission of Inquiry into the education system and the public, including parents, educationists and academics have been invited to make their verbal or written submissions or both. It is expected that the findings of the Commission would bring forward new and fresh perspectives and solutions which could constructively guide the Ministry of Education, public and private schools

and institutions, as well as educationists and the public in general. There are many factors in our present Education System which need to be corrected. One of the most obvious is the large number of subjects, mostly 20 or more, which the brighter and more able children are encouraged to do at the CXC Examinations. This is done largely to bring kudos to the school and to enter the competition of writing the most subjects. The welfare and interests of the children are not of primary importance in this exercise. When a child does twenty or more subjects, it is quite obvious that he or she would have little time or energy to devote to any other activity than academic work. He or she does not play or participate in outdoor activities or even the various school clubs which could be engaged in organizing tours, or photography or the game of chess and so on. A child in this situation would have had his or her childhood taken away and would often not be able to mix easily with or relate to others. He or she would very likely become introverted

and would be at a serious disadvantage as he or she enters adulthood. The parents of most such children are compelled to engage private tutors at fees for which they would have to make enormous sacrifices to meet. For one reason or another, the rest of the school inevitably and quickly become infected with this example and the majority of parents have to engage private tutors. This system of private tuition outside of school hours is financially exploitative of parents and discriminates against poorer pupils and their parents. Private lessons or tuition outside of school hours also demoralize and corrupt the teaching staff. Many teachers now do not teach the children in class but expect to teach the same children as private tutors after school hours. Many become so lazy and irresponsible that they come into class and spend the teaching periods looking at their Ipads or smart phones and ignore the students who behave as they like, playing pranks on each other and generally enjoying the period. There is the factual story of an English teacher in

one of the well-appointed private schools who never taught her classes but whose students, from year to year, did well at the CXC Examinations because the large majority of her class had private tutors. That undeserving teacher claimed the successes at the CXC examinations as her achievement. Indeed, when one or two parents attempted to speak to the Principal of the school of the teacher's laxity, the Principal would show them the good examination results! This system of private lessons which has overtaken the schools is harmful to the children, puts a heavy financial burden on the parents and demoralizes and corrupts the teachers. Among the worst of the harmful effects on pupils is that it prevents wide reading, thus depriving children of enjoying and

assimilating the world's great writers and their great formative thoughts. It also prevents students from being exposed to the great Music and Arts of the world. In any case, it is only about eight CXC subjects - English, Mathematics, Science, Information Technology (IT) and a foreign language being the core subjects- which are necessary to help students further their education and careers or to secure employment. Almost all the other subjects which had absorbed the student's time, energy and childhood are of little relevance in the real world. The Educational Commission would certainly make recommendations to correct the deficiencies of the Educational System including those mentioned but the public must participate and give their views

PAT DIAL and suggested solutions. Consumer News: The National Bureau of Standards would be formulating a national standard for Textiles and Related Products to protect the consumer and raise the standard of such products on sale. A hearing on the issue would soon be advertised and the public are invited to participate. Please look out for the advertisement.


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


ONE of the major flaws of art education in Guyana rests with the absence of the business of art in its curriculum. This was one item on the list I submitted to Dr Denis Williams after I had refused to attend the Art school back in 1983, and as I was in his employ, he insisted that I compile my contentions. Though through the years I read books on the subject, I found out the hard way that talent and what existed in Guyana was inadequate to bargain to hold on to a reasonable portion of the negotiating stick in the business of the arts. So it is necessary to share this “case-study” of my experience to provide awareness among upcoming talent. Usually in Guyana, because we live in professional familiar cliques, our legitimacy is known as well as our reputations and so much of what consists of our professional paperwork is sidestepped. But we also live in the world, that competes’ on a much more complicated stage, where self-preservation prevails over familiarity; as a matter of fact familiarity was not an option when knocking at the door. I had decided in the mid -90s to tap into the North American industry as the arts at home had definitely taken a down side, from the Government administrative support end. I had written a couple of entities and had received favourable responses, sending a portfolio that consisted of a short Bio-data, and a page of each of the four items I had intended to launch through collaborative efforts. Based on enthusiasm, I secured a joint loan from a local bank and departed for New York where most of the entities I had contacted resided. I had walked with at least the twelve first finished pages of each of the graphic series I was marketing. This was what I was accustomed doing at home. I soon realized that what in Guyana was described as the Art scene was in New York and the developed world serious business. After my first four interviews, it occurred to me that I was found wanting in the business aspect of my strategy. They had all requested the Copyright certificates for the concepts presented, business was not going to be done on my word. The other options lay in contracts that implied “collaborative” and “work for hire.” I knew enough to realise that either term compromised my full Copyright ownership in the case of collaborative, and terminated my Copyright altogether with “Work for hire.” I was not in a nice place psychologically and my wife agreed with my brave decisions, though things at home were not as they should. The reality that pounded my head was that you couldn’t copyright eight pages of a forty page original issue of a graphic concept. This meant that I had to finish the entire book. My little studio, reference morgue and library was in Guyana, and this task for one project would require at least eight months. I had to soberly conclude the adventure shelved. I proceeded to put a barrel together of saleable items, to recoup part of the expedition’s costs and then concentrate on exploring the New York terrain for individual “pot boilers” because as a Guyanese, those return home gifts are not excusable, thus, TOYS- R-US and other places still had to be visited. Also, necessary research and development items and art tools not in Guyana had to be sourced. I hooked up with my buddy Ras Ita and Guy-American Andre Sealy. Andre was at that time working out of a studio with Scot Cikin at Spring and Greenwich Street. In Studio 325, there were sculptors. I did the graphics and some sculpturing. Myself and Ita visited the Marvel and DC offices and acquired much

needed clarity in confirming what the Independent publishers [Graphic-comic book artists who were self publishing] were saying in the trade magazines. I should emphasise that trade magazines are important to persons in any field, or you can easily become Jurassic, or miss out on important time and finance saving avenues. All in all the expedition was a fertile experience. Fast forward to 2016, today there are e-book handlers, but the traditional distributors still play an important part. If you’re reading this article and you are a painter, understand that you can sell a painting for decorative purposes but own its commer-

cial rights, meaning that I bought your painting and can make as much money as your status grows, but if you had me sign a receipt that still allows you to commercialise the image, this doesn’t mean you can paint another copy, but rather place a digital image on place mats or greeting cards; you would not be in any violation. That’s if the client is not also interested in the commercial rights. Wherever the situation stands, your knowledge base and determination in the business of the arts will be important along the trail to the enchanted mountain.

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Colour Correctors


OLOUR correctors are used to disguise, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and diffuse discoloration. Your skin's natural tone has its variants of colours, primarily referred to as undertone. Under correct lighting (the sun's natural light) can bring forward various types of dominant colours embedded in the top layer

of skin's epidermis. The natural skin tone Ivory, Beige, or Bronze and its underlying pigments can make skin appear unbalanced. Feng Shui of colour In order to balance the appearance of the face, you must have a good understanding of colours and how they work. *Side note: Now I would introduce you to the psy-

chology of colour but that's another issue. And always hire a makeup artist who has an understanding of art. I always tell my students (and anyone who seeks my advice on becoming a makeup artist) if you want to be a makeup artist study art first, it's the foundation and the face is used as a canvas. It's knowing how to bal-

ance and build colour that determines how well the makeup appears; more emphasis on balance, though. Be careful not to build in an attempt to cover up. Just recently, I had a bride who decided to dye her skin with Yellow dye, in traditional East Indian culture, and neglected to mention that until I had reapplied her foundation three times. The foundations I use


have built in pigments to match undertones like olive, yellow, pink and purple. She added yellow pigment to her naturally pink undertone, and my eyes saw yellow, and as I applied every possible foundation shade to match her skin tone the only thing that worked was my yellow EYESHADOW mixed with the foundation. It was a catastrophe that took an extra hour to fix. Thank God I was early for the appointment. Balance is important in life and makeup. To restore the heavy pigment of the dye, I now had to add heavy pigment to the foundation. If you look at the chart I

copped from Sephora, it mentions use lavender to counter, but lavender mixed with yellow pigment found in skin dyes, may result in an orange brown appearance making sun kissed skin, like my brides East Indian skin tone, appear darker, and too tanned. It's better to use a bright yellow corrector over concealer to restore the warmth of that particular skin tone. C o l o u r C o r re c t o r s should be applied before concealers and after foundation. Apply with a gentle pat, and brush sweep, only to problem areas. Then tap on concealer, followed by powder and go!


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

12 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Hot Water WHILE growing up my mom would never allow me to leave the house without something warm or hot in my stomach. After further research I’ve found many health benefits I’d like to share and hopefully you can benefit from them as well. I think that most of us know by now that water is essential to our survival. We’ve probably also all heard doctors say that drinking roughly eight glasses a day is ideal. However, what most people don’t know is that warm water and hot water have some exclusive benefits of their own that you just can’t get when you drink water cold. Here are 12 benefits of drinking hot water:

10. ENHANCES BLOOD CIRCULATION AND PROMOTES A HEALTHY NERVOUS SYSTEM Another important benefit of drinking hot water is that it enhances your blood circulation, which is important for proper muscle and nerve activity. In addition, it keeps your nervous system healthy by breaking down the fat deposits around it. 11. DIGESTION Hot water is particularly beneficial for digestion. Studies have shown that drinking cold water during or after a meal can harden the oil present in the consumed foods. This can create a fat deposit on the inner wall of your intestine, which can eventually result in intestinal cancer. However, if you replace the glass of cold water with hot, you can avoid this problem. In addition, hot water is beneficial to digestion, which is what you want after a meal.

1. WEIGHT LOSS Hot water is great for maintaining a healthy metabolism, which is what you want if you’re trying to shed a few kilos. The best way to do this is to kick start your metabolism early in the morning with a glass of hot water and lemon. As an added bonus, hot water will help to break down the adipose tissue (aka body fat) in your body. 2. ASSISTS WITH NASAL AND THROAT CONGESTION Drinking hot water is an excellent natural remedy for colds, coughs and a sore throat. It dissolves phlegm and also helps to remove it from your respiratory tract. As such, it can provide relief from a sore throat. It also helps in clearing nasal congestion. 3. MENSTRUAL CRAMPS

4. BODY DETOXIFICATION Hot water is fantastic for helping your body to detox. When you drink hot water, your body temperature begins to rise, which results in sweat. You want this to happen because it helps to release toxins from your body and cleanse it properly. For optimal results, add a squeeze of lemon before drinking. 5. PREVENTS PREMATURE AGE There’s a reason you should want to clear your body of toxins: they make you age faster. Also, drinking hot water helps to repair the skin cells that increase the elasticity of your skin and are affected by harmful free radicals. Subsequently, your damaged skin becomes smoother. 6. PREVENTS ACNE AND PIMPLES The benefits for your skin just keep on coming. Hot water deep cleanses your body and eliminates the root causes of acne-related infections. 7. HAIR HEALTH AND VITALITY Drinking hot water is also good for obtaining soft, shiny hair. It energizes the nerve endings in your hair roots and makes them active. This is beneficial for getting back the natural vitality of your hair and keeping it healthy.

Hot water can also aid in diminishing menstrual cramps. The heat of the water has a calming and soothing effect on the abdominal muscles, which eventually can help to cure cramps and spasms.

8. PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH Activating the roots of your hair has another added benefit—growth! The hot water promotes the regular activity of the roots and subsequently accelerates the growth of your hair. 9. PREVENTS DANDRUFF Hot water keeps your scalp hydrated and helps fight against dry scalp or dandruff.

12. BOWEL MOVEMENTS Speaking of digestion, hot water can help to keep you regular, as well as make your bowel movements healthy and pain free. Dehydration can result in chronic problems with constipation. As the stool gets accumulated inside your intestine, the movement of the bowel becomes slower. It is always recommended that you consume a glassful of hot or warm water every morning when your stomach is empty. It decomposes any remnant foodstuffs and makes the movement of the particles smooth and less painful through the intestine.


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


PPP in 'pots and pans' protest Barbara Austin – Miss Bartica Beach On the April 10, 1966, Barbara Austin, a 22-yearold stenotypist won the Bartica Beach contest from a field of nine at the Bartica regatta Sports.

‘B’ Company – Guyana Defence Force Colonel R. L. Pope, head of the Guyana Defence Force on April 7, 1966, urged a batch of 66 officers and other ranks at their passing out parade: “Hold your heads up high.”

The Police on April 13, 1966 intervened in a PPP-sponsored demonstration against the 1966 Budget outside the public buildings and took away pots and pans which the demonstrators were using. In photo, Assistant Superintendent William Butts is seen taking away a pot from Mrs Janet Jagan, General Secretary of the PPP.


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Ace Canadian footballer with Guyanese roots mentoring young players By Frederick Halley CLOSE to one year ago, former Canadian national player Dwayne De Rosario called it quits as far as competitive soccer was concerned following an 18year stellar career which saw him receiving many accolades both on and off the field. Now that his playing days are officially over, De Rosario, like he did during his international career, is dedicating much of his life to assisting youths not only in Canada but around the Caribbean as well. Born of Guyanese parents, the 36-year-old De Rosario is currently conducting clinics in Barbados, having

Dwayne De Rosario

previously done similar exercises in Jamaica in the early part of last year and also in Guyana during the latter part of 2013, which was his first visit to his parents’ birth place. De Rosario’s visit to Guyana then coincided with the Chico/Kashif & Shangai Secondary Schools football tournament and was made possible through the involvement of organisers Kashif Muhamad and Aubrey “Shangai” Major. De Rosario also spent some time in Mali volunteering with the United Nations Foundation to help spread awareness and provide bed nets to rural communities to help prevent malaria. The Toronto-area native left the game having won four Major League Soccer (MLS) Cups (2001, 2003, 2006, 2007), MLS MVP honours in 2011 with D.C. United, MLS Cup MVP honours in 2001 and 2007, and was named to the MLS Best XI six times (2005-07, 2009-11). Speaking after his final game for Toronto FC, an emotional De Rosario declared: "It's never easy to hang up the boots from the game you've grown with and loved. I am extremely grateful for everything this sport has provided for me, my family and my community. "Every day I trained and competed and I always tried to show my appreciation through my hard work ► Continued on page XIII

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


Ace Canadian footballer ... ► From page XII and dedication. It's been a dream come true for me as I feel blessed to retire in my hometown with my home fans, family and friends that have supported me every step of my career." The attacking and prolific mid-fielder, who started his career with San Jose Earthquakes in 2001, made a name for himself on the Canadian and International circuits over the years. He moved to Houston Dynamo in 2006 where he spent three seasons. In 2009, he brought his talent to Toronto FC before becoming a part of the New York Red Bulls in 2011 and DC United from 2011 until 2013 before returning to Toronto for a final burst in 2014. Earning the reputation as a clutch player in the MLS, his career tally includes two game-winning goals in MLS Cup finals, both for which he received MLS Cup MVP, and two game-winning goals in MLS All-Star games against foreign oppositions, including West Ham United.

De Rosario during his volunteering stint in Mali In June, 2009, he scored a hat-trick to put Toronto FC ahead of the Montreal Impact 3–1. Toronto had to win the game by four goals to win the Canadian Championship and move onto the CONCACAF Champions League, which they did after defeating Montreal 6–1. The following year, after a horrible first half away at Houston and down 1–0, De Rosario scored two unanswered goals in the second half, both coming from free kicks including one in stoppage time, which kept the team’s 2010 playoff dreams alive. De Rosario made his Canadian National debut in May 1998 against the Republic of Macedonia at the age of 20 prior to playing for the Uner-20 team in the 1997 FIFA World Youth Championship. In 1999 he represented Canada at the XIII Pan American Games in Winnipeg and was part of Canada’s Gold Cup squad since the North American team won the tournament in 2000. In 2007, De Rosario won the male Canadian Player of the Year award for the third consecutive year after scoring five goals in eight games, the most in a year for the Canadian men’s national team since ► Continued on page XX


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016



Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


COGNIZANT of the developmental activities taking place in the country, during the course of the year we will focus on various aspects of the Environmental Protection Agency’s processes and procedures to ensure sound development. This week we will focus on the Environmental Permitting Process and the types of Environmental Permits. All new and existing projects which are deemed to have significant impacts on the environment are subjected to the Environmental Permitting Process. This Process varies with the nature and type of project, its potential environmental impact and whether it is new or existing. What causes the difference in the Permitting Process is whether or not an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required. New and Existing Projects - where an EIA is not required The Environmental Protection Act of 1996 establishes the requirement for an Environmental Permit for all projects that may significantly affect the environment. As such, persons proposing such projects need to submit an Application for Environmental Authorisation to the EPA. New and Existing Projects – where and EMP is required To assist with assessing proposed and existing developments and ensure adequate mitigation measures are included in the preparation of agreements and Environmental Authorisations, the Agency may require the preparation of an Environment Management Plan (EMP). New and Existing Projects – where an EIA is required If the potential environmental impacts are not known or are significant, then a decision will be made to conduct an EIA. This is applied to both new and existing projects. In the case of existing projects, the EIA may be required to inform the Authorisation process to assess past impacts and propose measures to be adopted and/or to establish the resulting impacts of changed processes. There are four types of Environmental Authorisations: Environmental Permit, issued to New Projects; Operation Permit, issued to Existing Operations; Construction Permit, issued for Construction/ Development Projects.

Letter of Authorisations are issued to projects which do not require an Environmental Permit and impacts may be minimal. In order to obtain an environmental Authorisation one must first meet the requirements which are: Completed application form; Applicants identification (can be ID or passport); Proof of land ownership; Site layout; Project summary/ description; Any permit or licence received from other Government entities; Map of surrounding land uses with identification of receiving water and location of any existing or proposed intake and discharge; and Application fee. Categories of Environmental Authorisation New Operations: this Application is used when the project is conceptualized and prior to implementation. Existing Operations: this Application is used when the project is already in operation and is seeking to get regularized according to the relevant

Legislation. Renewal: this Application is used for projects which have either an Environmental Permit or Operation Permit that is close to the expiring date or has already expired. Transfer of Environmental Authorisation: this Application is used when a Permit Holder wishes to transfer the Environmental Authorisation to another

person. Variance/Modification: this Application is used when the Permit Holder wishes to make a significant modification, alteration, or addition on the prescribed process for which the Environmental Authorisation was granted. Changed Permit Conditions: this Application is used when the Permit Holder wishes to make amendments to clauses of their Environmental Permit. Noise Permit: this Application is used for specific cases (long term or short term), where a sound-making device or equipment will be operated between the hours of 23:00 h – 07:00 h on any day. Or when a sound-making device will be operated at any time of the day for the hosting of a public event. In order to receive a noise permit proof of identification, permission letter from the venue and payment of the application is needed. Your actions affect the environment. Do the right thing, Get your Permit now!!!!! If you need a permit or have questions on the process you can make contact to the Agency on 225-5467 ext 242 You can share your ideas and questions by sending letters to: “Our Earth, Our Environment”, C/O EIT Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Ganges Street, Sophia, GEORGETOWN; or email us at eit.epaguyana@gmail. com.

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


By Subraj Singh

Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven


TATION Eleven is the 2014 dystopian, science fiction novel by Canadian novelist Emily St. John Mandel. Dystopian novels occupy a very special place in literature, with classics like George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret Atwood’s A Handmaid’s Tale being the subjects of much literary debate and scholarly focus. In recent times, however, it seems as if the dystopian novel has shifted somewhat into a more mainstream, more commercial area of literary writing – as evidenced by young-adult novels like The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner. Mandel’s novel straddles the line between these two types of dystopian novels – while remaining accessible to all kinds of readers, it is still a novel with depth and it is worthy of much literary analysis. The novelist tells the stories of a range of equally fascinating characters, all of whom form part of the remaining one percent of human beings who are left behind after a flu pandemic results in deaths all over the world. Some of these include: Kirsten, a theatre actress who, along with a travelling troupe, performs Shakespeare in the post-apocalyptic society; Jeevan, a paramedic who has been forced to be upgraded as a “doctor” once the pandemic hits; Tyler, a young and somewhat sheltered son of a famous actor who grows up to become a fanatical and dangerous leader of a religious cult. One of the beauties of the novel is the way it shows us how different people react to the same situation. Jeevan takes up the mantle and uses his skills to help people as the world crumbles around them. Tyler exploits people’s fears and uses the uncertainty of the new world to his advantage. In this way, the novel becomes a remarkable study of character motivations, choice, change, and many other themes which constitute the human experience. Also remarkable is the way the author uses the dystopian, post-apocalyptic world she has created as a commentary on the present, on contemporary society, and the people

who are a part of it. For example, Mandel’s use of art in the text is exquisite. Theatre is used by the characters as a way of both coping with their new circumstances and as a way of remembering the past. By having her characters perform Shakespeare in a post-apocalyptic world, Mandel is reminding us that without technology (without movies and the internet), it is to our primitive roots that we return. Theatre, with its origins in prehistoric ritual and its reliance on voice and body conveys the idea of returning to a previous age, to the beginning – or a new beginning – and drives home the point that the characters like actors are forced to rely both on their physical and mental attributes for success and survival. The author further underscores our present reliance on technology through her establishment of the “Museum of Civilization” in the novel – an area housed in an abandoned airport where once vital symbols of the technological era of humanity that has been lost because of the pandemic (such as computers, useless in the post-apocalyptic world) are put on display and explained to the bewildered children born post-pandemic. Overall, the novel is a beautiful, smart, readable and deeply profound exploration of technology, of human connectedness, of survival, of art, and of adapting to change.

Keep your smile young


CONSUMERS spend billions of dollars each year on services and products designed to make them look more attractive. Countless women – and increasing numbers of men – have facelifts and other surgical procedures in an effort to enhance their appearance and remain competitive in job markets where looking youthful is an asset. While many patients benefit from plastic surgery, others could be helped with cosmetic dentistry alone.

After all, your smile is one of the most important parts of your face. If your smile is attractive and healthy looking, it will take years off your appearance. If, on the other hand, your smile reveals worn, discolored, chipped, or missing teeth, you’ll look older than you should, and no amount of plastic surgery can change that. If you’d like to take years off your smile – and your overall looks – ask your dentist about cosmetic procedures that can help. Your

chronological age should never stand between you and a more pleasing appearance. Dentistry’s role in improving appearance is often misunderstood and underrated. For example, many people believe that only dentures can alter the appearance of their smile, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Such cost-effective techniques as cosmetic contouring, bleaching, or bonding often work wonders – typically in a single office visit. Here are 10 Tips to keep

your smile young : 1. Watch for unnatural wear and avoid grinding your teeth 2. Take preventative oral hygiene seriously to avoid gum and bone loss 3. Replace faulty fillings before they cause problems 4. If crowns or bridges are worn down, replace them 5. Lighten any discolored teeth 6. Replace any missing teeth as soon as possible 7. Correct a bad bite 8. Never chew ice or hard candy or suck on lemons 9. Ask your dentist for a video intraoral exam 10. Avoid abrasive habits such as aggressive tooth brushing

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

As we age, the edges of the front teeth wear until these teeth are about the same length as the others. At the same time, the upper and lower lips lose muscle tone. The upper lip may sag, covering more or all of the upper teeth. The lower lip may also drop, allowing more of the lower teeth to show. The will teeth become darker in colour. These conditions create an older-looking smile. As they get older, people stop taking proper care of themselves, including their teeth. If this sounds like you, remember that it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself again. Many older adults today are seeking treatment to

Dr. BERTRAND R. STUART, DDS. correct dental problems and improve their appearance. Don’t be left out . Visit your dentist today and get an expert opinion about improving your smile.

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Paid to learn…

Reviving the Arwawak language in St Cuthbert’s Mission THERE are few places in Guyana where one is paid to learn, and so imagine receiving an incentive for educating yourself. All that is needed is one’s attendance and of course, continuous performance. This is the case for residents of St Cuthbert’s Mission who are learning the Arawak language. St Cuthbert’s Mission, is an Amerindian community located some 12 miles off the Linden/Soesdyke highway. The village has a rich history of preserving its cultural heritage, and Toshao Lenox Shuman wants that to continue. St Cuthbert’s Mission is noted for its Arawak language preservation and one of the key individuals behind the language’s existence in the community is Leyland Clenkian, a former educator with years

tences and grammar, as well as verbs. In the final stage, called the “Advanced Level “, the student is expected to be a bit more fluent. At the moment, Clenkian teaches 10 students and he expects this group to continue onward until the advance level. “We are encouraging them to continue “, he said. But how is the money raised for paying the students? The village benefits annually from the Robinson Trust Fund, a London- based fund created by former residents of the community and other partners. ”It is a kind of monetary fund which is managed by solicitors in England and it is administered by them “, Clenkian said. He said the group would disburse funds based on decisions made at their bi-annual meetings. Guyanese –born writer and actress,

Residents of the community are skilled in various extra-curricular activities, including karate of teaching experience in the community. Clenkian told this newspaper, during a recent interview, that he has been teaching the language at his home for almost 10 years. He holds class every Saturday morning at 10 am. And one of the more special aspects of the classes is the $1000 incentive which is given to students at the end of each class. He said that the class attracts mainly younger persons , noting that the village population is in the vicinity of 1500, and a significant percentage can speak the language; some more fluent than others. He said the language is taught at three levels; the basic level includes greetings, names of places and objects among other fundamentals. The next stage, the intermediate level, involves the use of more sen-

Pauline Melville, is the fund’s trustee. Clenkian said that the classes are held as long as the life of the funds is afloat. He said that there are other programmes , including a dancing and craft programme in the community which also benefits from the fund. Speaking about himself, Clenkian, who is a former soldier, said that he learnt the Arawak language through his forefathers. He said his grandfather was the one who taught him a lot about the language as he recounted the times they spent conversing in Arawak. In addition, Clenkian said that he was also assisted through the teaching profession which he entered in 19 64. He said at the time, he moved to St Francis Mission, known today as Moraikobai , in Region Five (5). After

Educator and former soldier Leyland Clenkian

XIX teaching there, he joined the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and after serving the military for six years, he moved back to his community around 1973. “I came home because they needed my services,” he said. Over a period spanning some 20 years, he said he became known as the village’s Common Entrance teacher, an area which he still specializes in today. “I just came back from Georgetown and I have a class right now, they (the students) are waiting on me,” he said, as the 3 p.m. hour approached during the interview. Clenkian stressed that the survival of any language lies in its fluency and its continuity. “We the older folks are very fluent in our language and I’m very fluent also because I moved to other places and spoke Arawak instead of English “, he added.


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Ace Canadian footballer ... ► From page XIII

John Catliff in 1993. De Rosario was picked for his first CONCACAF Gold Cup in four years, after being selected by coach Stephen Hart in May 2011 for the 23-man tournament roster. After a disappointing 2–0 defeat to United States in the opening game of the group, Canada failed to exit the group with a 1–1–1 record, managing a mere two goals, both from De Rosario at the penalty spot. De Rosario continued his goal scoring with two goals in the opening stage of 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification, with one against Saint Lucia and the other against Saint Kitts and Nevis.. His goal against Saint Kitts, was his 19th international goal which tied him as Canadian all-time top goal scorer with Dale Mitchell. He copped the 2011 Canadian Player of the Year award, receiving 47.7 per cent of the votes, with Simeon Jackson placing second and Josh Simpson finishing in the third spot. The achieve-

De Rosario with one of his MLS MVP honours ment marked the fourth time De Rosario had been so honoured. In September, 2012 De Rosario scored his 20th goal for Canada in a 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification match against Panama making him the all-time leading goal scorer for his country. As a 14-year-old De Rosario rejected an offer from AC Milan after a successful trial due to him not being ready to commit to living in Italy. He began his professional career in 1997 at the age of 18, signing with the Toronto Lynx of the A-League. Halfway through the season, however, De Rosario opted to change clubs, signing with German side FSV Zwickau. After two seasons with Zwickau, De Rosario opted to return to North America, signing with the Richmond Kickers in 1999. After a slow 1999 season, in which he registered two goals and five assists, De Rosario exploded in 2000, contributing 15 goals and five assists while leading the team to a 20–6–1 record. De Rosario’s advice to aspiring footballers is “don't think your dream will drop on your lap, you got to get up and go after it. You don’t need fancy equipment, just need your will power.”

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


Young Guyanese excels in US‌

Kelly Hyles - How I got into 8 Ivy Leagues and 13 other schools

(CNN Money) KELLY Hyles got into all eight Ivy League schools, plus MIT, Tufts, Johns Hopkins ... the list literally goes on. In fact, Hyles, a 17-yearold who lives in Queens, got 21 acceptance letters from colleges around the country. While she's a straight A student, she's the first to admit that getting into so many schools didn't come without a lot of hard work. Her studiousness is ingrained in her: Hyles spent the first decade of her life in a small village called Vryheid's Lust in Guyana. "They were a bit more serious about school," said Hyles of kids from her village. "Teachers are allowed to beat you -- It wasn't anything severe, but it keeps kids in check." She moved to the U.S. when she was 11. Hyles lives with her mother, who has set an example of what hard work looks like. Her mom works two jobs -- she's a home aide and a certified nursing assistant. Hyles commutes an hour and a half every day to the High School for Math, Science and Engineering in Harlem, one of New York's nine specialized high schools.

"It's required a lot of sacrifices," she said. Here's how Hyles attracted the attention of so many prestigious colleges: TAKE A BROADER VIEW OF THE WORLD Hyles is one of less than two dozen black students in her senior class, which has more than 130 people. It's a common theme throughout New York City's specialized high schools, a fact she found troubling. "I am convinced that the decrease is not due to intellectual aptitude, but to lack of preparation and confidence," she wrote in one her personal statements. So she did something about it. Hyles partnered with the DREAM program, which prepares students for the Specialized High School Admissions Test. For three summers, she spent every weekday mentoring students at her former Brooklyn middle school. "My main goal remains to replace selfdoubt with self-confidence," she wrote.

isfied with the results. "It didn't go as well as I had wanted," she said. "I was a little bummed and discouraged." She channeled that energy into studying more. A classmate gave her test books he need longer needed. "I reused his books -and did much better," she said. "My biggest sacrifice was sleep," she said, adding that she averages about five hours a night. "Sometimes, I wanted to sleep late or go to the movies or a party with my friends, but I had to prioritize." Hyles said she knew her mother wouldn't Hyles at age 6 in Guyana (left) and today (right) were no clubs in which students could voice their outrage," she wrote in one of her favorite college essays about the unrest after the shootings of unarmed black teens. The group hosts weekly meetings to discuss social issues and black "excellence." Once a month, she hosts a "Blackout day" to celebrate black culture. "The most rewarding part of Blackout day is finding parallels between seemingly different cultures," she wrote. "I am confident that an aura of self-love will continue to reign in my school."

BE PERSISTENT When Hyles took the SAT for the first time in May 2015, she wasn't sat-

Hyles with her older brother, Kevon. Hyles (left) with her mother, whom she calls "my rock.

have enough money to put her through school. "I knew I had to at least get academic scholarships, if not need-based scholarships," she said, adding that college application fees were waved due to her financial standing. KNOW THAT GRADES AREN'T EVERYTHING

Being a great student isn't enough, though. "I knew I needed to be well-rounded," said Hyles, who is also a cheerleader and a dancer. "I heard stories of people that made amazing grades that didn't get into the colleges they wanted." So Hyles and two other students started a Black Student Union at her high school in 2014. "There

FOLLOW YOUR PASSION "I always had a plan. I knew what I wanted to do for a while," said Hyles. Case in point: Hyles loves math and science, so she applied to a science track at her school. As a senior, that enables her to spend half of her day at school and the rest of it at Mt. Sinai Hospital. Seniors in the specialized track are paired with research labs -- so Hyles spends her time researching the effects of a specific gene (which is associated with type II diabetes) on beta cell mass. "It's pretty

unique," she said. GET COMFORTABLE WITH YOURSELF Hyles, who was recently named a Ron Brown Scholar, said she was well aware of the negative stigmas ahead of her: She's black and a woman. Instead of letting those beliefs win -- she embraced things like her skin color and her kinky hair. "I was 'Unapologetically Kelly,'" she said. "I did not see my race or gender as a limiting factor, but rather as a reason to work harder." Hyles added that moving to a new country at a young age "was culture shock," but it taught her to be adaptable. She said she waved at a woman, "Good afternoon, auntie" while riding her bike when she first moved to the U.S.. That's the typical greeting in Hyles' village -- but not so here. "She looked at me like I was crazy." All of this has prepared her for wherever she lands. Hyles applied to 22 schools and was waitlisted only at Stanford University. She said that while Harvard has been her dream school, she's considering all of her options. "Honestly, I've had so many changes in my life I feel like I can adapt to fit in anywhere," she said.


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

When the Master Bre PRIME Minister Moses Nagamootoo was the chief guest Thursday evening at the 55th Annual Master Brewer's Association of the Americas (MBAA) District Caribbean Dinner and Cultural Show at Thirst Park. Ministers of Government, Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, mem-

bers of the Diplomatic Corps and Members of the MBAA also attended the event which provided an evening of culture with dance and drama as well as food and drinks. Chronicle photographer Cullen Bess-Nelson brought back these photos.

Clifford Reis, chairman of Banks DIH Limited, the US Ambassador and his wife Mr and Mrs Perry Holloway, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and his daughter Angela Joseph pause for a photo.

Banks DIH Executive Ramesh Dookhoo pours some dhall.

Minister of Public Telecommunications with responsibility for Tourism Cathy Hughes observes as Matthew Kendall, President of the Master Brewer's Association of the Americas cuts the ceremonial cake.

Former Opposition Lead greeted by House Spea company of his wife, Jus

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


ewers throw a party

der Robert Corbin looks on as his wife is aker Dr Barton Scotland, who was in the stice Jo-Ann Barlow.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo greets former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.

Roshini Boodhoo performs an Indian dance routine.

Singer Vanilla performs.

Top Guyanese model Melesa Payne on the catwalk during a fashion show


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

‘I am a very happy person today’ MONICA Ulanda Thomas slumped into what she calls “a dark place” after her son and

AT 4:02 on the afternoon of April 29, 1992, Monica Ulanda Thomas lost her only two children in a horrific accident on Mandela Avenue, Georgetown. She couldn’t bear the loss and so resigned from teaching after 15 years, as she would see only her beloved Alexis and Wayne in the children she taught. The tragedy caused her to crawl into a dark place. She slipped in and out of depression, thinking she’d lose her mind. But thanks to the “tough love” she received from her mother, and the support from others, she was able to pull through it successfully. Today, she is once again a happy

daughter, both not yet teens, were killed in a horrific accident 24 years ago. District People’s National Congress/ Reform (PNC/R) office. She can never forget her nursery school years at Miss Payne’s Nursery, which was located at Gordon and Lamaha Streets, Kitty. “Teacher Payne made me the person I am today. I never forgot her. She is deceased now. “Although I was only about four, she made me understand how important education is and probably it’s one of the reasons I became a teacher and served for 15 years at the nursery level. “I so believe in children; I love children,” Ms. Thomas said in an interview with the Chronicle a few days ago. She also attended Campbellville

“I want to help the society as a whole to once again feel the need to work in their communities and to feel proud of it. I want to put on my long booths and go out with residents, even if it’s once a month, to give them that encouragement to work.” person, and has not only returned to the teaching profession, but has reached out to serving others on an even grander scale by means of her work as a City Councillor. She was elected recently. The 57-year-old, who was born at Ann’s Grove, on the East Coast Demerara, and who grew up in the Lodge Community, also manages the Georgetown

Government School, King’s Commercial College, Critchlow Labour College and finally, the University of Guyana where she studied Sociology and Communications. A DARK TIME Ms. Thomas was just in her early 30’s when the tragedy of her children

She quit teaching, the profession she loved, sinking into depression. Now, she is back on her feet, struck the family. She recalled that her daughter, 11, and son, 7, were on their way home from school when they were hit by a car and died on the spot. “It was very trying. Can you imagine losing your only two children at the same time? I have a whole country to thank for me still being here and not going crazy or committing suicide. “I went through a very dark time for many years and it is one of the reasons that I eventually resigned from teaching because I would have been doing myself an injustice. I saw my children in every child. It was affecting me mentally.” But Ms. Thomas decided that she would not give up and thought to herself that maybe having a next child would help to heal her wounds. And so, she bore another daughter, Nikita. She remembers, too, that her mom, who is now deceased, Ms. Linda Thomas, was her strength and the one person who was “brutally honest” with her. “I crawled into a dark place and stayed there for a number of years. It was almost self-destructive. Prayer is a very powerful thing. Oh, and my mom; she was brutally honest. She told me ‘I will not allow you to die.’ That broke my heart all over again when she died. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been alive today. “She said the most hurtful things to you like, ‘Your children are not coming back. Don’t you understand? They are dead. You either accept that or you don’t.’ It was after my mother died that I

Ms. Thomas (stooping) poses with Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green and other colleagues at a Councillors’ workshop recently

and ready to serve the citizens of Georgetown. She shared her incredible story with Telesha Ramnarine

Monica Ulanda Thomas understood that she had saved me.” To her knowledge, Ms. Thomas said nothing ever came out of the accident. “I would never know if they (the children) were in the wrong or if the driver was. He came to our house and gave some vague excuse; I really don’t recall. But nothing came out of the case. It was thrown out for one reason or another.” CHERISH WHAT YOU HAVE “I am a very happy person today. Life is a wonderful thing. And I’ve learned that we truly have to cherish what we have while we have it, no matter how bad or how good it is, even if it lasts for a second. Cherish it because it’s not going to come back again.” Ms. Thomas believes that being engrossed in many activities, while serving others, also contributes to her positive spirit. “I’ve stood the pain and the battering, but I came out shine. I have realized how important it is to serve each other while we have time; how important every minute is.” As for her intentions when it comes to working with the City Council, she said she plans to take a collective approach to solving issues. “I want to help the society as a whole to once again feel the need to work in their communities and to feel proud of it. I want to put on my long booths and go out with residents, even if it’s once a month, to give them that encouragement to work.”

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016



Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Comedians Chris Gopual and Michael Ignatius in successful New York gigs Chris and Michael (third and fourth from right) with representatives of HUGE Entertainment. LOCAL entertainers Chris Gopaul and Michael Ignatius had the time of their lives in New York recently when they performed under HUGE Entertainment’s launch of the ‘I am Eldorado’ 50th anniversary party to be held on August 28. Due to the fact that many overseas-based Guyanese would be coming to Guyana in celebration of Independence Day on May 26, HUGE Entertainment decided to hold their party in August when most of those who travelled are expected to be back in the US. HUGE Entertainment (H-Honest,

U-Unity Squad, G- G6, E-Energy Squad) is made up of various Guyanese groups that came together with the sole purpose of promoting the Guyanese talent. Representatives of the unit are Dexter Wallace, Damon Wallace, Marc Wallace, Kevin Hope, Ocie Ross, Jason Waldron, Shoan Sampson, O’neil Alexander, Dwayne Campbelle, and Dawn Catalina. Chris and Michael’s plans included performing at the party in Brooklyn, New York, but little did they know they ► Contiuned on page XXV

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Comedians Chris Gopual and Michael Ignatius in successful ... ► From page XXII would have to call home and ask for more time off from work to be able to perform at another show the following week in Queens. Word got around quickly on the street that the two were performing in Brooklyn and due to the videos and photos which circulated on social media, the overwhelming response and request to do another show just could not be turned down by Chris and Michael. Says Chris: “If we didn’t insist to come home for Easter to spend time with our loved ones, we would have had to stay and do more shows.” Chris and Michael were not paid to do the shows as they did not have the necessary work permits in place. This is currently being worked on, though,

so that they can return in the future and actually “make something” on their talent. “We will help as many persons as we could. A lot of persons in the industry are greedy and selfish. They only look out for themselves and the money. We don’t condone that type of attitude. You must love what you do first and foremost,” Chris told this newspaper in an interview. The duo performed for at least one and a half hours at each show with skits and standup comedy. The audience particularly loved the country slang they used. “It was an awesome and totally amazing feeling. It felt good to be appreciated and made me feel as though what I do makes sense. They made us feel like stars; everyone wanting to snap photos with us after

the shows,” Chris said. “I performed in the Caribbean before but this was my very first time in North America. It was well received, judging from the response we got. We have accomplished most of what we set out to do. It was crazy,” said Michael. He said both he and Chris are very grateful to HUGE Entertainment for

promoting them, and expressed some disappointment that the same is not done for local artistes locally. “Nothing much is being done for the entertainment industry here. Over here, artistes are stifled. People want a lot out of you, but they do not want to pay.” Michael said there is still a lot of talent in Guyana that America needs to see. (Telesha Ramnarine)


Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016



(Head Creator) was born in his father's country home near Harar, Ethiopia on July 23, 1892.

He was the youngest of 10 children born to Ras Makonnen (Governor of Harar) and his wife

Wayzero Yeshimabet. Ras Tafari was the great grandson of King Sahela Selassie of Shoa. He was baptized at the church his father built in Harar, and received his Christian name “Haile Selassie”. After being crowned King (Regent) in 1916,

Ras Tafari became Emperor Haile Selassie 1 (which means - “Might and Power of the Trinity”) when he was coronated on November 2, 1930 at which representatives of more than 70 countries attended, including kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers and members of the international diplomatic corps. This event fulfilled the prophecy of the return of “Christ the Messiah” as “King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of Judah, Elect of Himself and the Universe…Earth’s Rightful Ruler!”

It also marked the breaking open of “the seven seals of the scroll” which is spoken about in Revelations 5:5. While in Isaiah 9: 6-7 it states: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Almighty GOD, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and

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upon his Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall perform this...” A brief Biography of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie 1 taken from the book “Ethiopia Reaches Her Hand Unto God: Imperial

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016 Ethiopia’s Unique Symbols, Structures, and Role in the Modern World”, by Gregory Copley reveals that His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I was born, in the town of Ejarsa Gora in the Harage Province, some 18 miles outside the city of Harar, Ethiopia. More can be read about

Shoan Amharic traditions and in Western history, languages and statecraft. He was named “Dejazmatch”, (literally “Keeper of the Door”) the equivalent of the title of “Count” in Western terms - for part of Harage province at the age of 13, in 1904, only about a year before his father’s death.

Ras Tafari after HE is appointed "Dejamatch". HIM in the “Autobiography of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie 1 – Volumes 1 and 2” by Edward Ullendorf. In a significant break with precedence, Ras Lidj Tafari Makonnen was raised with an understanding of world affairs, and with an exposure to the outside world. He was to become the first Emperor of Ethiopia to have traveled extensively abroad. Ras Makonnen and, therefore, Lidj Tafari Makonnen was directly of the Solomonic Line (225th descendant of the union between King Solomon and Queen Makeda or Bilkis – the “Queen of Sheda”), as was Emperor Menelik himself and Tafari Makonnen’s greatgreat grandfather - Negus Sahela Selassie of Shoa. Lidj Tafari Makonnen was, unusually for the period, brought up with both a strong education in

The most glorious part of Ras Tafari's life and for the world was in 1930, when he was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia, thus fulfilling biblical prophecy about the return of the “Messiah/Christ”. Those who have eyes to see the truth will see it, search and you will find. As Emperor Haile Selassie I lived on, HE continuously fulfilled prophecy from the Book of Revelations. Babylon would war against the Lamb, but HE will overcome them. All of this has come through Haile Selassie I – Our Saviour. When the Italians tried to conquer him and his land (the oldest unconquered monarchy in Africa) in 1935, HE appealed to the League of Nations of which HE was a founding member. The disrespectful members denied his plea for help, trying to ridicule

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HIM in the process. HE declared to them: “Today it is I and Ethiopia, tomorrow it will be you” – a veiled warning to the coming of World War 2 that engulfed them. During the war, Haile Selassie I had done something that if you saw you wouldn't know what to say. The Italian leader Benedict Mussolini was using chemical warfare against Ethiopia, and Ethiopia was fighting back with nominal ammunitions. While they were launching their bombs at Ethiopia one fell directly by King Selassie I's foot. The King put his foot upon the bomb and said, "This bomb will not go off in my country," and it never did to this day!

Field Marshall - Emperor Haile Selassie 1 tramples a live bomb

After five years of self-exile in England, HE returned and overthrew the Italians with an allied force led by Himself with his own army on May 5, 1941 (Liberation Day for Ethiopia). He had no other choice to do so because the League of Nations had betrayed him and left him to fight alone. But foolish Babylon, never knew no one could really defeat God Almighty. Indeed, the “Lion of Judah shall break every chain and give I and I the

victory again and again!” Members of the Rastafari community, especially in Guyana, are generally marginalized, discriminated against and even criminalized because of I and I unique and peculiar way of life, referred to as the ► Contiuned on page XXXII


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“livity”. As such, with the appearance of an apparent “unkempt” hairstyle, called dreadlocks, it is hard for members to be regarded as conforming to the norms of regular society. Moreso, the use of the sacramental and medicinal herb – cannabis sativa - marijuana or ganja has seen many adherents being sent to prison for three years and more for the possession and smoking of even a “spliff”. There is now a general call to LEGALIZE GANJA in Guyana! This “outcast” position, most times, prevent I and I from getting gainful employment. Even though the poverty level is extreme, some Rastafarians are self-employed as arts and craft vendors, itinerant traders, food vendors, miners and farmers, among other occupations; but many are unemployed and uneducated. Many also don’t have proper homes or places of rest and recreation. Though most Rastas live in Georgetown (the capital city)… many Rastafarians have taken up residence in the hills along the Linden/Soesdyke Highway, around Linden, Mahdia, Kwakwani and many other hinterland locations, engaging in farming, trading and mining. What I and I seek is a new and a different way of life. I and I still searching for a way of life in which all men will be treated as responsible human beings, able to participate fully in the political affairs of governance and righteous government; a way of life in which ignorance and poverty, if not abolished, are at least the exception and are actively combated; a way of life in which the blessings and benefits of the modern world can be enjoyed by all without the total sacrifice of all that was good and beneficial in the old Ethiopia. I and I are from and of the people, and I and I desires derive from and are theirs. With the emergence of the Rastafari Movement in Guyana, colonial institutions began to be questioned and broken down, while a new and positive consciousness began to grow in the ghetto. One love! Jah lives! (To be continued in the next edition: “The first Rastafarians in British Guiana were Garveyites”)

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016



Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Colorado lawmaker aims to outlaw ganja-laced gummy bears (Reuters) A COLORADO lawmaker is trying to outlaw marijuana-laced gummy candies that resemble children's treats, the latest effort by a U.S. state to address the complexities and unintended consequences of pot legalization. In 2014 Colorado became the first state to allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use, and it has grown to be a billion dollar industry in the state.

The measure by State Representative Dan Pabon, a Democrat from Denver, would prohibit edible marijuana to be sold in the form of an animal, human or fruit, common shapes for gummy candies favored by young children. "Right now in Colorado, there are no distinguishing characteristics between the gummy bear that contains marijuana and one that does not,"

Palon said. The appeal of edible marijuana products to children has become a concern in the few U.S. states that have legalized pot in recent years. In Washington state, where legal pot has been on sale for about 18 months, regulators recently tightened the rules on edible products made with cannabis, said Rick Garza, director of the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis board. The new restrictions outlawed brightly colored marijuana lollipops and other sweets deemed to be

Marijuana-infused sour gummy bear candies (L) are shown next to regular ones at right in a photo illustration near to where they were purchased in Northglenn, Colorado in this October 16, 2014 file photo. (REUTERS/Rick Wilking particularly attractive to children, Gar said. Numerous children in Colorado were hospitalized after becoming critically ill as a result of ingesting edible marijuana products after pot became legal there in 2014, and lawmakers have already moved once to toughen the rules. But Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper has urged the legislature to do more, saying in his State of the State address in January that pot-laced edibles look too much like "products kids can find in the candy aisle." "Back in the day, candy cigarettes desensitized kids to the dangers of tobacco - and today, pot-infused gummy bears send the wrong message to our kids about marijuana," Hickenlooper said. Pabon's bill, submitted on Thursday, directs the state's marijuana regulatory agency to develop more detailed guidelines on how enforcing the ban on marijuana candies shaped like humans, animals or fruit would work. Voters in four U.S. states and the District of Columbia approved ballot measures to legalize marijuana for recreational use by adults in recent years. Numerous others allow medicinal use. Advocates have pushed for similar referendums in a half-dozen other states, including California, Massachusetts and Maine. In Maine, a proposed legalization referendum advanced on Friday when a judge overruled a state official's decision invalidating some of the signatures needed to get the initiative on the ballot.

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Marijuana use in pregnancy tied to health problems for babies and mothers (Reuters Health) – BABIES exposed to marijuana in the womb are likely to be born smaller than those not exposed, and more likely to need intensive care after birth, according to a new analysis of existing evidence. Mothers who smoke marijuana while pregnant are also more likely than those who don’t to have iron-deficiency anemia, researchers report in the journal BMJ Open. “We know that caring for yourself before you become pregnant is one of the best ways to make sure your baby will be born healthy,” said study author Dr. Cara Christ, director of Arizona’s Department of Health Services in Phoenix. “This may include taking vitamins

including folic acid, making changes to your diet, and not using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs,” Christ told Reuters Health by email. Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs worldwide and in North America, nearly one in eight people aged 15 to 64 years use marijuana, the researchers note. The team reviewed results from 24 studies across the world to determine how marijuana use affected pregnant mothers and their unborn children. They looked at various health factors including how much babies weighed, their length and head size at birth, as well as how many weeks the infants were in the womb before being born.

Babies who were exposed to marijuana during pregnancy were 77 percent more likely to be born underweight, meaning they weighed less than 5.5 pounds, compared to infants whose mothers did not use marijuana. The average weight difference be-

tween exposed and unexposed babies was approximately 4 ounces. Babies of mothers who used marijuana while pregnant were also twice ► Continued on page XXXVI


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Marijuana use in pregnancy tied to health problems ... ► From page XXXV as likely to be placed in a neonatal intensive care unit. Mothers who used marijuana were 36 percent more likely than those who didn’t to have anemia, but were not more likely to have issues with prenatal care, labor, bleeding, weight gain, or to have longer hospital stays. Many marijuana users also use tobacco or alcohol, the researchers note, and these factors were not examined separately in most studies, so it’s not possible to separate out the effects just of marijuana. Further limitations include the fact that not all studies looked at the same outcomes, the authors point out. So understanding the effects that are consistently seen among mothers who use marijuana while pregnant, and their infants, requires more research. “We know there is a potential for anything pregnant women eat or drink to cross the placenta and have an effect on their baby’s health,” Christ said. In light of changes in government and public attitudes toward marijuana, it’s important to gather information on its health effects, said Peter Fried, emeritus psychology professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, who was not involved in the study. In addition to the possibility that the women in these studies may be taking other drugs, there are many factors that can affect a baby’s health, he said. “If you look at poor nutrition, very young, no prenatal care, very stressed single moms, those things are going to add together to the potential impact of marijuana during pregnancy,” Fried told Reuters Health by email. Pregnant women must consider the consequences of marijuana use, Fried said. “She and the rest of the family have to determine whether it’s worthwhile to take the drug for its positive effects versus its potential issues for the newborn.” “Women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant should have a discussion with their doctor about the risks and possible adverse effects to their baby for all medications and substances they are taking,” Christ said.

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

South Africans try to see funny side of Zuma crisis (Reuters) WITH their economy flatlining, currency on the ropes and politics in turmoil, many South Africans are turning to humor for relief, mainly at the expense of President Jacob Zuma and his $16-million home improvements. Within minutes of Zuma surviving Tuesday's heated impeachment vote in parliament thanks to unanimous support from African National Congress (ANC) loyalists, the 73-year-old traditionalist Zulu was facing another roasting on the nation's irreverent stand-up circuit. "Jacob Zuma is the dude who just threw up all over the dance floor but still doesn't want to go home," comedian Lazola Gola quipped, to roars of laughter at an open mike event at Kitchener's Bar, a 100-year-old watering hole built in the heyday of Johannesburg's gold rush. For comedians, Zuma is the gift that keeps on giving, a politician whose career has run the full gamut of scandal, from a love-child and corruption charges to foot-in-mouth insults of African countries and his belief, expressed during a 2006 rape trial, that having a shower can prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS. However, no episode has surpassed the sixyear imbroglio over the "security upgrades" to his sprawling Nkandla private residence that included an amphitheatre, swimming pool, cattle enclosure and chicken run. Even though South Africa's top court said last week he had broken the constitution by disobeying a watchdog's order to pay back some mon- South African President Jacob ey, Zuma has plowed on, Zuma listens at a news conblaming his lawyers for ference in Cape Town, in this giving bum advice and September 10, 2009 file photo. apologizing for creating (REUTERS/MIKE HUTCHINGS/ FILES) "confusion". That represented a rare moment of contrition from a leader who has mocked his non-Zulu opponents' pronunciation of Nkandla - rolling his eyes in parliament and dragging out the main syllable, 'Nkaaaaaaaandla' - and has criticized "clever blacks" for getting upset about the issue. Demonstrating political analysis as sharp as his wit, comedian Mojak Lehoko said Zuma's ability to ride out the constitutional court smack-down was no surprise. "This is a man who has survived more than 700 corruption charges and a rape case. There's no way he's going to jail over some home improvements and a swimming pool," he said backstage. In one Lehoko skit mocking the broken manner in which Zuma reads out large numbers in English, he and Mandela are sitting round a fire smoking marijuana, when the anti-apartheid leader accuses Zuma of hogging the joint. "Come on, Comrade Jacob, you know the rules - two puffs and pass it on," Mandela says. "But I've only had one...," Zuma protests. "Thousand, seven hundred and twenty eight." Zuma's reputation for gaffes - in January his office had to correct his assertion Africa was bigger than all the other continents put together - is even starting to make waves internationally. South African host of the Daily Show, Trevor Noah, explained to U.S. audiences this week how Zuma was elected in 2009 without ever being formally cleared by a court of hundreds of corruption charges. "I know, I know, that should have been a red flag to South Africans but ever since apartheid we've strived to be color blind, so all we saw was a flag," Noah said. Others have taken the view that the politics of the selfstyled 'Rainbow Nation' have become so bizarre that satire is unable to compete with the real thing. "April Fools' Day 2016 cancelled till further notice," the Daily Maverick, a respected online political magazine, wrote on April 1. "We couldn't come up with anything half as mad as SA reality today. Sorry."



Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016






In this broad earth of ours, Amid the measureless grossness and the slag, Enclosed and safe within its central heart, Nestles the seed of Perfection. - WALT WHITMAN (1819-1892) Song of the Universal

STUDY SUCCESS Dear student, Practise answering questions both in full and in outline. Do this as often as possible during this time. From an early stage, reduce the amount of time you allow yourself so that by the time you are closer to the examination you are allowing yourself no more than you would have in the examination room. Be wise. Love you. GRAMMAR Look again this week at these two occasions when there can be errors in the student’s attempts to make the verb agree with its subject. 1) The student is misled by a phrase that follows the subject (phrases beginning with such expressions as accompanied by, as well as, together with can be really troublesome). In this case the student should understand that such phrases do not affect the number of the subject. Once the subject is found, there should be no attention paid to such phrase following it. Example: Silverstone, as well as her parents, is participating. (Silverstone was singular subject; the singular verb is needed. If the singular verb sounds awkward to you, recast the sentence: Silverstone was participating, as were her mother and father.) 2) The student gets very uncertain if the subject is all, more, most, part, some; a fraction; or a percent and is followed by an “of” phrase. Use a verb that agrees with the subject in that phrase. Example: More of the material needs explaining. More of the competitors have left for home. All of it is mine. All of these are mine. Most of this day has been sunny. Most of these days have been sunny. Part of this pamphlet is missing. Part of the people are going. Some of the mutton loaf has been eaten. Some of the mutton loaves have been eaten. Two thirds of our contribution was wasted. Two thirds of the councillors were women. Ten percent of the farm is pasture. Ten percent of the farms are small. Complete each of the following sentences by ticking off the correct verb form. 1. Twenty percent of the residents (own, owns) more than two house lots. 2. Three fourths of their farm (was, were) flooded. 3. Simon, as well as his brothers, (has, have) an album of musical recordings. 4. Some of the teacher’s advice usually (helps, help). 5. Jennifer, as well as her fourteen cousins, (has, have) been invited to the wedding reception.

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6. That bunch of plantains (seems, seem) the greenest. 7. Two thirds of the cows (is, are) yielding above the expected quota of milk. 8. A short list of applicants (was, were) written up by the deciding committee. 9. The principal, as well as her three vice-principals, (was, were) present at the opening session. 10. Eighty-five percent of the bounty (belongs, belong) to the concessionaire. READING FOR FACTS (a refresher) Points to remember: Read carefully. Do not skip any facts. Keep your mind on the topic of the paragraph, that is, on what the paragraph is about. Keep the most important facts – those that help to explain the topic of the paragraph – in mind, even if you forget some of the other facts. Now read the paragraph below. A Friend of the Blind A seeing eye dog must be intelligent and very well trained. He must behave almost like a human being with good eyes who is leading a blind man. When the dog comes to the curb of the sidewalk, he stops for a moment so that his master will not stumble. If he comes to a hole, he leads his master around it. Another dog might simple jump across it. He must notice low branches of trees and make sure that his master does not bump his head against them. If he sees anything in the traffic that is dangerous, he stops, even if he has to disobey a command to go on. He must learn to lead his master wherever he may wish to go. 1. Find out what the paragraph is mainly about. 2. Write down the facts mentioned in the paragraph. 3. a) Do many blind people use dogs in our country? b) What are the main points about a seeing dog?

CONTINUOUS WRITING Note making/ Report on upgrading a neglected site. 1. Imagine you are a representative of your school’s newspaper team and have to participate in a television programme. The producer has asked you to supply her with information that you intend to use. Construct a series of notes that will inform the producer about the things you will be mentioning in your appearance. Develop the notes in such a way that they will help you to recall what you are going to say when you find yourself confronted for the first time by the interviewer and the cameras. 2. Write a report for a company or government department that is considering developing an existing large, but neglected expanse of land. It is in need of drainage and clearing. As a concerned citizen with appropriate qualification you are commenting on its potential for a thriving business centre as the site lies halfway between two overpopulated farming villages. 3. You are a trainer and advocate of reform in schools. Your main concern deals with discomfort in existing formal classrooms and their fixed furniture. You have already discussed the problems with your fellow trainers. Upon receiving a room assignment in a formal classroom, visit the room and determine if it will allow you to pursue, conveniently, your instructional programme. If not, try to get an alternate assignment into a more suitable room. Have good reasons to offer why the room assigned is not acceptable. Just because you do not like the room will hardly suffice in convincing a scheduling officer to initiate the change.

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016



Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016

Chronicle Pepperpot April 10, 2016


Bollywood Movie Review…

'Rocky Handsome' is full of stereotypes By Shilpa Jamkhandikar (Reuters) A REMAKE of the Korean film “The Man From Nowhere”, Nishikant Kamat’s “Rocky Handsome” stars John Abraham as a hulking man-robot who seems capable of the most complicated stunts and ruthless killings, but is unable to muster up basic emotions. “Tum smile bhi kar sakte ho?” (You can smile too?), a character asks Rocky (Abraham), to which he reacts with a sheepish halfsmile that almost proves her right. Kamat seems to acknowledge his leading man’s limits. He stays away from the lead-like face and focuses on his rippling muscles, giving him next to no dialogue (Abraham utters around

20 lines in the two-hour film) and populating the movie with so many outlandish characters and plot lines that Abraham’s catatonic state might be more appealing to the viewer. This is a film where a police officer suggests sending a threatening email to the president of the United States from the email ID of a criminal whose data he wants to access. This way, he tells his awestruck colleagues, the CIA will ask India for his details and in the process, provide access to all his records. As if this isn’t enough, Kamat plays a role in the film — a drug lord who also dabbles in the organ trade along with his brother (Teddy Maurya), an unhinged maniac who flies into rages for unlikely reasons. When Rocky’s neighbour, a single mother and

Handout Photo from the film “Rocky Handsome” bar dancer (Nathalia Kaur), steals a drug consignment belonging to the brothers, the dealers kidnap her and her daughter. Rocky, who shares a special bond with the daughter, comes out of a self-imposed hibernation to save them. Kamat’s ability to turn a good original film into a credible remake was suspect even in his last film “Drishyam”, but “Rocky Handsome” is solid proof that Bollywood

can ruin even the most straightforward of remakes. There are stereotypes galore, deafening background music and lots of blood and gore. Some of the action sequences are executed well, but that is about the only saving grace. The big lesson of “Rocky Handsome” is that John Abraham might be a master of muscles and swinging knives, but that doesn’t make him an actor.

Bollywood studios eye profits at last as India goes smartphone mad INDIA'S all-singing, all-dancing movie hits capture the attention of hundreds of millions of fans - but they generate precious little in box office profits for the world's largest cinema industry. Now, with smartphone sales booming and India preparing for nationwide 4G Internet access, India's film and TV industry hopes the ease of tapping your phone for the latest release will generate profits at last, overcoming the problems of woefully few cinemas and rampant piracy. India has about 10,000 cinema screens across a country of 1.3 billion - 8 for every million people, compared with 120 in the United States and 30 in China, according to digital film distribution network UFO Moviez. That low density means that for most Indians, pirated content is the only way to see movies, costing the industry some 30 percent of potential annual gross collections. "Even if we can manage to get a small fraction of the people to pay on their phones, you are looking at a market that can potentially become bigger than the box office," said Girish Johar, head of revenue at Essel Vision Production, part of Zee Entertainment Enterprises, one of India's largest media groups. The profit boost for studios will in large part be driven by the rush for local-language content from platforms like Netflix Inc, which launched in India this year and is aggressively adding to its Hindi-language catalog. Homegrown rivals, though keen to forge partnerships with online streaming companies, are introducing their own platforms, a new revenue stream for production firms that earn little from either cinemas or DVD sales. And the numbers add up.

Seven out of 10 Indians watch at least one online video a month, and in the next three years nearly 90 percent of all Internet data in India is expected to be used toward streaming movies and television. PAYING UP Key to the boom is cheap, fast, mobile

Airtel, Vodafone India and Idea Cellular are cutting Internet charges and building out their own high-speed data networks. The results are good already for providers like YouTube, which says Indian usage has soared, outpacing global peers, thanks to mobile traffic which more than doubled last year. "Traditional film and TV content still

Commuters watch videos on their mobile phones as they travel in a suburban train in Mumbai, India, April 2, 2016. (REUTERS/Shailesh Andrade) broadband nationwide, which this year promises to bring millions online, even outside big cities. That means better viewing - and easier payment. India’s cash-rich Reliance Industries is expected to roll out one of the world’s largest 4G networks this year when it launches its Jio mobile network. To keep up, incumbent players Bharti

continues to drive massive watch time … while studio-made songs, movies and clips continue to be some of the most popular content nationwide," said Gautam Anand, YouTube's Asia Pacific director of operations. LIGHTS, CAMERA ... CASH! The hope is that cheap, convenient content, perhaps 25 rupees (37 U.S. cents)

for a movie streamed to your phone, will make piracy redundant. Of course, getting cash out of the consumer remains a challenge, and subscription is an untested model. "In the US, everybody has been paying for content but in India people don’t pay as easily,” said Gaurav Gandhi, chief operating officer of Viacom18, a venture between U.S. group Viacom and Reliance. Indians feel they pay for data, so the content should be free, he says. But the growing use of phones as credit cards, to pay for small purchases, will help. So too, say industry insiders, will unique content. "We have to come up with our own model and a large part of that would rest in creating unique content for online,” said Radhika Kapoor, head of content Fox Star studios India that runs the Hotstar streaming platform. Others argue the secret will be ad-driven content, that can be provided free. Indeed, getting users to stay loyal to one platform to leverage subscription revenue might be challenging, but getting advertisers interested is not. Global advertising spends on digital media is likely to grow to 36 percent by 2020 compared with 21 percent in 2010, and consultancy Deloitte’s Hemant Joshi says India will lead the trend with digital ad spending likely to grow more than 400 percent to 354 billion rupees ($5.3 billion) in the next five years. “We have seen that advertisers get better reach through mobiles in India simply because there are more phones than TV screens," Joshi says. "That will only multiply."

Springsteen cancels North Carolina concert over bathroom bill

Bruce Springsteen performs during The River Tour at the LA Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California March 17, 2016.

(Reuters) ROCK star Bruce Springsteen on Friday canceled a concert scheduled for this weekend in North Carolina to protest a new state law restricting bathroom use by transgender individuals, as country music stars decried similar legislation proposed in Tennessee. Springsteen said in an online statement that the North Carolina law was "an attempt by people who cannot stand the progress our country has made in recognizing the human rights of all of our citizens to overturn that progress." Tickets for the concert that was to be presented on Sunday in Greensboro, North

Carolina, would be refunded, according to Springsteen's website. The North Carolina law has drawn criticism from celebrities and business leaders. PayPal Holdings Inc cited the discriminatory nature of the law when it canceled on Tuesday a new operations center that was to employ 400 workers in Charlotte. On Friday, country music stars Miley Cyrus, Emmylou Harris, Ty Herndon and Chely Wright joined those opposing the proposed bathroom bill in Tennessee. Executives from Country Music Television called on Tennessee legislators to defeat the measure.

'Barbershop' returns with social and political message (Reuters) THE "Barbershop" franchise is back, with the third instalment tackling the issue of gangs and gun crime but with much of the same cast and comedy as before. "Barbershop: The Next Cut" sees lead Calvin, played by musician-cum-actor Ice Cube, invite a beauty salon to share their working space. The film, which co-stars Eve, Anthony Anderson and Nicki Minaj, sees the staff of the now-unisex salon organize their workplace as a safe haven for local people to sort out their issues, and soon their idea begins to make a difference. "Well you know whatever it can do to help, whatever it can do to help adults get into the lives of the youth, fathers getting

into the lives of their sons, mothers getting into the lives of their daughters. We're hoping that it will do that," Ice Cube said at the film's premiere. "We're hoping that the youth look at this movie and at a young age make the right decisions ... We think the movie has the power to do that and that's why we did it." Cedric the Entertainer returns as elderly joker Eddie and at Wednesday's premiere spoke about the importance of comedy. "If you had the opportunity to say something funny whilst saying something important, people will then hear the message without feeling like you're preaching to them, like you're stomping it to them and I think that's what this movie does," he said. "Barbershop: The Next Cut" goes on release from April 15.

Cast member Ice Cube poses at the premiere of ''Barbershop: The Next Cut'' at TCL Chinese theatre in Hollywood, California April 6, 2016. (REUTERS/MARIO ANZUONI)

Publications refuse to hand over audio in Charlie Sheen case

(Reuters) CELEBRITY website and the National Enquirer on Thursday refused to hand over material sought by authorities investigating threats that the two related media outlets reported actor Charlie Sheen made against a former girlfriend. Sheen's admittedly raucous lifestyle, substance abuse, stints in rehab and fondness for dating porn stars have overshadowed for years the career of the former TV star of "Two and a Half Men." The latest commotion has crossed from celebrity gossip to a battle over press freedom and a possible criminal case. Los Angeles police have opened a criminal investigation of Sheen, and on Tuesday served a search warrant on the New York headquarters of American Media Inc, the parent company of both RadarOnline and the Enquirer. The police probe follows published reports by RadarOnline and the Enquirer about audio in which a man, said to be Sheen, is heard saying he would like to see a former fiancee "have her head kicked in." Neither publication has published the audio. Sheen's attorney and agent did not respond to requests for comment.

Cast member Charlie Sheen poses at the premiere of his new film "Scary Movie 5" in Hollywood, in this file photo taken April 11, 2013. (REUTERS/Fred Prouser/Files)

Dylan Howard, editor-in-chief of the Enquirer and editorial director of RadarOnline, told Reuters the two outlets had no plans to turn over documents or identify their sources. He said the search warrant, signed by a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge, was illegal under both state and federal law that prevents the use of such warrants against media organizations relating to "newsworthy" information. "We do believe that a judge did issue this order against the law, and that's why we will not be complying with its order," Howard said in an interview. The LAPD should emulate the two publications and "uncover the evidence" themselves, he added. There were conflicting views on the legality of warrant. Terry Francke, general counsel for Californians Aware, a non-profit journalists' rights advocacy group, said the Los Angeles Police Department warrant was "flatly illegal" under California law. Jonathan Kotler, journalism professor at the University of Southern California, said there has been little clarity on the issue. The courts "have been all over the place through the years" on so-called shield laws protecting

journalists, he said. "Courts don’t like shield laws much," Kotler added. The two publications first reported on the audio in late March, saying it was recorded by an unnamed former lover of Sheen. They have reported quotes but have not made the audio available online. Reuters could not verify the voice is Sheen's. According to a copy of the search warrant and an affidavit provided on Thursday by RadarOnline, the Los Angeles police investigation was triggered by Scottine Ross, a former porn actress and onetime fiancee of Sheen, who accused Sheen in a December lawsuit of assault and of having sex with her without revealing he was HIV positive. The affidavit says Ross went to police fearing for her life on March 31 after reading the RadarOnline and Enquirer accounts of threatening statements Sheen allegedly made about her in calls to another unidentified woman. Sheen announced in a November interview that he had been diagnosed with HIV about four years earlier, but said it was "impossible" that he had transmitted the virus to anyone else.

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