January 28, 2010
We can’t believe it’s been 15 years since you’ve been gone
Your memories are treasures in our hearts. ere is not one day when we don’t think of you. One in a million, that mother and Nana is you.
Deeply missed by Josie, Florence, Nick, Amy, Sophia and Dominick.
Founded in 2013 in memory of four-year-old Drake
Ross Pettit of Spencerport, Dreams from Drake is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing grief support for children and teens who have lost a sibling or parent. Inspired by Drake’s generous spirit and his motto, “Sharing is caring,” this volunteer-run organization offers a variety of programs and services to help young individuals navigate their loss while fostering a sense of community and healing.
Drake Ross Pettit was born on June 1, 2008, and his short but impactful life was filled with joy, playfulness, and an innate desire to share. He had a special love for pirates, particularly the show Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so for his fourth birthday, he celebrated with a pirate-themed party, complete with treasure hunts, planks, pirate face decorations, and a candy-filled piñata for everyone to share, all reinforcing his love for sharing and making others happy.
To honor Drake’s contagious sharing spirit, the Pettit family created Dreams from Drake to offer hope and healing to children facing the unimaginable loss of a loved one. For the Pettit family, Dreams from Drake is more than an organization—it is a way to keep Drake’s memory alive while bringing light into the lives of grieving children.
“Griefisawful,butprograms likethishelpyoufocuson somethingpositive.Everyone hastofindtheirownway,but thereisawaytostillhavejoy inyourlovedone’smemory.”
Dreams from Drake provides an array of grief support services, all offered free of charge:
Camp Heartstrings/Camp Dreams Bereavement Camp: County’s first bereavement camp for children and teens in Monroe County, this camp was founded in 2015 in partnership with Visiting Nurse Services and Pittsford Youth Service. e three-day camp, facilitated by professional grief counselors, promotes understanding, acceptance, and healing through activities such as cra s, yoga, music, pet therapy, games, and summer fun.
Healing Circles of Hope: A monthly support group centered around social activities, giving grieving children and teens a chance to share memories and find comfort in a supportive, active environment.
Birthday Bonus: A program that provides birthday gi s to children in memory of their lost loved one, offering them a tangible reminder that they are cared for and remembered.
Make-a-Meal: A service providing grieving families with meals or grocery gi cards, ensuring they have one less worry as they navigate their loss.
e Next Page Program: A resource that offers families literature on grief, providing valuable guidance through the healing process.
Caring Card Club: Cards sent to grieving children and families, reminding them that they are never alone in their journey.
Let It All Out Club: e Pettit family finds athletics, music, and art to be quite therapeutic through their grieving process, and they hope to share such opportunities with other families.
Happy Hearts for the Holidays: Dreams from Drake partners with St. Peter’s Kitchen each December to distribute toys, blankets, books, and children’s coats Rochester-based families can ‘shop’ for at their holiday shop. Dreams from Drake is the largest private donor to St. Peter’s holiday gi program. Jamie says, “Since we could no longer give Drake gi s, we give to others on his behalf, so he’s still part of Christmas and holiday shopping.” Her five other children help organize the toys and make drop-offs, o en involving their sports teams and shopping as a group. e Pettits, DFD board members, and local businesses serve as collection sites, and the program offers some solace during an otherwise painful season for those who’ve lost loved ones.
Lovetowrite?Share your original stories about local heroes, community events, school achievements, or hidden gems—and you could earn CASH! Your submission might even be featured on our website or in print!
Torepresenttheidea thatDrakeisalways withtheminspirit,thePettit familynevertakesafamily picturewithoutRoy,the rainbow-coloredsockmonkey.
Dreams from Drake relies on community support, donations, and fundraising events to sustain its programs. One of its major upcoming events is the 2025 Winter Gala on March 1st at Ridgemont Country Club. e evening will feature live music by Uptown Groove, guest emcee Tricia Migliore Kuntz, dinner, cocktails, and an open bar, all in support of the nonprofit’s mission.
Dreams from Drake continues to grow, ensuring that Drake’s spirit of kindness and generosity endures. For more information, visit dreamsfromdrake.org or follow Dreams from Drake on Facebook and Instagram.
If you have tried other medical treatment options and are still dealing with pain or discomfort, noninvasive low dose radiation therapy may be the answer!
Call Dr. Kevin Mudd between hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm to schedule a consultation. 585-344-3050
466 Ellico St., Batavia ph: 585-483-3060
RIBBON CUTTING CELEBRATION: Saturday, February 1 @ 12pm
“Barbershop specializing in modern and traditional styles.”
10 Batavia City Centre ph: 585-201-7063
RIBBON CUTTING CELEBRATION: Monday, February 24 @ 12pm
“Your go-to for high-quality CBD and hemp products. We focus on healing our community by providing solutions for chronic pain, post-surgery recovery, and sports injuries. Healing Starts Here!”
With ribbon cutting celebrations by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, we’re excited to share these upcoming events. Stop out and say hi and support local!
Hosted by the Ramblin’ Lou Family
March 26 Sprague’s/Seneca Alleg. Casino w/ $25 bonus & food
April 16 Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame – Cleveland/Golden Corral
April 25-27 Polka Weekend– Catskills, Jimmy Sturr & more
April 29-30 (2-day express) NOAH, Lancaster, PA
May 7 Ron & Nancy Onesong – Ellicottville/Vidler’s
May 13-19 Nashville + Memphis (waiting list)
June 10-12 Ohio Amish – Antiquing, great food, show
June 23-26 Mackinac Island-Grand Hotel/Frankenmuth, MI
Jun. 29-Jul. 1 Thousand Islands, Skaneateles, 3 castles, 2 boat rides
July 9 Grand River Luncheon Cruise
Sept. 7-11 Montréal & Québec City
Sept. 22-27 Chattanooga, TN – 3 train rides, riverboat cruise
Oct. 1 Sprague’s – Turkey/Seneca Alleg. Casino w/ $25 bonus & food
Oct. 16-25 WXRL HAWAII CRUISE – Fully escorted – NCL 7-night cruise to 4 islands, roundtrip airfare from Buffalo, 2 nights in Honolulu, Pearl Harbor & Polynesian Ctr., taxes, transfers, 2 amenities & more.
- 1300AM/95.5FM & Streaming LIVE @ WXRL.com.
FREE brochure, call (716) 681-1313
February Dinner Special - Available every day in February.
10 ounce Prime Rib and 4 ounce Lobster Tail Dinner $64
Served with a glass of house champagne!
Over $20 in savings!
Dinner includes fresh garden salad, choice of potato, homemade rolls, and homemade specialty bread.
*Not valid with complimentary $20 Gi Certificate.
Available Tuesdays through Fridays, and Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Early birds will not be available Friday, February 14th. Your choice of $25.
• Lemon Parmesan Chicken Cutlet
• Shrimp Alfredo over Pasta
• 8 ounce Prime Sliced Sirloin with Caramelized Onion Butter
• 8 Ounce Prime Rib Carved Tableside
Dinners include fresh garden salad, choice of potato, homemade rolls, and homemade specialty bread. *Not valid with $20 complimentary gi certificate.
Available every day, 4:15-7:15 p.m. excluding Friday, February 14th.
$14 Prime Rib and Cheddar Sandwich with potato wedges and soup du jour of the night.
$16 Eggplant Parmesan over pasta with garden salad and roll.
$18 Haddock French with mashed potatoes with garden salad and roll.
$20 in Sliced Prime Rib and Onion Gravy over mashed potatoes, garden salad, and roll.
Available every Sunday in February!
1 Pound Prime Rib Dinner $32
Dinner includes fresh garden salad, choice of potato, homemade roll, and homemade specialty bread. Not valid with $20 complimentary gi certificate.
Available Tuesday through Friday, excluding Friday, February 14th.
8 ounce Prime Rib with 4 ounce Lobster Pot $34
Dinner includes fresh garden salad, choice of potato, homemade rolls, and homemade specialty bread.
*Not valid with $20 complimentary gi certificate.
4:15-7:15 p.m. excluding Friday, February 14th.
Your Choice of Fish $14
Broiled Haddock, Beer Battered Haddock, Lemon Pepper Haddock, Breaded Haddock, or Cajun Haddock
Dinner includes French fries and homemade slaw.
Tax experts say Americans should now have documents needed to file their taxes, but filing choices differ. When do you typically file your taxes?
• As soon as I receive my documents
• Last minute, running down the clock to April 15
• Depending on my circumstances each year
• I don’t pay taxes
Poll ends 02-04-2025
Poll ended 01-28-2025
January 20, 2025 commemorates the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr, who “had a dream” that boys and girls could school together, regardless of race, religion, creed, or color, judged only “by the content of their character” and not “the color of their skin.” 61 years later, where do you think we stand as a nation?
19.0% We have achieved Dr. King’s vision
28.6% We have made significant progress, but there’s still work to be done
14.3% We have made little to no progress toward this vision
38.1% We are now moving away from Dr. King’s dream
Vote and make your voice heard when you visit WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM!
You need to understand the new BOI and FinCEN filings for this year.
Over 59 years of experience
3 Hillside Drive, Batavia, NY 14020
585-343-5431 • Cell 585-738-0962
Fax: 585-343-3420 • fran@cpafran.com
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* To ripen a green tomato, wrap it in a sheet of newspaper or place it in a paper bag. It can then be le on the counter for several days to ripen.
* “To keep those ice crystals from forming on the top of your quart of ice cream, just cut a square of plastic wrap and push it down onto the surface of the ice cream each time you scoop a bowlful out. It peels off easily when you’re ready for another helping, but there’s no ice! Works for me!” -- T.D. in Nebraska
* White vinegar will clean off fruit or food coloring stains on your hands -- or most other places too!
MOUNTMORRIS: 3742 E GrovelandRoad.February7th(3pm6pm),8th(10am-2pm),and9th (10am-1pm).MOVINGSALE.Almost everything’s$1.SaturdayBOGO,Sunday4for$1/kidsshopfree!Antiques, furniture,oldbooks,homedecor, collectibles,men’swoman’s/kids/ clothes,toys.
Residents of St. Lucia celebrate their independence on February 22.
By Sam Marzotta
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I hope you will warn your readers to take care of their dogs’ paws during the winter. Recently, a er a big snowstorm, I took my toy poodle, “Blake,” out for his morning walk. Five feet from the door, he let out a yelp and started limping with his right front paw li ed. A big piece of rock salt had embedded itself in one of the pads! I took him back inside to clean the wound. Fortunately, it wasn’t too bad, but I had to carry him outside for the rest of the week to do his business until it healed. -- Tired Momma in Buffalo, New York
DEAR TIRED: Many owners are aware that ice and snow can cause frostbite injury to their dogs, but some don’t realize that rock salt and other deicers are also dangerous. In addition to potentially cutting their paws, deicing mixtures that have low or no salt use chemicals that can poison pets. Before venturing out in cold weather -- even when it’s above freezing -- dogs of all sizes should have on booties and a warm vest (one that is water-resistant if it’s snowing or raining). I know some owners will scoff and say that dogs survived thousands of years without booties. But they didn’t have to contend with salt-strewn sidewalks! A frostbitten paw is very painful, as well, and could mean your dog is sidelined indoors for several days as the injury heals. Getting too cold while outside -- especially for small dogs -- can cause hypothermia or reduce their resistance to illness. So remember, if it feels cold to you, it feels cold to them. Take heed and protect your dog from cold weather.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* Before trees existed, the earth was covered with giant white mushrooms.
While it’s generally better to let a baby tooth fall out on its own, baby teeth extractions are a common dental treatment that may be needed for several reasons. Primary teeth, often referred to as baby teeth, have more delicate enamel, making them more sensitive and prone to cavities than adult teeth. When a primary tooth develops a cavity, it is often best to remove it and allow the healthy adult tooth to emerge. Drilling and filling a baby tooth can give kids dental anxiety and isn’t always necessary, so early cavities are a common reason for pulling baby teeth. It can also make more sense to pull a damaged or injured baby tooth than to restore it.
Prevent and protect – two key words crucial for success in our quest
to achieving the healthiest oral profiles possible for patients of all ages. For compassionate dental care, including preventive care, complete restorations, cosmetic dentistry, and regular cleanings, our primary goal at BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL is to treat our patients with the best, most up-to-date, gentle dentistry possible. Office hours are by appointment at 6 Batavia City Centre. Please call us at 585.343.4246
P.S. Dentists may extract baby teeth to prevent crowding or over-retained baby teeth (loose teeth that become re-tightened in the gums) or to prepare a child for braces at the request of an orthodontist.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m interested in consuming dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). I’ve read that it will destroy the root of cancer and hasten the healing of broken bones, ligaments and strained muscles. My question is whether it is OK to consume the suggested amount of DMSO? My aortic valve was replaced with a mechanical valve three years ago. After 12 months of follow-up exams, I was informed that the valve had sealed perfectly and was told to enjoy life. -- W.H.
ANSWER: DMSO is indicated by the Food and Drug Administration for the symptomatic relief of interstitial cystitis, a chronic and painful bladder condition. It is instilled directly in the bladder and is sometimes used for other urinary conditions, although there is no evidence of its usefulness.
DMSO is often used topically for musculoskeletal injuries, and some people do note pain relief. Numerous studies on rheumatological conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis) failed to show a benefit, although a study from Germany in 1995 showed that DMSO gel with a 25% concentration reduced pain when applied to joints. Other studies were unable to confirm this. For cancer, there are no convincing studies that show benefit, and some studies have shown an increase in breast cancer cell growth with DMSO. Based on studies showing minimal benefit and potential harm, I don’t recommend the use of DMSO. What’s more important is that the studies have been done with medical-grade DMSO, which is only available with a prescription. When you buy DMSO at a hardware store, you are getting industrial-grade DMSO, which is potentially contaminated with industrial toxins and isn’t intended for human use.
In addition, DMSO is very good at bringing other substances with it into the skin. This is useful as a drug-delivery system but dangerous when the DMSO you use is contaminated with chemicals or if you get those chemicals on your skin. While I can find DMSO for sale that companies purport to be very pure, you are relying on the company that may or may not have purified it, as it isn’t independently tested. However, I do not think that the topical use of DMSO is likely to be a danger to your prosthetic heart valve.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Recently, at an event sponsored by our community, an expert on the gut microbiome gave a lecture on how to keep it in balance. While the lecture was generally informative and useful, at one point, he stated that vaccines were detrimental to the microbiome. Is there any evidence (other than anecdotal) that supports such an opinion? -- W.G.
ANSWER: The huge number of bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract is referred to as the microbiome, and our microbiome can have effects on many aspects of our functioning. How much of an effect it has is debated. COVID-19 infections were known to have a marked detrimental effect on the microbiome, but the effect of vaccination on the microbiome was not well-studied until quite recently. A 2024 study from the University of Cambridge found that the microbiome was only minimally affected by vaccination. Based on this recent study, I disagree with your community speaker and conclude that if you’re concerned about your microbiome, you’d be much better off getting vaccinated and taking other steps to prevent infection.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2025 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
This drink reminds us of rainy days, skiing, sledding, or ven a quiet day watching the snow fall. It’s thick, silky, toasty, and usually smothered in whipped cream—no other drink brings warmth to our lives and tastebuds quite like hot chocolate. Cozy up with your favorite mug because on January 31, we celebrate National Hot Chocolate Day, a day devoted to our favorite chocolate beverage.
Find 2 That AreThe Same
We rescued Zooey, the Scottish Terrier, in August From EARS. She is loving life! She uses her nose as a snowplow.
• Begin Again Horse Rescue: We need you! e horses need you! Volunteer in the barn. Volunteer in the tack shop. Volunteer for fundraising. Volunteer once or on a regular schedule. Volunteer on the weekend or during the week. Email: info@beginagainrescue.org
• Tool ri Shop: Volunteer/donation based storefront that provides reuse of tools/hardware. Flexible Volunteer times with variety of roles from Cashier to Tool Preparation, with profits benefiting Senior programs in our Community. Email delandfire@gmail.com to become part of our family.
• Geneseo Groveland Emergency Food Pantry: Shopping Assistants needed. Tuesday mornings from 10am-12pm.
Email: ggefoodpantry@gmail.com
• Genesee County CASA for Children: Change a Child’s Story! CASA is seeking volunteers to advocate for the best interest of children who come to the attention of Family Court as a result of abuse and/ or neglect. Flexible schedule, training provided, supportive network. Make that difference! Email: director@geneseecountycasa.org
• Guiding Eyes for the Blind: Do you love dogs? Join our So Tier region and volunteer to raise a puppy to be a future guide dog. You supply love, socializing and basic obedience. We provide vet care and classes. Email: Sshaw7301@gmail.com
• Crossroads House: Genesee County’s only comfort care home. Please consider lending your time and talents to care for our two residents at end-of-life. Will train!
Email: ashleymanuel@crossroadshouse.com
• American Red Cross: Doing Good Does You Good - Blood Donor Ambassador. Greet blood donors, help them sign in and monitor their well-being a er they have donated. Allegany, Cayuga, Monroe, Ontario & Wayne Counties. Training provided. 585-690-4021 or RecruitWNY@redcross.org
• Cheshire Volunteer Fire Dept: Looking for dedicated individuals to be part of our team! Join the busiest volunteer fire department in Ontario County. Firefighters, EMTs, Boat Operators, Cold/Ice Water and Rope Rescue Techs plus support personnel needed. Training available. Email: CVFDTreasurer@CheshireVFD.com
• Rush Recreation and Park Association: Help us plant and care for 50 acres of Native Trees, Bushes, and Perennials on formerly farmed land as a demonstration of the beauty and utility of native plants in providing food and habitat for reduced numbers of birds and pollinators. Email: jchaize@rochester.rr.com
• Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home - Scottsville: Looking for additional volunteers, Resident Care and other opportunities. No experience necessary, all training provided. Go to https://patrickplace.org/volunteer for info and application.
• Webster Association of Senior Program Supporters: Volunteer drivers will drive Webster School District Residents, seniors and disabled, to their medical, dental, physical therapy, and health related appointments anywhere in Monroe County. A great Webster service for those who are no longer able to drive themselves. Email websterwasp@gmail.com.
Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
Enter your original poem for the chance to win a $100 Gift Card!
Submissions will be featured on our website, then cast your vote for the winner out of our top 5 favorites!
• Entries Accepted: 1/24/25 to 1/31/25
• Voting: 2/4/2025 to 2/10/25
• Winner Announced: 2/14/25 editions
A world of words is yours to share, Through rhyme or verse, with thought or air. The Genes Va ey Penny Saver’s the place, To let your poem nd its space.
Contest Guidelines:
Must be 18 or older. Poems must be original. GVPS employees/families are ineligible.
Lucie Winborne
* In ancient Rome, having a crooked nose was considered a sign of leadership.
Head to gvpennysaver.com today, To enter your poem—don’t drift away! The Pen-a-Poem Contest is ca ing for you, Let your creativity shine through!
Sports is often credited with bringing people together. That tendency to connect people from different walks of life is even more noticeable when sports is combined with food. Food and sports go hand in hand. Food is never too far away when getting together with fellow fans. That’s true if fans are hosting a game watch at home or if they’re tailgating in a stadium parking lot. Certain styles of food are synonymous with sports, and that includes grilled and smoked items. Smoking has become particularly popular among sports fans in recent years, and many modern smokers are now portable enough that they can be taken on the road when following a favorite team.
Gameday can be the perfect time to master the art of smoking. Smoking can take a long time, which makes it an ideal option for day-long tailgates or game watch parties. Fans who have volunteered for cooking duties this season can impress guests with their smoking skills by following this recipe for “Texas-Style Beef Brisket” from “The Essential Kamado Grill Cookbook” (Rockridge Press) by Will Budiaman.
Texas-Style Beef Brisket
Serves 6 to 8
1 8- to 10-lb. beef brisket
3 tablespoons kosher salt
3 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
Dry-brining time: Overnight
Prep time: 15 to 30 minutes
Cook time: 7 hours, 30 minutes to 9 hours, 30 minutes; plus 1 to 2 hours to rest Grill temperature: 250 F to 275 F
Smoking wood: Oak or pecan
1. Trim off any hard fat from the brisket and square off the edges. Trim the fat cap down to an even 1/4-inch thickness. Sprinkle evenly on all sides with the salt and pepper. Refrigerate overnight.
2. Prepare the grill for smoking at 250 F to 275 F.
3. Place the brisket fat-side up on the grate over the drip pan. Close the lid. If desired, wrap in aluminum foil after 5 to 6 hours or once the bark (crust) is dark brown.
4. Turn over the brisket, close the lid, and continue cooking for 2 hours, 30 minutes to 3 hours, 30 minutes more or until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center registers 200 F.
5. Rest the brisket, wrapped in foil, for 1 to 2 hours before serving. Cut across the grain into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Pour over as much of the drippings from the pan as you like, and serve.
Cooking tip: The grain in each part of the brisket - it’s made up of two different muscles, known as the flat and the point - runs in two different directions. Roughly speaking, the grain in the point runs perpendicular to the grain in the flat, so you’ll want to slice the two sections separately.
Chocolate has long been tied to Valentine’s Day gifting. Whether one believes that chocolate symbolizes heightened status, acts as an aphrodisiac or is just a special treat, chocolates will likely always be associated with the day of love.
Thank You
School closed, what’s important?
Thank you to the person or persons who picked up our breakfast tab mid-December at Golden Boys Webster. We were not able to find out who you are or where you were sitting and don't know much about you. What we do know is that you are thoughtful, kind and generous. My husband is a veteran and often wears his hat. If that was the reason for your kind gesture, thank you. it was much appreciated. Hope you see this 'vibe' and know we will pay it forward! A veteran and his wife
Thank you Dr Ken and Lorie
Of Lima Veterinary Center! My daughter and I picked up an injured red tail hawk this evening and stopped there hoping for some advice on what to do with it or who to call. Instead, even though they had literally been in their car ready to leave for the night, we were brought right in and got to watch/help as they expertly examined the hawk and set him up for the night! Turns out Dr. Ken works with Wild Wings, Inc, so we lucked out! He was the exact right person to help the poor hawk! We are so very lucky to have people right here in our community who can and will drop everything to help our injured wildlife! Fingers crossed the hawk is just stunned and will be feeling better tomorrow.
[Recently], two schools were closed due to weather and travel conditions, and regents exams canceled. But low and behold, [local school] held hockey practice that day, and also had a game that night against [local school], that was also closed because of poor travel and weather. A travel advisory was issued all day. When school is closed all activities should cease. Travel time was 50 minutes to the rink. Why put kids in danger? If the school allows a sporting event for a total of 4 hours when school is closed, they could have given the regents exams that night, not to upset another day of lost classes. Do sports count more than classroom work? It seems that every year there are fewer and fewer school days. Why not just go to remote learning, get rid of our school taxes, and if anyone wants sports, start private schools?
Don't crowd the plow
Why do people choose to crowd the plows? They can only go so fast down the road, and for goodness' sake, they're clearing the roads so that you can drive safely to wherever you need to go so darned fast. When it snows, slow down, take a breath, pay attention to the world around you, and we'll all get where we need to go safely.
WNYBluegrassMusicAssoc. FREE MonthlyOpenJam- Two indoorareas,aswellasonthe coveredpatioandtheGroto (weatherpermitting)onthesecond Sundayofeachmonthfrom2-7pm attheBenningtonLanes,1374 ClintonSt.Rd.,(Route354)Attica. Wewelcomeeveryoneandencourageyoutobringyouracoustic instruments(guitars,banjos,mandolins,basses,fiddles,etc.)and playalongatanylevel,orjuststop inforalisten2pm-7pm.Thenext jamisSunday,FEBRUARY9th,2-7 pm.Pleasetellyourmusicloving friendstobringtheirinstruments andplayalongforanextrafun afternoon!
MindfulMondays- Come renew yourspiritandrejuvenateyour body’senergythroughatimeof gentlemovement,calmingpractices,quietreflectiononscripture, orwalkingalabyrinth.Noexperienceorreligiousbeliefarerequired!YoumayalsojoinusvirtuallyonFacebookat: https://www.facebook.com/ fpcbatavia/videos.Questions?Contactusat585-343-0505or fpcbatavia@fpcbatavia.org.February3,6:30-7:30pm,BataviaFirst PresbyterianChurch,300E.Main Street,Batavia.
NighttoShine- Hosted byGrace BaptistChurch.Sponsoredbythe TimTebowFoundation.Friday,February7,2025-GraceBaptistis excitedtojoinhundredsofother churchesaroundtheglobeincelebratingpeoplewithdisabilitiesas God’simagebearers.Redcarpet entrancecompletewithawarm welcomefromafriendlycrowdand paparazzi,hairandmakeupstations,shoeshines,limousinerides, karaoke,gifts,acatereddinner,a SensoryRoom,aRespiteRoomfor parentsandcaregivers,dancing, andacrowningceremonywhere everyguestishonoredasaKingor QueenthewayGodseesthem eachandeveryday.GraceBaptist Church,238VineStreet,Batavia. https://gracebatavia.org/night-toshine/
LocalAuthorBookLaunchatGO ART! Come toGOART!Thursday February13that6pmandmeet localauthorJGBenedictashetalks abouthisnewbook“TheNightroad(AnthologyOne)”andgrab yourveryowncopyforhertosign. Bookscanbepurchasedthenight oftheeventoraheadoftimefrom Amazon.GOART!201E.MainSt., Batavia.
BataviaPlayersPresentsAgatha Christie’s TheMousetrap -Setin aremoteEnglishcountrysideguesthouseduringasnowstorm,a groupofstrangersbecomesentangledinathrillingmurdermystery whenapolicedetectivearriveswith achillingwarning:akillerisamong them.Withsecretsunravelingand tensionsrising,everyguestisa suspectinthismasterfulwhodunit. Aneveningofcaptivatingdrama andunforgettablesurprises.Joinus forperformancesFebruary7-9, MainSt.56Theater,Batavia.As AgathaChristierequested,once you’vediscoveredthetruth,please don’tspoilthesurpriseforothers! February7&8,7:30-9:30pm;February9,2-4pm.https://onthestage. tickets/show/batavia-players/ 677460f1b9c29f0f66628912
TheGeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s nextconcert isSunday, February2,2025at4pmatthe GCCStuartSteinerTheater.Meet theOrchestra(grades3-8)isat 3pm.Themeis“MusicalFireworks.”Ticketsavailableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.comatYNGODESS,GOART, Mr.WineandLiquor,CoffeePress andGillamGrant.Pricesare$17 adult,$12seniors(62+),students freewithID.Another“can’tmiss” concert.
YWCAValentine’sDayGalaJoin usforaFunFormalValentine’s DayGalaatBataviaDownson February14,5:30PM-10PM! Whetheryou’recelebratingwith yoursweetheart,yourbesties,or flyingsolo,thiseventismadefor YOU.HappyHour5:30-6:30PM,a deliciousPlatedDinner,CashBar (withtwocomplimentarydrinks), LiveMusicbytheamazingThe Trolls2.0,PhotoareawithprofessionalphotosbyIburiPhotography,CaricaturesbyLydia’sCreations,Raffleswithexcitingprizes! Everyticketsupportslife-changing programs,includingtheYWCA’s DomesticViolenceservices,food pantry,andcommunityoutreach initiatives.Grabyourticketstoday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ valentines-day-gala-tickets1058702701279?aff=oddtdtcreator
BellyDanceClassesatGOART! Looking togetyourbodymoving whilehavingfun?Registerfora fourweeksessionofyourchoice (orboth).SessionsrunTuesdays from7:30pm.Session4:February 4,11,18,25.Costis$25per personpersession(GOART!Members)or$30perpersonpersession (Non-Members).Toregisterplease visithttps://goart.org/ programming/exlporeart/ exploreart-adult/
GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s February 2ndConcert- The GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s nextconcertisSunday,February2, 2025at4pmattheGCCStuart SteinerTheater.MeettheOrchestra (grades3-8)isat3pm.Themeis “MusicalFireworks.”Tickets availableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.comatYNGODESS,GOART, Mr.WineandLiquorandCoffee Press.Pricesare$17adult,$12 seniors(62+),studentsfreewithID. Another“can’tmiss”concert.
TheCrossroadsHouse29thAnnual “StrikeUpSomeFun for Crossroads”BettyEllisonMemorial BowlingEventiscomingupFebruary7thand8thatMancuso BowlingCenter!Oneafternoon andtwoeveningshiftstochoose from!Thispopulareventwillhavea liveDJforthe6pmshifts,aswell asfunandconteststhroughout! BasketRaffles,50/50,specialframe contests!RegisteronourFacebook pageoratwww.crossroadshouse. com/events.Greatwayforyour teamtosupportthemissionofour comfortcarehomeforthedying whilehavingagreattimethe weekendof(wehope)theBills SuperBowl!!!Call343-3892option2formoreinfo!
ZontaClubofBataviaGenesee County - LUCKYNUMBER LUNCHEON:33RDANNUAL LUNCHEON.Theme:“TAILGATE ALLSPORTS”.SaturdayMarch15, 2025attheBataviaDownsGaming,8315ParkRoad,Batavia.PreSaleTicketsOnly$35Deadline March1st.ForTicketsContact: Cathy:cathu78@yahoo.comor Lisa:LPaulKhan@gmail.com. “MUSTHAVEPHYSICALTICKET FORENTRY”.DoorsOpenat10:30; Lunch@Noon;Rafflestarts@ 1:30.Allproceedsbenefitour Scholarship&LocalServiceProjects.
ConnectionPoint - Youareinvitedtoatimeofconnectionand conversationaboutupcoming churcheventsandactivities.Thisis agreatwaytomakenewfriends, explorechurchmembership/ involvement,orjustenjoyagood cupofcoffeeorteawithothers. Bringthisinvitationforafreedrink oratreat!HeldFebruary15,9am, TheCoffeePress,13JacksonSt., Batavia.https://fpcbatavia.org/ BataviaPlayersPresentsCupid’s Stupid: A Valentine’sDayCabaret -FeeltheLove(andtheLaughs) withCupid’sStupid:AValentine’s DayCabaret!Aneveningoflove, laughter,andmusicalfun!Directed andchoreographedbySophie Houseman.Thislightheartedand charmingproductionwillexplore theups,downs,andeverythingin betweenwhenitcomestolove. Showtimes:February14&15,7:30 PM.Location:MainSt.56Theater, BataviaCityCentre,Downtown Batavia.TicketPrices:Online:MinimumDonation$15.(Onlinepurchasesmayincuramaximum$2.58 servicefee.)Reserveyourtickets nowandmakethisValentine’sDay onetoremember!
MeditationswithAndarta-February isforSelf-Love: Thursday February6th7-8pm$20.MeditationswithAndarta--February’sSelfLovemeditationwillfocusonvariouswaysmeditationcanbeforms ofself-loveandself-care.Thiswill includephysical,mental,emotional,andspiritualbenefitsthat weallcanreceivefromregular meditativepractices.Inourcurrent liveswherewealltendtoworry aboutthecareofothers,weneed tofindwaystonurture,heal,and loveourselves.Toregisterplease visitgoart.org/programming/ exlporeart/exploreart-adult/
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
DownSyndromeParentSupport Group-DineOutFundraiser: SaveTheDate!February19 @MissBataviaDiner(566Main Street)from4-9pm.Comeand showyoursupport.
BethanyVolunteerFireDept’sAll YouCanEatBreakfast! Held Sundays,February9th,March9th, andApril13thfrom8am-12pmor soldoutattheBethanyCommunity Center,10510BethanyCenter Road,Bethany.Wewillbeserving scrambledeggs,pancakes,two meats,sausagegravyandbiscuits, homefries,toast,juice,andcoffee. Cost:$12Adults,Children7-12$5, 6andunderfree.Questions,call Carlat585-356-2658.
FamilyFunBingo! 1st and3rd Tuesdayofthemonth,6-7:30pm, TheGOOSECommunityCenter,33 SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.Opento allages.PlayBingoandwinPrizes! (Nocashprizes)50centsacard.
We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr. Luncheon. Just areminderthat ourmonthlyluncheonsareonhold forJanuary,FebruaryandMarch. Wewillbestartingupour2025 luncheonsonApril15that 11:30amattheAlabamaFirehall (asinthepast).Pleasestaysafe, warmandhealthyandwewillsee youallintheSpring!
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main St., Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
JoinUsAtTheGoose! Coffee Hour EveryWednesdayfrom10:00 a.m.to11a.m.,Justwalkinand joinus!PleaseFollowTheGoose Facebookpageforupdates,additions,andcancellations.The GOOSECommunityCenter,33 SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.http:// www.warriorhouseofwny.com
Yoga - EveryWednesdayfrom 6:00p.m.to7:00p.m.Opentoall! Allequipmentisprovided!NoRegistrationRequired!Walkinandjoin us!HeldatTheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
ChairYoga - EveryThursdayfrom 10:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Opento all!Allequipmentisprovided!No RegistrationRequired!Walkinand joinus!TheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
OakfieldBettermentCommittee Sportsman’s Raffle- OakfieldBettermentCommitteeinvitesyouto joinusatourfirstannual Sportsman’sRaffletobeheldatthe OakfieldFirehallonSaturday, March22,12-5pm.Ticketsare$20 each.RaffleitemsfromNature’s PrizeinAkron,NY.Only750tickets willbesold.Eachticketadmitsone personandincludesfood,beverage,andopportunitytobuyinto sideraffles.Emailusat OakfieldLaborDaze@gmail.comto buyyourticketsorrequestmore information.Alternatively,contact Brendaat585-948-5040callor text.
Viola Davis Desmond: Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1914, Viola Davis Desmond took a stand for African Canadians in 1946 when she refused to sit in the balcony at the Roseland Theatre in New Glasgow, a section designated for Blacks. Desmond was forcibly removed and arrested and ultimately fined and sentenced to 30 days in jail. She took her case all the way to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, which upheld the verdict. Desmond passed away in 1965, but in 2010 the province of Nova Scotia issued an official apology and pardoned her.
300 USED CORKS available to any nonprofit organization. Henrietta. 585-474-0588
Daily Messenger (Canandaigua) 150TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION from 1947. 175th ANNIVERSARY EDITION from 1972. DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE 1998. 585-742-3687
FOOSBALL TABLE - original wooden model. Quite heavy. You move. Lima. mudd959@yahoo.com
Large STANDUP FREEZER. Lights work, gets cold, won’t freeze. Very old, very heavy WATER TANK. Move from basement - several stairs. Lima. mudd959@yahoo.com
Several hundred gallons of HEATING OIL. In basement. Must pump tank yourself. Springwater. mudd959@yahoo.com
Large DOG CRATE, RECLINER, LIVING ROOM CHAIR and two 20” TVs. Farmington. 585-330-5022
FOLDUP ALUMINUM WALKER with wheels in the front. 585-2089784
1960s PLAYER PIANO player with bench, rolls and sheet music. The player mechanism needs repair. Avon. Text or call 585-576-6828
Large bag of JEWELRY BOXES - a variety of sizes. Fairport. 585-388-0318
1990 SONY 5-disc player. Works great. Pick up near MCC. aimeen@juno.com
About 20 / 2 lb. bags of WHITE RICE. You pick up, Springwater. sunteelee@yahoo.com
Several boxes of WOMEN’S HEAVY ABSORBENCY UNDERWEAR (small/medium) and BOOSTER PADS. Also, several FLOWER VASES. Gates. 585-402-8870
COLOGNE: L’Homme Suave by Capucci, 100 mil. half full bottle. Dior Sauvage clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com
COLOGNE: Imperia by Rayhaan, 100 mil. bottle, 90% full. Creed Aventus clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com
20 one dozen CARDBOARD EGG CARTONS, 60+ TOILET PAPER ROLLS - great for crafts or seed starting, 20+ VHS MOVIES. Penfield. 585-736-2749
Approx. 25 bags and pails of CHESTNUT COAL. Wayland. 585-278-4119
Working COFFEE MAKER with POT. rainbowroseroom@gmail.com
Electric, active HOYER LIFT year 2020 or newer. Can pick up. tracyford@crossroadshouse.com
PLASTIC COATED PAPER FISHING MAPS of the Finger Lakes. Call or text Roy 585-208-9784
A couple of old WOOD STEPLADDERS, 6 - 8 feet. bartonta@gmail.com
MOTORIZED SCOOTER for person in Genesee Co. 585-483-3110
Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
COMIC BOOKS- any & all. Any condition. Any amount. Will pick up. Text/call 585-260-0437
USED AXE HEADS. hansjoan2@gmail.com
ALUMINUM WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE RAMP, 20’ long or shorter. 585-329-2964
ART SUPPLIES in new/good condition: drawing, painting, photo, fabric/sewing, paper, storage containers, jewelry, wood crafts. em_kren@yahoo.com
METRONOME. 585-948-5079
ICE SKATES FOR YOUNG BOYS. Sizes 12 & 7. Text 585-313-9355
CHESTNUT COAL. 585-374-5768
AMPLIFIED TV ANTENNA and a small ELECTRIC SPACE HEATER. 585-323-1762 leave message
Working HOME EMBROIDERY MACHINE w/5x7 hoop or larger. 585-297-9273
COAT TREE, small IGLOO DOGHOUSE, medium sized DOG CRATE. 585-507-8788
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Research the job market. Look into the industries for the field you are considering. Is it the right time for success in this field? Industries tend to ebb and flow. Do not leave a job only to find the next career has few, if any, openings. Job growth projections are available through resources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
has been serving the farm communities in WNY since 1930 with high-quality products and services. CEC is presently recruiting the following positions to join our team:
This individual will assist the Plant Manager in day-to-day operations of the facility and be capable of filling in where and whenever necessary around the fertilizer plant. Ability to successfully manage other employees and allocate time wisely. Basic computer skills required. Based on experience and qualifications, starting pay range is $23 - $26 per hour. Full benefit package offered with profit sharing bonus, health, dental and vision coverage, paid vacation, holidays, sick time, short-term disability, life insurance and more.
Responsible for mixing dry and liquid crop nutrients. Experience with an articulating front-end loader, forklift and skid steer desired. Must be proficient with paperwork, dependable and a team player. Pay range is $20 - $23 per hour based on qualifications with full benefit package.
Seeking experienced licensed commercial applicator or apprentice to safely and accurately apply agriculture crop protection products, fertilizer and lime at various farm locations. If not currently licensed, must be willing to acquire Pesticide Technician license and attend required training and points courses. Pay range is $20 - $27 per hour based on qualifications with full benefit package.
Visit www.cecrocker.com to review job descriptions and application. Or apply in person at 8610 Route 237, Stafford, NY. No phone calls, please!
Full/Part-time position. Established salon looking for experienced hair stylist. Some nights and Saturday hours. Pay is based on Commission or $15.50 per hour.
Paid vacation and Employer match 401K available.
Apply in person at: Steve’s Styles
585 E. Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-3470
Join Our Team at Lapp, LLC –e Global Leader in High-Voltage Insulators!
Are you ready to work for a company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to quality and innovation? Lapp, LLC, based in LeRoy, NY, is looking for a dedicated and skilled individual to join our team as a Production Worker.
Location: LeRoy, NY
Shi : 1st and 2nd Shi
($1.25 /hour shi differential for 2nd shi )
Wage Range: Starting at $20.10/hour.
What You’ll Do:
• Read and interpret production orders, simple blueprints, & work instructions.
• Perform tasks requiring strong mechanical skills and attention to detail.
• Handle physical duties, including li ing heavy loads.
What We’re Looking For:
• Strong mechanical aptitude and ability to follow instructions accurately.
• A team-oriented attitude and willingness to contribute to a collaborative environment.
• Physical stamina to meet the demands of the position. How to Apply:
Complete your application at Lapp, LLC
130 Gilbert Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 or submit your resume via email to jtuerk@lappinsulators.com.
Union Representation: is position is covered under a collective bargaining agreement.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Lapp, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage applications from diverse candidates, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.
Take the next step in your career— Apply today and become a part of our dynamic team!
Placer, Operator and Maintenance roles available.
Pay range for production roles:
Pay range for maintenance roles: $33.33-$37.86/hr.
Hiring for all shifts.
Competitive benefits and shift differentials.
Apply Now careers.kraftheinz.com
A strong professional network can help professionals advance their careers and help others looking to do the same.
Many Key Positions Available:
Production Associate – starting pay $16.00*
Machine Operator • Fabricator – starting pay $18.00*
Quality Associate (3rd Shi ) – starting pay $18.75
*(Off shi adder pay additional .75 for all positions)
*Pay increase of .75 at 6 months and 1 year service plus annual merit increase
Maintenance Technician – $26.15 - $36.54
(pay based on experience)
Machinist Technician/Tool & Die Maker – $26.15 - $36.54
(pay based on experience)
Salary Positions Available:
Cost Accountant – Annual Salary range
$70,000 - $100,000
Engineer – Annual Salary range $85,000 - $120,000
Customer Service Representative – Annual Salary range $55,950 - $69,940
Competitive Wages and Benefit Package including: 401k • Pension • Health Insurance • Annual Bonuses For complete listings & job descriptions visit: www.brunnerbrakes-intl.com 3959 Bates Rd., Medina, NY 585-798-9316
• 7pm-7am
• 3pm-11pm
• 11pm-7am
• 11am-11pm
up to $7,500* Sign-on Bonus
Starting at $38/hour
CNA Trainees- Paid Training! Classes starting in February 2025
CNAs- all shi s- up to $3,000* sign-on bonus. (Pay Range $17/hour-$19/hour, plus shi differentials)
LPNs- all shi s- up to $5,000* sign-on bonus. ($28/hour-$30.75/hour, plus shi differentials)
Dietary Tray Aides:
Full-Time & Part-Time positions available: starting at $15.50/hour plus shi /weekend differentials
Assistant Dietary Supervisor:
Flexible scheduling, shi differentials, rates starting at $17/hour
*inquire for details
Apply online at: www.leroyvillagegreen.com or in person at 10 Munson St, LeRoy, NY 14482
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What year was the first Barbie doll released?
2. MOVIES: What is the name of the island in the “Jurassic Park” film?
3. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are baby rabbits called?
4. U.S. STATES: Which state is the home of Mount Rushmore?
5. INVENTIONS: When were emojis invented?
6. TELEVISION: In the TV series “The Walking Dead,” what was the character Rick Grimes’ profession previously?
7. CHEMISTRY: Which element is also known as quicksilver?
8. SCIENCE: What is the name for the pivot on which a lever turns?
9. GEOGRAPHY: Which country is home to the ancient city of Petra?
10. MUSIC: Which of Taylor Swift’s songs was first to appear on the Billboard Hot 100?
Bus Attendants & Drivers, Cafeteria Monitors, Custodians, Food Service Helpers, Grounds Equipment Operator, Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Student Behavioral Assistant, Teacher Aides, Security Substitutes, and Subs in all other areas.
Openings: Computer Science or Technology Teacher, Business Teachers, Earth Science Teacher, English Teacher, French Teacher, Special Education Teachers (Elementary and Secondary), and Contracted Building Substitute Teachers
For all positions, apply online at: https://www.applitrack.com/brockport/onlineapp/
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
SMALL ANIMALS/POULTRY/ GROCERYAUCTION: Saturday, February8th.OrleansProduceAuction,12590RidgeRd,Albion. Groceries-9am.Hay,straw,firewood, smallanimals,andpoultry-10am. AuctioneeringbyCalebNicodemus, 585-322-6331.Nextauction:March 8th.Fruitandvegetableboxes,1/2 bushelandbushelboxes,tomato boxes,1/2peckandpeckboxes,and more.Askaboutquantitydiscounts.
CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140
GOTANUNWANTEDCAR??? Your cardonationtoPatrioticHearts helpsveteransfindworkorstarttheir ownbusiness.Fastfreepick.Running ornot!Call24/7:1-888-251-3135.
Webuy8,000carsaweek. Sell your old,bustedorjunkcarwithno hoops,hagglesorheadaches.Sellyour cartoPeddle.Easythreestepprocess. Instantoffer.Freepickup.Fastpayment.Call1-855-403-3374
LOOKINGFORCARE for 66year oldmale.Flexibleschedule.Afew hoursperweek,plusfillins.$17.55 /hr.PaidthroughCDR.LeRoyarea. CallMaria585-752-1058.
Dentalinsurance from Physicians MutualInsuranceCompany.Coverage for400+procedures.Realdental insurance-notjustadiscountplan. GetyourfreeInformationKitwith details!1-855-526-1060www. dental50plus.com/ads#6258.
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Attention:VIAGRAandCIALIS USERS! A cheaperalternativetohigh drugstoreprices!50PillSpecial-Only $99!100%guaranteed.CALLNOW: 1-855-399-2582
PESTCONTROL:PROTECT YOUR HOME frompestssafelyand affordably.Roaches,BedBugs,Rodent,Termite,Spidersandotherpests. Locallyownedandaffordable.Callfor serviceoraninspectiontoday! 1-866-448-8311.Havezipcodeof propertyreadywhencalling!
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FORSALE: 6’Showcases-SomelightedAs Marked. 2RopeRacks$20/each Call:343-4131
FORSALE: Johnson/EvinrudeNew/UsedParts. 50’s-80’sTestEquipment,ShopManuals,680galTestTankTOOMUCHTOLIST! Call:343-4131
FORSALE: LooseLeafBindersFREE! Call:343-4131
FORSALE: FullFaceHelmets:1XS,1L(?)$20/ each Call:343-4131
FORSALE: BataviaMadeSonarTubes$20/each 55galDrumHandPump$25 Call:343-4131
STORAGECONTAINERS for sale, 8’x20’and8’x40’and8’x40’high cube.Newandused.Callforpricing. (660)605-0900.NoSundaySales.
WeBuyHousesforCashASIS! No repairs. Nofuss.Anycondition.Easy threestepprocess:Call,getcashoffer andgetpaid.Getyourfaircashoffer todaybycallingLizBuysHouses: 1-888-704-5670
CORFUVILLAGERENTAL: Newly remodeled twobedroomupper,includesappliances,heat,water, garbage,W/Dhookups.Nopets.No smoking.$800plussecuritydeposit. Available3/1/25.585-762-4470.
REGENCYFireplaceProducts. FIREPLACE/ CHIMNEY SERVICES.We’reafull-line Regencydealer. Weoffersales, service,andinstallationonwood, gas,andpelletstoves,fireplaces andinserts.Chimneycleaning, crowns,liners,dampers,caps.42’ liftservice.SPENCERPORT SHOWROOMNOWOPENat 5236WestRidgeRoad,Spencerport.(Mon-Fri10-5;Sat11-4) Call/Text:585-356-5567 Email:dhw202@yahoo.com fireplaceandchimneyservice.com
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JUNKCLEANOUTSERVICES: SAME DAYSERVICE Ratesstartingat$49. CleanoutofAttics,Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removalgarages,fences,etc. Also,Tree/BrushRemoval FastResponseTime MoneySaving.LowPrices.
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