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World Guide to Libraries Ed. 37: World Guide to Libraries 2022
July 2022 English, Approx. XXVI, 1300 pp.
Pre-publication price valid until 30 September
2022 HC € 959.00 [D] / US$ 1100.00 / £ 872.00
Ab/As of 1 October 2022
€ 999.00 [D] / US$ 1150.00 / £ 908.00
Standing Order price for subscribers to the complete work
*€ 839.00 [D] / US$ 960.00 / £ 762.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076971-5
The 37th edition of the comprehensive World Guide to Libraries contains current addresses and detailed information on the holdings of a total of approx. 41,500 libraries in more than 200 countries. All types of libraries are covered.
Besides contact details, entries include information regarding inter-library lending, library director, book, periodical and manuscript holdings, special holdings, areas of collection and much more.
Library directory
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Konstanze Söllner (Editor-in-Chief) Andreas Brandtner, Beat Gnädinger, Edeltraud Haas, Gerald Maier, Peter Reuter, Eva Ramminger, Dorothea Sommer (Hrsg./Eds.)
ABI Technik
Zeitschrift für Automation, Bau und Technik im Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen Band/Volume 42 (2022)
Deutsch/German, 4 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./Approx. 400 S./pp.) ISSN 0720-6763 e-ISSN 2191-4664
Jahres-Abopreis/Subscription rates € 214.00 / *US$ 321.00 / *£ 175.00 Einzelheft/Single Issue € 59.00 / *US$ 88.00 / *£ 48.00
Institutional Subscription € 214.00 / *US$ 321.00 / *£ 175.00 Individual Subscription € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00
€ 258.00 / *US$ 384.00 / *£ 211.00
ABI Technik ist die einzige deutschsprachige Fachzeitschrift für die Spezialbereiche Automation, Bau und Technik im Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf Beiträgen zu aktuellen Fragen des Bibliotheksbaus, dem Einsatz moderner Informationssysteme sowie der Sicherung und Konservierung von Beständen. Darüber hinaus wird über Entwicklungen in der internationalen Bibliotheksbranche berichtet.
ABI Technik is the only German-language professional journal covering the fields of automation, building, and technology for archives, libraries, and the information sector. The journal focuses on current issues in library building, the use of modern information systems, and safeguarding and preserving collections. In addition, the journal regularly covers developments in the international library industry. Achim Bonte, Andreas Degkwitz, Wolfram Horstmann, Paul Kaegbein, Alice Keller, Claudia Lux, Elmar Mittler, Johanna Rachinger, Michael Seadle, Konrad Umlauf, Peter Vodosek, Hannelore Vogt, Cornelia Vonhof (Hrsg./Eds.)
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis
Band/Volume 46 (2022)
Deutsch/German, 3 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./Approx. 402 S./pp.) ISSN 0341-4183 e-ISSN 1865-7648
Jahres-Abopreis/Subscription rates € 339.00 / *US$ 508.00 / *£ 279.00 Einzelheft/Single Issue € 124.00 / *US$ 186.00 / *£ 102.00
€ 407.00 / *US$ 611.00 / *£ 334.00
Die einzige spartenübergreifende Bibliothekszeitschrift Deutschlands informiert in grundlegenden Aufsätzen und aktuellen Berichten über Entwicklungen und Tendenzen aus dem wissenschaftlichen und öffentlichen Bibliothekswesen im nationalen und internationalen Bereich. Alle Aspekte des Bibliothekswesens werden diskutiert.
The only journal covering all aspects of librarianship in Germany, Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis reports on recent developments and trends in academic and public libraries around the world.
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Eric W. Steinhauer, Hartmuth Ihrig (Editors-in-Chief)
Band/Volume 56 (2022)
Deutsch/German, 12 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./Approx. 1050 S./pp.) ISSN 0006-1972 e-ISSN 2194-9646
Jahres-Abopreis/Subscription rates € 63.00 / *US$ 83.00 / *£ 50.00 Einzelheft/Single Issue € 6.00 / *US$ 8.00 / *£ 5.00
Institutional Subscription € 63.00 / *US$ 83.00 / *£ 50.00 Individual Subscription € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00
€ 73.00 / *US$ 101.00 / *£ 61.00
Der Bibliotheksdienst erscheint jährlich in jeweils 10 Heften (monatlich, davon 2 Doppelhefte) und beleuchtet traditionelle wie auch technisch-innovative Themenbereiche, vermittelt Informationen aus den Bibliotheken sowie aus Institutionen, Verbänden und Vereinen des Bibliothekswesens und seiner Nachbarbereiche.
The Library and Information Science journal Bibliotheksdienst is published in 10 physical issues per year (monthly, with 2 double issues) and covers traditional and technically innovative topics. It communicates information from libraries and related institutions, professional societies within librarianship and neighbouring areas. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen e.V. (DGI) (Hrsg./Ed.)
Information – Wissenschaft & Praxis
Band/Volume 73 (2022)
Deutsch/German, 6 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./Approx. 380 S./pp.) ISSN 1434-4653 e-ISSN 1619-4292
Jahres-Abopreis/Subscription rates € 298.00 / *US$ 444.00 / *£ 244.00 Einzelheft/Single Issue € 55.00 / *US$ 81.00 / *£ 45.00
Institutional Subscription € 298.00 / *US$ 444.00 / *£ 244.00 Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00
€ 357.00 / *US$ 535.00 / *£ 293.00
Information – Wissenschaft & Praxis ist seit über 60 Jahren die zentrale Plattform für die Auseinandersetzung mit den Veränderungen der Informations- und Wissenslandschaft. Als Fachzeitschrift für den Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Informationsversorgung präsentiert sie Forschungsergebnisse der Informationswissenschaft sowie Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis.
Information – Wissenschaft und Praxis (Information – Science and Practice) has been a leading forum for discussions concerning changes in the landscape of information and knowledge for over 60 years. The professional journal addresses the use of cutting-edge information and communication technologies and presents the results of the latest research in information science as well as practicebased field reports.
Kendra S. Albright, Theo J.D. Bothma (Editors-in-Chief)
International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies Volume 72 (2022)
Impact Factor: 0.706 5-year Impact Factor: 0.521
English, 4 issues per volume (Approx. 480 pp.) ISSN 0024-2667 e-ISSN 1865-8423
Subscription rates € 407.00 / *US$ 614.00 / *£ 334.00 Single Issue € 112.00 / *US$ 169.00 / *£ 92.00
Institutional Subscription € 407.00 / *US$ 614.00 / *£ 334.00 Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00
€ 490.00 / *US$ 734.00 / *£ 403.00
Libri investigates the functions of libraries and information services from both a historical and present-day perspective and analyses the role of information in cultural, organizational, national and international developments.
www.degruyter.com/journals/opis JO J J
Mario Hibert (Editor-in-Chief)
Open Information Science
Volume 6 (2022)
Managing Editor: Wojciech Nowacki
English, 1 issue per volume ISSN 2451-1781
Open Information Science is an international, open access, cross-disciplinary, single-blind peer-reviewed journal that presents original research on all areas of library and information sciences. It aims to publish the research papers on the most recent issues and developments in the field.
Karen F. Gracy (Editor-in-Chief)
Volume 51 (2022)
English, 4 issues per volume (Approx. 210 pp.) ISSN 2195-2957 e-ISSN 2195-2965
Subscription rates € 378.00 / *US$ 569.00 / *£ 310.00 Single Issue € 104.00 / *US$ 156.00 / *£ 85.00
Institutional Subscription € 378.00 / *US$ 569.00 / *£ 310.00 Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00
€ 457.00 / *US$ 681.00 / *£ 374.00
Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture (PDT&C) is an international journal which focuses on preserving digital content from a wide variety of perspectives, including technological, social, economic, political, and user. Its scope is global, covering projects and practices from key international players in the field. The goal of the journal is to provide a timely forum for refereed articles, news, and field notes from around the world. Sigrid Eyb-Green, Ute Henniges (Editors-in-Chief)
Restaurator. International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material
Volume 43 (2022)
Impact Factor: 0.427 5-year Impact Factor: 0.296
English, 4 issues per volume (Approx. 370 pp.) ISSN 0034-5806 e-ISSN 1865-8431
Subscription rates € 433.00 / *US$ 650.00 / *£ 356.00 Single Issue € 119.00 / *US$ 179.00 / *£ 98.00
Institutional Subscription € 433.00 / *US$ 650.00 / *£ 356.00 Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00
€ 520.00 / *US$ 782.00 / *£ 426.00
Restaurator is the only international periodical specializing exclusively in the conservation of library and archive materials. Articles examine the many important aspects of this subject area, such as technology, practical experience, and organization. They also address scientific fundamentals, including the development of new preservation techniques and improvements to established methods.