Eurospan - (Natural History) 2021-2022 Catalogue

Page 1

2021-22 c A t A logue n A tur A l H i S tory

IGI Global

Rutgers University Press

If you are a teaching academic or course leader you may request up to three titles as FREE inspection copies to consider as textbooks for students on your course. For further details please visit: BooKS

CSIRO Publishing Not for sale in Oceania

PHI Learning

Wings Press

The University of Alabama Press

Auckland University Press

Not for sale in South Asia, South East Asia, East Asia & Oceania

Kendall Hunt Publishing Company McFarland

Not for sale in Oceania

Due to publisher price changes, prices charged may vary from those listed.

University of Hawai’i Press

Delve Publishing

University Press of Florida University of Georgia Press

For more information on eBook title availability, please contact

Oregon State University Press

Not for sale in South Asia, South East Asia, Japan & Korea

Syracuse University Press


The University of Arizona Press

Not for sale in Asia & Oceania

Victoria University Press

NewSouth Publishing


The University of North Carolina Press

Not for sale in Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia

1 AquAtic & MArine Biology 3 BotAny AnD PlAnt ScienceS 7 PAlAeontology 9 Zoology 12 cHilDren’S

Baylor University Press

Not for sale in South Asia, South East Asia, East Asia & Oceania


Not for sale in Oceania

Michigan State University Press

Receive regular up-to-date information about our new titles by registering for e-alerts at:

University of New Mexico Press

Salem Press

Not for sale in Asia & Oceania

Not for sale in Asia & Oceania

Texas A&M University Press

Wits University Press

J. Ross Publishing

Cognella Academic Publishing Not for sale in the Philippines

The University of Utah Press

Not for sale in Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa & Swaziland.

Not for sale in Taiwan

Southern Illinois University Press

University Press of Florida

Explores the existence of rare, unexpected, and sublime desert creatures such as the black toad and four pupfishes unique to the desert West. All are anomalies: amphibians and fish, dependent upon aquatic habitats, yet living in one of the driest places on earth, where precipitation averages less than four inches per year.

relictS oF A BeAutiFul SeA



Edited by David E. Vaughan Jun 2021 9781604271430540pp Hardback

Jan 2021 9781774077993277pp

iMPerileD reeF the Fascinating, Fragile life of a caribbean Wonder Sandy Sheehy Oct 2021 272pp, 18 images 9781683402497 Hardback US$28.00

A timely, comprehensive volume that provides a foundational understanding of the current and emerging practices and technologies used for active coral reef restoration projects around the world.

For further information, visit

Paperback US$26.95

Aug 2021 9781611864076264pp Paperback



Peter Wayne Moe Apr 2021 9780870713071152pp Paperback

9780813066820 Paperback US$32.00

Hardback US$160.00

Delve Publishing

Oregon State University Press

Asks how we might come to know the unknowable - in this case, whales, these animals so large yet so elusive, revealing just a sliver of back, a glimpse of a fluke, or, if you’re lucky, a split-second breach before diving away.

1Aqu A tic & M A rine Biology


eBooK AVAilABle MArine MicroAlgAl ecology Anjanette S. Tadena

Presents the ecosystem and living environment of the living organisms in the marine ecology. The book covers the life activities of these organisms in their whole life span.

J. Ross Publishing

A qu A tic MA rine B iology

Michigan State University Press

Offers an engaging, accessible introduction to manatee biology, including communication, diet, long-distance migration, and much more.

Brings alive the richly diverse world of an underwater paradise: the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. Stretching 625 miles through the Caribbean Sea along the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras, this reef is the second largest coral structure on the planet.

Takes readers on journeys through the Great Lakes, alongside fish and fishers, scuba divers and scientists, toxic pollutants and threatened communities, oil pipelines and invasive species, Indigenous peoples and federal agencies.

tHe AcciDentAl reeF AnD otHer ecologicAl oDySSeyS in tHe greAt lAKeS Lynne Heasley

The University of North Carolina Press

Biology and conservation, Second edition Roger L. Reep & Robert K. Bonde



Jun 2021 352pp, 81 images

Survival, extinction, and conservation in a Desert World Christopher Norment Nov 2021 9781469668789288pp


tHe FloriDA MAnAtee

Salem Press

Introduces readers to the fundamentals of oceanography using easy-to-understand language. Readers will get a solid start and deeper understanding of this complex subject that affects much of our lives on Earth, from climate, to pollution, to food supply.

Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies Series

2. red Algae 2018 9781486309542688pp Hardback US$174.99

Takes readers from the headwaters of the Colorado River in Wyoming to the Crown of the Continent in Glacier National Park. In the midst of the lovingly described beauty of these places, readers will learn about the science, history, conservation, and restoration of an important native fish – the cutthroat trout.

tHe HuDSon

Salem Press


BeStSellerS CSIRO Publishing


Paperback US$29.95

Stephen P. Stanne et al

A Fine-SPotteD trout on corrAl creeK on the cutthroat competition of native trout in the northern rockies

Reveals the unknown world of these giants of the deep and shares insights from the author’s work with humpback, blue and pygmy blue whales.

2 Aqu A tic & M A rine Biology

Rutgers University Press

Explores the tension between risk and human fear and the need to conserve sharks and protect the important ecological roles they play in our marine NewSouthenvironments.Publishing

Oct 2021 9781609406172182pp

Wings Press

For over a decade, Dr John Huisman has collected and studied the marine plants of Australia’s vast and remote north-west coast, these activities uncovering numerous undescribed genera and species. His accounts of the marine algae are presented in two volumes of the Algae of Australia.

Paperback US$18.95


Nov 2021 9780870711589216pp

9781978814059 Paperback US$29.95 9781978814066 Hardback US$59.95


Sylvia A. Earle

Hardback US$165.00

A tiDAl oDySSey

1. green and Brown Algae 2015 9781486304493328pp Hardback US$112.50

Texas A&M University Press

A book for readers who are interested in the world of marine biology, intertidal ecology, and the manner in which ecological studies underpin our understanding of the impact of environmental change on the wellbeing of our planet.

tHe Secret liFe oF WHAleS

PrinciPleS oF MArine Science

Matthew Dickerson

Mar 2021 360pp, 25 colour images 9781623499044 Hardback US$32.00

ed ricketts and the Making of Between Pacific Tides

Richard Astro & Donald Kohrs

SeA cHAnge A Message of the oceans

AlgAe oF AuStrAliA: MArine BentHic AlgAe oF nortH-WeStern AuStrAliA John M. Huisman

Equal parts memoir, adventure tale, and call to action, Sea Change has become a classic of environmental literature, at once the gripping adventure story of Sylvia Earle’s three decades of undersea exploration, an insider’s introduction to marine biology, and a plea for the preservation of the world’s fragile ocean ecosystems.

Myths, Misunderstandings and Human Fear

Jan 2021 9781642657661400pp

Blake Chapman 2017 288pp, 19 9781486307357imagesPaperback US$29.95

Since 1996, The Hudson: An Illustrated Guide to the Living River has been an essential guide to the full sweep of this great river’s natural history and human heritage. In this third edition, the authors have updated and improved their clearly written and engaging volume.

Jan 2021 280pp, 354 images

A Marine Biologist reveals All Micheline Jenner 2018 9781742235547248pp Paperback US$19.00

An illustrated guide to the living river, third edition

Auckland University Press

Baylor University Press

Biodiversity in Small Spaces

An ethnographic Journey into Beauty and Hunger

9781869408190 Hardback US$59.99

May 2021 9781486314270288pp

Sep 2021 9781869409067300pp Paperback US$23.99

Hardback US$110.99

This comprehensive monograph provides keys, descriptions and information on the known distribution for all species in addition to containing introductory material relating to their biology and ecology. Secretive Slime Moulds will give naturalists a new insight into an often overlooked group of organisms.

Alison Pouliot & Tom May Mar 2021 320pp, 415 images 9781486311736 Paperback US$36.99

Philip Simpson

Jan 2021 9781486313655400pp

PlAntS oF SuBtroPicAl eAStern AuStrAliA

Brings together eight studies of the Edwards Plateau. The aim is to provide an introduction to the vegetational landscape, including representative photographs, specific research about the history of vegetation patterns, and quantitative information on current structure and CSIROsuccession.Publishing

Andrew Benwell

WilD MuSHrooMing A guide for Foragers

Jan 2021 264pp, 25 images 9780816541157 Paperback US$40.00

3Bot A ny & Pl A nt Science S

Plant ecological Studies in central texas

tHe FloWering oF AuStrAliA’S rAinForeStS Pollination ecology and Plant evolution

Steven L. Stephenson

Mar 2021 382pp, 160 images 9781486314133 Hardback US$135.99

B ot A ny & P l A nt S cience S For further information, visit

Presents a selection of common, threatened and ecologically significant plants found in the region’s major vegetation habitats including rainforest, heathland, grassy forest, wetlands and rock outcrops.

The University of Arizona Press

tHe eDiBle gArDenS oF etHioPiA

What is a beautiful garden to southern Ethiopian farmers? Anchored in the author’s perceptual approach to the people, plants, land, and food, The Edible Gardens of Ethiopia opens a window into the simple beauty and ecological vitality of an ensete garden.

AtŌtArAnatural and cultural History

Provides a comprehensive introduction to the pollination ecology, evolution and conservation of Australian rainforest plants, with particular emphasis on subtropical rainforests and their associated pollinators.

Valentina Peveri

SecretiVe SliMe MoulDS Myxomycetes of Australia

neW in PAPerBAcK

The ‘mighty totara’ is one of the most extraordinary trees in New Zealand. Philip Simpson tells the story of the totara like nobody else could, illuminating the natural world and the story of Māori and Pākehā in New Zealand.

Paperback US$35.99

eDWArDS PlAteAu VegetAtion

Jan 2021 9781481314565154pp

Edited by Bonnie B. Amos & Frederick R. Gehlbach

With interest in foraging for wild food on the rise, learning to accurately identify fungi reduces both poisoning risk to humans and harm to the environment. This extensively illustrated guide takes a ‘slow mushrooming’ approach - providing the information to correctly identify a few edible species thoroughly, rather than many superficially.

Geoff Williams

Hardback US$44.99

Edited by Shiv Sanjeevi Sripathi

eBooK AVAilABle introDuction to etHnoBotAny

Edited by Akansha Singh & Mohammad Waseemul Islam

University of Georgia Press

Hardback US$160.00

Donald Edward Davis

Tells the story of the American chestnut from Native American prehistory through the Civil War and the Great Depression. Davis documents the tree’s impact on nineteenth-and early twentiethcentury American life, including the decorative and culinary arts.

Hardback US$160.00

cultivated and Wild; culinary, Medicinal, cordial, and Amusing; of the eighteenthcentury Southern Frontier

Aug 2021 192pp, 60 images 9780820357829 Hardback US$32.95

your FloriDA guiDe to ButterFly gArDening

Discusses how indigenous people use plants for food, medicine, cultural customs, housing, fuel, and transportation. The book covers the evolution of ethnobotany and the formation of this field over the years.

eBooK AVAilABle

Second edition

University Press of Florida

Wormsloe Foundation Nature Book Series

4 Bot A ny & Pl A nt Science S

eBooK AVAilABle

For more information on eBook title availability, please contact

A curiouS gArDen oF HerBS

illuStrAteD PlAntS oF FloriDA AnD tHe coAStAl PlAin

Oct 2021 424pp, 29 images 9780820360454 Hardback US$32.95

Edited by Akansha Singh & Mohammad Waseemul Islam

Jan 2021 9781774078020283pp

David W. Hall


Provides ethnobotanical data about the traditional uses of medicinal plants across the world. The book analyses and evaluates the use of medicinal crops among different groups of people, and covers their use in treating various diseases, especially respiratory diseases and skin diseases.

Jan 2021 9781774078013237pp

eBooK AVAilABle cAMouFlAge

Delve Publishing

tHe AMericAn cHeStnut An environmental History

A richly illustrated collection of herbal fact and lore that illuminates the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’ of the historical kitchen garden. Rather than offering a how-to of gardening methods, Kay Moss and Suzanne Simmons trace herbs and their uses back to earlier times and places.

Extensively illustrated, this volume is an indispensable identification guide to nearly 1,400 species of plants, both common and rare, found in Florida and neighbouring coastal states. It contains frequently occurring wildflowers, shrubs, and herbaceous plants from the region, and includes select grasses, rushes, and trees.

Jan 2021 576pp, 1,384 images 9780813066561 Hardback US$85.00

Jaret C. Daniels

Apr 2022 9780813068534256pp Paperback US$24.95

In this easy-to-use and brightly illustrated introductory guide, lepidopterist Jaret Daniels shows beginners how to create a haven for butterflies and other flower-loving wildlife.

Jan 2021 9781774076972318pp

A guide for the Deep South, Second edition

Kay K. Moss & Suzanne S. Simmons


Hardback US$160.00

Offers a concise presentation of camouflage. While plants were initially considered defenceless, certain examples of mottled leaves, called disruptive coloration, prevent easy recognition by colour blind herbivores.

Richard Parker

Publishing Company

Just the IntroductionFactsto

PlAnt liFe third edition

A guide to Plants and living landscapes of the American Southwest

lAnD oF PlAntS in JapaneseMotionBotany and the World

Introduces botanical medicine through an in-depth exploration of the land, presenting a unique guide to plants found across the American Southwest.

SAVing tHe WilD SoutH the Fight for native Plants on the Brink of extinction

giFteD eArtH the ethnobotany of the quinault and neighboring tribes

tHe ecology oF HerBAl MeDicine

Jul 2021 9781792469152277pp

Chad Jordan, James E Mickle & Rachel Clark


Georgann Eubanks takes a wondrous trek from Alabama to North Carolina to search out native plants that are endangered and wavering on the edge of erasure.

Douglas Deur

A blueprint for exploring the dynamics, complexity, utility, and importance of the organisms that compose our green world at an introductory level.

A comprehensive guidebook to traditional Native American plant knowledge, detailing the use of plants for food, medicines, and materials.

Paperback US$21.00

Mar 2021 9780826362179328pp

Aug 2021 9781792459313396pp

Spiralbound US$99.00

University of Hawai’i Press

Oct 2021 272pp, 27 images 9781469664903 Paperback US$25.00


Paperback US$24.95

NewSouth Publishing tguMheStory of eucalypts and their champions

The story of the battle of so many eucalyptographers who have been obsessed by these trees and who have championed their powers. Gum trees have been feted as a cure for malaria, as a solution for the drainage problems that defeated the Roman emperors, as the tree that could forest the Sahara, the tree that could divine gold.

introduction to Plant Science, Fourth edition

For further information, visit

FielD guiDe to tHe treeS oF tHe gilA region oF neW MeXico Richard Stephen Felger et al Mar 2021 9780826362377328pp Paperback US$24.95

Oregon State University Press

Ashley Hay Nov 2021 9781742237534288pp

PlAnt Science

Dara Saville

Perspectives on the Global Past

University of New Mexico Press

Paperback US$55.00

Thomas R. H. Havens

The University of North Carolina Press

Oct 2021 242pp, 80 images 9780870719653 Paperback US$29.95

Plant Science is one in a series of Just the Facts textbooks created by the National Agricultural Institute. These textbooks present the essential knowledge in outline format. This essential knowledge is supported by a main concept, learning objectives and key terms at the beginning of each section.

5Bot A ny & Pl A nt Science S

The definitive guide for field botanists, researchers, students, and avid nature lovers who wish to explore the natural history of native and introduced tree species across the Gila.

Sep 2021 248pp, 23 images 9780824889739 Paperback 9780824882891US$30.00 Hardback US$80.00

The first book in any language to examine two companion stories: the rise of an East Asian floristic zone, and how the Japanese islands evolved an astonishing wealth of plant species, and the growth of Japanese botanical

Georgann Eubanks


University of Hawai’i Press

University of Virginia Press HigHligHt

Lynne M. Weber & Jim Weber

Anna K. Sagal Dec 2021 9780813946962272pp Paperback 9780813946955US$45.00 Hardback US$115.00

2004 248pp, 192 images 9780868407425 Paperback US$26.00

9780815637493 Paperback US$49.95

To this day, women face barriers in entering scientific professions, and in earlier eras the challenges were greater still.

Captures the stunning beauty and unique characteristics of a broad range of cultivated species and cultivars.

This beautiful book highlights an often overlooked, but remarkable, aspect of our natural world: Australia’s fungi.

Fred Delcomyn & James L. Ellis

1995 9780807844700424pp Paperback US$60.00

Key BeStSeller BotAnicAl reVelAtion european encounters with Australian Plants Before Darwin David J. Mabberley 2020 384pp, 300 illustrations 9781742236476 Hardback US$62.00

Tony Young & Kay Smith

nAtiVe HoSt PlAntS For teXAS MotHS


A FielD guiDe to tHe Fungi oF AuStrAliA

9780809338184 Paperback US$24.50

University Press

Understanding the flowering plants of any region begins with the recognition of families. This remarkable volume, created to serve students, professionals, and other plant enthusiasts, covers 130 temperate to tropical families common in North America with detailed illustrations and modern referenced commentaries.

Aug 2021 392pp, 571 images

The University of North Carolina Press

Jul 2021 160pp, 113 images

A comprehensive field guide to the mushrooms of the southeastern United States. The book features more than 450 species that are fully described and illustrated with photographs, many for the first time in Texascolour.A&M

Wendy B. Zomlefer

Southern Illinois University Press

Alan E. Bessette et al

Paperback US$29.95

Lewis J. Matthews

6 Bot A ny & Pl A nt Science S

2016 296pp, 369 images


Feb 2022 9781623499860308pp

A BAcKyArD PrAirie

AProteAguideto cultivated Species and Varieties

Syracuse University Press

the Hidden Beauty of tallgrass and Wildflowers

Myrna and David K. Langford Books on Working Lands

9780824856700 Paperback US$39.99

Science,Women,entBotAnicAlAngleMentSnaturalandtheArts in eeighteenth-centuryngland

But in this volume, Anna Sagal reveals how women’s participation in scientific discourses of the eighteenth century was enabled by the manipulation of social conventions that have typically been understood as limiting factors.

In 2003, Fred Delcomyn imagined his backyard of two and a half acres, farmed for corn and soybeans for generations, restored to tallgrass prairie. Over the next seventeen years, Delcomyn, with help from his friend James Ellis scored, seeded, monitored, reseeded, and burned these acres into prairie. This book documents their journey.

Provides an analysis of early European understanding of Australia’s flora. Combining science, horticulture, art and economics, this lavishly illustrated book reveals the motives and complex networks that led to the spread of knowledge and cultivation of hundreds of Australian plants in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

MuSHrooMS oF tHe SoutHeAStern uniteD StAteS

NewSouth Publishing

A user-friendly, illustrated follow-up to Lynne and Jim Weber’s highly successful Native Host Plants for Texas Butterflies, this book describes over 100 native, larval host plants for moths in Texas.

guiDe to FloWering PlAnt FAMilieS

A Field guide

neW in PAPerBAcK

Donald F. Glut

Jan 2022 808pp, 618 images 9781476688626 Paperback US$75.00

Sep 2021 715pp, 560 images 9781476688633 Paperback US$75.00

Georgia Press

neW in PAPerBAcK

Donald F. Glut


Cognella Academic Publishing

7P A l A eontology PA l A eontology

PreHiStoric liFe

neW in PAPerBAcK

tDinoSAurSheencyclopedia, Supplement 6

tDinoSAurSheencyclopedia, Supplement 7

tDinoSAurSheencyclopedia, Supplement 1

Donald F. Glut

Donald F. Glut

Bob Gale, Pam Gale & Ashby Gale


Donald F. Glut

2016 876pp, 705 images 9781476665481 Paperback US$75.00 further information, visit

Supplemental volumes do not repeat information from earlier volumes, but build upon them.


Feb 2021 544pp, 1,253 images 9780820357324 Paperback US$29.95

tDinoSAurSheencyclopedia, Supplement 5

neW in PAPerBAcK


tDinoSAurSheencyclopedia, Supplement 2

A concise, accessible textbook focusing on the history of life and evolution within geological and climatic contexts. The text includes new and updated pedagogical features, including key words, figure captions, photos, chapter summaries, and study points throughout at key

Jan 2022 736pp, 536 images 9781476689029 Paperback US$75.00

Jan 2022 761pp, 590 images 9781476689036 Paperback US$75.00

Joseph Petsche

neW in PAPerBAcK

A BeAcHcoMBer’S guiDe to FoSSilS

Jan 2021 9781793513007306pp Paperback

tDinoSAurSheencyclopedia, Supplement 4

Provides the definitive reference work on dinosaurian genera. This heavily illustrated volume contains many depictions of life models constructed by experts in vertebrate paleontology restoration and based on the original fossil material.


Donald F. Glut

neW in PAPerBAcK

Compiled from decades of visiting beaches along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts collecting fossils and conducting extensive research, A Beachcomber’s Guide to Fossils is the definitive guide for amateur collectors and professionals interested in learning more about the deep history they tread on during their vacations.

tDinoSAurSheencyclopedia, Supplement 3

Donald F. Glut

Donald F. Glut

Wormsloe Foundation Nature Book Series

An examination of the History of life and evolution, third edition

Nov 2021 456pp, 353 images 9781476689005 Paperback US$75.00

2013 1,088pp, 1,439 images 9780786472222 Paperback US$99.00

Nov 2021 696pp, 448 images 9781476689012 Paperback US$75.00

The University of Utah Press


How Fearsome reptiles Became Birds

Wits University Press

John Pickrell reveals how dinosaurs developed flight and became the birds in our backyards. He delves into the latest discoveries, and goes beyond the science to uncover a thriving black market in fossils, infighting between dinosaur hunters, and the controversial plan to use a chicken to bring dinosaurs back from the dead.

Donald K. Grayson 2016 320pp, 129 images 9781607814696 Paperback US$24.95

As the Ice Age came to an end, North America lost a stunning variety of animals. Giant Sloths and Sabertooth Cats surveys these animals, with a particular focus on the Great Basin. The book also explores the major attempts to explain the extinctions.

Presents the origin and evolution of all major groups of vertebrates (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds), from fishes in the Cambrian era to humans in the Cenozoic era, from a unique African perspective and with South African fossils as examples. It is aimed at university students and academics.

giAnt SlotHS AnD SABertootH cAtS extinct Mammals and the Archaeology of the ice Age great Basin


Wits University Press

8 P A l A eontology

FroM An AFricAn PerSPectiVe

tHe riDDleD cHAin chance, coincidence and chaos in Human evolution Jeffrey K. McKee 2000 9780813527833256pp

Flying DinoSAurS

Rutgers University Press

AnD PAlAeontology

VerteBrAte eVolution

John Pickrell

This is a story of research on the cutting edge of palaentology and evolutionary theory. It delves into the excitement and frustrations of excavations at the fossil sites of Taung and Makapansgat, the South African sites that provided evidence elucidating the initial conditions of human origins.

The ‘Cradle of Humankind’ (COH), bordering Gauteng and the North-West Province in South Africa, was declared a World Heritage Site for the wealth of the human and animal fossils found there. This work aims to provide an overview of the history of the COH, and of the important discoveries that have been made there, for a non-specialist audience.

Hardback US$34.95

Julien Benoit & Viktor Radermacher

If you are a teaching academic or course leader you may request up to three titles as FREE inspection copies (especially those marked with the textbook icon) to consider as textbooks for students on your course. For further details please visit:

NewSouth Publishing

A SeArcH For originS

Edited by Phillip Bonner, Amanda Esterhuysen & Trefor Jenkins 2007 9781868144181420pp Paperback US$36.00

Science, History and South Africa’s ‘cradle of Humankind’

Jul 2022 9781776147557232pp Paperback

2014 9781742233666240pp Paperback US$19.00

Z oology


Provides a comprehensive assessment of the 99 known species of crayfishes inhabiting the state of Alabama.


Identifies and describes 52 taxa of tiger beetles that occur in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

9781486313747 Paperback US$36.99

tHe coMPlete FielD guiDe to DrAgonFlieS oF SecondAuStrAliAedition

Mar 2021 9780813066721176pp Hardback

Mark G. Sanders

PHotogrAPHic FielD guiDe to AuStrAliAn FrogS

Oct 2021 288pp, 929 images


9781486313150 Paperback US$40.99

For further information, visit

Provides an overview of the ecology of Victoria’s Box-Ironbark habitats and their wildlife, and how climate change is having a major influence.

WilDliFe oF tHe BoX-ironBArK country

Second edition

Mar 2022 9780817321062560pp

Gunther Theischinger & John Hawking


Chris Tzaros

A comprehensive guide to the Australian dragonfly fauna that covers eight families of dragonflies and ten families of damselflies, comprising the 113 genera and 333 species. Stunning colour images and distribution maps are accompanied by identification keys for adults as well as larvae.



9781486313259 Paperback US$39.99

FloriDA ScruB-JAy Field notes on a Vanishing Bird

Hardback US$54.95

Benjamin Gray Oct 2021 9781486313716136pp Hardback US$48.99

Robert Gifford Beaton, R. Stephen Krotzer & Brian D. Holt

Presents a collection of artworks from established and emerging Australian fine artists, each depicting an Australian animal that has already, for various reasons, tumbled over the edge into extinction. This book laments their loss, but also celebrates their former existence, diversity and significance.

eXotic AMPHiBiAnS

AnD rePtileS oF tHe uniteD StAteS

ArtisticeXtinctimpressions of our lost Wildlife

A Field guide

University Press of Florida


The University of Alabama Press

Mar 2021 424pp, 2000+ images

Sep 2021 9780817359980200pp

tiger BeetleS oF tHe SoutHeAStern

Jan 2022 296pp, 213 images 9780813066967 Hardback

Provides readers with the tools to confidently identify 242 species and five recognised subspecies of Australian frogs.

Guenter A. Schuster, Christopher A. Taylor & Stuart W. McGregor

Paperback US$29.95

Aug 2021 376pp, 1,704 images

Walter E. Meshaka Jr. et al


uniteD StAteS

Mark Jerome Walters

The first complete field guide to the exotic amphibians and reptiles established in the continental United States and Hawaii, this volume covers 74 species that are not native to the country and 29 species that are native but occur beyond their original geographic range.

The only bird species that lives exclusively in Florida, the Florida Scrub-Jay was once common across the peninsula. With an explorer’s spirit, Mark Walters travels the state to report on the natural history and current predicament of Florida’s flagship bird.

CSIRO Publishing

inSectS, Science AnD Society laboratory Manual

Oregon State University Press

Jan 2021 9781792440847277pp

MinDing DogS


Paperback US$27.95

Apr 2021 9780820359557204pp

Adds to the growing discussion on canine cognition, which has been overlooked until recently and the author takes seriously our dynamic collaborations with our canine friends as crucial to understanding both their minds and our own.

HigHligHt uelePHAntSpcloseand Personal Ellen Greene Stewart

Animal Voices / Animal Worlds Series

Humans, canine companions, and a new Philosophy of cognitive Science

Austin Jones Jan 2021 978179245758688pp Spiralbound US$52.00

KinDreD SPiritS

Animal Voices / Animal Worlds Series

Elephants are a keystone species and have been a part of the magic of the thickly forested land of South Africa for millennia. This book focuses on the history and work of Knysna Elephant Park, a leading South African elephant research facility that has been home to more than 40 elephants in 25 years.

notes of a Field Biologist

Paperback US$135.00

Sep 2021 9781799828129200pp

reD Deer emerging research and opportunities

tActicAl ScienceS For BioSecurity in AniMAl AnD PlAnt SySteMS

IGI Global

Jan 2022 9781476687797149pp Paperback US$19.99

A work of science writing that will appeal to traditional birders, students, the new ‘punk birder’ movement, and anyone who is fascinated by urban wildlife. It is the story of a woman who leaves her office job in Portland, Oregon, in her late-30s to become a wildlife biologist studying nighthawks.

one Animal Family

Michele Merritt

Edited by Junaid Ahmad Malik

Paperback US$80.00

tHe nigHtHAWK’S eVening

Fills a gap in literature dedicated to nature study. Whether you consider yourself a novice or seasoned naturalist, your nature study will benefit from this unique and holistic approach. Through the nature journal exercises presented, this book will help you make connections necessary for interpreting your surrounding landscape.

University of Georgia Press

Paperback US$26.95

Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

Focuses on moments of transformative contact between humans and other animals, portraying vividly the resulting ripples that change the lives of both animals and humans.

Gretchen N. Newberry

eBooK AVAilABle

9781799828112 Hardback US$175.00

Jun 2021 9780820359571264pp

9780820359533 Hardback US$114.95

10 Zoology

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Vinita Jaiswal & Kamal Kumar Jaiswal

Illinois University Press

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All kinds of animal pathogens such as protozoans, helminths, nematodes, mites and ticks and household insects, directly or indirectly causing diseases in other animals including humans, are described in

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PHI Learning

Entomologist Phil Lester explores the wonderfully complex and sometimes brutally efficient life history of honey bees, and the problems they face in New Zealand and around the globe.

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In this engaging guide, author Joshua Vossler details what to expect and how to make the most of a visit to ‘Snake Road’.

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Victoria University Press

University Press of Florida

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Paperback US$19.99

HeAltHy Bee, SicK Bee the influence of Parasites, Pathogens, Predators and Pesticides on Honey Bees

Shawnee Books

A comprehensive account of the 219 species known to exist in the state.

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Written by one of Australia’s leading lepidopterists, the book is stunningly illustrated with colour photographs of each of the 435 currently recognised species.

This definitive guide, written by experts in the field, offers a window into a fascinating world. Notorious species such as the Redback and the Sydney Funnel-web sit alongside less well known but equally intriguing spiders such as the ant-mimics and net-casting spiders.

This revised edition of Bats of Southern and Central Africa builds on the solid foundation of the first edition and supplements the original account of bat species then known to be found in Southern and Central Africa.

Written by award-winning author Gisela Kaplan, this second edition of Australian Magpie is a thoroughly updated and substantially expanded account of the behaviour of these birds.

Wits University Press

DAnce oF tHe Dung BeetleS

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When a bushfire destroys Potoroo’s home, he becomes one of the last surviving Gilbert’s Potoroos at Two Peoples Bay in Western Australia. Frightened, hurt and alone, Potoroo needs a new home. Luckily, a team of conservationists know where Potoroo can go to be safe.


one Potoroo

High in the Australian Alps, Possum faces the challenges of finding enough food and shelter to survive the harsh alpine winter. Tiny Possum and the Migrating Moths is a lyrical adventure from former zoologist Julie Murphy and beautifully illustrated by Ben Clifford.


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With her home under threat from a warming ocean, Zobi, a brave rhizobia bacterium, teams up with a family of slow but steady zoox (zooxanthellae). As the coral bleaches, everyone begins to starve...Can Zobi and the zoox work together to save the day? This beautifully illustrated science-adventure story, set on the Great Barrier Reef, will delight and captivate primary-school aged readers.

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Did you know that there are plants that eat insects? Plants whose seeds spread in poo? Plants that move when you touch them? And plants that grow on other plants? Plantastic! presents 26 of Australia’s most unique and incredible native plants.

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is one of Australia’s most threatened species. When their existence came under extreme threat from habitat loss, predators and human development, Eastern Barred Bandicoots found refuge in the most unlikely of places - a rubbish tip. This captivating true story details the plight these small, nocturnal marsupials faced, and the outstanding efforts that ensured their survival.

When Olivia and Hamish see a smoky haze coming from their local park, they’re ready to spring into action! But it’s not a fire – it’s a nest of Australian stingless bees that needs their help. Time to give the Bee Detectives a buzz!

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Bouncing BAcK


Jun 2021 9781486313976112pp

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A conservation tale of the Gilbert’s Potoroo - Australia’s rarest mammal.

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