Guide Training Document - Sample Field Guide Contents

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Guyana Guide Training Field Guides DRAFT List of Contents Use this DRAFT List to think about the contents of your Field Guide. Did we miss anything? You will want to create your Field Guide to meet your own individual needs. This list is a suggestion to get you started. Share your ideas of what you would do differently. •

Cover o Good color photograph with people – visitors and local people o Name of lodge or facility – any logos?

Inside Title Page o Name of the facility – logos? Contact info (website, Facebook, email, etc)

Introduction + Purpose o Friendly and warm welcome letter/note o Any vision statement or summary of the operation

Table of Contents (if needed) + Dividers for Sections

History of the lodge or facility – what is your story? o Why is it here? o How was it built? o How does it work? (Any special procedures for guests?) o Connections to local village or cultural group

Wildlife / Birds o Name, picture (could be drawings), native names o Diet – what does it eat; carnivore/omnivore/herbivore o Lifestyle -- movement – activity time of day o Interesting facts o Where and when most commonly found o How common are sightings (i.e. rare, frequent, sporadic, etc) o Field Checklist

Botany & Trees o Name, picture (could be drawings), native names o Where most commonly found in TRF o Who eats it? o How is it used by humans? Preparation, medical o Species checklists


Native Culture & History

Guest/visitor safety precautions

Suggested packing list for outings

Map of site o Hiking trails o Special features

Other o Staff pictures and biographies?

Thank you for coming o How can guests give feedback on their stay?

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