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Though most breast cancer survivors don’t get cancer again, the American Cancer Society notes that they are at higher risk for getting some types of cancer. According to the ACS, the most common second cancer in breast cancer survivors is another breast cancer. That only underscores the importance of continuing to get screened even after successful treatment. In addition to a second breast cancer, breast cancer survivors have a greater risk of developing salivary gland cancer, cancer of the esophagus, stomach cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. The risk for thyroid cancer, sarcoma, melanoma of the skin, and acute myeloid leukemia also is greater after successful treatment for cancer.
Fri.-Sun. 11/1, 11/2 & 11/3 (11am-4pm)
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Daisy Mae is a beagle. She loves to go for walks, play and have her picture taken too!
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I noticed that my long-haired cat, Charlie, is scratching many times per day. He also is shedding more than usual -- mostly undercoat, rather than hair. What’s going on? I can’t see any evidence of fleas on his coat or skin. -- Dan in Colorado Springs
DEAR DAN: Fleas are o en the first thing we think of when a cat starts scratching incessantly, but other conditions could be causing skin irritation. And it may be hard to see lesions or hot spots, especially in long-haired cats. Charlie’s undercoat is coming out because he’s really scratching those spots.
e best thing to do is take Charlie to the veterinarian. Some itching issues have an external cause and can be eased pretty quickly. But some chronic conditions and diseases have itching as one symptom, and only your vet can diagnose these.
Make sure to tell the veterinarian where exactly Charlie is scratching the most. e vet, with an assistant holding Charlie still, will check these areas more closely for broken skin, lesions, rash and evidence of fleas. ey’ll also take skin scrapings and fur samples to see if mites are to blame or if there’s a bacterial or yeast infection. Blood samples should be taken to test for underlying medical conditions and/or specific allergies. ey may send you home with specimen kits to collect urine and poop and bring them in for analysis, too.
e vet will advise you on whether to use a prescription or over-thecounter medication to ease Charlie’s itching. When the tests come back (some may be same-day, others may need to go to a lab), they’ll know the best treatment path to take.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
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Turn key operation. Well established successful & profitable PapaRoni’s Pizzeria. Prime location in Pavilion at Intersection of Routes 19 and 63. Indoor and outdoor dining. Fully equipped with updated equipment. All included in sale. Established clientele. Menu includes pizza, subs, fryer foods, salads & ice cream. Financial records available for qualified buyers, 24 Hour notice for all showings. $600,000 MLS# R1569327
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All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Near the Mt Morris entrance to Letchworth State Park sits Allegiance Bed & Breakfast, which looks at first like any beautiful B&B in the area, offering peaceful, comfortable accommodations and delicious breakfast within the stunning Greek-revival-style mansion. However, this historic inn also has a paranormal side, offering visitors the chance to encounter a cast of “friendly ghosts” who seem just as comfortable as any mortal guest.
Allegiance Bed & Breakfast was built on Main Street in 1838 by the Wisner family (who some say still reside there), and its history is steeped in happiness and hospitality. e home served as a stop on the Underground Railroad, adding a layer of history that resonates within its walls today. e property is named a er Francis Bellamy, the author of our nation’s Pledge of Allegiance, who hailed from Mt. Morris. ough the house has seen many occupants, it’s the spirits of past residents who’ve become its most famous.
on the front lawn. According to one report, Reuben shared that the statue reminded him of a horse from his living years.
Guests of the Allegiance Bed & Breakfast o en come for the history and stay for the paranormal. As noted by ExploreGeneseeValley. com, hauntings are “marked by happiness, fortune, and family life,” a sentiment reflected by the positive energy felt by many visitors. Some of the most adorable hauntings involve animals. Several guests have felt the sensation of a cat curled up at the foot of their beds, a friendly phantom believed to be Sammy, a beloved house cat buried on the property. Others have reported hearing dogs bark and spotting an orange cat roaming the grounds, even though no living pets currently reside at the inn.
Sightings of an unidentified teenage girl dressed in servants’ clothing have been reported, sometimes accompanied by a playful child spirit who enjoys running through the halls. ough their identities remain a mystery, they add to the whimsical charm of the inn’s spectral cast. Visitors may also encounter Alice Montclair, a ghost known for eagerly introducing herself to anyone who spots her.
Allegiance B&B at Night - Credit Allegiance FB
e ghosts at Allegiance are not just lingering apparitions but are known by name. Karen, said to be the granddaughter of the original owner, Reuben Wisner, is a frequent presence. As one source describes, she is “a gray-haired, solid apparition that likes to sit on the stairs or watch guests from the corners of their rooms.” She is o en spotted in quiet moments, observing from afar with a calm, watchful demeanor. Visitors have claimed that Karen and her good friend, Raymond, an elderly man, like to play catch with the hotel’s decor.” Raymond has been seen in the library, reading and chatting with guests. ese two spirits are so well-known that their voices were allegedly captured on tape during an investigation by Paranormal State.
But Karen and Raymond aren’t the only ethereal residents. e mansion also harbors the spirits of Reuben Wisner and his two wives, Sarah and Ellen. A medium once claimed that Sarah, Reuben’s first wife, has not forgiven him for remarrying only a year a er her death. While Sarah’s jealousy occasionally flares up, Reuben seems to enjoy the modern touches in the home, particularly the white horse statue
Allegiance Bed & Breakfast also offers something special for paranormal enthusiasts – current owners, Steve and Glenda, are always willing to share their own ghostly encounters. ey regularly give tours and share stories about their experiences with the spirits that call their home... home. Steve and Glenda have heard footsteps when no one is around and music that seems to come from an untraceable source, making the inn a haven for those seeking both history and hauntings.
Visitors suggest the second floor of Allegiance as the most likely to see or hear the unexplained. e Wadsworth room, where the teenage girl seems most active, and the Dansville room, another ghostly hotspot, are among the best spots for paranormal encounters, but according to HauntedRooms, “no rooms are off-limits for these paranormal beings.”
For those interested in exploring the history and hauntings of Allegiance Bed & Breakfast more deeply, check out New York’s Haunted History Tours.
In the end, Allegiance Bed & Breakfast is a delightful gateway to the past, filled with friendly spirits who make sure guests always feel welcome. Whether it’s Karen watching from the stairs, Raymond chatting with visitors in the library, or Sammy the cat curling up at your feet, you’re never truly alone at Allegiance.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Our Tableside Carved Prime Rib is Back!
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Route 5, Stafford • 343-6972
ReminderEvery Day in October
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Mix up your macros. Macronutrient is the scientific term for proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nutritionists suggest mixing macronutrients in meals to get the most benefits from well-rounded meals.Aim for 20 grams of protein,15 to 20 grams of fat and about 50 grams of carbs, with at least five grams of fiber.
Serving from 4pm to 8pm.
7909 Batavia-Byron Rd., Batavia, NY • 344-8367 bataviacc.com • Reservations Recommended Batavia Coun y Club eLodgeAtBataviaCC.com
10/25 Friday - DJ 1 Ten @ 10pm 10/26 Saturday - Seismic Urge @ 9:30pm
(NAPSI)—The next time you’re firing up the outdoor grill (or indoor grill pan,for that matter),throw on a sweet potato or two. An easy, healthy side dish with a huge wow factor,grilled sweet potatoes are nutrient rich, high in fiber and absolutely delicious. And they go great with burgers, steaks, chops, chicken or pretty much anything off the grill. Start with this basic recipe, and if you’re feeling creative, try different shapes—sweet potato coins or steak fries, for example. Or add your favorite herbs and spices—such as chopped fresh rosemary, thyme, cinnamon or smoked paprika.
Grilled Sweet Potatoes
Serves 3 or 4
1 lb orange- or yellow/white-fleshed sweet potatoes, cut lengthwise into ¾-inch wedges
1 ½ Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt, plus more for sprinkling
Heat a grill or grill pan to mediumhigh. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine sweet potatoes, oil and salt. Arrange sweet potatoes on the grill or grill pan and cook until lightly charred and tender, 6 to 8 minutes, turning halfway through. Sprinkle with more salt and serve.
For more recipes, nutritional information and tips for cooking with California sweetpotatoes, go to www.casweetpotatoes.com.
10/27 Sunday - Buffalo vs Seattle Watch Party @ 4pm
11/1 Friday - Batavia’s Biggest Halloween costume party! with DJ Macy Paradise @ 9:30pm
11/2 Saturday - Halloween costume party part 2 with DJ Big Saxy @ 9:30pm 11/3 Sunday - Buffalo vs Miami Watch Party @ 1pm
Every Wednesday - Karaoke with CJ Country 8pm-12am Every Thursday - Free Country Line Dance Lesson 7-9pm
Kitchen Open Daily at 4pm Mon.-Fri. and 12pm Sat & Sun!
345 West Main St. • Batavia, NY • 585.201.7185 www.copperheadcreekbar.com
“Born from the collision of rhythm & blues, country, and gospel, rock & roll is a spirit that is inclusive and ever-changing.” Each year, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame recognizes a handful of musicians and bands with at least 25 years since their first commercial recording. Which of the 2024 inductees is your favorite?
- Mary J Blige
- Cher
- Dave Matthews Band
- Foreigner
- Peter Frampton
- Kool & The Gang
- Ozzy Osbourne
- A Tribe Called Quest
Poll ends 10-29-2024
Poll ended 10-22-2024
Since 1990, November has been designated National American Indian Heritage Month, to recognize and celebrate the culture, traditions, languages, stories, and achievements of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and affiliated island communities. Our own local Ganondagan in Victor is the only NYS Historical site dedicated to Native Americans, particularly the Seneca and the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) people who lived here. Have you been to this historical site?
16.7% I walk the peaceful trails
33.3% I have toured the facilities
5.6% I attend their special events and activities
44.4% I haven’t been yet, but would like to
WXRL / Ramblin’ Lou Tours
Hosted by Linda Lou, Joanie & the Ramblin’ Lou Family
Nov. 20 Knights Event Ctr-355 Orchard Pk Rd. in Cheektowaga (7pm). Get all the info and brochures on our 2025 tours. Our tour night is FREE - Reservations are required to attend. Space is limited. Enjoy coffee, doughnuts & door prizes. Hosted by the Ramblin’ Lou Family!
Watch for our 2025 Newsletter coming early November! Call WXRL to be placed on our Mailing List. Visit wxrl.com for updated info.
Don’t miss this Family Holiday Tradition!
“WNY’s 1st Family of Country Music” Christmas Show & Live Radio Broadcast
Saturday, November 2 • 9am-3pm
More vendors than ever.
Basket raffles, bake sale & more!
New location this year - 5865 Ellicott St. Rd. (Rt. 63) East Bethany (Immaculate Conception Church)
Less than a 1/2 mile from E. Bethany Presbyterian.
Hotel: Hotels cater to people who will be staying a few nights. They often feature spacious lobbies and some amenities, such as swimming pools or exercise rooms. Some hotels have restaurants attached to them. Hotels are among the most popular accommodations. According to the travel resource Dauntless Jaunter, hotels are categorized according to a “star” rating system.
· 1-star: This is a bare essentials hotel that offers just the basics with no extra bells and whistles.
· 2-star: A two-star hotel is usually reasonably priced and has minimal services and amenities and a neutral decor.
· 3-star: This hotel is meant to offer an above-average stay as far as options and amenities. Modern conveniences can be expected at three-star properties.
Dec. 7 2-hour show 11am-1pm, followed by turkey luncheon, special guests & door prizes. Classics V Banquet Ctr., Amherst, NY.Tickets $45.00 pp, on sale now. Mail your check to: WXRL Radio, PO Box 170, Lancaster, NY 14086
Nov. 11–13 DANIEL – Sight & Sound, Lancaster, PA (2 shows)
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Active children can learn table manners and restaurant behavior early on through practice. These lessons can open children up to new food experiences and help them grow accustomed to social settings.
Do not set your child up to fail by selecting a restaurant that is too fancy or quiet. Save those restaurants for when your company is adults only. A place that is used to noise (and moderate mess) is better. Bring along some games, toys and other trinkets to keep their attention. Try playing games, such as counting the packets of sugar or finding people wearing red shirts.
Avoid dining out with a tired child, and be prompt in selecting meals and eating. This is not a time to linger, as youngsters’ attention spans and willingness to sit still tend to be minimal. Be prepared to leave with a to-go box if a child proves unruly.
· 4-and 5-star: These hotels offer deluxe service and guests can expect luxury amenities and a wide range of offerings at these properties. However, they also can expect to pay more for accommodations.
5A Batavia City Centre 116 North Center St. 16 Broadway Mall Batavia Perry Hornell (585)344-0775 (585)237-2410 (607)324-3784
An abscess is an infection in the gums that causes a pocket of pus to form. It may involve an infected tooth, and it can also affect the surrounding teeth, gums, and bone. A periapical abscess forms at the tip of a tooth’s root, usually due to an untreated cavity or fracture that leaves an opening for bacteria to enter the tooth’s pulp. Receding gums also allow bacteria to enter the tissues surrounding teeth and can form an abscess in the gums. If a tooth abscess goes untreated, the infection can spread to the jaw, head, neck, and sinuses. From there the infection can continue spreading and lead to sepsis, a lifethreatening infection that spreads throughout the body.
A throbbing tooth abscess is a message your body sends you to
declare that something is wrong and needs attention. Ignoring the pain means you also ignore the underlying problem, and treatment becomes a more serious undertaking. Be smart! For excellence in dental care from a caring staff committed to your comfort, well-being, and sunny smile, call BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL at 585.343.4246 for an appointment. Emergencies are also welcome at our full-service, state-of-the-art dental office at 6 Batavia City Centre P.S. A tooth abscess may require treatment with a root canal or extraction to avoid further complications.
HEEL SPUR SYNDROME/PLANTAR FASCIITIS is a common problem among people who are active. It starts as a dull intermittent pain in the heel and progresses to a sharp persistent pain. Classically, it is worse in the morning with the first few steps, after sitting, after standing or after walking.
• Plantar fasciitis often begins with irritation and tearing of the fibrous band of tissue on the bottom of the foot, which may eventually result in the formation of a heel spur.
• Contributing factors: Flat pronated feet, high arched feet, poor shoe support, increased age, sudden weight increase, increased activity level, family tendency.
• 95% of our patients’ symptoms are resolved with conservative treatment, avoiding surgical intervention.
• We also offer surgical procedures with the best post op success rates using Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy techniques (minimal incisions and scarring; often back in a shoe in 1 week).
PODIATRY ASSOCIATES Joseph Canzoneri, DPM Benjamin Heddy, DPM
2 State Street, Batavia • 585-343-8150
Mon., urs., Fri. 8am-5pm; Tues. 11am-8pm. In-office Fluoroscan • Handicapped Accessible. Advanced Lower Extremity Wound Care Diabetic Care, Limb/Foot Salvage & Foot Surgery/Trauma
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 69-year-old, very active male. My left Achilles tendon severed two years ago, but it was surgically repaired. I had an 8-inch incision that has totally healed, with the exception of one small area about the size of the lead of a pencil. It’s 3 inches above my heel. This small area would close up for a few days, then reopen with small amounts of off-white fluid oozing from the little hole.
Sometimes I apply Iodosorb, which keeps the area dry for a while. But, for whatever reason, showers seem to make the incision release fluid. I apply a bandage over the wound for most sporting or exercise events, just so that it doesn’t get rubbed by the top of my shoe. Is there any solution to this, or do I just have to live with it?
-- R.M.
ANSWER: The Achilles tendon is a thick, tough piece of connective tissue between the calf muscles and the heel bone. It can rupture under extreme trauma (often sports injuries), in people who have weakness of the tendon, or due to treatment with antibiotics that are in the quinolone class, such as ciprofloxacin. When repairing the tendon, the surgeon uses sutures or wires to put it back together.
A residual wound defect is quite concerning to me. The foreign material in the tendon is at a high risk for infection. It’s possible that there is an infection, which led to a fistula (an abnormal connection) between the tendon.
I definitely recommend going back to see the surgeon. They may want to do further testing (possibly imaging) to see if there is any evidence of an infection in the repaired tendon.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
• - Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home: Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home in Scottsville is looking for additional volunteers, Resident Care and other opportunities. No experience necessary, all training provided. Go to https://patrickplace.org/volunteer for info and application.
• - Webster Association of Senior Program Supporters: Volunteer drivers will drive Webster School District Residents, seniors and disabled, to their medical, dental, physical therapy, health related appointments anywhere in Monroe County. A great Webster service for those who are no longer able to drive themselves. Email websterwasp@gmail.com.
• - Serenity House of Victor: We are a two-bed comfort care home needing caregiver, grounds, or fundraising volunteers. Free 2 hour weekly training Mondays, Wednesdays OR ursdays beginning 11/4. Share your most valuable gi - yourself! Come join our team. Email serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617.
• - Teresa House: Could you spare 4 hours twice a month? Teresa House, Livingston County’s only comfort care home, invites you to join our compassionate end-of-life care team. No experience necessary—hands-on training provided. Email nurse@teresahouse. org or visit teresahouse.org/volunteer to apply today!
• - Friends of the Red Jacket Community Center: RJCC is looking for volunteers to help plan, advertise and staff community events. Social media, grant searching/writing, and volunteers for our October Punkin Chunkin event especially desired. Make a difference today! Email: FriendsOfRJCC@gmail.com
• - Light Hill: A caring heart is all you need! Join our family in caring for those at a profound and beautiful time in life. Flexible shi s. Training & support provided. Email: marie@lighthillhome.org
• - Livonia Volunteer Fire Department: Come join us in helping our community and its citizens in what may be the worst day of their life during a fire, accident or many other emergencies. Contact Dave Peck at 585-519-2360 for more info.
• - Hospeace House, Inc.: Do you have 4 hours a month to volunteer? Our Comfort Care Home is located in Naples, NY. We are looking for folks that enjoy helping others. Volunteer hours are 4 hour shi s. Reach out to visit us at our home. Email: kathymincer@ hospeacehouse.org
• - Crossroads House: Genesee County’s only comfort care home. Please consider lending your time and talents to care for our two residents at end-of-life. Will train! Email: ashleymanuel@ crossroadshouse.com
• - Literacy Volunteers of Wayne County: Share your love of learning! Become a Tutor to help an adult with reading, English Language, or math. Join us for our next Volunteer Orientation. Contact Heidi at heidi.barnes@lvwayne.org to sign up.
• - Finger Lakes Treasure Trove ri Store: Sort donated clothing, footwear, and linens. Straighten, clean, vacuum, and genuinely welcome all who enter. Email: Fltreasuretrove@gmail.com
Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
Special Spring Chimney Cleanings & Inspections • All Carpentry Work
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Get necessary permits: Permits are designed to ensure the work is being done to code and in a safe manner. However, they are not without additional costs and processing time, and that can cause some homeowners to skip this step. According to the home information site The Spruce, building permits cost anywhere from $400 to about $2,200 for new home construction. Building permits for smaller projects can cost $100 or less, and typically are based on a percentage of the anticipated cost of the project.
Apermitmaybeissuedthedaytheapplicationissubmitted,whileothercitiesandtowns may issue permits up to two or more weeks later. Factor permit fees and processing times into the renovation plan.
If it comes to light a homeowner did work without a required permit,he or she may face penalties; may have to tear out work done to have it inspected or redone; some may be unable to sell a home until permits have been obtained and work has been done to code. Homeowners insurance coverage also may be affected if homeowners do not obtain the proper permits.
Lack of sunlight: All plants need the proper ratio of sunlight to grow. Too much sunlight and plant blades can scorch. Too little sunlight and grass may turn brown and die. Although there are shade-tolerant varieties of grass, homeowners also can explore alternative landscapes. Work in a garden bed or create a design that utilizes gravel or mulch. Avoid aggressively pruning back trees to give the lawn more sunlight in that area, as this may just damage the trees.
What is mulch?
Mulch refers to a material spread around or over a plant to enrich and/or insulate its soil. Many homeowners prefer mulch made of wood chips, which is both effective and readily available. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that organic mulches, which include leaves, wood chips, compost or grass clippings, can be used by homeowners who want to develop eco-friendly landscapes.
• Water Line Services
• New Stone Driveways & Parking Pads
• Trucking: Driveway Stone/Gravel/ Sand/Topsoil - All delivered
• Septic Tanks, D-Box, Septic Systems Installed & Repaired
KEEP CALM & DON’T BUG OUT ABOUT THE ASIAN GIANT HORNET by Dick Rogers, principal scientist and entomologist, Bayer Bee Care Program (NAPSI) — Scientific information can ease the fears of many people concerned about the arrival of the Asian giant hornet in the United States.
What do we know?
Hornets are found in many parts of the world and play a vital role in the balance of natural ecosystems through pollination, biodiversity and natural pest control. Unfortunately dubbed the “murder hornet,” the Asian giant hornet (AGH), the world’s largest, was sighted for the first time in the United States in December 2019.
Who (or what) is
While the AGH is large in size and has a big sting compared to other hornets, it is typically not aggressive with humans (Whew! That’s a relief). As always, those allergic to bee or wasp stings should practice caution and avoid contact with hornets in general. However, the AGH can pose a risk to honey bee colonies because it feeds on large insects, including wasps and bees. So far, they’ve only appeared in the northwest part of the United States, and monitoring efforts by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) are underway to better understand these hornets and help educate beekeepers on how to protect their colonies.
On top of this, our team at Bayer is taking action by organizing a first detection trapping program in North Carolina and Missouri, which will be deployed in early July. We will then share our results with the WSDA at the end of the season. While we do not expect to catch any AGH this year, early detection is key to an effective eradication effort if needed.
You can be confident that the early introduction of the AGH in the United States and Canada is being closely monitored by professionals who have management plans in place should there be any future sightings. There’s no need to worry about catching a glimpse of these hornets in your yards or gardens, as they are not yet established in the United States. In fact, the only hornet that is established in our country, the European hornet, has been around since the late 1800s.
How can we help protect the bees?
It’s not only researchers and entomologists who can help protect honeybees. Everyone can support bees by getting outside to plant pollinator-friendly gardens or flowers.
As pollinators play a vital role in our ecosystem, crop production and biodiversity, I recommend you stay calm and keep gardening to provide your fuzzy friends with the flowers and habitat they need to thrive.
Learn more about how to plant pollinator-friendly gardens that help bees, monarchs and other important pollinators by visiting https://beehealth.bayer.us/home.
Dick Rogers has been a professional entomologist for more than four decades and has been keeping and studying bees for over 40 years. He joined the Bayer Bee Care Program in 2009.
We just moved to [local town] and live on [local road]. At one end of the road the speed limit is 45 and at the other end it is 30. No other speed limit is posted. Cars go by our house 55 +++. We have farm tractors/joggers/bikers/horses going by all day. It should be 45 all the way til the village line. I emailed the town highway about speed limits about 3 months ago. Maybe they are way to busy to read it. Also there are many deer in the area
There is nothing quite like fall in upstate New York. We recently had visitors from out of state and they could not get over the beautiful foliage all around the area. Whether it’s the Finger Lakes, Letchworth State Park or just 75 degree sunny days in mid October, sometimes we take our surroundings for granted and it takes visitors to remind us just how lucky we are.
Driving down local streets and seeing neighbors displaying their choice of political sign demonstrates what a great country we live in. We can voice our opinions and coexist with a neighbor who may have differing views. I’m thankful for a democracy that encourages open dialogue, mutual respect, and allows diversity of opinions.
I recently spent a couple of days at [local casino] and was shocked and appalled that almost all the slot machines had racist imagery, specifically seeming to be aimed at Asian cultures. They feature caricatures of Japanese women and other offensive stereotypes like dragons. I was wondering if there would be interest locally in helping eradicate these awful slot machines. I love to gamble and this just puts a damper on the whole thing.
WACYCarnival- The Wyoming AssociationofCatholicYouth,otherwiseknownasWACY,willbe sponsoringafreeCommunityCarnival.ItisonSaturday,November 9thfrom1-4:30pmandfamilies withchildrenupto6thgradeare invited.Comeandjoinusforan exhilaratingexperience!Featuring games,bouncehouse,popcorn, facepainting,balloons,cotton candy,andprizes!St.Vincent’s Auditorium,WalnutSt.,Attica.
WNYBluegrassMusicAssoc. FREE MonthlyOpenJam- Two indoorareas,aswellasonthe coveredpatioandtheGroto (weatherpermitting)onthesecond Sundayofeachmonthfrom2-7pm attheBenningtonLanes,1374 ClintonSt.Rd.,(Route354)Attica. Wewelcomeeveryoneandencourageyoutobringyouracoustic instruments(guitars,banjos,mandolins,basses,fiddles,etc.)and playalongatanylevel,orjuststop inforalisten2pm-7pm.Thenext jamisSunday,November10th,2-7 pm.Pleasetellyourmusicloving friendstobringtheirinstruments andplayalongforanextrafun afternoon!
TheHollandLandOfficeMuseum - Guest SpeakerSeries: Tuesday,October29th,7pm-MuseumDirectorRyanDuffywillbe sharingthedetailsofthemost momentousdayinthehistoryof theHollandLandOfficeMuseum, “LandOfficeDay:October13, 1894.”Onthatday,thousands flockedtoBatavia,includingmembersofthePresidentialCabinet,to witnessthededicationoftheHollandLandOfficeasamuseum undertheownershipoftheHolland PurchaseHistoricalSociety.Ourhistoryhasnowstretched130years thisyearandstillgoingstrong. Admission$5or$3formuseum members.Pleasecontactthemuseumat585-343-4727or hollandlandoffice@gmail.comif youwouldliketoattend.
CrossroadsHouseAnnualFall Basket Raffle -November1stand 2nd-FirstPresbyterianChurch, 300EastMainSt.(nexttoCH)in Batavia.FridayNovember1is presalefrom3:00to6pm.Saturday from11to4pm.Purchasetickets by2:30fordrawingat3sharp. NEEDNOTBEPRESENTTOWIN. LunchavailableSaturdayonlyhots, burgers,andPEPPERSOUP.Come joinusforafunfallafternoonand achancetowinaChristmasgiftor two.CallJo585-297-2829with questions.
ArcGLOW’sFallBasketRaffleEARLY BIRDTICKETSAVAILABLE. November8-noonto6p.m. November9-10a.m.to1:30p.m., basketdrawingat1:30p.m.Snow DateNovember15-16.Food availableforpurchase.Coffeeand teaprovided.ArcGLOWCommunityCenter,38WoodrowRoad, Batavia.https://arcglow.org/event/ basket-raffle/
AnnualHolidayWreathSaleGrand ViewCemetery,Rte.33, BataviaisholdingitsannualHoliday WreathSale.Wreathsare approximately24incheswithared bow,berriesandpinecones.These wreathscanbeforyourdoororfor agraveofalovedone.Pickupwill beSaturday,November23rdand Monday,November25thatthe CemeteryMaintenanceGarage from11am-1pm.Wreathsare$27. Toorderwreathspleasecall 343-0877(Joyce)or993-1317(Office)byOctober31st.Allproceeds willgotowardscemeterymaintenance.
DownSyndromeParentSupport GroupAnnualFallEvent GiftBasketGalorewillbeopenon Friday,October25from4:00pmto 7:00pm&Saturday,October26 from11:00amto4:00pm-Live Auctionwillbeginat6:00Free Admission-ForPre-Registration DinnerPackageCallTami@ 716-560-3900BataviaFirstUnited MethodistChurch,8221Lewiston Road,Batavia.
AllBabiesCherishedHoliday Vendor Fair! SaturdayNovember 2ndatSt.JosephSchoolinBatavia (2SummitStreet),10:00am-3:00 pm.FREEADMISSION!Therewill beavarietyoflocalvendorsselling theiruniqueproducts!Wewillalso havefunforthewholefamily:FREE FacePainting!LettertoSantaWritingStation.HotCocoa.AndMore! Thisisagreatwaytogetsomeone ofakinditemsforyourChristmas list,supportlocalvendors,andhelp raisefundsforalocalcharity!
MindfulMondays- Come renew yourspiritandrejuvenateyour body’senergythroughatimeof gentlemovement,calmingpractices,quietreflectiononscripture, orwalkingalabyrinth.Noexperienceorreligiousbeliefarerequired!Thiseventisopentoall! November4,6:30-7:30pm,Questions?Contactusat585-343-0505 orfpcbatavia@fpcbatavia.org.
12thAnnualZontaHolidayFestival - Batavia’sAnnualArtisan& VendorMarketplaceatBatavia DownsGaming&Hotel,8315Park Road,Batavia.Saturday&Sunday, November9th&10th,202410:00 a.m.-4:00p.m.FREEADMISSION! WideVarietyofVendors.Visitfrom SantaClausSunday11:002:00. BUFFALOBILLS“DOORPrizeon Sunday!!FoodavailableatThe HomestretchGrill!Sponsoredby theZontaClubofBatavia-Genesee County
ThepopularCrossroadsHouse annual DinetoDonateNight at TownandCountryRestaurantis comingagainsoon!Joinusfrom 4-8pmonTuesdayNovember 12th,andenjoyagreatmealand comaraderie-TownandCountry donates20%ofthebeforetax salestoCrossroadsHouse!Allproceedsgotowardsprovidingendof lifecomfortcaretothedyingAT NOCHARGE.Call716-474-0125 fordetailsorgotoourFacebook pageorwebsitewww. crossroadshouse.comWe’lllook forwardtoseeingyouthere!
GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra Concert - ThenextGeneseeSymphonyOrchestraConcertisSaturday,November16at7pmatthe StuartSteinertheateratGCC. “FromtheDiaryofAnneFrank” narratedbyGeminiZajac. Preconcertchat/lectureat6:30pm. Ticketsavailableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.com,YNGODESS,GOART, Mr.WineandLiquor,HollandLand OfficeandGillamGrant.$17 adults,$12seniors,studentsfree withID.AnotherGo-ToConcert.
VFWPost1602HalloweenParty - VFW Post1602,25EdwardsSt, BataviaishostingaHalloween PartyonSaturday,October26, 2024.Foodavailablefrom5PM-6 PM.MusicbyTheFrontPorchPickersfrom6PM-9PM.Bringadish topass.CostumesOptional. SeniorNutritionSite at HavenwoodCongregateApts.locatedat 240RichmondAve.serveslunch M-F.StartsatNoon.Reservations call344-1330.Easyaccessibility.
BergenHistoricalSociety- The Bergen HistoricalSocietywillmeet onThursday,the7thofNovember at7pmintheByron-BergenPublic LibraryConferenceRoom(rearentrance).RachelandRebeccafrom StoriesGalorious!willentertain everyonewithOldFashioned ChristmasStories.
BrockportSymphonyOrchestra: Folk Music &PopularSongs AroundtheWorld-Sunday, November3,4PM,FirstPresbyterianChurchofBrockport,35State St.,Brockport.DirectedbyJonathanAllentoff,thisfamilyconcert willfeatureviolinsoloistEloise Fadialandcomposer-in-residence andguestpianistEmmanuelSikora. Admissionisfree,anddonations gratefullyaccepted.Madepossible withsupportfromtheVillageof Brockportandfundsfromthe StatewideCommunityRegrants Program,aregrantprogramofthe NYSCouncilontheArtswiththe supportoftheOfficeoftheGovernorandtheNYSLegislatureand administeredbyGeneseeValley CouncilontheArts.Information: www.brockportsymphony.org.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
PorkDinner-TakeoutOnlyOctober 27th,11:30tillsoldoutat theCorfuGrangeHall,71Allegany Road,Corfu.Cost$15.Includes pork,mashedpotatoes&gravy, stuffing,squashandapplesauce.
HolidayHappeningsCraftand Vendor Show- HolidayHappeningsCraftandVendorShowis biggerthaneveronSaturday, November2ndfrom9amtill3pm. Joinusatanewlocationlessthan 1/2miledowntheroad.More vendorsthaneverononefloor! Basketraffle,BakeSale,and BreakfastandLunchAvailable.All proceedstobenefitTheEastBethanyPresbyterianChurch.Joinusat 5865EllicottStRd(RT63)East Bethanyforadayofshopping,fun, andawaytogetintheholiday spirit!Formoreinfopleasecontact Susan(585-704-2495)orSharon (585-409-4073).
ChairYoga - EveryThursdayfrom 10:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Opento all!Allequipmentisprovided!No RegistrationRequired!Walkinand joinus!TheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
By Lucie Winborne
* The asteroids in “Star Wars” were actually painted potatoes.
FunForTheWholeFamilyArt Classes - Thefollowingarefree eventsoccurringthroughout2024 andsponsoredbyGoArt.All eventsareheldatTheGoose,33 SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.MondayOctober28th-Christmas FlipbookWallHanging-3:00& 6:00-RegistrationRequired.MondayNovember18th3:00&6:00VintageBoxTree-RegistrationRequired.TuesdayDecember10th 1:00-8:00pmHollyJollyCalendarsRegistrationRequired.Register emailraooak@gmail.com
TheHarlemWizardsvsThe Oakfield-Alabama Faculty/ Community Team--Basketball EntertainmentEvent:TheHarlem WizardsarecomingtoOakfieldAlabamaMiddle/HighSchool, Wednesday,October30,6:30pm. Doorsopen5:30pmforthisfunfilledfamilyeventhostedbythe Oakfield-AlabamaPTO,andsponsoredbyProSeal&Paving,Rotork, LambFarms,Joe’sLawnCareand Landscaping,BataviaDownsGamingandHotel,alongwithmany othergenerouscommunitysponsors.Proceedstobenefitthe Oakfield-AlabamaSchoolDistrict andcommunity.Ticketsare availableatwww.HarlemWizards. comorbycheckingouttheO-A PTOFacebookpage.Studenttickets$10andGeneralAdmission tickets$15.Ticketsalsoavailableat thedoor.
55+SeniorLuncheon- Join uson Thursday,October31at11:30am atthePavilionFireHall.Pleasebring yourplate,utensils,drinkanddish topass.Dessertsfurnished.Every Seniorinsurroundingareasare welcome.
[A]utumn, that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness, that season which has drawn from every poet, worthy of being read, some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling. She occupied her mind as much as possible in such like musings and quotations...
~Jane Austen
Nov. 1st - Presale Tickets • 3-6pm
Batavia First Presbyterian Church 300 East Main St., Batavia
areindigenous to the Western Hemisphere. As Frenchman Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence region of North America in the 1500s, he melons.” The name was translated into English
Not only are they one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene (an antioxidant converted to vitamin potassium, and vitamin C.
Help your parent make a pumpkin recipe whether it’s a pie, bread, cookie, scone, soup or smoothie! Carve a pumpkin! Think of your favorite cartoon character, slogan, or image and have fun carving it into a pumpkin. Pumpkin Activities
Find all the words from the list (ignore spaces and dashes, if any) FIND 10 DIFFERENCES
This is a zigzag word search puzzle. Words go left, right, up, down, not diagonally, and can bend at a right angle. There are no unused letters in the grid, every letter is used only once.
Breast cancer affects millions of individuals each year. e World Cancer Research Fund International reports that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women across the globe, affecting roughly 2.3 million women each year.
Despite the global prevalence of breast cancer, various organizations report high five-year survival rates, particularly among women whose cancers are detected in the earliest stages of the disease. In fact, a 2023 study published in the journal BMJ found that the risk for dying from breast cancer in the five years a er an early-stage diagnosis fell to 5 percent in recent years, a notable improvement from the 14 percent risk of death that was reported in the 1990s.
Increased survival rates for breast cancer are welcome news for women and their families. e higher survival rates are a byproduct of the tireless efforts of cancer researchers, who have also discovered links between the disease and certain lifestyle factors. ough there's no way to eliminate one's risk for breast cancer entirely, the American Cancer Society notes certain variables are within women's control. With that in mind, women can consider these three strategies that can lead to improved overall health and might help women lower their risk for breast cancer as well.
Reach and maintain a healthy weight. e benefits of maintaining a healthy weight include a lower risk for heart disease and stroke, and women should know that weight and breast cancer risk are linked as well. According to the ACS, increased body weight and weight gain as an adult are linked to a higher risk of developing breast cancer. at’s particularly so among post-menopausal women. A 2023 study published in the journal BMC Women’s Health found that the chances of developing breast cancer increase among post-menopausal women who are obese.
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise is one of the ways to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, so it makes sense that being physically active can reduce breast cancer risk. e National Cancer Institute reports that a 2016 meta-analysis of 38 cohort studies found that the most physically active women had between a 12 and 21 percent lower risk for breast cancer than women who were the least physically active. e NCI also notes that additional studies have found that women who become more physically active a er menopause also have a lower risk for breast cancer than those who do not.
Limit or eliminate alcohol consumption. e ACS urges women who drink to consume no more than one alcoholic drink per day, noting that consumption of even small amounts of alcohol have been linked to an increased risk for breast cancer. Officials with the MD Anderson Cancer Center note that the link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk is low. However, the MDACC notes that alcohol can contribute to unwanted weight gain, thus increasing cancer risk. In addition, alcohol can increase levels of estrogen and other hormones associated with breast cancer.
It may be impossible to completely prevent breast cancer. However, women can embrace strategies that improve their overall health in ways that lower their risk for breast cancer.
According to the Audubon Society, Americanyardsgeneratetwotonsof clippings each year. A lot of that waste ends up being bagged and thrown away. Instead of producing waste, compost leaves and grass trimmingstouseasvaluablefertilizer comethespringplantingseason.
When choosing a location for your compost bins, be sure to place them a good distance away from the house but near enough to garden beds.Most yard waste and food debris can be added to the compost pile. Just avoid animal products, which can produce harmfulbacteria.
Keepthecompostdampandturnit periodically to facilitate the decomposition process. Soak finished compost in water to create “compost tea.” This liquid mixture can be sprayed on lawns in the fall to give the yard a nutrient boost that promotes healthy regrowth when the warmerweatherreturns.
Hummus provides a delicious and healthy alternative to less nutritional dips. Versatile and available in various flavors, hummus can be whipped up at home for those who prefer to make their own dips. The following recipe for “Garbanzo-Carrot Hummus with Grilled Yogurt Flatbread” from James Campbell Caruso’s “España: Explore the Flavors of Spain” (Gibbs Smith) includes some Moroccan flavors that give this easy-toprepare recipe a truly unique taste.
Makes 2 cups
2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
1 cup cooked garbanzo beans, drained
4 teaspoons chopped cilantro plus 1 teaspoon for garnish
2 tablespoons chopped red onion
21/2 teaspoons ground cumin
11/2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 teaspoons olive oil
2 teaspoons chile flakes
2 teaspoons Moroccan Spice Blend (see below)
Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 batch Yogurt Flatbread (see below)
In a medium saucepan, combine the carrots with 2 quarts water and 2 teaspoons salt. Bring the mixture to a boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, until the carrots are tender. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the carrots to drain and cool in a colander.
Combine carrots and remaining ingredients, except for Yogurt Flatbread, in the work bowl of a food processor and puree until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper and garnish with the remaining cilantro. Serve with fresh, hot Yogurt Flatbread cut in wedges.
Makes about 2 tablespoons
In a small resealable glass or plastic container, combine 1 teaspoon each of: ground cumin, ground turmeric, saffron threads, ground coriander, ground cinnamon, ground smoked paprika, finely grated lemon peel.
Serves 4
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon coarse salt
21/2 cups plain yogurt
Olive oil
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into the work bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook. Add the yogurt and mix on low speed for 2 minutes. Cover the work bowl and allow the dough to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Preheat a gas or charcoal grill to medium. Scrape the dough from the work bowl and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll the dough into a long log and divide it into 12 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and use a rolling pin or tortilla press to flatten it into a 1/4-inch-thick tortilla shape. Brush each “tortilla” lightly with olive oil. Grill each for about 40 seconds then turn and cook another 40 seconds.
Cider Solar Farm, Towns of Elba and Oakfield, New York
This notice announces that, on or about November 11, 2024, Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC will commence construction on the 500-megawatt (MW) Cider Solar Farm (Project) located in the Towns of Elba and Oakfield, Genesee County.
Pursuant to Article VIII of the New York State Public Service Law (previously Section 94-c of the New York State Executive Law), this notice is being provided in accordance with Section 5.2 of the Project’s Siting Permit for a Major Renewable Energy Facility, issued by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission (ORES) on July 25, 2022. A copy of the Siting Permit and all public documents filed with this proceeding may be accessed electronically at ORES’s website, https://dps.ny.gov/ores-permit-applications.
Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC will construct the Project in the Towns of Elba and Oakfield in Genesee County. The Project Site consists of approximately 2,500 acres of land, roughly located to the north and west of the Village of Elba, and north of the Village of Oakfield. The Project will consist of 34 fenced solar array areas, 56 miles of perimeter fencing, 23 miles of access roads, approximately 73 miles of buried medium voltage electrical collection lines, and a collection substation and point of interconnection. The Project will interconnect to the New York Power Authority (NYPA) Dysinger to New Rochester 345 kV transmission line.
Construction is scheduled to begin on or about November 11, 2024. Construction activities will be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday and on national holidays.
for Development and Construction
Creighton Wilson
Hecate Energy Project Director
Email CiderSolar@HecateEnergy.com (833) 392-1470 Toll Free
Cider Solar Farm 621 W. Randolph St Chicago, IL 60661
Information regarding the Project can be found at the Project’s website https://www. cidersolarfarm.com/ and the ORES website https://dps.ny.gov/ores-permit-applications. Paper copies of Project documents are also available at local document repositories:
Elba Town Hall
7133 Oak Orchard Road Elba, New York 14058
Oakfield Town Hall 3219 Drake Street Oakfield, NY 14125
Haxton Memorial Library 3 North Pearl Street Oakfield, NY 14125
Complaints by neighboring residents and others may be made through the following channels. For safety reasons, members of the public will not be allowed onsite to register complaints with Cider Solar Farm-affiliated workers during construction.
• Calling the toll-free number ((833) 392-1470) or the phone number of the Project representative listed above;
• Writing to the Project representatives using the designated email (cidersolar@hecateenergy.com) or as indicated on the Project website. A blank template for submission of a written complaint/ comment is provided in Attachment B to the Facility Communication and Complaint Resolution Plan, available on the Project website.
ORES and NYSDPS Contact information
ORES – Nathan Stone, Public Information Officer – nathan.stone@dps.ny.gov, (518) 473-4536 NYSDPS – James Denn, Public Information Officer – james.denn@dps.ny.gov, (518) 474-7080
Preplanning provides time to make the best decisions. Men and women who preplan their funerals have ample time to decide just what they want their memorial services to be like and how they want to fund those services. Men and women trusted to make those decisions upon the death of a loved one will need to make those decisions more quickly and likely won’t be in the correct frame of mind to make decisions that will honor their loved one’s legacy.
In addition to eating healthier, exercising more and getting more sleep, many people resolve to travel more at the dawn of a new year
Travel is much more than leaving one’s home. It’s about setting habits aside, escaping comfort zones and trying something different - and doing so in a different location.
In its latest World Tourism Barometer, the United Nations World Tourism Organization found that 1.184 billion tourists traveled outside their countries’ borders for at least one night in 2015. Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas all recorded around a 5 percent increase in international arrivals that year. Europe was particularly popular, perhaps hedged by a weaker euro against the American dollar and other currencies. The U.S. Travel Association says that direct spending by resident and international travelers in America averaged $2.7 billion a day.
Millennials may be leading the travel-enamored pack. The United Nations estimates that 20 percent of all international tourists, or nearly 200 million travelers, are young people, and that the millennial demographic generates more than $180 billion in annual tourism revenue. The U.N. also reports that millennials are more interested than older generations in traveling abroad as much as possible.
Infrequent travelers or those who have never traveled may not understand why heading to parts unknown is so appealing to so many people. The following are just a handful of reasons why travel is so enticing.
1. Engage the mind. Staying mentally active over the course of a lifetime promotes long-term health. Navigating unfamiliar places or reading a foreign language while sitting in an international country can engage the brain and get synapses firing. The Mayo Clinic reports that higher cognitive activity endows the brain with a greater ability to fend off brain pathologies, such as disease and dementias.
2. Connect with new people. Travel opens a person up to not only new experiences, but also new people. English poet John Donne penned the famous line, “No man is an island,” which underscores the importance of having friends and making new acquaintances. Research conducted by the University of Michigan found the act of talking with people in a friendly way can improve a person’s memory, suppress external and internal distractions, and encourage people to see things from another person’s perspective. It doesn’t hurt to broaden one’s social network, either.
3. Build confidence. Leaving one’s comfort zone can be a great way to bolster one’s self-esteem. Navigating cultural boundaries and overcoming those boundaries may be initially intimidating, but doing so can make a person more confident and more adaptable to change.
4. Develop opinions. Until a person visits a place in person, he or she only has third-party information to form opinions. Visiting a city or country for the first time can offer a more complete perspective.
Travel gives people the chance to rest, explore, meet new friends, and make lasting memories.
Plan ahead for the
Elba Online Real Estate and Contents Auction
5642 NORTH BYRON RD, ELBA, NY Online bidding closes November 4th. RE at 11am. Contents at 5pm
RE: Very nice 4/5 bedroom home with 2 full baths. Attached garage plus pool and large outbuilding! Contents: Trucks, tools, yard equipment, furniture and much more! Over 400 lots!
Milton CAT is in search of New York State certified MBE/MWBE and SDVOB subcontractor enterprises that can provide selected goods and/or services to us.
Subcontractors must be able to meet insurance, financial and bonding requirements as contained and specified in general contract documents and other New York State entity requirements. If interested, please contact us at goodfaitheffort@ miltoncat.com to begin the screening process.
CRUISING TIPS AND TRICKS: Research the ships, and not just the cruise lines. Cruise lines each offer their own amenities and are known for certain features. One cruise line may be a better match for youngsingles,whileothersmaycatertofamilies.Inaddition,certainships mayhavetheirownspecialfeaturessuchaswaterslides,athleticevents, casinos,andmore.Chooseashipthatmeetsyourneeds.
HOT TUB, five person Caldera spa in good condition. Two covers. AS IS. You haul away. Canandaigua. Leave message 585-905-0109
Approximately 300 small GLASS GEMS, great for crafts. Variety of colors. 1wilcox.mj@gmail.com
Electrolux REFRIGERATOR - EWF01 water filter and EAFCBF air filter. Text only 585-415-3825
OUTDOOR TABLE with glass top, 40” x 60”, with six chairs. Henrietta. Smfiske@gmail.com
AUTO PUSH MOWER with small bagger. Not used many years but ran great. Some rust. Needs TLC. 585-697-4618
STANDING PHILCO TUBE RADIO 37” HIGH 25” WIDE 11“ DEEP FULLY INTACT MODEL 42-358. kbradstreet@rochester.rr.com
CONCRETE PAVERS. (4) 2” x 2”, (6) 2” x 3”. Rush area. Please text 585-414-9921
2025 WALL CALENDARS from animal rescue and wildlife organizations. They are beautiful! Call 585-359-0359
NEWSPAPERS. Good for fire starters, wrapping or even reading. Clean bundles and box full. sohill15@gmail.com
OAK FRAME QUEEN SIZE FUTON. New black mattress. 585-266-3198
HOLY BIBLE New International Version. Side page tabs for each book. Excellent condition. 585-742-3687
Large three-person gray COUCH w/electronic extending seats at both ends. Heavy. 585-831-6040
HP PRINTER INK - cartridge #67 black & tricolor and black & tricolor 910XL. 585-314-7308
Play On TRAINING PADS for puppies. Standard size 21” x 21”. 585704-1030
Sky blue fabric SOFA, ex. condition. White rectangular DINING ROOM TABLE, 30” x 48”, very good condition. Second floor apartment. Pick up Honeoye Falls. Buch4999@gmail.com
2-PERSON BED, needs assembling, but only used once. Excellent condition. A van or truck needed to remove. 585-624-7998
Older Troy Bilt ROTOTILLER, runs but needs clutch replaced. Text only 585-698-5645
Sturdy DOG HOUSE with shingled roof. 52” L x 34” W x 45” H. 585301-6088
Huge pile of BLACK WALNUTS. tamilynn38@aim.com
A small HARD-SHELL CAMPER needed. Call Bill 585-396-7381 or email bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
Clean, used BLANKETS, MATTRESS PADS, BATTING. No fabric needed. jhblank68@gmail.com
WHITE CHRISTMAS TREE, any size. Conesus Lake area. 585-7309292
GRASS CATCHER for behind lawnmower. 585-762-9245
ALUMINUM CAP for an 8’ truck bed. Does not have to look pretty. Waterproof a plus. 585-208-9784
WOODEN DINING ROOM TABLE- sturdy and strong. 585-381-6546
MODELS* Built or Unbuilt. Automotive, Military, Aviation, Ships, etc. Parts and pieces ok. 585-314-6989
TREE HAMMOCK or one on a stand. 585-443-9974
COMIC BOOKS, any & all. Will pick up any amount, any condition. Call/text 585-260-0437
Boxes/bags of COSTUME JEWELRY, hand SEGA GENESIS SYSTEM with games, fold up CANE, COMPUTER CHAIR. Call 585-415-8513
Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS & POKÉMON CARDS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Unwanted BOOKS! New Age, Children’s, Educational and/or Horror Fiction! 585-729-1259
TREE HOUSE. 585-734-7971
ADULT SCOOTER and Buffalo Sabres hockey team QUEEN BED SHEETS. Jacklynn12370@aol.com
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
e basic course focuses on the fundaments of oxyacetylene and arc welding theory, practice, nomenclature, set-up, and safety procedures. Welding, cutting, brazing operations and procedures on a variety of welding joints. is class will touch on many welding operations, welding symbol identifications and the characteristics of various welding machines. Mig and Tig will be included. You will need to bring with you a welding helmet, welding jacket, safety glasses, and welding gloves. Price will include the Hobart Pocket Welding Guide.
November 4, 2024-December 18, 2024
Monday & Wednesdays • 6-9pm 12 Classes
Cost: $350.00
Defensive Driving, CDL A & B and LPN Classes BATAVIA CAMPUS - Call If Interested (585) 344-7704
DID YOU KNOW? A landmark study conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom discovered a notable link between low to moderate alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk. According to the Million Women Study, every 10 grams (roughly 0.35 ounces) of alcohol a woman consumed per day was associated with a 12 percent increase in her risk for breast cancer. The Million Women Study focused on various areas of women’s health but included 28,000 women who had breast cancer. In addition, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes that more than 100 epidemiologic studies have examined a potential association between alcohol consumption and the risk for breast cancer, consistently finding that risk for the disease increases as alcohol intake increases.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Medication labels can fade, so when you get yours, put a piece of clear tape over the instructions. is way, you’ll always be able to read the instructions.
* “During the holidays (the height of baking season for me), I keep a large plastic saltshaker filled with flour and a bit of dry rice. e rice helps the flour to shake out without getting clumped up, and I use it to dust cake pans, rolling pins, kneading boards, etc.” -- W.F. in Canada
* “One of the household cleaners I prefer comes in a spray bottle, and it’s on the expensive side. I make sure to get all of the liquid out by adding some regular glass marbles to the bottle. It displaces the liquid up, ensuring it finds the bottom of the sprayer’s suction tube.”
-- T.H. in Mississippi
contact Medicare.gov or call 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.
Though vaccines are usually associated with childhood or foreign travel, older adults may need certain vaccinations as they age. Even those who received immunizations as youngsters may need refresher doses or vaccinations tailored specifically to the over 50 crowd. Seniors are urged to talk to their doctors about certain vaccines.
By Lucie Winborne
Dehydration is a dangerous condition that can cause a host of complications and even prove fatal in severe cases. But as dangerous as dehydration can be, many cases are entirely preventable.
The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink enough water. When the body does not take in as much water as it puts out, it can become dehydrated. People who live in warm climates or in elevated altitudes may lose more water than those who do not. In addition, water loss is accelerated during strenuous exercise, highlighting the emphasis men and women must place on drinking enough water duringtheirworkouts.
Water helps the body in myriad ways, many of which might surprise people unaware of just how valuable water can be to the body.
Are you passionate about media and marketing?
Do you have a knack for connecting businesses with their customers? Are you commi ed to doing excellent work? If so, we want you on our team!
- Assist local businesses and organizations in developing comprehensive marketing and community outreach plans.
- Work across both print and digital media to deliver effective marketing solutions.
- Foster strong relationships with clients to understand and meet their marketing needs.
- Contribute to the growth of our publication and community by connecting readers with valuable local information.
- Be part of a dynamic team dedicated to supporting and growing the local community.
- Enjoy a collaborative work environment with opportunities for professional growth.
Find out why so many of our employees have spent their careers with our family owned and operated company.
Prior sales experience a plus but we will consider the right candidate with the right drive and a itude. Compensation is commission based.
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Expanding shop needs a tire technician for light, medium & heavy duty vehicles. Pay and benefits based on experience. Opportunities for training and advancement.
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Change your hours. When possible, explore flex time with your employer. Getting to work before everyone, or coming in later and staying after traditional hours can lead to greater productivity. There will be fewer distractions and less rush-hour traffic, and you can reap a greater sense of accomplishment. Consider working a weekend day and taking off during the week. Then you’ll have the added benefit of getting personal tasks done while others are at work.
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Email your resume to: info@gautieri.com
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If you are looking to learn valuable trade skills and want to work at a friendly, supportive company, please stop by to apply in person at 3177 Lehigh St. in Caledonia, orcall585-538-2324 ext 1001 for more info.
Resumes can also be emailed to amy_mcaleavey@ennis.com
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes: Teachers (Certified and Uncertified) Aides/TAs
RNs/LPNs Cleaners
Bus Drivers
Additional information and application available: www.yorkcsd.org
Keywords, phrasing, formatting, and having the right skills for the job can ensure a résume is seen by a recruiter, and perhaps even lead to a new career.
• Operations Supervisor (Evening & Overnight): $64,000 - $87,000/year
• Maintenance Technician ($5K sign-on bonus, Evening & Overnight Shift): $26.23-$36.23/hour
• General Production: $19/hour
• QA Line Coordinator (Evening & Overnight): $24.06-$31.28/hour
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. U.S. STATES: Which is the least populated state?
2. TELEVISION: Which character on “The Office” has a heart attack during a fire drill?
3. HISTORY: Why is Delaware’s nickname The Diamond State?
4. LITERATURE: Which children’s book features the characters Tweedledee and Tweedledum?
5. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of The Bahamas?
6. MOVIES: What is the name of the villain in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”?
7. SCIENCE: Which unit measures food energy?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of swimming ducks called?
9. MUSIC: Where does the pop group name The Bee Gees come from?
10. PSYCHOLOGY: What irrational fear is represented in the condition called globophobia?
Fear of balloons.
The Brothers Gibb.
A raft or a paddling.
The calorie.
“Through the Looking-Glass.”
among states because of its strategic location.
Thomas Jefferson said it was a
Automotive Mechanic, Bus Attendant & Driver, Cafeteria Monitor, Cleaner, Custodian, Driver-Messenger, Food Service Helper, Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Student Behavioral Assistant, Teacher Aide, and Subs in all areas.
Elementary Teacher, Computer Science or Technology Teacher, Long-term Sub Speech Teacher, and Contracted Building Substitute Teacher
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